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-lilli! i; I; LAST EC1T10S. MONDAY EVEN1KG. TQPEKA, KANSAS, DECEMBER 31, 1900. MONDAY EVENING. TWO CENTS. i I ? i I ) 'A J"- THROWS UP HER HANDS. Cliina Instructs Her Represen tative to Sign Joint Note. Will Trust Powers to Deal Len iently W ith lier. WHOLLY UNEXPECTED. Nobody Supposed the Empress Would Yield So Soon. Minister Wn Finds It Hard to Believe the Report. Pekin. Dec. 31. The Chinese plenipo tentiaries have been unexpectedly or dered to sign the preliminary joint note, and have notified the foreign envoys to t.ia-t effect. The Chinese themselves were greatly rstonished at receiving the imperial in s: ructions. Neither Li Hung Chang nor Prince Chin.? had expected success in persuading: the court under ten days. The emperor's instructions are to egree fully to the note, but to emleavor to get the best terms possible, particu larly in the matter of limiting the num ber of the legation guards and also as to the places where these are to be lo cated. The plenipotentiaries are instructed to endeavor to limit the number of army posts along the line of railway to as few as possible, and. finally, to request the powers not to destroy the torts, but merely to disarm them. Li Hung Chanr.'s health is bad, and It is doubtful whether he wiil be able to do more than affix his signature to an instrument delegating his powers to Prince Ching until another plenipoten tiary has been appointed. He was dressed this morning and carried in a chair to the residence of Prince Ching, with whom he held a long consultation, prince Ching then called upon the dean of the diplomatic corps, the Spanish minister. Senor de Cologan, and request ed him to notify the other envoys that Instructions had been received from the emperor to sign the note. COURT TO RETURN. Shanghai, Dec. 31. There are persist ent reports in circulation here that the Imperial court is preparing to return to Pekln. Chinese advices from the capital pay that ninety cars with mules and horses have been dispatched to Tai Yuenfu to meet and bring back the im perial personages and their entourage. It is also asserted that Emperor Kwang Su has summoned Hu Ping C'hih. former governor of the province of Shansi. to Sianfu. to accompany him to Pekin. The Mohammedan rising in the prov ince of Kan Su is spreading, ami the troops of the viceroy of the province of Hu Nan are alone unable to hold their own against the rebels. WASHINGTON IS PLEASED. Washington, Dec. 31. The report that the Chinese plenipotentiaries had been directed to sign the joint note is a source of satisfaction to officials here as indi cating a disposition on the part of the hinese government to heed the desire f the powers that negotiations shall be entered on at once and the present unsatisfactory condition of affairs ter minated. The emperor, it was expected, would instruct -his agents to obtain the best terms possible. One of the principal ob-J--tions said to have been made by the Chinese to the location of any great number of legation guards in Pekin is ttutt these guards would be a menace t the existing Chinese government. As has already been stated in these dis patches, the United States government does not dtdre the absolute demolition of the Tak'Ji forts, but simply their dis mantlement, so that ready access to the Chinese capital of a foreign force would not be prevented. The demand of the powers in the joint note, however, was for the destruction of the forts. The inquiries said to have been made lay the Chinese government cf the en voys, of which Inquiries, however, to official Intimation has been received from Mr. Conger, have been regarded by the officials of this government as r-asonable and because of this more de lay than has occurred was expected in The court's direction for the signature of the note. Nothing has come from Mr-. Conger regarding the status of the note since a cablegram from him pome days ag announcing that it had been pre sented to the Chinese. .Mr. Wu. the Chinese minister, is some what puzzled as to just what construc tion to place on the Pekin dispatch. along he has recardtd jhe demands con veyed in the joint note" as harsh and se vere, and the statement that it had been sitrned causes him surprise. He is in clined to believe that, in all probability, what the emperor has directed is that the Chinese plenipotentiaries should dis c.iss in a friendly manner with the en voys the terms of the agreement, with a vi--w, as stated in the Pekin dispatcr t i obUtin the best terms possible along certain specified lines and also in others not contained in the cablegram. WANT TO BKGIN AT ONCE. London. D-c 21. Wiring to the Times from Pekin yesterday. Dr. Morris' n s-ays: The Chinese have accepted all the conditions of the joint note. They are penning formal acceptance by an envoy and ask that negotiations should com mence forthwith and military operations cease. "LI Hung Chang is much better, al though greatly shaken. "r ive expeditions are now operating Kvery report tells of increasing unrest. The policy of depriving the Chinese of all power to exercise authority is spread ing disorder broadcast and forcing peaceful Chinese into opposition." It a dispatch dated December "S Dr. Morrison sends a long protest against Oerman harshness, which, he savs. is creating instead of checking disorder. He accuses the Germans of harrying the country and punishing the innocent and T:ie guilty lndischiminately in order to levy fines for defraying their own milita ry expenses and to form an excuse for continued hostile occupation. He also charges Count von Waldersee with a breach of faith on the ground that he gave Li Hung Chang a map de fining the area cf the occupation in the -vince of Chi Li and indicated the dis lr:ct beyond which the allies would not operate, and yet allowed the German troops to inflict severe, punishment upon the Chinese at Tsangehau and Tuns ching, both of which are outside the l--a. iiepeatin: his statement that the Ger- I mans are preparing for 'an expedition to Sianfu in the spring and also foment 'n,.. trouble in the Tangtse vallt-y,. Pr J ' risen says: "The question arises whether the o, -casion should not be seized to separate the British troops from Count von Wai dersee's command." THE CHINESE SCATTERED. Berlin, Dec. 31. Count von Watdersee reports to the war office, under late of Pekin, December 29: The Chinese who fled south were pur sued by Iriost's squadron to So-Kien, 160 kilometers southwest of Pekin, where the Chinese, scattered. Grueberg's col umn seized great quantities of muni tions, quick firing and Krupp guns.Max ini rifles, etc., at Si-Nan-Chen. 21 kilo meters east of Paoti-Hsien, which had been abandoned by the fleeing Chinese." CONFIRMED BY CONGER. Washington. Dec. 31. The state de partment has received from Minister Conger a dispatch dated December 30, announcing that the Chinese plenipoten tiaries have notified the representatives of the powers that the emperor decrees the acceptance of their demands as a whole and Prince Ching requires further conference. They also desire that military excur sions to the interior should cease. It is well known that the last request is in accordance with the views of the president. A STROKE OF DIPLOMACY. Washington, Dec. 31. In diplomatic quarters the acceptance given by the Chinese envoys is regarded as a most ingenious stroke of diplomacy. Among diplomatic offieTals it is said that this is not an unconditional acceptance, al though it is such a concurrence in the general principle of the note that the powers can "hot well set it aside. It ap pears to be directed toward reopening the word "irrevocable" and securing more definite and, if possible, more moderate conditions on some of the points involved. It is not clear whether the envoys will sign the note first and then ask for negotiations or endeavor to ameliorate the terms before the final signatures are affixed. In any event it is felt that the graver featuress of the trouble are overcome by the submissive attitude of the emperor and but little remains now but to perfect the details of the peace treaty on the general lines heretofore laid down. Minister Wu is back from his trip to Mont Clair, N. J., but is still without advices from Pekin as to what has been done. The report of an edict from the emperor directing an acceptance has not reached the minister, so that he had no occasion today to confer with the state department. CHINA'S ANXIETY. It Is For Foreign Occupation to End as Early as Possible. New York, Dec. 31. A specal to the Heiald from Washington says: China is anxious that foreign occupa tion of her territory shall come to ar. end as promptly as possible, as it is con -stantly causing disorder and is an ob stacle to a. peaceful adjustment of af fairs. id view of the prospect that each na tion will hereafter maintain a legation .guard in Pekin, China is anxious that it shall be reduced to as small a number as the powers can be induced to desig nate. China regards the American force constituting theAmcriean legation guard as altogether too large. It numbers l.SM men, but Chinese diplomats here point dut that if each nation maintains a guard of this strength Pekin will be un der the control of a force of 14.4u0 foreign troops. There are now in China about luO.oOO allied troops. Officials of the ad ministration insist that it is absolutely necessary to maintain in Pekin the force now there, declaring that the interests of the United States could not be protected with a smaller number. Gen. Chaffee is in control of a section of Pekin, and a few days ago sent out an expedition to a point south of the city. Adjutant Gen eral Corbin denied today most emphati cally that this column was in any sense punitive. There are to be no executions nor is there to be any interference with Chinese officials: the duty of the column is to rescue some missionaries and re turn with them to Pekin. It is the belief of Chinese diplomats i.i Washington that had Minister Conger communicated to Prince Ching and I.i Hung Chang the danger In which the American missionaries were supposed to be the Chinese authorities would imme diately have taken measures for their, rescue and protection from injury. It is expected that as a result of the Ameri can expedition the American troops wiil be confounded wth those of other pow ers which have been guilty of atrocities, and the hatred felt for the Germans, British and others will extend to the Americans. China feels able at this juncture, it is said, to protect all foreigners and it seems to be the belief here that the reports of danger to American missionaries are got ten up to prevent a solution of the Chi nese question. In view of China's preservation of order outside of Pekin. and of her willingness to protect foreigners, and the fact that the imperial court, whose presence in Pe kin is so desirable, will not return to the capital until the foreign troops leave, well informed public men here ae advocating the immediate withdrawal of General Chaffee's command ami its dispatch to the Philippines, where regulars are needed to take the places of the volunteers who will return, beginning next month, to San Francisco. Adjutant General Corbin said last night that tile America.n troons ih Chim. are the Ninth regiment or infantry. one squad ron of the Sixth cavalrv and batterv F of the Fifth artillery. Since October "3,Sf0 men have left China and proceeded to the Philippines. There is no doubt that the adminlstra. tion is anxious to terminate the occupa tion of China by foreign troops and It is stated positively that as soon as tins can be done General Chaffee's command will be withdrawn, the United Stales merely reserving the right to maintain a lega tion guard in Pekin, the privilege to be advantage ot in case the American location should again be endangered. All the other powers are retaining in Pekin and the province of Chi Li an ex ceedingly stroc force, both to impress each other and repress China. The with drawal of all the American troops at this juncture would, administration officials fear, cause a loss of prestiee bv this gov ernment and prevent Minister Conger maintaining the commanding position he now occupies. As explained by an administration of ficial, the situation in the Philippines re auires that all American troops available shad be stationed in the archipelago. There are less than 60.un effectives in the Islands. Major General MacArthur thinks the situation demands that there should be at least this number of effectives. JAIL QUARANTINED, Mrs. Carrie Nation Will Raid No More Bars For 21 Days. "Wichita, Kan., Dec. 3L The county jail has been quarantined on account of smallpox within and Mrs. Carrie Nation who raided the Carey hotel bar, having failed to give bond, must stay thre 21 days. BEATEN BY BOERS British Compelled to Surrender Post at Helvetia. Sustain a Loss of 50 Killed and Wounded 200 Missing. KIMBERLEY ISOLATED. Large Parties Roaming at Will : Oyer Cape Colony. Prepared to Concentrate When BeWet Says the Word. - London, Dec. 31. The war office has received the following dispatch from Lord Kitchener: ' "Pretoria, Dec. 30, 7:50 a. m. General Lyttleton reports that our post at Hel vetia was captured yesterday morning by the Boers. About fifty were killed and wounded and 200 taken prisoners. "Colonel Kitchener reports that he is following with a small force in the track of the enemy, Helvetia being reoccupied by Reeves, who has been reinforced from Belfast. "Helvetia was a very strong position on the Machadodorp-Lydenberg railway and was held by a detachment of the Liverpool regiment. Am asking for fur ther information." Commenting upon the Helvetia dis aster, the Daily Mail calls upon the gov- ' eminent to send out at least oO.OOO ad I ditional mounted men. I While Lord Kitchener sends bad news i for Lngland on the closing day of the year, the press continues to take a sur : prisingly hopeful view of a grave situa- tion and of revelations of an enormously wide field of Boer activity. General De Wet is still at large. Kimberley is iso lated. The Boers are in force enough to have captured a strong position at Helvetia, in the Lydenberg district, while, judging from Lord Kitchener's very recent advices, no progress is being made against the Boer invaders in Cape Colony. According to further telegrams re ceived yesterday, Zerust is practically besieged, but has provisions sufficient for five months. The garrison at Ottos hoop has been withdrawn to Lichten berg. A dispatch from Carnavon, dated yes terday, reports that the Boers who have been threatening that point were driven oft and are being pursued. "It is evident," says a belated mes sage from Krugersdorp, dated Decem ber 23, "that the Boer commissariat in the direction of the Magaliesburg is well supplied and that, until the country be tween here and the Magaliesburg is properly cleared of Boers they will con tinue to concentrate there, the ground being particularly adapted to their methods of warfare." The Boers admit that in their fight with General Clements at Nooitgedacht they lost 1X0 men. "It is understood that Lord Kitchener can not ask the colonies officially to, send troops." says a Durban dispatch, dated December i, "but he desires it to be known in Australia and Canada that Australians and Canadians arriving in Natal wiil be eligible for immediate en listment in the irregular corps which is proceeding to Johannesburg for five months' service." To emphasize Lord Kitchener's covert admission that no progress is being made against the invasion of Cape Colony, a correspondent at Burghers dorp, wiring Saturday, reports as fol lows : "Two fresh commandoes are entering the colony. One has already crossed near Knaapdaar. and the arrival of an other is momentarily expected in the Steynsberg district. The Boers are said to have no guns or transport, but are well supplied with Lee-Metford rifles and ammunition. Captured Boers say that the intention of these commandoes is to roam about and wait until General De Wet appears upon the scene." All dispatches arriving in London agree that the Cape Dutch show no in clination to rise, but on the contrary appear to be tired of the war and de sirous of peace. Many refuse to suppy the Boers with food and are willing to give information to the British re garding Boer movements. Details of the Greylingstad affair show that while Colville's column was pursuing the Boers, a second force of 400 of the enemy was seen moving toward the camp, where the British transport was inspanned. The small British force made a plucky stand until reinforcements arrived with artillery, and after a severe fight the Boers were defeated. The British losses altogether were nine killed and sixty three wounded and missing. The Boers are said to have 31 killed. Lord Kitchener, wiring from Pretoria, Saturday. December 29, says: "There is not much change in the situ ation in Cape Colony. The eastern force of the enemy appears to have broken up in small parties at Utrecht and to be moving about rapidly in the same district, evidently waiting for sup port from the north. "The last report states that the. west ern force is moving to Carnarvon. De Lisle and Thornycroft are in close pur suit. "French has occupied Ventorsdorp. Clements reports that he is opposed on the road to Rustenburg. The eastern line was blown up near Pan, and a train was held up this morning on the Standerton line near Vaal station. "White's column has arrived at Sen ekal. Knox's column and Boye's bri gade are holding De Wet from breaking south." IT WAS A SURPRISE. London. Dec. 31. General Kitchener, telegraphing from Pretoria, Sunday, December 30. says: "The post at Helvetia was surprised at 2:30 a. m.. the enemy first rushing a 4.7 gun. At dawn the officer command ing the post at Swartzkopjes sent out a patrol and shelled the enemy out of Helvetia, making them abandon the gun temporarily. The ' Boers, however, formed our prisoners around the gun and got away eventually. No ammu nition belonging to the gun was cap tured. The casualties were four officers wounded, eleven men killed and twenty two wounded. A column was sent out from Machadodorp, but owing to bad roads it failed to arrive In time." NOTICE. Persons desiring to attend watch ser rice tonight at the churches at Sixth and Harrison street and Eighth and Harrison streets will find cars in wait ing at the conclusion of the service. Persons desiring to attend the cere mony of ushering in the 20th century at the Auditorium will find cars at the transfer station at one o'clock a. m., for North Topeka, Potwin, West Tenth, and West Twelfth street. Dec. 31st. 1900. STORM WAS GENERAL Snow and Cold Extend Through out the West and North.. Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 31. A general snow storm has prevailed over the east ern "and central sections of Wyoming during the past two days. On Powder river and Salt creek the snow is very deep. Much difficulty in feeding stock is experienced although no serious dam age is yet reported. Walsenburg, Colo., Dec 31. It has been storming at intervals in this sec tion for several days and the roads lead ing to the summit of Mount Blanc are impassable. Fears had been enter tained for the safety of the hundred or more miners on the top of the moun tain who had yet not laid in their win ter's supply of provisions. People liv ing at the base of the mountain say, however, that if they were in danger of a scant food supply, some of them would have cut their way through be fore this and called upon the neighbor ing camps for help. Des Moines, la., Dec. 31. Iowa ex perienced her first severe snow storm of the season last night. It began with a strong wind at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon, and continued with a light fall of snow until 6 o'clock this morning. It covered the entire state. Trains are delayed somewhat. The thermometer registered 8 below at 4 o'clock. Omaha, Neb., Dec. 31. A furious bliz zard began in the eastern part of Ne braska at 8 o'clock this morning, con tinuing throughout the day, and last night extends over the state and as far west as Cheyenne. In this city, the street car traffic is badly blocked. There is a high wind and heavy snow, which cleared the streets of pedestrians at an early hour. Several signs were blown down, but, so far as known, no person has been injured. Denver. Col., Dec. 31. A blizzard vis ited Colorado Saturday night and Sun day. The temperature is falling in most sections and at several, places the fall of snow has been quite heavy. Railroad traffic, though not seriously affected, has been interrupted and trains are all ar riving late. No great damage to live stock has been reported. St. Joseph. Mo.; Dec. 31 A severe snow storm set in late yesterday . with a constantly lowering temperature. Tel egraphic reports from all sections of Kansas, Nebraska, Jowa and northern Missouri show the ;fall to be heavy. Winter wheat in many sections of these states, as well as throughout the west generally, has been greatly in need of a heavy blanket of snow, which will af ford ample moisture as well as protec tion to the grain from severe freezing. 28 BELOW ZERO. Denvef, Colo., Dee. 31. Eighteen de grees below zero was the temperature record at the government weather sta tion in this city and at Cheyenne, Wyo., at 8 a. m. today. The coldest place in the country is Lander, Wyo., where 28 below was recorded. The sncw fall has ceased and warmer , .-eath'v tomorrow is predicted for the Rocky Mountain region. LU.GETS $20,000 " Free State Hotel " is to Be Paid For. Congress Will Act Favorably Upon the Bill. Washington, D. C, Dec. 31. A bill will be passed by congress during the next week or two allowing $20,000 damages for the destruction of the old "Free State hotel" or Eldridge House at Lawrence. As is well known in Kansas history this building was destroyed on May 20, 1856, by Deputy United States Marshal and Sheriff Jones,' with a posse, who acted directly on the findings of the United States grand jury sitting at that time at Lecompton. This bill was originally presented i-J the senate by Senator Harris. It passed that body last session, but met a Wa terloo in the house. The senator renew ed his efforts and secured the passage of the bill again in the senate this ses sion, when Congressman Bowersock in troduced it in the house. It has been re ported on favorably by the house com mittee on claims, and as well reported on the calendar. Congressman Bower sock, in speaking of the bill, said there was little or no doubt regarding its pas sage, and that it was only a matter of taking its turn on the calendar for final disposition. The present beneficiary of this bill, the University of Kansas, is the assignee or transferree of the original claim from damages against the United States sus tained by the New England Emigrant Aid company, a Massachusetts corpora tion, in 1S56. This claim grew out of the early trou bles in Kansas, preceding the late civil war. The material facts and circumstan ces in relation to it have gone down in the state's history with marked promi nance. The New England Emigrant Ai 1 company had erected a large and well coTistructed hotel at Lawrence, thor oughly furnished and equipped, and var ious outbuildings. This hotel was three stories high, with a basement. It was said at that time to have been the finest hotel west of St. Louis, and, together with its furniture and other buildings, was worth about J25.000. On the 5th day of May, 1836, the grand jury made a presentment against this structure, in which it was set forth that the same was a nuisance and had "been constructed with a view to military oc cupation and defense, thereby endanger ing the public safety and encouraging rebellion and sedition in the country," and they thereby recommended that the nuisance be abated. Thereupon, on the 21st day of May of the same year, a deputy Unted States marshal, claming to act under the auth ority of the United States district court for the territory, assembled a large poste and razed the structure to the ground, making It a total loss. It seems to be clearly demonstrated that this action of the grand jury, on which the deputy marshal assumed to act was unjustifiable, and the destruc tion of the property by positive and di rect orders of the officers of the United States was therefore clearly unwarrant able. . The New England Emigrant Aid com pany memorialized congress several times on the subject and sought to have a reimbursement of the loss it had sus tained, but not succeeding in its own rights, and despairing of ever being abl to secure anything for itself out of this claim, recently assigned the same to the present beneficiary of this bill the Kan sas State university. L. W. T HA VIS. HEARD BTL1AI3Y. Got. Theodore Roosevelt's 'Ad dress to the Y. M. C. A. Audiences Listen Throughout the Country. READ BY SECRETARIES Who Had Received Copies of It in Advance. Do Not Be Hard Hearted Nor Soft Headed, He Said. New York. Dec. 31. Governor Roose velt spoke yesterday afternoon at Car negie hall before an audience of young men that completely filled the house. It was a mass meeting arranged by the Y. M. C. A. of the city, but it was some what unique, in the fact that the chief speaker was, in a way, addressing more than 100 other audiences throughout the country. It has been arranged so that copies of Governor Roosevelt's address had been secured in advance and sent to secretaries of associations throughout the country, and It was said that the address was read aloud at more than 100 other meetings at the same hour. William E. Dodge presided, and among those on the platform were Gen. O. O. Howard, Gen. Jolm R. Brooke, and vari ous officers from the harbor forts and the navy yard. There were also more than 100 bluejackets and soldiers pres ent, most of whom are members of the army and navy branch of the associa tion. The New York festival chorus had elevated seats on the platform and, con ducted by Morgan, the director, rendered musical selections. Mr. Dodge spoke briefly on the history of the Y. M. C. A. and then eulogized Colonel Roosevelt in the various capaci ! ties in which he is known to the public. The vice president-elect was received witn prolonged applause. He spoke as follows: ROOSEVELT'S ADDRESS. "It is a peculiar pleasure to me to come before you today to greet you and to bear testimony to the great good that has been done by these Young Men's and Young Women's Christian associations throughout the . United States and the Dominion of Canada. More and more we are getting to recog nize the law of combination. This is true of many phases in our industrial life, and it is equally true of the world of philanthropic effort. Nowhere is it, or will it ever be, possible to supplant individual effort and individual initia tive; but. in addition to this, there must be work in combination. More and more this is recognized as true, rtot only in charitable work proper, but in that best form of philanthropic endeavor where we do good to ourselves by all joining together to do good to one an other. This is exactly what is done in your associations. "It seems to me that there are several reasons why you are entitled to especial recognition from all who are Interested in the betterment of our American so cial system. First and foremost your organization recognizes the vital need of brotherhood, the most vital of all our needs here in this great continent. The existence of a Young Men's or. Young Women's Christian association is cer tain proof that some people at least Vec ognize in practical shape the identity of aspiration and interest, both in things material and in things higher, which with us must be widespread through the masses of the people, if the national life is to attain full development. This spirit of brotherhood recognizes of necessity both the need of self-help and also the need of helping others in the only way which ever ultimately does great good; that is, of helping them to help themselves. Every man of us needs such help at some time, and each of us should be glad to stretch out his hand to a brother who stumbles. But while every man needs at times to be lifted up when he stumbles, no man can afford to let himself be carried, and it is worth no man's while to try thus to carry some one else. The man who lies down, who will not try to walk, has be come a mere cumberer of the earth's surface. MAKE MEN SELF-HELPFUL. "These associations of yours try to make men self-helpful and to iielp them when they are self-helpful. They do not try merely to carry them, to ben efit them for the moment at the cost of their future undoing. This means that all in any way connected with them, not merely retain, but increase, their self-respect. Any man who takes part in the work of such an organiza tion is benefited to some extent and ben efits the community to some extent of course, always with the proviso that the organization is well managed, and is run on a business basis, as well as with a philanthropic purpose. "The feeling of brotherhood i3 neces sarily as remote from a patronizing spirit on the one hand as from a spirit of envy and malice on the other. The best work for our uplifting must be done by ourselves, and yet with brotherly kindness for our neighbor. In such work. and. therefore, in the of work done by the Young Men's Chris tian associations, we all stand on the self-respecting basis of mutual benefit and common effort. All of us who take part in any such work, in whatever measure, both receive and confer ben efits. This is true of the founder and giver, and it is no less true of every man who takes advantage of what the founder and giver have done. This brotherhood makes us all realize how much we have in - common, and how much we can do when we work in com mon. I doubt if it is possible to over estimate the good done by the mere fact of association with a common in terest and for a common end, and when the common interest' is high and the common end peculiarily worthy, the good done is of course many times in creased. "Besides developing this sense of brotherhood, the feeling which breeds respect both for one's self and for oth ers, your associations have a peculiar value in showing what can be done by acting in combination without aid from the state. While on the one hand it has become evident that under the con ditions of modern life we cannot allow an unlimited individualism which may work harm to the community, it is no less evident that the sphere of the state's action should be extended very cautious ly, and so far as possible only where it wii not crush out healthy individual initiative. Voluntary action by individ uals in the form of associations of any kind for mutual betterment or mutual advantage often offer a way to avoid alike the danger of state control and the , dangers of excessive individualism. This is particularly true of efforts for that most Important of all forms of better ment, moral betterment the moral bet terment which usually brings material betterment in its train. UNION OF FORCES NECESSARY. "It is only in this way by all of us working together m a spirit of brother hood, by each doing his part for the betterment of himself and of others, that it is possible for us to solve bfie tre mendous problems with which, as a na tion, we are . now confronted. Our in dustrial life has become so complex, its rate i of movement so very rapid and specialization and differentiation so in tense that we find ourselves face to face with conditions that were practically unknown in this nation half a century ago. The power of the forces of evil has been greatly increased, and it is necessary for our self-preservation that we should similarly strengthen the forces for good. We are all of us bound to work toward this end. No one of us can do everything, but each of us can do something, and if we work together the aggregate of these somethings will be very considerable. "There are, of course, a thousand dif ferent ways in which the work can be done, and each man must choose as his tastes and his powers bid him, if he is to do the best of which he is capable. But all the kinds of work must be car ried along on certain definite lines if good is to come. All the work must be attempted as on the whole this Young Men's Christian Association work has been done; that is. in a spirit of good will towajd all and not of hatred toward some; in a spirit ia which to broad charity for mankind there is added a keen and healthy sanity of mind. We must retain our self-respect, each and all of us, and we must beware alike of mushy sentimentality and of envy and hatred. WARNING AGAINST SENTIMEN TALITY. "It ought not to be necessary for me to warn you against mere sentimentali ty, against the philanthropy and charity which are not merely insufficient but harmful. It is eminently desirable that we should none of us be hard hearted, but it is no less desirable that we should not be soft headed. I really do not know which quality is most productive of evil to mankind in the long run, hard ness of heart or softness of head. Naked charity is not what we permanently want. There are, of course, certain classes such as young children, widows with large families or crippled or very aged people, or even strong men tem porarily crushed by stunnlngmisfortune, on whose behalf we may have to make a frark and direct appeal to charity, and who can be the recipients of it without any loss of self-respect. But taking us as a w hole.taking the mass of Americans, we do not want charity, we do not want sentimentality; we merely want to learn how to act both individ ually and together in such fashion as to enable us to hold our own in the world, to do good to others according to the measure of our opportunities, and to receive good from others in ways which will not entail on our part any loss of self-respect. "It ought to be no less unnecessary Tor me to sav that any man who tries to oriva tti srreHt nrnhletns that confront us 4by an appeal to anger and passion, to ig norance anu itjii.v, lw u.i.. c is not, and never can be, aught but an enemy of the very people he professes to befriend. In the words of Lowell, it Is far safer to adopt for a motto, 'AH men up' than 'Some men down.' Speaking broadlv. we cannot in the long run benefit one man by the downfall of another. Our energies can as a rule be employed to much better advantage in uplifting some than in pulling down others, of course there must sometimes dp jm k too. We have no business to blink evils, and where it is necessary that the knlfo should be used, let it be used unsparingly, but let it be used intelligently. VV lin there is need of a drastic remedy, apply it. but do not apply it in the mere spirit of hate. Normally, a pound of construc tion is worth a ton of destruction; MONEY NOT TUB ONLY GOOD THING "There is degradation to us if we feel enw and malice and hatred of one's neighbor, for anv cause, and if we envy him merely because of his riches, we show we have ourselves low ideals. Money is a good thing. It Is a foolish affectation to deny it. But it Is not the only good thinE. and after a certain amount has been amassed it ceases to be the chief even of material good things. It is far better, for instance, to do well a bit fo work which is well worth doing. I do not care whether this work is that of an engineer on a great railroad or captain of a fishing boat, or foreman in a factory or machine shop, or section boss, or division chief, or assistant astronomer in an observatorv. or a second lieutenant somewhere in China or the Philippines, each man of these hns an important piece of work and if he i realllnv interested in it and has the right stuff in him he will be altogether too proud of what he is doing and too Intent on doing it well, to waste his time in en vving others. "From the days when the chosen people received this decalogue, to our own, envy and malice have been recognized as evils, and woo to those who appeal to them. To break the Tenth commandment is no more moral now than it has been for the past thirty centuries. The vice of envy is not onlv a dangerous but also a mean vice, for it is always a confession of inferiority. It may provoke conduct which will be fruitful of wrongdoing to others: and it must caue misery to the man who feel it. It will not be any the less fruitful of wrong and misery if. as is often the case with evil motives, it adopts some hinh sounding alias. The truth Is, gentlemen, that each one of us has In him certain passions and instincts which, if they gain the upper hand in his soul, would mean that the wild beast had come uppermost in him. Envy, malice and hatred are such passions, and they are just as had if di rected against a class or group of men as if directed against an individual. What we need in our leaders and teachers Is help in suppressing such feelings, help in arousing and directing the feelings that are their extreme opposite Woe to us as a nation if we ever follow the lead of men who seek not to smother but to in flame the wild beast qualities of the hu man heart! In social and Industrial no less than in political reform we can do healthy work, work fit for a free country, fit for a self-governing democracy, only by treading in the footsteps of Washing ton and Franklin and Adams and Patrick Henry, and not In the steps of Marat and Robespierre. HOME IS THE BASTS. "So far what I hae had to say hai dealt mainly with our relations with one another in what may be called the serv ice of the state. Mut the basis of good citizenship is in the home. A man must be a good son. husband and father, a woman a good daughter, wife and mother, first and foremost. There must be no shirking of duties in big things or little things. The man who will not work hard for his wife and little ones: the woman who shrinks from bearing' and rearing many healthy children: these have no place among the men and worne who are striving upward and onward. Of course, the family is the foundation of all the things in the state. Sins against pure and healthy family life are those which of all Iniquities are sure in the end to be visited most heavily upon the nation in which they take place. We must beware, moreover, not merely of the great sins, but of the lesser ones which when taken' together cause such an ap palling aggregate of misery and wrontr. The drunkard, the lewd liver, the coward, the liar, the dishonest man. the man who is brutal to or neglectful of parents, wife or children of all of these the shrift should be short when we speak of decent citizenship. Every ounce of effort for good in your associations is part of th ceaseless war asainst the trUlts which produce such men. But in addition to condemning the grosser forms of evil we must not forget to condemn also the evils of bad temper, lack of gentleness, nagging (Continued on Seventh Paee.) ZERO WEATHER. Mercurj In TopeUa Ilcgistered Two Above. At Goodland It Went Doyyii to 14 Below. ENTIRE DAY SUNDAY Blizzard Kaged From ilorniug Till Night at Dodge City. Light Snow Pell All Over the State. The first real enow etorm of Ui wa eon began to fall in this city last r itut at about 6:30 and continued for only a few hours. The weather man givrs as surance that there is no mora enow D follow this storm, at least not soon, ar. l that New Year's day will te bright an 1 clear. Orf the western border of th.? state 14 degrees below zero was reached and In Colorado the iiieioiry went as low as 18. The temperature fell Tim lowest in To peka tiiis morning when at 8 o'clock tin thermometer registered two dcgrr.t above zertx Last night at 7 o'clock th.? mercury was IS degrees above and at midnight 13 degrees above. The hourjjs temperatures until noon today ar 1 a. m., 11 degrees ahov?. 2 a. m., 10 decrees above. 3 a. m., ! degree above. 4 a. ni., 7 degrees above. 5 a. m., degreo above, 6 a. nr., 4 degrees above. 7 a. m., 3 degrees above. S a. m., Z decrees above. 9 a. m., 3 degres above. 10 a. in., 0 degrees Hitovu. 11 a. m., 7 degrees above. I , 12 m.f 10 degrees above. In western Kansas and Colorado the intensest cold prevailed, so far reported In this section of the country. Oomliunil reports the thermometer 1 degree lw low zero. From la. Junta, still luwer temperatures are ieorted. Over that part of the Santa Kn division in Col orado the temperature ranged from 11 to IS degrees below. At Dodge City a blizzard raited ail day. At Hurt on a northwest wind pre vailed, light snow felt and the tlu-rnuin-eter was 2 to 7 degrees above. Herington, Dec. .11. Clear and nltri weather prevails, varyinc to livht -north west wind; 5 to 15 degit es above z. t o in tne temperature reported over tins di vision of the Rock Island. Fairbury, Neb., IH-c. :sl. Snow fell in this section from here tn Omaha. ' t. weather is rep'n ted from nutnv pi le s, varying to 5 and 6 degrees , hove. Chickasha, I. T., Dec. St. The went her Is cloudy here, with a brisk northwest wind blowing and the thermometer reg istering at 15 decrees. Wellington. Dec. A lipht mow fell here last night and the th. minim ter registers IS degrees this morning. Dodge City. Dec. .11. A hlizirrl was In progress here newrly all day Siimlnv. I rains were late, but not much troul.l.. was experienced n most of them wr cut in two. A heavy wind bcoihiih n i.t the snow storm. Snow whs falling incut of the day. The storm was r. pnrt-il prevalent all over tha division to New ton. Amarillo, Tex., Dec. 31. Zero wuther prevails In the Panhandle. A Imf t snow is falling, driven by a northwest wind. Alarceline. Mo., Dec. 21. A liRht snow fell here last night. ol.ring, cold tin morning. At 8 o'clock this morning tha temperature was 4 decree above zero. Chillfeothe, 111., Dec. 31. The tempera ture at 8 o'clock this morning etood ut' 20 degrees above zero. A jiwht fall of snow occurred all over the Hate during the night. LOSS OFS400.000 Ilellaire Stamping Works llarfey, 111., Burned. nt SeTen Hundred Hands Thrown Out of Emplornient. Chicago, Dec. 31. Fire destroyed tha Bellaire Stamping company' jplant at Harvey, HI., early today, causing a Ion of J400.000, and throwing TOO men, boy and girls out of employment. Inauranoo to the value of 375.0(0 was carried, oa the plant. A high wind carried great quantities of burning material alxiut the village, threatening its destruction. Citlzna formed a bucket brlgadn and prevented the spread of the flames. At 3 30 a. rn. the water nupply gav out. To add to Uio excitement several tanks, two of them filled with tmphtlm exploded. Fragments of Iron flew al most everywhere, but no one was seri ously injured. When the water fail.-d the firemen left the factory, which w asi burning fiercely, -to its fate, and turneti their attention to surrounding pinerty. Several buddings Buffeted Blight dutu age. A HEAVY EXPLOSION. Out of 500 Men at Work but Two Were Injured. Wilkeabarre, Pa 1 . .11 A lu ivy explosion of gas occurred in the 1 1 1 1 n -back mine of the Lehigh A- V lik'-sbn , i Coal company today. It set lire t.i i h" woodwork but w as quickly ' M i u i -li -ed. Five hundred men wen- ci''kln at the time. All succeeded In out safely with the exception of tw. who were badly burned. They it i Ignatz Cray, miner, bin no I luterni: lly. He was taken to Mercy hospital in a dying condition. A Inborn', nam'1 ti I given, was badly burned. Tin- mi l m one of the itu-st gnseotiH in the Hnlhra cite region, ful when the cxpiophm oc curred, it was at once oonciuOed fiit there had been loss of life. W hen tin men reached the surface they rejoice! over their escape. Weather Indications. Chicago, Dec. 31. Forecast for Kan sas: Fair tonight and Tuesday; not avi cold Tuesday; variable w indi