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6 TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 20, 1900. "JIUNYON'S INHALER CURES CATARRH Colds, Coughs, Hay Fever, Bron chitis, Asthma .and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. nids of Medicated Vapor ara Inhaled through the momii and emitted from the aoa trils, cleansing and Toporiiiug: all the Inflamed rid diseased pan wbich cannot bo readied Mr Biedicine taken i-ito the atomach. It reaches ths sure spots It heals the row plticfMIt goes to the seat of disease It axis as a balm and tcmie to the whole syx!em$!.00 c trua gists or sent by mail. isOS & reft i$C hi I 1V0RTH TOPEKA. John Holliday will go to Kansas City tomorrow. Mrs. L. S. Dolman is ill at her home, 122 West Gordon street Kent's Kash Koal Koncern has the Ouita eg size coal for furnaces. Airs. Clarence Jackson, of Kansas City, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Kull. Cliff Hawkins and Charles Small will go down the river tomorrow for a. sev eral days' duck hunt. Mr. M. A. McKnaught and mother will move on Monday from 1404 Logan street to 51S West Gordon street. Kent Raub has resigned his position with W. S. Kale and has taken a posi tion as fireman on the Santa Fe. Mrs. Beldora Smith, of Valoncia. Ind., Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blank--ney. Mrs. Smith is a sister of Mrs. Blankeney. Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman, one of the most able workers of the rational W. C. T. I., will speak in the Kansas Avenue M. E. church tomorrow. Hanley & Co.. contractors of this city, commenced work yesterday on the con crete foundation for the brick paving they are to do in Lawrence. Miss Annie Nystrom returned yester day from a several weeks' visit to tier brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nystrom. of Kansas City, Kas. Mrs. J. C. Fulton and little daughter Helen, who have been visiting Mrs. Fulton's sister in Maryland, are ex pected home the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Berry, of Shady Nook farm, will move into town next week for the winter. They have rented the G. E. Allen property, 907 Harrison (Street. Mr. and Mrs. Reed, who since their re turn from Chicago have been visiting Mrs. Reed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Markham. left today for their home in Los Angeles, Cal. Services at the Church of the Good Shepherd tomorrow will be Sunday school at 9:45, morning prayer at 11 o'eloek. evening prayer with sermon by Canon Bywater at 7.30. The ladies of the W. C. T. XT. will meet rtext Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. K. F. King, 115. East Gordon street. As there is important business on hand, all members are earnestly asked to be present. Rev. and Mrs. Lundberg and little daughter. Ruth, of Cherokee, Iowa, who have been the guests of Mrs. Lundberg"s brother, Mr. John Nystrom and family, of 1C'19 Jackson street, left today for Btotler, Kas., to visit friends. Tomorrow evening, at the Baptist church, the pastor, P.ev. W. B. Hutchin eon, will give his second sermon from the series "Some Families I Have Known," Rev. Mr. Hutchinson's topic at this time will be "The Fault-finding Family." We desire to thank all the relatives and friends who were so kind and sym pathizing in the recent sickness and death of our beloved wife and mother; also for the many beautiful floral re membrances. J. N. Offield and children, 3319 Logan. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Allen and daughter Gertrude, of 907 Harrison street, will leave next Saturday for Cuba, on an ex tended visit to their sons, G. A. and N. E. Allen. Until their departure they will be at home with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Pratt. Sunday services, October 21, at the fTorth Congregational church will be: At 9:30 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., preaching, subject, "Family Religion." Rrov. 22.6; 6:30 p. m.. Y. P. C. E. ; 7:30 p,. m., preaching, subject, "The Millen nium, or the Restoration of All Things," Acts 3:19-21. Sunday evening. October 21, Rev. J. A. Stavely, pastor of the Kansas Ave nue M. E. church, will begin a series of Fermons of "A Young Man's Life." To morrow evening at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Ftavely will talk about "Restless at Home." Meeting of the Kpworth League at 6: SO p. m. While making his rounds a little after 8 o'clock last evening Night Watch man Benjamin Conner noticed a sus picious looking colored man in the rear tf J. K. Wit'iers" grocery store. The man was hiding in a dark corner and had with him a large sat?k. The officer flashed his lantern upon him and the fellow started on a run down the alley. Watchman Conner commanded him to halt and fired several shots in the air. The fleeing man paid no attention to the officer's call or the shots, and In the darkness made his escape. S2.67 Eansas City and Return via the Santa Fe. Account Kansas City Horse Show tick ets on sale October 21st to 27th, good re turning October 29th. Io not get scared ff your heart troubles you. Most likely you suffer from indiges tion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what vmi eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that completely digests all classes of foods; that is why it cures the worst cases of indigestion and stomach trouble after everything else has failed. It may be taken in ail conditions and cannot help but do you good. At all drug stores. i ' A ,-,tJ I j i. - i aa feaof Va u W J Do you know that three-quarters of all the world's headaches are the Tesult of using tea and coffee ? So physicians say. Quit them and the headaches quit. Grain-O has the coffee taste, but no headaches. v 31 grsei ; lie asd gs, "1 f H ff 1 A SEA 0FPE0PL Addressed, by Col. Bryan Boehester, N. T. at Another Audience Waits Two Hours For His Coming. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 20. William J. Bryan reached this city at 9:15 last night and made two speeches here. The first of these was made from a balcony in front of the Powers House and the second in Fitzhugh. hail. Preceding the speeches there was a street parade from the New York Central station to the center of the city and it waa one of the most elaborate sea well as one of the most enthusiastic demonstrations that have yet been made in honor of the Democratic candidate. He was escorted by bands and marching clubs and the broad streets of the city were so crowd ed with people that it was extremely difficult for the police to force a way for him. Mr. Bryan's carriage was drawn by four horses. Once during the march the leading span of horses took fright at the fireworks and turned quickly. It look ed for a moment as if they would upset the vehicle. The frightened animals were however, quickly caught by a doz en members of the nearest marching club and again turned in the right di rection. Mr. Bryan retained his seat in the carriage and did not show fright. Mr. Bryan addressed a sea of human beings in his opening meeting. They re ceived him with loud cheers and listen ed as well as such a multitude could for about 20 minutes, during which time Mr. Rryan presented the issues of the cam paign. It was 10 o'clock before he reached Fitzhugh hall. There he met a densely packed audience which had waited two hours for his coming. He was received with prolonged cheers and received close attention and much ap plause from start to finish. The speech was a presentation of the questions of the campaign and Mr. Bry an said he believed that when these questions were as well understood in the east as they are in the west the Demo cratic contention would ba as popular here as there. Mr. Bryan spoke for an hour and twenty-five minutes, concluding his speech at 11:30 o'clock. The entire audi ence remained until the end. Mr. Bryan yesterday experienced his second encounter of the campaign with college students. It occurred at Ithaca, and the students were from Cornell uni versity. The incident was not so excit ing as that at Ann Arbor, Mich., for the reason that the young men were not so persistent and did not work in such un ison, but there was one feature of inter est which was not noticeable at Ann Arbor. This was the participation of young women in the affair. A hundred or more members of the opposite sex were stationed at windows of the high school, just back and over the stage from which Mr. Bryan spoke, and they disturbed the proceedings to as great an extent as they could by lowering posters bearing pictures of President McKinley so as to attract the attention of the crowd. The young men who were below responded to this signal with cries and yells, and they also asked numerous questions while the speech was in progress. Evidently, too, a quite large per cent, of the students were in sympathy with Mr. Bryan, and some of them shouted lustily for him when his replies to the questions of their fellows were especially to their liking. Mr. Bryan was generally voted to have met the occasion successfully and that he did so was evidenced by the fact that the interruptions grew fewer and farther apart as the speech proceeded and at last ceased altogether. The day was rendered interesting by a spirited meeting at Auburn, the home during his lifetime of Secretary Seward, and by Mr. Bryan's pointed reference in his speech there to the manager of an important manufacturing enterprise lo cated at that point, which he evidently intended should have greater than local application. Speeches were also made during the day at Courtlandt and Bing hamton and at several other smaller points. The day's work closed with a meeting at Rochester late last night. The metings of the day were generally attended and those at Ithaca and Bing hamton were especialy large. Probabiy the Binghamton meeting was the moat enthusiastic meeting of the day. In all instances except at the beginning of the Ithaca meeting close attention was given to the speeches. Mr. Bryan's speech at Cortlandt was addressed almost wholly to the farmers and he expressed the opinion that one person out of a hundred was benefited by Republican policies. He pleaded to his auditors to throw off the yoke of partisanship and assert their" indepen dence. He declared that the farmers were every year owing more and owning less of the wealth they create. At Binghamton where Mr. Bryan had the largest and most enthusiastic audience of the day he took especial notice of the fact that some of the man ufacturing plants of that town were closed, saying: "It is strange to me that it is neces sary for you people to have an empty and silent tannery and match factory in a town to know what a trust means and without doubt it seems that any man with power to think ought to know that industrial monopoly means " the closing of factories, the throwing of men out of employment and the making of slaves out of those who are employed." In response to a question during the Binghamton speech he announced him self as favorable to the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people and in this connection made the following reference to Senator1 Depew: "I think if there is any state in the union that needs that sort of privilege it is New York. When John Quincy Adams became a member of congress he sold all the stock he had in the national bank of that day because he said he did not believe that a man in congress ought to be interested in legislation. I wish you would read that to Chauncey M. Depew and let him resign his position as presi dent of a railroad or senator of the United States. How do you expect that a man will decide on the people's side in a case where he is interested on the other side? Is there any man in this audience who would try a case before a juryman who had an interest in the re sult of the case? Then why is it that you fill your legislatures with men who are interested in legislation, men who repre sent themselves and their big corpora tions instead of tax payers?" THIRD DAY IN NEW YOKE Opened by Mr. Bryan With a Speech at Elmira. Elmira, N. Y., Oct. 20. Mr. Bryan be gan the speech making of the third day of his New York tour at Elmira at 9 o'clock today. He spoke from a stand erected in Wisner park and was greeted by a large audience. Mr. Bryan said: "I am glad I live in a country where no man can b elected unless the people want that policy enforced, for up to this time theRepublieans have not yet denied our right to attend to our business, al though they deny the Filipino the right to attend to his business." Mr. Br van then spoke of the trusts, saying that the Republicans were all ap parently afflicted with far sightedness. Even away up in Minnesota the Repub licans seemed to know all about the ice trust, whose operations were confined entirely to New York and did not affect them, but nothing about the salt trust, the lumber trust, the sugar trust and the numerous other trusts which affect ed their interests directly. Indeed, he said, the Republicans were apparently more worried lest the trust3 should all not get their share than they were con cerning the fate of the people at large, but, he continued, the Republican in terest In the . ice trust was entirely in consistent, for had not Senator Hanna, the Republican party, said there were no trusts? In view of the general Re publican knowledge concerning trusts and Mr. Hanna'a declaration, Mr. Bryan asserted that he had never known a man whose word "amounted to so littleamong his friends as did Mr. Hanna's." "If there is an ice trust," he continued, "then Hanna'a word can not be ac cepted." Discussing the Republican attitude on trusts Mr. Bryan declared that the Re publicans were inconsistent and that they had no remedy for trusts. He said: "They opened the session by creating a money trust and they closed it by prac ticing fraud in their pretended effort to stop other trusts. The amendment to the constitution offered by them was not necessary and its purpose was not to give congress power needed. It was to take away from the states the power they have., so that if the Republicans control the government, the state will be powerless to protect itself against a private monopoly. That was the pur pose of that amendment and when it was defeated the Republicans confessed we did not need it, because they then brought in a bill which. thy said waa intended to protect the people from private monopoly, a bill brought in after the amendment was defeated, showing that they did cot need the amendment and all the Democrats voted for the bill. I believe there was scarcely an opposi tion vote in the house, but when It went to the senate and the Democrats de manded that it be passed at once, the Republicans sent it to the judiciary com mittee and there it Bleeps today." Mr. Bryan then discussed the ques tions of imperialism and the Increase of the army, asserting that what had been done in Porto Rico was the best indi cation as to what would be done in oth er newly acquired islands. Let those who had doubts as to the policy to be pursued read what Governor Pattison had to say concerning the administra tion of Porto Rican affairs. According to that report, "states with more than twice the population of Porto Rico pay their governors less than half the sal ary paid to the governor of that island." "We sent the carpetbaggers there," he said, "and the Porto Ricans have to en dure them." In considering the Philippine question, Mr. Bryan warned his hearers against the complications it would involve us in. Among rUier things in this connection he said: "Whenever we complain of these doc trines, some Republican tries to hide be hind the amendments in the southern states and says: 'What about North Carolina?" If you are worried about North Carolina, why don't you spend your time trying to remedy that trou ble instead of trying to bring in another race question as big as that we now have to solve." Mr. Bryan said that the money which was being expended in the Philippines could be much more profitably utilized in developing the resources of the Uni ted States. He suggested as one means for utilizing of the money the construc tion of reservoirs in the semi-arid re gions of the west for the holding of sur plus water, which would toe said, ma terially increase the agricultural area of that section and add to the wealth of the country at large. "But," he added, "the Republicans would rather waste blood than have wa ter." Corning, N. Y., Oct. 20. Mr. Bryan spoke here for 20 minutes from the rear platform of his car. The railroad yards Ilk iSSw Geronlmo, the Well-Known Bad Indian. The above Is a good picture of old Geronimo, some of whose followers will dance at the Auditorium on Thursday, October 25. Geronimo has made more trouble for the United States army and together with his predecessor, Ghu, committed more murders and destroyed more property in Arizona and New Mexico than any other two chiefs In the history of the country. In 1878 Major T. J. Anderson was traveling by stage from Santa Fe, N. M., to El Paso, and the stage passed Jarnado Del Muerto (the journey of death), a barren desert some ninety miles in extent with but one place where water could be procured. This was at Martin's well, a place in about the middle of the desert. This point was also the stage station and was occupied by a family, a sheep herder or two and the man In charge of the stage horses. The party, which included some prominent Santa Fe officials at that time, took dinner at the station, and with a fresh team of four fine horses started for what is now known as Rincon on the Santa Fe, at the south end of the Jarnado. When a few miles out from the station one of the party looked back and saw the stage station and ranch houSe inflames, and the passengers, some nine or ten in number, wanted to return, but the stage driver, who knew the condi tions, whipped his horses into a dead run and got out of sight of the station as quickly as possible. He said the Apache Indians, who were known to be on the war path, were burning the ranch and murdering the occupants. The passengers did not feel safe until they had left the ranch many miles in the rear. On the return trip the truth was learned. Geronimo with his band of murderers had left the Sanandres reservation, and crossing the Jarnado, had murdered every soul at the well, crossed the Rio Grande, taking refuge in the Magellan mountains, 17a miles from their starting point. Scarcely a ranchman escaped in the entire distance. The army drove them out of the United States, and they took refuge in the almost inaccessible Sierra Madras mountains of Mexico. It cost many lives and more than a million in money to capture Geronimo and his murderous band of Apaches, which was finally accomplished by General Crook. After his capture, Geronimo was sentenced with his followers to thej Dry Tortugas, off the coast of Florida, where they remained until a few years ago, when they were sent to the Comanche Indian reservation in the southwest corner of Oklahoma. were well filled and the national can didate was warmly received. He declar ed that the Republican party was put ting its plea this year on the lowest plane that a political campaign had ever been made upon. In support of this statement, he said they were all things to all men; they were making specious pleas to all classes and were meeting no arguments. He discussed the army and territorial expansion in practically the same terms as in previous speeches. Wrhile Mr. Bryan was talking of the trusts, some one asked about the silver trust. Mr. Bryan replied: "There is no silver trust, but If there were and it would contribute enough to the Republican campaign fund the Re publican party would be for silver.' SIDETRACKED. Col. Bryan Sends 16 to 1 to the Bear. ; In a Letter Accepting Lincoln ltepublican Nomination. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 20. The follow ing letter accepting the nomination of the Silver Republicans waa mailed to day by Mr. Bryan: Samuel W. Hopkins, chairman and others, members of the notification com mittee, of the Silver Lincoln Republican party: Gentlemen: I am in receipt of your letter formally notifying me of my nom ination for the presidency by the Silver Lincoln Republican national convention held at Kansas City, July 4, last. In accepting the nomination I beg to ex press my hearty appreciation of the support given our ticket by the mem bers of your party in the campaign of 1S96, and of the fidelity shown by them during the four years which have snce elapsed. The evidence of confidence and good will manifested anew at the last national convention places me under re newed obligations. There is a consist ency about the human mind which leads an individual to apply old principles to new conditions and I was therefore not surprised to find that those who left the Republican party in 1896 on the money question are now opposed to it on the trust question, which has increased in importance since 1896, and upon mili tarism and imperialism, the' new ques tions which the Republican party has forced upon the public within the last two years. Your platform, of which you enclose a copy in its declaration is so similar to the Democratic platform adopted at Kansas City that it is not necessary for me to take up the plank3 in detail. I enclose the following docu ments and make them a part of this let ter: First My speech at Indianapolis, in reply to the Democratic notification committee, dealing with imperialism, militarism and the resolution express ing sympathy for the Boers. Second My letter formally accepting the Democratic nomination, covering other planks of the platform. Third My speech accepting the Popu list nomination, dealing with those is sues upon which the Democrats and Populists occupy common grounds. Fourth My speech delivered at St. Louis the 15th of September, on the trust question. These documents have already been widely published in the press of the country and the members of your party are fully informed in regard to my views on the questions covered. In 1896, the money question was the question of paramount importance, but the Republican party by its disregard of the principles of our republic and by its advocacy of policies repugnant to the doctrine of self-government, has left us no choice but to summon all lovers o the Declaration of Independence to the defense of that sacred document and the constitution framed in accordance with it. In your letter you quote several ap propriate extracts from Lincoln's speech es. I find in a speech by Lincoln In 1858 a defense of the Declaration of In dependence, accompanied by a fervent and patriotic appeal to his countrymen not to abandon the principles therein enunciated. It is so applicable to the present time and so in harmony with the references you have made to Lin coln's words that 1 quote the following extract: "Now, my countrymen, if you have been taught doctrines conflicting with the great landmarks of the Decla ration of Independence; if you have lis tened to suggestions which would take away from its grandeur and mutilate the fair symmitery of its proportions; if you have been inclined to believe that all men are not created equal in those in alienable rights enumerated by our chart of liberty, let me entreat you to come back. Return to the fountain whose wa ters spring close by the blood of the revolution. Think nothing of me; take no thought for the political fate of any man whomsoever, but come to back to the truths that are in the Declaration of Independence. You may do anything with me you choose, if you will but heed these sacred principles. You may not only defeat me for the senate, but you may take me and put me to deaUi. While pretending no indifference to earthly honors, I do claim to be actuated in this contest by something higher than an anxiety for office. I charge you to drop every paltry and insignificant thought for any man's success. It is nothing. I am nothing; Judge Douglas is nothing. But don't destroy that immortal emblem of humanity the Declaration of Ameri can Independence." How harsh the contrast between the lofty sentiments expressed by Lincoln and the sordid, mercenary appeal now made to the people of the Republican party! How great the chasm between the statesmanship which would sacrifice life itself in defense of that immortal docu ment which had been the model of re publics ever since it was promulgated, and the commercialism which would sacrifice every noble and holy purpose in pursuit of new markets and would en dorse the doctrine that trade can be pur chased with human blood a doctrine advanced by those who want to give syndicates a chance to exploit distant colonies! In response to the hope which you ex press, permit me to assure you that any political obligations are due entirely to the plain people, who ask no special privileges at the hands of the govern ment, but demand only equality of rights and an opportunity to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness under the flag of a republic. These people, the na tion's wealth producers in time of peace and the nation's warriors in time of war, have already done for me more than I can ever repay. Whether I am elected or not, it shall be my ambition to protect their rights and advance their interests by every mean within my power. Very truly yours. WILLIAM J. BRYAN. RIDGLETS FIND. Populist State Chairman An nounces His Discovery. Finds a Letter Bearing on the Trust Question. The Kansas Populist committee claims to have discovered absolute proof that the managers and promoters of the Republican campaign in nation and state are in a conspiracy to defend and propagate the evil of trusts. "As proof of this," said Chairman Ridgley, "I cite the fact that the Re publican national committee is distri buting campaign literature distinctive ly written as a defense of these monopo lies and their methods I submit here with a letter by the National Publishing company, who are publishing a pamph let defending the trusts. These publish ers have arranged with the national Re publican committee to distribute their pamphlet. In proof of this, I submit here a copy of a letter which was sent to a certain great corporation, soliciting funds to pay for their pamphlet which they state is, by agreement, to be dis tributed by the national Republican committee. Their letter dated Septem ber 29, 1900, reads as follows: September 29, 1900. "Dear Sir: Referring to our several letters of recent date regarding 'The Other Side,' we found many of the large industrials did not care to distribute the book directly but were anxious' to sup port the work. To overcome this diffi culty we arranged with the Republican national committeetohave it distribute the books in such manner-and in such places as to insure the best results be ing accomplished. Used in this way the books cost $250 per thousand. "We now ask your co-operation in the movement to the extent of subscribing for a few thousand copies to be used by the committee. An acknowledgment from the committee will be sent to you for the number of books you contribute Derore payment need be made. "This matter being of the greatest Im portance to all industrial corporations, and the time being limited, we are obliged to ask the favor of your prompt response. Yours very truly, "NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., "C. H. Nicoll, General Manager." "In response to this letter," continues Mr. Ridgley, "the corporation addressed subscribed for a number of copies of the pamphlet, the title of which is "The Other Side." In proof of this I submit copy of the receipt of the Republican nationl committee, which reads as fol lows: " 'New York, October 9, 1900. Received from the National Publishing company, 500 copies of the book entitled "The Other Side," as per order of . Re- RHEUMATISM DR. RADWAY & CO.: I have been a sufferer from Rheuma tism for more than six months. I could not raise my hands to my head or put my hands behind me, or even take off siy own shirt. Before I had fiisti'd three-fourths of a bottle of RADWAY'3 READY RELIEF I could use my arms as well as ever. You can see why I hve such great faith in your Relief. Toura truly, W. C. BAKER. Engineer at A. Mnntelonf's B-;ot and Shoe Factory, 939 Julia street. New Orl.ans. ri il U if J 11 m ) r H IJUIP Radway's Ready Relief is a sure cure fnr everv Pain. Sprsins. Bruises, Pains in the Back, Chest and Limb?. Taken inwardlv there is not a remedial agent in the world that will cure Fever and Ague and all other malarious, bilious and ether fever, aided by RADWAY'S PILLS. so quicklv as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Sold by druggis's. RADWAY & CO., 65 Elm St., New York- publican National Committee, by J. H. Manley.' "Thus we have the proof that the Re publican national committee is using its utmost power to defend these trust mo nopolies. .The book referred to in ita preface reads as follows: " It discusses the rise and develop ment of the trust idea out of natural conditions that insure Its permanence and its value as a factor in industrial progress, and.aims to bring into stronger light the advantages that accrue to the public, the workingman and the investor from this readjustment of capital.' "One of the distinctive features of the present campaign is the vacillating at titude of the Republican party on this one of the chief issues involved in the present election that of corporation mo nopolies, commonly termed 'trusts.' Hanna is quoted as having recently de clared that there are no trusts, but ad mits that there are great monopolies. We have no contention with Hanna or his party as to the name they prefer to use. The fact remains, that powerful combines of capital operating under cor poration charters have seized upon: and monopolized the great instruments of production and distribution in this na tion to such an extent as to be able to and they do suppress production at will and absolutely control the prices on most staple products and the channels through which these products may be marketed. This power and number of these corporation combines is rapidly throwing out of employment and out of business the great middle class in our nation, and tha Republican party, through its managers and even its pres ent national committee, have limd up on the side of these monopolies in this contest. "I do not feel at liberty to give the name of the company receiving the above communication and contributing to the circulation of the book, but the original correspondence, letters and the receipt are in the possession of parties who can produce them should it become necessary. "Thus we have the Republican party, through and by some of its representa tives, declare that there are no trusts, while its great leaders and the ma chinery of the party are actively at work defending and aiding trusts." Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It is infallible tor coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consump tion. At ail drug stores. TODAY'S MAKKET HEPORT. Chicago, Oct. 20. WHEAT December wheat opened today c lower at 744 to 7411 Vic and sold to 74c, traders being dis appointed over cables, liverpiol was un changed to Vsd lower. Unsettled weather in the northwest gave rise to a demand from shorts which resulted in a rally to "4c. Trade was quiet and mostly local. Receipts here were i3 cars. 1 cf eontrart grade while Minneapolis and Diiluth re ported 506 cars against 486 last week and i!5 a year ago. December lated advanced to H'Sv,o, closing firm, Vic higher at 74HC A bet ter general demand tor flour was reportei and three-fourths o the North Dakota crop was reported already markPted. CORN There was a fair Irailo in corn early and the market was firm under the influence of steady cables, light country offerings and the receipts 526 cars here. December opened He lower to Vc higher at SoVi'aVaC and sold to 35c. Commission houses" were the best buyers, partly for seaboard people. The close was firm, December Vic higher at 35c. OATS Oats were quiet and firm in sym pathy with corn and on the receipts 2H3 cars. December opened a shade lower at 21V&22C, and sold to Ui'ii'nC PROVISIONS Provisions were fairy active and firm on light hog receipts and higher prices at the yards. Packers bought lard and ribs and sold pork. Jan uary pork opened S1 cents higher at $11.42H: January lard unchanged at $'.5 and January rib3 a shade higher nt $t).021. FLAX Cash: N. W.. Jl6: S. W.. $1.86. RYE October, 4hc: December, 49'ac. BARLEY Cash, 36'g40c. TIMOTHY October, $4.40. Ciucatro Livestock Market. Chicago. Oct. 20. CATTLE Receipts, 1.200, nominally steady; good to prime steers. $5.45.85; por to medium. $4.4' 5.35; stockers and feeders. $.7oi4.45; cows, US. 763.4.25; heifers, 2.0ofti2.6: bu'ls. t2.r 4.25: calves. $4.0056.25: Texas fed steers, $4.(KySi.90: Texas grass steers, $3.35'a4.I0; Texas bulls, $2.75&3.25. HOGS Receipts todav, 16.000: Monday, 33,000: left over. 3,764: average. 5 cents higher; top, $4.87. Mixed and butchers', $4.50'6 4.87V.; eood to choice heavv, $4.c.n, 4.85; rough heavv, $4.45i4.55: light, $4.40 4.87V,: bulk of sales, $4 65-&4.P0. SHEEP Receipts. 2.000: steady. Good to choice wethers $3.754.10; fair to choice mixed, $3.35fa3.8.": western sheep, J2.70'a4.10: Texas sheep", $2.503.50: native lambs, $4.25 5.75; western lambs, $4.75ti5.50. Officials for vesterday: RECEIPTS Cattle, 1,377; hogs, 21,370; sheep. 6.275. SHIPMENTS Cattle, 2,950; hogs, 6.005; sheep, 3,485. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, -Oct. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, LOGO: market unchanged. Native steers, $4.45i5.40; stockers and f.ed' f. $:i.l5'a4.25; butcher cows and heifers. $3 0) (fi4 50: canners, $2. 3 3. 00: fed wes'erns, $3.F0S4.80; Texans, $2.84! 3.35; calves, $1.501 4.75. HOGS Receipts, 6 OOO; market steidv ti strong. Bulk of sales, $4.60174 65; h avv, $4.f7vri&4.70; packers. $4.60a4.67H: mixed. t4.60fi4.65; light. $4.5254(8 4.70; yorkers, $4.65 fe4.70: pigs, $4.15fi4.';0. SHEEP None. Kansas City Produce Market. Kansas City. Mo., Oct. 20. WHEAT December. 65Tc; Mav. 70VJc. Cash: No. 2 hard, 66?68c; No. 3, G2tc; No. 2 red, 68 4! 70c: No. 3. 64(68c. CORN December, 32v4 to 23c: May, 3( 8c. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 821r33ljc; No. 2 whtt, 37Witc; No. 3, 3Htii36c. OATS Lower; No. 2 white, 23!vg24'4c. RYE Lower; No. 2. 46c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $10.00; choice prairie, $8.50. , BUTTER Creamery, 18S23c; dairy, fancy. 17c. EGGS Fresh, 15Vic Grain Letter Furnished by J. C. Goings Commission Company, members Chicago Board of Trade, Topeka. Chicago. Oct. 20. WHEAT In wheit the selling pressure appears to have run its course, and the market has steadied and firmed fractionally. The better feel ing is due to diminishing country move ment of wheat, lighter Argentine ship ments and reports from that country of prospective damage to the growing crop and estimates of reduced yield. Foreign markets have shown uncertainty and been Independent of markets on this side, while there is a steady good export de mand for wheat and fair clearances from the seaboard. Cash wheat in northwest is in brisk demand and the coming week will probably show the turning point in the visible supply figures. A large short interest has been built up of late and many erstwhile bulls on wheat have grown discouraged and sold out. This leaves the market in rather strong spec ulative position, and with continued un favorable advices from Argentine, liahier farmers' deliveries, good cash demand, or strength abroad, or any of these, there will be a ruh to buy wheat. Shortt will be anxious buyers and there is a smail army of bulls who hav no wheat who. on the first show of strength, will come Into the market. The factors likely to depress prices have all been exhausted now and developments of the future hold only promise to the believers in higher prices. The situation in the United States is de cidedly strong and is bound to exert itself sooner or later. When the rush to buy comes, the advance will not be a halting one but will be radical and sustained. CORN Wet weather in Iowa t help ng to strengthen the far futures of corn, as belief in the grading of new corn befcre the first of the year is not general under these conditions. Selling of October and Novem'er by the leading local bull oper. ators has taken the edge off of these de liveries and October situation c'.ears, ther i has come Into th mnrket a ffl!nir ht once of relief and romidenc. Tlie buying of December and Mav corn the pHt lew days has been excellent nii May corn i.t the relative price now ruling is regrd. 1 by many as attractive property. Ktiurrn ous sales f cash corn for export tind eastern distributions have been made, ai d, with the country bare of stocks, are go ing to eat into this season's crop t a rate much faster than ever before known. With fear of manipulation In October nl Iayed, corn is likely to bull from other causes wholly. OATS Oats have been Btrn nd dull. The market Is small atid feature a t w. Some covering by smaller shorts, but transactions riot large enough to exciio even passing interest. PROVISION'S Active and erratic. Heavy manufacturers ar making a ba : t ' ground of meats for this month's deliv ery while the outside trade has gone into January product. Hogs are ct.ming n freely and promise a fair winter run. On this theory there has been some weihner of winter deliveries on the belief of lower hog prices Inter on. On the tber ha al the consumption of meats and fats hs In creased so that sttH'ks are shorn In no hc cumiriulution at present and with u cu -tinuanee of this demand, provision will likely held their own and induce coveting by the January shorts later on. J. F. J1ARKIS. Market Gosaio. Furnished by J. C. Goings Cemtnl lon Company, members Chicago Buard ojc 1 rade, 1 opeKa. Liverpool: Wheat, ' steady, unchng"d to Vd lower; corn, steadv, unrhat.giu. Omaha: Hrgs, 5.6t.; cattle, 250. World's shipments: Wheat arid fl ur nre not exp'-oted to exeeeu S0t.'4i bi. Monday, of w hich America and A r-- Mi furnish 4. "76 (h. list week fI ! men a were !:,26H,i.0U bu. and last er 7.777.'i bu. Chicago: Weather map si.t:- sts a, change to rain in neat 4.-i hours, low bar ometer in Imkota and Jailing brometr generally. Llht showers northwest, west and southwest perfect cond tions lor movement, tempera tv res normal. Chicago receipts: la cars, grad ed 7: corn. 526 cars, graded 153; oat. 2CJ cars, graded IN. Minneapolis receipts: Wheat, last vear ,4:i2 cars. London cl se: Wheat, '1 higher: corn, quiet. l higher than yesterday's close Paris close: Wheat, weak, Hio.c lowr: flour, barely steady, 5 lv luc lower than yesterday's close. St. Louis receipts: Wheat, todav 74 9 bu., last year 23 3" t bu.; corn, tod ty I d 2 0 bu., lat yetr r.. m bu.; vau, today (Hi, 2') bu., last year 33.;,h bu. Minneapolis receipts: Wheat, todav 413 cars. Minneapolis stock will Increase l.f.'.'BS bushels. Kansas City receipts: Wheat, today 1 i7 cars, last year 162; corn, today : mr, last ytar 41; oata, today 21 can, la t year 4. Antwerp: Wheat closes 32,"..c higher, equals h: per bushel. Total clearances; Wheat nnd fl ur (as wheat). 645,)h bu.; corn, SI'S. till bu. Primary receipts nd -hi mJnt: Wheit Receipts, todav 1.05s.n(, 1 it vear 1017 000; shipments, today 613. i 0. last veil. 21" -. C rn Ron- p s, P d,iy t.el.6 (. last year 7"2 ftO; shipments, today 7t6,(wO. last year 6W.000. Chicago: Estimated receipts for Mm. day Wheat. 2s. cars; corn, 560 cars; oatt. Boo cars; hogs, 33,000. New York Money Market. New York, Oct. 20. MONEY Money rn call nominal. Prime mereaotile t hi er, i fU6 per cent. Sterling exrhanKe easy wi h actual business in bankers' bids at ji.M-j 4 for demand and at 4.rjV f.-r sixty d'lys, posted rates, $4.K2'u 'a and $4.ftuH; cummer cial. bills, $4.Wii'a4.Kl. SILVER Silver c rtiflcates. 64 V'-i 1 5c; bar silver, 4i.o; Mexican dollars. wV BONDS Slate bonds inactive. Rai roa.1 bote's strong. Government bunds Meady; refunding 2s. reeistered. 101; coupon. 1 4; 3s. registered, VX: coup- n. Iu9'; new 4s, registered, 1331; coupon, KI41: old 4 , reg istered, J14""4; coupon, 114;J; 5s, registered, 112; coupon, 11. Cotton Market New York. Oct. 20 COTTON Pp it cot ton closed quiet and steady: midd 1 g up lands, 9fc; middling guif," lou. Utilutt, bales. Sutter Market New York. Oct. 20. BUTTER-Firm; creamery. 16'!2212c; June creaiuety, 21c; factory, 13yl6c. Sugar Market. New York. Oct. 20. SUGA R Ra w' steady: fair refining, 4'4o: centrlf ug il. sti test. 434c: molasses suwar. 4c. itehn d. quiet; crushed, $6.15; powdered, $5.&5; gran ulated, $5.75. COtTJiK- Dull. Ran t;e of Fricaa. Furnished by J. C. Goings Commlralon Company, members Chicago Board of Trade, Topeka. Chicago, Open High Low Oct. 'iuee ZX 1 VS. Article WH EAT- Oct. .... Nov. ... Dee. . . . CORN Oct Nov. ... Dec. ... May ... OA 'i a Oct Nov. ... Dec. ... Mav ... Poi.iv Oct Nov. ... Jan. ... May ... La KO- Oct Nov. ... Dec. ... Jan. ... RIBS Oct Nov. ... Jan. ... 7K1 73T4 72 7.1'4 7:P4 73 74- 73 . 74 ',3-, T4VH 74H-4 73;-74 i4 - 394-40 40 39i 8!Wt Til'i 37'2-&a 37-4- 37l-a 37 4 as'-1 5S-9 .-r-!i 35S, s Mfe-) 36'; 36t-Vi WiVa-H 112. isz. li ti 21 V4 2! 21V 23Tn 21 i 21H 21 2I'i , r. '' ! 22 g 24 'a 21-t 22 ' 24- 21 22 : il ' 2JT, 2.r, 15 00 15 00 U 12 Ji 12 U 40 H 45 11 47 11 47 14 00 34 00 11 12 31 12 11 40 11 45 11 45 11 43 .... 7 00 C W5 6 ! 7 6 M 6 SO 6 k& it 67 11 12 at 40 11 :5 6 95 6 :2 6 75-77 ii kj 6 95 7 I") 6 8 1-82 6 S2 6 65 6 67 7 00 7 no 7 01 7 00 6 91 6 :.o 6 40 6 ;;o 6 :s 6 u2 6 Uu 6 w) 6 0M-.2 G M- 2 Ranges of Prices on Stocks. Furnished by J. C. Duncan, Comml sion. grain provisions and storks, oft'ira lo9 East Fifth street, 'l lione 123. Churds. Knepp 6c Co., correspondents. Kanaka City, Mo. New York. Oct. 20- 1 I i I " i ' Stocks. lOpn High) Low ; ;Cl'se Yes, I I. Sugar lei pie's Gas . . Am. Tobacco .. Federal St. el .. B. R. T Lea ther A. S. Sc W B. O C. B. fr O Rock Island .. St. Paul Atchison pfd Atchion com.. 121 J21U! 12 V: 121 H 121 ' 4 ! ! 9.'-,; ( fx I IV. s. I 7ii 71 V 55 ( S4 . 9 U' :v 50! ' 71 ' 12 i""V (,,', 5.-, "4 ..... SV-i, St., rp. 13', I24i 1 i:.7'- Hi, HO. r.:s , 1. ; lo..4 la.., H e., IMS: nt 4 I !7-V so 1 7:, M-. it in 1 jv; 13 j!::r, 7.'7hI 7!.'4 5 1 . ., 1:tr.i, rsv r.7 f-4 , I M .4 3 , Manhattan .... Western t'nion Mo. Pacific Wabash N. Y. Central.. U. Pac. com.... U. l ac. pfd .... SO so VI 133 61 Js.7 'til-V 7 ,l rr-J i r.; fp, 72Si i:;-.'- 6 1 "H 75 'v 5, I 6 V &7' i. 72 74 3 Reading pru .. Jers.y Ctntral.l T. C. & I N. Vac. com IV' 5l7.; N. Pac. jfd ... Par. .Mail I He N M-, K. & T. . 75:41 ;.4 io i ) t 75 '4 ! 74 ;! 1 .0 a Regular Board of Trade private market wire to New York Stock Exchange. Chi cago. St. Louis and Kansas City Boards of Trade. J. C Goings Commission Co. Members Chicago Hoard of Trade. Buyers and Shippers of Grain. Milling wheat a specialty. Consignments solicited. 112 East Fifth Street, - Topalta, Kaunas. We respectfully solicit your patronage and crffer careful" and honest xcutiun of orders. Please note: We are represented ia Kansas City by The F. P. Smith Comrnia sion Co.. members of the Kansas tty Board of Trade, and are making a spe cialty of executing orders in that market.