Newspaper Page Text
4 TOPEKA STATE J OTJENAL, TUESDAY EVENING,. AUGUST 28, 1900. TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL. BT FRANK P. MAC LENNAN. VOLUME XXVII.. i .No. 206 rr ir i; t a iT.' CT-nQr t? tttt Ant. Tally edition, delivered by carrier, . 13 cents a week to any part of Topeka. or suburbs, or at the fame price In any Kan sas town where the paper has a carrier system. ' m By mall, one year - W-g By mall, three months JJ Weeklv f.-! t i , ,ti nn vear ........... v(J Tooeka State Journal Buildlnr. 809 and 02 Kansas avenue, corner ol Eighth. . yKW YORK OKFlCfiL Temple Court Bldg. . A. Frank Richardson, Mgr. CHICAGO OFFICE. Stock Exchange Bldg. A. Frank Richardson. Mgr. LONDON' OFFICE. IS Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. Business Office...., Bell 'FBoneW? Reporters Room t Bell' Phone 677 Fltzslmmons could knock out the whole crowd of Chinese boxers In a few rounds. Probably every setting sun finds Spain happier over the fact that she Is out of that Philippine business. No better spot than China could be found for the European cations to have It out with one another. In the past ten years Chicago has ad ded to. her population enough persona to people a city larger than St. Louis. Mr. Dolliver did not land the vice presidential nomination, but he haa ac quired something equally as good. Presumably there are no rivers in that part of the Transvaal where Buller Is operating, since he is not reported as crossing any. The German contingent of the Inter national army reached Pekin some days after the city had been captured. But, then Germans are rarely in a hurry. In the matter of dealing with the Chi nese government, the other powers are all Missourians. They want to be shown the government with which they are ex pected to treat. The open season for deer will soon open in the Aderonducks and the casualty lists sent out from there may be expect ed to rival In length those coming from Manila and Pekin. European countries loaned money to China with which she purchased guns, ammunition and warships and now they are compelled to expend as much more in taking them away. St. Louis Star: It is now said that France will require 30,000.000 bushels of wheat to make the shortage in her wheat crop good. That's easy. Kansas alone can honor a requisition for the full amount. Notwithstanding the fact that decent people of all parties, throughout the country are urging the nomination of Coler for governor of New Tork by the Democrats, Croker and Murphy are do ing their best to keep him off the.ticket. Among the many surprising things Which the census has brought to light is the fact that Cincinnati has been com pelled to take second place among Ohio cities. Cleveland has passed her so far that all efforts on the part of the "Queen City" to catch up, probably will prove unavailing. Henry Clews' Financial Review: The last four years have witnessed a re markable expansion in the American outlook politically, industrially and fin ancially. We have been forced into world politics as never before, owing to our widening interests: we have wit nessed a most extraordinary develop ment In our foreign, trade, chiefly be cause we are now able to manufacture for the world's markets; and, finally, we find ourselves lenders of money to na tions in all parts of the world as a nat ural sequence. Ten years ago the man who had the courage to predict such things would have been considered a fit candidate for the lunatic asylum; today they are accomplished realities and in disputable testimony of a vigorous and . continuous national growth. TSADE WITH HAWAII The growth of our commerce with the Hawaiian Islands in the last few years, especially in the years 1899 and 1900, has been phenomenal. This growth is espec ially interesting in view of the new re lationship which has been established iwlth the islands and the market increase which accompanied the final determina tion of that event. In 1S9 the exports of the United States to the Hawaiian island were J4.7I1.417 and in 1897 were J4.690.075, showing no growth from 1S90 to 1S97. In 1890 the imports into the Uni ted States from the Hawaiian islands were J12.312.098 and, in 1897, were 13, 6S7.799, showing but a slight growth. The treaty of annexation was signed at Washington. June 16, 1897, so that all the commerce of the fiscal year 1898 felt the effect of that step in the process of an nexation. In that year the exports of the United States to the Hawaiian isl ands were J5.907.155, an increase of 27 per cent over 1897;. when they amounted to J4.690.075. The treaty was ratified July 7, 1898, and sovereignty over the isl ands formally transferred to the United Ftates on August 12, 1898. thus bringing practically all of the fiscal year 1899 within the period following the complete annexation. The exports of the Ha waiian islands, in the fiscal year 1899, amounted to J9.305.470, an increase of ever 50 per cent. On the import side, the year 1S98 showed an increase of 34 mil lions over 1S97 and the year 1890 showed another increase of millions over 1S98 and 1899. GLOB2 SIGHTS. tFrom the Atchison Globe. People are always disappointed in a circus. . at suspicious: disposition and a fond ness for talking is the combination which, makes a gossip. - It is a mighty poor person who can't pay thanks. People should consider the head more, and the heart less. It is becoming harder every day to work a scheme on a farmer. A South Atchison girl la taking the final steps in landing a young man, and the neighbors are immensely amused. A South Atchison woman recently had roast beef without gravy, and the neighbors have been talking about it ever since. When a woman admits that she has been married as long as twenty years, she nearly always claims she was max ried at sixteen. If a letter from a country correspoon- dent has a great deal to say about the Jacmiller family, it indicates that a Jacmiller wrote it. We refuse to buy a ticket to hear any returned missionary from China lecture unless he can prove that he was at least parboiled in oil. Almost every girl of sixteen has her mind made up that some day she win have a son named DeMountville, or a daughter named Geraldine. If you want to be welcome, hunt up the old people. It is the great com plaint of almost every one under fifty that he is not allowed to be alone more. An Atchison man who has twelve children, recently starved to death while at the dinner tablet before he had served them all, death came to his re lief. From the time a boy is born until he dies an old man. the women pick at him, and find fault with his ways; the last thing they do is to coax him to repeat a passage from the Bible while on his death bed. A mean Atchison woman claims that delegates at church conventions . hold sunrise prayer meetings in order that they may have better appetites for the fine breakfasts they expect to be fur nished free to them. Every mother and father should re member when they buy the children every new fangled toy, and membership into every club that is organized, that some day the children will knock very hard because their parents are poor in their old age. Along about 12 o'clock eevry day, we envy more than any one else in the world the laborer whose daughter has brought him his lunch in a tin bucket. We don't know if it is the contents of the bucket, or the man's appetite, but it seems to be surprisingly good. POINTED PARAGRAPH 3 From the Chicago News. Manv a poor man has died for love of drink. Organized charity uncovers a multi tude of sins. The debater who refuses to sit down stands to reason. Fault is one thine that may be found where it is not. The more you see of some people the less you are satisfied. Most wives think their husbands are smarter than other men. Our failures are due to ourselves more often than to other people. The inventor of the electro-magnet attracted a great deal of attention. It's climbing hills before they come to them that makes some people tired. With the exception of railway brake- men, trained speakers articulate dis tinctly. When a woman is ill she summons physician; when a man is sick he sends for a doctor. A married man says his home is run by the rule of three baby, wife and mother-in-law. Kentucklans are averse to rainy weather. The average Kentuckian is averse to anything with water in it. Confidence is like a china plate? if broken it may be mended, but it in variably shows where the crack was. A physician says the use of starchy foods causes baldness. Possibly the starch also accounts for the glossy pates. QUAKER REFLECTIONS. From the Philadelphia Record.! Summer isn't over yet. The electric fan is still revolving. Warm friends sometimes have hot words. Even the deaf mute can understand when money talks. "This is a horse on me," grimly re marked the jockey as his mount tum bled on top of him. Closefist (after a contretemps) "Well, I suppose the laugh is on me." Guz zler "Oh, I guess we'll be satisfied with. Just a smile." Even the prestidigitator, with all his sleight of hand tricks, can't fool a girl when it comes to placing a ring on the third finger of her left hand. No, Maude, dear, our experience has not assured us that the chronic beer drinkers at summer resorts are the ones who are addicted to Saturday evening hops. "The young man who rises rapidly in the business world," says the Mana yunk Philosopher," is the one who has the adaptability to laugh heartily at his employer's stale Jokes." The Maiden "Do you- think that cigarette smoking affects the memory?" The Wife "Well, my husband smokes them, and after midnight he seems to forget his exact place of residence." "We want more honest men in poli tics," remarked the unsophisticated citizen. "That's about right," said the professional politician: "the more hon est men we have in politics the less it will cost." A platitude is something that Will oft inspire one's oaths, Bxit it becomes an epigram When dressed in evening clothes. Tourist Rates to Colorado and Utah. Tickets will be sold from points of Missouri Pacific to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colo., and Salt Lake and Ogden, Utah, June 1st to Sep tember 15th, at greatly reduced rates. See nearest ticket agent or write H. C. TOWNSEND, G. P. & T. A.. St. Louis. Ma F. E. NIPPS, Agent, EPepeka, Kansas. , IN HOTEL CORRIDORS. "The International Prison congress and all prison authorities should con sider the question of the injustice that is done by allowing the family of a mur dered man to eke out an existence as best they may, while the state cares for the murderer," said a gentleman at the Copeland. "The question, I understand, is to come before the congress and, doubtless, many plans will be offered and discussed. For years philanthropical ly disposed people have devoted their energies to devising ways and means whereby the prisoner can be benefited, but not a single move has been made to help the real sufferer the family which is left without a husband and father. The philanthropists and prison commis sions seem to believe that they are doing all when they make life easy for the murderer in the prison. I think that everything done in that line is well enough in its way, for the prisoner may come out a better man, but I do not think they should stop with or devote all their energies to that one thing. Every one agrees that a murderer should be punished, although there is a differ ence as to what extent. I believe that a fair and just way of solving the prob lem would be this: When a man is sen tenced for murder and is not given the death penalty, which should never bo, he should be put to work in the peni tentiary and the entire fruit of his labor should be given to the family which he has deprived of a bread winner. Of course, the state would lose the money, but the state is not running its peniten tiary as an invesruent. The practice which has been adopted in a few states of not making the prisoner labor should be stopped and the labor, or value of it, applied to the suffering family. I think that the money earned by the prisoner,, when the family does not need help, should go into a fund to be used for other families that do. I mean families who have suffered by murder. The state is supposed to protect its citizens ana when it does not I believe my scheme is about the fairest one that could be proposed to make up for its failure. "I was out on the Pacific coast last month," said a traveling man at the Na tional, and I heard a great deal about r-htnese and the Chinese Question, inci dentally, I saw a great many Chinamen .1 -l.i.lo-ina. f -n tn thpm T do Tint blame the western people for their dislike of the celestial, fciince tne tjninese war peo ple all over the country are saying hard things concerning the Chinese, but prior to the beginning of the war there was an idea prevalent in the east that wesern normie wpre nreiudieed against the -oicctiai for no eood or sufficient rea son. I observed an incident on my trip that ohows how close the inspectors who -atfh for contraband Chinamen who attempt to sneak into this country in spite of the law, keep tab. I was on a train on the Northern Pacific when the engine struck a Chinaman who was try ing to cross a trestle and didn't have enough sense to look for a train before making the attempt, une tram ocupycu and the crew picked him up and carried him to the next town. Out in that coun try no one pretends to know a China v, r v.nt the town at which he was put 'off furnished a doctor who set his broken Donea ana smcneu up m i." Tt hnrawtiwi that I eot off at the same place with the Chinaman, and in a short time 1 neara tnai ine mapetiui tA him a a nnp who had 'run the border. The inspector made him confess by tell ing him that ne was going id uie would be buried without his queue. He ,ni.niiiv exnected to start a laundry, gain a competency aiiu unn. .v i nivino hecause he was a contra band and could not ride as he had no papers that is what put tne inspecLu. on. Whenever a Chinaman is found -oiMnt, rmm nn town to another it is pretty certain that he is a contraband,, 1 his particular eamc" back to cnina witnoui any """ money, which, considering the condition of things in that country at this time, 13, cerainiy hard luck." T bellev the best time I everhad dur ing an election, or, rather, over an elec tion was the first year that women voted in municipal elections in Kansas," said a politician at the Copeland who was dis cussing pjrt events with a few friends. "I was living in the same town in which T now reside and the burning question. as is usuallv the case In Kansas towns, was 'wet' or 'dry.' It was during the spring election and a mayor and part of the council were to be chosen. We knew well enough that tne town wouiu. go wet' if it was left to a vote or tne men. but with the women voting it was miehtv hard to figure now we couiu land our man I was with the 'wet r-rnwrt The candidates were both good men and were of one political faith but thev differed on the temperance policy. Jones was for strict prohibition and Wright din't think it a bad policy to li cense joints. Of course the men who were for Wrteht were careful not to state his policy when talking to the wo men, as a matter of fact they lied about it in a very .cheerful manner and even hinted that Jones leaned toward the Jointists. As a result the women were unable to decide which to support, but one afternoon a few days before election they called a mass meeting in the Meth odist church and, after hearing ad dresses from several women temperance agitators in which they stated that Jones was the man who opposed the li quor element, they pledged themselves to support him. It lookea mignty gloomy for our side, although we did all the work we could ana aeniea mat Wright was for open saloons or saloons of any description. The night but one before election we were holding a con sultation trying to fix up some way out of what appeared to be sure defeat, when a young man who was present advanced brilliant idea. There was a man in town who was a notorious liquor man. He had been arrested time and again for selling liquor and prior to the enactment of the prihlbitory law had run a saloon. This man owned several joints and also owned a transfer line, the only one in town. He had three big transfer wagons. The young man proposed that the next night the night before election we hire the notorious Jolntist to load his three wagons with beer cases and kegs and drive down the main street from the de pot. He also proposed that on each wagon should be seated two men who would yell: 'Hurrah for Jones!' The next night was the regular evening for the town band to give its concert, and we knew the street would be crowded with women, so the idea was at once accept ed. Everything was arranged as sug gested and we were careful to see that all the women were out to hear the band. Just as the band had finished a piece a snout was heard to clear the street and down through the crowded street came the wagons loaded with beer and the men on top shouting for the pro hibitionist Jones. The Jointist himself was on one of the wagons and his voice could be heard above the yells and cries of the crowd. Well, that did the work. Nothing on earth would have persuaded the women to vote for a man who the Jointist favored and they had heard and seen enough to know that he was for Jones. They came to the polls early next day and that night, when the vote was counted, we found that we had won by over 600. It was the young man's bright thought which won the day, and I ex petc some day to see him managing a national campaign." Ton will never find any other Dills so promrt and so pleasant as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. At ail druggists. I'NALUSJIEPLY. Resents Attempt of Successor to Make Campaign Thunder. Says Most of Money Claimed He Collected. THE RATE REDUCTIONS Discusses Question of "Why They Were Lowered. Rating Bureaus and Destruction of Competition. The Republican state committee is sending out considerable literature, prominent among which is a circular discussing insurance in Kansas. This particular circular contains extracts form the report of W. V. Church,, su perintendent of insurance, special refer ence being made and prominence given to that part of the report which at tempts to prove a great reduction in insurance rates during the incumbency of the present state administration. As a matter of fact the last report of the superintendent of insurance is a campaign document, according to the interpretation and action of the state committee. The commute has been circulating this literature very generally and the attention of Webb McNall, who pre ceded Mr. Church in the department, has been called to the document, After examining it Mr. McNall reached the following conclusions: "This insurance report for 1899, which is being used as a campaign document. embraces the business from Januaryl, 1899, until December 31. 1899. I was in the office as superintendent from Janu ary 1 until the morning of March 18, 1S99, two months and fifteen days. During that time I collected and turned into the state treasury, from insurance companies, over J78.000. I also turned over to Mr. Church, my successor in office, some J18.500 of the Firemen's Re lief fund. "This insurance report which is bow being used for campaign purposes shows that Church collected and turned into the treasury for the credit of the general fund ana school runa lor the year, the sum of J100.580.24; to the Firemen' Relief fund the sum of 120,- 140.81. "It is all very well for the administra tion to claim every thing in sight, but I desire to call attention' to the fact that I collected during the two months and fifteen days I was in the office J78.000 of the above amount and turned over to Mr. Church, by personal check on the Central National bank, about J18.500 of the J20.140.81 of the Firemen's Relief fund which Mr. Church says he collected. . "The latest report from the depart ment places great emphasis upon the claim that the administration has been responsible for a material reduction in insurance rates. As to this I will say that during the time I was in the de partment in 1899 Insurance rates were gradually going down all the time, be cause of the fact that competition had been introduced by the shutting out of the Clarkson rating bureau. "The 3tate administration knows and everybody else knows, that the insur ance rates of 1898 were lower than those of 1897 and this was due to the de struction of the Clarkson bureau. "It will be remembered that in 1899 there was a rate war in Topeka brought about by the contest between the union and non-union companies, the conten tion being caused by a war against the non-union companies because commis sions of 20 to 25 per cent were paid by that class of companies while the non union companies paid but 15 per cent. "Frank Thomas, a Topeka local agent with the Continental Insurance companv at his back, one of the strong est companies in the United States, started to cutting rates. Rates were made so low that on a five year policy that had run three years, the policy could be surrendered and cancelled and with the return premium a new policy for five years could be obtained from the Continental. "This was carried on until the union companies surreneded. This fight was responsible for the reductions in the cost of insurance amounting to several thousand dollars and with which the state administration and the insurance department had nothing to do. Yet, we find out now that all this was due to the sagacity of the present administra tion. "This is amusing especially in view of the fact that the rates which were agreed upon by the administration and the insurance companies were higher than those rates which were in force at the time the agreeemnt was made. Insurance men from one end of the state to the other will substantiate this fact. "Another fact is that this administra tion had built up and fostered the Eld redge rating bureau so there is no com petition in insurance rates. Eldredge was a clerk in the Clarkson rating bu reau, so an illegal combination has been protected and permitted to do business under the very nose of the administra tion. "The reductions in rates have been due to causes not in any manner identi fied with the present administration, notwithstanding the fact taht the docu ments printed by the state are being circulated as campaign materia1." BURLINGTON ROUTE. New Through. Train to Portland and j Puget sound. "The Burlington-Northern Pacific Ex- j Dress." a new daily through train from Grand Island for Northwest Ne braska, Black Hills, Wyoming, Mon tana. Washington. Tacoma. Seattle. Puget Sound and Portland, Oregon, via Billings, Montana tne snort line and time saver to the Upper Northwest. To Central Montana in 34 hours; to the Pueet Sound in 61 hours from the Mis souri river. Through coaches and chair cars, through tourist sleepers, through dlninc: car service and standard sleep ers. This is the main traveled road Mis souri river to the Northwest. Number 15. Kansas City and St. Joseph to Nebraska, Denver, Colorado, Utah, Pacific Coast and the Northwest, Montana. Washinjrton, Oregon, via Lin coln and Billings. Weekly California excursions. Number 23, "Nebraska-Colorado Ex press," from Hastings for Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, atid Pacific Coast. To the East: Chicago and St. Louis. greatly improved trains in time and equipment. To the North: Best trams daily to Omaha. St. Paul, Minneapolis and the Lake region. J. C. BRAMHALL. T. P. A. 823 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. L. W. WAKELEY. Gen'l Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. HOWAKO fcliUUlT. Gen'l Manager, St. Joseph, Ma TICT1MS OF DISEASE. Long IJst of Deaths in Philippines Cabled by McArthur. Washington, Aug. 28. A dispatch to the war department from Gen. MacAur- thur dated Manila, August 27. says: Following deaths have occurred since last report: Dysentery August 19, company D, 32d infantry, James Talley; Aug. 11, com pany K, 13th infantry, Arthur J. Swick, Aug. is, company E, 13th infantry Adolph T. Ryer, company C, 46th in fantry; Charles Linderbeck; company L, zbtn infantry, Michael Fallon, Aug. company C, 22d, Irwin S. Lowe; Aug. 8, company A, Z6th infantry, L. Page Aug. 21, company K, 3d infantry; Wm, a. Kent, company E. signal corps. U. S A., Sergeant Marshall S. Green; Aug. 20, company l,42d Infantry, Irving W.Hale company B, 37th infantry,. Wililam Cae sar; Aug. 14, company D, 6th infantry, Charles F. Ellis: Auk. 17. band. 46th. William E. Belding Sprue, Aug. 23, com pany 6za mtantry, Montlcue Stelman. Drowned, August 20, company B, 41st infantry, Worthy Warner, Joseph P. Sin clair; Aug. 23, company C. 24th infantry. Sergeant H E. Gills, Aug. 27, company L, Frank E. Coleman. Variola, July 13, company F, Forty-third infantry. Corporal John E. Whitehead. Typhoid fever, August 9, company L, a iiuomiy, juewia jifc inompson August ti, company a, irorty-eignth In lamry, arnesc ice: August 23. company A, Forty-sixth, infantry, Corporal Roy L. Undetermined, August 18, company M, iuu ijT!iBnui, tnanes A. uowan August 19, company M, Forty-fifth infan j, vv alter xtice. Appenuicits. Julv 22. enmnnnir F IMIne. teenth infantrv. Serereant rf. Heart disease, July 29, troop I, Eleventh uitvairy, josepn. onan. Abcess of liver, July 30, company G. jineieenia mrantry, Andrew Newman. uraemia, August 16. troop A, Eleventh cavairy, wiuiam Joseph. Extensive skin burn, Sugust 22, troop C, Fourth cavalry, cook, George W. Graft. Nephritis. August 12, Contract Nurse xeien xj. tjoenran. Uied from wounds received in action, July 6, company A. Twenty-fourth in- lamry, corporal wiuiam freston. TUberCUlOSiS. Aue-URt IK. pomnnnv TJ signal corps, sergeant Joseph A. Drouin Malarial fever. Julv SI. fnm Nineteenth infantry, William H. Walters! WOMEN AT GOLF. Playing Under Way at the Shinnacock links Today. Southampton, L. 'I., Aug. 28. The women who are competing for the wo man's national golf chamoionshin on the Shinnecock links, got underway this morning, with Mrs. Samuel Bettle and Miss I. G. Goddard leading the pro cession over the links. Miss Toulmon, Miss Beatrix Hoyt and Misa Grosbeck played the course in close onto bogy figures. Miss Hoyt made four of the first seven holes in bogy and two more m one stroke above bogy, while Mrs. Toulmon did three in bogy and the other four in one stroke more than bogy. It was simply a case of eood erolf be ing played as a rule, as each competit or is striving to get within the charm ed circles of the first sixteen who qual ify for the match play which is to con tinue throughout the week. The scores for the eighteen holes in the qualifying round were as follows: Mrs. Samuel Bettle. out 71. in 62-133: Miss M. 1. Goddard, Newport, out 64, in 58-122; Mrs. Edward A. Mammie, Lenox, out 57, in 52-109; Miss E. Gros beck, Cincinnati, out 55, in 62-177; Miss liutn underhill, Nassau, out 56, in 54- 110; Miss Grace Chauncey, Dykermead ow, out 59, in 61-120; Miss C. H. Farrte, Shinnecock, out 55, in 51-106; MiS3 Grace P. Marvin, Albany, out 55, in 57-122 Miss Beatrix Hoyt. Shinnecock Hills, out 49, In 45-94. DR. M'CABE SICK. Well Known Divine's Condition is Serious. Dr. F. S. McCabe was suddenly taken quite sick Sunday morning, and is con- nnea to his bed at his home, 821 Topeka avenue. His friends will be relieved to learn that while he is no better, he is reported today to be no worse. Lr. McCabe has been quite feeble for several years but has not been confined to his bed. Sedalia Storm Was Severe. Sedalia, Mo.. Aug. 28. Additional re ports received today show that the wind storm that struck Pettis county yester day did many thousand dollars worth of damage. There were no fatalities, as it is now known that Charles Hawkins. Frank Umbles and Alexander Travis, who were injured by falling debris will recover. At Dunksburg, the city hall was blown off its foundation and left in tottering condition. At Forest park. three miles south of Sedalia. the roof was blown off the large dancing pavilion, tne front or tne summer theater was de molished and large trees torn up by the roots. The roof of the nourine mill at Lamonte was blown off and a large quantity of wheat damaged by rain. North of Lamonte several barns were unroofed and windmills demolished. DEATHS AND FUNERALS. The funeral of John King who died last Saturday at his home, 334 Kansas avenue, was held this morning at 10 o'clock. The burial was in the Topeka cemetery. Mrs. Jane Jones died last evening at her home on East Gordon street, near the Union Pacific tracks in North To peka at the age of 63. Her death was caused by dropsy. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 10 o'clock from the Good Shepherd church. John Jarrett (colored) died at his home 1931 Harrison street, this morning, of typhoid fever. Funeral announcements will be made later. LOCAL MENTION. The Topeka and Vinewood Park Rail way company has notified the council that they will pave the space between the rails and tracks at the intersection of Monroe and Ninth streets. An insane woman who has been in the hands of the police before was taken in charge last night. She gives the name of Mrs. Mason. She will be taken to the poor farm where she has been before. The police found a box of auger bits last night which were evidently stolen from some mechanic. They can be iden tified at the station. Mrs. M. F. Boyle's house at 400 Fill more street which was damaged by a tree falling upon it during the storm last week is being repaired. Democratic Primary Democratic primary for the Second precinct of the Second ward will be held tomorrow evening, August 23, at eight o'clock at Mr. Hogan's, 314 Kansas ave nue, to elect three delegates to county convention. M. HEERY, Com. ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo $19.00 for the Round Trip. Tickets on sale August 21, Sep tember 4 and 18, final return limit Oc tober 3L AS CURTIS SEES IT. Topeka Congressman Tells Washing ton People of Kansas. Washington, Aug. 28. Congressman Curtis of Kansas, reached .Washington ivioiiuay morning to transact some mat ters of interest to his clients before the postofHce and interior departments. He speaks . of the Republican outlook in Kansas in a most encouraging vein. "In my Judgment," said Mr. Curtis, today, "we will carry Kansas for the Republican ticket by a majority from any where between 20,000 to 35,000. Of course, two or three congressional dis tricts in the state are reasonably close, but the Republican managers have no fear of the outcome and feel confident of being abale to elect a solid delega tion to congress. Every indication thus far in the state points toward the con dition and result I have indicated. The Bryan reception and Populistic notifi cation at Topeka made one of the slow est affairs in a political line which pre tended to be pretentious that has been seen in the state. "By the estimates of the Populists themselves, there were not more than 3,000 people in attendance at the demon stration. Naturally, this was a bitter disappointment to the fusionists of the state, who did not fully realize the ex tent of the defection, within their own ranks until this attempted demonstra tion. The reports which have been re ceived by the state committee indicate Republican gains in all parts of .the state. There are few reports of Repub licans who are leaving the party to join the fusionists, but there are many in stances where the Democrats can not stomach Bryanism 'and have deserted him. "When the people In our state remem ber that the banks at this time have more than J54.000.000 deposited, they ap preciate the conditions of prosperity which nave prevailed in Kansas during recent years. At this time we are having a vast income from our various products. "The people never were in better con dition to receive good Republican doctrine, as they are now receiving good prices for their stock and all products. The people are busy and prosperous, and there is no reason why Kansas should not go Re publican." mr. CTirtis nas received invitations w speak in Minnesota, Oklahoma and Indi ana, but he says he will place himself entirely in the hands of the Republican state central committee of Kansas, and hardly thinks he will leave his own state. He will devote the greater portion of his time to the campaign in his own district -tne mrst. HANNA COMING WEST. Probably to Remain Until the End of the Campaign. New York, Aug. 28. Senator Hanna announced today that he will leave Tuesday or Wednesday of next week for the west, where he expects to re main to the end of the campaign. He said he might possibly return for a couple or days, but that will oepena on the situation. NEGROES' ULTIMATUM. Democrats Told What They Must Do to Get Votes. Indianapolis. Ind., Aug. 28. The Na tional Afro-American council met here todav with an attendance of 400 of the representative coolred men of the United States. Bishop Waiters, president of the organization made his address wmcn was the feature of the day. He said that the colored race was passing througn the most critical period in its history that great wisdom was needed to guide its destinies and that tne race must stand for its natural and constitutional rights, not in a combative, revengeful spirit, but in a manly, courageous way. He pleaded for a full recognition of the privileges accorded to every white citi zen of the United States, denounced the recent disfranchisement amendments passed in North Carolina and accusea the federal government of neglect in not protecting the franchise rights of the negro, tie admlttea tnat prejudice was on the increase, but urged that it is Dest to cease resistance and do by education, industry and character what can not otherwise be peaceably accompnsnea, He urged the race to act independently in politics and declared that politicians must cease to make the negro a pawn in the nolitical came. "Some of us." said he, "have signified our willingness to unte with the Demo cratic party wherever and whenever they will make advantages ror us to ao so. Since we nave taken tne initiative it is for that party to say whether it desires our votes by a consideration m the way of just legislation and kind treatment. Until the southern Democ racy changes its attitude in respect to the civil and political rights or tne ne gro, I do not see how we con consistently help that party into federal power ana 1 cor one will not ao so. AN AGED SWIMMER. Michael Crivello, 90 Tears Old, Aston ishes Men Much Younger. Alton. 111.. Ausr. 28. Michael Crivello. asred 91. (rave a swimminff exhibition at the natatorium last night, to the surprise of the seore or more of youths who thought they were the whole thing in the water, i-ie nrst cumoea up into the tower ana aivea neaa nrst into tne water. The youngsters stood breathlessly around waiting lor the old man to come up. which he did at the farther end of tne Dig lanK, naving maae a dive tnat would do credit to a lad of 20. Then he howed them new tricks In swlmmlnsr. treading water, floating erect and at full length, stimulating the youngsters in an endeavor to Peat him. Mr. Crivello has been a sailor. He at tributes his good health and activity to the fact that he has never drank a drop of intoxicating liquor. Bubonic Plague at Glasgow. Glasgow. Aug. 28. A member of the family (father, mother and child) which was cabled yesterday, had been certified to be suffering from bubonic plague.hav Ing died today, ten families living in their neighborhood have been placed un der medical observation. Today's death was the second which occurred from the plague. Forty families are now isolated. Murderers Overhauled. Lebanon. Mo.. Auir. 2S. A report reached ere todav that Camden county -officers overhaled the two Roger boys who last week murdered young Jesse Waters, at Deeaturville. In an attempt to arrest them, Abe, the elder brother, was killed. The other was taken to Linn creek and placed in custody. Daughters of Liberty. Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 28. The Society of the Daughters of Liberty met today in the hall of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics of which organiza tion it is an auxiliary with 115 delegates in attendance. . The society now has a membership of 48.332, in all parts of the United States. Eleven new councils were organized during the past year. National Fraternal Congress. Boston, Aug. 28. The Fourteenth an nual session of the National Fraternal congress began here today. After the addresses of welcome a business session was begun, - - - .-- WHERE IS EARL LI ? All Trace of the Chinese Statesman Is Lost. Washington, Aug. 28. The state de partment has heard, nothing of any in tention to Interfere with the movements of Li Hung Chang. The report from the French admiral at Taku to the contrary la believed to refer to an incident of the past and not to the . situation - as it stands today. When LI Hung Chans; contemplated a visit to Pekin by way of Taku and the Pel Ho, the foreign ad mirals at Taku at that time the ranking representatives of their governments, held a consultation of war to determine the question as to the amount of freedom to be allowed Li in communicating with the authorities at Pekin. It was then announced that the admirals had decid ed in view of the fact that hostilities were actually in progress that sound military practice required that Li Hung Chang sohuld be kept under a strict sur veillance. By imputation this carried the idea that Li might be kept, not on board a foreign warship, but aboard his own transport in the harbor at Taku at the pleasure of the foreign admirals. Neith er Admiral Remey or Admiral Kempff gave their sanction to this project and it la said here that when Li abandoned the Pekin trip by water, tha project was dissipated. It is a singular fact that Li Hung Chang's whereabouts are not known here. At last account he was at Shang hai; not in the foreign quarter but away back in the Chinese arsenal. Even with the aid of foreign naval force now at Shanghai, it would- be difficult to pre vent his escape on land If Earl Li should determine to retire from Shanghai. Noth ing has been heard from him by our gov ernment since the 18th inst. It is said at the navy department that Admiral Remey, who is watching matters closely at Taku has not comumnlcated with the department today and it is believed that an event of the importance of the de cision said to have been reached by the admirals would promptly have been re ported to the department by him. ine nmese embassy is also ignorant of the whereabouti! of Earl Li. HIS PLAIN STORY WON. From the Omaha World-Herald.l An ungroomed man slouched up to Ed P. Smith in Farnum street the other dav and accosted him as follows: - . Say, mister, if I was to tell you that I wanted a Quarter to eet a Bauare meal. you'd think I wanted it to buy whisky. would you not? "That's exactly what I would think." re plied Smith. "And if I said I wanted a quarter to buy whiskey you'd say you didn't propose to encourage the drink habit, wouldn't you?" That what I d say." "And if I said I wanted a quarter to buy food for a starving wife and eleven chil dren you'd think Z was a liar, wouldn't you : "I would." "Well. say. mister. I want a auarter to pay fer having me mother-in-law's trunk hauled to the depot. Do I get it?" Smith effected a compromise by parting with a dime. Tried the Suspicion Cure. From the Detroit Free Press. "I would be quite happy if my hus band would not spend eo much of his time at his club," said Mrs. Jones with a sigh. "Why didn't you - try the suspicion cure?" said her Intimate friend. 'What in the name of Susan B. Anth ony is the suspicion cure?" asked Mrs. Jones in amazement. "Well, my husband got in the habit of spending his evenings at his club, and I worried over it for some time before I hit upon a plan to to keep him at home. At first I pleaded with him, telling him how lonely I was at home when he was away, but he would only laugh and promise to be home early, which meant midnight or later. Then I changed my tactics. Instead of asking him to re main at home, I urged him to go to his club. The way he raised his eyebrows the first time I suggested it showed me I waa on the right track and I resolved to keep it up. "One might when he came home for dinner he announced that he had a severe headache and would re main home for the evening. I opposed the idea and pointed out that an evening at his club would cause him to forget his headache and do it good. He gave me a hard look, but acted on the suggestion and left for his club. Something told me that he would be back within an hour, so I made an elab orate toilet and waited for him to re turn. He came home as I expected.with the plea that his head was worse and that he couldn't stand the noise at the club. I condoled with him and Ignored his question concerning my elaborate toilet. He hasn't been away for an evening since. It is almost like the old honeymoon, only he appears to have something on his mind that he is not entirely satisfied about." John T. Pish Dies Suddenly Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 28. John T. Fish, aged 66. state solicitor for the Chicago & Northwestern railway, died suddeniv tn. day of heart disease. Hanged For Wife Murder. Atlanta, Ga.. Aug. 28. Hiram Sharp, a " RlllCU Wile 11L1 Ae- cember, in DeKalb county, was hanged at Jealously Causes Murder. Chicago, Aug. 28. Miss Annie Fitzhugh was shot and Instantly killed here today as she was leaving a dance with R. F. Lee. William Harris, said to have hwn jealous of the woman. Is supposed to have done the shooting. Tha people concerned are colored. Society of Munioipal Improvement s. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 28. The Amer ican Society of Municipal Improve ments held the first session of a three days' convention in this city this after noon. The convention will take a strong stand for strict government su pervision of streams to prevent their pollution by sewerage. Death of Capt. Crenshaw. Atlanta. Ga.. Auar. 2ft. Car, -bsmi Crenshaw, Twenty-ninth volunteer in fantry, died here todav. A wound to. ceived at Manila caused his death. Casualties at Chicago. Chlcaeo. Ane. 28. F. W. ITvatt en -iror. - old, a member of Lincoln, Mo., post, was struck by a Lincoln avenue train today and seriously injured. C. J. Martin, Shy lock, Mich., a member of A. Q. Williams post No. 40, was overcome by heat and removed to the hospital. COLORADO FLYER. Vis "Great Rock Island Route." Leaves Topeka 8:10 p. m.. arriving Colorado Springs 10:35, Denver 11:00 o'clock next a. m. Good Medicine For Children. Throuerh the months of June and Jnl our baby was teething and took a run ning off of the bowels and slckneps of the stomach," says O. P. M. Holllday, of Deming, Ind, "His bowels would move from five to eight times a dav. I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the houne and gave him four drops in a teaapoonful of water and he got better at ones," Sold by all druggists. Subscribe for the- Journal.