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,TOPER A STATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, i9O1 ONOMIONNE Xffiintan,MOMIEE 00110011101111110 lOPEKA STATE JOURNIL :13T FR ANTC P. MAC LEIZNÁN. l'oLUME; X;;;VIII No. 2 - .,.. TRIiMs OF SUBSCRIPTIOM. Daily coition, delivered av carrier, 10 cents a weeit to any art of Topeka or euhurbs. or at the s-ithe price in any Kan aas tovi-n where the paper baa a carrier Fvetent. mill, one :roar S3. Pri trail, three months , Weekly edition, one year .64 PERMANENT HoME. Toneka State Journal buticitng. fen and S')12. Kanbas avenue, corner or Eighth. - NEW TOPK orrIcr - Ternr le Ceurr Bldg A. Frank PAchardson, Mgr-- CMC'A C40 OFFIr'r Stock Exel,aeve Bldg Lk. Prank Riehardaort. Igg-r OFFIC'M. 12 Red Lion Court. Fleet Streat. ..M..N.,ffffiR. TFLEPIIONFRP-11 'Plione 101 MjAirÆSS. 011',co Bell 'Phone 671 Rfporters' Room INMNIM,,OMMIN,a1 PPEMMI - 'Wheat Is again journeying dollar ward. Let u9 hope that the tramp also has gone with the do-parted century. Col. Roosevelt is now out of office and will remain so, until March 4. Among the things peculiar to the old century and which went out with it was the train boy on the railroads some of them. After making a fortune by conducting' his newspapers on the AMeriCan plan, Editor Harmsworth is now in this COLM try telling' us how he did it. MI Cleveland wants the presidential term made longer. About five years ago there would have been serious ob jection to anything' of the sort. The correspondent at Webster City, Iowa, has a rival at "What Cheer, from whence a story recently emanated tell ing of the drowning of 51 children in a pond. The Kenebec Journal calls attention to the fact that there are only a few buffalo left in the country, It might have added that there is only one Buf falo Jones. If Lord Roberts is to be made a, duke, what will be done for the man who brings the South African war to a. successful termination, if such a man shall appear? There is no reason why Topeka should not double her population by the time the next census is taken and show up fM the list with '15,000 people. Now is the time to begin working toward that end. With the new Santa Fe shops and the Parl-zhurst-Davis & Co. building as starters th? year 1901 is likely to prove a record braaker for Topeka in the mat ter of material and commercial pro gress. There reed be no hesitation on the part of any one in predicting what will come to pass during the century upon which we have just entered. There will be nobody left to recall them when the time is up. Dostort Transcript: Parents of chil dren who attend public school will wel come the signs of revolt cropping up here a,nd there against the growing op pression of home lessons and excessive study which are put upon boys and girls between the ages of ten and fifteen the age when health is a most im Portant consideration and any mental strain is often followed by disastrous results. A session of 5Y2 hours with a half hour for relaxation is sufficient tax 'loon any child of this age, without the added strain and responsibility of les sons which must be prepared at home for the coming day, a neglect of which would incur sure reprimand or punish ment of some sort from the teacher. It is a pernicious and altogether repre hensible custom, this encroaching upon the hours of recreation necessary to the health of the growing boy or girl, and parents 'should rise up and protest against it. The dictates of common sense demand that some attention should be paid to the health of pupils in the planning of a curriculum, and the manner of dealing with it, and if the studies are so crowded that they must be taken home to usurp the tours that should be devoted to the replenishing of tired brains and bodies, the enjoy ment ef healthful recreation anti un harassed sleep, there can be no doubt that the plan is radically wrcng, and parents should wake up to thefact be fore it is too late. Strained optical nerves, severe headaches, spinal trou ble, 'nervous twitchings and many kin dred disorders are unpleasantly com mon among public school children of this age, attributed in most cases by physicians to the present method of sciaool studya, cramming process re gardless of the physical ability of the victims to sustain it. - - 'WEALTH AND POVERTY IN THE UNITED STATES. Prom the Washington Post. In closing an editorial discourse on ,A, Century of Reform," the Toronto Ilan and Empire makes this pessi rristic allusion to social conditions in the -United States: "We are going into the next conturY vastly impraved. Still, we are taking with us new social problems that will have to be solved. Possibly the great est of those i5 that which has arisen irk the neighboring republic, where enor mous aggregations of capital are pass ing into a. few hands and are giving to their possessors power over their fellows greater than that which was exerted by the feudal lords of old. With fabulous vkealth at one end of the social system roverty nwst btlajt at tbe other, to;entieth century has a question that is not less important than ,rne, lk Lie la hae been dealt with. by its pr-.1ect,ssor." , lt is true that in this republic "eller rrlOtri a.regations of capital are pass ir g .,) a few hands." It is also true "enormous aggregations" are contonLly passing out of those "few Death is alwayi busy, and one of the resolts of his work is the dividing up of large estates. The capital of nearly all the 'Ver,,I rich men in th,.s country is Invested in man n( toturing industries, rmning. transpor tation, banking, or other 13,,,isiness en terprises which fnrnist. employment for the Inlillons. The that in Oita coun try, and at the end of the nineteenth century, the men of w-elth possess "power over their fellows greeter than that which was exerted by the feudal lords of old" is simply sentimental clap trap. The poorest man has the same political power as the richest. The vcae of a coachman counts for as much tts the vote of his employer and often off sets rt. Labor in the United States knows haw to take case of itself. and when there is a clash between labor and capital. the right generally triumphs; for public sympathy keenly discrimi nates between justice and injustiee, re gardless cf the wealth on one side or the lack of it on the other. There never was in any other titre or country so much of prosperity and hap piness among the working people as we have in the, United States today. No where else is labor so intelligent, so moral, so well rewarded. Nowhere else are there so many wage-workers who WTI their OW rt homes. Nowhere else are there so many working people vvho have capital laid by in savinga banks or invested in securities. Of "poverty most abject" we have very little in compari son with other countries, but we have not yet been able to achieve the entire abolition of poverty. The greater part of that which we have has come to us in the swelling tide of immigration which our prosperity has attracted. And, finally, we challenge any of our critics to point to a country whose men of large properties are bestowing' their means upon their fellows as our rich men are doing-. If this century has been exceptional in putting "enormous aggrPgations of capital into a few hands," it has been still more excep tional in imparting to the possessors of wealth a broader and deeper sense of the responsibilitiPs of their position. No brighter chapter illumines the history of mankind tha,n the story of charity and benevolence in this country of ours since we began the accumulation of wealth a fPw decades az. - 0140333 SIGHTS From the Atchison Globe. Some men are as noisy and worthless as they were when they were boys. ThPre is one g-ood thing about the New Year: we have heard the last of fin de siecle. We have never seen Mrs. Carrie Na tion, but the fact that she smashes mirrors tells volumes about her looks-- When the members of a family try to help one of the married ones with the care of her children, she starts a. story that they spoiled them for her. Some people are so constituted that they will drop all other interests at any time to search for the wandering one hundredth missing' sheep, and neglect the ninety-and-nine. , The secret terror of every womart's life is that on her wPdding day, the groom will fail to appear. Nothing could happen that would humiliate a woman more. "Among my New Year resolutions will be one to never eat turkey again. I have eaten so much turkey lately that I will be able to taste it all the rest of my life."Drake Watson. Ever 3r man ghoul.: learn how to cook a little, that he may be able to do the housework vvhen left alone with his wife in their old age. Though the wife is usually younger, it is a general thing that the man is more active and able. When the high salaried officials at West Point admit that with the farce of the law and the nation behind them, they can't stop hazing", there should be less censure of the mother who is un able to prevent her older children from bullying and tormenting those younger. Two Atchison women have been known as great friends for ten years. It has des-eloped lately tha,t they have hated each other in secret from their first acquaintance. But they still kiss, anti pretend to love each other. Ni Thy do they do it? They have a right not to like each other, but why do they pretend to be friends? V,rhen a child breaks an expensive Christmas toy, it is harder for the fath er to forget the price of it than the mother: she remembers how much Johnny enjoyed it in the five minutes he had it, and is consoled with the be lief that the memory of the toy will al ways be a. Bright Spot in his life. NI re. Zeke Partington, living on K street, called at this office today to re quest that The Globe ask the charitable young ladies to cease their calls at her house. She complains that a Queen's Daughter who recently brought a pan of soup, stayed until she had looked in to every trunk and bureau drawer in the house, and had learned Mrs. Part ington's entire history. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. From the Chicago News. A boaster is next door neighbor to a liar. The present grief is always of the first magnitude. Vanity in sometimes cured by baying a. photograph taken. The back of EL clock, like some men, is always behind time. Never mention your own faults; oth ers will attend to it for you. D is a very useful letter because it turns the rain into the drain. Many a man by virtue of tin ancestry is only the shadow of a mighty name. The average man gives advice by the gallon and accepts it by the spoonful. An artful woman can make some men sane or insane. wise or foolish, at will. If you associate with devils during your waking hours you need not expect angels to visit you in your dreams. Many a man has given himself the credit of discovering a, good thing that was in reality the result of an accident. QUAKER REFLECTION& From the Philadelphia Press. Every woman is the conductor of her own train. The talkative barber is apt to indulge in cutting remarks A fellow may sing base and still feel that he is high-toned. - The New Year's shooters should be careful not to get loaded. No, Maude, dear; we would scarcely refer to a pousse cafe as a. cat nip. Every girl tries to get her best young man to go to church at least once. The average boy longs to run away and go to sea. but his nautical plans usually come to naught. Mrs. Muggins,--"What do you do to punish your husband?" Mrs. Ruggins "I make him go shopping with me." don sci, why they have scales at all the railroad stations." Joax ,--"They a,re tliways Ir. the weigh, that's a fact." , Tommy"Pop, what is a fatalist?" Tommys Pop---"A fatalist, my son, is a. man wtiok,knows he's going to get the worst and doesn't care." 131obbs"Do you know Rev. Dr. Longwind?" Sloblas'Well, I have a, sort of nodding acquaintance with hint. He always puts me to sleep... First Small Boy--"We had a bully time with our Christmas tree." Second Small Boy--"Bet you didn't have as much fun as we did. Ours caught fire an' burned all up." This was after the quarrel. "I can never forgive you," he cried; "last night you said WEI S a lobster." "But -you know," she replied, and her tone was conciliatory, "you know bow dearly I love lobsters." She stood beneath the mistletoe. As foolish maids are apt, And that's the reason why, you knoW, She got her lips so chapped! JAYHAWKER JOTS. Sweet Apple 13 the popular probate judge of Ottawa countY. Lawrence is still selling horses to the British for South African use. Mr. Brokover, of Eureka, declares he will stick to his New Year's resolutions of 1901. The most popular parties for the young folks in Toronto axe those given by Miss Huggins. Miss Jessie Morrison is visiting for a time with a sister who lives in a coun try precinct out from El Dorado. Mr. Doom, of Verdi, received $2,000 for a carload of alfalfa, seed. IIis neighbor farmers would like to be doomed to a similar fate. Kearny county farmers are turning their attention to broom-corn. One Lakin merchant purchased seven loads on Saturday last. Three Blue Mound brothers with two wagons husked and cribbed two hun dred bushels of corn each working lay of last week. and were sorry to have Sunday arrive. John E. Willits Is residing quietly on the old home place of 140 acres three miles north of Mc Louth. He has ad jured politics and is simply gathering in the sheaves. The Norton Champion suggests the following Democratic ticket for 19O4: For president, Ben Harrison, of Indi ana; for vice president, Hazen. R. Pin gree. of -Michigan. W. H. Morgan has published the Pea body Gazette for twenty years, and has never been sued for libel nor eowhided by an angry subscriber. And yet his paper is a hustling, newsy sheet, Thomas Kernp moved to Jefferson county from Missouri in 1857, and has never left the county since. He assisted in threshing the first bushel of wheat in his vicinity, but greater than all, he says: "I never voted for a. Democrat." An Oskaloosa woman gave her Sun day school class a. rabbit hunt on her fatni near town and then entertained them at luncheon. The little fellONN S, true to their teachings, , manfully' ac knowledged that not a bunny was slain. A farmer living near Argonia has 80 acres of sandy soil which wasn't worth the taxes ten years ago. Wheat. corn and oats were tried but all were fail ures. Someone suggested fruit, and to day there is 141 better paying eighty in the state outside of the mineral belt. A Nebraska pastor will start a Demo cratic weekly at Atchison. The strenu ous life which tbat editor will lead in attempting to follow the pace of Ed Howe and Ewing Herbert will sorely test his faith in Divine Providence many Hines In the next six months. t RODE INTO A SALOON. - Oakland (Cal.) Con San Francisco Caml With blood in Ms eye. cartridges in his revolver anti a plentiful supply of whisky in his stomach. Charles Murray rode into Sitnol last night. Ile increased the sup ply of blood in his eye and whisky in his stomach and decreased the number of cartridges in his revolver while he took possession of the town for about an hour. Murray came from somewhere out of the darkness In the canyon (Wel. near Pleasanton. As Sunni is a very quiet lit tle if)Wri. Murray's presence was soon no ticed. for EL fusillade of shots from a re volver does not cecur there every night in the week. -When the shots attracted the attention of the good people cif Sunol and they peered cautiously out into the right they beheld Murray charging up and down the main street. shooting as he went. Phis was not exciting enough, so Mur ray did the usual thing in such casse made and provided. le rode his horse into the Sa10011 owned ELTIEI operated by a man named Ager. Murray wanted more whisky. and when it did not come fast enough he shot a few bottles topleces with his revolver. This accelerated the movements of the barkeeper, and Mur ray added still more to his overplus of whisky and blood. During- these antics Murray's horse was charging' EITOLIEld the saloon and a large oil hemp was overturned. In a, moment the room was in a blaze. and Murray rode his horse out into the back yard. Here he found himself inclosed with a high board fence on three sides, with TIO hope of escape. and the burning saloon on the other. Digging his spurs into his horse he charged through the fire and down the road up which he had come. The people of Sunol turned out to fight the fire first. and when they had suc ceeded in putting that out they turned to look for Murray. But Murray had already gone and nothing-. remained but the damaged saloon and the recollections of a lively night for Sunol. trivi Arql wr Pvw Itar gkgiliat At' SI di .tie m et; 11,, pt That is what is required by every organ of the body, for the proper per formance of its functions. It prevents biliousness, dyspepsia, constipation, kidney complaint, rheu matism, catarrh, nervousness, weak ness, faintness, pimples, blotches, and all cutaneous eruptions. It perfects all the vital processes. 'W. P. Keeton. Woodstock. Ala.. took Hood's Sarsaparilla to make his blood pure. He writes that he had not felt well but tired for some time. Before he bad finished the first bottle of this medicine he felt better and when he had taken the second was like another man free from that tired feelin3 and able to do his work. if afis, 4"'ZPICS mtaL: Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Accept no substitute, but get Hood's today. CHILDREN'S CARNIVAL. To Be Given at Auditorium on Washington's Birthday. Major T. J. Anderson and Major A. P. Shreve are making the preliminary ar rangements for a children's carnival in carnival dress at the Auditorium, on Washington's birthday, February 22. The entertainment will be given in the afternoon and will consist of a flower drill, a flag drill, skirt dancing by two little girls, 8 and 9 years old, specia-lties by two little boys, and all to end up in a dance for the young ones. The hall Will be darkened and the electric lights will be used. The dances Will be given by the aid of calcium lights The proceeds of the entertainment will be devoted to the seating fund of tbe Auditorium. Major Shreve will be as sisted in putting the entertainment on by a corps of ladies who have had ex perience in this line. REALIZE WILY $50i Century Ball Not a Financial Success. The Commercial club will not realize a sum anything near what was antici pated as profits of the Century ball. Al though all the bills against the commit tee have not been turned in yet it is es timated that the profits 11 got exceed $50. One expense which the committee will have to meet and one which was not anticipated will be the replacement of the glass windows in the west side of the tiat on Seventh street which were broken out by the concussion caused by the discarge of extraordinarily heavy loads of shot from the cannot, at mid night. AN'hile everyone actively connected with the enterprise put forth their best efforts to make the bait a success fin ancially as well as artiscally they fell far short of the mark. The previous question still confronts the Commercial club, "How shall we raise the money with which to pay for the seats in the Auditorium?" WON'T DO TILING. - Pennsylvania Legislature Adjourns Until Time to Elect a Senator. Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 2.--Norninations of candidates for United States senator w-ere made in both branches of the state legislature today. The following names were presented in the senate: M. S. Quay, Republican; Congressman Dalzell, independent Republican; ex Governor Robert Fl Pattison, Democrat; ex-Congressman Simon P. Wolverton, Democrat; John Stewart, Republican; Congressman William Connell, Repub bean; George P. Huff, Republican; and ,National Committeeman James M. Guffy. The same nominations were made in the house, with the addition of George A. Jenks, Postmaster General Ctiarles Emory Smith, ex-Attorney Gen eral Henry C. McCormick, John Howard Harnis, ex-Attorney General William U. Hensel and William Nelson. Messrs. jenks, Hensel and Nelson are Demo crats, and Smith, McCormick and Harris are Republicans. The voting will begin Januarl 15, when the two houses will vote sepa rately. The candidate receiving 127 votes on joint ballot will be declared elected. After the governor's message bad been prenented in both branches and some minor business had been trans acted, both bodies adjourned until Janu ary 14. BUT TWELVE REPUBLICANS - - Democrats Have It All Their Way in Colorado Legislature. Denver, Colo. Jan. 2.---The thirteenth general assembly of Colorado convened at noon today for the regular biennial session of ninety days. Organization was effected as agreed upon by trie Democratic caucus, Col. B. P. Mont gomery, of Cripple Creek, being elected speaker of the house, and Casimero Bare la, of Trinidad, president pro tem. of the senate. The inaugura,tion James B. Orman as governor will take place on Tuesday, January 8. The leg islature will ballot for United State:3 senator to succeed E. O. Wolcott on January' 15. Tbe leading Democratic candidates are Thomas Ar. Patterson,. Governor Charles S. Thomas and ex Govelmor Alva Adams. The legislature consists of 100 members, of Nirhoru only 12 are Republicans. BUSCHOW TO CONTEST. --- Defeated Burton Candidate For Sena tor Will Try For Seat. A contest has been filed in tbe Tbirty ninth senatorial district which is com posed of the thirteen northwest counties of the state. The contestant is C. A. Buschow, the Republican who was de feated at the last election by Sheldon G. Hopkins, Populist. The election returns showed that Hopkins was elected by 26 majority. Buschow is a pronounced Burton rnan and it is claimed that the reason of the contest is that the Burton managers see a chance to get another vote in the sen atorial contest. The ,papers in the case were flied in the distriet court and will be sent to Secretary of State Clark in a few days, Mr. Clark said that he had no official notice that the contest had been filed but that he had received a private com munication from that chstrict stating that the contest had been filed. Crash of Double Headers. New Orleans, La., Jan. 2.--Five men were killed and one badly injured In a head-on C011iSiOn between two freight trains on the Yazoo & Mississippi Val ley railway at Melton, Miss., last night. There were double header engines on both trains. Both engines were demol ished and a large number of cars smash ed. The cause of the accident was a misunderstanding of orders. The dead: William Watson, engineer; Fred Grieff, engineer; Charles Cra,ne, engineer; two colored firemen. Nichigan Legislature Meets. Lansing, Mich., Jan. 2.--The two houses of the Michigan legislature C011- vened at noon today and proceeded to organize by electing officers nominated in the Republican caucus last night with John J. Carton as speaker of the house and P.- R. Loomis as president of the senate. Owing to the drawing of the seats the house did little other business. Want Their Share of the King. Stockholm, Jan. 2.Caotain Torkild sen has written a strong- article which is published in the Norwegian papers. urging members of all parties in the storthing to pass a law compelling the king to lire six monthe a wear in Nor way. ' TRAGEDIES OF THE STAGE. the Chicaget Inter Oceatel In the Grenelle Theater in Paris the caher day an actor came -near killing his Professional frieAd witt4 a stage dagger whose spring got otp ot order. The. vit;-.Iin relied 50 naturally s-rid the blood flowed 63 -freely that fhe audience was delighted- arid nevs,e,realized the realism until the curtain dropped. The accident prompt ed a Paris scribe to hunt up the record of things somewhat similar 'upon I he stage. According to his storY, Mme. Be noin. at Prague, in a suicide scene, stabbed herself seriously. Witliarn Moritz kil!ed his associate,Tem ple Crozier, in the Novelties Theater la London. In the play of "The Indian EmPeror" an English actor, Farquhar, playing the part of Guyomar, dangerously wounded an other player. who, unfortunately, had to take the part of a Spanish general, after which Farquhar wisely bade farewell to the stage. Macready In "Macbeth" at one time came so near scoring a victory at Dunsi Dane tha,t poor Macduff had to be taken to the hospital, where he remained for six weeks. Garrick in "Othello" half choked more than a dozen Desdemonas. in the banquet scene of "Macbeth" Charles Kemble flung away his wine cup with such violence tha-t it smashed a. chandelier and the pieces of broken glass tiew almost in the faee of Mrs. Siddons, who vvas playing Lady Macbeth, but she never moved a muscle. Sarah Bernhardt. playing the "Dame aux Camellas," with Darmont in the role of ATITIOXIC Duval, turned many beads temporarily during the play and provoked some astounding ridiculous interruptions. But it Will be bard to beat the record of the old time "Passion Play" performed a few hundred years ago before King John of Sweden. A fatal blunder on the part of the actor in the role of Longus the Centurion caused the death of two artists. Enraged, the king bounded upon the stage, sword in hand, and with a first class right-hand swing" that made the blade whistle, decapitated poor "fungus. The audience rose in a fury and literally tore his pieces. This laststory needs confirmation, but it holds good with the gallery, in the light cif the historic fact that a. French ambas sador to Sain, Gaubler de Branault, vvit nessing a representation of the battle of Pavia, in which a Spaniard got largely the better of a Frenchman, killed the un fortunate actor who played the Spaniard. All of which goes to s-how that there is only one step between the stage struck and the stage stuck. SELL CAST-OFF RAIMENT. From the New York Times. "Wha,t do you do with the second hand clothes you pick up from men who sell them to you?" asked art inquisitive person of one of the buyers who stopped him on Broadway the other day with the stereotyped query, "Any old clothes to dispose of, sir, a,t a fair price?" The questioner had the g-eneral impression that the clothes were cleaned, pa,tched up, and made over as best they could be, and were then sold to the misfit clothing houses about town, or possibly to the slop-houses of the lower east side. "They are sent to the south after they are fixed up as best we can, and sold there to the negroes. Ready-made clothing is so cheap nowadays that there is no market for the cast-off clothes here. Dut in the south there is a ready market, especially for cloting with, large checks or for fancy vests such as the sports about the race tra,cks and the "tenderloin" affect when they are flush. A 'nigger' likes a fancy vest above all things if the color is loud enough. Next he wants trousers with big checks and plaids. "Those are the things men in my busi ness pay the most for. Even the flash iest men tire or such things quickly, but the darky never does. Because the sport does tire of them they come to us in such good shape tha,t a, darky will mort gage a, month's earnings to get some of those that could not be worn on Broad way without almost creating a, riot. Here's a tip that Will surprise you in all probability. Some people will not sell cast-off clothing, but give it a,way to charitable institutions far distribution among the poor. Now there are more tricks about our business than you WOUld suspect, for we get those things all the same in a great many instances. There axe matrons in these places that receive cast-off clothing for the poor. Their salaries axe not laxge, and they have just a,s great a fancy far fineries as have women in other walks of life. Some of these matrons with an eye to the main cha,nce know all about our business, and about the sort of clothing we want to get hold of. So they quietly absorb such of the gifts as they know some of our people will buy, and sell them to us for shipment south. No one is any the wiser, and the women get a little pin money in that way. We get the goods, and no one is hurt, accord ing to my way of looking at it. "Mind you, I do not say that all ma trons in all institutions do that sort of thing; only some matrons in some places, for there axe some of the wo men that we cannot do business with in any way. though we are constantly try ing to increase our clientele." Then the inquisitive one wandered on, wondering whether the old-clothes man was lying to him as a means of pre venting him from giving a,way his cast oft clothing. He could hardly believe the yarn about the matrons, even though there was a possibility of its truth. But he is still wondering, for it is one of those puzzles that axe very difficult of solution. Japanese Sword Blades. The blades of Japanese sabers are forrned of a metal prepared from mag netic iron ores and ferruginous sand.The steel is produced in the form of thin la minae, and the workma,n commences by fixing one of these to the end of an iron rod, which serves as a handle To this are soldered other sheets untii the mass has a. length of from six to eight inches a width of two inches and a thickness of from ene-rmarter to four-fifths of an inch. This bar, brought to a white heat, is doubled upon itself and hammered un it has talren its original dimensions. This process is repeated 15 times. Four similar bars are then soldered toigether, .2aubled upon themselves, resoldered and hcatod, this operation being repeater rive times. By this process the superposed lavers of metal become so thin that a saber is estimated to contain at least a thousand sheets of metal. Sometimes al ternate layers of iron and steel ale sold ered together ,and thus the blade pre sents a veined appearance.London Globe. The fire at 611 Kansas avenue oc curred on Sunday, December 20th. The furniture and fixtures of Mr. Chas. E. Wardin was insured by Geo. M. Noble & Co., in theGerman-American Insurance Co. of New York f9r $1,000. The loss was adjusted by Mr. -Will 1. Drum, special agent of said company, who gave Mr. N''.'-ardin a- draft in full for the amount of his loss on January 1st. 1901, just forty-eight hours after the fire oc curred. The above statement gives the facts concerning' my loss correctly, and I de sire to express my acknowledgments to the atent, Messrs. Geo. M. Noble & Co., the German-American Insurance Co., and Mr. Will Drum, their special agent, for their prompt and efficient ac tion in the matter. Such promptness merits the recommendation which most cordially give. CHAS. E. WARDIN Head Split With an Alt. Lynchburg, Tenn., Jan. 2.--Eu,ene C. Smith, a, farmer, was found dead'in bed this morning with his .head split open by an ax. The identity of the assassin is unknown, LOCAL MENTION. M.Thompson ha-s filed Kilt a,g'Cnet re L. Hall for the payment of Vete John M. "Wright returneC today frem Keeeeas City, ' where he eleeel i'efew Yeere. '- The English Luthevan church sent free tickets to fife, peer children for their cantata last week. The Sunday schools of Barclay shipped a box of new clothing and books to the poor children of Topeka. W. S. Haynes, John Emery. John Gib son and Red lemons were arrested yes terday' on the charge of drunkenness. The liquor cases of Ed Ryan, Frank Crist and O. Kempton were heard in po lice court today. No decisions were given. The court of appeals has adjourned and the judges left for home today. The business of the court will be finished by January 14. An organization will be completed at 829 Kansas avenue tomorro,w evening of a brench of the Womeres Interna tional 'Union Labor league., The regular monthly business meet ing of the Sons ef the King WAN he noi in the Guild parlors at 3 o'clock, Sat urday afternoon, January 5, Dean J. W. Sykes is arranging to give a, stereoptieon lecture on the "Pasaion Play" for the benefit of the Sons of the King about the middle of January. Mrs. S. A. Sullivan, farmerly of To peka, died at Kansas City, Kam, Mon day at the a,ge of 76 years. She wa,s the mother of L. J. Lucy of the state print. ing office. The limited fa,st mail came into To peka On time this morning for the first time. It left here four minutes late, and reached Emporia eight minutes behind echedule. Chas. Ridgeway, assistant superin tendent of insurance, injured his leg in stepping, from the train at Lawrence yesterday. He will walk on crutches for a few days. Holders of Ladies' Music club season tickets are entitled to admission to the illustrated lecture given by Mr. N. Al. Brigham. at the First Chrietian church tomorrow night. The Joeeph Hoefner murder case etas been continued until Saturday, January 5 at '2 o'clock. This was done in order to give employes of the Santa Fe shops an opportunity to attend. The county commissioners held their regular meeting today. Nothing of im partanee was done. The monthly meet ing will be held next Monday at which time claims Will be allow-ed. Motion for a new trial In the Crook "Wright robbery case Will be argued in tee district court Friday. Arguments for the Page whisky case from Wa baunsee county will be heard January 7 The motion for a new trial In the Maris and Wilson cattle case was being argued in the district court today. T'oe defendants have been convicted of sell ing mortgaged cattle worth about $1.3.- 000. Erect C. Trigg says that It is a tree take that he expects to leave Kansas to work for the A. N. Kellogg Newspaper company. His brother has secured the position with the Kellogg people, and Fred Trigg will stay in Kai-leas and en gage in the newspaper business. J. R. Miller Is a. candidate for door keeper of the coming legislature. He served in the house during the wax times of '93, would like to serve one, term in time of peace, and will make a. lively effort to secure the place. Ile is a brother of Congressman J. M. Miller. The county treasurers are remitting mon,ey collected for taxes and interest on bonds ta the sta,te treasurer. The amount received Monday was S87,000. The county treasurers are supposed to remit this money before the tenth of the month, but it will be April before it is all sent In. E. A.. Fisher, who was operator and ticket eeller at Hutchinson, on the Rock Island. has been promoted to be dis trict freight and passenger agent to succeed C. A. Bascom. It is the posi tion of operator and ticket seller, thus vacated, to which C. A. Matthew's. of Topeka, succeeds. Thursday night the Democratic Flam beau club will hold Its annual election of officers. Arrangements are being made by the club to hoid its nineteenth anniversary on January 23. The mat ter Is in the hands of a committee for arrangement, and appropriate exer cises will be prepared and a dance Will be held in their hall, 413 Kansas avenue. J. S. Furason was arrested last night at 9 o'clock on the charge of keeping a gambling house. Chief Stahl with Officers Donovan and Walker entered the place, which is situated on Quincy street between, First arid Crane, arid arrested B. B. Anderson, Lee Ellis, W. H. Redey, A. W. Monday, W. A. An derson and Frank Lewis. They ob tained nothing except a. few cards. How the Diseuss,on Ended. From Harper's Magazine. It was whispered in -Washington that as the Montague Browns were not as rich as other members of the smart set. they bad to practise economy where it did not show. 'Fitt tonight there was certainly no hint of economy anywhere. There were strawberriis, hothouse grown and -terra pin and canvasback ducks, though both were exorbitant in the market. The handsome tablecloth had been ruthlessly cut, and through the opening a. cluster of Ameri ca,n Beauty roses, their SterTIS on the floor, shot up two feet above the table. It was the most effective table decoration of the winter. Mrs. 'Montague Brown, young, pretty, and ambitious. smiled a smile of rare pleasure. Sae reflected complacently that she had captured a. cabinet officer for this dinner. 'Phe conversation was bowling along smoothly, and she leaned forward to listen. The guest of honor was speak ing: "And still I insist that no woman can do society all the time without neglecting her household and children." "Not at all," smiled Mrs. Montague. 'I think I can yersuade you to the contrary if you" pawed, observing. that he was staring with wide open eyes at the doorway. A tiny, half-clad figure stood there. "Mamma, Mary's in the kitchen, and I tan't find my nighty," piped Montague Brown, jr. ., . r wt, Card of Thanks. We desire to express our thanks to the employes of A. T. S. F. water service department for their beautiful flowers and their kindness to me and little daughter at the death of our husband and father. MRS. RICHARD N. FURZE And daughter Antonette Furze. Hay Is Sick Again. Washington, jam 2.Secretary Hay is again indisposed and was confined to his home today. December comes. And yet the south wind biows A gentle strain upon the woodland reed; And promises of a new budding rose Are wetted on the zephyrs as they speed. Now where are your billowing drifts of w hite, Your silver tracings on the frosty pane. Your winds that sob and murmur through the night While nosed branches shiver and com plain? All things in seasonand with mood per verse We scorn the joys which once we held so dear; Life truly lived is lived throng well and worse 'Tis loath to miss a mood from all the Washington Star AMUSEMENTS. ,w,,0,.sis 211 ITIV MI ilir9 Ir IMF .V113.MIft.OWS.6 80.5 TOV"IGIIT 8:15 BrTlwu EZIGAGEMENT TEE KOTTEST 11 EIXIE sietter, Brighter. tintioer thug eve,!7; tram the Pacinc Cosat with everything New and Up-to-dam. Big, Jolly Performance fog the alasisea. Popular prices-15c, 25c. 35e and 5(ie. Thursday, dantlary 3d. 8:13 Engagement Extraordinarte ILLAJ6NIL; c.LA1 Direction Henri, presenting the eistinguishecl New York Wallaek's 'Theater success. A LADY- Or QUALITY By Frances Hodgson Burnett 8 lid Ptcphen Piiigni,end. Gorgeous Ces turnes. Magnificent Scenery. t'arriagei; p, m. prices-2.5c, $1.(0 and 11,Cd. 17,z5 Friday, Jan. Ch. 7 ..1C I I, , r ts.t.1 Snootal engagomont of Mrs. FlIt". presenting the play in four gets tiiit tied arty S1TAIRP. Founded on alia.,:serayd 'Vanity Fair." Prices-42.K $1.50. $1 00, 7:4! and foci. Reserved seat sate Mr,nit,i, icrent ber PLEASF RE FtlErieter it The curtain rises for ;Mrs. 1.1i-he's performance at 7:45 sharp. and that no person will be seated duritig the per formance while the curtain is up. W ,b,,.,,,.,, ,. , .,,,,.,,...,.N.,,s.,..,W,,s,,..0, 8:15 Saturday, January 5th. 8;15 The Famous ZostOtiallS, Barnabee MacThmald, propriPterA, direction of Maw Erlanger, presenting for the first time here the new comic opera, THE VICEnOY By Victor Herbert. Grand Chorus and Orchestra. 0 . F,. 1.7 I- .4 i. L93 La trà ti3 At .J 0 . - , n '2 n TEL. Z: 8 5 8 1:4 ,,,,,,,..., 0 c ; ' - tí...q...1i4411.4.4 1..4 4 Headache and stomach trouble are often the result of eye strain. Perfect fitting glasses will cure you. Drop Me a card today. Have your glasses fitted at home, where you will use them. Consultation and tests free. DR. J. E. LITTLEFIELD, Eye 5pecialist, 1255 West St., Tucka, am.. Important Contracts Tied 'Up. Pittsburg, Pa.. Jan. 2.---One thousand structural iron workers struck tods y fur an advance of six cents per hour in wages and a nine hour day. Not a single man is working and a. nurm,Pr of important contracts are tied up. Work on the new union station is suspended. This afternoon a commit tee of strikers left for New York to con fer with President Roberts of the Aro,,r ican Bridge company. Government is Thin Skinned. Stockholm, Jan. 2.General Boer li-coff, governor general of Finland, will de mand in the Finland senate a more stringent censure law, in order to pre vent the people from criticlsing the gov ernment. Private correspondence from Finland says Governor Boerikoff is about to remove professors of ilelsing university for criticising the govern ment. Grain Letter Chicago, Jan. 2.WITrATThe wheat market has been very erratie. the trade jarge and at a higher range of val ues. closing at 1ac below. The feature hag been buying by commission houses tor the speculative trade. The primary re ceipte showed a marked falling off, and sentiment being extremely bullish. it WWI an easy matter to score an advance; porno of the local traders were inclined to take profits on long wheat early, but the buy., ing power being too strong in their en deavor to get their wheat back the bilja advanced the price easily. The situatien in the northwest is being watched cn,c-tv, and as flour haft been advanced lately it is looked upon as a strong factor. At tlie close there WaS a, large amount of liqui dating' on the part of locals, and the tune was somewhat easier. CORNCorn early was easier on cold, clear weather, on liberal receipts and ort much freer count ry offerings. IA hen wheat 'went snaring' the corn loss NV,I4 re covered. Clearances ttwo days). Ecti,e,) bushals. Contract stocks, S'21.0,-) Public and private stocks. 3 ti,:l3.ixt) bushels. Phillips anti commissien people led the buying-. Estimated cars tomorrow, 475. OATSOats have been stirred up con siderably by the wheat activity, op at their best for the day, but yielded later. For a. week there has been con, tinued bitying by the bull interests and there has been name of such buying ta day; furthermore. the demand fer c,tsti has been larger, notably from the interinr points. Peceipte ttwo days), 42-7 cars; es timated tomerrow, 215 care. PftlaVISIONSProvisions have been in different to the grain strenctin pricee merely holding their own. The impres SiOn prevains that the big lo)11fr.',,, MIN, done considerable selling. parilcularly Ltril. Armour has been VI 1.)1k, Cr cif nrottilet. 'There were only 2,;,.0e0 hogs rind prices at the yards were luc over Monday. J. F. ::1 TALK rim 123. UNEQUAL. There are a good many eyes which do not see objects as well in one tilt-eel:ion as in another. They may see vertical lines more distinct ly than horizontal. They may be able to see the clock halals better when they point to six and twelve than when than when they point to nine and three, or vice versa. This condition is called astigmatism The eNle is in better focus one way than the other. There a re a, groat many eyes in this condition. Fully fifths of the people are subject to it. -While in many eases it hi not so marked as to be licalceable the M.- feet exh-es je-t the same. le one of the mogt frequent eus,ee for headache that We haNe. There is nothing that will relieve the troolee eYeeot glasseA made especially tor etteh partiCkdar case. The glass must be madle stronger in one di rection than in the other. No ready made glass will ever correct the ri,,- feet. make a specialty of COr Meting astigmatism. My exclusive attention is given tO fitting glasses. ;1 CHAS. BENNETT OPTICIAN, 73o Kansas Avenue.. 1.stab;islxeti 18-9. .,,A-------, I..,01,,,,,,,,,,t V k.... .f ...., , kt)sk N 0 '' J , 1 ..,,,,,, y -, -",- . TE LIN., r"A r: 1 i -t' ' ''',,,.., ,----"Am4,,,,, , ...A. 'bi. i, iii41d .4, 4 1 .