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4 LAST EDITIOI TUESDAY EVENING. TOPEKA, KANSAS, AUGUST 28, 1900. TUESDAY EVENING. TWO CENTS. r VETERANSJN LINE Members of the G. A. It. to the Number of 35,000 Unite' in the Grand Parade Through Chicago Streets. GREATEST SINCE 1S65. And Probablj the Last That They Will Attempt. Bryan Decides Not to Attend the Encampment. Western City Favored as Next .Meeting Placa. Chicago, Aug-. 28. Along streets filled with a cheering multitude, past tower ing buildings gay with the glow of the stars and stripes, through areehs of honor, beneath suspended banners and swinging portraits of illustrious lead ers, now part of the muster beyond that dark river whose brink their feet had so often pressed on fields of death, 35, 000 of the life guard of the nation the Grand Army of the Republic marched today. It was their greatest parade elnce that day in 1865, when with ranks fresh from the triumphs of war they had marched down Pennsylvania ave nue in "Washington with their faces Major Xeo Raiseur, Who Probably "Will the G. turned toward home, and their hearts filled with the promise of the victories of peace. It was probably the last of the great parades upon-.which the members of the Grand Army will march on earth. The average age of the veterans is close upon the average span of human life, its ranks are thinning fast, and its membership has commenced to fall away. The muster roll must hereafter, according to the officials of the organi zation, decrease more rapidly than at any period from the end of the war to now. The last year of the century across the years of which they have emblazon ed so glorious a record was a most fix. ing time for what so many of them have declared will be their last review, and still more appropriate was it that pun and wind combined to produce a day eminently suitable for the occa sion. A light breeze came off Lake Michigan strong enough to lift the ban ners out to the full length of their folds and at times with force sufficient to make it necessary for more than one old soldier to grasp the staff to keep the flag on high. It mattered nothing, how ever, how many hands were necessary on the staff. They were ready always. The veterans carried the flag today as they carried it forty years ago, and save in salute not a banner was lower ed, not a fold touched the ground. 7,000 POSTS REPRESENTED. Not In many years has Chicago ex tended so affectionate a welcome to the stranger within her gates, as that which she gave today to the heroes of the Grand Army. As her people watched the march of the old soldiers there flashed across them the thought that filled the mind of the Hebrew historian, when centuries ago, he wrote of the heroes of King David, "These be the mighty men." As Chicago esteemed them so she greet ed them. Notwithstanding the age of the members of the Grand Armv of the Republic more members of the organiza tion had announced their intention of joining in the line than was expected by the most sanguine of the veterans. Old soldiers from every state in the union were in the march with their comrades cf former years and through out the length of the parade T.OoO posts of the Grand Army had representation The parade, which started at the in tersection of Randolph street and Mich igan avenue, was about five hours in passing a given point. The line of march was. short, and from the start to the south end of the court of honor where It disbanded after passing in review be fore Commander-in-Chief Shaw, it com prised twenty-seven of the city squares. Even though the majority of the march ers were men of- advanced years, the parade moved swiftly and without breaks or disorder. The columns came on twelve abreast, well closed, solid and compact. The formations were alomst Invariably well kept, for the men who had gone through years of desperate ar without being guilty of straggling irere too old to be Haggards now. The marching column was headed by V, , v. .Mrf s J ' A a detachment of the city police under the command of Lieutenant Fiynn.whieh in battalion formation swept the street from curb to curb. Behind them came a band of seventy pieces and then Chief Marshal J. H. .Wood with his immediate staff, consisting of Colonel H. S. Diet rich, Colonel J. E. Stuart and Colonel C. E. Young. A regiment of asisstant marshals and aides came clattering on, then behind the great band of the Sec ond infantry of the Illinois National Guard came Commander-in-Chief Shaw and the members, of his staff, compris ing Adjutant General Stewart, Quar termaster General J. E. Atkinson, In spector General J. M. Cummings, Judge Advocate General Ell Torrens and Chief of the Staff Corwin. OVATION TO SICKLES. Carriages containing Acting Governor Warder, who supplied the place of Gov ernor Tanner, Mayor Harrison and Ex ecutive Director Harper who with Commander-in-Chief Shaw occupied the re viewing stand during the parade. Cheer after cheer went up as General Daniel E. Sickles, accompanied by his aides, rode past the reviewing stand. All along the line of march the general had been given a most flattering greeting, but the warmth of the reception that met him as he approached the stand where Commander Shaw was awaiting to receive his salute caused him to flush with pleasure and to bow his acknowl edgments again and again. Twelve heralds in costume, each bear ing a long trumpet, came down the ave nue announcing in mellow tones the ap proach of the pageant of patriotism which followed close behind them. Fifty members of the Columbia post of Chi cago, wearing handsome uniforms of dark green formed a hollow square in the center of which were borne fifty bat tle flags carried by New York regiments during the war. The spectacle of the worn and tattered flags was greeted at times with cheers and at times with a deep silence, more expressive than ap plause could ever be. Whether the crowd cheered or kept silent it showed deep feeling "and from end to end of the parade, all hats were off as the flags Succeed Gen. Shaw as Commander of A. E. went by. A long line of carriages fol lowed the battle flags, each containing ladies w-ho are officials of the various organizations which are affiliated with the Grand Army. Among these were Mrs. Harriet J. Dodge, president of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Re public; Mrs. A. D. Johnson, president of the Army Nurses association, and Mrs. Elizabeth Kimball. president of the Daughters of Veterans, Close behind the carriages came three platoons of the members of Columbia post, acting as a rear guard, while a score of veterans as a special escort marched beside the vehicles. THE LARGEST POST. Eidwell Wilkeson post of Buffalo.which had the largest number of men in ranks of any organization that came from out side Chicago 'and Cook county, made a fine appearance as they came marching past the stand headed by the Buffalo Military band of fifty pieces. The old Continental Drum and Bugle corps of New York City led Chapin post, also from New York, and both were heartily cheered for their excellent appearance and marching. Then came the Arion Military band of Milwaukee, forming the vanguard of the various departments which march ed under the leadership of their de partment commanders. Wisconsin was given the right of the line and as her column turned around the corner of Jackson boulevard into the broad sweep of Michigan avenue and with bands playing and colors fly ing, the Army of the Republic came marching down, the people seemed to realize that here at last came the true pageant of patriotism. The old worn out fluttering flags that had gone be fore were nothing In themselves but as representatives of the power that gave them the glory that they wore they were everything. Marching behind them under colors fresher and brighter as their own fame mu,st ever grow with the advancing years came the units of that power in the fighting men of a mighty race unconquered yet by land or sea. In them lay, and through them came, the force that has made the nation what it i and what It will be. No matter what may come in the future the ran before them had made the past a glory that may mellow but never grow dim, and the crowd seeming to catch these things in a breath, as rank after rank of the old soldiers wheeled into the avenue, went wild with enthusiasm. They cheer ed, waved their hats and cheered again until they could cheer no more. Then they stood as they had stood for the bat tered flags, with bared heads, as the veterans with steps more'halting than of old, but with hearts as high as ever passed on to make the parade of 1900 what they had made many another march a credit to themselves and an honor to their country. GEN MILES ARIVES. Chicago, Aug. 28 Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles arrived in this city from (Continued on Sixth Fage. ADMIRALS DISAGREE. Remey Declines to Act In Con cert With Others Regarding Treatment of Earl Le Hung Chang. ACTION IS APPROVED. Russia Stands W ith the Uuited States in the Matter. Rioting at Amoy Reported Still in Progress. New York, Aug. 28. Sharp differences of opinion among the foreign admirals at Taku as to Li Hung Chang's proper status -were apparently the moving cause of the note of inquiry recently addressed by the United States government to foreign powers as to accepting the aged viceroy as peace envoy of the Chinese government, says the Washington cor respondent of the Herald. Officials will say little about the dis sension among the naval representatives of the powers. It is learned, however, that on Thursday Admiral Remey sent word that a conference of the admirals at Taku had been held, at which the ar rangements for the arrival of Li Hung Chang and the privileges he should be allowed were discussed. A proposition was made that Li Hung Chang should not be allowed, on reaching Taku, to communicate with Chinese officials in Pekin. The proposition was acceptable to most of the admirals, but the Ameri can officer declined to sign the agree ment. Whether the Russian admiral signed is not known, but in any event the Russian government promptly pro tested to the other powers. Admiral Remey's message was con sidered by the cabinet, which entirely approved the refusal of Admiral Remey to be a party to any such agreement. Then the note of inquiry as to the atti tude of the powers with regard to Li Hung Chang's acceptability as a peace envoy, was formulated and sent out. The effect of the protests of the United States and Russia has been to secure practically the unanimous disapproval of the agreement of the foreign admirals. Why the admirals should wish to pre vent Li Hung Chang from communicat ing with Chinese officials in Pekin is not understood here. Seemingly it would be in the interest of peace for the viceroy to be put in prompt relations with the imperial authorities. From Minister Conger's dispatch, it is apparent that the allies in Pekin are not waiting for the arrival of Li Hung Chang, but are trying to get in com munication themselves with Chinese offi cials. His message shows conclusively that there is no authority in the capital at this moment with whom the powers can negotiate. RIOTING AT AMOY. Washington, Aug. 28. A cablegram has been received at the state depart ment from United States Consul John son at Amoy, China, relative to the riot ing in progress in that city. He reports that many of the richer Chinamen and Europeans are leaving the place. A ca blegram received at the navy depart ment announces that the Castine sailed today from Shanghai for Amoy in ac cordance with the department's orders. She should arrive there Thursday of this week. CHINESE GOSPEL OF REFORM. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 28. Leung Kai Tin, a youthful looking Chinese, who claims to be the personal represen tative and emissary of the Chinese em peror, Kwang Hsu, has arrived in the city accompanied by two secretaries, Shum Moon and Wun Yum. The visitors have come to America, they say, on a mission which has for its object the en largement of the reform movement among the Chinese residents here. For some months past Leung Kai Tin has been spreading the reform gospel among the Chinese of British Columbia, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland and other cities in the Pacific northwest and he now intends to take up the work here. DISPATCHES BUTCHERED EN ROUTE. Washington, Aug. 28. Adjutant Gen eral Corbin has received a dispatch from General Chaffee saying that he (Chaffee) had received no dispatches from General Corbin since August 14. This was the date on which the allied army attacked and entered Pekin. Many dispatches have been sent by General Corbin since that date and the delay in their delivery is astonishing, even with the strange conditions which have existed in China. Like the Conger dispatches the one from General Chaffee is undated. The only explanation that can be made as to this lack of dates is that the dispatches have been butchered en route, probably on their way through China. LATEST PLANS FOR CHINA. Washington, Aug. 28. It is said in ad ministration circles that in the event of the ability of the powers to agree upon a Chinese policy that will preserve the in tegrity of the empire, the plan most like ly to be adopted will provide for interna tional administrations of the customs serivce. Under this plan representatives of the several allied powers having forces on Chinese soil will be statir-r.ed at all the customs porta of China to sup ervise or administer the service and watch the revenues with a view to en suring the collection of the enormous indemnity that will be Individually de mand by each of the governments. It is understood that this or some joint sup ervisory scheme of a similar character will be favored by this government and while other governments may make oth er proposals for future policy of a differ ent nature, there is no information in the possession of this government to indi cate inharmonious action on such a sup ervisory plan. ALLIES RESUME OPERATIONS. London, Aug. 20. The allies, resuming aggressive operations, have taken the district west of Pekin. This statement, based on Chinese authority, is cabled from Shanghai. From the same place comes the further statement that I-i Hung Chang has wired the Empress Dowager at Hsian Fu requesting the ar rest of Prince Tuan and the disarma ment of the bcxers, in order to give him an opening for negotiations with the powers. STARTLING ST. PETERSBURG RUMOR. Paris, Aug. 28. A special dispatch to the Siecle from St. Petersburg says: "It is persistently rumored in St. Pe tersburg that the Russian government has received a dispatch asserting that after" a fierce battle inside Pekin the al lies retreated, losing 1,800 men, mostly Russians. It is further said that the Chinese oeupy fortified positions, from which they are bombarding the allies in a murderous manner." CHAFFEE OFFERS AID. Washington, Aug. 28. The war de partment yesterday received the follow ing: "Taku, China (no date) Adjutant General, Washington Have offered as sistance to Baroness von Ketteler; will furnish transportation and escort to Tien Tsin in a few days; have offered transportation accommodations to Nag asaki also. " ' r "CHAFFEE." Baroness von Ketteler, the widow of the murdered German minister to China is an American, being the daughter of President Ledyard of the Michigan Cen tral railway, whose home is at Detroit, Mich. f A HEAP OF RUINS. Paris, Aug. 28. A dispatch received from the French minister at Pekin, M. Pichon, dated Sunday, August 19, con firms the dispatches of General Frey, commander of the French forces at the Chinese capital and repeats other infor mation already known. It adds that one of the principal anxieties is the re-establishment of communication by railroad and " telegraph with Tien Tsin. Con tinuing, Mr. Pichon says: "The insecurity of the routes renders this difficult but urgent. A resumption of the offensive by the' boxers and regulars is feared and serious precautions must be taken. I am lodging at the Spanish legation. All my utaff and domestics are in miserable health. The greater part of the town is a heap of ruins." CHAFFEE STILL AT PEKIN. Washington, Aug. 28. Action was ta ken by the war department this morning, carrying out the recently announced policy of this government to send no more troops to- China at . present. An order was sent to the department's agents at Kobe, Japan, to divert the First United States cavalry and their animals from that port to Manila, in stead of allowing them to proceed to Taku, according to their original orders. The department was informed this morning that the Garronne with 800 members of the First cavalry on board and the Packling with the animals of the organization had arrived at Kobe. The First cavalry is under command of Lieutenant Colonel Lebo. Another important development over night was General Chaffee's statement that he had not heard from the war de partment since August 14, a fortnight ago. News has come from China with in that period of time, and the fact that nothing has gone forward to Chaffee and without doubt Minister Conger is in the same state, goes to confirm the officials here in the conviction that the wires are being manipulated probably by Chinese agents between Che Foo and Shanghai, the cable connection. The discovery cer tainly will tend to hasten the construc tion of projected cable connecting Shanghai and Che Foo, thus placing the control of the entire circuit from Wash ington to Pekin outside of Chinese offi cials at any point. The subject also may be made the basis of some strong repre sentations, to Shang, the Chinese direc tor of posts and telegraphs at Shanghai. A casualty list: from Col. Wint was the only communication received at the war department today from China. It bore date of yesterday at Taku, and re ferred to the engagement of the 19th near Tien Tsin. A dispatch was receiv ed last night by the war department from Gen.-Chaffee, stating that he had offered assistance to Baroness von Ket teler, wife of the late German minister to China and would furnish her trans portation and escort to Tien Tsin; also transportation to Nagaska. This dis patch seems to indicate that Chaffee is in Pekin and not in Tien Tsin as some have asserted. This dispatch is in answer to one sent to the general by the war department, August 17, the date that information was received here of the fall of Pekin. TO HOLD EARL LI. Paris, Aug. 28. Admiral Courrejolles, the French commander in Chinese wa ters, has cabled to the navy department here that a council of the admirals has notified the foreign legations at Pekin that it has been decided to hold Li Hung Chang on board ship until the opening of negotiations between the powers and the diplomats. , LI HUNG'S CREDENTIALS. Washington, Aug. 28. The sufficiency of Li Hung Chang's credentials as a plenipotentiary to conclude a settle ment with the powers on behalf of China is now a subject for active telegraphic negotiations among the powers. It was stated positively today that so far the issue was still open. Some of the powers have taken the ground that Li no longer represents any thing tangible; that the fleeing Chinese emperor and empress dowager are pow erless to carry out any pledge; but none of them has. so far as can be learned up on Inquiry here, finally decided this im portant question beyond recall. JAPAN'S ACTION EXPLAINED. Washington, Aug. 28. In regard to the reported landing of Japanse troops at Amoy, the Japanese legation received to day a confirmatory telegram from Tokio to the effect that in view of the fact that Amoy has, on account of its proximity to Formosa, been secured as the basis for evil designs upon the island and that, in addition to the burning of a Japanese temple there have been riots against for eigners, the Japanese government has considered it necessary to land a small force for the purpose of protecting their consulate and the foreign residents at that port. CHINESE RULERS LOCATED. London, Aug. 28. A special dispatch from Shanghai says the Chinese officials there have informed the foreign consuls that the emperor, dowager empress and Prince Tuan have arrived in the neigh borhood of Tai Yuan Fu. Tai Yuan is the capital of the province of Shan Si, adjoining the province of Chi Li, and is'24Q- miles southwest of Pekin. RUSSIAN REPORTS DISCREDITED. Washington, Aug. 28. No confirma tion comes from any quarter of the re port from Russian sources that the Chinese have recaptured Pekin and the w'ar department officials here discredit the story. They believe it is capable of explanation, however, when read in the light of Minister Conger's statement yesterday that the allied generals have decided not to enter the imperial palace and also in view of the press reports of the sudden abandonment by the Ameri can and Russian troops of the attack on the palace gates after capturing four out of five of them. In is believed here that the allied generals adopted this course in order to prevent looting after having been convinced that the small palace guard, if indeed any guard re mained, should not be regarded with apprehension. The Imperial palace is known to be stored with the most mag rificent treasures of oriental art, many of them of the greatest antiquity and of priceless value and the loss to civiliza tion, through the destruction or disper sion of these treasures would be so Continued on Sixth Page.) A HALFMILLION Knights of Pythias Represented at Supreme Lodge Which Has Opened Its Session at Milwaukee. BIENNIAL ADDRESS Of Thomas G. Sample, Read of the Order. Reports Show Flourishing Con dition of the Brotherhood. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 28. Masonic tem ple today appeared transformed into a temple of Pythianism. Several largely attended gatherings of Pythians and branch orders - were in progress simul taneously within the big structure. Chief of these were the open meetings of the supreme lodge Knights of Pythias and of the supreme lodge of the Pythian sisterhood. The initial meeting of the order of Rathbone Sisters was postponed until tomorrow. Supreme Chancellor Thomas G. Sample, of Alleghany, Fa., head of the Pythian order, presided over the supreme lodge meeting. In his bi ennial address he said: ' "The condition of the order throughout the supreme domain with but few ex ceptions, is flourishing. The growth of .the Knights of Pythias in the past 35 years has been marvelous, and to the student of secret societies has been a wonder. This growth in its early his tory, however, was not generally of a character that would give to it or any other society stability. This is a plain fact, which is evident to us all now. Of late years the men who have been admitted to our ranks have come to us because of our principles, and, as a re sult, the personnel of the order is better today than ever before. The decree seems to have gone forth from the subordinate lodges, as a rule, that quality and not quantity is what is desired. "In some of the grand domains there is still that spirit manifested of a desire to evade laws made for the government of the order, not in regard to any par ticular subject, but all the laws we have enacted. One of the causes for this seeming spirit of discontent is the fact that in many of the subordinate and grand lodges we have men filling sal aried positions, both in this order and others, and in many cases the older or ganizations pay the highest salary. As a consequence we find the latter or ganizations receive their best efforts, and, at the same time, they are so im bued with the laws of these rival in stitutions they can not resist the tem tation to engraft their peculiar ideas into the management of the affairs of the Knights of Pythias. This incubus, unless removed, will sooner or later drag this order, we all love so much, down to a mere existence, instead of being a competitor for first honor as the strong est and most influential of all secret or ders. "The Knights of Pythias are big enough, strong enough, brainy enough and influential ' enough to work out their own salvation, and I would strongly recommend that any supreme officer or representative or grand or subordinate lodge officer who is so en tangled with other organizations that he cannot give us his best efforts and best thoughts should step down and out of official positions and allow them to be elected who believe that we have the best secret order that floats a. banner in this great nation today. When this is done then will we indeed have within our ranks only those who can render a loyal obedience to its laws and regula tions. "Members in a few domains have vio lated stringent legislation relative to the admission of saloon-keepers, bar tenders and gamblers; others have set at defiance your laws relative to the initiation fees and the law relative to Sunday excursions, .using the lodge name, but caiilng it a pleasure club, loudly clamoring for permission to have intoxicating liqours at entertainments on the theory that other and older in stitutions of a similar nature permit it. "I have unbounded faith in the loyal ty of a, very large percentage of the membership to the laws of the order, but this body should enact legislation at this session in unmistakable lan guage that will compel the grand chan cellors to enforce the palin provisions of the laws you have made; and if; af ter due notification from the supreme chancellor that laws have been violat ed, the said grand chacellors fail to ap ply the remedy, the authority should be given the supreme chancellor to at once suspend such officer pending an. investi gation by the supreme tribunal. As it is now, the terms of both the supreme and grand chancellors expire before an opportunity in many cases is presented for the offenders' to be brought before the legal tribunal of the order. Drastic measures of this character would not have to be applied more than once or twice until such troubles, would dis appear from the ranks of this order never to return. Let us make a deter mined effort to assist in maintaining the high standard which will come to this fraternity by simply enforcing our own laws. "On December 31, 1898, 'the reports, as made to the supreme lodge from the dif ferent grand domains, showed a mem bership of 470.798. - The returns received to December 31. 1899, show a total mem- ' bership of 491,672, a net increase for the year 1899 of 21.589. From the figures of of the losses and gains during the ternv ending June 30, 1900, it appears that we have today a membership of 508,500, with 15 grand domains yet to hear from, a net gain for the two years of 37,809. This is a splendid showing, and with this in crease in membership pomes also the gratifying thought that in nearly all the Grand Domains those who are casting their lot with us today are doing so from the fact that we are progressive, patriot ic and have all the attributes essential to make an up to date order. Do not therefore at this convention let the word go out that we are retrograding, but let us rather push forward to a higher plane of usefulness and influence. "The betterment of the condition of the uniform rank of this order is a sub ject which should receive at your hands the most careful consideration. They should be given the widest latitude in the making of- the laws for their own government. "If there be one feature of this order more sacred than any other in the eyes of the membership, it should be the en downment rank. I was afraid that the causeless attacks made at the session at Indianapolis in 1898 would greatly retard its growth and prosperity, and it proba bly did for the quarter ending December 31, 1898, but since that time it has gone on and increased in numbers and finan cial strength. The membership at the close of business June 30, 1898, was, 53, 589, carrying J99.261.500 endowment. The number of members at the close of busi ness June 30, 1900, was 64,516, carrying $113,840,000 endowment. The board of control paid out from June 30, 1898, to June 30, 1900, $2,420,918. MR. WRIGHT'S REPORT. In his report R. L. C. Wright, of At lanta, Ga., supreme keeper of. records and seal, gave the following: Total number of subordinate lodges December 31, 1899, 6,740. Total member ship, 492,506; net gain during 1898 and 1899, 58 lodges and 21,237 members. Prac tically -90 per cent of the gain was in 1899. Illinois led in the gains, with In diana and Ohio close seconds. Louisi ana suffered a net loss of 782. The ap propriations at the Indianapolis bi-ennial in 1898 were $93,550, of which $83,892 had been expended at the close of the fiscal year. Subordinate lodges had been or ganized in Hawaii, Alaska, Cuba and Quebec. April 1, 1899, there was a bal ance on hand of $T,052, and there has since been received from sale of sup plies $26,875; from grand lodge per cap ita tax, $31,106; from subordinate lodge per capita tax, $370, a total of $65,403. Receipts of grand lodges were $408,590, and, with balance on hand, the credits were $561,210. Disbursements were $373, 539. There has been expended for re lief $1,335,515.69, and grand domains had on hand December 1, 1899, $1,835,451. The total assets of the grand domains are $9,246,130. Lodges outside of grand do mains have expended for relief, $3,651; have cash on hand, $4,485, and assets, $26,524. The report of the supreme master of the exchequer shows a total of $31,372 on hand June 30, 1900. PYTHIAN SISTERS. In the sixth biennial of the Pythian sisterhood supreme lodge the gavel was wielded by Mrs. H. P. Libbey of Port land, Me., supreme chancellor. In her address she said that Maine is the ban ner state in membership, having 2,228 members in eight assemblies. Ohio is second. Mrs. Libbey reported the ques tion of admission of colored women to membership as having been disposed of by the debarring of a colored woman form taking the second degree after she had passed the first. Mrs. George W. Adams of Haverhill, Mass., supreme keeper of records and sela of the sisterhood, reported that nine states have grand assemblies. Number of assemblies 132, a gain of 32, and an increase in membership of 2,000. The present membership is given at nearly 7,000. Mrs. L. A. Small of Farmington, N. H., mistress of exchequer, reported some $4,500 on hand, all bills paid and receipts for two years of about $3,300. REVOLTS PERSIA Attempt to Dethrone the Shah During His Absence. New York, Aug. 28. A: dispatch to the Times from Paris says: - - Your correspondent learns " from a thoroughly well informed source that a serious insurrection has broken out in Persia, which may In all probability cause the shah's visit to Europe to be curtailed. The object of the revolt is to dethrone the present shah, whose fondness for west ern ideas makes him unpopular to Per sians of the old school, and to place his brother on the throne.- No details have reached here so far re garding the extent of success of this vo lutionary movement, but a telegram an nouncing the fact has just been handed to the shah in Brussels. The shah himself Is disposed to make light of the affair, which nevertheless is extremely grave, in view of the unsettled state of the far east. He has every con fidence that the precautions in view of such a contingency which the grand vizier took before his master started on his European trip will prove sufficient to cope with the situation. The insurrection, however, has been very carefully planned, for it has taken the shah and his ministers completely by sur prise. STEVENSON PUT ON. Selected For Towne's Place on on the Populist Ticket. Chicago, Aug. 28. At a meeting of the People's party national committee, the declination of Charles A. Towne as the vice presidential nominee of the party was accepted and the name of Adlai E. Stevenson was put in his place. This re sult was obtained after a long debate be ginning at 2 p. m. and ending about 6:30 p. m. In the beginning there were three courses advocated by different members of the committee, viz: To nominate a Populist, to leave the place blank or, lastly, to endorse Mr. Stevenson. Sena tor Marion Butler, chairman of the com mittee, in a warm speech of some length, advocated leaving the place blank, con tending that Bryan and Stevenson -would receive more Populist votes than if a candidate for vice president was named. But one test vote was taken. A motion -was made to endorse Mr. Stev enson. For this motion Mr. Washburn, of Massachusetts, moved, as a substi tute, that a Populist be placed upon the ticket. The substitute was lost on a call of the roll by a vote of 24 ayes to 71 nays. The original motion was then adopted by a viva voce vote. There were 124 members of the committee present or represented by proxy. - Bennett's New Yacht London, Aug. 28. The steam yacht Lysiztrata, built for James Gordon Ben nett, proprietor of the New York Herald by W.Denny & Brothers, on designs fur nished by George L. Watson, was lanch ed this morning at Dunbarampton, Scot land. She is the largest yacht built on the Clyde, is designed to steam 18 knots an hoor and has the novel feature of a straight stem. The Lysiztrata is built of steel, has twin screws and is schooner rigged. She is over 285 feet overall, has 39 feet 9 inches bean and her depth is 21 feet 5 inches. Weather Indications. Chicago, Aug; 28. Forecast for Kan sas: Fair tonight and Wednesday; var iable' winds. Middle of the Road Headquarters. Chicago, Aug. 28. The national commit tee of the middle-of-the-road Populists met in Chicago with eight of the 115 mem bers present in person or by proxy. It was decided to open national headquarters at Louisville with National Chairman Joe A. Parker in charge. DULLER SCORES, Captures Eergendal Which is Styled & Strong Position. Roberts Says His Advance is Necessarily Slow. BEGINNING OF THE END Londoners Think They See the Finish of the War. Believe That Roth a Is Making His Last Stand. But Heavy Reenforcements Have Been Ordered Out. London, Aug. 28. Lord Roberts re Ports, under date of Belfast, August 27, as follows: "Our movements are slow on account of the nature of the country. Today wa made a satisfactory advance and met . with decided success. The work fell entirely to Buller's troops and resulted in the capture of Bergendal, a very strong position two miles northwest of Dalmanutha. I met Buller at Bergen dal shortly after it was reached by our troops. I am glad to find the occupa tion cost less than was feared, on ac count of approach being across an open glacis for two or three thousand yarda and the determined stand of the enemy. The Inniskillings and Second Rifle brig ade formed the attacking party. The latter suffered most. I hope the casual ties do not exceed fifty or sixty. One oificer was killed and two were wound ed. A good many Boers were killed and a pompom was captured. "French advanced on the left to Swartzkopjes on the Leydenburg road and prepared the way for the move ment of Pole-Carew's division tomor row. "Bad en -Powell reports that he 'occu pied Nylstroom without opposition. Aa the country where he and Paget are operating is dense bush and veldt it is not desirable at the present to proceed further north and their troops are re turning to Pretoria." BOTHA'S LAST STAND. New York, Aug. 28. Lord Roberts' dispatches announce what many people here take to be the begininng of the final stage in the South African cam paign, says the London correspondent of the Tribune. The commander-in-chief held a council of war with his lieutenants, Buller, French ind Pole Carew, on Saturday and on Sunday be gan a general attack on General Botha's entrenched position, on which not much impression has been madrt. In the preliminary operations of tho previous few days the Boers had chopen ' a line of defense i of great natura I strength, stronger,: in fact, than any they have held since they fell back from the Tugela. Their forces were dis posed along a formidable chain of hill country, extending over a front nearly thirty miles, their flanks resting on spurs of broken ground protected by morasses. The British advance began on the west to the north of Belfast, from which place the Boers fell back toward the Lydenberg road. Lord Roberts re ports that the Boers are making a most determined resistance In a locality well adapted for their defensive tactics and badly suited for cavalry movements. Some experts think that this is really General Botha's last stand, and that if defeated here he will be completely crushed. Lord Roberts' superiority in. numbers is so great that he may prob ably attempt to work right around the Boers and drive them from their posi tion by menacing their line of retreat. To Judge from previous experience it is unlikely that the Boers would stay long enough to permit the manoeuvre to be accomplished. Meanwhile, the Boers are themselves busy in endeavoring to raid Lord Rob erts' lines of comunlcatlon, both in thra Orange river colony and in Natal. At Weinburg, a body of imperial yeomanry was in difficulties under an attack of a considerable force of Boers on last Friday. -They were rescued by rein forcements hastily sent up from Kroen stad and Heilbron. On Sunday the Boers again renewed their attack on Weinburg, but were beaten off, leaving among the prisoners captured by the British Commandant Oliver, whose fa mous march from Cape Colony through Lord Roberts' lines to the northeast of the Orange lliver colony was one of the notable episodes of the spring. To judge by the fact that heavy re inforcements have been ordered to pre pare to embark for South Africa in the next few days the British war office does not yet believe that warlike opera tions are draw ing to a close. KANSAXS INVITED. May Banquet With Hamilton Club For $10 Per Plata. All of the state officers received pressing invitations to attend the ban quet of the Hamilton club In Chicago, at which President McKinley was to be the guest of honor. AH of the Invita tions have been declined. A large num ber of Kansas Republicans also re ceived invitations about which they said nothing, because these Invitations are not considered exceptionally valu able. The invitation authorizes the recipi ent to spend $10 for a plate at the ban quet and in addition, as a sort of pre mium, he receives two tickets for friends to sit in the gallery where they can watch their benefactor eat. R0OS ETELT IN SEPTE31BE It Dates For Teddy's Visit to Kansas Changed. The Republican state committee tins been expecting Oovenor Rofievelt to -i-nr Kansas in Octolxr. but the national com mittee has changed the date, and the vie presidential candidate will be in the state September 28 and 29. Girl Battles With a Wol Evansville, Ind., Aug. 28. Nellie Bul lock, aged 13, living near Gentryvill-, Ind., had a desperate fight with a wolf yesterday afternoon. 8he was in tht house when she heard a noise on the front porch, where her brother, aped ::, and sister, aged 5, were sleeping. Rush ing outside, she saw a wolf about t j epring'at the throat of her brother. She attacked the beast and after a battle of a few seconds drove it off. Her hands and arms were badly lacerated.