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LAST EDIT1GJL TUESDAY EVENING. TOPEKA, KANSAS. DECEMBER 25, 1900. TUESDAY EVENING. T WO CENTS. SANTA 17ASTHER Did Not Forget Children at lie form School. Two Large Christmas Trees Were Revealed. ALL ARE REMEMBERED Candy and Gifts Showered Up on the Children." For an Hour They Are Then Given Freedom of Play Room. There are hundreds of children in the great state of Kansas who fared not so well, this Christmas Day, as did the 175 boys in the Kansas State Reform school. This clustter of buildings that lie com pactly together In the fields northwest of North Topeka, was ablaze with light last night, when the inmates were given their annual Christmas treat. At noon today, in the great mess hall under the chapel, the same 175 waifs of humanity attacked 40 fat turkeys, provided for their Christmas fare, and hid them bit by bit under their gray jackets. These little fellows are an interesting lot of youngsters. At the tender ages, of 10 to 18, as they variously range, the ma jority of them have seen more of the seamy side of life than many persor encounter In a lifetime. If the brief life-story of each is known, there is a big heart-ache drawn from every sym pathetic soul. So many of the set drawn faces are of the degenerate type that the task of making good boys out of bad undertaken by the state is an enormous one Every other seat, almost, holds its contorted face that is kept still hardly a moment, showing this and that little fellow the victim of nervous diseases as well as other abnormalities. But last night was a proud and happy occasion for them. For a week or mora the Christmas entertainment has bten the uppermost thought fllling in their routine of work, study and play. For several days the Reform school team has been sent scurrying in and out from the school to the city, over the hard, fro zen roads and around 15 corners carry ing in the packages and parcels that distinguish Christmas tide. These 15 cor ners to turn in the road from Kansas avenue to the school are said to be the least tortuous route. The driver says be cai. do worse and dizzy the clearest head that attempts the journey. But the boys oared not whether there were 15 turns in the road cr 50. Perhaps never thought of it. Under discipline they had little to say, but the anticipation aroused by those mysterious packages, who can measure? , In the school chapel last night, the fruit of all these preparations were made evident. At either corner of the platform stood a tall Christmas tree. They glivtered with silver bells and tin sel, and their branches were loaded with the gifts of books, pictures, neckties, kerchiefs and all the toys and knick knacks that delight the heart of a boy. Ropes of evergreen and holly stretched overhead. On the walls in white and evergreen were the usual mottoes, "Peace on earth, good will to men," "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year." First the school band played several overtures while the preliminaries were being arranged and the visitors seated. Then the boys that had been drilled for choir singing and the ones who had rec itations, marched to their places on the platform and the programme of exer ciass was carried out. As the choir sang the opening Christ mas carol the front row boys held high their singing books before their faces. They sang the words by rote and peeped under the bottom of the "joyous echoes" at the great wash baskets full of pea nuts and candy that stood at their feet. One little fellow's bump of curiosity Eemed insatiable. He was plump-faced and large-eyed. His gaze was riveted on the heaped up goodies at his feet the greater part of the evening. How those boys with declamations did recite. They intoned their dialogue, piping a shrill falsetto for the female parts, with head turned to cne side, and talking gruff and husky with lowering look when it was the "old man" that tpoke. When the Arkansawer shrieked Sal! Sal!" to his love and drew himself up into a comical gesture, a burst of hysterical and appreciative giggle3 re warded his efforts. The last number of the programme, which was marked by its popular and varied selections throughout, was a cake walk on a limited scale. Ten little dark ies lined up and sang that tuneful ditty of the minstrel man's, woes with the googoo eyes." It was suspicious how the boys crowded off into one corner, but when the chorus came around it was .explained. They made a double circle of the stage in the cake walk step. The enthusiasm they threw into it and the merriment were Infectious and it secured a big hit. The distribution of presents followed. There were candy, nuts, oranges and a necktie for each boy, provided by the institution. Then the mysterious pack ages that had been coming in for days yielded up their treasures. There was everything that a boy usually gets from Santa Claus, except noisy toys and dan gerous ones. One little chap received a soap box as big as himself, containing at least J15 worth of gifts. Every young ster received, two or more presents. There were not so many pairs' of skates this year, because ice has been scarce, perhaps. Every boy in the institution Is supplied, however.because such treas ures are handed down from the out going to the incoming. There was a patent top for each member of the A family, or youngest group, and" a croko noie board and various other boxes of games for each of the four "families" for joint and common use. Laden with their candies and gifts, there was no bed for the boys for an hour after the exercises ended. They were taken to their several play rooms and given free play. Off came their heavy shoes and in bare feet they pat tered over the warm tiled floor, gorged their sweetmeats, idled with their toys and took account of stock. The choir sinking by the bovs was plead ing to hear and was entered into with keen spirit Mr. E. H. Shumwav gives the little fellows their musical drill right along. One of the songs that everv in mate joins in most heartily is Mr. Shum way's arrangement of the popular war time song "A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight." The song is as follows: We're a band of jolly fellows and we're staying here just now To get an education and to learn to dig and plow. iWe don't propose to "monkey" when we itaow "Us best to be A truthful, happy set of boys as ever you did see. Ie us all, then, do just what is right. Strive for honor, work with all our might. Then when free, and loved ones are in sight. There'll be a hot time In the old town that night. Don't think because In uniform you see us every day. That we have to work forever never have a bit of play. Don't think we're the only ones that ever went astray. For we know that "there are others" who will come when we're away. Now, we don't propose to murmur, and we don't propose to sigh. And we don't propose to grumble, and we sweet by-and-by.' n, Preparing and carrying out the Christmas treat Superintendent W. S. Hancock. Assistant Superintendent E. M. ",a" ". runny Lowe, Airs. V'., owS .ne teachers of the institution wn assist In the Sunday school were -iiieir euoris were repaid bv the evident enjoyment that accrued to "their cnni-wno Vf f.,..... tt a , ..... vT 1. Duniauay ana Vincent or the board of charities made generous lo uuperintenaent Han cock, s general request for Christmas cheer lor the boys. Mr. Hornaday donated $10, . vmeent the same amount in presents and the state set aside $25. Superintendent Hancock and Assistant Superintendent Misner were not forgot ten by Santa Claus. either. Thev re F,ve each a handsome lamp, the gift of the officers and employes. Mr. Shumway was remembered also with a gold watch. Slven by the same and the boys. the programme of exercises rendered was as follows: Invociation by Miss Koontz. Song "Angel Hosts Adore Thee." Recitation by six little bovs. Declamation "Too Utterly Utter," by Xjee Thompson. Song "Shout Aloud In Wildest Joy." Recitation "The First Christmas" (Lew Wallace), by Claude Debault. Recitation "An Arkansawer In Love," by Charlev Caton. -.j.j.itri uopsn t mow i m Com ing Home." Frank Weatherly Song 'Piekaninny Lullaby." Dumont uuler ixam," Frankie Song "Earth's New Born Savior." Splecttnn "f "rQ t Hams. w- Recitation "Night After Christmas," Harry Dillon. Song A Medlev. -ireci,tStI2,n T l'The Farmer and the heel.". Fred Lambert, Song "Goo! Goo! Eyes." DUNE ALONE President and Mrs. McKInley Eat Dinner Prlrately. Washington, Dec. 25. Christmas day was generally observed here all ol the churches holding special services. At the White House the president and Mrs. McKinley dined alone and spent a good part of the day together in their private apartments. In the afternoon several personal friends called, btt remained tnly a short time. The government de partments were closed and until late la the day the streets presented an almost deserted appearance. A FOGGY CHRISTMAS But It Is Being Celebrated to an Un usual Degree in England. New Tork, Dec. 25. A dispatch ta the World from London says: London is luxuriating in a foggy, damp and miserable Christmas. Never theless, not for many years has Christ mas business of all kinds been so brisk or expenditures so lavish among the well-to-do classes, despite the war and the heavy taxation, indicating that the wave of Industrial prosperity is still mounting. Queen Victoria has a large family gathering at Osborne," including 'vmany of her great grandchildren. The queen has not benefited appreciably by the change in the mild air of the Isle of Wight, and she only takes one short drive before lunch each day in a closed carriage. At Windsor Castle has lust been car ried out the- three centuries old custom of roasting a 200-pound baron of beef from one of the queen's prime steers. It takes ten or twelve hours to cook the beef before a huge fire, consuming half a ton of coal, fifty bundles of firewood and 200 huge billets of dried wood. The baron of beef was taken to Osborne to be placed on the queen's sideboard, with the royal monogram and a Christmas motto artistically executed upon it in shredded horseradish. The queen touches the monster joint before Christmas day luncheon with a knife and then it is cut up by the chief butler and all the household, from the royal guests down to the scullions have luncheon off it. The Prince of Wales has a family par ty at Sandringham, but he returns to London on Wednesday, as Christmas festivities bore him. Lord Salisbury has his family round him at Hatfield house, including the fit si lorl of the treasury, Arthur Balfour; the president of the board of trade. Gerald Balfour.First Lord of the Admiralty Sel borne and Under Secretary of For eign Affairs Cranborne. Thus the premier makes good the Joke at his expense by Lord Rosebery, who said that the country could feel assured, if any crisis arose in Christmastide, the effective section of the ministry would all have their legs under the same ma hogany at Hatfield. PRESENTED TO CHINA. Preliminary Joint Note of the Powers Dellyered to CMng. Pekin, Dec. 25. The preliminary Joint note was delivered today to the Chinese. Li Hung Chang found that he was un able ,to attend the meeting of the min isters and his credentials and those of Prince Ching were presented by the latter to the foreign envoys. Prince Ching replying to the Spanish minister, Senor B. J. Decologan. who presented the note said he would im mediately communicate its contents to the emperor and assured the ministers that a speedy reply was the desire of the court, as it felt that all China wants peace and prosperity. Lively Paris Boxing Match Paris, Dec. 25. A boxing match at the Hippodrome yesterday between George Golwin and Ted Cantrell, for five thou sand francs resulted in Cantrell's de feat who was knocked out at the con clusion of the second round by a. blow under the heart. The police commis-i sioner, who was present, announced that he would take proceedings against pugilists. P. O.jTRIKE. Registry Clerks in the Postofiice at Chicago Rebel Against Working Four teen Hours a Day. LEADER DISCHARGED. The Other Strikers Then Return to Wort. The Superintendent Says Con ditions Couldn't Be Helped. Chicago, Dec. 25. A strike among clerks of the registry division of the general postoffiee yesterday menaced for a time the prompt delivery of thousands of Christmas gifts. Extra hours of work was the grievance of a score of opera tives who during the holiday rush have been compelled to labor fourteen hours a day. The trouble was quickly ad justed by the postofflce authorities, who suspended the leader of the strikers. The rank and file of the protesting clerk3 then returned to their labors. Superintendent Marr, of the registry division, said: "The mails were flooded this year, and there is no other way than to make the clerks work. We are handling 16 per cent, more work this year than in 1899. I have thirty-six men assisting the regular force, and I would add still more, but for the fact that there are no experienced hands, and we cannot break in greenones. Some of the employes complained to me, but after explaining the situation they re turned to work, and I anticipate no fur ther trouble. The leader of the strikers refused "to work any longer, and there was no course left open for us but to suspend him." CHRISTMAS IN LONDON. Cabinet Members Leave Town and festivities Are Few. New Tork, Dec. 25. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The public offices at Whitehall have been left under the charge of janitors1 and night clerks, and the cabinet min isters are entertaining family parties in their country houses during the holi days. How large will be the cabinet council at Hatfield is uncertain; prob ably will not exceed three members. Lansdowne is at Bowood with a. large company. The Duke of Devonshire is at Chatsworth with a big shooting party. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach is at Coin St. Aldwyne, in Gloucestershire, and Cham berlain is at Hignbury, as he was hve years ago when the holiday recreation was interrupted by tidings of the Jame son raid, and he was brought back to London -In hot haste by a special train. The soldier of fortune who then men aced his peace of mind is now read ing French novels on the Bay of Bis cay, in the first reaches of his voyage to Cape Town. Dr. Jameson has slipped out of London quietly and has taken passage for South Africa without ob servation. His health has improved un der the rigor of medical treatment here and he has succeeded in eluding inter viewers and gossips during his pro tracted stay. The American ambassador will have a family party at Carlton bouse terrace. his wife and daughter having, returned from the continent in improved health. Secretary Henry White will entertain his colleague, Ridgeley Carter, and other guests at Wilton. The naval attache has recovered from a long illness, but is unable to go out of town for Christ mas. Richard Croker is not a diplomatic personage, and his holiday recreations can only be surmised. It is reported that he is recruiting his health and talk ing about horses at his country home, and is not concerned over the onslaught made by Governor Roosevelt upon his friends in the district attorney's office. CHRISTMAS AT GOULDS. George J's Palatial Home at Lake wood Prepared For the Holidays. New York, Dec. 25. George J. Gould's palatial home in Lakewood is gayly decked for the holidays. Everywhere throughout the spacious mansion and at the "court" the scarlet-berried holly and pungent-scented evergreen is lavishly displayed in wreaths and stars and fes toons, giving delightful bowerlike effects to the elegantly furnished rooms. The quantities of this green foliage used have been enormous, and the ordinary large traffic of Lakewood at this season has been much increased by the Gould decorations, to the benefit of the farm ers for miles around. Mrs. Gould entertained today a few of the guests who will make up her large house party for the latter part of the week,, when farewells to the old and wel come to the new year will have the par ticipation of a brilliant social array. Today's guests included Mr. Carter of New York, an uncle of Mrs. Gould; Miss T3thel Barrymore, Miss Greta Pomeroy, Miss Ethel Henry of London, in whose honor the reception was given at Geor gian Court on Friday afternoon, and Mrs. Henry, mother of that charming social entertainer of over-sea fame. The big hospitable mansion will be filled this week, and the full complement of holiday guests are expected on Fri day. On that day there will be two belated Christmas trees, one of rich fruitage at the house for the children and party, and one at the court for the lengthy roll of Gould servants, none of whom will be forgotten. There will be a varied list of amusements at the court, which is equal in its facilities to all entertaining demands. Dinners at the house will be enlivened with music by a banjo and mandolin club from New York, with orchestral music during the evening. . The party is planned to fill the house, and will include. In addition to those now there, Mrs. Hermann Oelrichs, Mrs. Stuy vesant Fish, the Duke of New castle, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Ran dolph, Dewolf Cutting, P. J. Collier, Robert J. Collier, many polo friends of Mr. Gould and others socially promi nent. The party will break up Monday week. " Secretary of McClure's Dies. New York, Dec. 25. Albert A. Brady, secretary of the S. S. McClure company, died on Sunday In Rome. Mr. Brady had been suffering from heart trouble and for a year tad been unable to attend to business. He wen to Germany last spring for treatment, and was in Rome with his family on the way to spend the winter in Egypt, when he died. RUSSIA IS PLEASED. .. . . ... Satisfaction Expressed Over Abroga tion of Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. ' St. Petersburg, Dec. 25. The Novoe Vremya, discussing the English news paper indictment of the United States senate for "its unparalleled attempt to overturn the Clayton-Bulwer treaty," says: . . .. , . The case is not unusual. Conditions have changed, and the treaty must change. Russia afforded an example in 1S70 in declaring that ehe was no longer bound by her promise not to maintain war vessels in the Black sea. ' . The Boerse Gazette says: Russia Is gratified by America's diplomatic vic tory over England. Western Eurona dislikes the Monroe doctrine because it desires to -grab territories everywhere. Russia, which has sympathized with America since her independence, which liquidated American possessions to America, toas nothing against the Mon roe doctrine, and the eld sympathies have grown more cordial iu China. LETTERS TQ CUDAHY. They Tell Him jThat Officers Are on the Wrong Track. Chicago, Dec. 25. A special to the Tribune from Omahat, Neb., says: Another important development in the Cudahy kidnaping case has been report ed to the police In the discovery in a. barn near Pacific Junction, Iowa, 22 miles south and just across the river, of a pony answering the description of the one ridden by one of the abductors. It was left there, apparently, by some .agent of the fugitives. The saddle was In a neighboring barn, and a pair of trousers was in the shed in which, the pony had been abandoned. E. A. Cudahy in speaking of the case last night said: "There are some im portant developments but for obvious reasons I can not state them for pub lication. The detectives have found some clews that seem to point in the right direction. I think the discovery of the lantern which , marked the place where I deposited the ransom is an im portant clew. The lantern has been Identified by Pat McGrath, who was with me when I delivered the money. A more important clew however will be in hand when we get the horse which, one of the men used on the night of the kidnaping. A horse answering the des cription of the one used by the kidnapers has been picked up at Pacific Junction and the animal will be brought to Om aha at once. If this proves to be the horse actually used by the kidnapers it ought to aid us considerably in securing accurate descriptions of the men we are hunting. "The published story that there were only two men implicated in the crime is incorrect, because two men were in the buggy that carried off my boy and a third man followed on horseback. My son thinks he could identify only one of the kidnapers-the one who remained with him in the house. This man talked a great deal to the boy,a.nd Eddie thinks be could identify him byhis voice, "I received a letter this morning and another one this evening signed 'Eloise T.,' in which the writer tells me that the men who did the kidnaping are not in Omaha; that we are on the wrong track altogether. These letters were written on the letter paper of the Windsor hotel of Omaha and posted from Cincinnati. The writer makes no attempt to open negotiations with me for the disclosure of the guilty persons and I think the letters were written to divert us from the right track. We shall net pay any attention to these letters." SALVATION ARMY CHANGE. Chief of New England Department . Transferred to Philadelphia. Boston, Dec. 25. Lieutenant Colonel William J.' Cozens, divisional chief of the New England department of the Salvation Army, with a considerable portion of his staff, has been transferred by Commander Booth Tucker, official head of the army in America, to Phila delphia whence Colonel Cozens will com mand the division including Pennsylva nia, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia and a part of New Jersey. This change was made at a council of the ten divisional officers of the United States in New York a little more than a week, but has not been known here. Lieutenant Colonel Evans of San Fran cisco and his father, Lieutenant Colonel Richard Evans will assume the direction of the work of the Salvation Army in New England a few days after Colonel Cozens leaves. IFrom the Pittsburg Commercial-Gazette. - DI&. CLEVELAN D Bryan us-popuphobia, causing you to chase phantom evils, run against fixed objects and not know when you are hurt LITTLE HEIRESS To Millions Will Undergo a Ter rifcle Ordeal Today. Mr. and .Mrs. J. 0. Armour's Frail Daughter's Trial. HAS NEVER WALKED. Femurs Do Not Fit In Hip Sock ets by Several Inches. Limbs to Be Forced Back Into Perfect Articulation. Her Early Life Spent in a Rose wood Incubator. Chicago, Dees. 25. Today another ef fort will be made to secure robust health and strength for the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ogden Armour. This little dark-eyed heiress to millions will be subjected to one of the most heroic operations known to the surgical worid, So frail a little creature was Lolita that the first few months of her life were spent in a glass and rosewood incu bator. In her entire four years she never has walked. When Lolita first attempt ed to use her little feet in walking she Buffered so in her head and spine that it was reared that the latter was dis eased. X-RAYS WERE EMPLOYED. The child's spine" was subjected to X rays. This .rought the unhappy know! edge that the femurs did not lit into the hip sockets by a distance of several inches. It was then that Dr. John Rid Ion was called in to see the heir to the Armour millions. For six months past he has been studying the ease. This afternoon little Lolita will be subjected to an operation. " The little sufferer will be. given an anestnetic. When thoroughly under its Influence her delicate little limbs will be forced back into perfect articulation. Then they will be held in place by a heavy plaster east. "This will be molded before she regains consciousness. A PLASTER CAST. She will wear It for six long months. At least that is what Dr. Ridlon de clares is necessary for a perfect success of the operation. If it was found that the little one's sufferings are too great for endurance relief will be given her by having the plaster broken. The Armour family feel that they are taking great chances in the operation but if the child can endure her plaster burden for six. months they feel that a strong daughter may yet be theirs. The little one comes of "'ealthy par ents and grandparents. . J. Ogden Ar mour has ever been known for the sys tematic lire he leads. , Mrs. Armour was Iola Spencer of New York, and when she came to Chicago a bride a few years ago none of the younger matrons knew more of athletic sports than she. OUR CONSULAR SERVICE. Congressman Payne Throws tha Of ficials Some Bouquets. New York, Dec. 25. Congressman Se- reno E. Payne, chairman of the ways and means committee, is in the city on his way from Washington to spend Christmas at his bome m Auburn. "One of the gratifying things to the experienced observer of national affairs," said Congressman Payne, "is the growing efficiency of our consular service. A few years ago the service was rather inefficient and a consular post was looked upon as a berth for a politician who wanted an easy job. Of late years all this has been changed. "Our consuls now are probably the most efficient in the world. Their re ports on market conditions and manu factures abroad are in many instances models of comprehensive intelligence of the sort that is needed by our manufac turers. One of the best testimonials to their excellence is the criticism in the leading countries of Europe that our consuls tell too much about the secrets of foreign manufacturers. This is par ticularly true in Germany, where the German press is quite wrought up about the cleverness of many of our consuls in getting hold of the inside facts." A NEW BARN UM CIRCUS To Be Built Up by Bailey at Cost of $500,000. New York, Dec. 25. The Herald pub lishes the following: James A. Bailey, the famous show man, made an agree ment yesterday that he will -organize a new show to be called "Barnum & Bailey's Greatest on ISarth." Work will begin at once, and the new enterprise will be ready to open on March 15. 1302, at Madison Square Garden. It will re quire all the time to get ready, collect the animals, build the cages and the chariots and cars for its transportation. Altogether it will cost $500,000. Mr. Bailey came to New York from Europe last Wednesday and will sail again tomorrow on the New York. He said: "It has always been my am bition to build an entirely new show, new frotn tent pin to centerpole. I have built up several big shows from small beginnings.but I always had the nucleus there to start with. This time I am starting with a new one at beginning. Barnum & Bailey's Greatest on Earth which is in Vienna this winter is now an English enterprise owned by the English stock company. I am of course the chief shareholder, but still it has be come a British institution and I shall not bring it or any part of it back to America." KILLED BY CARS. James Haywood, an Ex-Slave, Loses His Life. James A. Haywood, an old negro, was run over and killed Monday evening by an empty brick car on the Rock Island track at the foot of Harrison street. Tha accident happened about 4:30 in the af ternoon although no one saw it. The body of the old man was discovered by a boy named Charles Lunstrum who was walking along the track. The boy was greatly frightened, but recognized the old man and ran at once to Hay wood's home and told his wife and son. The old man was still alive when dis covered and was carried at once to his home where City Physician Hogeboom and Dr. Munn, the Rock Island phy sician, attended him. He died in a short time after their arrival. How he met his death is unknown, but it was evident that the car had struck him and that he had been drag ged a short distance. He had left his home but a few minutes before the ac cident occurred. Haywood was an old slave and was owned'by a man in Missouri. He came to Topeka about 30 years ago and has resided here continuously. He lived at 113 Harrison street and worked by the day with a team which he owned. TO MARRY AN INDIAN. Denver Woman Wooed and Won by an Aged Red Man. Denver, Colo., Dec. 25. Miss Cora Ar nold, 27 years old, a pretty white wo man, who lives with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilder, at- No. 1415 Welton. street, is engaged to Albino Chavaia, a full-blooded Pueblo Indian, 31 years old, who lives on the Santa Clara agency in New Mexico. The wed ding, according to the present plans, will take place in Denver early in Jan uary. The Indian, who is a magnificent specimen, came to Denver early in the fall with a band of his tribesmen to perform at the city park. He was a friend of Charles Christy, a former gov ernment scout, and after his fellows had gone home went to Christy's house to visit. There- he met Miss Arnold. He was an ardent wooer, and soon had captured the woman's heart. Their en gagement became known Saturday.when the Indian left for his agency to prepare a home for his bride. NO CHRISTMAS TURKEY. Prisoners at City and County Jails Are Overlooked. The prisoners at the city and county jails will not be given trkey for their Christmas dinner but they will have a little something extra. Roast pork and mashed potatoes was served at the county jail while the city boarders got an extra slice of mince pie and soma fruit. At the state institutions a regular turkey dinner was served. SHARES THE PROFITS. Employes of a Fall River Mill Re ceives a "Wage Dividend. Fall Riven, Mass., Dec. 25. The em ployes of the Bourne mills, who are en titled to a part in the protit-sharing plan In use by the corporation, have re ceived a bonus of Z per cent, on the wages earned from June 9 to December 8 of this year. This is the twenty-third semi-annual dividend that has been paid by the? corporation under this plan. It will net more to the participating op eratives than usual from the fact that a high scale of wages has been in use since December of last year and steady employment has been given. The amount each participant will receive for Christmas from the profit-sharing plan varies from $2 to $15. A YOUNG SANTA CLAUS. New Style Kris Kxingle at First M. E. Church. The First M. E. church was crowded last night by people who wanted to see the little folks enjoy themselves with Santa Claus and a Christmas tree. A young Santa Claus was introduced an'J made quite a hit with the children. The exercises were very entertaining and the music was especially good. Pres ents were distributed to the scholars by the teachers who received them from Santa Claus in baskets. Former Santa Fe Conductor Killed. E. F. Lock, a conductor on the Mis souri Pacific, while coupling a. Lincoln coach at Union, Neb., to his train slip ped, falling under the wheels. Just as he fell the engine pushed the car, catching Lock's left leg and crushing the mem ber below the knee, as well as cutting off the toes of his right foot. Amputa tion was necessary. Mr. Lock was taken down on the same train to Kansas City in charge of a surgeon and died later in the evening. Conductor Lock had been on the road many years and was 55 years oldc He ran for many years on western roads and part of the time on the Santa Fe. Crown Prince of Siam in Russia. St. Petersburg, Dec. 25. Crown Prince Chow Fa Maha Vajiravudh, of Siam, has arrived here from the west WED CHORUS GIRLS 'Jve Harvard Men Marry Foot light Favorites. All of Them Were Sons of Wealthy Parents. THE SCHOOL IS HURT. Others Have Followed Sweet hearts About the Country. Some Have Settled Down and Are Living Happily. Chicago, Dec. 25. A special t h- Record from Bopton say: Five Harvard men married to -horu4 girls within a year, others following the atrical companies from ore state to an other, reported engagements and breach of promise suits in which students ait chorus girls figure have become fii epi demic that the authorities of the uni versity are showing some concern, lut deny that they are at all to blame, ai the student leaves the college and hit parents become rtKponHiblc btfoie t s can engage in the-.e escapadi. Oca n Briggs said: "Harvard assumis more responMlilU'y for her students than nh is given nic for. Of course we don't keep in fuicn with all the 6, 0(0 nun who come hoi.-. We can't. But we follow tin if move ments pretty carefully hihI know w h-th-ed they are doing Iln-ir duly to Hum. selves and to their school. Parents ' often astonished at the c!(te wati h w -j keep on their sous. Many a time u b it we have reported a boy s absence win n he has cut classes be fore vacation p i -lods we have received 1 "tiers expresin:r the great' st surprise that we hud not c ,1 such seeming trilling matter. I tl.m: Haivard has been hurt by the Mori a that have gone out about her student: following a theatrical company over New England when tin y w ere nuppoer t to be at college. As far an I can learn, the story is without foundation a tneiv. scheme of advertising got up by th ! companies. At any rate, there was only one Harvard boy connected with it. To other men whose names wi re untd witii the story left college before that time ' Within the last year four Harvard men at least have married chorus km . from one theater and one otlmr Harvard man selected his bride from another stage. There are three Incident on record of li ss than a year ago where Harvard mi have been engaged to three chorus iil-i. and this includes only the cas s wlik .i have come to light. The cases of marriage are tboe .f John Brice, the son of ex-Senator Hi It e. who married Florence Kickttt. and now studying law in Cambridge. jih his wife Briee is cozily fi t up in otic of the best localities in Oitiibrtdge and is living a quiet life. George Lawrence of Kvanston. 111., a wealthy young fellow, 'married Antoine Savelll, a chorus girl at the Columbi -i. She was exiled from Fiance because shu was a member of the National!' Hoi i to Socialistique, in poor standing for tomt reason. That happened last October. Two other Harvard men were badly smitten. They went 1.SK0 miles over th country in pursuit of their sweethearts. One was married, another pledged to and the marriages of the other two may be expected at any time. The cases m all of freshmen and sophomores of un limited wealth. Another case which came to llrbt was that of Arnold Lawson. non of Thomas Lawson, who was sued for bnach of promise by a chorus girl. Twenty-fivn thousand dollars damnges were claimed, but the girl dropped her suit, GOAT WHIPS ST. JtKKN A K I). Dog Is No Match For Billy, and Is Badly Gored. raterson, N. J., Dec. 25. A fine St. Bernard dog, belonging to Janus Me Cann of Stony road, had a tight to a fin ish with a billy goat, yesterday after noon. The goat was browsing among t ! rubbish on the dumping ground win n the dog came across It. Hilly resented the manner in which the dog min "t around him, and, joining himself on hi t hind feet, be butted th" dog In the rile, sending him to the ground. This nrousxj the lighting bloonl of the dog, and h-s charged upon the goat, but ypiiin re coiled from the butting he got. The do- then changed his tactics. He made n. spring intended to carry him over th I goat's horn, but Billy saw him comlne, and, instead of raining on his hind e , he planted his four ! us firmly and I'm -ered his head. When the dog made thi leap he went further than be expect. I to, for Billy raised his head, and, catch ing the dog underneath, be threw the In ; animal clear over his body, at the sine; time goring him badly. The St. Bernard dog was gam", an.i. although heydped with pain, be r tinn ed to the attack. Billy stood stock Pti.I. The dog did not spring aeain. hut tc charged on the goat again and again, but always with the same rifull, ai l each time receiving a new wound fruit Billy's horns. It was a ne-xid"d contest ail the way through. Some of the m u got long poles and tried to chase off tin goat, while others dragged the do; away. The dog was taken home to M owner, who had to kill iiim to put hiiu out of pain. SHELDON AT HOME. Topeka Preacher Returns From His Long Vacation. Rev. Charles M. Sheldon returned home today. Mr. Sheldon has been away on his vacation for eilit months. While Mr. Sheldon has been in Europe, apparently on a vacation, it has been A vacation only In the nocse that I been relieved of his duties t his little church on West Fifteenth street. His time has been crowded with lec tures and study. Anil since his return to America he has had all the crviiv ments for lectures in the eat w t ieli l:e could fill, and could have had more. Mr. Sheldon will soon publish his n"V novel "Born to Serve." It deals with the servant girl problem and is attract ing considerable attention in the east. Hanged Hims-If in His Cell New York. Dec. "7,. Ohreclit r.elber. a prisoner charged with Htternpled felonious assault, committed suicide In his cell in the Wist Twentieth station house last night by hanging himself with his handkerchief. Weather Indications. Chicago, Dec. 25. Forecast for Kan sas: Generally- fair tonight and Wejs nesdaj-; variable wind.