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- , , - , INIMIEMIENCEINEEIMItilMM SERIOUS CIIMICES Are Taken in Neatecting a Simple - Case of Plies. Any person take's serious chances in regl oti!-o-r an attack of piles, because of the tenueney to become. clircnic and fur ther the dangor of ulceration and form ing of fisula., both wry difficult to cura 3,lost pilo curcs are simple ointan n:s or salves. which relieve temporarily but LIre Itt,4IsS as far as making a cure is 'rne saf-st rerffi-oly for any farm of piles whether itching or pr,itrthiing is the Pyramid Pile cure because free from and It is in suppository form to be used at night and painless and causes no deteation from daily oc cupation, and the many cures made by it have made. it famous in every corner of the United States and Canada and any druggist will tell you it enjoys a greater demand and popularity than any pile remedy ever placed on the market. Air. James Kenton of 'Memphis. Tenn, rays: t-,UtYPTI from itching piles for two years and found nothing that WOUlti redeye me permanently; not even mer curial ointment st,emed to reach my case, 'But a fifty cent box or the Pyrat-,iid Pile Cure. which I bought at my druggist's cured me entirely and for months past I have had no return of the disease." Mrs. Wm. 1,1-emnore of So. Ornalla 'writes: "I suffered torture from pro truding piles for a large part of my life and had long- since given up any hope of cure, as I dared not risk an operation and could nOt afford the expense atc way. I had often read advertisements e bout the Pyramid Pile Cure,.but never placed confidence in patent medicines, but I tried the Pyramid in sheer desper atiOn, and was delighted and surprised to receive matked relief and benefit from the first fev.- applicatiors It took five tlfty cent boxes to cure me complet0Y, and no one can appreciate my feeline of gratitude WhO has not suffered as I ihave." For any case of itching, protruding or !bleeding piles the Pyramid is a certain absoluttly safe remedy. 4t) FIRST Christian Church THURSDAY NIGHT., JAN. 3d. FIRST ristian Church :RSDAY NIGHT', JAN. 3d. kr. NI. BRIGHAM'S Famous Lecture, Grand Canon of Arizona. too CoIored ereopticon Views. 1 NAT. NI. CRIGIANI'S Famous Lecture, 1 The Grand Canon t-4 f A ..: -......-. , 40 4, 100 Co1ored Stereopticon Views. I'' Stereopticon Views. s - s s , The best description and the rs finest illustrations ever given of the Grand ) Canon. ) ............, V Tickets on sale at Rbehr's zZ. Music Store, or they may be had by applying to members of the Ladies' Music Club. Price 50 Cents. BURLINGTON ROUTE. its New Line, Deaver-Northwest, via Billings. The Burlington's Denver-Northwest Main Line was completed September 36th. It taps the Kansas City-Billings Line at Alliance, Neb. It is the short iLine, Denver to Helena, Spokane, and the direct line to the entare Upper Northwest. Only gG hours Denver to Nile-Helena Only 4S hours Denver to Spokane. Only C2 hours Deliver to Puget Souni. This will bet the main traveled road for passengers going via Denver to Northern Pacific Points. To Denver, Scenic Colorado, Utah, Pacific Coast: Two great daily trains from li'ansas City, St. Joseph. Weekly California excursions, personally con ducted. To the East: Best equipped trains to Chicago and St. Louis. To the North: Best trains to Oraaha, St,Paul, Minneapolis. R. H. CRCZIER, L. W. WAKELEY, T. P. A.. ft23 maia Gen'l Passenger-Azz CITY, MO. ET. LOUIS, Mo. HOWARD ELLIOTT, General maimner. Br. Josarn. Mo. Catches Rockefeller For $100,000. New York, Jan. 2,The Rev. A. Strong. president of the Rochester Theo logical seminary. is now irt this city on at tour on which he was sent out to raise funds for the seminary. John D. Roeke has offered to duplicate any amount which the founders of the histitution 'would rake before January 1, h.q. and it 3tow appears that he will be called tin to glve about Th Is Witi make a 2iiitio fund for the seminaxy to expand ils operation. War Comes First St. Petersburg. Jan. 2.A dispatch re CPiVeCI here toddy from Vladivostok re ports that fa T1: i lit' threatens the Amur and .Mariime provinces. The crops there are bad and the railway. being- engaged for war purposes, cannot be used for the transp,rtaTion of food to the inhabitanTs. rt i i0T1 the proMbalon of foreten coastwise trade has preVtilltPd Imporla tions into the threazened provinces. The 1,dtuatIon is deplorable and becoming worse. rt, ad e NOth pure SPJ,V4!Sti LCOPI CE Unsurp asbecl for clre of COUCkiS COLD 5-e 10 PACKACE S. 07777-70s, ' : - --:--, FOP au Ihro At ti c INS 25 4 per ESCX - 5cla bY DrUcTIsts evf.:'ywhere -6-r sent it:-.42t1d reccipt ot price 4011,0Çe 8b3Broldwq NPYolf,--1--A . use , 0-Y .A10 P ' ' ,?: Ìe', ." 71' - Ç,,, . , ,....,.,,,, .--. 04' , , , ,, ,..,, ,,,, ., ,1,,.-- ,,,,: ' LI- dnirt iBLETS rt, ad e wIth p.4r.., S,T-i,:',A!'.,,N i2COP1 CE Unsurpasbeci for cu.-e of COUC(115 c COLD 5 .s,- 10 t F.- RAciAc.,E 5- ,,,''''','7.77N s' j , , , s . -, :.-... . i , ;-, ,. '-s .- .----:-.., ''. I RAILROAD FP'S. --x Li Success of Oil as Locomotive Fuel in California. Dollar a Darrel Oil Equals Four Dollars a Ton Coal. SONE TEST FIGURES Twelve Miles Gain Per Ton in Running by Oil. Many Otber Advantages In New and .1?,ermanent Fuel. Oil for locomotive fuel at one dollar per barrel is an economical equivalent of coal at four dollars per ton. This staae ment is made on the authority of the general manager of the lines which in this country have entered most exten sively upon the use of oil as a substi tute for coal for this purpose. The fact that coal at the same points where oil is obtainable at the price named ordi narily costs from seven to eight dollars per ton is sufficient to account for the present exclusive use of oil upou the Southern California lines of the Santa Fe system, and for the fact that the rapidity of the adoption of the practice upon the locomotives of the Southern Pacific system in the same territory i2. dependent upon nothing but the time re quired to eftect the alterations in firebox and tender to accommodate the change from a solid to a liquid fuel. Experiments in the use of oil as loco motive fuel were begun several years ago on the Southern California. lines now a part of the Santa Fe system. Though little experimentation was necessary to determine its .erliciency and its cleanli ness and ease of handling. on the part of the fireman the use was for,a. considera ble period only tentative, since the sup ply was indeiinite and its resultant ecor omy as compared with coal more or less fluctuating The company has since ac quired and developed valuable fields of its own, and though they are inadequate to the demand the outside sources of supply are sufficiently numerous to af ford a basis for the prediction that coal will not aoan be resubs'tituted for oil as fuel for the locomotive and shop plants of this part of the system. The Southern Pacific has more recently taken up the, system with considerable energy and has about SO locomotives equipped for oil burning-. The Santa. Fe has about 100. in the tests undertaken by the. Santa Fe to determine the relative efficiency of oil and coal as fuel irrespective of cost, the official figures, giving the re FURS, show that the number of miles run per ton of coal was 26.7 and the number of miles run per ton of oil was 38.46, a gain of 11.76 miles. or about 44 per cent in favor of oil. Six baxrels of oil of 42 gallons to the barrel are about equal ta a. ton in weight. At a cost of $1 per barrel, which is perhaps above the av erage price paid by the railroad compa nies, from the above figures it Will be seen that the service of a ton of oil cost ing S6 is equivalent to the service of a quantity of coal costing $10.44 at $7.25 per ton. On a. daily consumption of about 2,000 barrels by the Santa. Fe and about three-fourths that quantity by the Southern Pacific, the total saving is worth considering. The Taos Angeles City railway consumes about 6,000 barrels per month, the Eas Angeles Terminal rail way 3,000 and several electric railway companies at the same point use front 1,00 to 5,000 barrels monthly in their power plants. In addition to the saving in the lalyar of tiring there are other advantages that may reasonably be claimed for th,e fuel. There is no probability of setting tires along, the right of way, since there are no flying cinders nor ashes, and since there is practically no smoke there is no discomfort to passengers from these sources. There is no labor of cleaning grates and ashpans, or handling. cinders, and tenders are supplied with fuel in about two minutes without waste at the station or along the track. The room re quired for storage is about the same as for coal. MEMPHIS NEW TRAIN. - Handsome Southeastern Limited on President Winchell's Road. The first train of the Memphis road Southeastern Limited. with its new equipment, passed through last night On tile regular run SOUttl, says the Fort Seett Monitor. It i4 worth a visit to the station to see this trainthe finest that ever passed through Fort Scott. 'The new cafe cars and the mail cars have not been coMpleted, and will not be on for a month, but the coach and chair cars show the style and the beau tiful finish of the train. They are wide ly vestibuled, enabling passengers to go from one to another without seeming to have changed cars. The coach is 70 feet long, and divided into two compart ments, with a smoking. room between them. The coach seats 104 people.. The chair car is the same length, Nvith smoking room and toilet for men on one end and toilet for ladies on the other. Tne appointments of these toilet rooms Pre of the latest and the finish of the entire car is the finest. It is mahogany. The coach Will be heated by stea,m from the engine STOUT ENGINEERS 'WORRIED. - Meager Space in Large Locomotives For Heavy-Weight Men. It is told of some Santa. Fe engineers of generous propel dons and ample avoirdupois, that they will not ride up the yards on a switch engine, because it Will not Sttip for them at the crossing. 1-low true this statement is there is no knowirit.:. but the fact remains that heavy-weight engineers en many of the To ilroads are coin pla ining about the rarraw quarters they are forced to occu py in the new big locomotives that have been put IT1 service recently. They say the monster engines TIONV being built and those in use offer a riddle to the man of avoirdupois at the throttle and to the heavy fireman whose highest as pirations are to manage the snorting giants. The facts are that on many of these big locomotives engineers find it difficult to wedge into the places assig-ned tbem for their work. The place allotted them hanlily accommodate a 15-yearold boy who was not undersize.. On the new engines the cabs are di rectly over the W iciest part of the boil ers. which leaves a space of only four teen inches on either side for the fire man and engineer. The drop seat in position and the rnan en it, there is no room for maneuvering on the part of the person wedged in. The fat man, therefore, must go, or, if he wants to stay. his superfluous weight must be reduced. anti it is said that many of the fleshy drivers have in troducad gr,-mnasiurris in their homes, taken to Turkish baths and anti-fat medicines to get down to jockey weight in order to retain the positions. It is well Lnown that. K. per cent of TOPETC A STATE J01:711.NAL, engineers are unusually heavy. Phy sicians and students of the business disagree as to the cause or causes that produce the extra flesh Otk men of the cab. Many allege that the flesh is bloat and comes from kidney trouble caused by the constant jolting. Others maintain that it is the easy positions they occupy and the exercise-without exertion that produces the big- girths. Firemen,i on the other hand, are in variably slim, for the reason that their work causes constant perspiration. INTERNAL TROUBLE BREWING - Dolphin's Loss of Santa re Strike Jeopardizes His Official Head. There will possibly be a struggle be tween those Santa. Fe operators W110 went out on strike and those who did not in reorganizing- the O. R. T. The men who walked out Will endeavor to expel those who, did not. 'Those who did not go, out and ,some of those who, did will endeavor ta overthrow Presi deni, Dolphin and his administration. 'Whichever side prevails it Will be a. pretty fight to watch and it is evident that a complete reorganization of the order is necessary before it will be rec ognized by the Santa. Fe. Most of the operators who lost their positions through the strike, in this vicinity, are readily being placed else where. The Rock island took as many of them as it could use withOut discrim ination or objection. Among- the losing operators a. few maintain that Dolphin had no other alterna,tive than to order the strike, and say they would have run had the entire order gone out. The majority view it more clearly as a mistake all around, and itch for the leader's downfall. Some of the strikers have given up the order entirely. AFTER THE SCALPERS. - Colorado Midland and Rio Grande Make Active War. As a. result of the trip of General Pas senger Agents Hooper of the Denver & Rio Grande and Bailey of the Colorado Midland to Grand Junction, Glenwood Springs and Aspen, ticket brokers will be practically shut out from these three towns by a. license. In Grand Junction the license for a ticket broker will be 3250, in Glenwood Springs $200 and in Aspen S200. The general passeng-er agents persuaded the city councils in the three owns to tx this tax, and to all intents and purposes it Will shut the scalper out of the town, for the business is not of sufncient im portance to justify them in paying- such a license. The efforts of Mr. Dailey and Major Hooper to kill off ticket brokers from opening ill either Grand Junction, Glen WOOd Springs or Aspen was brought about by the desire to give cheap rates to these three towns, and they were un willing to do, this as long as there was a. probability of scalping- these tickets.-- Denver Republican. C. & N. PENSION SYSTEM. - Details of the Plan Put in Effect New Year's. Chicago, Jan. 2.The Chicago & Northwestern railway on January 1, put into effect its system for pensioning its old and deserving, employes. The system is in most respects identical with that which the Pennsylvania railroad put in effect some years ago. Any employe who is between 65 and 69 years of age and who has been thirty years in the service of the road, and who is disabled in service, will receive a pension of ,one per cent per month calculated upon his monthly rate of wa,ges for the last ten years of his service with the company. Any employe, who has reached the age of 70 years, and who has been thirty years in the employ of the company, will be retired upon a pension of one per cent per month calculated upon the monthly rate of wages paid him for the last ten years. To carry out the plan the Northwest ern has established a pension board composed of William A. Gardner, gen eral manager; Edward C. Gardner, chief engineer; Richard C. Aiston, general superintendent; Robert Quayle, super intendent of motive power and ma chinery; NV. H. Sterritt, auditor of ex penditures. Northwestern officials claim that the new system will benefit 80,000 persons on their lines and that the cost Will be but C.:00,000 per annum. Annual Passes. The regular employes of the Missouri Pacific have been given annual plisses this year instead of quarterly as here tofore. They are of a different design also. Diner Frozen Up. No. 3, the "fast mail," came In this morning at 7:59 and it was found that NEW USE FOR THE NIARVELOUS ACTINIC RAYS. Photograph of Photographing ihrough the Human Body, the Latest Scientific roslarvel of the Century. - . ,., -, - '., - ,,,tr. --;----',--,:,,. ,,,,:,' , T, .,-:7---' -:--,:;,.'1:'',,-.,,-'-',,,--;,':,,i-,:--'-,.:,. , , ,,', , ,,-:,1 ,,'-',..,.-,','; -1 . ',.' , .,,- --z, 7 - '. ' '''' ''.r. : ' '' '''. ' -, ,., , ,.. - . i 4 I , , - , , 4 ,- , , , . , , , , . - I , . , , ...- , ,, 1 '' i , Sk'' 1 , ' ,. , 'i...t ' 1 I, . - , , ' - ' t.' ;' , ; , - . , , - 'f ; ' , ---. l -' 4' .- . 1 .--- .. .- ,, - , . , .. , , , , ,, . , , , , - , , , , , ' , . , , , Every scientist on earth is in a state of mind over the wonderful discovery that actinic rays not only will take photegraphs through the human body but that they will cure consumption. This astonishing- snap-shot illus trates the treatment Qf a, tuberculosis patient i,J-nultaneouzly 'Alta interesting experimenting percorporeal photogwakby. 'WEDNESDAY Ey-ENING 'TANI:TA 2. 1001. the diner was "frozen up." The car was taken to the roundhouse and thawed out. consuming nearly an hour In the transaction. It was a bad beginning for tha new century.Newtort Kansan. MAY BUY AUTOMOBILES. - Parkhurst-Davis Company Traveling Men May Use Them. The ,automobile may still become a competitor with the horse, and that by way of real usefulness. The Parkhurst Davis Mercantile company of Topeka has gi,ven some thought to a plan by which the auto ma3t become a saver of time and money. In fact the report has g-ained credence that this company has already placed an order for horse less carriages to be used by its repre sentatives in traveling- fre,m one town to another However, sucV is, not the case. "A number of our men were here last week," said W. H. Davis, president of the company. "They talked over a good many plans for the future, and perhaps one of these was the scheme to use automobiles instead of hiring livery rigs. The autos could be used by our men in the western part of the state where roads are good and trains few. They, will travel at nearly the same speed as the ordinary mixed train and about twice that of a livery team, and that means a grcat saving in money spent for livery bills and in time lost waiting for trains. The roads are suit able for their use about nine months in the year. lri the Indian Territory the plan might work rnore successfully than here. The climate is warmer and the distance between railroads is sometimes eighty and ninety miles As so-on as the price of the carriages is placed lower we can consider such a proposition fav orably. At $250 we could afford to in vest in several of them at once. At present an auto accommodating two persons and using either gasoline or electricity as motive pc,wer costs about $700. - Our men might take with them at times specialists along other lines and thus help to pay expenses. There are, however, several pror3ositions to be taken into con,sideration before the plan is put into operation." EXPERTS AS TO BOY'S AGE. ,Frorn the Omaha Bee. A youth clad in the shabbiest gar ments imaginable, but wearing a one karat dia,mond ring, furnished a prob lem in the criminal court that required the wit and ingenuity of experts to solve. It was necessary to ascertain the lad's age, and before a, satisfactory es , timate was made several attorneys, a barber. a veterinary surgeon and a judge had passed judgment unsuccess fully. The boy is known to the police as "Doe" Sileote. He was before Judge Baker on the charge of having stolen 284 pounds of bullion from'a freight car on a, Union Pacific sidetrack near the smelter. When arraigned Silcote entered a plea of not guilty. His attorney in formed the court that he desired to withdraw the plea, and admit his guilt If he were of legal age, as alleged in the complaint, the admission of guilt NVOUld send him tcb the penitentiary; otherwise he would escape with the re form school. "Doctor, come here," commanded the court "How old are you?" , "I never knew," replied the lad. "It's going to be hard work to tell this boy's age," observed the court. "Do any of the complainants know anything about him?" Detective Vizzard, of the Union Pa,- elide railroad company, attempted to prove that Slicoto has been stealing so long he must be more than 16, but the court would not accept deductions for evidence. One of the attorneys then jokingly made a remark that was taken seriously. "There is a, man skilled in horsecraft," he, said, pointing to a veterinary sur geon among- the spectators. "Bring him up," instruCted the judge, "and let's see If he can give us a clue." The veterinary expressed the opinion that Silcote is more than 16, as he had several teeth youngsters do not enumer ate among- their molars. As a precedent for expert testimony ha,d been established, an attorney for the defense ak,ked leave to call a barber from the crowd to express an expert opinion of Si Icote's beard. The barber thought he must be younger tha,n 16. The court ruled finally that Si 'cote is under legal age, and cannot be sent to the penitentiary. He will be sentenced to a term in the reform school. Holiday Rates. The Missouri Paclfic sell tickets December 22, 22, 24, 25, 31 and ....anuaxy 1, between all points within ,200 miles dis tance, at rate of one fare for the round trip, with minimum of 50 cents. Chil dren between 5 and 12 years half fare. Tickets limited for return to January 2. ,-k,,,:, . Au. ---14a 1, 1 1411 AP r,,,'1 .,A . . d :-" '-', . 1-1 . I4:::'-' -.;'''.:' -',1.: Sure ,- 1 zr.'' :''''," sta - ,' ,, ,',,,, s,,, 1. .::. ,,we-,.,5i;:: ''' (' '' , , ' . -,:', , , 'k, :. 1 ,. ''' - 7p,,) ,.,.: 1, .-- ;:,, -:':'- ':':::, I ''''."-.ks,-,,,,e' , , ,.. ;-; 2,. ,, f--..,,:; - , ' ',-. ' ---, 1 4:-,:':::I.Y--7,,1:, ,:-: . I; cure sick . ii.,.72- ',:st k -:--f:-i'"":'-k:.:;. - : .-.. l' kidneys a ( . 4: :1':' '''N.,,,,...) ....,..':',::-t-ç'2:J',.:':' '.:' : 1 , - ' "",,,.....!: :4:-;-:' i'-'577: ' soY And our 31r. J. L. '"""..''-'''''--------,,H'-'4:,t:,1 R. R. shops l - , three or for Il' 1 haftekorPsatirnaTo ! 111,ontlhs lantgovm'è E MISSOURI FR011 .,U1114"SAS CITY. No. 2 leaving Kansas City 9:50 a. m. is solid vestibuled train to St. consisting of Smoking car, Day coaches, Reclining Chair car ( Seats and Pullman Parlor car. Connections at St, Louis uaion depot with- eastern lines for New and Atlantic coast points. Lv. Kansas a a City..9:50 am " 9:15 pm " 1:10 pm " 10:45 pm 44 6:55 am " 9:55 pm 44 10:50 am " 10:50 am " 9:5 5 pm 44 2:25 am " 9:',5 am " 7:00 pm An St. Louis 6:05 pm . 7:10 am 10:05 pm CI CZ 7:20 am o4 6:50 pm At Omaha . 6:15 am 6:25 pm Ar. Lincoln 7:03 pm 6:35 am Ar. Joplin 8:45 am 4:00 pm 46 61 1 :50 am 14 CI td it 41 CS di dt dt 46 4T F. E. AIPES, Ticket Agent, Topeka, TABLE AND KITCHEN. Conducted by Lida Ames 'Willis, '719 Chamber of Commerce building, Chicago, to whom all inquiries should be add-.-essed. All rights reserved by Banning Co., Chicago. REFERENCE TO THE NEW YEAR -- ,Again the Shadow Moveth 0"er the Dial Plate of Time". With the festivities of the Yuletide min gles a spirit of reverence and adoration; with the joyousness of the New Year are underlying sadness to those of more ma ture yeaxs, to whom life has show:a that-- "Old year's sorrow, Cast off last night, will come ag:ain -tomorrow." But hope, that gleaming taper light in every human soul, illumes the portal of each opening year. And with the hearts still mellowed by the warmth and cheer on every side, the many glimpses into the better natures of our fellow men, we enter into the mood of joyousness that pervades the very atmosphere and step gaily with the throng, over the threshold of the un tried years, with the feeling that the past. like a wornout garment, is put aside; and we may begin all over again. And straightway we do begin a very noble reformation, in our own minds. We make a mental resolution that past failures and mistakes shall be the linger posts to guide us to the right: forgetting that we set up our milestones .as we go: 8.nd we are going forward, not backward. And even memory, that cherished friend, follow's, and does not lead. So ;e go on with con fident but unwary feet, and stumble into t!,17,1k e!fk (HT !kr Irk ,17 mk tTf Nr- orV 26 a-- , HUNDREDS OF TREAVIN TOPEKA Sure to bring; trouble on short order. Kid.ney's won't stand neglect. They've got their work to do, and if anything, happens that they can't do it they will let you know it quickly. Sick kidneys bring 1Dackache, lame back, uri nary troubles, diabetes, Bright's Disease. DOArki'S (IDNEY L'ILLS cure sick kidneys stop the backache, cure every ill that rii kidneys are heir to 1 And there's plenty of proof of it. Topeka, people say soYour own neighbors and friendsRead this statement: Mr. J. L. Bearksley, No. 6.15 Tyler street, employed in the Santa Fe R. R. shops, says: "I had kidney trouble and suffered severely for three or four years. After doing my heavy work through tile day my back pained me acutely, and I filially became so bad I could scarcely lift or straighten after stooping. I took many different remedies, but nothing ever gave me permanent relief until I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Rowley & Snow's drug store, corner of Sixth and Kansas Ave. A few doses relieved me, and in a short, time I 'was surprised to tind that all the pain and annoyance disappeared. My wife also used : Doan's Kidney Pills, obtainincr equally good results." Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale at all drug stores sec a boxFos . ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. - , , ;',01111 Doan's Kidney Pills, obtaining equally good results." t. W - ; IRO 'AO Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale at all drug store s soc a boxFos- :::: : 'In ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. .,,,,- v7,,, --, 7feArittAMIMAS2211:Mill,IIELIMILLISEIS;ItNIZIP!PUttr;1; ..ailolivliiivv)iiigvttilvyw'uvli.iololok.4.A,,i.4tot41iivvw P lo),10 VV1i )1,P i, li 40 li.----) PACIFIC LINES Lv. Kan s as 64 14 SS 44 CS CS 4C 44 SC 44 St St GS City..2:25 am " 9:55 am " 7:00 pm " 9:40 pm " 9:40 am " 9:40 am " 8:00 am " 10:50 am " 6:00 pm " 6:10 am Kan, new pitfalls that are the undoing of our good resolutions, in a, moment's space. Let us hope the will is often taken for the deed, as human nature is human, through its proneness to error. A FEW NEED-FULD RESOLUTIONS. There ttre a few resolution that we should have revised and rebound each succeeding year. Not that we are likely to wear them out with much usage. but new bindings Will attract our interest and remind us that we have not followed in structions herein laid down. One chapter should begin: Resolved, That sunshine of the soul, being largely a, matter of cultivation, and by reason of much suffering. sin and sorrow, the pro duction is limited and the harvest small, we will endeavor in every wax, and, es peeially by example. to increase this par ticularly desirable element, and introduce it especially into the lives of those who must need both mental and material sun light; those who dwell in the lonely places of earth, 'mid the never changing shadows of dull, poorly paid toil; comfortless homes, sin, sickness aml dire poverty, whose black pall never lifts. Though vve may not better their financial condition by so much as a dollar added to their "'pay," we certainly can alleviate much of the existing evil of their condition by showing them how to make the best of what they have. TEACH THEM THE GOSPEL OF do not realize how farreaching are the reflections tif each separate life. If we doubt our individual influence, then watch how infectious the spirit aroused by some great event, whether the senti ment be one of anger 'or joy. At Christ mas the impulse is to give pleasure to others. With the new year comes that universal anticipation that makes the day one of jollification and merriment. And it is good to lengthen out to the last ecler this cheerful mood. For cheerful ness and joy are the mainsprings that move Nature in her grand and endless course with perfect harmony. Nowhere is the gospel of cheerfulness so necessary as in the home. And to the women le given this mission. The home that post sesses a cheerful wife and mother is not only a veritable haven of rest, but the safe harbor whose beacon light will guide her bread winners safely past all rocks and shoals with unfailing- certainty. The woman whose cheerful epirit Can take that "brave attitude toward life" that en ables her to bear courageously the inevit able burdens of her lifes environment that strengthens her determination not to fret or worry those who, for her sake, are fighting- the hard battles in the world, has rattched that altitude that proclaims her price above rubies: and her influence and example is not felt only within the of the four walls she has made the unas sailable bulwark of state a,nd society. a happy home, but reaches to those she knows not of. Remember that happiness makes happi ness. Therefore, as the glad bells "ring out the old. ring in the new'," resolve that you will cultivate a brave and cheerful spirit; that you will smile even in the face of misfortune. And if ever you are tempted to indulge in the luxury of be moaning adverse circumstances, count your blessings, like the good old colored mammy, and go smiling on your way. NE;Wir YEAR DINNERS. These do not vary materially from the Christmas dinner, though the plum pud ding is generally omitted for a lighter, more delicate dessert. And in many fams ilies the king of the C'hristmas feast is deposed. Really, to carry out the idea of a new ebginning, it were wel lf an en tire change were made in the menu. and only simple, wholesome viands substi tuted, with a resolution to carry this plainer mode of living through the year. The New Year,-not being so essentially a. family festival, but ruled almost entirely by the spirit of merriment. the day is given to less feasting and more to amuse ments of various sorts. Christmas, spite of the spirit of good will. is more or less conservative in its observances,while New Year ie eosmopolitan. Everyone is young agaiet, and expected-to enjoy their share of frolic and fun. Many wind 1113 the day tatith an informal daace, introducing old time figures and costumes. or appearing In masquerade. The occasion, of course, calls for midnight "collation." The na ture of the viamis served and the number of courses depend on when the previous meal wtas served. and whether the guests continue to make merry beyond the wee. sma,' flours. o,r depart on the opening of the new day- Etut while, the menu may include a hot beuillon, hot entree. sand wiehes, -octet entree. salads, dainty bis cuits, coffee. punch or wines, frctzen creams and lees and fancy cakes. a much less elaborate spread is 11111Ch better taste and more pleasing to the guest. who has already surfeited on sweets and rich foods. A cup of hot bouilloh, chicken or ciam to be preferred. to beef. is enjoyed. a very dainty and light sandwich or not too heavy salad. and coffee and lees. But the entrees, if served, must be beyond re proach and out of the ordinary to escape criEcism or refusal, for it is quite possible to have too much of a. good thinii IMP m 06 (k ft, fk fr!, h 11 11,T1(1111..,F,r ç, .. 11;7': , , t 4 11 4., . , , sr ler , , ,40 0 ! Louis, Free) York 01, ot , ; , l 4.3 , 6 1 É Ar. Carthage . 8:07 am 3:22 pin 66 1:03 am At. Little Rock 7 35 pm 66 44 " 7:25 am Ar. Hot Springs 10:35 am At, St:Joseph 10:20 am 46 64 44 1:14 pm a a a 8:23 p a a a 7:40 aux , , , A, ., 0 6 r r IL C. TOWASLAD, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, 7o. mamma la ---- rsiosesonivritNo1577-- z 7:-, I,,,e,,,,A., ,, ,. , .,, , Oatmeal and hulled ' . it cracked grains, if , ' iik -, ( I cooked for at least ''''.. 9' i four hours, are uot -1 .11,7 : , harmful. 1 ik,,,,, 1! , , , F You have al the time! t i r '4...1 It '4.-dtwooPrernred fon,i 4, to be healltitul, sl,oted be cooked 3 or 3 hours. You have the time! fri F, , - q."-Drikr""i ,,,sr An -: 1 i re t., , ; ;.1 de 1 -,: - ,,,, . , Ny,soe dial .-0i ow) ;ab 4,,Si 66... et Ar ; is thoroughly cooked by I us and atertlized. The .. starch in the grain has 0 been turned to dextrine t j and true suyn r (pre !west- i: , ed ) Von hire al the Cele! l Vvery packageof genmne ? i Granola bears a picture ' of the Battle Cret,k Sam- , taeiuni. be mare of imita tions. If r,tir gro,:er i oilers yon something else, , ' 1 Voe have n't tee timl I Drink Caramel (met and ''.. 1 sleep well. Send 3e tor Granola sample to BoVie Creek . Samitarium Food Co i Battle Creek. Mich. I .ASVIIIIIMICtfrAMBEILIMM.75Wr.:- v' MPMVE Wages of 4,000 Reduced. .01ingstown, O., Jan. 2.Notices of a ro cluction in wages that will affirt about 4.000 men have been posted at all blast furnaces in the Mithonimc and She nango valleys. What is known as base price is $1.90 per day to bottom 1111,14 alJd helpers and the notices state that after February 1 the base price will io $1.6Ci. The reduction will plat e the of the furnaLe men on the ba-1, in Alarch, Tbe ernrio:,es say now whether they vial accept a. rc-duction- Seattle Library Burned. Seattle, Wash., Jan. '2. --Th3 1.Llet library at Seattle burned litst The total stock of books, nurnb,.ing. 25,000 volumes and valued, at Ivast 4:;,3,- 00.). are a total loss. The building via,i built about ten yeaxs ago by ilenly Yes ler, Seattle's moat faLIE:WS pioneer, at a cost of ;60,ti00. ; Women of refinement who regard healthrtl -' l I , i .1 11 coolcing as a paramount duty; good cooks, .,. 1 I leading clubs and hotel chefs, and cooking , i f 1 ' - r t c ,, authorities everywhere earnesdy recommend i 1 i Wesson's SaLid Oil as better value than i I T themost delicately flavored Imported Oliva ...', .1 Ii Oil atul costs very much less. Send for book- ;, 4 t ,;, let, which contains exceotixial recipes, isy ,- t i Lida Amos Willis, Natiorsai'Fosod Writer,tec- ! '4, 1 1 turer arid Demonstrator; Mrs. S. T. Rorer, 1 !, Principal Philadelphia Cooking School; A. i ; , Manta, Steward and Manager Rittenhouse , Club, and other valuable information free. : -,1, Ask your frierscily grocer for iA'esson's Oiis '.! t ,i. and avoid unhealthful corridor tars. .1 , , 't , g ty.,,, t . .. t 4,,i- it. t '6,4,.e....0- .; ci fon(14, to be i 1 :1 , , , ' .6 , 0 1 i, , "' ' ' ' ' k-,''') c . ,i,,Z ''' , '4. ' , A Inv, , i rt r r,....., ', '' - ' it ' IS III( ' US lit . I stare 11 been and t 1 ''''r'-.: 4 IlJr, Gran. , of tilt twin . tions, , 1 oflera , You in IlriTli Sleep Gran, . , Bot. San! ' Batt! I OMMON..... r,:: Thé 4 ,,. I t KY D,-,-ertic w V,:' 1 I ; ito., g ., , , ; 1 ( ,,,,v,--:it, aprdyitrIttle ýe,t,,': -,,,, i Pan '),I 1 ,,,, '1 : ,- . , ,; , 1 1 ...4 ,,...., 1- ,,,, 1 1 L.,,, trralie Er? ,' I) ' I ; i andt '2' p i I become '', '- .::- e ' 1 Fri nd..1 - ) N !' t L. e - '4 ': 1, ? I L t i 1 ...,4.0,- , , ; t ', . , t ,