OCR Interpretation

The Topeka state journal. [volume] (Topeka, Kansas) 1892-1980, December 08, 1900, LAST EDITION, Editorial Section, Image 9

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016014/1900-12-08/ed-1/seq-9/

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PART 2. $
Editorial Section, j
? Editori
Editorial Seclion,
Paacs 9 to 16.
gy 3r
U Li l u
Miss Ella Ramsey Gives a Pleas
ant Tkinihle Party.
Her Guest of Honor Is Miss
Birdie Kin?.
The Monday Evening Meeting
Will Be Interesting.
Items of a Social and Personal
Miss E'.la Ramsey gars a delightful
thimble party Friday afternoon at her
home on Buchanan street, compiimen
ary to Miss Birdie King. At the clow of
the afternoon refreshments were served
through the rooms in two courses. Miss
Kamsey was assisted by Miss Willa
The invited guests were: Miss Birdie
Kins, Miss May Buttervvorth of Los
.Angeles, Miss Kthtl Cockerell, Mrs.
Charles Kin. Miss Edna Miiiice, Miss
Katiierine Mills. Miss Lela Hord, Mis.
Anna Crane, Miss Julia Whitmer, Miss
,ViUe Kirk. Miss Mabel McGiffin. Mrs.
O. P. M. McClintock, Mrs."Heberer, Mrs.
Jay Van Hcuten. Miss Sarah Beck. Mrs.
J. P. Rodgers, Miss Edith Moore, Miss
Oault. Miss Anna Banks, Miss Mary
Parkley, Miss Ldllie Freeman, Miss
B-'Ulah Lee, Miss Willa Tomlinson. Miss
BHe Welch. Miss Margaret Goodrich,
Miss. Brewer, Miss Kmily Allen, Miss
Anna Squires, Miss -Agnes Walsh, Miss
Gertrude Wii'.ett. Miss Mattie Mc
Gregor, Miss Itana. Miss Smith. Mrs.
Harry Lang, Mrs. Hiwin Fox. Mrs. W.
S. Chaney. Mr. Henry March, Mrs.
Harry Guthrie, Mrs. Fagan. Mrs. Whit
ney, and Mrs. Charles Josiin.
The Stedman Programme.
The following programme will be given
Monday evening at the regular meeting
of the Stedman club, which will meet
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. X. P. Gar
retson. on Harrison street:
Paper, rr. Marv Stewart.
Story, 11. L. Heald.
I'oerrt. Mrs. Sarah Har greaves.
Poem, Vinton Phenis.
Story. Mrs. A. Wetherley.
Sketch. Mrs. Chamberlain.
Subject for the responses to roll-call
mill be "The Closing Century."
The Ralston Club.
At the last meeting of the Ralston
club a special Thanksgiving programme
was given, after which a:i took part in
an old-fashioned spelling contest, also
j. regressive spelling. This was quite an
innovation, and was enjoyed accord
ingly. The next meeting- will be Monday
evening. December 10. at the home of
Miss Fode Bates, at (27 Harrison street.
3t is desired that all members attend,
and be prepared to respond u roll-call
iwith, a. current event.
Tbe Bon Ami Club.
The Bon Ami club was pleasar.tly
entertained Friday evening: at the home
f Miss Myrtle Dillon on Fillmore street.
The evening was spent in playing high
five. The members are Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Heller, Miss Myrtle LMHon, Miss
Kleanor Coicord. Miss Daisy Warner,
Miss Venice Whitney, Miss Ada Sim
mons. Mr. Fred Wiison. Mr. C. X.
ttrawn. Mr. C. H. Strawn. Mr. Will
Irwin and Mr. Charles Smythe.
A Wedding Announcement.
The marriage of Miss Xannie Hopkins
and Mr. Jay Morris will take place
Wednesday afternoon. December 12, at
iW9 ' clock at the home of iliss Hop
The largest and finest stock of Pianos and Organs ever exhibited in the city of Topeka, can now be seen
at the salesrooms of W. W. Kimball Co. The latest designs of cases in Hahogany, French and Burl Wal
nut, Mottled Oak, Rosewood and San Domingo Mahogany in the following well known makes: Kimball,
Hallet & Davis, Whitney, Hinze, Boothe Bros., Lindell and Lighte & Co. This fine stock of Pianos and Organs
was especially selected for the Christmas trade which we expect to make the largest in the history of our
business. If you contemplate the purchase of a piano within the next year we will make it an object to you
to buy of us this month. Prices and terms within the reach of all. Pianos may be selected now and deliver
ed Christmas day if desired. We invite you to call and see us. We want your trade. Mail orders will re
ceive our prompt attention. R R fare refunded to purchasers within 50 miles of Topeka.
House, 630 Kansas Avenue.
kins' sitser, Mrs. James S. Sproat. The
marriage is to be very Quiet as only
the relatives and a few of the most in
timate friends are to be present.
Owl Club Entertained.
Mr. and Mrs. George Herron enter
tained the Owl High Five club delight
fully Thursday evening at their home
at 924 Monroe street. Dainty refresh
ments were served at 10 o'clock by the
hostess. The prizes were won by Mrs.
James Porter and Mr. Arthur Doyle.
The members of the club are Mr. and
Mrs. James Porter. Mr. and Mrs. George
Middaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Xichols,
Mr. and Mrs. George Bartell. Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Loud. Mr. and Mrs. Will Porter, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Doyle, Mr. and Mrs
George Herron. Mrs. Gunsolly. Mr.
Lawk-r. Miss Herron and Mr. Herron
were guests. The club will meet next
Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Wiil Porter at their home on Monroe
.Notes and Personal Mention.
The Felicity club will meet Tuesday
afternoon with Mrs. Edwin Knowles, at
her home on Taylor street.
Mrs. J. C. Allison goes to Kansas City
Monday to attend the opera.
Harry Valentine has returned from a
business trip to Xew York.
Miss Park Reed entertained a half
dozen of ht-r friends informally Tues
day evening, at her home on Tyler
street. Miss P.eed planned a unique en
tertainment for her guests, who were
all giris. She rquested each one to take
with her a picture of a man who had
at some time proposed to her, and to tell
the story of his proposal. Miss Carrie
Wilcox won the prize for telling the best
story, and the consolation prize was
awarded to Miss Lina Pliley. Refresh
ments were served late in the evening.
The St. Cecelia club will meet Monday
evening of next week, instead of
Wednesda y.
Continued on page 5.1
Bishop Potter Says is Responsible For
Divorce, Crime and Corruption.
Xew Haven. Conn., Dec. 8. Bishop
Potter, in an address last night before
the Church club of Xew Haven, spoke
at length oa "Wealth and Common
wealth." 'I chose this subject because of its
paramount importance," he said. "Di
vorce, crime and corruption in all our
cities have one root the lust of money.
The one eager, dominant hunger which
salutes us from one end to another of
our broad land 13 the passion, the
huncer. the greed of gain.
'Challenge what method you will in
the complicated web of our industrial,
political and social life and you will find
the question of g-ain behind it. Listen
to what scandal you may in the haunts
of politicians, in tbe camps of soldiers,
in the halls of fashion, the final stand
ard in the w hole business may be ex
pressed by a dollar mark.
"Lister, to the talk of children as
they measure and compare their eiders.
Hear a group of young girls, whose
fresh youth one would think ought in
the matter of their most tender and
sacred affections to be as free from
sordid instinct as from the taint of a
Godless cynicism, and you will find that
they have their price and are not to be
had without it any more than a Cir
cassian slave in the market of Bagdad.
"Go where you may, talk with whom
you will with clergymen estimating the
promise of a field for spiritual labor,
with women rating the claims of other
women upon their social recognition,
with the heads of great universities
paralyzed with fright lest the indis
cretions of some piain-spoken professor
who tells his age the truth in an hour
when it sorely needs to hear it shall
cut down the revenues of the college
it is no matter, the commerci?,! ques
tion is at the bottom of it, and decides
usually all the others.
"We read the other day of a woman
at the horse show whose attire was a
dress made of the skins of unborn
lambs. What do you think of such a
r-' 3 W m
Rocker Like Cat, $1.50.
We offer you a complete
Oak Dining Chairs and a Carving Chair
and one 6-foot Extention Table (7 hand
some pieces in all) all finished in Golden
Oak, for
We have others ranging
Since we moved our store room to the Keith Build
ing we have fitted up our basement as an additional
salesroom. Have you been down there yet? Step down
and notice the improvement and the immense stock of
Furniture we have down there, all new.
thing? Is not this a relic of barb
arism? "The situation; grave and threatening
Miss Ruth Hayden. of Holton, will
visit Miss Mabel Knowles week after
Misses Mary. Jean and Grace Frost
are planning to attend grand opera in
Kansas City next wefk.
Mrs. Streator has returned to her
home in Olathe after a short visit in
Topeka with Mrs. W. B. Gibson,
as it is to all that Is best in a nation's
life, i3 the result of causes that are not
Ml i n -Vhv
Li Li vli U" Out
ii IL
And listen well. The fullest value for your money is no novelty here,
condition. Useful, Ornamental, Beautiful, and Needful Articles for Xmas
receive an exclamation of delight from the recipient.
Different Styles of Center Tables
No two alike any kind of wood you may desire just the
handsome Xmas present they range in price as low as
Read this
Large Cobbler Seat
Rockers; Golden Oak or
Mahogany finish
This same chair you
will find advertised in
larger cities at
"We have always sold
them before for S2.50.
The most beautiful work in art
and workmanship will be admired
when you see those iron beds we
are offering from
$1.95 up to $80.
Every one is marked less than
you will find them elsewhere.
Dining Set, consisting of five solid
in prices up to S90.00.
far to seek. They are to be found In the
spirit of the age, in the conditions of our
national life and ia the standard of our
personal values.
"We may Ehout till we are black in
the face that we are the greatest anl
the bravest and the tiegest an! the
strcr-gvst and the richest nation in
Chri-tenr'cm. but thre comes a stran.e
awe in the h-art as we turn hack and
r ad of what kind of stuff the first com
ers to these shores mainly were.
"In England a man of science discov
ers an antiseptic dressing for srunshot
8, 1900.
The largest and finest line
shipped to this State. ou
find a finer assortment in any
larger cities. They range in
from $75.00 down to
We bought these especially
wounds, another discovers a star, an-
other the mysteries of deep sea sounding
i and these are lifted presently to be peer3
: of the realm.
i "With us the scholar, the man of sci-
; er.ee, the inventor, the pk neer in com
merce or the arts, toil, delve and discov
er and enrich their age and we distin
jruis 1 them too often only by disputing
. their achirvements or by appropriating
without rewarding them for the pro-
i ducts, of their ptnius.
"If material wealth be the end of be
ing, if accumulation be the worthiest
2im of human arfi-itin if the ralsces
T. P. CULLEY, Manager.
thing - for a
About 50
In Mahogany, Birds-Eye
Maple and Golden Oak
they're as low as
of Solid Leather Couches ever
can t
of, the
for lovers of the very best.
or the buying of legislatures be the final
and highest distinction possible to mod
ern manhood, then we must needs look
them in the face.
"In the country In which you and I
lice what we call civilization has under
gone what is nothing lesa than a gigan
tic revolution. The huge aggregations of
capital which have practically taken
from the hands cf the individual the in
derffiient disposition of his labor ai.d
have introduced into his existence par
alysing uncertainty as to both hts com
forts and his future and gradual widen
It's a
that will
The !.,w.-.r riro 9 1 8.00 n l
up to $RO.OO. Y-" fiave tK'MiH
er nm-a in m. if you can't wait
we'll irir one ii,et'ial J"livny
lor you.
Dressing Tables.
They are beautiful th"y com
In a tlozen ii PI f-rT.t style ami
In Mahograny. l:inK-Eve Miiile
and H!'Ifn f.iak-vnu fan K-1 K"t
them here for 10.0O.
Ami more if you want to pay
ing of the branch" that s. rarni
from clafvn and the f omfxM iM n" f tt.f.
while they hnpTi the ti ' " "t
life, increase the ei.-m-nts -f j ipi'ii'v
and uncertainty as to how rreit mul'i
tudes may obtain the-m all th -u- ji
features of our mod-rn Fiiuatjnn fu!i i f
"For one. I hav no hope that any m. -chanlsm
of leginl it i-n. any t-Ti ft
so ia!i.ern. any scheme of arinun din li
butlnn or taxation will in the rem' t
degree remove th. in. The rhurrh of ;.. I
must go up, must stay up, ua a muc
higher plane than dutl."
y l: . ... . j:yrr.

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