Newspaper Page Text
If 16 PAGES. PART J. T- PART J. Pages 1 to 8. -c rages too. LAST EDITIOX SATURDAY EVENING. TOPEKA, KANSAS, AUG CIST 11, 1900. SATURDAY EVENING. THREE CENTS. . Iff-" ?! .K v I i! - s 11 STILL JiESIEGED. Another Message Received From Minister Conger. Says Legations Are Under Fire of Imperial Soldiery. IN DESPERATE STATE. Defenders' Losses Number 60 Killed and 100 Wounded. Chaffee's Losses at Tang Tsun Fifty Dead. "Washington, Aug. 11. The following dispatch, communicating an additional message from Mr.Conger was made pub lic this morning by the state depart ment: -Canton, Aug. 11 Secretary State, Washington. Conger, date August 10. Tsinan answering my message says that the legations are under siege by the im perial soldiery. The situation is desper ate. The losses of the legations is 60 kill ed and about 100 wounded. There is some sickness, nevertheless, the general health continues good. "He concludes: Whatever may be the outcome we will hold on indefinitely. "MCWADE." It is believed that the date assigned this dispatch by the consul refers to th file date when the message left Tsinan and does not fix the time when it left Pekin by courier. CZAR SATS GO. St. Petersburg, Aug. 11. The Official Messenger today publishes the follow ing: "The foreign office received a telegram today direct from M. DeGiers (the Rus sian ministef at the Chinese capital), from Pekin. The dispatch was evidently taken by special courier to Tsi Nan from the capital of Shan Tung.and was thence telegraphed August 7, by the local ya men. "M. DeGiers announces that the siege of the legations continues, the besieged etill having some provisions left. The Chinese government proposes to trans mit the ministers' messages and that the' leave Pekin. As the ministers had not sufficient guarantee they replied that they must receive the permission of their governments before leaving the city." The Messenger then announces that the czar's approval has been given for M. DeGiers to start for Tien Tsin with his entire staff and the marine guard on condition that existing government at Pekin and the emperor afford them sure guarantee that the journey can be un dertaken without danger. At the same time M. DeGiers is ex pected to call attention to the heavy re sponsibility the Chinese government will incur should there be the slightest in fraction of the violability of the persons accompanying them to Tien Tsin. CHRISTIANS STONED TO DEATH. New York, Aug. 11. Rioting and loot ing continue around Swatow, and the viceroy ignores the protests of the for eign consuls, says a cable to the Journal and Advertiser from Hong Kong. All the missions at Vug Kung (Yung Chun) have been razed to the ground and the native Christians stoned to death. The Rev. Mr. Foster and the Rev. Mr Oroesberk telegraphed yesterday to Consul General Wildnian as follows- "Three more chapels burned, mission houses looted. Our lives endangered. Ta.iti silent. Save us. Insurrection spreading." AMERICANS AND BRITISH LED. London, Aug. 11. The morning papers exprtss satisfaction at the latest de velopments in China. The average com ment is that China is now genuinely suing for peace through Li Hung Chang. -Dispatches printed this morning give further details of the taking of Yang Tsun. According to the Daily Mail's correspondent the attack was led by the Americans and British. The Chinese position consisted of seven lines of en trenchments. The enemy fell back from one to another, until driven from the last line, they fell back toward Pekin completely demoralized. The Chinese .pay they retreated because the British poured poison" into their troops This refers to the lyddite shells, which the hinese then experienced for the first time. The correspondent adds that the Brit ish casualties were 200 and the Ameri can 2a0. but this latter estimate, it will be noticed, is four times greater than that of General Chaffee's report A. St. Petersburg special says the Chinese minister there, Yang Yu has received a telegram announcing that Li Hung Chang is dangerously ill and con fined to his bed, and that he has been granted a month's leave Another St. Petersburg dispatch as filve ,Vlat the.Kussian general stiff iWJ. " notlf,ed that Chinese 12,000 f-u-ong are moving from Hu Nan and Hu 1Ltw:ard KekiD and Tle" Tsin Tiiv- xVhiins:ha' correspondent of the Sat theechV"'mK Th"rsdy announces In thf aSn.rsercha.m? arepetition- ,.. "ul to land troops. HEAVY REENFORCEMENTS some is. or 20,000 have not been or dered to proceed. r v,i,t 1,Se'm'-"ffiial Miltaire Worchen blatt this evening says: . '"present orders from the powers the middle of August will a together, 40.500 available! troop" wi i f"ns "J th? Province of Pe Ch? i ee. th Li. v ,w . i oepiemoer there will be .-u guns, not including the troops at Shanghai. Canton and Pekin ULOW ha. 37.000. with 104 guns! - ....i.ii,K m .Manchuria, and 10".- "Altogether ;so.00fl men with 500 guns Ilto4th?rVr-na WUhin six altogether 11, war vessels, exclusive nf twenty-one torpedo Wt watrhiTur A:- ooats, are now watching the Chinese coast of which seventy are in the gulf of Pe Chi Li " ORDERED TO CHINA. Cincinnati Aug. U.The Wond in fantry received orders today to leave Fort Thomas. Ky.. next Wednesaav for San Francisco for service in rhir,. Colonel Corliss is in command FIFTY AMERICANS DEAD "Washington, Aug. 1L-The following cablegram has been received at ihf na.deE.artment from Admiral Remev- "Che Fop. Aug. 10.-Bureau o Naril ration. Washington. Taku Aug 7 Chaffee telegraphs from front: Sixth XaiMS Tsun occupied. Casualties about Berlin. Aug. 11. The Cologne Gazette In an .nspired article, admits that five thousand additional troops will soon leave, although it savs t;-, ll l 1?" Sopefca State journal. INDEX OF TODAY'S PAPER. SATURDAY, AUGUST 11th, 1900. Weather predictions for the next 24 hours: For Kansas Fair tonight, except show ers in east portion; Sunday fair; southerly winds. IMPORTANT NEWS AND FEATURES. Paqk. 1 Governor Stanley In a Dilemma. Today's London Cable Letter. Robbers Kill Ohio Express Messenger. Ministers Still Besieged In Legation. Populists to Notify Bryan in Topeka. King Victor in Takes Oath. 3 Sporting News. Kansas News. 3 Railroad News. Hoodoo Doctor Declared Insane. 4 Stories of The Town. Church Announcements. Late Telegraph and Local News. 6 snap Shots at Home News. Social and Personal. Work on Auditorium Criticised. Topeka Automobile a Great Success. 6 Markets. North Topeka News. 7 Wants and Miscellaneous Ads. 8 Letter From Topeka Missionary. Bryan Not to Tour. Excitement Over Plot Against Bobs. 9 Topeka Society. News Summary of the Week. Battleships in Chinese Waters. 10 Trail of Blood in China's History. A State's Building at Washington, 11 Theatrical News. Three Players and Their Plays. 12 Editorial. Poem, " The Mummy to th. Bride." Book Notes. 13 Of Interest to Women. Menus and Receipts. Aunt Trudy Discusses Suicide. 14 Fashion Letter From Paris. Handsome Late Summer Gowns. Cool Desserts For Hot Weather. 15 Humorous Page, Illustrated. 16 The Candidates, Bryan and McKlnley. The Osprey and Its Nest. Humor of the Day. sixty my command, two marines wounded. Many prostrated by heat and fatigue; next move yet unkonwn. Gen eral commanding English at front tele graphs: Marched from Peit Sang nine miles toward Yang Tsun when formed for attack with the Americans on the right; Russians on left. After rapid advance of three miles under hot rifle and shell fire, our troops carried first line of defense. Casualties about fifty killed or death from sunstroke. "REMET," SURPRISED AT RUSSIA. London. Aug. 11. The Russian gov ernment's permission to M. DeGiers and his staff to leave Pekin under Chinese guarantees while the United States and other governments tell their ministers to hold out till relieved is the subject or much comment in London, where sup posed Russian designs are closely scru tinized. A special dispatch from St. Petersburg attributes to Russia the intention to fill Manchuria with troops and not to let go that territory when the present ebulition is over. The Russian war office expects to have 142,000 men and 242 guns in Si beria by the end of September. Shanghai has received no news from Che Foo or Tien Tsin today, but a dispatch boat from Taku is expected at Che Foo to night. The total number of allies in the province of Pe Chi Li is 38.000, with 114 guns. The total, August 30, is expected to be 7S.O00 with 2S0 guns. WANT US TO STOP ENGLAND. "Washington, Aug. 11. The viceroys of China, including Li Hung Chang, have addressed a request to the United States government to use Its good office with the powers to stop the landing of foreign troops at Shanghai. The state depart ment received the communication today from Minister Wu who received it late last night. The document states that an agreement was made about a month ago by which the foreign governments exer cised the right of protection over the city of Shanghai. This protection, it is claimed, can be amply carried out with out landing of troops, as, the viceroys state, 20 foreign warships are now in the harbor and are able to protect the in terests of foreigners and maintain or der. The viceroys also urge that the landing of troops will incite disorder. MERELY PRECAUTIONARY. London, Aug. 11. A special dispatch from Shanghai dated Friday, August 10, says the British consul general, replying to protests of Chinese merchants against the landing of troops, explains that this is merely a precautionary measure due to the fact that the disturbances north are spreading and coming daily neareT to Shanghai. He also says Kiang-Su Is already in a state of revolt and that at Tai Tung there has been serious rioting, the tele graph station being burned. NASHVILLE GOES TO NEW CHWA.NG. "Washington, Aug. 11. The navy de partment has been informed that the gunboat Nashville has sailed from Taku for New Chwang. The district around New Chwang is reported to be in a dis turbed condition and there have been several reports of collision between the Russians and Chinese in the vicinity. While the department here has no in formation on the subject it is presumed that Admiral Remey ordered the Nash ville to this point as a precautionary measure. WILL NOT BE SIDETBACKED. United States is Determined to Push on to Pekin. "Washington, Aug. 11. The gravity of the Chinese situation was in no way abated by the 'developments of today. The sLate department early posted & bulletin giving another dispatch from United States Minister Conger, trans mitted through Consul McWade at Canton. This showed that the situa tion practically was unchanged -and that the minister was maintaining a stout heart. A dispatch from Admiral Remey gave a few military details but nothing which shed light on the future military operations. Acting Secretary Adee had long conferences with Secre tary Root in reference to the latest de- tContinuod on Sixth Page.) IN A DILEMMA. Got. Stanley Confronted With His Own Recommendation. His Letter on File Asking For a Pardon. HAS NOT YET ACTED. Question Reopened and He Must Now Decide. Struggle Between Stanley, Gov ernor, and Stanley, Lawyer. Governor Stanley has pending In his office an application for a pardon, which he as a lawyer recommended that Governor Morrill Bhould issue. Now, the question is, will the governor'3 opin ion as a lawyer have weight with him self as governor? This is the first in cident of this character on record in Kansas, which is probably due to the fact that lawyers seldom become gov ernors of this state. Art Kates, whose parents live at Paola, was sentenced to serve twenty years for murder in the second degree. The history of the case is outlined in Lawyer Stanley's letter to Governor Morrill, which is now on file with the application in Governor Stanley's office. Lawyer Stanley's letter follows: "Some years ago a young colored man. Art Kates, of this city, in a quar rel stabbed another colored man, who died as a. result of the injury. I was employed to defend him. It was an open question whether Mr. Kates in in flicting the wound was acting in self defense so much so, that it was ques tionable whether he ought to be put on trial if he could receive the mini mum sentence of a minor degree. "Under my advice" he plead guilty to the offense of murder in the second de gree, with the understanding of the county attorney that he should receive the minimum sentence. "There was an understanding also with the county attorney, as I now re call it, that after Kates had been im prisoned for a while no obstacles would be placed in the way of his pardon. "Notwithstanding this arrangement, however, Judge Reed sentenced Kates to a long term of twenty years, which upon a plea in his behalf was cut down five years. He was sentenced In 1893. "The attack was brought on by the Jeers and gibes of the person who was killed, as well as by threats and some outward demonstrations on his part. As to whether this amounted to an open assault such as would Justify the plea of self-defense was questionable and it was upon this doubt that I ad-, vised the plea of guilty. "In any event, there were extenuating circumstances and T believe it would be well if executive clemency could be ex tended in this case." If the governor's mind as a lawyer has not been changed since he became governor, he will doubtless now follow the recommendations he made to him self. He is a very conscientious man and even in the capacity of attorney would scarcely make a recommendation unless he knew it to be Just. PARDON DAY AUG. 20. Governor "Will Then Dispose of Ac cumulated Pardons. Governor Stanley has fixed August 20 for the hearing of the pending applica tions for pardons, of which there are, old and new, several dozen on file in the executive office. In this list there are a great many which have been once refused by the governor, but one comes up again on an application for a rehearing based upon the fact that the prisoner seeks release to be permitted to die outside of prison walls. The applicant is George Mack of Cowley county sentenced last January to serve 12 years for murder in the seo ond degree. Mack was taken with quick consump tion soon after going to the prison and the officials report-to the governor that he can live but a short time. He is the son of a widowed mother who has writ ten the governor a pathetic letter on the subject of pardon. Annie S. Service, president, and Anna Waldron, secretary of the "Winfield W. C. T. U.. have writ ten an official letter, urging the gover nor to pardon' Mack. AMEERSPOORT TAKEN, Boers Retiring Before Gen. ' Buller's Advance. London. Aug. IL The war office to day received the following message from Lord Roberts: "Pretoria, Aug. 11. Johannesburg re ports that a patrol from the water works was attacked August 7. "Buller occupied Ameerspoort the evening of August 7. The enemy retir ed before his force about six miles be fore Ameerspoort was reached. The cas ualties were, twenty men wounded. "Buller was on the north bank of Reitspruit, August 9, on his way to Ermelo. "Rundle arrested at Harrismith Com mandant Marais, three field coronets and thirty armed burghers and a Brit ish subject of Natal named Marais; a Boer spy, Erasmus, and a former mem ber of the Free State Intelligence bu reau. "Hunter reports that 130 burghers, with .upwards of a million rounds cf ammunition, surrendered August 8, and August 9 Cloet, a member of the Volks raad, was a prisoner with Hunter. "Kitchener engaged Dewet's rear guard yesterday near Lindeque, within hearing of Methuen's guns six miles northwest." According to the Lourenzo Marques correspondent of the Daily Express, President Kruger, in the course of an interview last Wednesday, said that the report that he intended to surrender was without foundation. He declared that the war would last a long time yet. "A Boer bulletin," continues the cor respondent, "announces a big battle be tween Lydenburg and Middleburg, in which the British had 500 klled and wounded. It also announces the recap ture by the burghers of Heilbron de Villiersdorp and Frankfort." It is persistently rumored in Lourenzo Marques, according to a dispatch to the Daily Telegraph, dated yesterday, that Mr. Steyn has committed suicide. REAR PLATFORM TOUR. Roosevelt's Traveling Will Be Done in Daylight. Chicago, Aug.ll. Perry S. Heath, sec retary of the national Republican com mittee resumed his duties today at head quarters after a. week's tour east and south. Secretary Heath saw Governor Roosevelt at the New York headquarters where the governor's itinerary was ar ranged. He said the exact route to be covered will be given out from the New Tork headquarters Jn a few days. In a general way Mr. Heath said it is Gov ernor Roosevelt's purpose to visit the Pacific coast and on his return to make speeches in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and West Virginia. His last speeches of the campaign will be made in New Tork state. It is understood at national headquar ters that the general course of Governor Roosevelt's journey as been settled fin ally and will not be changed, except to touch places directly on the route. A great many requests have been mads for deviations which, if complied with, would necessitate dropping out places already agreed upon. Nearly all Gov ernor Roosevelt's traveling will be done in daylight. BRYAN TOJBE HERE Will Receive Official Notifica tion of Populists. Date Will Probably Be Aug ust 23. Topeka will have one of the greatest political demonstrations in its history, August 23, when the committee selected by the Populist national convention meets William J. Bryan here to notify him that he is the Populist nominee for president. While this plan has been under con sideration for some weeks no definite an nouncement had been made until last night, when the national committee in session at Chicago completed the plans and approved the arrangement to have Bryan notified in Topeka. John W. Breidenthal, who as a member of the national committee has been In Chicago for several days work ing to bring this event to Topeka, was successful in obtaining favorable con sideration of the Kansas proposition. A number of the officials of the na tional committee and other notables in the Populist party will be here and the promoters of the meeting hope to bring Webster Davis along as a side attrac tion. This Is the first time such political recognition has been accorded Kansas. The Republicans explain the matter by saying that the falling fortunes of Popu lism in Kansas have caused this move to be made with the hope of bolstering up the party membership in this state and inspiring the members to more ac tive and enthusiastic work in the cam paign. Mr.- Breidenthal predicts that 40.000 people will come to the Kansas capital to see Bryan crowned with the Populist honors. ' The ceremonies will probably take place on the south steps of the state house as no effort will be made to have the notification take place in a hall, be cause there is no hall in the state, or out of it for that matter, the Populists be lieve, large enough to accommodate the great crowds expected here on that oc casion. The Populist state committee will, when Breidenthal returns, at once begin making arrangements for this demon stration. ONE FARE RATE. There has been some question in To peka about the official character of the announcement that Bryan would come to Topeka August 23, but the Populist state committee today received the fol lowing telegram from Eugene Smith: "Mr. Bryan sets date for Populist no tification meeting at Topeka August 23." Some time was required to establish the identity of Mr. Smith but it is be lieved that he is connected with the Democratic national committee. Anticipating from the notices which have come in advance that the notifica tion will be held in Topeka, Chairman Ridgley has secured a rate of one fare on all railroads for the occasion, so he said today. "The state committee will manage the general arrangements but we expect," said Chairman Ridgley today, "that a Topeka committee will take charge of the local arrangements." BREIDENTHAL IN CHARGE. John W. Breidenthal, who has been at tending the meeting of the Populist na tional committee in Chicago, will return to Topeka tomorrow. Next week Mr. Breidenthal will take charge of the arrangements to be made for the notification meeting for the ben efit of Mr. Bryan to be held in Topeka August 23. At Populist headquarters there is much enthusiasm over this meeting and an enormous attendance is predicted by Chairman Ridgley. LIVING UNDER A TREE. Unfortunate Cripple is Ejected From His Home. L. B. Price, the man who delivers mineral water from Carbondale in To peka is peculiarly unfortunate. He was terribly mangled in some machinery years ago and one hand is minus the fingers and one leg and arm are para lyzed. The young man is plucky and has tried to make a living for his wife and two children with a little aid from Osage county. This week, however, the authorities set out his nousehold goods, in the street, and the family is living with no shelter but a large tree near Carbondale. MANY NEW BANKS. Number Increasing at Rate of One or Two a Week. The list of state banks is increasing In Kansas at the rate of one or two each week, two having made applications for charters this week. ' The first was the State Bank of An dale which is now followed by an ap plication from the Barton County State bank of Holsington, which has a capital of $10,000. ' Weather Indications. Chicago, Aug. 11. Forecast for Kan sas: Fair tonight, except showers in east portion; Sunday fair; southerly winds. NEW PARLIAMENT It is Expected to Be in Session Within 35 Days. After the Dissolution of the Old Body. RUSSELL'S CHARITY. How the LordChief Justice Bank rupted Himself. Friends Compelled to Manage His Financial Affairs. Copyright, 1900, by Associated Press. London, Aug. 11. While people in the United States are enduring severe heat waves the weather in this country has been extraordinarily cold, the thermom eter registering sixty degrees and lower. The cold, prolonged rains and gales have nearly spoiled country life and sport. London is empty of the leisure class and with few exceptions the ministers, dip lomats and financiers have gone to the country side with the several thousand idlers preparatory to the beginning of the shooting season next week. The size of the coveys and the prob abilities of the general election taking place early in October are, the para mount subjects for discussion among the directors of public opinion. The con servative officers and the Liberal head quarters are deep in campaign business. Immense quantities of literature are being sent out to the constituencies. Within thirty-five days after the dis solution of parliament it is announced the newly elected parliament will meet. BARON RUSSELL'S GUARDIAN. Baron Russell of Killowen, whose death, as the result of an operation, oc curred yesterday morning, was one of the most engaging and lovable person alities in England's public life. His gen erosity to his friends, indeed to anybody who he became aware was in difficul ties, swallowed while he was a prac ticing barrister 20,000 a year and in volved him in debts that threatened to destroy hi3 peace of mind and injure his professional future. "What you want to do," said one ot his friends, "is to syndicate yourself and let .a managing director conduct your practice and finance your money making possibilities." This was actually done. A committee of friends paid off all debts, received all his income, gave him a large allowance and brought system into his accounts until he not only was free from debts, but had substantial investments in the funds. , A display advertisement is running in the daily papers signed by Lords Ports mouth, Kinnaird, WImberne and Grim thorpe, appealing to the public for 20, 000 to pay the expenses of organizing the electorate "so as to influence the general election" to prevent the Episco pal church reverting to the principles and practices of the church of Rome. "Mass and auricular confession," says the advertisement, "are openly advo cated and forced on protestant chil dren in churches under shelter of the Episcopal veto." Seven parliamentary agents are at work and canvassing is going on in nearly every constituency in England. Already 10,000 has been subscribed. CHIH LENG LO STOOD ALONE. Sir Chih Leng Lo, the Chinese minis ter to England, was the solitary mem ber of the diplomatic corps who did not hold a lighted candle at the requiem mass for King Humbert in the Italian church on Thursday. Lord Salisbury seemed quite at home with his torch. The Duke of Devonshire looked thor oughly uncomfortable, perhaps having in inind the severe views of Lord Ports month and- Wimberne. His highness blew out his candle too soon and looked sorry. It was noticed that the Chinese minister shook hands ceremoniously with all the diplomats except the Jap anese minister. The "American colony," as the fleet of white yachts flying the stars and stripes at Cowes is called, alone saved the historic yachting week from being a dismal failure. The Prince of Wales himself did all possible during the last two days to enliven the situation; but a prince in mounrning, just home from the funeral of his brother. Is not the liveliest merrymaker, and Cowes hopes to wait many years before it sees a duller season. "By all means the smartest steam yachts here," said Sir Thomas Lipton, at Cowes, "and many of the hand somest sailing craft are flying the American colors. Last year France seemed to lead, but she is almost en tirely absent this week, and the Ameri cans are easily entitled to first place," AMERICANS POPULAR. Many members of the royal yacht squadron are equally enthusiastic in their praise of the American display. No visitors to this exclusive place are more warmly greeted than are the own ers of American boats. Sir Thomas Lipton's name was not proposed for membership at the royal yacht squadron meeting on Monday. The explanation furnished among those in a position to pronounce an opinion on the subject is that the understand ing got abroad that if not the Prince of Wales himself, other notable persons were attempting to rush Sir Thomas through. It only needed a breath of this kind before balloting to settle the fate of any presumptive candidate, for this most exclusive club does not like even its royal members to appear to have too much control, even though the members may not have the slight est personal objection to a candidate. When this condition of affairs was dis covered Sir Thomas Lipton's name, naturally, was not presented. Mrs. Brown Potter appears to be a lucky woman. Not only has Lady Meux preesnted her with a play by Belasco, butBelasco himself gave her as a parting gift the Australian rights to "Madame Butterfly," a very suitable gift, as Mrs. Potter is considering an offer from James Williamson to star in Australia in 1901. The Belasco play was written especially for her and will be produced in London. The first part is said to be as long and as strong as "Zaza," but depicting quite a different style of woman. He Insulted the Queen. Vienna, Aug. 11. For insulting the new queen of Servia. General Beli maikowitch, who was one of the re gents during the minority of King Alexander, has been placed under ar rest. " . OPEN TILL 7 :30 P. M. Stamps Slay Be Bought Until That Hour at PostofSce. The postoffice department has issued an order requiring that the office be kept open from 6 a. m. to 7:30 p. m, for the sale of stamps, the issuance of monsy orders and the registration of letters and packages. The hours at present are from 8 o'clock until 6:30. This will be a great convenience to patrons of the office, but will make it a little hard on some of the clerks who will be compelled to work longer hours as the department refuses to allow any extra help. It is likely that one clerk will be kept at the general delivery window from 6 to 7:30 in the morning and from 5 to 7 in the evening who will attend to all of the business during that time. At pres ent stamps are sold at the general deliv ery window after 5 o'clock In the even ing. The order is to take effect on Sep tember 2L KING VICTOR III. New Ruler of Italy Takes the Oath of Office. Rome, Aug. 11. King Victor Emman uel III took the formal constitu tional oath today before parliament. The senate chamber was draped with mourning, the benches and tribunes be ing covered with black furnishings, bordered with silver. The chamber was filled with senators and deputies, royal missions, high officials of state and the diplomatic corps. The booming of cannon announced the departure of the royal party from the Quirinal. All along route large crowds were as sembled and gave the new king an ova tion. He was received on the steps of the senate by the committees of the chamber of deputies and senate, in a pavilion specially erected and hand somely decorated. When the cortege entered the senate chamber the king be ing accompanied by the Duke of Aosta, the count of Turin and the Duke of Genoa, the deputies and senators arose and then began a long and exciting scene of enthusiasm: His majesty later took the oath and delivered an address. The weather was beautiful. The king in his address referred to the evidences of mourning here and abroad and spoke of the friendship uniting Italy with all foreign powers. He said Italy will be forceful instrument of concord and will assist in maintaining peace and asked for international accord, as the monarchy and parliament should pro ceed united. The king, the address said, knows his rights and duties and feels he will always have the full confidence of liberal institutions of Italy and be abla by his initiative and energy to vigor ously defend these institutions. His ma jesty invoked God to witness his prom ises and assured his hearers that he would work with all his heart for the grandeur and prosperity of Italy. During the ceremony of taking the oath the king stood, as did those who assisted in the function, including the queens and princesses. He pronounced the words in a loud voice, saying: "In the presence of God and before the nation I swear to loyally respect the statutes, to exercise the royal au thority only in pursuance of the laws and ia conformity with them, to render to each subject according to his rights, full and entire justice, an dto conduct myself under all circumstances as hav ing only in view the interest, -prosperity and honor of the nation." As soon as his majesty had concluded all present broke out into loud acclama tions, the ovation lasting several min utes while cries of "Viva II Re" re sounded throughout the halL The king next signed the parchments containing the oath, and the senators rose in a body and took the oath, crying togeth er, "Io giuro" ("I swear"). The depu ties were sworn in the same manner. The whole ceremony, concluding with the oaths of allegiance of the senators and deputies, was toching and impos ing. The king then read his address and, with the same ceremony with which they were received the royal party re turned to the Quirinal through the still crowded streets, the people vigorously shouting for and cheering the new king. SIX DEAD BOYS. Poisoned by Eating Water melons Prepared For Them. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 11. A special to the Globe-Democrat from Cleburne, Tex., says: At Bluffdale, an isolated place west of this city, the people are greatly work ed up over the wholesale poisoning of a number of white boys. The boys went into a farmer's watermelon patch and ate many melons. A few days later the boys wrote the farmer a note, tell ing him they were going to visit his patch again, and would get even more melons than on the previous visit. The farmer split the stems of some of the melons and inserted strychnine. Six boys visited the patch and ate of the melons. Two boys died in the patch, two died on the way home and two died after reaching their homes. SEVENTH DISTRICT TALK. Still Considering the Question of Fusion. Claude Duval, Democratic candidate for congress in the Seventh district, George T. Pitts, chairman of the Demo cratic congressional committee, and Will A. Ayers, chairman of the Populist congressional committee held a confer ence at Wichita yesterday. Mr. Pitts said: "If. Mr. Ayers takes action by the end of this week to get his committee together by August 21 for the purpose of considering the proposi tion of Mr. Duval, referring the entire controversy in the Seventh district for settlement to that body, Mr. Duval will postpone the opening of the campaign until that time. If Mr. Ayers does not call hi3 committee together for the purpose stated Mr. Duval will begin his campaign next Monday." Prohibitionists Name a Ticket. Fargo. N. D., Aug. 11. The Prohibition state executive committee today placed in the field a full ticket beaded by D. Carleton for governor. Gas Explosion Kills Three. Portland, Me., Aug. 11. Three men were killed by an explosion at the gas works of the Portland Gas company, at 11 o'clock this forenoon. DEAD IN HIS CAR. Express Messenger Shot to Death by Robbers Between Milford Center and Columbus on the Panhandle. SAFE WAS UNLOCKED With Dead Man's Own Keys and Rifled. Indications That He Had Fought For His Life. Columbus, O., Aug. 11. A daring: mur der and robbery was committed on the Pennsylvania passenger train No. 8, which arrived here from St, Louis at 11:40 last night. Charles Lane, an Adams Express messenger, formerly of St. Louis, but recently a resident of Columbus, was shot and killed shortly, before the train reached the union sta tion in this city and the "local" safe was robbed of all the money and valuables which it contained. The robbers escaped and as they were not seen by any living person, so far as now known, the affair is shrouded in mystery. How much booty the robbers secured Is purely a matter of speculation. The safe robbed contained only the packages of money and valuables col lected after the train left St. Louis and the officials of the express company in sist that the sum was not large. All the money forwarded from St. Louis and points west was in a sealed safe which was not disturbed by the robbers, probably fcr the reason that they did not have time. The crime was not discovered until the train pulled into the union station here. When Extra Messenger Sheldon, of the Adams transfer office at the sta tion went to the car, he was surprised1 to find the side door, which is usually opened by the messenger as the train pulls into the station, closed. Pushing the door back, Sheldon was startled by the sight of Lane's body lying tauca downward in a pool of blood between the stove and the side of the car in the forward end. The body was found to have been riddled with bullets and there were evidences that a desperate strug gle had taken place. No less than eight bullet wounds were found, three in the right side of the back, one in the left side and four in the right leg. It seemed that two bullets might have been fired into the man's back as he lay on the floor. The bullets extracted were of 3S calibre. The robbers had taken the key to the local safe from the messenger's pocket, opened the safe and looted it. of every thing of probable value. The key was L left sticking in the safe door. The mes- emptied, was found in the safe where it had probably been laid by the rob bers, after being wrenched from his hand. . The murder was probably committed just after the train left Milford Center. 28 miles west of Columbus, where it is believed the robbers boarded the train. Conductor Taylor saw and talked with Messenger Lane there. When the body was discovered here, it was cold ami the blood clotted, showing that death had occurred at least a half hour prev ious. Lane had washed and changed his clothes preparatory to leaving the train when attacked by the robbers. This he probably did near Milford Cen ter. The robbers had no difficulty In get ting into the car after boarding the train as the end door had been left open on account of the heat. The train made only two stops between Milford Center and Columbus, one at Plain City, and the other at Marble Cliff, the latter five miles out of the city. At the latter place the train was flagged to take on a passenger, an old man. The police were first inclined to the belief that the robbers got on the train at Marble Cliff, but the express officials do not entertain that theory. They think it more likely that the rob bers got off there, as the train slowed up, coming into the city. All the city, detectives were immediately sent out along the line of the railway and they, are Bcourlng all the neighboring coun try. How many of the robbers thera were it not known, but it is considered certain there were at least two, because of the number of bullets fired into the body of the express messenger. Early this morning two trarapa were found in a box car near Marble Cliff and sent in on suspicion, but it is. not really believed they had anything to do with the crime. Lane, the murdered messenger, was 28 years old and leaves a wife and child. The express officials still profess to be (Continued on Sixth Page.) OOCOOCOOOOCXDCCOCXDOCOOOOOC50 726 KANSAS AVENUE. Telephone 626. TOPEKA'S POPULAR RESTALRAAT Lunch Counter and Dining Room Service Open Day and Mglit. C. L. SCOTT, Proprietor. COCOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 M