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TOPEKA STATE JOURNAT., MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1900. IT'S AS MUCH TO YOUR INTEREST to buy your Xmas goods before the jam sets in, as it is ours to have you do so. But in order to make it an additional object to you, we will give a SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF TEN PER CENT on all purchases amounting to a total of $1.00 or more, from now till Friday evening. Discount applies to Holiday Goods only. A Discount Sale before the height of the season is a decided novelty in merchandising, and we hope you will appreciate it, and We have no use for the common method among merchants of giving a discount on goods after the season for them is over, and you know we never do it. We consider it an in sult to the customers and despite such methods. A discount in advance of season, however, is different and we hope it will please you and relieve the rush of the end of the season. PITIFULLY CRUEL continued from First Page.) th witness as the questions were asked and answered, and the sobs of Mrs. Sells there was the most intense silence in the court. The answers were given in a clear tone, and each wrd seemed to fall like burning drops of vitriol on that mother's heart. Siowlv the lust Question was asked and answered, and Colonel Holmes said: "That is all." Florence 'oolted toward her father's at torneys. Thev shook their heaeds and she rose from the" witness chair and was con ducted troin the courtroom by her father. Passinsi out. they almost brushed against the sob'oins: mother. Aithough she raised her head and cast an appealing glance, full of motherly love, at the daughter, the Inter turned her eyes away and passed on without bestowing one glance upon the mother. There was one witness for the plaintiff who had not yet been called to the stand. I'e wished counsel for defense to agree that when this witness could be secured t,p would be allowed to testify. The de fense wished to know- what the plaintiff expected to prove by this witness, but the request was refused. The judge said the matter could be decided when the witness Mas able to take the stand. The attorneys then asked that court ad journ until 1:30 this afternoon in order to dve them time to prepare for the intro duction of their testimony. This was granted, and at 11 o'clock court recessed until this afternoon. As soon as court was adjourned numbers pressed toward Mrs. Sells and congratu lated her on the stand she had taken in refusing to allow her attorneys to cross examine her daughter. The defense began the presentation of its side. The stand taken by Mrs. Sells In refusing to allow the cross-examination of her daughter created much sympathy for her. Attorney Hilling read the first deposi tion taken in behalf of Mrs. Sells. It was that of George W. Lindermiith, of Mar. ion. Ind. Attorney Booth rose and asked on behalf of the plaintiff that all wit nesses for the defense be excluded from the room during the progress of the trial. This was a new move, as the defense had not asked this in the of the witnesses for the plaintiff. The court made the or. dt-r as requested. Mr. Booth asked that as Wm. Bott would be a witness that this exclusion apply to him. Bott has been a constant attendant at the trial and has taken copious notes, but on the applica tion of this order he left the court room. He was summoned by the plaintiff, but did not testify, but will be put oa the stand by the defense. The Lfndermuth deposition was made In June, 3 ."A The deponent first saw Peter Sells to know him at Alexandersville. Ohio, 25 years ago. He went there to see the show and became acquainted with Sells. The witness went to Chattanooga in lkSo and 1-ft in ISM. He worked in a gambling room run by a man named De Bartlavin. lie knew Mattie Schuitz. the woman r,amed in the cross-petition of Mrs. Sells cs having been intimate with her husband. He had seen Peter Sells in Mattie Jchultz s place in Chattanooga. He was sitting on the side of the bed in Mattie Schultz's bedroom. This was about 9 o'clock tit night. Mattie was dressed in a long night gown and Peter had on only his underclothing. Mrs. Sells was not present in court when the first deposition was read for her side. Peter was also ab sent. About a year later Lindermuth said he met Peter Sells in the sitting room of Mattie Sehultz's illegal house. He said Peter hired four of the girls in the house to dance in the "altogether." Witness said the dance was something entirely out of the ordinary, and told of the arrange ments for the dance. He said dhe of the girls said "Mattie s lover is here, and has got several of the girls to give a dance." W hen Mattie and Peter came in the room- the dance bagn. The witness said Jt was not the hoochee-koochee, but a kind of a Quadrille. He said Peter did Jiot join in the dance. Henry Teager. a clerk in a Chattanooga hotel, was present In the room, said Lindermuth. Linder muth said that several months later he Bgain saw Peter Sells at the Schultz re fort. Maggie and Peter were in the back yard of the house. He had gone to the bouse to deliver some beer. At that point in the .reading of the deposition Mrs. Sells and her mother came in. Her eves were Fwollen, and gave evidence of the' emotion with which she had been shaken in the morning. The reading of Linderrouth's deposition continued. Mattie told him of a very fins diamond ring Peter Sells had given her, and the girls said he made presents of fine stones. Mattie kept a large number of girls. Attorney Booth, counsel for Mrs. Sells, read the cross-examination In the deposi tion. The witness said he left Chattan ooga for Lexington, Ky with J400 and played the races until he was "dirty" with money. Lindermuth went to Day ton from Lexington. He did not know Chief of Police Farrell, because "I didn't yever hunt up no cops. I ain't got no use Tor them nohow." Witness was asked why he shunned the acquaintance of the police. "Oh. dogged if 1 know, but I guess It vas because they didn't like me." ITS FIFTH YEAR And the Moat Prosperous of the American School at Some. New York, Dec. 10. The American School of Classical Studies in Rome has fust finished its fifth and most prosper ous year of active work. Last Year there were fourteen students, including several eoiitc,e instructors, while the present year opens with an attendance of about thirty, u he following colleges were represented - Yale. Harvard, Prinoeton, Cornell, Uni versity of Chicago, University of Michi gan. Leland Stanford, jr., Wellesley Bar liard. University of Wisconsin and'Wash Ington university (St. Louis). The object of the school is to advance the srudy of classical literature in its relation to the history of classical, Etruscan and Italian art and archaeology. The work this year will be -directed by PJchard Norton, who has been on the field several years and w hose specialty is the work on sites anil museums: Profes For Francis A. Kelsey, who is well-known for his translation of Dr. Mann's book on X'tuujteu, will i Uit other Instructor, Pro Remember it pays to trade at 613 KANSAS AVE. fessor Kelsey is at present preparing a book on Roman architecture. On account of prohibitive measures taken by the Italian government no ex cavations have been made by the school since its first year, when some work was done on the site of the old Latin town of Norba, near Rome. The school, however, aims to encourage and assist original re search and exploration and co-operates as far as possible with the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Two fellowships are offered annually for com petitive examination. BISHOP LITTLEJ0HN ILL. Compelled by Poor Health to Abandon Church "Work. New Tork, Dec. 10. Because of ill health the Right Rev. A. -N. Littlejohn, bishop of Long Island, has been forbid den by his physician to attend to his usual appointments in the churches in his diocese. Bishop George , "Worthington of the diocese of Nebraska, who is spending the season in the east, has consented to take Bishop Littlejohn's appointments during the continuance of Advent, while Bishop William E. Adams of the diocese of Easton, will act for him during; Lent. It is likely that at the next diocesan convention, which will be held in the spring1, the question of electing a co adjutor bishop wiil be considered, un less Bishop Littlejohn's health material ly improves. TO DROP PANAMA. Pacific Mail Company to Boycott Southern Port San Francisco, Dec. 10. The last Pa cific Mail steamer for Panama ..sails today. The City of Sidney leaves for all Central American ports, and will make her last point of call Panama. Thereafter all the Mail company's steamers will drop Panama from the schedule and will ignore the Panama railroad. The local representative of the Panama railroad has been notified that the company has chartered the steamer Roanoke, which will sail from Panama on January S. HANNA MUST PAT. Mrs. Frye "Stuck" the Senator For Theatre Seats. Washington, Dec. 10. When Senator Hanna planned his trip through the west he decided on Senator Frye, presi dent pro tern of the senate, as the speaker whom he wanted to accompany him. He wrote to Mr. Frye, who, with Mrs. Frye, was away up on one of the Maine lakes fishing. Mr. Frye was so intent on his sport that he handed the letter to his wife and asked her to an swer it. Mra Frye wrote to Senator Hanna saying that in her opinion Senator Frye had done his part, and was having de lightful fishing. Besides, she was not well and Mr. Frye himself was some what under the weather; and anyway, Mr. Frye was going to stay right there with her. Senator Hanna wrote back begging Mrs. Frye to let the senator join him. and promising, if she would, that when he got back to Washington he would do anything for her in his power that she chose to ask. To this Mrs. Frye returned substan tially this proposition: "I will let Mr. Frye go if you will promise to provide me with a box or seats, as I may pre fer.whenever there , is anything at any Washington theater that I may want to see, at any time during the season and as many times a week as I may want to go." Senator Hanna telegraphed this reply: "Tour terms are accepted." Mr. Frye went on the campaigning tour and Mrs. Frye is planning a series of good times at the theaters and Mr. Hanna will pay the bills. STODDARD LIBRARY OP TRAVEL A Masterpiece in Every Detail a Tour of the World. Four thousand superb engravings and the identical lectures delivered during the past eighteen years by John L. Stoddard, the most noted traveler and lecturer on foreign lands who ever lived. A few more orders will be taken at the discount price. - For further information call evening or address Mrs. Ross, Blower House, Topeka, Kansas. Steel Magnates Confer. New Tork, Dec. 10. The directors of the American Steel and Wire company will have a meeting today. John W. Gates, Isaac Elwood, and John Lambert, members of the directory, arrived from Chicago last night, and went to the Waldorf-Astoria, where they were soon joined by P. A. B. Widener and Thomas Dolan of Philadelphia; Max Pam of counsel for the company, and others in terested in steel and wire affairs. Messrs. Gates and Elwood declined to see re porters. All were in close conference for a long time. - Lecture Course. Seats for the concert Wednesday night by the Ernest Gamble company are on sale at Rowley & Snow's. Every seat in the High School hall should be taken for this splendid entertainment. Single tickets 50 cents. Season tickets for the remaining six numbers, including the lecture on "Liquid Air," $1.75. Don't fail to hear the Gamble Concert company at the High school .Wednesday night SHOP WHISTLE BLOWS. (Continued from First Page.) Texas, but Mr.Sargent says his visit has nothing whatever to do with the tele graphers' tsrike. He is simply going there to distribute funds raised by the brotherhood for the benefit of the loco motive firemen who suffered, as a result of the Galveston flood. HOW IT BEGAN. Two Versions of the Strike From Different Views. "To All Agents and Operators of the Santa Fe System. "In accordance with the action of your general committee and the by-laws of this organization on this date, you will strike, cease work and thereafter re fuse to perform any duty of any char acter whatever until the said strike is declared off by me personally and notice of settlement of all your grievances ac knowledged. Said notice must be vouch ed for by our local representatives, you will turn your boards red for the protec tion of life and property and leave them in that position permanently. Carefully protect all company property in your care or possession and allow no person access thereto until you are properly checked and released from all responsi bility by the company's actual represen tative. This action is made necessary to secure for you reasonable compensa tion and conditions of service. "All train dispatchers, clerks and other employes are earnestly requested to give us their assistance." The above order inaugurated the gen eral strike of telegraphers on the Santa Fe system. It was sent out by J. A. Newman.who is general chairman of the O. R.T.for the entire system from Wich ita, at 3:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The order reached Topeka a few minutes before 4 o'clock, and the operators who complied with it went out on the hour here. In the general offices eight operators walked out and three non-members went along in sympathy. It was one of the picturesqtie incidents of the strike how the keys in this ofttce were manned im mediately following the operators' de parture. C. W. Kouns, superintendent of car service, C. G. Sholes, superintend ent of telegraph, and C. F. Resseguie, general superintendent took desks and tapped the brass. All have been opera tors before donning the official ermine. They dispatched matters principally pertaining to their own department do ings and helped straighten up the situa tion from its first few moments of dis order. General Manager Mudge joined the shift for a time and did his own talking over the wire into the Chicago offices. He began work as a telegraph operator. Office business was trimmed into fair shape before midnight here, and the reg ular train service was not disturbed to any great extent. A small proportion of men went out on this division. Superintendent C. T. Mc Leilan went over the division from sta tion to station, conferring with the men and as the result of this canvass some wavering ones were induced to stay at work. At 10:30 o'clock Assistant Superintend ent of Machinery Sanderson, acted upon the general order issued in advance of the strike and posted notice that the shops would not begin work again.pend ing the settlement of the strike. This order was revoked Sunday, as noted. At no time did the company officials admit that as much as 50 per cent of the telegraphers had gone on strike. In an interview General Manager Mudge said: "In reality the operators have no grievances. The order and the company last April signed a new schedule, which was not to be annulled without 30 days' notice. They have broken their own agreements. Had the company been un fair discontent might spread, but there is no grievance whatever among our men." Discussing the strike order General Chairman J. A. Newman said: "The action was taken at the sugges tion of the order's national president, M. M. Dolphin, and only after it was evi dent that the company would not listen to our grievances. We were compelled to take this step to see that justice is done to the members of our organization on the Gulf system and as a matter of pro tection to ourselves. "If the Santa Fe cut wages and im posed other burdens upon the operators on that system, what is to prevent them from doing the same thing here? This, is rot altogether in sympathy, therefore, with Gulf operators. There is one thin-.; I am glad of and that is this fact, that the men are a unit in the matter. I am receiving telegrams from all points in dorsing my action. "Just how long the strike will continue is a matter hard for me to determine. Under no circumstances w ill we return to work until our grievances have been adjusted in a manner satisfactory to the members of the organization. The real grievance of the men on the Gulf system as given to me in a special from Nation al President Dolphin, is a protest against proposed elimination of 12 stations for schedule and a proposed reduction In wags at 19 other stations. To avoid the strike the committee agreed to accept Santa Fe rules, amended by providing for eight consecutive hours' rest in each 24, excepting in case of emergency. The clause depriving men of a hearing when discharged for insubordination was also to be eliminated. Another demand was that there was not to be any reduction in wages at any of the stations for the present. "Our grievances are identified with those of the Gulf operators and we will fight this matter together." POLK IS BLAMED. According to members of the Order of Railway Telegraphers in their early claims', between 1,000 and 1,500 telegraph operators on the Atchison, Topeka fe Santa Fe railroad left their desks and walked out on a strike. According to the same authority, early advices from points along the 5, 000 miles of track in the sys tem indicated that the freight traffic was practically tied up and that passenger trains ran slowly, with no further des tination than the next division terminal. M. M. Dolphin, president of the Order of Railway Telegraphers, estimated that 95 per cent of the telegraphers on the road had obeyed the order. The strike has been called to support the demands of the 300 operators, who, since Thursday have been out on a strike on the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe division of the .Atchison, To peka & Santa Fe railroad. The operators give this as their side of the dispute: The difference has been regarding wages and rules and the strike was called following the refusal of the railway officials to ar bitrate. Most of the present trouble is due to the "high-handed conduct" of L. J. Polk of Galveston, general manager of the Gulf. Colorado & Santa Fe division of the road. After the complaints had been brought to him and had been briefly discussed, he passed the matter on to Vice President J. M. Barr of this city. Mr. Barr, how ever, sent back the dispute to Polk for settlement. With him it stayed, while the officers of the telegraphers tried in vain to bring matters to a head. The executive committee of the Railway Telegraphers reported at the end of the two months that they were unable to get any satisfaction from Polk. The executive committee decided that the time had come for open war against their alleged op pressors and they were confirmed in that determination by the knowledge that for a month the company had been enlisting operators out of employment. As a re sult of these preparations, the railway had collected in Kansas City Friday night fifty-rive operators, whom" they sent on to Texas to take the places of the strikers on the Galveston division. All of these except three, it is asserted by the merC left the train before it reach ed Kansas City, and prophesied that the remaining trio would disappear before many miles. The Brotherhoods of Railway Engineers, of Railway Trainmen, of Locomotive Fire men and the Order of Railway Conduc tors, it is said, have promised to aid the operators. , MTJDGE AT THE KEY. Leaves Instrument Long Enough, to Talk of Conditions. Continued improvement in the opera tion of the road over the strike inaugu rated by the O. R. T. is the situation re ported by Santa Fe officials this morn ing. General Manager kludge and Gen eral Superintendent Resseguie sat side by side at the keys in the general office telegraph department. Mr. Mudge closed his key a moment to answer the inquiry for developments or changes in the strike situation. "Everything is running smoothly," he said. "The only change is that many operators are urging to be taken back. It is too late now. "To show you we are doing business right along, look at these train reports," said Superintendent Resseguie. "They falsify the wild and absurd statements that have gone out. Trains are running regularly, passenger and freight. Con sidering.the handicap a large and favor able percentage are on time. Much time is made up on the middle and eastern divisions by delayed trains. On the Chi cago division delays axe only matters of minutes. "The fast mail was on the dot here east and west, No. 8 was 36 minutes late. On the Oklahoma division where the ex odus of operators was one of the great est, eight trains out of eleven were on time yesterday. One was 25 minutes late, one 2Vs hours, one 3 hours and 45 minutes. Does it look as if we were do ing business? There is no doubt about it. "Freight trains are moving as satis factory as passenger. We are taking all business and starting all that comes in." On their side the men received encour aging advices. General Secretary H. S. Perham, of the O. R. T., issued the following bulle tin from St. Louis this morning: "Progress of strike entirely satisfac tory. President Dolphin in Galveston personally directing affairs. Our success assured beyond doubt. Ninety-nine per cent of the Santa Fe Pacific, and G. C. & S. F. operators out and over 95 per cent on the Santa Fe proper. They can not fill strikers' places. . Twenty-four hours at outside will bring victory to us." Secretary Perham urged the men to stand firm and take no stock in the reports of the company that everything was favorable and satisfactory to it. They had encouraging words from General Chairman Newman also that trains were tied up. Many ringers are included in the men sent out by the company, the men say. Chairman Purkett reports having a con versation with one of them at the To peka depot. The man said he had his wife and two children along and was benefiting his travels by securing free transportation as far as he could, in tending to pay his way on to Galveston when the game was up. JOAQUIN VALLEY OTTT. Operator Permitted Choice and One ' Third Struck. Stockton, Cal., Dec. 10. The strike of the telegraph operators on the Santa Fe has extended to the San Francisco and San Joaquin valley road, but not over one third of the men went out. After a con ference of the local committee lasting sev eral hours, it is reported to have left the question of walking out to the discretion of each operator. At the four principal points on the Valley road the men are still at their keys. These are Bakersfield, Stockton, Antioch and Point Richmond, wThile the train dispatcher, who is not included in the strike, is working at Fresno. WILL SPREAD NO FURTHER. Mr. Barr Looks For No Outbreak in Other Branches. Chicago, Dec. 10. J. M. Barr, third vice president of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe declared today that the rail way operators' strike was not effective west of Albuquerque and on the Galves ton, Colorado & Santa Fe road. Between four and five hundred men, he said, were still out on the Southern Kansas di vision, the Oklahoma division and the Western division. L. J. Polk, general manager of the G. C. & S. F. wired Mr. Barr today that 21 freight trains on the northern divis ion and 12 on the southern were running as usual. Of 32 men sent to take the places1 of strikers 19 went to work; the others deserting. W. G. Nevin, the Santa Fe manager at Los Angeles, telegraphed the road was running as usual in the Valley di vision, competent men having been se cured for all but four unimportant sta tions. Many strikers returned to work. Fruit shippers. Mr. Nevin said, had been notified that the Santa Fe could handle business up to the limit of their equipment. "Cattle trains are not being materially delayed," said Mr. Barr. "We are hav ing no trouble in getting men. One hundred men from here and as many more from other cities have been sent to Topeka, from which place they will be sent to other points as needed. I feel sure there will be no sympathetic strikes of men in other branches of the service." EVERY MAN OUT. Strikers Report From the San J oaquin Valley Road. Fresno, Cal., Dec. 10. John W. Hays, local chairman of the Order of Railway Telegraphers, and member of the Chi cago grievance committee, makes the following statement in regard to the strike of operators on the San Joaquin Valley division of the Santa Fe: "As far as can be ascertained every operator on the San Joaquin Valley di vision went out promptly at 5 p. m.fSun day. J. A. Newman, general chairman of the order, has wired me as follows: " 'Company shows evidence toward an early settlement.' " The dispatcher's office here says all trains are on time, and that only four men are out. but operators along the line say the strike is solid. ' The Gamble Concert In the concert by the Ernest Gamble company Wednesday evening the musi cians of the city have the prospect of an entertainment rarely equalled in To peka. The company consists of Mr. Ernest Gamble, basso, who is known as one of the leading vocalists of the coun try; Miss Sibyl Sammis, soprano, of whom Major James B. Pond says: "I did not believe there was so good a soprano, singer in this country." Miss Grace Jenkins, violinist, and Mr. Edwin M. Shonert, pianist. The programme will be a delight to all who are fortunate enough to hear it. The concert will be given in the High School halL CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of CHANGE IN BIG DRUG Fllta. Affairs of Swift & Holliday Company to Be Reorganized. Preparations are being made for a change in the firm of the Swift & Holli day Drug company. The corporation was iorganized five years ago, succeeding to the business of the firm of Swift & Hol liday. The original partners remained in the company as large shareholders. It is now asserted that Mr. Holliday will retire from the company. The store was a busy place yesterday, when an Inventory was taken. Reor ganization of the company is to follow, it is stated. It was learned that this stock account was made preparatory to the coming change. Cashier Henderson, of the First Na tional bank, said: "The goods have been invoiced to ar range for a settlement with the com pany's creditors. Since Mr. Holliday went into his new position some time ago he has left the business. His inter est is to be sold out. The sale is to be consummated without court process. Mr. Swift will become sole owner and as sume the conduct of the business. The bank has a representative in the com pany now." II. L. Robinson, secretary of the com pany, refused to make a statement and would give no figures. In reply to ques tions he stated that a settlement of the company's affairs was being arranged for, but what changes would be made were all guess-work. It was not certain that Mr. Holliday would go out of the eompany. SANTA FE'S SUMMARY. Strike Situation as Seen From Company's View Point. Kansas City, Dec. 10. A summary of the strike situation on the Santa Fe system received here at noon in a tele gram to H. W. Sharp in charge of Kan sas City terminals, gives the following: Chicago division About 115 operators at work, which fills all places except a few unimportant stations.. - Eastern division Practically all sta tions filled. Middle division All stations filled. Western division About one-half sta tions working. Oklahoma division Operators working at all important stations. New Mexico and Rio Grande divisions All except a few unimportant stations working. Southern Kansas Operators working at most important stationsand vacancies are being filled with men employed locally in other capacities. The "overland flyers" west bound due in Kansas City Saturday night and east bound due here yesterday were reported on time. Superintendent Sharp at 1 o'clock to day reported all trains, both freight and passenger, in this division were on time. CARTER FilUST STAY. The Court Refuses to- Sustain Prisoner's Demurrer. St. Louis, Dec. 10. In a decision hand ed down by Judge Hook of the federal district court of Kansas and concurred in by United States Circuit Judge Amos Thayer this afternoon Oberlin M. Car ter, former captain United States army, under sentence of five years' imprison ment for misappropriation of govern ment funds while in charge of the har bor work of Savannah, Ga., is remand ed to the custody of Robert W. Mc Laughry, warden of the federal peniten tiary at Leavenworth, where Carter has been confined, the court overruling the petitioner's demurrer on the habeas corpus writ issued some time ago, and sustaining the ruling of the trial courts, together with the subsequent action of President McKinley, who set aside twelve of the charges under which he was convicted, but made no change of the sentence imposed by the court mar tial. CURTIS AGAIN DENIES. Says He Is Not a Candidate For United States Senator. Washington, Dee. 10. "Several of my friends in Kansas have been stating thai I was a candidate for United States sen ator," said Representative Curtis, of To peka, today. "I am not a candidate. I have wired them that I am not a candidate." Noth ing further regarding the pleasures of shorter legislative hours and luxurious quarters in the senate end of the capitol will Mr. Curtis say. "As it stands now," he continued, "Kansas will not have a solid Republi can delegation in the next house of rep resentatives. In the Third district Jack son, the Fusion candidate for congress, is ahead 176 votes on the official count, Kansas has some 400 soldiers in the Philippines, and they were allowed to vote. The result of the soldier vote for the Third district is not yet known here. It must overcome the 176 ballots to elect G. W. Wheatley, tha Republican, who, until recently, was supposed to be Rep resentative Ridgley's successor." IMMEDIATE ADMISSION. Mr. Curtis Says Indian Territory Should Not Be Made to Wait Washington, D. G, Dec. 10. No member of congress has taken a keener interest in the legislation for the ben efit of Oklahoma and Indian Territory than Congressman Curtis, of Kansas. He has framed much of the legislation for the benefit of that section. Mr. Curtis has examined Senator Fairbanks' bill for the admission of Oklahoma to statehood, and believes that it wiH not become a law at this session. Mr. Curtis says that the In dian Territory should be a part of the new state, as the Fairbanks bill pro vides, but that there is no necessity for waiting until the allotments are all made and the land is owned in severalty by the Indians. For a Kansas-Iowa Debate. Grinnell, la., Dec. 10. Iowa college, at Grinnell, has practically concluded ar rangements for a joint debate with Washburn college, at Topeka, Kas. TODAY'S MARKET HEPOKT. Chicago, Dec. 10. WHEAT Wheat was easier early today on liberal receipts and a slack outside demand, although world's statistics and cables were rather bullish. May, in which option there i3 the best trade, opened c lower at 73 to 73c and sold to 72fa c. Here the market stead ied and reacted to 73:uc. Liverpool was "... d lower, which was not responsive to the slump here Saturday. World's ship ments, 6.024,000 bushels were slightly over the previous week's but 1.500.000 bu. under last year. Local receipts were 134 cars, one of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth reported feso cars against 912 last week and 6t9 a year ago. The visible decrease of 685,000 bushels later caused covering by shorts and May rallied to 73c. The liberal primary re ceipts, however, were against the price and May dropped back to 73c, at which the market closed, Uio under Saturday. CORN Corn started out weak on world's statistics, improved weather and freer country offerings. On the decline the market steadied on local buying. May opened VkftVic lower at 36c to 36c and sold to 35636c and then reacted to 36c. December opened 'uc down to 36ic to 36c touched 36c and following this ral lied to 36c. Receipts were 310 cars, none of contract grade. Corn on ocean passage showed an In crease for the week of 1.376.000. The close was steady, May c lower at 36c and De cember c down at 63c OATS Oats were dull and easier In sympathy with corn. May opened a shade lower at 23c to 23c, holding for some time at 23e. Receipts here were 213 cars. PROVISIONS Provisions early were fairly active and firm under the influence of higher hog prices and a good outside demand for ribs and pork. January pork opened 17 cents over Saturday at $12.32, holding firm- January lard opened 2c higher at J6.90, advancing to $6.2'Ki6.!t5, and January ribs 5 cents up at $6.33, sell ing to $0.3fy56.ST. FLAX Cash: N.- W.. S1.G2; No. 1, $1.59; December, tl.69; Mary, 61.60. RYE December, 46c; January, 47c; May, 49 c. BARLET-Casti, 3Sfi5!o. TIMOTHY r December, ..4.50; March, J4.65. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 10. CATTLE Receipts. 5,000; market steady to weak. Native steers, $3.505.35: Texas steers, 3.'K 4.80: Texas cows, $2.75f4.65; native cows and heifers, $1.754.75: stockers and feed ers, $2.504.26: bulls, $1.75(63.75. CALVES Receipts, 350; market steady, $4.2.Va5.60, . HOGS Receipts, 8,000: market steady to 5 cents higheF. . Rulk of sales, J t.42l2'4.95: heavy, $4.87V!?'0 4.S)71,4: packers, $4.9j.4.97; mixed, S4.S5fl4.95; light, 14,855; 4.87; york ers, $4.9flfi4.97U: pigs, $4.25ffl4.il0. SHEEP Receipts, 2,000; market strong. Lambs, $3.50fi5.45; muttons, $2.154.40. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Dec 10. CATTLE Receipts, 24,090; steady to 10 cents lower. Good to price steers, $5.356.00; poor to medium, $4.005.30; stockers and feeders. $2.254t'4.30; cows, J2.6O-&4.10; heifers. J2.6.rvji4.60; can ners, $2,005(2.50; bulls, $2,254x4.40; calves, $3.505.25; Texas fed steers. $4.0Ui4.85; Texas grass steers, $3.30jj4.10; Texas bulls. HOGS Receipts, today 36,000, tomrow 33.000: left over, 1,3:2. Five to 7V cents higher, active; top, $5.00. Mixed and butch ers', $4.6M.00; good to choice heavy, $4.70 (d i.Wz; rough heavy, $4.5'4.65: light, $4.70 &4.W'i: bulk of sales, J4.fuijt4.95. SHEEP Receipts, 20,000:" sheep and lambs steady: one lot extra Christmas lambs, $6.50. Good to choice wethers. $4.00 fit 4.40: fair to choice mixed, $3.754.05; western sheep, $4.C.KS4.4o: Texas sheep, J2.50ffi3.65: native lambs, J4.00fa5.50; west ern lambs, $4.754j5.50. Official for Saturday: RECEIPTS Cattle, 1S6; hogs, 24,374; sheep. 112. SHIPMENTS Cattle, 1,294; hogs. 2,769; sheep, 1,55. Kansas City Produce Market. Kansas City. Dec. 10. Close: WHEAT December. 2iJc: May, 65r"c Cash: No. 2 hard. 65(i66jc; No. 3, 63&65c; No. 2 red, es'atj'Jc; No. 3. eS'ufiSc. CORN December, 333c; May, 34c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 34c; No. 2 whiter 34c; No. 3. 34V4c. OATS No. 2 white, 25c RYE No. 2. 46c. HAY Choice timothy, J10.00810.50; choice prairie. S9.0ofr9.50. BUTTER Creamery, 19S23c; dairy, fancy, 17c. EGGS Fresh. 21c RECEIPTS Wheat, 226 cars. Topeka Hide Market. Topeka, Dec 10. Based on Chicago and Boston quota tions. The following are net prices paid In Topeka this week: GREEN SALT CURED 7V.C. GREEN SALT HALF ClfRED-c. NO. 1 TALLOW 4c. Today's Topeka Markets Topeka, Dec 10. CATTLE. COWS $2 503.25. HEIFERS $3.0Oi7 3.50. CALVES. HEAVY S3.0OQ3.5O. LIGHT (Under 200 lbs) J4.004.59. HOGS. LIGHT $4. 40ff 4.60. MEDIUM AND HEAVY-J4.40S4.60. GRAIN. NO. 2 WHEAT 62c. NO. 2 CORN 30c. NO. 2 WHTTE CORN 31a NO. 2 OATS 23c HAY J7.0LK&7.50. PRODUCE. EGGS 22c. BUTTER 18c. Joseph's Tips. Furnished by J. C. Goings Commission company, members Chicago Board of Trade, Topeka, Kansas. New York, Dec. 10. Lookout for a flurry in Steels. Buy moderately with the fixed purpose of averaging. Change in manage ment of T. C. & I. board is likely. Rig short interest in T. C. & I., hence the ad visability of buying this stock on all fur ther drives. Keep a stop, profit-taking or der under Eries. but hold Readings. For eigners will buy 26,000 shares on balance. J. ARTHUR JOSEPH. New York Money Market New York. Dec. 10. MONEY Money on call firm at 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 414'fi5 per cent. Sterling exchange easier with actual business in bankers' bills at S4.S4V4.S5 for demand and at $4.Sl,4Sr4.RlV2 for sixty days: posted rates, $4.s2'Sr4.!21i and $4.6; commercial bills, $4.i.2-'a4.Sl. SILVER Silver certificates, 64650; bar silver. 64i2c: Mexican dollars, 500. BONDS Government bonds irregular; refunding 2s, registered, 104-s; do. coupon, 1047; 2s, registered. ; 3s, registered, 10W4; do. coupon, W'&t: new 4s, registered, l."W: do. coupon, 13S; old 4s. reeistered, 114: do. coupon, 115; 5s, registered, 112?i; do. coupon, 112. Butter Market. New York. Dec 10. PUTTER Steady; creamery. isfl27c: June creamery, lS&23Vsc; factory, 12g 1514c. Sugar Market. New York. Dec. 10. SUGAR Raw, steady; molasses susar, 3 ll-16c. Refined, steady: crushed, $6.00; powdered, $5.70; granulated, $5.60. COFFEE Dull: No. 7 Rio, THc Cotton Market. Galveston, Texas, Dec 10. COTTON Easv, 97t(C. New York. Dec 10. COTTON Spot cot ton close quiet, He lower: middling up lands, SCisc; middling gulf, lOic Sales, 125 bales. Grain Letter Furnished by J. C. Goings Commission Company, members Chicago Board of Trade, Topeka. Chicago, Dec 10. WHEAT Wheat has again shown a weak tendency and the close is the weakest we have had on this crop. With all this there are some facts which the holder of wheat may feel en couraged over. Where an increase in our visible suppiy was generally expected, a decrease of 6S5,O0 was recorded and this in the face of larger receipts and small shipments. The outside markets alt ap pear weak with the cash wheat at Min neapolis showing more decline on account of low grades arriving. World's shipments were given little attention today, neither the decrease on passage, which was small. After a rally of .e from the low point on buying bv local crowd of shorts, the market eased off on selling for St. Louis traders. There is little to be said on the situation other than what we have said. Stocks are large, speculation lieht, but the trade generally santtuine as to the outcome, believing 73c quite low enough. CORN Corn started weak on the im .proved weather. Trade, however, was not large and the local crowd rather over-did the selling. Some December shorts took advantage of thp dip to cover. Country ac ceptances were liberal, while cash demand was sick. Trading has not improved as yet, but present weather will um ltlp It, Clearances M4.(xft bushel. Estimated re ceipts tomorrow, S"W cux. OATS Prices eased off nightly with com and because clear cold weather re sulted in an irf reeme in th western of ferings. Elevator pwoplo nold. Futures yielded barely vc Kecelptu, 213 rut: -timated, z- cars: visible deer.-..-e.l 444 l bushels. The local Btocus dvcreaaed 224, OuO bushels. PROVISIONS Provllrn have U-n strong with pork up at in besu, 20 to lard up 74 to lc: ribs up 5 to 7Hc Tin t wer only SS.rtui hws and prices st 1 h yards 5 to l'c higher. 1'roviHionj Mock show small decreases, exept on rtbs ami only ft small increase on them sim e 1 -rember 1st. The local crowd is bullish. January pork ought to be a safe purrli on all soft spots. None has been miots yet and no doubt short interest Is luiya. We feel friendly to tha whul lit. J. JT. HARRIS. Market G-ossin. Furnished by J. C. Oolmr Commtsilon Company, members Ciiicuso Board ot Trade, Topeka. Llverpool, 1:30 p. m. : Wheit. U5 lower; corn, hd lower than Saturday's close. London, 1:30 p. ro.: Wheat c-usy, 4 to '-id lower; corn easy, & lower than Satur day's close. Paris opening: Wheat and flour both barely steady, 10c lower than aturo.a close. Chicago receipts: Wheat. 134 cars grac ed 1; corn. 310 cars, graded ; oats, z:S cars, graded 15. Chicago: Hog's. 36.000, open 5c hltrher; cattle, 24.000, lower: sheep, io inio, steady. Kansas Cltv: Hops, 9.0"": cattle. 4.000. Omaha: Hogs, 6.t; cattle, 3,oti. Des Moines, liu: John R. Sa;: dlrecfof of Iowa weather ond crop annual reports Bhows yield of winter wheat on a reduce! acreage -as compared with former year to be 1,018.070 bushels, an average of 13 3 bushels per acre, the total yield jt spring wheat is 20.2vo.2mO. Chicago: Weather map rhows normal winter temperatures and generally cieuo weather everywhere. Washington, . c. : "he government re port on wheat will not be given out to day. Paris close: Wheat. 5J10o lower; flour unchanged to 10c lower. Antwerp closes 12o lower than Satur day. Kansas City receipts: Wheat, today 2"9 cars, last year 137; corn. 67 cars, lafct year 72: oats, 9 cars, last year 14, Minneapolis receipts: Wheat, today h -3 cars, last year 636 cars. Duluth receipts; Wheat, today K5 cars. liisL year 05. Wheat on passage, decrease 26,000; corn, Increase 1,376.000. World's wheat shipments, th! week, 6.024. 01"): previous week, B..S5i.W0; last e .t, 7,53,000. Corn, shipments this week, 6,!, 5. Oao: previous week, 6,441,0j; last year, 6,312,000. Weather forecast: For Illinois, Indiana and Missouri Generally fair, not so col. I. For Minnesota, Iowa and Dakota Ught snow Hurries not bo cold. For Nebraska and Kansas Fair. Chicago: Hogs close cent1 higher; clearances gMd: 'estimated tomorrow, 2ls W. Cattle steady to lower. Liverpool cltse: Wheat, 1 lower; corn, ifj'd lower than Saturday's close, Chicago: Trade very light in wheat and is of a pit character. Chicago: Wheat stocks,, de. crease 427,000: corn, 1,473, 0u0, decrease &!, 000; oats, not given. Chicago: Imoks as tf wheat visible might decrease live hundred tliousund to l.yno.uoo. London close: Wheat to 9d lower; Cvn. to lower. Visible supply: Wheat, decrease Gvi.O0; corn, decrease 60. 0': oats, decrease 444.ti. Total visible supply: Wheat, 61 4i4,oou; corn, 8,7K2,tW): oats. 0,87r,t. Chicago: Estimated cars for tomorrow Wheat, 105; corn, 3": oats, ,o. Total clearances: Wheat and flour (ar wheat), 416,0ml bu. : corn, H14.0O0 bu. St. Louis close: Whea t December, 7,fHe; January, 70'2c; May, 72rdc asked, Corn December, 35c; January, 844o bid; Wu.y, Range of Prices. Furnished by J. C. Goings CommlUFJotl company, members Chicago Board ot Trade, Topeka, Kansas. Chlcaagi, Dec. 10 Article Open High Low Cloa t. WHEAT Dec. ... fW'&O 70i 6H 6'' 7n-4 Jan. ... 7U-9 7'ii 7' "St- Feb. ... 7ht 7 7"- 71 71 ' May ... 73V73 73 a 12 73 73V4 CORN Dec. ... SB14-I4 SCfj, 3-.T4-36 364 Jan. ... 3T-)4 35'-i 35 3.". .'.' . Keb. ... 35'4 3f,i. 35 85 :! Mav ... 36U-36 30!4 36:4 36 So' OATS Deo. ... 21 21 21 21 214 Jan :"N,-i 21 Si May ... 23-f4 23 23 83 : POKK Dec Jl 2T. II 23 Jan 21S- 2! May ...12 17 12 17 12 10 IZ 12 WW LARD Dec. ...7 15 7 20 7 15 7 20 J 11 Jan. ...12 32 12 40 J2 25 52 25 12 IT, May ... 6 97 7 02 ? COT 6 H2-9S Rl BS Dec 6 45 6 40 Jan. ... 6 35 6 35 6 32 6 82 Wi-33 May ... 6 40 6 42-45 6 40 6 40 6 37 Minneapolis and New Tork Range. Furnished by J. C. Duncan, commis sion, grain, provisions and utooks. OMice 109 East Fifth street. 'Phone 123. ChurUe, Knapp & Co., correspondent, Kanitur City, Mo. MINNEAPOLIS. Article W H EAT Dec May Article CORN Dec. ..... Jan. ...1. May Open High Low Close. . 70 71 'i 7"4 71 . 7:1 73 73 73 JEW YOKK. Open High Lj w Close, . 4T. 45 45 4r. . 42 42 4.' ,' 42 . 41 42 41 41 Range of Prices cn Stock. Furnished by J. C. Duncan, commis sion, grain, provisions and Mocks. Office My East Fifth street. 'Phone 123. Charde, Knapp & Co., correspondents, Kutmua City, Mo. New York, Dec. 10. I " " " I Stocks. Op'n.Hlgh Low.Cl'se Yen. I I t Sugar 123! 12R 123! 124'4,12' People's Gas .. !", f-', '. SV Am. Tobacco .. 1' 1"7:: 7" J.i, r 5 Federal Steel .. 61! 62i 51 - 3", & Ivfrd. St'Cl pfd.. 7l 77i 7'. 76 Leather 74 I 75 I 73, 7. 74 A. S. & W 43 43 41 42 41 B. 4r 0 7M' il 7; 7 7-; 7k C IS. .- Q l:i4; 13f,:s, 1SI4 135 '31 Rock Island ... H3-: 114 1i: lit 11 St. Paul 12T.'., 1. l- )2 - Atchison pfd .. h:!; !iSi .': C3 j: Atchison com. . 3-1 . :-. 2 H ;,s .V. Manhattan .... " Jim, Con. Tobacco.. 32 32j St :.? Mo. Pacific .... &'! S" ! ! ! f,'. Wabash 22'. Si' 21 21-. 21'-, N. Y. Central.. 111! 111, lU'.l 141 111., C. & 0 87 I 371., 37 I 37V 37 c. c. c 'l ; :! .!,, i-.4 I'. Pnc. com 71 71: 71 71 j 71 I". Pac. pfd .... ' H W'iS "'! "4 Rubber 24 2li -Mj 2 , 26 1 S. Pac. pfd .... 41 41! 4" 41 4.1, Reading pfd ... 63 fit 63 3 ." N. Par. com.... ft, 7-! 711 f fw T. C. I R! 62 H (,.,:-. r,w Pac Mail 4- 44 4:; 44 L. & N ? IC'i! S I K'V M M.. K. & T. 33 3 I 371 3r; 37 J.C. DUNCAN, Commission GRATNan:! STOCKS Long Dlst. 'Phone 123. J 09 .. Fifth St. Private Wire, Quick Service. Tour patronage respectfully foil. H-. Special attention to Bankers and Capi talists. Correspondent Chard. Knap" Co., Kansas City. Mo. 'harde utm! Ktuapp e r both members of Kansas City ltourd ut Trade. Orders executed promptly and accur ately on that market. N. R We, . correspondents of Mr. Duncan, guarantee the proper appropria tion of all money deposited with him f r marginal purposes. We keep separate ac count with each eusrtomer, so one -ust'-mer's money Is not used to manrin an other. CHARD K. KNAPP CO.,