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TOPEKA STATE JOUENAL, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 29,1900. uon : .J? we n n in Csi vA RING 15 BUT A LINK OFACHA N OF SICKNESS AND 1415 ER.Y'.; FAVORITE BREAKS THIS CHAIN WEAK WOMEN STRONG, 1CK WOMEN WELL. FOR Christmas and New Year Holidays iqoo-iqoi. Special Excursion Rates Have Been Made Between Points on the UNION PACIFIC For dates on which tickets will be sold and full information, call on P. A. Lewis, City Ticket Agent; J. O. Ful ton, Depot Agent. 0 1 The Kaw Valley Brand Z OF- o o o o o . o Mince Meat 0 o c 0 d MANTJFACTUItED BY Chas. Wclff Packing Co. is made of the very best, and strictly pure and healthful ingredients. Your grocer keeps it buy some. It will make the best niNCE PIES you ever tasted. NOVEL BREAD MAKING. ' From the Forum. Among all the exhibits of bread and bread malting- at the Paris exposition the one which interested me most was a fvs tem of milling and baking combined. This ystem has a double purpose: (1) To make the flour more palatable and more nutri tious than that made by the ordinary roller mill: and (2) to make it immediately before bakinpr, so as to secure for the loaf a flour -which is absolutely fresh. It is well known that all food substances whpn ground to a tine powder have a tendency to become oxidized. As is the case with coffee, which is the best when freshlv roasted, and freshly ground, so it s with, cereal flour, which Is never so aromatic, so palatable, or so nutritious as at the moment when it is first made. The Schweitzer system of milling and bread making secures the two points men tioned above. In Paris a mill and an at tached bakrry on a somewhat larger scale Illustrated the method which is employed in supplying bread to a populous com munity. Another installation was a form of apparatus adapted for use on a farm or in a small community. So perfect isH tne milling system employed tnat tne smallest mill, intended for use on a farm nnd driven by hand, as a coffee mill would be run,, makes flour identical in compo sition with that made by the largest ma chine. The Schweitzer system, in regard to the milling operations, is a return to the old system of millstones, with the ex ception that corrugated steel grinders lake the place of the millstones of the olden days. These grinders are so accur ately aii.iusted as to admit of the making of the rinest flour, while avoiding actual contact of the two grinding surfaces. The simplicity of the apparatus, its cheapness and the ease with which it can be in stalled commend this system particularly for domestic use and for the supply of villages and small communities. Never theless, it is capable of being operated on an extensive scale, as is demonstrated by the large establishment at La Viliette. Paris, where more than lOO.iM) pounds of br-ai nre made per day from flour not more than twenty-four hours old. FOR CHILDREN Nothing, that comes in a bottle, is more important for children than Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil. And "important" means that it keeps them in even health, i Whenever they show the least disturbance of even balance of health, it promptly restores them. It is to be used as a food, whenever their usual food does not quite answer the purpose of food. We'll lend yo Utile te try. it yea Hie. SCOTT BOWK 3, 409 Furl street, Xn York, SPORTING HEWS. , Charles Head Smith -AVill Pur chase Some Likely Yearlings. His Trainer Has Locate! Sev eral Down In Kentucky. IN BLUE GRASS REGION Garry Hermann Entered In Louisrille Derby April 29. Fast Colt Is Now Being Sent Fire Miles Daily. Chicago, Dec. 29. Charles Head Smith, owner of Garry Hermann, will leave Bhortly after the flrst of the year for Kentucky, where he goes to inspect some promising: yearlinga that have been located by Charles Hughes, his trainer. Hughes has been ' traveling around through the state all fall and ha3 located some six or eight of what he considers the best colts to be found in the note,d blue-grass region, and he has Bent word to his employer to come and pass on the animals. Smith has now only one horse that he places any confidence in for next year, and that is Garry Hermann. Part of the Smith stable will be ship ped to Kentucky today. "I-intend to go down to Kentucky," said Mr. Smith, "as soon as I can get away after the holidays. Trainer Hughes has located six or eight year lings down there that he says look very promising and if they suit me after see ing them I will very likely buy up some of them. I would have gone down this week, but my boy ia home for the holi days and I didn't want to leave while he was here. Everything ia very quiet down in Kentucky and I guess the colts will keep until I get there. ''I am going to ship Donald Bain to Kentucky. Garry Hermann has been entered in the Louisville Derby, to be run April 29, and we will soon begin to train him for the event. At present he is being sent about five miles each day to keep in condition and then turned out in the paddock. I am looking forward to a good season on the turf next year, perhaps the most promising that we have ever had in the west. The big stakes given by the officials of "Wash ington park will no doubt attract a good many of the big horses of the east and that will be a. stimulus to the racing in this city." TOMMY ETAN AS A LANDLORD Buys Choice Lots in City and Will Erect a Flat Building:. Chicago, Dec. 29. Tammy Ryan, for merly of Syracuse, N. Y., but now a landowner of Chicago, is not worrying because the boxing game sereins to be on a decline throughout the country. Wily Thomas has been fighting for al most 15 years, and those who know the athlete's business ability and how much purse money has fallen to his share in this time have a fair idea as to his wordly goods. Ryan, although not miserly, is noted for his close dealing. As a result he will probably retire from active ring work in a year or sJ worth close to the $50,000 mark. sl Part of this money is invested rn east ern real estate. Now Ryan is buying boulevard lots in the vicinity, of Hum boldt park. A recent purchase included three corner lots on which Ryan is plan ning to erect a modern apartment build ing and play the landlord. Notwitn standing the fortune that Ryan has saved up to date, he is still after the money in ring contests just as much as before, and no purse is too small for him to pick up. A good examp'e of this is his match with Jack Beauscholte, whi'h is to take place at Springfield, O., next month. Ryan's opponent is a willing lo cal boy, who cannot class with the pre mier middle weight, but the latter fig ures that the bout will draw a big crowd as it will be the last at the Ohio town for some time. M'GOVERN AND BROAD. A Twenty Hound Bout Practically Arranged Between the Two. New York, Dec. 29. A 20 round bout has been practically arranged this after noon between Terry McGovern and"Kid" Hroad.The fight will probably take place at Hartford the w-eek of February 4. Sam Harris, manager of McGovern, wrote to Joe Humphries, stating a pref erence for Broad as his next opponent. Manager Macias, for Broad, said today thai the match would be settled as soon as articles were received bearing the sig nature of Harris. A new club will hold the bout. A name has not been chosen yet, but Charles White will be referee, Joe Humphries announcer and Danny Maher timekeeper. Harris wrote to a friend today that the probability of his going to England depended largely upon his consideration of offers from the Pa cific coast for a bout next May. WILL KEEP THE ABBOT. Fire Commissioner Scannell Will Cam paign His Fast Horse, New York, Dec. 29. Fire Commission er John T. Scannell, who bought The Abbot at the Hamlin sale, repudiates the doubts cast on the genuineness of the transaction. He says: "I bought the horse for myself, and paid for him with my own check. My idea in buying him is to make money with him, as you will see next season, in case I do not sell him. Of course. I'll sell if I get my price but in ease I do not I. will use him for exhibition purposes, and will have Mr. Geers try to reach the two minute mark with him. Possibly I may arrange a series of match races with him." WAS SHARKEY'S C0T7SIN. Man Caught Stealing Declares He Is Related to the Puglist St. Joseph, Mich., Dec. 29. Patrick Sharkey, first cousin and only cousin to the world-renowned sailor pugilist, Thomas Sharkey, now occupies a cell in the county jail in this city. Sharkey arrived in this city from Chicago a week ago. There i3 no doubt of his relation ship to the great fighter, because there is a great facial resemblance and many other evfflenoes which go to bear out Patrick Sharkey's statement. On Christmas Sharkey was caught trying to remove an overcoat off a dummy in front of a clothing store by Samuel Danforth, a local grocervman. Sharkey's arrest immediately followed. He appeared in police court this morn ing, sentenced to serve sixty days in the county jail. While before the bar he stated he was the only relative of Thos. Sharkey residing in the United States. ENGLISH JUDGE'S RULING. Bicycle Pronounced a Necessary Arti cle by British Jurist. That a bicycle is a "necessary" was shown by a case at the Birmingham county court last week, says a British naper. John Mr-Gauley, a 'cycle manu facturer, sued William George Huggins for the price of a bicycle and acces sories. The defense was that Huggins was a minor when he entered into the con tract, but plaintiff'ssolicitor.Mr. Duffeil contended that the bicycle was a "nec essary" suitable to his condition in life, inasrnueb as he used it constantly in sroinsr to and from his business. His honor. Judge Whitehorne, held that the defendant was clearly liable, and gave judgment for the plaintiff, with costs. , Western Association Meets. Chicago. Dec. 29. At a meeting held Friday in the Great Northern hotel, the Western association of professional baseball clubs was formed. No officers were elected, this action being deferred until next Wednesdays when an ad journed meeting will be held in this city. The members of tha association so far determined upon are Kansas City, Minneapolis, Detroit, Louisville, Toledo. Eight clubs in all will comprise the association, but those present at the meeting declined to say what the other cities would be. Maying that they would be taken from o. list of half a dozen which made application. The iiimfs of these places were also kept secret, but it is known that anions? the number is Kockford, 111., St. Paul and Grand Rapids. To Train in the South. Chicago, Dec. 29. In spite of the rule adopted at the recent league meeting abolishing spring training trips for Na tional league clubs, the Chicago team will spend a few weeks in the south be fore the playing season begins. Hot Springs or West Baden will be the scene of the Orphans' preliminary work. They will get together on April 1, and will then have three weeks in which to develop their "salary" arms and to get into working trim for the first cham pionship game, which will be played on April 18. Denies Fake Fight Story. Buffalo, Dec. 29. "There is nothing in Lansing's story," said Frank Erne. "I never faked a fight in my life. That part of the story about getting the whole of the purse is a joke which Mc Govern and his manager will appreciate. I tried my best to beat McGovern, but had been weakened too much in the effort to get to 128 pounds, although when I entered the ring I thought I could win. Lansing's story is foolish." Will Keep TannehilL Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 29. Treasurer W. W. Kerr, of the Pittsburg club, was ask ed regarding a report that the Pirate management had offered Jesse Tanne hill for Pitcher Scott, of Cincinnati. "There's nothing in that," Mr. Kerr said. "We made no such offer. We have no notion of parting with Tannehill's services. This is like the story from St. Louis that we are trying to sell the star. He is not for sale and will not be un less something extraordinary should turn up. This isn't likely." To Stop Fake Fighting. Paterson, N. J., Dec. 29. Chief of Po lice Graul issued an order today prohib iting the holding of boxing bouts in this city in future. The chief's order is be lieved to be a result of the outcome of the bout last night before the Passiac County Athletic club between "Myster ious Billy" Smith and "Young" Mahoniy of Philadelphia. The audience was much dissatisfied because the tame afflair was declared no contest. Milt Young Sells Cayuga Colt. Lexington, Ky., Dec 29. Col. Milton Young, of McGrathiana farm, has sold to T. P. Hayes the fast yearling colt by Cayuga, out of imp. Chalice, for $1,50. This colt worked a quarter of a milt? over the Kentucky association track in :23 3-5, with 109 pounds up. Early in the summer Col. Young sold the colt to Sari Lucas for $500. He liked his work bo well that he repurchased him for $1,000, and has now disposed of him for $1,600. Charlie Herr Sold. Lexington, Ky., Dec. 29. Bidding by sealed letters for the famous trotting horse Charley Herr, 2:07, closed at mid night. Owner David Cahill will open the bids today. This is the first in stance where a horse has been auctioned in this manner. Charley Herr has won $25,000 in purse money, and Cahill claims to have refused $50,000 for him. To Buy Horses For Croker. Fmdlay, O., Dec. 29. Lester Reiff, tlie jockey, has started for California on a business mission. It is said tnat he has received a letter from Richard Croker. asking him to purchase three of U:e fastest horses in the country fo- his stable in England. Reiff will inciden tally take in some racing events and invest some of his money in a fruit ranch in the vicinity of San Jose. Horse Notes. Racing will open up in Chicago about April 25. Mary Centilever, 2:12, has been bred to Creseeus. Thirteen bookmakers are making mon ey at New Orleans. Cephas, 2:11, by Cyril, was recently sold at auction for $400. C. W. Williams has changed the name of his stallion Mazatian to Infact. Senator Tim Sullivan, of New York, has been trying to pick winners on the New Orleans track. Dangerous Maid, a Keene cast-off, is winning good money out at Tanforan for "Doc" Sweet. The horses of A. H. & D. H. Morr:3 are winning most of the money in the south. Steve L'Hommedieu is said to be mak- 7 u Influenza Cold in the Head Is an Inflammation of the lining mem brane of the nose. Commences with ting ling, itching and dryness of the nostrils, followed by a watery or mucus discharge; frequent sneezing: dull pain and sense of weight in the forehead; increased secre tion of tears; occasional chilliness, and Fever. , If not arrested, the Catarrh spreads to the throat and respiratory organs, attend ed with Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Tickling Cough and Oppressed Breathing. CHECKED CIRCULATION, the cause of nearly all Colds, produces these symp toms; the use of "77" starts the blood tingling through the veins until it reaches the extremities,- when the feet warm up and the Cold is broken. At all druggists, 25c, or by mail. New pocket edition of Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all diseases, mailed free. Humphreys" Homeopathic Medicine Co., Cor. William & John Sts., New York. BirSPBPSIA, ' Oeo. . Scally of 75 Nassau St.. New Tnrk. unra- "fc'nr vMrs T have b?en trou bled with rheumatism and dyspepsia and I came to the conclusion to try your puis. T Imiinpdintplv fmin,l (Treat relief irom their use; I feel like a new man since I commenced laKing uiem, ana w...uiu hul now be without them. The drowsy, s'oepy feeling I used to have has tn irely dis appeared. The dyspepsia has left me nnd mv rheumatism is t'one entirely. 1 am satisfied if any one so afflicted will give Bsdwav s Pins a trial tney win surety cure them, for I believe it all c-.iroes from the svstem beintt out of Older the liver not doing its work." cure an oisorciers or tne siomaca. nuw els. Kidneys. Bladder. Dizziness, Costive ness. Piles. Sick Headache. Female Com plaints, Biliousness, Indigestion, Const, pa tion and all disorders of the Liver. 5c way & Co.. 55 Elm St.. N. Y. Be sure to get "Radway's" and see that the name is on what you buy. ing all kinds of money in the Hot Springs pool rooms. The, estimated value of the Futurity stakes of the Coney Island Jockey cluo iot- IMIB is ?r,uoo. "Parson" Davies, the old-time mana ger of pugilists, is managing a successful pool room at New Orleans. In addition to the betting at the Cres cent City track, they have five pool rooms in the city in full blast. Al Thomas is estimated to have ridden 600 miles in showing horses at the last Madison Square Garden sale. Jerry O'Neil has a slendid prospect for next season s 2:13 pacing classes m his late purchase, Diavolo, 2:12Vi. Amerigo, 2:18i4, by Governor Stanford, dam Cactus, by Cuyler. has been pur chased by Dempster & Hough, Clayton, 111. J. D. Clayton has purchased of W. C. Scott the yearling bay filly by imp. Water Level, dam Sarma, by imp. Mus covy. Mike Bergen, the ex-jockey, is a pat ient at the city and county hospital in San Francisco. Dissipation brought about his illness. David B. Martin is driving a fast pole team in Paragon, 2:134, by Storm King and Claudius, 2:18i4, by Hambletonian Tranby. t IN HONOR OF PLUMB. Major Hood Presents Em poria Post With Valuable Records. Emporia, Dec. 29. The Gazette says: An event that will be remembered as one of the moKt significant in the his tory of the Preston B. Plumb post, G. A. R., was the meeting held last night to receive the post ' memorial record given by Major Hood. Their hall was crowded. Not many wives of old sol diers but were there, and many of their children. A short programme was given and then C B. Graves, in the name of Major Hood, who had been called away on business, presented the book to the post. In his presentation speech he referred to the history of their post and fitness of having a suitable place in whieh to perpetuate their history. C. R. Stone's speech of acceptance was one that seemed to voice the sentiments of every member of the post. More than 400 old soldiers have been-enrolled at this post. More than 200 regiments are represented by that 400. The post -p as organized in 1S82. Im the last ehi enyears more than iiuny-juur ua. e uieu, niiu niti resiutfiiL membership is now something over 100. It was last summer that a woman was in Emporia and tried to sell a memorial record to the, post. It was an elaborate anair. price $100. In addi tion to the blank pages on w7hich were to be written the personal history of the members of the post, space was re served in which to record the final statement of the poet when the lait member should be gone and the G. A. R. only a glorious memory. Major Hood saw the woman and bought the book and gave it to the post. D. S. Kelly, J. T. Burton, J. Weyler and Roy Reidner were a quartette who sang several songs during the evening. Miss Grace Groty, of the High school, spoke "Zangarilla." A New Concordia Firm. Concordia. Dec. 29. The Wood Mer cantile company has been reorganized and a charter applied for under the title of Sutherland, Bartleson 6r. Lutt com- any. W. B. Wood has retired from the company. The new firm is composed of three well and tayoraDiy Known com mercial traveling men, with Arthur Sutherland at the head, and Maurice Bartleson and Wm. Lutt, who have taken active and substantial financial interests. The two latter will continue on the road as salesmen for the new iirrn. Handsome Home Destroyed. Arkansas City, Kaa., Dec. 29. The large residence of Mrs. Daniel Eunnel was destroyed by fire early this morn ing. The house "was outside the water limit and the fire department could not save it. The loss, which is about $4,000, is covered by insurance. HOLIDAY HATES Via "Rock Island Route." One fare for the round trip to points within 200 miles, west of Missouri river. Tickets sold Dec. 22, 23, 24, 25, and 31, 1900, and Jan. 1, 1901. Return limit, Jan. 2, 1901. Piles Cured Without the Knife. ltcning, .tsiinu, .DietfUitis ui rruiruaing rlieH. LI UUic, uu f xy . -rvii UJLUgSlStS are authorized by the manufacturers of Pazo Pile Ointment to refund the money where it fails to cure any case of piles no matter of how long standing. Cures or dinary cases in six days; the worst cases in fourteen days, une application gives ase and rest, iteneves itcning instantly. 1 nlS is a IltSW uCUYciy txnv a iuk uiuy pile remedy sold on a positive guarantee, druggist don't keep it in stock send us 50 cents in postage stamps and we will for- . J f.,i,fanHi.nJ V... Ward SiilMe lllelii. n t.uj r wjf Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Manu facturers of Laxative Bromo-Quinine and To California, the American Summer- land. 'le Overland Limited" via Union Pacific makes 15 hours quicker time be tween Missouri river and San Francisco than any other line. Finely equipped witn iouole Draw ing Room Palace Sleepers, Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shop and Pleasant Reading Rooms. Dining Cars, Meals a la carte. Pintsch Light, Steajn Heat. Of this tram Admiral Beresford says: Why, I never saw anything like it; and then, too, this dining car system it is grand. The appointments of the Union Pacific trains are a constant source of surprise to me." J. C. FULTON, Depot Agent. When the stomach is tired out it must a rest, but we can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests what vou eat ' so tnat you can eat an tne good food you want while it ia restoring the diceative orsrans to health. It is the only preparation that digests all kinds of food. At all drug stores. 15) ad ways Jfli Pills KANSASJ1EWS. Chanute's Woman Barber and an Operator Elope. Had Known Each Other Less Than a Month. BOTH WERE MARRIED. Mrs. Coffman's Husband Is a Santa Fe Trainman. Payne Was Imported to Take a Striker's Place. Chanute, Dec. 29. A sensation has been caused here by an elopement which was evidently a case of love at first sight. Both the parties were strangers to each other prior to the Santa Fe opeiatoi-s" strike. Mrs. T. H. Coffman was the only wo man barber Chanute could ever boast of. The man was an operator named Harold G. Payne, who has been work ing at the dispatcher's office lately, hav ing been brought here by the Santa Fe company during the recent strike. Mrs. Coffman is a well known figure in Chanute, having had charge of the Krst chair in her stepfather's. J. Hud kins', barber shop near the Santa Fe track just east of the Candy parlor, for a year or two. Her husband, T. H. Coffman, is a well known Santa Fe DiaKeman, who went to Hot Springs, Ark., recently because of noor health. Since Payne came to Chanute he had been noticed paying attentions to Mrs. Coffman, and spent a large part or jiia, time m oaroer snop, wnen Mr. Hudkins was absent. Sunday he wrote the following note to her, which is self-explaining, and she showed it to ner mother: "My Dear Mrs. Coffman This will rrobably be somewhat of a surprise to you, but having just arrived in your city, and learned that you were still here, I hastened to address you. "Would it be convenient for you to receive an old friend whom you will undoubtedly recall having met in Walla Walla during your visit in Washington some few months ago? Miss White mentioned in connection with my visit here that you would re member her, and wished me to ex tend her best wishes. If convenient to receive me I should consider it an exceptional pleasure to call this evening at half after 8. In the meantime I am, my dear madam, very cordially, "HAROLD G. PAYNE." This note was written to get him up at the house, where he was intro duced as an old acquaintance she had met. while visiting her uncle in Wash ington. During his stay he proposed that he accompany Mrs. Coffman to the Christmas exercises the next night. Mrs. Hudkins, who did not like his looks and it may be said in passing that he is one of the ugliest men ever seen in Chanute told him he could go if they all went together. The next day he said he had some extra work to do and could not go. Mrs. Coffman went down to the shop in the evening. Upon closing the shop she went over to the Delmonico, where she waited, saying someone was coming to take her home. She was joined by Payne there, and they left on the night train. Their present location is not known. The news was telegraphed to Mr. Coffman, but nothing has been heard from him yet. It is rumored that rayne is a married man. PAYS $10 DAILY FOR BOARD. A Wellington Boy Finds Living' in Buenos Ayres Expensive. Wellington, Kaa, Dec. 29. W. A. Lichtenberger has received a letter from John Pitts, dated Buenos Ayres, Octo ber 23. He says in part: "Buenos Ayres i a great cityof 800,- 000 people. The people here are great for sport and enjoyment. There is no city outside of Paris that can come any way near supporting so many fine carriages and horses and such a num ber of pretty and well dressed women as Buenos Ayres. "Everything is very expensive iere. I am paying $10 per day for board and room, and only two meals per day. Coffee in the morning is extra. A John B. Stetson hat, such as we in the states pay $5 for, is sold for $23. I have just now received my laundry for last week: One suit of underclothes, two shirts and collars, three handker chiefs and two pairs of socks and the bill is $3.S. Tobacco is clear out of ight. Such cigars as are sold in the states for five cents would cost 50 and 75 cents here, and pipe tobacco, plug cut, costs $8 per pound, and good chew ing tobacco you cannot buy here at any price. So if you want to send me a Christmas present, tobacco is the stuff. "All the people here that are not na tives are here for what money there is in it. 'This is a very healthful place, and the climate is fine, although it has been very wet here this year, more rain than us.ial, and the roads outside of the city are almost impassable. The amount of rainfall in the past six months has been three feet and six inches, not counting what has fallen in the last forty-eight hours. The prospect for a grain crop is anything but flattering." THIRTY FOR ONE. Trial Seed Wheat Yields a High Average to an Acme Farmer. Abilene. Kas.. Dec. 29. W. R. Dunlap. of Acme, who is one of the leading farmers in that vicinity, sowed fourteen bushels of Pearl wheat on thirteen acres of ground a year ago last fall. It yielded 420 bushels, or a little more than thirty-two bushels per acre, all of which he sold at 7o cents per bushel for seed, except what he wanted for seed for himself. This kind of wheat last year and thus far this year, he reports free from Hessian fly. The seed was obtained from northern Ohio. Mr. Dunlap is of the opinion that li seed were shiDDed in from other states every few years very little injury would be done by insects, ana tne yieia wouia be much greater. Several other farm ers have shipped in seed wheat from northern states, and report excellent re sults: FOLLOWED HIS SISTER. J. H. Shireman Didn't Care to Live After a Beloved Relative Died. Fort Scott, Kas., Dec. 29. J. H. Shire man, an old gentleman of Hepler, Craw ford county, who is reputed to be worth $60,000, has just died under ' circum stances most peculiar. He lived with a maiden sister in Hepler and she died a few days ago. Upon his return from the funeral Ms son and daughter-in-law endeavored to persuade him to come to Bourbon county and live witn them, Dut fie tiecnneu. 00K0CKCOO0K0 THE SOUTHWESTERN FUEL COMPANY, Tele. 7T1, 1S3, 144. ' ... 634 Kansas Aveszs. X oooooooooooooooo60oooooooooooo)oo 1 10 PER CENT OFF Will give you a discount of io on any Suit you wish made within the next two weeks. N. H. WOLFF, saying he had lived long enough, and would not be here long. They attributed his talk to a feeble mind, but a few moments later he be gan bidding them good-bye, and at the same time tottered on his reet. uney helped him to a bed. and he was dead before they had laid him down. LIVES IN SOUTH AFRICA. A. A. Swingley, of Turner, Sells Mining Machinery in Africa, Turner, Kan., Dec 29. Allen A. Swinelev. managing director at Johannesburg, South Africa, for Sheriff. Swingley & Co., (limited), extensive dealers in mining machinery, spent Christmas day with his mother here. Mr. Swingley was born in Johnson county, Kansas, forty years ago, and is a son of the late George Swingley. For the last fifteen years he has traveled in foreign countries, engaged chiefly in selling mining machinery. He was in South Africa three years before the British-Boer war began. His company was doing a large business then, but since the outbreak of hostilities the mining business has been seriously in terfered with. Mr. Swingley thinks there is no place on earth that will compare with the country in the Johannesburg district, so far as mineral resources are concerned, and the possibilities of its development are unlimited. This little country, he says, practically controls the diamond markets of the world, and though the end of the war is not yet in sight, he believes it will continue to do so tor many years. CATTLE STAMFEDED. A Texas Herd Runs Wild in the Streets of Armourdale. Armourdale. Dec. 29. Four hundred Texas cattle stampeded through the streets yesterday afternoon, wrecking fences and terrifying the populace. The herd was big and the roar it crea ted was so loud that the public was warned in time, preventing personal in juries. One steer, not content witn exploring lawns and jumping fences, rushed pell mell into a grocery shop. By the time he came out the store was wrecked. Coun ters were overturned, show cases smash ed, shelving torn down and the doors carried off their hinges. Twenty-eisht men were with the cattle, but they lost all control of them. It was not until foul hours had passed that the last of the affrighted animals jwas corralled. A JOINT IN LAWRENCE. Four Inmates Arrested and Pro nounced Gamblers. Lawrence. Dec. 29. Assistant Marshal Sam Jeans mada a raid on a gambling joint that has been in operation some time in the Moore Dunning next to tne old Pacific House in North Lawrence. Four men were arrested; ,and arraigned in nolice court. one of whom plead guilty, the trials of the others being set for to day. This place is believed to have been a rendezvous of out of town characters who come to town to commit depreda tions, and Officer Jeans hopes to be able to break up the place early this winter. Notes From Oberlin. v Oberlin. Dec. 29 Judge Geiger and Joe YounEr. court stenographer, are away on a junketing trip to Cuba. They are book ed to return in to days. M. E. Mix and D. C. Moser have taken 2,000 head of cattle from their ranch in thi3 vicinity to Playfair, Mo., where they are feeding. Otis D. Benton shinned lately from his ranch in Sheridan county 3,0o0 head of cattle to the vicinity of Des Moines, Iowa.where Pete Adams is feeding them. The public installation held Jointly by the O. Pi S. and R. A. M. on Thursday, the 27th, followed by a banquet, is the talk of Masonic circles. The winter wheat of this vicinity looks well, as most of the crop was sown late. and suffered no injury from the Hessian fly. The A. O. TT. W. has been experienc ing a boom here this month, 46 new members enrolled their names. John Emahizer and family departed for Los Angeles, Cal., on the 27tto inst. Mr. Emahizer has been engaged In the furniture business for 16 years. was pros perous and the town looks for his early return, although he claims his removal is permanent Corn failed here this year and our farmers are drawing on their bank ac counts and paying 36 cents per busnel for eastern corn. The Sons and Daughters of Justice, whose growth since its organization un der the guidance of its president, G. Webb Bertram, has been phenomenal, have rewarded the gentleman's labor by electing him for anothwr term. Bicknell & Smith, grocers, failed here on the 27th. The Oberlin National bank closed them out to satisfy a mortgage held by them, for $2,S00. The present owners of the Oberlin Rol ler mills. Col. 15. R. Stickley and Ned D. Beauer. are refitting, refurnishing and budding additions to the mill, and will make it modern in ever particular. Tom Rooney, proprietor of the Metro pole, whose name as a carterer, leads all others in the eyes of the drummer a reported as going out of business. .! will retire from public notice by living on his small farm adjoining this city. Wreck Near Parsons. Parsons, Kas.. Dec. 29. The "Katy" south-bound freight train. In charge of 0000KOOOOC0XOOOOOOCC0J Full Measure Is it worth your while to get full -weight of bright clean coal? Thon let ua X fill your next order. $ LEHIGH AiTTZSACITS, X AP.HA1T3A3 A1TTHHACIT, 2 SEI5X-A1TTSXIACITE, g mONIElTAC, HAT.CEU2TE, anl CSACE CIXT SHAFT. 429 Kansas Ave. LJ ill 7 0HORTC0T LIUC. COLORADO FLYEC- Rest and Health to Mother and Child MRS. WINS LOWS SOOTHINO SYRUP haa been used for over Fl FT If TEAKS BY MILLIONS OF MuTMKhS for their CHILDREN WHILlC TEETH INO, Tit PLRPKCT SlTfhS.i It HOOTHE8 th CHILD. SOFTENS the GUM. ALLAYS ail PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC aiid t the best remedy for DIARRHui'A. Sol by Druggists in every purt of the worhi. Be mire to ak for "Mr. Wlnelow'e P jot Iv lng Syrup" and take no other kind. 1 wen tv-flve cents a bottle. "WE'LL DO TCITB gAgLXSTO 21X3 ST Topeka Transfer Go. 609 Kansas Avenue. Office TeL 320. House Tel. 3D5. F. P. Bacon, Prop. t9SlS MX ABOUT bTOBAOK. Engineer Lanahan and Conductor Taft, was wrecked at Ccntervilie, Km., late yestPrday afternoon. Several cars were derailed and the engine turned over, but no one was hurt. This Is Conductor Taft's second wreck in a short time. J. H. Clark Dead. Atchison, Kas:, Dec. 29. John Hawk ins Clark dif-d yettterday on his horve stead at Clay Center. Mr. dark one of the very first settler in north ern Kansas, having coine here in th early fifties with his family from Cin cinnati. He was the father-in-law of the late p. G. Adams, set retary of th Ftate Historical society, and aim of Fr&nk A. Itoot, the well known news paper man and writer. Candidate Cobb Wins Out. Concordia, Kaa. Dec. 29. The con test for trustee of Solomon township was decided today In favor of Ihe fu sion candidate, YV. K. Cobb. The elec tion .board failed to count twelve Dem ocratic votes, thereby el'-ctlng th Re publican candidate, but the county com missioners counted them, Riving Lhe fu sion candidate seven majority. New Bank For Netawaka, Netawaka. Ka., Dec. 29. The Citi zens' State bank of Netawaka will open for bupinrns January 2. with a capital stock of $10,000. ('haa. H. Cummlmm. of C.'entralia, Is president, and C. K. turn mings is cashier. Smallpox at Frontenao. Pittsburg, Kbs., Dec. 29 Frontena-. a mining camp three ml! s north of thin city, has peveral cows of smallpox, and it is feared that the disease will become epidemic. To Cure Dyspepsia and Indipeetioi Take Rex Dypepla Tablets All drug gists are authorised to refund mony in any ran it (ails to cure, i ilce 60 cents per package. HOLIDAY KATES Via "Rock Island Route." One fare for the round trip to point within 200 miles, west of Missouri river. Tickets sold Dec. 2;S. 2:. 24. 25. and 31, 1900. and Jan. 1, 1901. Return limit, Jan. 2, 1901. HOLIDAY KATES Via "Rock Island Route." One fare for the round trip to point within 200 miles, wfst of Mlswourl river. Tic kets sold Dec. 22, 2.1. 24. II;.. and 31, 1900, and Jan. 1, IDOL Return limit, Jan, 2, 190L De Witt's Little Early Riser are djilntjr little pills, but they nver fail to clne the liver. imuv obstructions and Invig orate the ayetem. At all drug stores. COLORADO FLYER. Via "Great Rock Island Route." Leaves Topeka 8:10 p. m., arrivin Colorado Springs 10.23, Denver 11:W o'clock next a. m ma L S1y N 1 Second United Preonvtertan church. Ben nett's fiats. West Twelfth street. pr-n h ing by the paxtor. the Rev. J. P. v.'hl'e, nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; "The World's Tribute to Christ," Pnalm 72: 0, 11'. the theme In the morning; evenlmr snbWi, S. "Retrospection" ; Sabbath si lux.l at 10 n. m.; Younir People's society at .&; Junior at M M. 4