Newspaper Page Text
. . . - ... . -----,,...---,,,,,-.,-- , , i , 1 ALTERNATE PAGE FOLLOWS ,' . . , , ,.! .. . ALTERNATE PAGE FOLLOWS ; N31c LAST -EZIT:C.1 TITURSDAy EVE;TING. TOPEKA, KANSAS, JANUARY 3, 1901. THURSDAY EVENING. MMOOP .,M , ,--'7,,..,'"''''--- , I . 1 ' , -1 "1---- , , , , I t.:-. 1 r 1 i ' 1 r ' ' 1; - X '": '',4- ''," r".'.!') 1,-''''': q44 '', , - - ( . --,.3 r ', I I ,, L , ,,, e .., ' --',..,,,.. ! , , 1 ,. :, ; - '',,-,4--, ,, 1 . -,-,, ). I - .----,!-- -1 - , . . , , . .: .. - - : -., 3 .. i - I 1 I 4 ' '' ..;--" 2''''j''.,; . 3 ',..,4.. ki. '' '-',, .", . e V. j:.,;)li (v4,q ..:1), & .), J iNe, Loi 4 4- i' . , -40 ìr 1 1- I.) l ' , ' : , j, --?; ; , 4, , (371e, ' 4,34.. , , ; ' - N.9. V ssy TIITjRSDAY EVENING. T V.- 0 ( I 1 f ' ;1- 11 T D FOR Ei!GLii Lord itol,ert9 Landq at South ampton in a Fog. Field Marshal Greeted by a Great Crowd of Admirers. PROCEEDS TO LONDON fifteen Thousand Troops lieep the People in Order. Prince of Wales and Family Meet Hint at the Depot. Southamptoni Jan. 3.A dense fog this morning disarranged the pro gramme here tt-ir the reception of Field 'Marshal Lord Roberts, and it was an hour aCter the appointed time when he arrived The :inthusiasm of the large concourse of peOple, however, was in no way damnenej by the thick pall of mist, and amid' sceneS of great jubila 'OM commingled with cheering and the singing of patriotic airs in accompani ment of the halals of music Lord Rob crts landed and drove through the pro fusely decorated streets to the Hartley in.tit me, where' the mayor, surrounded by the members of the corporation in full robes of odice, presented him with the freedom of the city in a gold casket. The institute was crowded to its ca pacity, and there was a remarkable demonstration as the tield marshal, in the uniform of -his rank. stepped on a raised. platform. The proceedings were most brief. Lord Roberts, in a feat words of thanks, referred to the war in terms similar to those which he used yesterday. On returning to the railroad station be was greeted with continuous plaudits from the assembled throngs. At 11:30 a. m. the held marshal's train started for London. London, Jan. 3.Crowds of people flocked to pointS of vantage along the route to be followed by Lord Roberts from Paddington station to Bucking ham Palace, during the early hours of the morning. but the numbers in no way compared with those that gathered at the demonstration in honor of the re turn of the city volunteers from South A f rica. Fears of the riotous behavior and dis asters on that oecasion deterred many persons from joining in the public wel come. Warned by the occurrences at the time of the volunteers return, the authorities today furnished barriers to prevent crushing. and 15,00u regular troops. in addition to thousands of peo ple. lined the route. blocked the side streets, and were concentrated In the wide spaces to guard against dangerOUS rushes, Lord Roberts reached Paddington sia tinn only tm-enty minutes behind the s,hedule tithe. As he descended from his .,aloon carriage to the platform of the elab,;rately decorated railroad station he was greeted by the Prince of Wales. the Princess et Wales. the Duke and Duchess of York. theiuke of Connaught and the Doke tit Cambridge. The members of the royal family shook hand, heartily with the field marshal. while the bands played t he na I iona 1 anthem. The Princess of Wales engaged Lord 'Roberts in a con versation of some length. The scene was altogether brilliant. F,verywhere W ere masses of bunting I rOili Uright costume,. cabinet nlini-iterS and staff officers. The Prince et Wales .901 t the railroad station. preceuing lord Roberts to Buckingham paiace. The returning field marshal W a S. tnen presented with an address from the municipality of Paddington. After Lord Roberts had replied the : proeessic,ri was formed. the headquar ters staff in six carriages fellowing, im mediately behind the field marshal who occupied a state carriag,,, escorted by Indian cavalry. The secretary of state for war, Wm. St John -17roderick. and the secretary cif state for foreign af fairs. the Idarquis cif Lansdowne. were reated in another carriage. A detach-- Mt-Ili Of cavalry brought up the rear. The party proceded to 'Buckingham ralace by may or Hyde Park and Pic cadilly. Deafening- cheers greeted the field marshal and neW commander-inchief of the forces along ail parts of the faun, Clubland was ablaze with celor and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. The ladies admitted to the club houses thronged the windows and balconies. The hotels and other buildings were all lavishly liedenked. and cricwded from top ta bottom with cheering- ii;pectators. The roar of Al elcome rolled on in creasingly until the veteran commander entered tlte gates of the palace. A few distinguished people were wait ing wearily Within t he sombre, palace cinadianglet. in which the gas lamps vainly tried to disperse the foggy gloom. The font guards on duty wearing their overcoats. were drawn tip within, while -without some 50,00 PersonS We pack ed together in an effort to get a view of the hero of the hour. The royal party arrived half an hour hefore Lind Roberts who was driven in to the quadrangle ainid a salvo it c-heering front the crowds and a diemi tied waving of harnikerchiets on the part of the bare-headed nobility. Within the Prince of Wales ag,ain warmly greeted the field marshal. Everybody by that time. p. was very hungry but Lord Roberts would not go to luncheon until he had inspected the guards. Accompanied by 4,ne or two officers he walked between the liaes of men towering over the tiny commander in chief. making him ap pear smaller than everalmost over weighted by the immense plumes of his field marshal's hat. When tin- inspection was over Lord 3nibertsi the members of the royal fam liy and the genei.-als went into the pal ace and had a private luncheon, where upon the criino. ds dispersed. FIFTY DOLLARS FOR SEATS. London. Jan. 3.Lord Roberts today received a right royal welcome on hi. return to ',anion atter a years absence to South Africa.. The crowds were not unse. nor so demonstrative as during,- the reeent war celebratians but pea, pie paid front three to ten guineas for s-tats on Pi-cadilly and St. dames street Ialoonies. Stately mansiens like those Lead Rothschild and Duke of Dev crshire wi-re (1'0 'oN i t.11 notatile per sonages. but there prevailed on all sides a reeling that the progress of the cam ai 411 did not Ncarrant triumphant ova tions. though this is no respect detracit rd fr f,rri the aftentioia sith which the lit tle field marshal was greeted. It was as a ma ratel,r than as a pieneral that the crowd weit-omed -Bobs." -Ain't hit browni" people in th. Put, brown or white, bie or renentain acnorded Lord Enberts Gnrp iir s,..1, Airs. Abner McKinley. Hamilton were the night of oat t , eif taeeifier in an enort to etet a view of ea. aeet peesaaei taatueut we cinitatt Ina ii-fhepe..18'eat.--- noi-g"i";i'..-aa ----- ""e "-- is able to its quarrel. with lite Panama ted Topeka. in 1S80 when the general , the hero of the hour. information: Sweet of Coffey. Hefley of Osborne, railroad. It is admitted bt both sales conference was held here. Sloe and Mrs. Wm. Barbour. trouble?" "First, the. total number of male citi- that all proepecte for a es'ettlement of Mrs. H. S. Beale. , "No." The royal party arrived half an hour Short of Cloud. Henley of Douglas. Jot the fight have. vanished. Since being made a bishop, Mr. Ninde , Miss Jane Cox. Airs. Jennie. Coutono, a ba tett,' li.. le.fore land Roberts wha was driven in- zens of the United States over 21 years tiffe of mariote Dougherty of Harvey, , i,,,S to the quadrangle eetel a salvo ,,t. of age in each of the several states Of Snyder of Chase, Grosser of To aid it in its fight for Central Amer. has made two trips abroad. One was tte ,,,,,t),li-i'ikil.a."f,!,-)on I lean and Mexican business. the Panama Corea, and the last time, about twq ...- eard party which tho j lama tato, ,.. ift , the unicn. War,d,()17,-"24,1-18-c'e CaVe ,,(1,,,'-'',:a" aeaa- rallrnad has enlieted the services of the SEVEN FEL'T OF SNOW they attended the night ai the tomb-. i NI cheering tram the crowds and a aigni "Second the total number of male I'atrte, ot a..t'autauclua .."-"a4r ch '.--'''''' " Paelhe SteaM and the Chilean Navigation lied waving of handkerchiefs on the .. , - . . 0' Nei) ale of Woodson, Emmons ef 'Rilev, years before his departure from Topeka, he made the trip around the world, ac- ' - testilital that Peter and Wiliam li , to I 1 part of the Lare-headal nobility. citizens of the I rated States titer -1. - ' ' years of age who bv reaaon of etate Alcleeever of Shawnee. Betts of Shawnee. companies. They have a joint service be companied by his only daughter, Misa tween Valpaz also and tacos. the latter WOrat StOrM in Tett Years Visits Mon entered her hallo,. a loft . to, a Within the Prince of Wales ag,ain - , . a - . . a . Chaney of Shawnee ana atoreholise of 1 constitutional limitations or state legas- Morris. who arrived this morning, mailing utirAl pag t4-fleie,m,otsrte nnoowrthteornex reon topitar tialiet MAartYihe conference at Cleveland In 1896 Southern Oregon ; ( iwarmly greeted the fleet marshal. 'attain are denied the right of suffrage. a total of 38. oh-plepiteekr alaffal,c,!lildtonnat 1.11.,-,a, t-1,:zini,t,ig.1 -....,iy ,;!.,,,,,,f.... ant, went upan the F;and ilinnt:dH1,,1 Everybody by that Dime 2eitt p. m., services to this port. each company send- Bishop Ninde was put in charge of the Ashland, Ore., Jan. 3.-The worst snow .' I was very hungry but Lord Itaberts whether such dealal exists On account-of The members who were here last nigbt . - illiteracy. on account of pauperism. on anel were claimed by the Laker people tvotad not go to luneheon Until he had ing a, vessel here alternately every two weeks. The first vessel is on the way E:peworth League of: the United States storm since the vianteroft8S9-90throughea held that position for four years, be- out southern Oregon and northern Cal- after dinner. "Are you acquainted with alr. Plate, et ... aceourt of polve-aory or On account of lesheeted the guards. Accompanied by ' : , 7 ' '' . i e were: Willetts of 'Wilson. Remington of Ali- from Valparaiso. In consideration of was asked. I ing relieved of that dutv bv the last e le has rag-ed during the last 24 property qualtacations or tor any Ot le- calling at 'Mexican ports the Alexican - , - laorr a, "No, sin" Jr ,,,,... or two officers he walked between nrni. Allen of Doniphan. Vincent ef Reno. , i ttie liaes of then towering over the tiny re!! ileoEzo .. Fontee,Ji?ment has agreed o; give the two conference which was held in Chicago houra Telegraph and telephone com "Do you know anything- sleeit Co ot Hayden of Nemaha. Finley of Franklin. Jointly a subsidy of $25.0rt0 a year. last summer. t caturnand.r in chief. making hira ati- Neil, further, That the apeaker langara of Franklin. Wulfekulðer of , " munication have been paralyzed. The . They also receive subaldies from several T. B. Sweet said: "I have known Southern Pacific ha r g i 1 of the house- of representtaives be au- Leavenworth. Markhert of Leavenworth, s ex ierienced reat onnection with this Demi'', ." pear einaller thaa ever almost o - Central American states. Bishop Ninde for nearly 30 years and ir: difficulty in keeping its track clear be- ç N'i1- thorized and be directed to appoint a Hand of Leavenworth. Sorbach of Jack, Pacific Mail oftieials say that the mall shootings that Save 1)E,Cri 'hat t tateet et "I do not." 't t a' weighted by the immense plumes of his select committee of live membea steatners will continue to run from Pan- all that time I never saw him impatient; tween Ashland and Dunsmuir. neld marshal's hat. at who son. Griffin of Jefferson. Ecliteards of Dort but once. It was at a meeting or the shall investatate the question of alleged Milan, Bonne!! of Brown; tatal, la The EnOW plows have beeln working I When the inspeetion was over Lord The Burton people say that the four ama. making all the old ports of eall and . . IIELEN COULD TO MINI', GOLD abrideernent' of the electivetaranehises several new' ports in addition. They say eteneral conference in Philadelphia. He continuously cm the Siskiyou where the 3 :.,,,t;;--rts, tile members of the royal fam- Raker men from Leavenworth were tele- the Pacific Mail is bound to lose consider- Zad just gottem out of bed from a siek- snow is seven feet deep on the level and , for arty of the causes mention-ed. in -.11 a graphed for yesterday morning- when it . 1.y and the ernerals whnt inta the pal- . able business from Central America and ness, and I felt that he was unable ta 14 feet in the cuts and drifts, and the Will Furnish Money For a Culoraao i da,e and had 0. private iuncheon, where- the states of the union in which con- became evident that a majority of tbe Mexico. .97 per cent of which consists of stand the strain the conferenco work rotary plow is nOW working, north from Feat:tame' or legislative restrictions on members here were for Burton-. Tailor to Develop Claims. coffee shipments to the Atlantic seaboard would necessitate and I remonstrated Hunsmula Ail passenger trains have 1 .... upon the croads dispersed. the right of suffrage are claimed to ex- ei .. and Europe. but they hope to hold a fair , FIFTY DOLLARS FOR SEATS. ist. Said committee shall be authorized With all the talk about Burton ana share of the traffic by quoting rates via with him. Be persisted in working been able to get through. five and six 1 a hours behind schedule time. but all tinia'"A(11.venlitt'''nc.C.t2;41.(3a. 1j1;:fint's111.1-tlill,'"-h:.!T (1;.-''11- London. Jan. 3.-Lord Roberts today to send for persons and papers. to ad- Baker, who have practically manopo- this port in connection. with the Southern however." 1 Pacific. P. I. Bonebrake, When tOld of the freight trains a,re annulled. The storm villas 'are about to become mean.: 3 ... - . receivea a rieht royal welcome on hie minister oaths to witnesses and tea have lized the senatorial situation. not only , , , raturn tit L. mem atter a years absence hearings at such plaees as in the Judg- bishop's death by a. State Journal re- center appears to have been on the tiers. mancus has been titeaty t - a for months, but for years, there is a. i .1. la South Africa. The crawds were not ment of the taimmittee the desired in- No More Use For Them- ., porter expressed regret at the fact. south side of the Siskiyou extentling as Leaaville. lettit eurrtner he la .i..- . -,, , ..' at dense. teir so demonstrative as oar, formation can be best had. The com- marked lack of enthusiasm upozt the Seattle, Wm, Jan. 2.-A cablegram an- Biattop Ninde and Mr. Bonebrake were far as the eanyon of the Sacramento. Two Bit Gulch sevarat ci,,,,s , ,,. I , , , ,0 ing tine reeent war celebratitins but pea,- mittee is alai) authoriztet to employ a part of the Republican public and many flouncing the (4..0a-inure of three tenite4 neighbors during the time Mr. Ninde with much drifting of the SHOW On the believes ate valuable, bet ao le I -. ale paid frant three to ten guineas for stenographer and such other clerieal as- of the members of the legislature. tates army transports. from Nagasaki, lived in Topeka and were great friends. south side of the mountains, while on money to enabis tern to a, tee-a. T i k,,ats etn Pe eadilly and St. James 'street sistanee as it may deem neeesaary. The There is a widespread feeling not only Japan, for Seattle, has been receited lor altajor Ruhlin. in charge of the local James A. Troutman was also told of the death by a. reporter. He said: the Oregon side it is wet and does not e drift. The following is the snow fall at oo he wrote to Miss, Genet tee - .- . to furniahlhe money far a eat.' I. '- laloontes. Stately mansions like thase expenses of the investigation ta be paid - of indifference to both Mr. Baker and quartermaster's department. The trans. .. the principal points in the track of the Bishop Ninde was an excellent Irian. in the property. alai,. 1.., ta te ,e . t Lod Ratitschild and Duke of Dee out of the contingent funds of the house ports are the Athenian. which said from , i ;. ' er shire w. re (1'0,,Vil,,t1 M ith notaale per- of representatives." Mr. Burton, but of positive force that a He was one of the best orators the state storm: wet k. She riii.01. ark ,!!!1. r , ir!! r ! Naeesaki December 27: the Port Stephens, Ashland, 12 Inches; Jaelcsonville, 13 atadly fteeeptoli Ail that fe...ete. i , . , r annages. but there prevailed on all sides new man should be sera to the United which sailed December 29, and the Arab, has ever known." a feteing- that the progreas o-f the calm ' Harrison Not In It. States senate. which left January 1. It is probable Bishop Sialinde received his education Invites; Yerka, 412 feet; .is. oa, . feet, dene is sierting the aeteera t.t ., that the three transports will be disman- in one of the early Methodist colleges at ----- , ) al,-,11 iii,l mit a arrant triumphant ova- There is considerable quiet talk g-oing Dunstnuir, 5 feet; Siskiyou, 7 feet. Inclications at present are that the . ' ,i. , New York, Jan. 2.--In answer to a tele tied on their arrival in this. aort and epi daletown, Conn. New Hansa Postn-,,:s1,:-,-, tho-s. thaugh this is no respect cietraet- ettraphie queoy as to the repo t that On to the effect that an interests might turned osier to their owners byt the gov- - backbone of the storm is broken. In ' Washington, it, (a, Jen o ...- . t . , sel f!,-,.2n the arra:ado:1 a ith which the lit- Gen. Harrison hart been retained in the happily unite u on Charles a'-. Gleed. eminent. northern pointa of the Rogue river vat , t la neat marshal was greeted. It was as Secretary Hay Recovers - insular teat eases befare the su,preme lotting (thane s .r feint l. ...e. e . ley it is grov,ing warmer and raining. t a matt, ratnar than as a tienetal that the court ti. t 't1'. '1 . 1 le a - He wo-uld make Pan ideal st-ena-to'r. roastets were Taa!,! 1'41it -.' !!!, ! - . tt. . !Al all apt ess toaa y re- , Weather Indications- Washington, Jan. Z.-Secretary Hay t . crowd welt-wiled -Bobs." Reared in Kansas, he has thorough Chteapea cra a tat a ea.... t , . I r , . coiaed the fahowing, ilisttateh from the Chieago, Jan. 3-Forecast for Kansas: has so far recovered from hist recent in- I Discount Rata Raised- , . --"rt't " 1"..'"vr..- said le.eade in the termer president; r-iniiiiiitapalie, Jen. a knowledge ef the needs and resources 01..g a ON ,!: All ,! , , i ,' t I cr W,-. ..-al., ..IrtiWn Or Whitr-,, bjg- or he. Fair t ' ht ' -1 Friday; tvarmer Fri- disposition as to be able to spend a few I Lander,. ann. ahem, ae ,,,f F.,-...,ea ral. -es vie,. l' ' 1.. - '' ' I have no entalovneent az 2ny of the of the state. Probably no man has a dav and m west peetiou tonig:at; eatithe, hattra toilay at his deek in the state ea- i rot, ,t atoseept a s ref.:ea 7,,,, 4 4, ,: i ',Ii-,7;1,, r. l- - , . io .. . i tea Lae , - e ......., .... - La, . ta iiisteat test caette. tenon Harr:sate" wider acquaintance with the peciple af erly winele, partial:nit. . ---, , , . i . . . , . . , . ,.. .. . . . .. , ., , ,, . . , proved that there is ro more beloved ligure in public life in England than the pr-st nt commander 11 chief. He was etterywhere greeted with real affection. His modeFt bearing and tire care with which" he saluted on all sides today along route further en di ared him to the people. Lord ,Ritherts was in full uniform, but behind his carriage his staff followed in khaki. The six Indian orderlies in ma gni tieen t. semi- ba rbarto uniforms were, the only picturesqur features of the little procession. The fact that hitt personal escort considered of the Tenth Hussars. which regiment. Lord Hosslyn and others have accusi. of cowardice at Sarnas post, was taken to indicate Lord Roberts' express desire to exculpate the Hussars from any blame. HOUSE SUAPRISED Olmstead Stirs Up the Demo crats With a Resolution. Subsidy Bill Displaced by Army Measure in Senate. 'Washington, Jan. 3.When the house reassembled today after the, holiday recess- not more than 75 members were present. It had been arranged before the house met that the consideration of the reapportionment bill was ta be en tered upon today. Immediately after the reading of the journal, Mr. Olmstead (Pa.) sprung a, surprise by offering as a matter of priv ilege a resolution reciting' the alleged abridgement of the rig,ht to vote in Louisiana. Mississippi, South Carolina. and North Carolina, ,and instructing' the committee on census to inquire into the subject and report the facts to the h,:urse. The reading of the resolution caused a. flurry on the Democratic side. Eefore it had proceeded far, Mr Richardson (Tenn.), the minority leader, jumped to his feet and interrupted the reading to ask' whether the resolution required unanimous consent. dt does not," replied the speaker. "It is offered as a, matter of privilege:: -I make the, point that the resolution does not constitute a matter of privi lege," said Mr. Richardson. -The reading has not proceeded far enough to determine that point," said the speaker. Mr. Richardson took his seat, but be fore the clerk could proceed, Mr. Un derwood (Ala.) was on his feet. make the point that there is no quorum present." said The speaker glanced about the house. Evidently there was no quorum pres ent. -The chair will count." he said. The house was counted. and when the speaker announced 141 presentnot a. CILIOrtlitlAilr. Underwood immediately moved an adjournment. The ayes and noes were demanded and obtained upon this motion. During the roll-call there were hurried consultations on both sides of the house. The motion to adjourn WEIS 10St, 63 tO 1(57 present, but not voting. 14; riot present, 2 The speaker included. him self in order to make up the quorum. Speaker Henderson held the Olmstead resolution privileged. The minority raised the question of consideradion against it, which forced another roll call. The vote to consider the Olmstead resolution was S1 ayes, S:2 noes, and 5 Present but not voting'. No quorum, anti roll call was ordered. At 2 o'clock the-h'ouse adjourned. The Olmstead resolution remained un acted upon owing to the lack of a quo 11.1M. IN THE SENATE. Washington, Jan. fl.At the first SeS sion of the senate in the Twentieth Cen tury business was resumed 'without the appearance of a break in the continuity of the proceedings. The work was taken up just where it was left off when con gress took a recess for the holidays. Notwithstanding the fact that the hoi Mays had scarcely ended,the attendance at the opening' session was notably large. President Pro Tempore Frye called the senate to order. The time just before the session convened and just after, was occupied by rnany sena tors in the exchange of greetings. That was the only evidence that there had be(.,n a recess. The senate proceeded to the considera tion of the army reorganization bill, Consideration 15 tO be limited to the morning hour (the time before 2 o'cloek). Washington, Jan. 3.At 2 o'clock the shipping subsid3r bill was dispiaced by the army reorganization bill as the till finished business of the senate. M R. SHATTIT.C'S PLAN. Washington. Jan. 3.Representative Shattuc Wino) today introduced the following resolution: "Whereas. In order that the appor tionment of membership of the house of representatives may be determined in a constitutional manner; therefore. be it "Itesolved by the house of representa tives, That the director of the census be directed to furnish this house at the earliest possible moment the following in forma tion: "First, the total number of male citi zens of the United States over 21 years of age in each of the several states of the union. "Second. the total number of male citizens of the 17nited States over 21 years of age. who by reason of state constitutional limitations or state legis lation are denied the right of suffrage. whether such denial exists on account of illiteracy. on account of pauperism. on account of polygamy or Oil account of property qualifications or for any the!' reason. "Resolved, further, That the speaker of the house of representtaives be au thorized and be directed to appoint a select committee of five members who shall investigate the question of alleged abridgement of the electivefranehises for any of the causes mentioned. in all the states of the union in which con stitutional or legislative restrictions on the right of suffrage are claimed to ex ist. Said committee shall be authorized to send for persons and papers. to ad minister oaths to witnesses and to have hearings at such places as in the judg ment of the committee the desired in formation can be best had. The com mittee is also authorized to employ a stenographer and such other clerical as sistance as it max- deem necessary. The expenses of the investigation to be paid out of the contingent funds of the house of representatives." Harrison Not In IL New York, Jan. answer to a tel egraphic. quei'y as to the repott that Gen. HArrison hact been retained in the insular If-t,lt cases before the supreme court, the and Ir2xpress today re ceived the f,eiowirair, (nspateh from the fernier president: 'Indianapolls, Jan. 2. --I have no enit,loyment in any of the insular test cases. .L!ez flarrisen" Ail LIP HILL ORLI Burton Enthu.4asm Scheme a Flat Failure. Hurrah Meeting Contained Only Seventeen Members. BOTH SIDES UNEASY. Evident That Neither Has Enough to Win. Politicians Are Looking For a New Man. Old Talk of Justice Johnson Is Renewed. A quiet Movement Toward Charles S. Glee& The Interest in the senatorial fight seemed to have cooled off today for a number of the representatives who were swarming. in the Copeland lobby yester day have taken their grips and gone home. Last night , there were thirty four members in the city and this morn ing there is not more than twenty-five. The new arrival is George P.More house, of Council Grove, who is an in structed Burton man. It is very evident today that the Bur ton managers were "trying to make an early show of strength yesterday a,1- though they denied it. If they were not using every endeavor tn have their sup porters here the old politicians are sad ly fooled. The explanation that the Bur ton men gave yesterday for the sudden rush of Burton followers was that such a. great majority of the members were for Burton that thirty members could not come ,to the city without checking' up at least twenty for Burton. They had a meeting in Burton's head quarters last night and tried to stir up a little enthusiasm among the boys," but they refused to enthuse. The show ing they had made after their effort to get a big crowd here took away the enthusiasm, for it turned out that of the thirty-two members who were pledged to support one cr the other of the sen atorial candidates, fifteen were for Baker. The meeting lasted for about an hour and the only result WilS that a. cloud of uncertainty- arose over the members who were before sure that they were on the winning side. It is more evident than ever today that the fig,ht is open to any one and that neither Burton nor Baker has more than a righting chance. The tendency of the members to listen to "dark horse" talk is, more pronounced than ever and the managers of both senatorial aspir ants are worried a,bout it, although they profess ,to,be certain of the success or t,her candidate. It is told on the quiet and vouched for by men- who are not given to telling fables tha,t the Burton managers are attempting' to get members who have not been instructed, but are favorable to him to sign papers to the effect that they will support Burton. It is rumored that one of the members did sign a Bur ton paper last night. A member who is uninstructed said this morning- that he had been taken up on the top of the mountain by the Bur ton managers and had been shown the broad expanse of the county he repre sented and had been told that it was all his if he would only come into their camp. He refused to express his "prefer ence. however, and said he expected to have another county added to it before night by the men who are offering any thing in the patronage line although they claim to have more than enough votes to secure the place in the senate. The talk of Judge ...Johnston of the su pretne court as a dark horse possibility is looming Up again today and is causing. a great deal of uneasiness on both sides. The boomers of Baker and Burton have a nem pted to kill the dark horse talk. but it will not down and today is more 1 evident than ever. Johnston is not posing as a candidate, but he has not rim in the house and barred the door, and it Is pos., sible for good neighbors to enter and talk to him on the subject. It is said that Cy Leland. who has a. reputation for lighting easily, is quietly lending aid to the Johnston movement. -whieli is in ellarge of Attorney General Godard. in anticipation that things may go that way. Leland Will stay by Baker ftS long as he has a chance to win. hut some of the old politicians say that Le land has seen the writing on the wall and think he has interpreted it correctly. If Baker is unable to land the prize, It is believed by the politicians generally that the :Baker anti Leland factions will get together on Jonhston. The Burton men say that if a combina tion of that kind was attempted M. A Low would take a hand and spoil the plan. They do not state just when I,ow was appointed guardian angel of the Bur ton interests. The Burton members claim from the following members who mi.&re here last night: Sweet of Coffey. Hefley of Osborne, Short of Cloud. Henley of Douglas. Jol niTe marion. Dougherty of Harvey, Snyder of Chase, Grosser of Dickinson, , "Ward of -Wallace, Cave of Haskell. Fitz patrick of Chautauqua. Millar of Barber, Nichols of Woodson, EilITTIOTIS IllieN, :McKeever of Shavvnee. Betts of Shawnee. Chaney of Shawnee and Morehouse uf Morris. who arrived this morning, making a. total of 38. The members who were here last night and were claimed by the Baker :people were: -Willetts of Wilson. Remington of .Mi fIrrii. Allen of DonPthan. 'Vincent ef Reno, Hayden of Nemaha. Finley of Franklin. hingard of Franklin. -Wulfekultier of Leavenworth. Markhert of Leavenworth, Hund of Leavenworth. Sarbach of Jack, son. Griffin of Jefferson. Edwards of Dort iphan, Bonne!! of Brown: total. 15. The Burton people say that the four Baker men from Leavenworth were tele graphed for yesterday morning when it became evident that a majority of the members here were for Burton-. -With all the talk about Burton and Baker, who have practically monopo lized the senatorial situation. not only for months, but for years, there is a. marked lack of enthusiasm upon, the part of the Republican public and many of the members of the legislature. There is a widespread feeling not only of indifference to both Mr. Baker and Mr. Burton. but of positive force that a r,ew man should be sent to the United States senate. There is considerable quiet talk g-oing on to the effect that all interests might happily unite upon Charles S. Gleed, He would make an ideal senator. Reared in Kansas, he has thorough of the needs and resources of the state. Probably no man has a wider acquaintance with the people of Kansas; no Kansan has a, larger circle of personal and business- friends in the country at large. He is thoroughly representative not only of the younger political element, but is identified with the pioneers in the political and -Inaterial welfare of this, one of the younger of the states. Ile is a fine speaker; a, man successful In accomplishing results, and combines many of the superb qualifications of Plumb and Ingalls. He is not seeking', the office so far as known, and may not be in close touch with the politicians ho have been pulling the wires for Baker or Burton.- But none of thes;.s adherents could make any objection to a man like C. S. Gleed. and they could probably unite upon him more easily than upon any other possible factor. Clean, capable, a-nd popular, his name in this connection would create enthu siasm and admiration leading tO Et happy outcome. Cil ICKERING'S WIDOWS. Four 'Women Claim the Estate of a Plainfield, Conn., Man. NeW Haven, Jan. 1The question as to how many widows C. H. Chickering, the former proprietor of the Plainfield (Conn.) hotel leaves is one that is likely to keep the courts busy for some time to come. Chickering- was found dead in Albion yesterday, and there are thus far four claimants for his estate front wo men who show certificates of their mar riage to him. Chickering appeared in Plainflecl last summer ard bought the hotel, and, on account of his address and popularity, soon became a leading light in the vil lage. There was a woman with him who he said was his housekeeper. I-le disap peared on election day just as the sher iff arrived to attach his person. His housekeeper claimed to be his wife. and three days later a woman from Springfield, Masa, arrived with the same claim. It was then stated that Chickering was engaged to marry the daughter of a. well known farmer in the district. Since then two other women haVe ap peared in search of their missing- spouse, and there was a general reunion toda,y over the body in Albion. Chickering was killed by a freight train v,-hile walking on the railroad track s INVENTION. - Report That He Has Applied For a Patent on a Parlor Golf Game. New Haven, Conn., Jan. 3.The Rev. Anson Phelps Stokes, Jr., secretazy of the Yale corporation, according to an nouncement, has invented a new indoor golf game. Mr. Stokes is out of town for New Year's, at the home of his par ents in Lenox. The d,tails of his new game could not. therefore, be learned. A friend of his is authority for the statement that Mr. Stokes has applied for a patent on his parlor golf game Mr. Stokes is ft great lover of golf, and has been seen regularly at the links of the New Haven Couutry FROM THE FROZEN NORTH. - Short Notes of Happenings in Skag way and Dawson. Seattle, Wn., Jan. 2.Advices from Skagway ,state that it has been definite ly learned that: Murray McDonald, the young, man who disappeared at White Horse early last June had been in Skag way June 27 and purchased a ticket on the .'7.7ity of Seattle for this port. It is not as yet known, however, whether he made the voyage or not Charles Hoffman, a citizen of Skag way fired five shots at his Wife at their home in that place recently. None of the shots took effect He is being held under $10,000 to appear before the grand jury. Pearl Griffin, also of Ska,gway was seriously burned and perhaps disfigured for life while lighting a fire with coal oil on December 26. Advices from Dawson state that the proposed sale of alternate sections of hyZiraulic mining grants have be-en In definitely postponed by the Canadian officials. Wolves are reported to be becoming very numerous on the trail to Dawson, especially near Tulare. Nearry all the claims In Da,wson have suspended operations for the winter. Four loads of mail were received In Dawson December 17. It was estimated 45,000 letters were distributed. TRAFFIC WAR, On South American Business Helps , the Southern Pacific. San Francisco. Jan. 2.After JanuarY 24 the Pacitic Mail is to handle all of its business between Central American and Mexican Pacific, ports and New York and Europe by the way of San Francisco and the Southern Pacific's New Orleans route. -When extensh'e wharf facilities are com pleted at Guaymas, part of the business will be sent via, that port and the Sunset route. This new departure by the Pacific Mail is due to its quarrel with the Panama. railroad. It is admitted by both sides that all prospects for a settlement of the fight have vanished. 9''o aid it in its fight for Central Amer ican and MeXiCall business. the Panama. railroad has enlisted the services of the Pacific Steam and the Chilean Navigation companies. They have a joint service be tween Valpazaiso and Ocos. the latter ' being the most northern port of Guate mala. They are now to extend their joint services to this port, each company send ing a, vessel here alternately every two weeks. The first vessel is on the way from Valparaiso. In consideration of calling at 'Mexican ports, the Mexican , government has agreed to give the tWO lines jointly a subsidy of $25.000 a year- ' They also receive subsidies from several Central American states. Pacific Mail officials say tha,t the rnall steamers will continue to run from Pan ama. making- all the old ports of call and several new ports in addition. They say the Pacific Mail is bound to lose consider able business from Central America and Mexico. .97 per cent of which consists of coffee shipments to the Atlantic seaboard and Europe. but. they hope to hold a fair share of the traffic by quoting- rates via this port in connection with the Southern Pacific , No More Use For Therm Seattle, Wm, Jam lh--A cablegram an nouncing the departure of three United States army transports. from Nagasaki, Japan, for Seattle, has been received bY Major Ruh lin. in charge of the local quartermaster's department. The trans ports are the Athenian. which said from Nagasaki Decetnber '27; the Port Stephens, which sailed December 29, and the Arab, which left January 1. It is probable that the three transports Will be disman tled on their arrival in this port and turned ouer to their owners by the gov ermnent. Weather Indications. Chinago, Jan. 3Forecast for Kansas: Fair tonight and Friday; warmer Fri day and in west portion tonig:at; southerly SUDDEN DEM Bishop W. X. Ninde Is Found Dead lin Bed. Attended a Funeral Yesterday and Caught Cold. 11E LIVED IN TOPEKA. Was Stationed Here From HSI to 1S92. Friends Shocked at the Report of His Death. Detroit, Jan. 3.--Bishop W. X. Xinde, aged 68 3-ears, of the Methodist Episco pal church, was found (lead in his bed at his home here today. It is thought the cause of death was heart trouble. He attended a funeral yesterday anti caug-ht a cold. The deceased had been a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church since 1884 and was known throughout the -United States. Prior to his election as a, bishop he was pastor of the Central Methodist Episcopal church here and was at one time a missionary in India. He leaves a wife, three sons and one daughter. One son, Edward, is a Metho dist minister at Ann Arbor. His daugh ter Mary was formerly a missionary worker in India. She is now in the Bishop 'W. X. Ninde, Who Died south with her brother Fred, who is The other sum George, is also ill at his home here. Yesterday the presiding elders of Michigan held a conference here and decided to sell the episcopal residence here, now occupied by Bishop Ninde's family because the churches of Michi gan outside of Detroit and other cities failed to contribute sufficient funds to maintain it. BISHOP NINDE IN TOPEKA. Bishop William X. Nintle was station ed at Topeka, eight years, from 1884 un til 1892. It was at the general conference of the Methodist ministers at Philadelphia, that he was elected bishop and his first as signment following his election to that office was to Topeka,. This position was filled by him with great credit and it was at the general conference in 1892 at Omaha when lie was sent to Detroit where he died. T. B. Sweet, of this city, knew Bishop Ninde twenty-tive years ago when -he lived in Cincinnati. He was then tha pastor of St. Paul's church. He left this pastorate to become pres ident of tbe theological department of the Methodist school at Evanston, the Northwestern university. Representing that conference he Visi ted Topeka. in 1880 when the general conference was held here. Since being made a bishop, Mr. Ninde has made two trips abroad. One was to. Corea., and the last time, about twil years before his departure from Topeka, he made the trip around the world, ac companied by his only daughter, Miss Mary. At the conference at Cleveland in 1896 Bishop Ninde was put in charge of the Epworth League of the United States He held that position for four years, be ing relieved of that duty by the last conference which was held in Chicago last summer. - T. B. Sweet said: "I have known Bishop Ninde for nearly 30 years and ir: all that time I never saw him impatienr. but once. It -was at a meeting of the general conference in Philadelphia. He had just gotte,n out of bed from a sick ness, and I felt that he was unable to stand the strain the conferenco work would necessitate and I remonstrated with -him. Ile persisted in working however." P. Bonebrake, when told of the bishop's death by a. State JOUrnal re porter expressed regret at the fact. Bishop Ninde and Mr. Bonebrake were neighbors during the time Mr. Ninde lived in Topeka and were great friends. -Fames A. Troutman WAS also told of the death by a. reporter. He said: -Bishop Ninde was an excellent man. He was one of the best orators the state has ever known." Bishop Ninde received his education in one of the early Methodist colleges at Middletown, Conn. Secretary nay Recovers. Washington, Jan. Z.Secretary Hay has so far recovered from hip, recent in disposition as to be able to spend a few hours today at his desk la the state pa rtinopt. ,----,., ...,...--------,--, ---------,---- ,,,,...-,.AV2...,..,. , -- -,- ,--F---:,..Ji---..,.,:.--7.----,,,..,: ,-------'i''',.-2'1!"-L--;-'-ir. ' ,,------- ---,-,,,,----7---7 ,,,, 4 i ------..--:.,;:...,-..,,:,:,,,.r.z:,-, ,-,--- r- .,-,,,: - ,-- 7 ,,,,. ,i7;, ;-,-,,;, ,,,a,im....,,.:,,..:,::,. . r "N li I yp f iii:ity t(it'.-E':,:. ",:, '''..''''-', (1 '''? l'f( ,,,,,,- ,-,,,Ý,,--,' ' l'1( , N,4, ,,,b .. , , 0 , cij ' vi, .',''' ,,,,,),f1t, II ,0(..e, -,,, , ., 1,--- -, i, -- 1, - 1 :',1-,!4 t si0.44',- -.' .- :'' 1 , t i: : 0(' i?:;.11,...1. '.1:!.:'.1 (lii k)èi.: ' 1 , .. :, , ,''z,,'' S',.,i N 'II ' :: ''',"..... ............,1.04,.. , 1 ) ' ') q. . 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Mor gan; Dec. 25, troop 3,1, Ilth volunteer cavalry, C. A. Markham: Dec. 1, com pany M, 16th infantry, Hugh Flynn. All other causesDec. 15, 47th volun teer infantry, C. H. William; Dec. 24, troop I.,,Third cavalry, Corporal Ross D. Bond; Dec. 27, company 1, :34:lth V011111- tevx infantry, S. E. L,espresu; Dec. 1. company E, 16th infantry, Samuel Et. Swear; Dec. 27. company I', 45th in farary, James R. Lyon; Dec. 22, com pany B trm volunteer Infantry. Georg BroWn: Dec. 25, company I, 33d volun teer infantry, Sergeant M.O'Brien.; Dec. 2.4, company D, Third infantry, Thomas J. McGuire; Dec. 25, company 1,', 12th infantry, Emil Betting; Dec.23, company I, 4th infantry, Corporal Wm. O. Steph enson; Dec. 24, company K., 34th V011.111- teer infantry, Enute Isilason; Dec. 10, company H, 19th infantry, Thomas SOCIAL SEASON OPENS With a Dinner to Cabinet Mem bers at the White House. 'Washington, Jan. 3.The social season of the new year at the White House was opened last night when President and Mrs. McKinley gave a dinner in honor of the cabinet members. The ta ble was in the shape of a double T in Suddenly in Detroit Today. the dining room. The prevailing dec orations were pinks and begonias with ferns. In the East room large wreaths of evergreen and holly were hung over the great mirrors and garlands of the same were twined about the white pil lars. The Marine band furnished the music. Those present in addition to President and Airs. McKinley were: The secretary of the treasury and Airs. Gage. The secretary of war and Airs. Root. 9'he attorney general and Mrs. Griggs. The postmaster general and Alis. Smith. The secretary of the navy. The secretary of the interior and Mrs. Hitchcock. Secretary of agriculture and Miss 'Wil son. Speaker of the house and Mrs. Hen derson. Senator Allison. Senator and Airs. Burrows. Senator and Mrs. Carter. Senator McEnery. Senator and Miss Kean. ' Senator Beveridge.- Senator and Mrs. Scott. Senator and Mrs. Do Inver. Representative and Mrs. Payne. Representative and Airs. Dalzell. - Miss Root, James A. Gary and Mrs. Gary. Airs. Abner McKinley. Col. and Mrs. Wm. Barbour. Mrs. H. S. Beale. Aliss Jane Cox. SEVEN FEET OF SNOW. Worst Storm in Tett Years Visits Southern Oregon Ashland, Ore., Jan. 3.The worst snow storm since the winterof18S9-90throughout southern Oregon and northern Cal ifornia. has raged during the last 24 hours. Telegraph and telephone com munication have been paralyzed. The Sciuthern Pacific has experienced great difficulty in k?eping its track clear be tween Ashland and Dunsmuir. The EnOW plows have befi.o working continuously on the Siskiyou where the lerW is seven feet deep on the level and 14 feet in the cuts and drifts, and the rotary plow is nOW working, north from Dunsmuir. All passenger trains have been able to get through five and six hours behind schedule time, but all freight trains are annulled. The storm center appears to have been on the south side of the Siskiyou extending as far as the canyon of the Sacramento, with much drifting of the ST1OW on the south side of the mountains, while on the Oregon side it is wet and does not drift. The following is the snow fall at the principal points in the track of the storm: Ashland, 1'2 inches; Jacksonville, 13 inches; Yerka, feet; Sisson, 5 feet; Dunsmuir, 5 feet; Siskiyou. 7 feet. Indications at present are that the backbone of the storm is broken. In northern point"; of the Rogue river val ley it is gTov,.ing warmer and raining. Discount Rate London 17:117nd'S ,tP 4 I, I LATEST DEATH LIST trij! r, ,- - - ' r'''7 - ' ',:il 7 ' Cabled to War Deoartment by Gen 1 t ti 11 I 4 ,.1) ; 'f'. ::- ,:,,; i ; :, , , !ij Morneutolis (!upt ion Flat Now Fer,,irt. fore Jt-tdp.e A. !!; ------ -- TRY, TO PLIO ;ANALI Accwieð Say They Vi Near Scene of titt; --- Divorces Appear to the Ca,e. The Plato whitecapping caso , . fore Judge ildt.Cdbe of: the ,..ity r ,,- ! day. P. W. Hamilton, 'WM: and John 'Wendel, elittig,,i v. it ) v : capping Edgar F. Plato two ',yokes had the-lx prelitningty hearing is a piano salesman. ant s - miles north of Topeka. The too: and Wendel alSk, live north f t h.- , On the evening of De:a-flitter 21, o Mr. and Mrs. Plato. tete gotro .1 . from the city, they Ns taO 5,01 1 1 ' the Babcock hill 1,3- some olotio in the road. Fla.') got out of te see what. the, trouhie itt.r! says was then ized tittee nien, w.hrt took him to tho Frank Bal.roek and tlier apt, , quantity- of coal tar to lits'1,,,ty also pounded him with their fists, They then tlok hint to Ina , , et Mr. Ilftheoek mint a! tor ta;.i.i,.: the door, pushed him into th- with the warniitz that let sintiet - the country 'within tt- hoots. it.. -vtas unmolested. though sl, ed while h-r husband Vk 411 1 of the M01). Mrs. Plato was flototei tr., , Peter 1V-,. :Hamilton. too , from him two years ag Not. 15 she -was Matla.,1 :kJ., I also had been divrooed from his , wife. About two we, h iota. - marriage Plato called upon Mrs ilton. When he started to letto ir , his horse and buggy wet, Mrs. Hamilton had to take tiltit , in her buggy. On the way, and in t,: vicinity of Bahasa-Ws 1st too ,.; were fired at Plato ant Mos. liato ts After this a letter WaS naiad ; door of Plato's business house 1, him that he FhOLIPi not. if he rego nig own safety. pay fuither at., rte.?. f to Mrs. Hamilton, After much wrangling on the ',Alt ,,r the attorneys the court 1,,ohled letter could not be admiltC,i a The defense claimed that its nt, could not be proven. After their marriage in Noy i Mr. and Mrs. Plato had lived natio,i,, t ed until toe night of tint tarring. Mr. Plato says on the with, sa o that his first wife has trio to his reputation among stie ': - friends. He says he i Peter W. Hamilton Wag one of t!-!. who mobbed him. During the - he claims tnat the mask whi it ii.,.ei-, tOn wore broke, exposing most fakte to view. WenITs ife was t a stand, and testified that her tort, o. was at home the evening of the itoit The second Nits. Plato is , John Wendel, one of tho lait'n It is claimed that the liamiltrms Wendel have not taaal frioitury t , for some time. Pettr lianiitso old citizen. Be lovas in the er.oker h candy business awhile, and grocery store in North Topoka. , and Itos son claim that they stieed t card party in the pity the night ot I t.-- cember 21, and did not return tit late. INillam Hamilton Wag Po erly a student of the Total-ea I school. Plato has been here about three y,,,, and has the reputation of lsing ,ktool piano salesman.. WENDJTL'S sTo rt y John -Wendel. OrIP of the rief,n,Lit Wag asked on the fitness stantt t,,d "When did you learn of this trototo " "On the Saturday f'Vf.ri nig" folinwin read on account of it in the State ,i,,H1- nal. "What did you do after supper t, tt evening of the trouble?" "1 lay down on the lounge ant t. awhile and retired a,bout "Did you participate in this nob."' "No, sir." "Are you acquainted with Plato?" "No, sir." "Have you anti Will Hamilton h.,: friendly?" "No, sir." "Have you and Peter Hamilton le, on good terms?" "No." "Are you and your sister, Mrs. Plato, on intimate terms?" ".IN'o; We have riot bef,n friendly about eight years." "Do you know where aret A.lci I Hamilton were the night of .., trouble?" "No." Mrs. Jennie Cortur,o, bo utive li." card party which the litirtititon,4 they attended the night oi the tiottit.e. testified that Peter and Wiiliarri ilton entered her house a pm o'clock and did nt leay until ati Peter Hamilton the 1,atling ,h!", ant, went upen the F;an.1 after dinner. "Are you acquainted with 'Mr. Plato!' was asked. "No, sir." "Do you know anything- about tli. shootings that 'Dave li,allit)11,',1 COnneetion with this trouid,o.'" "1 do not." IIELEN COULD TO M INE I) Will Furnish Money For a Colora,L) Tailor to Develop Claims. Leadvil Olio., Jan. ?I f;11,11 and Al. Mancus, Po li,sh tailor I. ville, are about to ta,colia 3 Niancus has tat,n tv?it .7 Leadville. roonini r he io, ; Two Bit Gulch believes ale Ialuahle, I., money to enabh, him to T So he wrote to Miss, tloni.1 ' to furnish lhe money for a 1. '- in the property. xt,hilit t.' '-' wot k. She ri,,ide r , Zr!' ' Ettiolly fic-eeptod; Ail that dyne is signing the agi,-eri New Eansus Postma:s1,?,-,. Washington, It, jtn :t -T low ing chtut-, s ,f , rwtsters wet,' - Chi-opee. cravi tt, 5.. T r, -1"-!, ,