Newspaper Page Text
TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 15. 1900. In ANNUAL TOO' 6 OUR SALE And to celebrate the beginning of Our at the lowest possible prices. Children' Ages 3 to 9, good wearing Boys' black A. suits $1.25 Boys' fancy cassimere suits. . $1.50 Boys' check and stripe suits. $2. OO Bovs' fine cassimere suits, check and black ?2.SO Boys' elegantly made and fine fit ting cassimers cheviot and black clay vestee suits $3.00 Boys' fine quality cheviot, made with combination vest, and fine qual ity cassimere vestee suits -$4.00 Extremely fine nobby cheviot, worsted and cassimere vestee suits $5.00 Neat brown and tan effects, checks and stripes, in worsted, made with silk, combination vests the finest in the market $6.00 and $7.00 BOYS' SUITS Ag-es 9 to 15 Good grey Oxford twill $1.00 Black or blue cheviot suits.. $1.25 Boys' union check suits good wearing $1.50 Boys' cheviot suits, a bargain in tended for $3.00 suits $2.00 Boys' finest suits in brown, plaid and grey fine wearers $2.50 Boys' cheviot and cassimere suits good enough for anybody, at..$3.00 Ouf line of Boys' Suits from $4.00 to $S.OO is worth seeing. We carry a Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' Boys' Men's Un- Men's ; Men's Straw Men's Men's Initial Men's Men's Men's Men's Corduroy Night Black Cat Black Waists, y Union Suits Fleece-lined laundered Shirts, Suspend- Knit Hose Mocha Silkine Hdkf 's 4-Ply Linen Knit Wool Bath Pajamas Pants Robea Hose Hose the Best, sweaters, Underwear, Underwear, best on earth for ers, 3 pairs for Gloves, 3 f or Collars, Jackets, Robes and 39c. 45c. 12c. Oo, 50c. 4L5c. 25c. 25c. 50c. 9c to $1 50c 50c to $2.00 25c lOo $ito$6 $2.50 to $7 Boys' Fleece Lined Sleeping Garments fM5f I : J Ifl UUUi "Santa Fe Day Notes. We're open till 10 tonight for the express purpose of cashing checks. "Elack Cat" brand ladies' ribbed seamless, fast black Cotton Hose worth 25-e, Monday night, f " pair kb0 Andrew Jergens & Co.'s Sea Salt Castile Soap and "Coulor du Rose" Toilet Soap, Monday nisrht. 1 cake ......... lU If you've never tried us, tonight will be a good time to begin. New Model prices mean a big saving. 2-oz bottle Vaseline, patent screw top, sells elsewhere for 5c; Or monuay mgnr,, Dome Aw Ladies' Plain White Handker chiefs, woven borders, linen cam bric nnish ; Monday night, n each 5 C Thousands of bargains like these in every de partment. Thousands of ! people take advantage of them. Do you ? XXX White Envelopes, full gov ernment sizes, 6 and 6H in., 25 in a pack, worth 10c; Monday night, pack 2c Embossed Lace Shelf Paper, 10 yards (30 feet) to piece, 6 dif- n f erent colors ; piece . td w Ladies' extra heavy Rainy-Day Skirts, eight rows stitching around n.ff. 52.48 Our Millinery Department is attracting scores of discrimin ating' shoppers this season. Have you been in yet ? We "would like to see you tonight. The Nbw Model Supply Store. Sixth and Quiaey. LEARN HOW TO SHOOT. Kansas Warriors Keceiving Instruc tions Concerning New Field Pieces. The officers of the artillery battalion of the Kansas National Guard are attending- a school of instruction in Topeka to day and tomorrow at tha Armory. Lieutenant Leroy Lyon of the Second artillery, stationed at Fort Riley is the instructor. The officer of Battery A at Wlciuta and Ba-ttery B of Topeka are at tending the school. The two batteries have lately been equipped with modern breeob-loadingr field pieces and on account of the new: euipmnt ta instruction Is Department. coat, pants and vest, suit $1.00 and blue cheviot line as large as any of the finest stores in the country the only dif ference, we charge a good deal less for ours. LADIES; It will save you time, trouble and money to visit our Boys' department. Young Men's Suits. How happy the boys are when dressed up in one of our fine nobby, stylish suits. It makes a man of them. The prices on these suits are for young men, and fit anyone wearing 36 breast measure, 32 waist and the same length of trousers. Good wearing sack suits $3.00 Cheviot suits in different col ors $4.00 Good styles in cassimeres and cheviots $6.00 Beautiful trimmed suits in differ ent colors $8.50 Fine heavy serge suits, all wool, well made, single or double breasted, silk faced, cheap at $12.00 our price $9.00 Fine worsted, cassimere and cheviot suits, as fine as any mer chant tailor work imported and do mestic fabrics, made by the best manufacturers, well trimmed and tit guaranteed Prices $10.00 to $20.00 1J817 UOdOl. REMEMBER ! The Money-Saving Sale of the Season. The New Model Supply Store. Sixth and Quincy. KEA LEST ATE TRANSFERS. Horrie O. Himes to Fred C. Slater, J3Q0 lot 618 Topeka avenue in Walnut Grove, and part southwest quarter 6-12-16. Keal Est and Improvement Co. to M. J. Baerd, $50, lots 936-38 and 40, block G, on Highland avenue. East Hill- sub-division. Mary E. Scott and husband to James G. Bacar, $1,000, part northwest quarter of 34-13-16. Bradford Miller and wife to ChaskMar tin, $300, lots 104-6 and 8 Ash street, Bradford Miller's addition. Sophie E. Oee et al, to Harvey Ust ter, $50, south half of northeast quarter 24-11-13. Yankees and Jews Barred. Xondon, Oct. 15. The will of J. B. Clay ton, the son of the late member of par liament of that name, has lust been pro bated. By it he leaves his "two daughters a fortune of 144.000, with the curious provision that the money is only to be payable if they attain the age of 35 years without marrying either a citizen of the United States or a Hebrew. Thd reason for this proviso is not given. Topeka High School Won. The Topeka high school second team defeated the first team of the Hel ton high school Saturday by a score of 5 to 0. The game was a hard struggle from beginning to end. Whitlock was the star player on the Topeka team. Kiene refereed the game and gave good satis faction. - BiBTM s " -A? Ml ) I fLiC n & 3 .;- e El 1 w o I o can be entirely avoided by the use of "Mother's Friend," a scientific liniment of priceless value to all women. So. all dmgglsu at one dollar per FJJQTHER'S A booklet, giving all details, will be 'Zallol Braleld ReUlator C0BW- FR2ECJE3 20th Annual Sale, we will offer for the balance of the-month our We want to make this month a record breaker in our history and Men's We are very careful In our selec tion of Men's Clothing to get the very best from the best manufac turers, and only handle well made, well fitting clothing "that will wear and fit." We have some odds and ends, one or two of a kind, these we will sell at about half of manu facturers' cost. Don't miss looking at our Men's Suits. Men's wool hair-line cassimere and cheviot suits these are real bargains and were closed out by us at less than cost of manufacture.... f 4.00 Men's better wool suits, finer fin ished and trimmed at .....$5.00 Men's good cassimere suits, that are worth every penny of $10. Ox ford mixed $6.50 Fine heavy cheviot suits, grey stripes or plain, also dark plaid, brown or black cassimere suits $8.50 Men's all wool tricot lawn suits, in sack or frock suits, well made, good and strong, for fine trade $10.00 We have a great lin of men's striped and check worsted suits; they are the rage and no one has a larger assortment. We have no sweat shop goods, but all are made by first class manufacturers. These suits run in price from.... $8 to $25 SNAP SHOTS AT HOME NEWS It is about golf and shinney time. P. M. Haas, of Holton, was in the city yesterday. The next fireworks display will be Wed nesday night. Quail hunters are preparing for some thing to put on toast. Washburn's next game in Topeka will be with K. U. on November 10. Superintendent of City Schools W. M. Davidson spent Saturday in Lawrence. An Indian dance will be given in the Auditorium on the evening of October 25. The First Methodist Sunday school held a harvest home festival yesterday after noon. Howard Lawrence takes the part of "Captain Ralph Winston" in Frank Dan iels "Ameer. Mr. Earle Hand, of New Tork City, for merly of Topeka, has been spending a few days ia the city. James Heslit. of the government print ing office, Washington, is at home In To peka for a few weeks. Most of the city offices were closed Sat urday and the officers were to be found at the Martin's Hill picnic. Colonel William Tweeddale, formerly city engineer, is still very sick at his home, 133 Western avenue. The police say they never saw a crowd that was as orderly as the crowd which went to Martin's Hill Saturday. T. L. Marshall, of Osage City, has been appointed Osage county vice president to the Kansas Exposition association. The Industrial and Educational insti tute opens today under the direction of Wm. Carter at 1725 Kansas avenue. The Sons of the American Revolution will meet Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock in the rooms of the State Historical society. A large number of people ragistered Sat urday evening. The commissioner of elec tions' office was crowded until 8 o'clock. Gospel meetings are being held every day this week at the First Methodist church under the auspices of the Epworth league. The politicians are getting worried about the recreant voter and they had out carriages Saturday hauling poole to the comn.-'ssioner of elections' office. Gospel meetings will be held every night this week until Thursday at the First Methodist church. The meetings will be under the direction of the Epworth league. Martin's Hill excursionists who expected to see a menagerie, were not disappointed. some one noted tne liberal use ot necK displayed browsing off the extensive view and remarked What a collection or gi raffes." Nels McConnel, who has been acting as custodian of the Auditorium. had his hands full last week, but deserves credit tor the manner m which he has kept it in shape. It takes three men all day to sweep the building and dust the seats. William R. Carter, the supprintendent elect of the Topeka Industrial institute, addressed about 100 colored people at the armory Saturday night. The meeting was called to discuss the needs of the insti tute. It has been decided to open the school on December 15. E. J. Gibson, Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, was In Topeka yesterday. He is touring the west sizing up the political situation. Mr. Gibson and G. C. Clemens have the same unfortunate physical affliction of deafness. They met at the Rock Island depot. The announcement In Saturday's issue of the State Journal in the Fernald, Mar tin Ac Co.. advertisement of ingrain car pets should have read fifty-nine cents a yard instead of fifty cents, the latter fig ure being a typographical error of this office the copy furnished bv Fernald, Martin sc Co. reading fifty-nine cents. Distinguished American Keturning:. Liverpool, Oct. 15. Among those who have booked passage on the White Star line steamship Oceanic, which sails from this port on Wednesday, via Queenstown, for New York, are Mar shall Field, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mackay, of New York; the Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage and Mrs. Tal mage, and Cissy Loftus. Is looted forward to with expectations of joy and gladness. The ordeal of bringing the little one into the world, however, is a critical one for the mother-to-be, and her anticipations of the coming event are shadowed with gloom. Half the nain and all the dancrer of child-birth Clothing. Black Clay Worsted. We want to call your attention to our Imported, black clay worsted suits In cutaway and sack every suit made up In first class custom tailor style,' well trimmed and per fect fitting. They were made to sell for $15, but our price while they last is $10.00 A complete assortment of clay worsteds In round or square corner sack, single or double breasted cut away, frock or Prince Alberts, prices from ...... 8 to $28 Our celebrated 6,500 clay worsteds In all shapes to fit the tall, sum, slender, short, stout, fat, in all style cuts, worth $20, our price $15.00 A word to the wise should be suffi cient. If you are wise you will see our clothing before purchasing. Overcoats. Our overcoats are piled mountain high at the present time and we have not the space to enumerate the kind and prices, but with the general statement that you will, find them from $3.00 to $25.00, made up in all kinds of materials, styles, etc., we will pass to the next after mention ing one great special for the season Boys' Union Underwear NORTH TOPEKA. Items Intended for this eolumn should be left with the Kimball Printing coro rany. S35 Kansas avenue. " Glen Hamrick is ill at his home, 823 Monroe street. Small, but means much that prescrip tion. Kane & Co. We will continue our Kid Glove sale for Tuesday and Wednesday at 75c pair. COSTLET & POST. The Argonaut club will meet Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs.Charles Cur tis. There will be bargains In every de part of our store this evening and Tues day. COSTLEY & POST. Mrs. A. Shockley, who has been visit ing relatives in Hope, Ind., has returned home. Mr. Glen R. Perkins has returned from a weeks' visit with friends in El Dorado. Special Dress Goods Tuesday. COSTLEY & POST. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blakeney spent Sunday in St. Marys visiting their daughter, Mrs. Schultz. Mrs. John Holllday of Jefferson street has returned from a visit of several weeks to relatives in Hope, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Strom and daugh ter Cecil, were the guests yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Berry of Shady Nook farm. The Palace Rug factory, 1004 Kansas avenue, makes fine rugs from old car pets. Let us know and we will come for your old carpets. C. C. Berry, traveling salesman for a St. Louis firm, visited his wife over Sun day. He left today for a week's busi ness trip to the southern part ot the state. Mrs. Wilbur Houck has returned to her home in Kansas City after a week's visit to the family of her great uncle. Mr. William Kemp of Capitol View. Miss Lillie Nicoll, formerly with Mrs. S. L. Courtney, but who is now trim ming in a millinery store at Nortonville, visited North side friends yesterday. Mrs. Anna Fisher of Topeka avenue, who has been ill for the past eight months, will be taken to Christ hospital this week to have an operation perform ed. Miss Kittie Flynn of Fort Madison Iowa, a sister of Mrs. Chas. Small, died last Monday night of typhoid fever.Miss Flynn was a member of the Central av enue Christian church. S. E. Post, a member of the firm of Costley & Post, arrived yesterday from his home in Aurora, Mo., and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Costley of 1113 Van Buren street. Mr. H. E. Gonder, a newspaper man and until recently with the Wichita Beacon, stopped yesterday on his way from that city to Kansas City to visit his cousin, Mrs. J. H. Gonder of 825 Jackson street. Mrs. Nettie Baird Hunter arrived last week from her home in the southern part of Oregon and will visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baird of 921 Kansas avenue and her sister, Mrs. Charles Curtis of 901 Van Buren street until the 1st of December. Mrs. Sherwood, of Warren county, Ohio, and Mrs. Pichard of Knightstown, Ind., who have been visiting their broth ers, M. M. and A. C. Hale for some time, will leave on Wednesday for their homes. They will be accompanied as far as Kansas City by their mece. Miss Al berta Hale, where she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Howard Stewart. Mrs, C. Kaser of 901 Kansas avenue had the misfortune to fall yesterday af ternoon and break her right arm near the wrist. The accident happened at the parsonage of the Evangelical associa tion, corner of Monroe and Fourth streets. She started to walk around the house and stepped on a loose board which tripped her and caused fcer to fall. Gives Credit to Bailer. Pretoria. Oct. 15. Lord Roberts In an army order announcing the return of General Buller to England, thanks Sir Redvers for his gallant service, while he was commander-in-chief of the British forces in South Africa and for the ability with which he carried out the operations while serving under Lord Roberts, which the order declares "resulted In the col lapse of the Boers in the eastern Transvaal." large, stock of CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS if you consider quality, style, fit and prices, it will be see for yourself. which is an absolutely all wool Ker sey Overcoat in blue, black or brown, fast colors, made up in best possible manner, good fitting, well trimmed and well tailored. They are a bar gain at $10.00. While we have any left we will sell them at $7.50 Irish Frieze Ulsters in all qualities, lined with Italian cloth, flannel, large plaid cassimere and plush only guaranteed frieze -ulsters no shoddy. One great bargain, all wool black Irish frieze ulster, sewed with silk, well trimmed and well made for , $7.50 Men's Underwear. Heavy Undershirts 15o Good Scotch heavy Underwear. 2 5o Good fleece-lined Underwear.. 35c Wool fleeced a real bargain, worth worth 75e 50o Our celebrated C. H. S. wool Ran dem Underwear 50o Heavy Balbriggan Underwear in natural, salmon and tan colors. .50c Heavy scarlet all-wool under wear 75o Wright's fleece-lined health Un derwear 75o Fine wool fleece-lined extra heavy $l.CO AND THEN THE END. Arnold Opera Company Disbands After Singing "Fra Diavolo." The Arnold opera company disbanded after singing "Fra Diavrlo." a', the Grand opera house Saturday night. Dan Young, the comedian, was the own er. The company had been in hard luck for some time and. after the Topeka en gagement it was found to be impossible to continue and the company disbanded. J. J. Raffael and Miss Ada Palmer Walk er will join the Castle Square opera com pany and other members will join other opera companies. The last appearance of the company was perhaps the best of the engagement. W. C. Roberts, the heavy bass singer who took the part of one of the brigands Saturday night, has been singing in opera for 15 years. His bass attracted attention even in the chorus and it was fortunate that he was cast in the closing bill for one of the heavier parts so that the audience might appreciate his ability. The sextette at the close of the next to the last act, In which Mr. Raffael, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Cluzetti and Miss Palmer participated won several recalls. Mr. Raf fael appears to good advantage in Fra Diavolo. It was a sorry and dejected appearing crowd seen behind the scenes between acts. The members of the com pany realized that the end had come. They sat around on boxes and in the dressing rooms, their painted faces serv ing only to heighten the feeling of de jection. "It s all over," said a member of the chorus. "Better the end than this awful sus pense concerning last week's salary," re joined her companion. The audience did not know that all par ticipants in the rollicking opera had lost their positions and were hundreds of miles from home and friends. It is the business of the actor not to let the people know how he feels. Weather is Uncertain. The highs and lows are about to mix and change the present engagement of pleasant weather In Kansas. Just what the elements will do the weather men do not know but are doubtful whether the balmy weather will continue. Sunday the maximum temperature was 81. The mini mum was 50. Today the minimum was 53 and the temperature at 11 o'clock 68. The wind has at last changed from the south to southwest and has been blowing about six miles an hour. The forecast today is "party cloudy tonight and Tuesday with possibly showers south portion. Cooler Tuesday and southeast portion tonight." 'Cured" Insane Man Taken Back. Abe Pugh, colored, was taken to Bed well's'asylum Saturday afternoon by the police. Pugh has been In the asylum be fore and was released as he was appar entlv cured. Saturday he frightened the residents in the neighborhood of Fifth and Jefferson streets by his queer actions, and they sent for the police who took him in charge. He became violent, but was secured without injury to any one. TO DOUBT THIS Is to Disbelieve the Evidence of Your Own Senses. It's Topeka Proof for Topeka Peo ple; It's Local Endorsation for Local Readers; It w"ill Stand the Most Rigid Investi gation. Mr rv Olnev of 816 Kansas avenue. employed in the freight department of the up-town office of tne banta J? e rail road, says: "I was afflicted with kidney complaint for a good many years and the pain and heavy dull bearing down feeling in my back constantly annoyed me. In the mornings I was lame and sore until I moved around and got warmed up. There was a weakness of the bladder and lack of proper control over the secretions. I tried a number of remedies but did not receive any benefit until I used Doan's Kidney Pills which my wife obtained for me at Rowley & Snow's drug store. They corrected the action of the kidney secretions and re lieved the pain in my back. Doan's Kid ney Pills do all that is claimed for them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no substitute. Very fine regular Underwear in blue or Heavy silk and worsted Balbriggan Underwear $1.00 Kxtra heavy wool Under wear $1.25 Silk fleece-lined wool Under wear $1.25 Fine long wool Underwear In sev eral colors $1.50 Underwear up to $7.00 a suit. Men's Shirts. Working Shirts 19o Chambray Shirts 25o White unlaundered reinforced Shirts, worth 50c 31o Black Satine Shirts, fast color. 45o Blue Chambray and black striped Shirts with double back 45o 75c white unlaundered Shirts.. 50o Laundered Shirts with 2 detached or attached collars 45c A complete line of dress Shirts in all the latest styles, from , 75c to $2.00 Good heavy blue flannel and cassi mere shirts $1.00 Heavy all wool blue flannel Shirts $1.50 U. S. Regulation Army blue flannel Shirts, extra heavy, all wool, color guaranteed $2.00 CRITICISES M'KINLEY. National President of Christian Young People's Union Talks In Topeka. Sunday afternoon an enthusiastic meeting was held in the First Presby terian church under the auspices of the Good Citizenship Federation, and Miss Eva Marshall Shontz, of Chicago, deliv ered an address on the subject "Our Na tion in Slavery Young People to the Rescue" For one full hour the audience listened attentively, and the speaker was frequently interrupted by appiause. Miss Shontz is the president of the American Young People's Christian Temperance Union. She is the successor of the late Frances E. Willard, whom she favors to a remarkable degree. Miss Shontz com menced her address with the touching story of "Old Soapy," and vividly pic tured the wretchedness and misery that exists in thousands of drunkards' home all over our nation. In speaking of the army canteen, she said: "When the nefarious canteen first ap peared In our army during the late war with Spain, the ministers of this nation, the mothers of this nation and the churches of this nation petitioned con gress to take it away from our soldier boys, and congress heard their appeal and nobly responded, passing a law pro hibiting the canteen: and then now good people, don't get angry and then Attorney General Griggs wrote an opin ion for the war department nullifying that law. O, give us a man as commander-in-chief of our army who will en force the will of the people and the con gress of this nation and protect our sol dier boys." She urged that the people should vote for only thoroughly good men for offi cial positions, especially in local poll tics. She said: "If your party nomi nates a man for district Judge or county attorney who confederates with the jointists and is against the enforcement of your prohibitory law, vote for the other candidate who will do his sworn duty. "Our organization," she said, "is a po litical organization; but it is decidedly nonpartisan. We are striving to get a million voters to pledge themselves to vote only for a man for president who is the candidate of a political party in whose national platform is a prohibition plank. When we get a million voters to thus stand together the greatest po litical parties will hear us and accede to our demands. If they do not, then a convention will be called and dele gates sent to it. and that convention will determine what will be done, whether the million votes will be swung to the old Prohibition party or whether a new party will be organized. Nobody knows what will be the result when that con vention meets, if it dots meet. We start ed out to get a million votes for this election, but we were not well enough organized ,and only got something over a third that number. We will get the million pledged votes, though, in four years from now." ROCK ISLAND OFFICIALS Visiting Topeka Deny Rumor of Road's Building Into Denver. Directors and officials of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific system arrived from Texas this morning by special train on the regular annual tour of in spection of the lines. They have been west to Denver and south into Texas. The traifi stopped here for about ten minutes only before proceeding to Hor ton. St. Joseph, returning thence to Chi cago. Chairman Cable and President Purdy each denied the report published a few weeks ago that the Rock Island contem plated building its own line into Denver. They said that they were well satisfied with the present arrangement by whic h the Rock Island runs into Denver over the Union Pacific tracks. The party, as it came in and went out of Topeka, was as follows: R. R. Cable, chairman of the board, W. G. Purdy, president. H. A. Parker, first vice president and general manager. Robert Mather, second vice president and general attorney. J. M. Johnson, third vice president and freight traffic manager. A. R. Flower, director. New York city. Geo. S. Brewster, director, New York city. Tracy Dows, director, New York city. F. G. Griggs, director, Devenport, Ia. i 4 $1.50 tan.. all wool ...$1.00 1 V Boys' and Hen's Rough-Rider Hats BUY THE GENUINE SYROP OF FIGS ... MANTTFACTCRED BT ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. t W JIOTK Til E Sf . M K. A. J. Hitt, general superintendent. W. E. Dauchy, chief engineer. John Sebastian, general passenger and ticket agent. Geo. F. Wilson, superintendent of mo tive power and equipment. A. R. Swift, superintendent telegraph. Frank Stewart, superintendent dining cars. E. L. Phillips, president's secretary. Frank Stewart, first vice president's secretary. T. A. Gantt, third vice president's sec retary. D. O. Woodruff, New York city. Henry Seibert, New Twk city. Geo. W. Cable, Davenport. Iowa. A. Kimball, Davenport, Iowa. M. A. Low. general attorney, Topek.i. H. R. Irvine, general roadmaster, To peka. W. H. Stillwell, division superintend ent, Topeka. Always Took Food Before Pleading'. Dr. Brunton, one of the most famous physicians of London, tells of a patient of his who was a noted banister an 1 who always took a full dose of cod liv. r oil before pleading a case. This barris ter did not believe in stimulants nr. I never used them while engaged in men tal labor. Yet he always took his do,e of cod liver oil because he said it ren dered his mind muni more active. With out doubt cod liver oil Is a most re markable food, especially when partly digested as it is in Scott's Emulsion. It certainly strengthens the memory and feeds and builds up the whole nervous system tq a most remarkable degree. TYLER ST1I EET JJEL A YKD. Curbing Has Not Arrived Other Paving Completed. The paving of Tyler street Is beln? delayed on account of the failure of the curbing to arrived from Colorado. The time for the Monroe street paving to be finished was today and Coniiart.r Swansori had It done Saturday. Tim paving in Potwin being done by llanley l Wall was to have been finished to day, but there is yet a block to be dotiw. The work of grading Tyler street be tween Fourth and Fifth streets was commenced today. Since the world was young people have tried every kind of trick to cheat the old man who carries the scythe and the hour-glass. To those who want to look as young as they really are, in spite of their gray hairs, there is one comfort: Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color to gray hair. J. C. Ayer Company, Practical Chemuu, Lowell, Mm., Ayer't Siriajwrilia Ayer't PUlt Ayer'a Ague Cum Ayer't Hair Vigor Ayer't Cherry Pectoral Ayer't Coma lout v' r I t