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rf r-trtf n Ay LAST EDmOM. MONDAY EVENING. TOPEKA, KANSAS. OCTOBER 15, 1900. MONDAY EVENING. TWO CENT T'f V'J . v.. K 5 - . i MEN MUST GIVE I Coal Barons Declare They Will Not Yield. Proposition of the Strikers Will Be Rejected. WILL NOT EVEN LISTEN If It Conies From the Organized Body. Arbitration is Wholly Out of the Question. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 15. Operators who were interviewed last night and asked what are the prospects of the an thracite strike being settled said the men can return to work again as soon as they accept the offer of the companies to increase their wages 10 per cent. Offi cially they do not know of any overtures by the strikers for a settlement on any other basis. They have read of the ac tion of the convention at Scranton, but it was a convention of United Mine Workers and they do not and will not recognize the union. Their, first official knowledge of any proposals by the strikers will be when the men of each company, represented by a committee call on the officials of the company and declare the men have agreed to go back to work if the operators will grant their requests, and then they will submit the resolution of the conven tion as their proposal for a settlement. This is the only way in which the op erators will receive any communications from the men. These probably will be made today and the operators will re turn the answer that the men can either accept or refuse their offer of 10 per cent, us it was made on October 2 and after ward, and as it has remained since un changed. Several of the companies have made no offer of any increase and what an swer they will return is doubtful. The proposal of their employes wiil have to be differently worded from that of the others as it wiil bind the men to return to work providing the operators grant what the convention specified. High in mining circles the end of the strike is not expected for some time and then only by the men giving in. The operators will stand by their first offer and say they will not increase it. Superintendent Lathrop of the Lehigh Valley company said: "The operators will not agree to con tinue the pay of the 10 per cent increase for any fixed time. The other demand, abolishing the sliding scale, does not ap ply to this region although the Lehigh Valley company has some collieries in the Lehigh and Schuylkill region which pay by that system. Here the men are paid by the car. The operators say, however, that the question of the slid ing scale was not discussed at any meet ing of tne operators and it is impossible to say what they would do about it. The impression is that the operators would not object greatly to trying a new sys tem of payment. "As to arbitration, the operators are utterly opposed to it and will refuse it in any form. They are willing to take up any grievances with their men, but they have always been so and this is no change. Markie's experience with ar bitration, they say, has shown them the folly of trying it, because it is altogether one sided. Despite the fact that each of Markie's 2,000 employes had signed a contract to submit to arbitration any grievances they had, they all went on strike at President Mitchell's order without attempting arbitration. The op erators declare an agreement to arbi trate would be binding to one side only; that they would be held to it and the men wo'ld not." MINERS ARE HOPEFUL. Shamokin, Pa., Oct. 13. Not a colliery resumed operation in this portion of the coal region this morning. While miners generally think the terms of the conven tion will be accepted by operators and coal carrying companies, operators here abouts insist that so far as they are concerned they will not unless forced to by the coal carrying companies, sign an agreement to pay JO per cent advance. The Shamokin ana Mount Carmel dele gations returned from Scranton last night. George Hartlein, secretary of dis trict No. 9 made this statement: "The terms, I believe wiil be accepted by operators giving their approval through newspapers and notices posted about the collieries. Miners will not go to work until President Mitchell de clares the strike off officially. Big dem onstrations will be held throughout the region on the day previous to work be ing resumed. I think the collieries will be working before next Saturday. The companies will take up the grievances with their own employes and redress them while work is going on." FIFTH WEEK OF THE STRIKE. Hazleton, Fa., Oct. 15. The fifth week of the coal miners' strike opened quietly. The few collieries that have continued in operation since the strike was inaug urated are working as usual today with the same number of men they had in the mines last week. Not oi-.e of the col lieries, however, is working full handed. The Cranberry mines of A. Pardee & Co. have mare mun at work than any of the few other mints still in operation. The company claims to have more than half of its men at work. Two crowds gathered this morning, one at No. 40 shaft of the Lehigh Valley Coal company in this city and the other at the Cranberry mine on the outskirts of the town, but they dispersed before daylight without causing any trouble. The march planned for this morning to the Panther Creek valley whefe a majority of the mines are still in opera tion was called off on account of rain. President Mitchell will return from Scranton this afternoon. APPEALS FOR HELP. Want and Ruin Follow in Wake of the Strike, New York. Oct. 13. A Herald special from Hazleton, Pa., says: Want and ruin have followed in the wake of the strike in the anthracite re gion. Families who lived in comfort while the mines were in operation non feel the pinch of privation and the bare necessaries of existence seem like lux uries; business men upon whom prosper ity had smiled, have been brought to the verge of bankruptcy: thriving towns have become stagnant, casual travelers have forsaken them and newspaper cor respondents and labor leaders constitute the most important element in the float ing population. Xiie production of coal constitutes the sole industry of this section. There Is no farming in the neighborhood of col lieries. The land is rocky and barren. It has been stripped of timber, and stunted pines.oaks and underbrush straggle over hill and dale. Vast breakers are scat tered about, each one supporting a, set tlement of miners with shabby cottages. Enormous culm banks show how great the underground work has been. There are miles of subterranean passages in mine sthat have been in operation for half a century and in which the supply is expected to last for three centuries to come. When President Mitchell's order for a strike went into effect four weeks ago, every mine in the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys came to a sudden stop and work was suspended in many parts of the Schuylkill and Lehigh districts, leaving only the comparatively small Panther Creek section in full operation. Since then the missionary efforts of organizers of the United Mine Workers have resulted in the closing of the ma jority of the remaining collieries, the neighborhood of Tamaqua alone escap ing. Strikers who had some little money on hand for an emergency have cut their living expenses down to a mini mum, buying nothing but food, and lit tle of that. In many instances they are able to obtain some credit from local dealers, but the bills cannot run very high. Merchants who had large orders out standing when the strike began. prompt ly cancelled them, refusing to make pur chases until the trouble ended. Commer cial travelers, usually the best patrons of the hotels, changed their routes, aS they could sell nothing in the coal re gions. The theaters have been unable to attract audiences and many of the best attractions that had been booked can celled their dates, to the further detri ment of the hotel keepers. As there was little coal to be hauled, the coal railroads had to lay off the crews or most ot their coal trains. There are actually in the enormous yards at Mauch Chunk, several hundred coal cars which under normal conditions should be scattered on railroads from the At lantic to the Pacific. In many towns it is now impossible to obtain coal for do mestic use at any price. A prominent resident of Mount Carmel,' who did not take the precaution to lay in a supply says he could not buy a ton. The in convenience of having to depend upon kood fires will be appreciated by every householder. The stagnation of trade here, is of course felt by the manufacturers and wholesalers of the eastern cities, who furnish the supplies, and as the mer chants can obtain no cash from their customers, they must appeal to their creditors for leniency. Appeals are be ing made to the United Mine Workers organization for funds for the relief of destitute strikers, who can get no credit. SAVED. Capt.Shields and Party Rescued From Filipinos. Washington, Oet-15 The following ac count of the rescue of Capt. Shields and his command from the Filipinos has been received at the war department: Manila, (no date) Adjutant General, Washington. "Information from Mar induque just received that Capt. Shields and 48 men, company E 29th regiment United States volunteer infantry; two corporals company C, 29th regiment, one civilian, American negro prisoners in hands of insurgents have been turned over to Gen. Luther R. Hare. More par ticulars soon giving names killed and wounded. MAC ARTHUR." B LKTOX AND GRIMES. Sixth. District Politicians Here to Dis cuss Them. Several Sixth district politicians spent Sunday at the Copeland. They were here in the interests of Burton's candi dacy forfthe United States senate and also to discuss the Grimes case. During the afternoon they went in a body to the state house and talked the situation over. Those present were: Cy Ander son, receiver of the Colby land office; Robt. McGonigal, postmaster of Colby; Frank Lockard, postmaster of Norton; J. C. Brown, of Norton, who was a free silver Republican in 1896. but is a Burton boomer this year; J. R. Burrow, a Smith Center banker and late delegate to the national Republican convention; C. C. Evans, of Hoxie, treasurer of Sheridan county, and Geo. H. Case, of Mankato, Jewell county. AFTER ELECTION The Snpreme Court W ill Take Up the Neeley Case. Washington, Oct. 15. The supreme court today granted motions advancing the Neeley case and the cases involving the question of the extension of the con stitution over the Philippines and Porto Rico to the second week in November. A number of minor decisions were hand ed down todav. CHOKER MAKES DENIAL. Says Tammany Has Not Given a Cent to Campaign Committees. New York. Oct 15. Richard Croker today emphatically denied the story that $50,000 had been contributed by him as coming from Tammany hall to the Dem ocratic national committee. "This com mittee has not given one single dollar," he said, "to either the Democratic state or the Democratic national committees. It is not true." he continued, "that the dinner for Bryan tomorrow night is to cost $50 a plate. It will cost $5 a plate." DEATHS AND FUNERALS. Alice Virginia McGiffin, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McGiffin of 700 Home street, died Saturday afternoon. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon and the burial was in the Topeka cem etery. Walter Dunlap died last night at his home. 1254 Harrison street, of malaria. Funeral announcements will be made later. Mrs. Martha A. McIntoh died at the home cf her son, W. O. Mcintosh, in Wichita, Friday. The remains were brought to Topeka fcr burial. Mrs. Mc intosh formetly lived in Topeka, Weather Indications. Chicago, Oct. 15 Forecast for Kansas: Partly cloudy tonight ar.d Tuesday, with possibly showers in south portion; cooler Tuesday and in southeast portion to night; northerly winds. GOIMESRECALLED State Treasurer Again Placed on the Stand. Remains Firm in His Assertions of Innocence. ANOTHER MISSING MAN. This Time It is County Attorney Crura. Mr. Grimes' Attorneys Want to Find Him. At 9 o'clock, the hour fixed for resum ing the taking of depositions in the Grimes case, this morning there were present Attorneys Doran and Waters representing the prosecution and Mr. Hite and Mr. Garver representing the defense. During the wait Justice McClintock telephoned Sheriff Cook, who will to day summon the officers of the other banks. Fred Freeman responded to a call by telephone, said: "I have not been summoned. So I want to consult my lawyers." At this moment Mr. Hite said to Mr. Waters: "Joe, have you heard from Crum?" "Have you heard from Willard?" re torted Waters. "No-o," said Hite with surprise. "Where the deuce is Crum?" continued Hite. "He is probably chasing Willard,"said Waters. "And Crum's associates are chasing rainbows," said Hite. "Well, we'll see," said WTaters. "Between us,"said Judge Garver, "Joe whom do you represent?" "The great state of Kansas which Mr. Godard does not," said Waters. "But you didn't get that shave you made so much fuss about," said Garver to Waters. "I'll confess false pretenses on that," said Waters. At 9:15 Mr. Grimes and his stenogra pher arrived. The treasurer was placed on the stand by Mr. Waters and at 9:20 the hearing was resumed. "Did you call Willard by telephone?" said Mr. Waters. "Yes." "What day?" "I don't remember," said Grimes. "Where was he?" "At Lake View." "Did you talk to him?" "No, I asked him when he was com ing home. He told me and that was all." "What was your reason for calling him ?" "T knew that it seemed to be the pur pose to persecute and ruin me. There were all sorts of rumors flying around and I wanted to talk with Willard." "What did you talk about in your of fice after he came home?" "I don't remember." "What did he say?" "Nothing so far as his knowledge of this case was concerned." "Why did you get the pass for him?" "Because he had asked me for it." "Did you ask him when he was com ing back?" "No." "You knew that Willard was a first class witness for you if you had nevr-r received money from that bank while he was cashier?" "Yes; but I didn't know he was going to stay away." "Did you ever have a talk with Wil lard, Freeman or any one connected with that bank, even in a 'joshing' wav, about this money you were to receive?" "Perhaps I did, but I don't remember." "Did you ever ask P. I. Bonebrake or Edwin Knowles, of the Central National bank, for interest, or a bonus, or gra tuity?" "No, sir." "You say without reservation that you have never received from any person on earth a cent of money for the use of this money?" said Waters. "No, sir; I never have," said Grimes, with emphasis. "If money has gotten into your pocket during this time it was by accident?" "That's a silly question," said Grimes. "Well, answer it," said Waters. "I won't pay any attention to it. Tou know there's nothing in it," replied Grimes. Upon an objection from the defense to questions concerning the statement al leged to have been made by Willard that he was in the habit of paying Grimes interest at stated periods, Mr. Waters digressed in another direction, and closed the examination. Mr. Grimes on cross-examination said he did not talk to Willard about leaving town, and that nothing had Been said about the alleged interest payments to Grimes. Mr. Grimes was excused and Mr. Free man, -who was accompanied by his at torney, Cliff Histed. was called. MR. FREEMAN ON THE STAND. "Have you ever heard, seen, or par ticipated; or is there in existence any record, which would indicate the pay ment to Grimes of any bonus, interest, or gratuity?" "I have not, and there is no record of any such transaction." said Freeman. "Do you know of any such payment?" "I do not." Mr. Waters here asked Mr. Freeman to produce the books. This Freeman did not do, but read a statement, prepared by his attorney, de clining to do so. because, as Mr. Free man said, "it would be an unwarrant able disclosure and a breach of trust towards the customers and those en gaged in business with it, were I to pro duce or submit its books, papers and records to general inspection. I am ad vised that it would be a violation of my official duties as cashier of the bank to permit this to be done. I therefore respectfully decline to produce these Looks." "Do you refuse?" said Waters.. "I will furnish you a transcript of our records showing the transactions .with Mr. Grimes, the making and payment of that note for $500, but will not pro duce the books." Mr. Waters then stated that he de sired to see the records to ascertain whether Grimes had been paid money under cover cf some item of expense. Mr. Freeman said this could be done, but he thought it had not been done. "Have you some notes of Willard's not paid, and charged off?" "Decline to answer that," said Attor ney Histed. "That's a fine question?" said Hite. "Who paid you?" said Grimes. Waters did not heed the question. 1 "As an officer of the bank, can you I tell me how we can find out whether Willard paid Grimes money for use of the state tunds .' "I can not," said Freeman. "Do you refuse to produce the book or books containing F. E. Grimes' ac count?" "Yes, sir." "Do you refuse to produce any part of it?" "Yes, sir." "Will you produce the account of F. G. Willard?" "No, sir, I will not." "No inspection of those books 'Will be permitted?" "No, sir." "I will furnish a transcript of Grimes' account, and permit Mr. Crum to verify it, but I will produce no books," said Freeman. "Now.if the court please, we want those books," said Waters. "I decline to furnish the books." "What books do you want?" said Hite. WILL NOT SHOW BOOKS. "We ask you to produce the original discount book showing the making of the Grimes and Richey note, the books showing if interest has been paid, and the book or books showing the Grimes transaction in full." "I will furnish a transcript but no books." "Will you produce the books contain ing the account of F. E. Grimes?" said Waters. "I will furnish a transcript, which Mr. Crum can verify." "Is that all you will do?" "Yes, sir." Waters then made another demand for the books and Freeman again declin ed, but renewed the offer of a trans script. WILL MOT PRODUCE BOOKS. Mr. Waters added to his demand all letters or correspondence between the bank and Mr. Grimes, and the records showing the condition of the business the day the Grimes note was paid. Mr. Histed, as attorney for the bank, stated that the line of examination pur sued by the prosecution "was an unwar ranted attempt to explore the business of the bank and exhibit to the public the internal affairs and individual ac counts of the bank. There is involved here the power of any court to compel the cashier, as a witness, to bring the books into court. If this case was be ing carried on in good faith the prose cution would accept the offer of the wit ness to furnish a transcript. Such a demand as this deprives the witness and the bank of the constitutional protec tion guaranteed under the search and seizure clause. "The bank is not a party to this suit. Mr. Freeman Is the witness summoned by the prosecution. Now, if they de sire to impeach their own witness, the additional absurdity appears." "We desire to amend our demand by asking for a record of Mr. Willard's notes," said Waters. Mr. Hister', who had sat down, quick ly rose and said: "You might with equal propriety de mand that the bank exhibit Mr. Water's private account. There is where the in sincerity and absurdity of this case ap pears. Mr. Willard is charged with a crime while he is away and can not be heard. There is neither sense nor law in these demands." Mr. Hite offered to submit Mr. Grimes' pass-book, and said: "We desire to furnish all the aid we can towards a complete and exhaustive examination of the matter, and the rec ords in Mr. Grimes' office are open to your investigation at any time." Mr. Doran said: "We have no dispo sition to violate the search and seizure clause of the constitution, nor to cause Mr. Freeman to violate the obligation or duties of his office. We think the rec ords will show the payment of money to Grimes for interest. We think we are entitled to the records, and so insist upon the demand." Then there was another controversy as to the whereabouts of Crum and Willard, which was terminated by the judge asking for time to look up the law to determine the attitude which Mr. Freeman had assumed by refusing to produce the records. The -attorneys then suggested an ad journment until 2 o'clock, to accommo date the judge, and the hearing was ad journed. If the court orders Freeman to pro duce the books, he will again refuse. If an order of commitment is issued, habeas corpus proceedings for Free man's release will be immediately filed by Mr. Histed. The books of the. bank will not be produced before Mr. Mc Clintock. The bank will fight this prop osition through all the courts before submitting the records except a tran script of the Grimes transaction, al though Mr. Grimes and his attorneys announced their willingness to have the . bank records produced. j EMPLOYED BY THOMAS. At the opening of the Grimes hearing this afternoon, T. F. Doran, attorney for the prosecution said: Frank S. Thomas, treasurer or tne Democratic state central committee, is the man whs employed us to prosecute this case." Mr. Doran prefaced his statement by saying: "There seems to be considerable anxiety on the part of the defense as to the identity of the parties behind this suit. If it will please them we will pro duce that man in court here tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock." "Suits us," said Hite and Garver. "In the meantime," said Mr. Hite, "can't you tell us who it was." "Yes, sir. It was Frank S. Thomas." Justice McClintock announced this af ternoon that he would not be able to give a decision on the points involved by the refusal of Mr. Freeman to produce the books of the bank before tomorrow. The prosecution offered no objections to this but announced they would pro ceed with the examination of witnesses this afternoon. MR. WARE TESTIFIES. E. F. Ware was placed on the stand. He is a director of the Central National bank. Mr. Ware testified that Frank Willard had talked to him about the banks pay ing interest on state funds,' but before Mr. Grimes" term as treasurer. Objections, as to this conversation be ing brought into this case caused Mr. Doran to proceed in another direction. Mr. Ware testified tnat he had heard of such payments, but that he had no personal knowledge of such payments having been made. , Asked what v mard had told him, Mr. Ware said: "I prefer, if I may be permitted to act as my own legal adviser, to not answer that question because it would only in jure another person, as "St was told to me prior to the time Mr. Grimes was a candidate." "Upon these grounds we will excuse you," said Mr. Doran. CLOSING SCENES SATURDAY. The Grimes case had rather a stormy closing Saturday afternoon, owing to a spirited controversy between the attor neys for the prosecution and the defense. The prosecution declined to proceed tin til Monday morning, stating as a reason therefor that it was the desire to ex amine the books of the Merchants' Na tional bank and to complete the testi mony being given by F. W. Freeman, the cashier. When Mr. Freeman was asked if he could produce the books and records of the bank showing the transactions with reference to making the renewal and payment of the note signed by Mr. Grimes as principal, Freeman replied that the documents were locked up and that he had failed in an effort made just prior to responding to the summons to -work the combination. "I can not open the vault, but perhaps I can find the men who have the com' bination," said Mr. Freeman. "You can get the books Monday morn ing by 9 o'clock?" asked Mr. Doran. "I think so," replied Freeman. "Upon the statement of this witness we ask for an adjournment until Mon day morning," said Mr. Doran. "Don't let 'em adjourn," exclaimed Grimes rising quickly to his feet and crossing the room to his lawyers. "Make them go ahead; we want to get through with this persecution," said Grimes to Mr. Hite, Mr. Larimer, and Judge Garver, who had by this time ap peared to take part in the case. "Before such an order is made," said Mr. Hite, "I desire to make a statement to go into the record." "Proceed, Horatio," said J. G. Waters. "To an adjournment at this time the defense desires to object and protest. It is a delay which we do not want. This case, as we all know, is one of persecu tion, and we want it to proceed." "Is that all you want?" interrupted Doran. "W e want you to show your hand," re torted Hite. "You'll be sorry when we do," said Doran. "Mr. Grimes is present," continued Mr. Hite, "and Mr. Devlin, Mr. Wear, Mr. Macferran and Mr. Mills are at the other end of a telephone waiting to be called. There is no good reason why this matter should be adjourned." "There is one other witness, Willard. You sent him away," said Waters. "We are here to defend this case now," said Hite: "We want to place our witnesses on the stand in order in the order which suits us. We are not attempting to please the defense in this matter and we will not proceed this afternoon," said Mr. Doran with emphasis. "Send for Willard," snapped Waters. "You'll bring him back before this case ends." "Tell you what I'll do," said Waters pointing his finger at Hite. "Wager you the cigars that before another week a telegram goes from Grimes or some of the rest of you to Willard saynig, Tt is imperative that you be here. The safety of the Republican party demands your testimony.' " "Why didn't you summon him," said Hite ignoring the challenge. "We did," said Doran. "I guess not," replied Hite. "But, we did," responded Doran. "Where?" queried Hite. "At his house." Mr. Hite That's no service and you know it. Mr. Waters We would have served him -had you not furnished him a pass and hustled him out of town. Mr. Hite The prosecution must pro duce some'legai reason for an adjourn ment. Justice McClintock had been busy for several minutes with his telephone. He turned to the lawyers and said: "I have called Mr. Mills. Mr. Doran We won't use him. Then Mr. Hite and Mr. Doran had a few passages over the absence of Mr. Crum, the county attorney who swore to the petition. The defense had been re peatedly assured that Mr. Crum would be present but the prosecution was con stantly plied with questions concerning the absent lawyer. While this was pro ceeding with vigor W. W: Mills, a direc tor of the Merchants National bank ar rived. Justice McClintock Mr. Mills is here now. Mr. Waters We want Mr. Freeman and his books and we won't proceed until we get them. Justice McClintock It seems to me that we should proceed with these depositions until 5 o'clock. Mr. Waters Well, 1 want to quit Be cause I want to get shaved and the Lord knows Doran needs it, too. Mr. Hite shaves every day, so he looks all right. Then we have Sunday marketing to do and I can t go to church unless I get shaved. "Ha, ha, ha." came uproariously irom every man in the room at this. .Tiistice McClintock again urged work but Doran and Waters both turned on him and exclaimed: "It's up to you judge; what are you going to say?" The justice got down his law books while Mr. Hite, said: "The prosecution of this case or perse cution has been publishing its con clusions in the newspapers and looking for proof. In justice to the man wno has been attacked; whose character has been assailed, we insist that the case proceed. We would also like to see Mr. Crum." Mr. Waters Had it not been for the fact that the defense had through Mr. Grimes secured a pass and spirited Wil lard out of town we would proceed with him. I want to say that I think this action on the part of the defense was outrageous and I desire to add that I use the wxrd in its most offensive sense. If Mr. Grimes is an honest man and is proven innocent this case will help him. We desire to proceed with our witnesses in the order which we have named and we will proceed in no other way. Justice McClintock announced that he had no jurisdiction to pass upon the question of proceeding in response to the demand of the defense. "I am simply an administrative officer in this mat ter." he said. "We demand that these depositions be closed," said Mr. Hite. "It seems to me that all I can do is to assent to the adjournment until Monday morning," said the judge. To this the prosecution agreed by picking up the documents before them and leaving the room. The judge resum ed his other work and the defense loit ered down the stairs and up the street the lawyers and Mr. Grimes expressing the opinion that the case was about to fail. Saturday afternoon Mr. Freeman was examined and the defense to prevent the adjournment completed the cross-examination of Mr. Cole; and in part cross examined Mr. Grimes. Mr. Hite's questions to Mr. Cole were brief, the inquiry being to ascertain if Messrs. Crum, Waters or Doran had called at the auditor's office to make in quiry concerning these balances. "Not to my knowledge," replied Mr. Cole. F. W. Freeman, cashier of the Mer chants National bank, telephoned that the vaults of the bank were locked and that he could not bring the books. "We might just as well adjourn until Monday morning said Derran. "We insist on going ahead." said Hite. "Don't adjourn," said Grimes. "We won't go ahead without the books." said Doran. "And ask for an adjournment until 9 o'clock Monday." (Continued on Seventh Page.) AGAINSTjJICHOLS Detailed Statement From Citi zens' Committee. Why So Many Republicans Are Opposing Him. AGAINST ALONE. Committee Fighting Nominee For County Attorney Only " Whom We Know and Proved Received Have "So Called Nomination by Gross and Glaring Fraud." The citizens' committee in charge of the organization opposing the election of Galen Nichols as the "so-called nom inee" of the Republican party for coun ty attorney has issued an address "to the Republican voters of Shawnee coun ty. ' It sets forth the history of the movement and gives specific Eeasons for the opposition. The committee is em phatic in its statement that its organi zation is opposing only the nominee for county attorney and is making no fight on any other candidate on the Republi can ticket. The address is given below: Topeka, Kan., Oct. 10, 1900. To the Republican Voters of Shawnee County: We, members of the Republican party acting as a committee, having in charge the conduct of the canvass of the "Cit izens' " candidate for county attorney, submit for your careful consideration the facts presented in the following ad dress: HISTORY OF THE "CITIZENS' " MOVEMENT. Immediately following the primaries called by the Republican party last spring a mass meeting of Republicans was called to protest against the illegal and corrupt practices resorted to at those primaries by which Mr. Galen Nichols appeared to have a plurality of 152 votes for county attorney. This mass meeting appointed a committee of 200 to wait upon the Republican county central committee and ask for a recount of the ballots and an investigation of the fraud and corruption which were specifically charged to have been committed in be half of Mr. Galen Nichols. This com mittee appeared before and stated its charges to the central committee. That body, without either recounting the bal lots or investigating the charges, declar ed Mr. Nichols the nominee on the face of the returns. The committee reported to the mass meeting what had been done, and thereupon, a sub-committee of 14 was appointed with full power to can vass the ability, popularity, and charac ter of the attorneys at the Shawnee county bar, and from the number to choose one and take the necessary steps to nominate the one chosen by petition as the "Citizens' " candidate. The com mittee after a full and careful investiga tion selected George W. Clark, ex-judge of the court of appeals, a lawyer of un questioned ability and unimpeachable honor, who has declared that if elected he will enforce all the laws of this com monwealth in Shawnee county.and nom inated him in accordance with their' in structions by a large petition contain ing over 1.4(h) names, more than throe fourths of whom are staunch and tried Republicans. It Is that committee that now addresses you and asks for your suffrage in behalf of Mr. Clark. STATEMENT OF THE FACTS. This election was not held In accord ance with the instructions issued by the county central committee. The Judges of election in the city were directed to take the name and the residence of each voter when accepting his ballot. In cer tain precincts this direction was not fol lowed and in those precincts the vote was of such a magnitude and character as to excite suspicion and lead to an in vestigation. Two of these precincts were the west precincts in the First and Sec ond wards. The returns of these pre cincts were tested by two methods: On by comparison with votes at former elections; the other by an investigation of the names which appeared as voters upon the tally sheets. FIRST. BY COMPARISON. On July 23, 1S9S, a sharply fought Re publican' primary was held over the question of senator and county attorney. T. J. Anderson, and T. A. Mi Neal, were the candidates for senator, and A. ,1. Jetmore and H. G. Larimer, were the condidates for county attorney. The contest was spirited and more than the ordinary primary vote was brought out. A comparison of the vote on that occa sion with the vote now under consider ation, is startling: 1 R93. 1900. First ward, first precinct 11 325 First ward, second precinct.. 290 First ward total 471 Second ward, first precinct.. "47 Second ward, second precinct 311 Second ward, third precinct.. 511 nr.r, 6:i7 419 14 Second ward total 558 1.070 In other words, in the first precinct of the Second ward, the vote at the primar ies in 1900 was 290 greater than at the primaries in 1N98: and in the two wards, the primary vote of 1900 is about double the primary vote of 1X90. This showing is very significant, but there is another comparison which is even more striking: The general election of 3S9K was for state officers. Every vote counted, and the most vigorous efforts were made to poll a full Republican vote, resulting-in the election of Stanley for governor. Un fortunately compa rison can not be made precinct by precinct, because the elec tion precincts were not the same as the primary precincts, but the comparison can be made by wards: First ward, vote for Stanley f.2 First ward, vote in 1900 primary.. Excess of the primary vote of 1900 ..over the general election vote of 1S98 m Second ward, vote for Stanley S0J Second ward, vote for primary of 1800 1,070 Excess of the primary vote of 1900 over the general election vote of 1S9S 2C7 In the two wards therefore, the ordi nary Republican vote at a state election is 1,455. The vote at the primary of 1900 was, however. 1.3i S, an excess over the Re publican vote at the general election of 1S9S of 451 votes. What does this excess over the pri mary election and the general election cf lsSS mean? Let every intelligent voter supply the answer. These 451 votes were either never cast at all or they were by repeaters or by persons tui vi. u - ; entitled to vote at a K public an r mary. The worst precincts are of tour' ! first precinct of the Sicond ward a - i second precinct of the First ward. " i these are precisely the precinct win- 's gave Mr. Nichols his great majority. In these two precincts the vote two -e,n. ago at the Republican primary gated 537; this year the vote in Ui'-m-two precincts aggregated 1.14S. In lt:. first precinct of the Second ward, II majority of Nichols over ,Spencer in a.-, and in the second precinct of the FIim ward his majority is 177. It is a common exrerii nee that the R" publican vote on election day i ,!.! p. r cent, larger than the vote that kci n. to the primaries. Thus, in tie- KIim ward the primary Vote two yours a r for county attorney was 471, and the vunt cast for the Republican nominee si t ti election following was tit.l; but the vol. at the Republic an primary in 19i, n f.. as these two ward are conrei ned. Is ,pe ? the reverse, and it Is about on ttn. ! larger than the normal Republican "i on gt-neral election day. If all the Re publican voters in the two wards attend ed the primaries, then there are oi,!m 450 votes to be accounted fur, but it i absurd to suppose that this is tne ac . An excess of 450 votes over the noMie.t Republican vote of the wards mm, I seem to point at least to C00 illegal vol. in the two wards. We were thus forced, by the compait son above instituted, to conclude that wholesale fraud had been pe-rpel t a i e-s , and we could have but little ilmiirt m whose behalf the wrong had b'-'u wrought, when we remembered that Mi. Nichols' friends. plentifully stipple- ' with beer, were in control oi the poii hi these particular precincts: that tie strenuously resisted Inve si Ign t loii of the election, and that the i rural c c 1 1 1 n i i i -te- refused to even recount the baM.ii-. although requested to do by a Ian: i number of as good men and rnr;s i e tious Republicans as there are in Shaw nee county. Thereupon we instituted an in vestigation of the names that appeal'1 I upon the oll tKloks a voters at lb pri mary in the firnt precinct of the S ward and the second precinct of ll First ward. INVESTIGATION OF THE NAME.-; RECORIJEl AS VOTERS. It will be remembered that In tie e two precincts the judgen did net fi.llcv the instructions of the cential cMinmiiti- e to take the name and residence. (lf ea a voter. They took the name only. Hence, the only means of testing the identity of each voter was by examining the ciiy directory and by the personal know eii e of men w ho wete well acquainted m ii ! the voters in the precincts. Employing these tests, we have ascertained that i i the doubtful precinct of the j ml ward 77 persons voted that day who wei -well-know n Populists ami 1 letnoi ra I h, and that over 250 names appear on the tally sheets as having voted that do not appear in the city directory, nor weie they known at all to half a men who were residents of and well ac quainted in the pre.inct. On the tally pheets of the doubtful precinct of Uis First ward appear the names of .'!!! pop ulists and democrats and U7 others who were unknown to well-known citizen and voters of the precinc t, and whose names do not appear in the city direc tory. In Kaw precinct, Dover township. th total vote cast was t0: of these L'n vn i? Democrats and Populist. Mr. Ni hoit,' vote in this precinct wa 44, Mr. Spen cer's 5. and Mr. Dorans P. For whom was Kaw's illegal vote cast? Mr. Nichols' plurality over Mr. Spen cer in the county w as 152. The process of investigating names which appear t pon the tilly sheets as voters at this elec thin is still going on. but the alcove fact-c. coupled with the strange coini idc in e that the precincts merit ioneel Bn. those at which the brewers supplied the inost beer, are the precincts where the stca' est preponderance of Illegal and ot'i -party voters were cast, and are those where Mr. Nichols received his h'.tvie-M vote, convince every sensible man that Mr. Nichols is not the rightfully de clared nominee of the Republic an party lor the ofiice of count y a t tor. icy. We a i . r.ot alone In this conclusion. Tin- rip utable Republican press of the county n with us In this contest. The Capital. tie State Journal and th" Mall unci I h i c z . immediately alter the primaries, con demned the illeijnllty and fraud resor i. .( to in ur measure,! terms, and the- two great dailies first named are still unite,! in the dec'aration that Mr. Nic-hols rcne-.-be defeated in order to rightly fiilis'ii good government and the- best Intel of the t Republican purty in Sluiui county. Ol'R DUTY AS REPrr.r.lCAN.-;. The principles of the Republican pari y have been assailed and the will of it,., majority of the Republican voteis of Shawnee county def-ated by a icurup: minority with the assistance of the- cor rupt element of other panic s. When redress is asked for. we are told that, none can be givju; that we niu--t sub mit and volt foi a imin nonimiitc d by fraud with the he lp "f money no I li'iuors. furnished by ine;n of a re ighboi ing f tate whose only business In thi state is to carry away its mom y, d-:y Its laws and corrupt its citizens. Republieans of Shawnee county, wi'l you permit this violation of your right'.' If you dec, you bid farewell to that prin ciple of the Re publican party which has been insisted upon with great earriepi ness and without shadciw of turning far nearly half a century, namely, a f ur fle-ction and an honest count, a principle Which is fundamental and essemlal to our very existence as a repre sent a t Is government. In opposing Mr. Niehol. we champion Republican principles. You will never have a be tter c to re bu cis fraud within our own paity, and at the same time give little comfort to the opposition. You are not ecpporlnw. ten i we are not opposing the Republican t'tket by fu doing. We are only oppos ing that portion or it which Is tHiun-.l with fraud. We ask you te do- the same, and while party obligations bind ii to vote for every name in tin- I ;i oubl i, a n column fairly nominated, this does net spply to the county attorney. There oa fhould vote fur George- W. Clark, on the "Citizens' " ticket. Our tight as a cciiu mittee extends to no other name on th--ticket, anei by re fusing to tiippei- ji r. Nichols we believe we are moio pearly in harmony with RepubiUan principle, than many of those who will vole for him. Do not be deceived by the- spec ioux ar gument that it is your duty to vote I Mr. Nichols becuuse you voted hi the primaries. If thej primary bad be en :c lair one; if Republicans eerily had vof-cl if there haci Im eti no repeating: if there had been a true count, an hemest re turn and a fair examinaiion e,f chaefc- made, and then u bad been shown tna: Mr. Nichols had been nominated, part' fealty would have requiied that yon !- your suffrage in hi.-s be-half. Hut wheel an honest examination of ll! poll leeecks shows that he was not nominated by a plurality of the Republicans voting at that time, hut that be. or some boei act ing in his behalf, se-cured the castinic of at least 5"0 ill', gal vote, as is shon n (Continued on p.'.h l'.jfe.)