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The Topeka state journal. [volume] (Topeka, Kansas) 1892-1980, January 03, 1901, LAST EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016014/1901-01-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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Thousands liave Eitiney Trouble
and Don't Miaow it.
now To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common !!.g,ss with your
water and let it stand twerty-four hours; a
- , ' -- ---.... - ' - rtdiment or set
"""'1 l'' ,-- e7-72."- tring indicates an
i (,,--e)
....4,i..., ,
, ,--' f,, A, --J-7), tinhealthy condi
..... 1--
r'71. i'l.,-tt-'2--- ' --ji.' )ð r' ton of the kid
kitLYI 14'. 1-17-,,Z; ' neys ; if it s.tatris
-t-',..- -1----:i - your linen it Ls
,i ' ,.., ,
4,,N,; i, ..,,2-r evidence cif kid
' . 1 ft, 4,i, rey trouble; too
'.-1-1 ' I i ..., ,. k tiequent desire to
. - -
S'',- rass it or pain in
-- -- ----- tne back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There is comfort in tlie knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the
Lack, kidneys, liver, bladdtir and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects inabiiity
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
it, or bad effects following. use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get , up many times
dtring the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effe,ct of Swerrp-Root is soon
rea;Ized. It stands the higoest for its won
derful cures of the most 1,,tistressing cases.
If you need a medicine you shottld have the
best. Sold by druggists in Ii-Oc. and SI. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery ,' t,-:,
and a book that tells"--,--!:.&.,. ' -
more about it. both sentL - - ' --,
absolutely free by mail. '---.------::.-22::,,,,,- -
Address Dr. Kilmer & Pomo of SvrampRool.
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous affer in this paper.,
1444444-4-1144-4-4 444-44-4-444-444
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-IK Fourth and Jackson. 4
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-k Fourth and Jackson. -0
-0( 4
-0, Tele. 530. -0
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'I, 41! t
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41:1 ;No.
1. fie Overland Rollie 99
to sod from the Pacific Coast
Tytv,,T A rilr47
,J1 ' IL
' 1 t
Two trains daily from Topeka to
Denver and Colorado points.
Two trains daily from Topek-a to
Ean Francisco and California points.
Two trains daily from Topeka to
Salt Lake City and Utah points.
Two trains daily from Topeka to
Portland arid Nori.h Pacific Coast
points, with direct, connections for
Tacoma and Seatt'.e.
Buffet Smoking, anti Library Cars,
with Barber Shops and Pleasant Read
ing Rooms. Double Drawing Room
Palau. Sleepers, Dining Cara, Meals
a la Carte, Pint-soh Liziat.
F. A. LEWIS, City Ticket Agent.
J. C. FULTON, Depot Agent
' ' L I Li
t,. , a a
" 11.1 ir
e' .N.ft
obalmt ghw 4, ho
, EVA 1 fl,:;SFEll CO.
Of. Tal. S2.3. House Tel. SS3.
F. P. BAcox, Prop.
ras-szr ASOUT bT011.10L
laest wad Ilea 1th t,o Slother &lad Child
fiuss izieen used for over FIFTY IffaA.R91
P Sl-tiEf.s3. It SOOTHEg tha
tha ),est remedy tor DIARRHOEA Solt
t.,is Druggists in every pert of the arorl,t
::f sure to ask for 'Mrs. Winslow's Sootia
pg, sl rue" and take ria etiaar aled yea
ri.ve teats &
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The Champion Is Certain of
Whipping Ruh lin.
Talks of Ilis Coming Fight With
the Akron Giant.
Jim Jeffries Hopes to Easily
Dispose of Big Gas.
Declares Ms Mighty Arm Is In
Shape Again.
New York, Jan. 8.Jarnes J. JeffrieS. the
heavyweight champion pugilist, made a.
flying visit to this city today from Bos
ton. The object of his trip was to confer
with his manager, William A- Brady, in
regard to training quarters for his con
test in Cincinnati with.Gus Ruh lin on
February 15.
"I notice," said the champion, "that
Bath lin has been making considerable
capital out of the twenty round draw he
, and fought in Sa.n Francisco in 1Sl.rT..
appears to have tried to create the im
pression that he had the better of the
contest. In doing so he misrepresents
the facts of the case. Fate was particu
larly kind to him on that occasion, other
wise he would never have got a. draw
with me. Of course I apprectate the fact
that Ruhlin has increased his knowledge
of boxing considerably since that thne
and will be a, hard man to beat, but the
fact that I have also learned a thing or
two since that battle should not be over
looked. I think that the records show
that I have learned just a bit more than
Ruhlin. Our relative status in the ring
today is convincitur proof of this. In
obtaining the title of champion I defeated
one man who, within a Reriod of six
months scored a knockout against Rnh
lin, Bob Fitzsimmons. However, the
twenty rounds to take place in Cincinnati
next month will clearly determine the
question of supetiority.'
Further a,long Jeffries said: "I am glad
I am going into the ring a.gaire- I'm dead
tired of being a, footlight champion. I
he.ve been counting the days during the
past few weeks waiting for the time to
come wthen I could go into training. Be
fore another three months have gone by
I hope to have two more victims on my
list, Ruhlin and Sharkey. With all of my
winning trio championship and putting
Fitzsimmons. Sharkey and Corbett out of
business in jig time, I've had tough luck
during the past year. That left arm of
mine kicked up a. row. The doctors etho
monkeyed around with it for me had me
guessing for some little time. I can tell
you. Let's see, what. was it they said
was the matter?
"Oh, yes, I know: something about the
membranes getting twisted or pulled
apart or something. I'm willing to con
fess now that it's all right; that I never
expected to use it again, that is, to fight
with. It would seem to mend up all O.
K., and then when I tried to use it to
'box with the first good, hard jar put it
out of besiness double quick. Since I've
been on the road I have given it the
toughest kind of tests. I've boxed with
big, rough chaps as hard as I could get
them to come to me. I've wrestled a.
whole lot, and never once has the arra
given me any trouble. That makes things
look rosy for my battle with Ruhlio.
Rosy for rne, I mean. I guess Gus will
have to look out for himself.
"I'm just a,s certain of defeating Ruh
lin as I am of eating my Oinner today.
and thats the Sriek that never gets byt
MP. I'll make things bum fer awhile.
JetYries the actor has been sent back to
the stable for a time, and Jeffries the
fighter is on deck.
Look out for him."
A Sketch of Kingston and Some of
His Colts
Philadelphia. Jan. 3.--Por the first time
in ten years the leading winning stallion
of America is owned by a private breed
ing' establishmentCastieton farm. be
longing to Millionaire James R., Keene and
son. a firm which breeds itS horses to
carry its racing colors and riot for the
market. The breeding triumphs of this
firm in 12iis) are as brilliant as were the
records made upon the turf by their 'Win
ning stable, both in England and Amer
ica, during the sea,son just closed. They
not only own the stallion Kings-ton, who
heads the winning list for li0o, but they
also owned the dead Domino, whose get
are second. Rlid thus outstrips all other
great star sires of the American breed
ing world. Such triumph has never come
to any breeding establishment. either pub
lic or private, since the brilliant days of
Woodburn, two decades ago.
King'ston as a turf performer ranked
second on the list of winning American
horses and earned 1142,52 in the eighty..
nine races won. and yet be had a. hard
time to find a home in the stud. He was
first purchased by Belle Meade farm, but
upon going to New York to settle for
him and ship him to Tennessee, M. F.
Dwyer informed General Jackson that be
proposed to race Kingston another year,
and the tratie was declared off. Then
Miiton Young of MeGrathiana secured
the refusal of him, but that trade also
fell through. Finally the horse reached
Kentucky under the care of Eugene
'Leigh, and through Leigh the ?Messrs.
Keene. w'ho bred Krngston and solit him
as a colt, uttimately bought him. Today
Ills value cannot be estimated. arid his
owners, as protection to their interests.
carry a 1:DJ's. life insurance policy on
him in a London company, which makes
him the moist heavily insured horse in the
stud in America.
Kinestons get first appearoet on the turf
In ISA, his oldest son or daughter now
being' 4 years old. The following table
shows the winnings of his get each year,
in the three seasons below summarized,
he having furnished the turf with forty
winners, that have earned V1.4,15
stakes and purse on the turf:
Largest No. of Amt
'Pear. Winner. Winners. Won.
Isi.9--Admiration 15 6:
19,4Ballyhoo Bey 116.3i-i8
Kingston's largest winner in 199 wa,s
the Futurity winner Ballyhoo Bey, the
Belmont stake winner ildrim being sec
ond on the list. Third COMeg The Lady,
who also bears tke distinction of leading
all 3-year-olds bf in the number of
races won, and her mark of twenty-one
wins ht a single season is also a worlds
record for a 3-year-old filly in races won.
King's Courier, who if4 next in line. scored
it,s winnings in England, and was after
ward aold bt auction for 126.520. the high
est price ever paid in England for an
American bred 3-year-ola.
Total of Deer and MOOS. Killed This
dIspatch from Kineo foots up the
big game record for tbe season Just end
ed in Maine at 3,183 deer and 138 moose,
a decrease from last year's record of 261
deer and one moose. These figures show
that the moose are boldyna their own,
and the decrease in the number of deer
is not as large as was expected. T-wo
weeks of December showed a very large
gain over the figures of last year--404,
against 279, a net gain of 125 deer. The
record for the closing week was 215 deer,
a gain of 82 over last year.
Greenville again leads as the record
shipping. point. Lying, as it does. at the
foot of :Moosehead lake, this station
draws from the extensive country
above. Nearly 1000 deer were shipped
from that point during the season. Pat
ten sent out over 2o0, Norcross about
2C;0, Staceyville and Grindstone a trifle
over 17(., and Millinocket, Means Siding,
West Eeboois. Schoodio. Ashland. Ma
sardis, Katandin Iron "Works, and
Brownville Junction made good show
ings. Greenville shipped 32 moose and Bat
ten 32. Staceyville, Jemptland,
bou, Fort Fairfield, (;rindsrone, Nor
cross, Ashland and Masardis occupy
proralnent places in the moose record.
The record day was October 2,2, when
1.23 deer and nine moose passed through
Bangor. The best week was the fourth,
5S6 deer and 50 moose being shippe-d out
of the state. This season's record is
some 200 deer larger than the. season
of 189S, and, with the exception of 3.85R,
the largest known.
Eetcharn Is Arranging Races For the
Coming Season.
Chicago, Jan. 3.--George IT. Ketcham
says that he will soon commence jogging
Cresceus for further record breaking ex
ploits next season. He desires to ar
range for a. series of races in the grand
circuit between Cresceus, '2:04, and The
Abbot. 2:021i, and has named Cleveland,
Buffalo, and New York as special points
for such events.
As to the sale of Cresceus, Mr. Ketch
am sayS he had but one offer to sell him
for a. fair price, and that carne from a
man in England. It la a larger price
than turf gossips said Mr. Lawson was
willing to pay for the stallion. A series
of match races between Cresceus and
The Abbot would attract enormous
crowds--the greatest of modern times,
down the grand circuit. If The Abbot
should trim the Toledo whirlwind it
would not take Mr. Scannell but a few
minutes to wipe out that $26,500 check
with a few pool tickets.
Mr. Ketcham will insist upon the races
beingthree in live. vvhile The Abbot
party stick for hut two in three. A
match well made is half vvon. The
Abbot should win, best Vivo in three, but
that Toledo bulldog is dangerous in a
three-in-five bout.
Pittsburg Will Play Sunday Baseball
Only When Convenient This Year.
Pittsburg. Pa.,' Jan. S.Treasurer Kerr
of the Pittsburg' base ball club today de
clared his intentions regarding Sunday
ball by the Pirates the coming season. It
has been rumored that if Barney Dreyfuss
Is' not re-elected president of the club on
January 12 and If Mr. Kerr takes his old
place Ett the head of the organization.
the Pirates will not be allowed. to play
Sunday games.
Mr. Kerr said there wouM be no change
so far as playing Sunday ball away front
horne is concerned, but there would be no
long jumps to do It.
"We will not play here Saturdays. jump
to Cincinnati. Chicago or St. Louis for a
Sunday game and jump back again for
a game in Pittsburg on Monday," he
Mr. Kerr would not say whether or not
Dreyfuss would be re-elected.
Confident of Securing Decision Over
JeEries in Coming Fight
Poston, Jan. 3.--"I have every assur
ance in the world that my fight with
Jim Jeffries for the championship of
the world will be decided in Cincinnati
on the date agreed on," Gus.Ruhlin said
this afternoon, after g-etting a, good rub
dovçn after a brisk sparring- bout with
his pa,rtner, "Big 1,:,'d" Martin, the Den
ver heavyweight. "I will weigh within
a pc,und or two of 190 pounds when I
face the champion and have about ten
pounds to take off before I can scale
that. I am not going to be in any hurry
about reducing. I want to be in the
finest possible condition for Jeffries, and
intend to make the fight of rny life.
"I know that Jeffries will weigh about
thirty-five pounds more than I will
when we put up our hands in Obio, but
that is not going- to frighten me any.
I fought him once and know v,-hat he
can do, and while I do not think I have
any cinch on this fight, I feel entirely
confident that I am going to get the
decisic,m No, I do not think there Win
be any knocking- out done on either side.
I know that he cannot knock me out."
Massachusetts Wheelman Rode 38,-
889 Miles During 1900.
Springfield, Mas., Jan. 3.--A century
a, day and a few miles to spare is the
bicycle record of Walter Stannarl of
this city in 1900. Stannard finished his
year's riding' just before 12 Monday
nig-ht, and retired to a Turkish bath to
celebrate the da,wri of the twentieth
century. Stannard.'s mileage for the
year was :18,SS9 miles. or an average of
106 miles a flay. Much of the mileage
was accomplished by riding- at night
About thirty men competed la,st year
for the world's record far the best indi
vidual mileage. Stannard thinks he
finished second, though his standing will
riot be positively known until the offi
cial announcement of the century wheel
men about the middle of the month.
Jeffries and Ruh lin Getting Into Trim For the Big Battle
in February. , ,
iri February.
1 .,
1 ,
, 1
I , -
1 : 1
2 1
I !
1 I
Both the principals of the coming' championship fight are bard at work
reducing weight and piling on muscle. The place where the fight will be pulled
off is at present problematical. but but beither Jeffries or Ruh lin is allow
ing this uncertainly to interfere with the striotness of his training.
Despite rough and muddy roads, Stan
nard covered 120 miles the last day. Two
years ago, Stannard rode 24 000 miles.
Last year he bettered by several thou
sand miles bis 1S59 record. Stannard
admits there is considerable exertion in
riding centuries as a steady diet, and
is not certain he will enter the list of
century competitors this year.
Devereux, a 150 to .1 Shot, Wins a
Race at Oakland Tracks.
San Francisco, Jan.- 2.Devereux,
against whom several books laid 150 to
1, took the first race in clever style out
at Oakland. Enos got him off in front
and he led all the way. Sam Merri
weather, the owner, had only $4 on the
Gold Or and Bill Garrett, the 1 to- 2
favorite, put up a sensational finish. in
the fifth race, the formet g-etting the de
cision by a nose. Many people thought
it WEIS a dead heat. The weather was
cold and cloudy, but the track was fast.
The stable of Sam Hildreth was rein
stated, the judges tjnding that Bangor
w-as injured in the race Mohday When
Koenig struck him. They suspended 3.
Miller, who had the mount On the lat
ter, for five days. Dominick, was given
five days for rough riding. Both sus
pensions go into effect after tomorrow.
Jockey Hallman has signed to ride for
Senator P. H. McCarren and Richard
Croker next season at a salary of $15,-
000. He Wi 11 continue to ride here for
Sam Hildreth until the latter part oi
March. Jockey Coburn leaves for New
Orleans next week. The suit of his
mother against Tommy Lottridge
still pending.
Cheapest Seat in the House Will Cost
a Fiver.
Cincinanti. Jan. 3.--The scale of prices
for the Jeffries-I-Zuhlin contest at Saencer
fest hall has been determined upon. The
same prices which have been in vogue
for the big contests in Madison Square
Garden, New York, will be charged. The
cheapest seat will be $5 and the best $35.
But few applications have been made for
the 35 seats, but several hundred persons
have applied for the best seats in the
hall. The tickets will be printed by a
Philadelphia. banknote firm. which will
effectually prevent counterfeiting-. The
chart will be completed within a few
days, and seats will be placed on sale on
January 15.
Match For Tommy Hogan.
Louisville, Ky., Jan. S.Tommy Ho
gan, the New -York featherweight, who
has recently returned frora a. successful
trip to England, has beetL matched to
meet the winner of the Broad-Sullivan
bout, which will take place here before
the Southern Athletic club, the night of
January 14, or in case the winner is un
able to go on, with Tommy White. Ho
gan Will fight January 21 before the
Louisville Athletic club, which was In
corporatd here today. Danny Duane
has been matched to .meet Jack Daly
before this club at some time in Feb
ruary. Coney Island Stakes.
New York, Jan 1The Coney Island
Jockey club today sent out the list of
entries for the Century stakes for the
autumn meeting of 1901. The cash value
of the stake is $10.0o0; weight for age;
one mile and EL half. The list comprises
fifty-nine horses and includes Jack
Point, McMeekin, Prince of Melbourne,
Ethelbert, Batt 2n ,Bellario, Beau Gal
lant, lidrim, Kin ley Mack, Bonnibert,
Imp. Martimas, Commando, Conroy,
Tommy Atkins, "Water Color, Sweet
Lavender, Banastar, Alvard Scheck,
Lady Schorr, Carry Herrmann, Sidney
Lucas and Ballyhoo Bey.
Hamilton Challenges McGovern.
Troy, Jan. 3.Jaek Hamilton of this
city last night deposit.E:d a forfeit and
issued a challenge to fight Terry Mc
Govern before the Crescent Athletic
club in Hartford, Conn., on February 22.
The offer is also open to Benny Yanger.
the "Tipton Slasher," if 3,1eGovern, de
clines. A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks.
Prof Roxa Tyler of Chicago, vice-president
Illinois Woman's alliance, in speak
ing of Chamberlain's Cough Rernedy,sa2,-s:
"I cuffered. with a severe cold this win
ter. which threatened to run into pneu
monia tried different remedies, but
I seemed to grow worse and the medicines
upset my stomach. A friend advised me
to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and
I found it was pleasant to tal;e and it re
lieved me at once. I am now entirely re
covered, saved a doctor's bill, time anti
suffering, and I will never be without this
splendid medicine again." For male by
all druggists.
Via "Great Reek Island Itoute. ,
Leaves' Topeka 8:10 p. rif., arriving
Colorado Springs 10:35, Denver 11:00
o'clock next a- ra
10 717.7.1q1 ,-,...., ,., ,::,7, ,,,- . ,,25311MINWOOMOMPURNMWMAMMANO, - -, , . ear
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a 1 L.,- i is im a a '-,i t 1-t)
ril- P rkT D ' -(.1 '''D P17)16 110 US E I
. - ii, -1 , N , - AJ, 1 ,,..., ,, , ';7& x
eking Company Im- 44
hip Load of Salt. FRIDAY, JANUARY 4th. . 1
Firm Gets 10,000,- LIEBLER tz CO.'S ' , , ,
ids From Lisbon. . 1.
Crest Pre !,;: -1,-,1 of flan
Calr el E'Gt4,,z:E.i! Play...
THE - :.
Lipped 5,000 Miles . ,
,4e.117;? - - ' 0 ,- -' I 0
to the Consumer 1 f 's 1--' ., ' ) -,: -1 ---io, d" ,- ..,1 ,----1'7,21 ,---1,ar''21.
, - , - -t...J , 1 i. - . 2
, --- ' 1 k,.., ." L., , :,00 ' . 1 1 I i 4
' '',' ,, --..., ; , ' ". ,. , - 1
Ilutehinson, alhout - i t 4 A ,' g i ' ' , , 4
- .,.,,''''''',..:::" ......, ... .....6. .4k.6. .;.i. C', Alit, ahr, ',...,.::01, ,,...000 4L,46. 416-4.
Armour Packing Company Im
ports a Ship Load of Salt.
Kansas City Firm Gets 10,000,-
000 Pounds From Lisbon.
Can Be Shipped 5,000 Miles
Cheaper to the Consumer
Than From Hutchinson, About
150 Miles Away.
Up to July Article IV as Worth
86.00 Ton.
Kansas City, Kan.. Jan. 3.The Armour
Packing company received yesterday the
first consignment of art order for 10,000,000
pounds of salt,.which it is importing from
Lisbon, Portugal. This consignment came
in the bulk as the ballast of a tramp
steamer to New Orleans, and was shipped
by freight from there here.
With the exception of salt for use in
butterine, this is the first that has been
imported in large quantities by the Ar
mour's for fifteen years. James Fennell,
the company's purchasing agent, said last
night that importation became necessary
because of the raise in price which had
bE en made by the National Salt company.
I:p to last July, he said, it was possible
to get such salt as was needed in the ex
clusively meat packing departments for
$350 per ton. Since then the price has
been raised to $6, and it is now found
cheaper to import from Lisbon, which is
5.0o4) miles distant, than from Hutchinson,
The idea, of importing originated in the
Kansas City plant, and the entire quanti
ty bought will be used here. This is the
first time that salt was ever imported to
Kansas City in the bulk. Hitherto it has
always been brought in sacks. Fifteen
cars are used At the Ksinsas City plant
every week.
Wichita Woman Finds It Easier to
Get Into Jail Than Out.
Wiehlta, Kan., Jan. 3.Judge O. D. Kirk
Wednesday afternon overruled the motion
of Airs. Carrie Nation's attorneys to grant
her a. new bond. The judge decided that
the matter -was no longer in his hands,
and that the sheriff was the only person
to whom a bond could be presented for
Dr. Brown appeared in the interest of
the Women's Christian Temperance union.
lie presented the bond and told the court
be wished him to pass upon it. so that
Mrs. Nation could be released from jail
Dr. Brown says Mrs. Nation is being shut
up in the cell in the county jail, which is
not a fit place for any woman. He told
the court that she wanted to get out, and
that he had secured ample bond and
wanted the court to pass upon it.
County Attorney Sam B. Amidon said
that the matter of passing" upon a. bond
was no longer in the hands of the judge,
but Sheriff C. W. Simons was the mail
to approve the bond
ATter considerable talk Judge Kirk de
cided that the bond should be approved
by the sheriff'.
Dr. Drown said that be had investigated
the case thoroughly and also the condi
tions at the county Jail, and as a. resu:t
of his investigation found no smallpox In
the jail. He said he believed it was sim
ply a scheme of the saloon men to keep
Mrs. Nation behind the bars in order to
delay the trouble which she would surely
make if given her liberty.
Mrs. Nation said today that she wished
to be released from jail at the earliest
possible moment in order that she may
continue her smashing act in the Aparious
saloons in Wichita. Today she received
twenty more letters from friends all over
the 'United States. Most of them referred
to the work she had done and. indorsed
her actions. She began at once to answer
the letters.
A Leavenworth Ensign on the Dixie
Writes of His Experience.
Leavenworth, Jan. 3.---Judge Thomas
L. Johnston has received an interesting
letter from his son, Ensig-n Thomas Lee
Johnston, U. S. N. It was written at
Na,ples, Italy, December 6. At present
he is watch officer on the Dixie, cruising
in African and Asiatic waters.
, The following is an extract from his
' "The last Sunday we were at Bez
erta, I went up to Tunis and spent the
day there. I was in company with a
few other officers and we had a fine
day of it. On the way up we passed
Arab villages, with forests of black
tents, with immense herds of goats and
horses grazing close by. It was a typi
cal North African scene: gorgeotts
gowned, fierce looking sheiks riding' by
on 'prancing horses and, lowly, Arabi
draggingalong on jack asses.
- "Once in Tunis we placed ourselves in
the hands of an English speaking guide
8.nd drove out ta the new palace of the
late bey. The palaces on Tunis are just
as they were when 'the French knoelted
ahem. down in 1680. The barem is a
queer mixturue of gorgeousnesa and
tawdy cheap., tapestry,- The buildingis
fulle of old Roman baths, statues,
mosaics and- relics of all kinde. The
mosaics which covered the floors and
walls , are the ntost complete in the
world. , ,
: "The afternocm we srent in the Arab
quarter of the town. This is separated
from - the new , French section by a
massive wall, a relic of old days. jne
side wasa bedlam. The shops of the
different -trade are gathered together
In certain Aplocks.
"Leaving Rezerta - on Tuesday, Noe
vember 21, we arrived at Corfu, Greece,
after a stormy passage of four days.
It rained all day- while ave wPre there
and I had but one opportunity to get
ashore. A party of us drove out to see
the villa. of the late Queen Elizabeth of
Austria. It is situated on a spur of a
hill almost vertically over the waten,
about IWO feet up. -
"Friday we coaled ship and Saturday
afternoon we sailed for. this port
(Naples) and arrived here on Monday.
On the way up we passed through the
straits of Messina, a,nd as it was a
beautiful Sunday morning 'we bad a
good view of the island of Sicily. We
passed into the bay of Naples in the
dead of night and old Vesuvius smoked
up already. Passing mile after mile of
old Roman villas, reminding one forcibly
of the scenes from 'Quo Vadis.' We
found the Vicksburg in port; shewas
on her way to Manila auld also , the
achoolship Topeka."
J.udge McElroy Will Establish a Law
Moe in Colorado.
Oberlin, Jan. aS. W. McElroy, for
the past four years the member of the
appellate court of the western division
of the northern department, win form a
partnership with J. C. Cole in the law
business in Cripple Creek, Colo.
Mr. Cole was a. former mernher of the
Rawlins county bar; Mr. McElroy with.
the other two members, Abijah Wells
and John H. Mahin, were holding their
last term of eourt in Topeka this week,
which court expired by act of limitation.
Mr. McElroy bai., practiced law in Kan
Crest Pre !,;:
200 Nights in New York
no Nights in Boston
75 Nights in Chicago
Prices : 25c, 75c,
Reserved Seats now on sate at
sas for the last 25 years, and was elect
ed member of the appellate coti:d in
1896. He will continue his .law office in
Oberlin, putting in a portion of hie time
in Cripple Creek. The new firm will be
McElroy & Cole.
Newsboy on Passenger Train Charged
With an Offense.
Lakin, Kea, Jan. W. Dorsey, of
Jefferson county, Ohio, stepped off the
Santa Fe passenger train No. 1 at this
place last Saturday night and failed to
get back on when the train started. He
svandered around the platform in a
dazed sort of way, and caused consid
erable consternation among the em
ployes of the depot by his queer actions.
At Coolidge the conductor on No. 1
wired back for him, and it was then
found that he had been drugged, and
the newsboy on the train had secured
his money. He lost about $26, most of
which was secured again for him by the
After Dorsey recovered from the
effects of the drug, he took the next
train for California, as he kuld a
through ticket to the coast.
C. A. Chandler Recovers $2,400 From
a Defunct Banking Company.
Atchison, Jan. 3.--C. A. Chandler, a
victim of the Kansas Trust and Bank
ing company. to the extent of about
$2,400, will get his money in full.
Throug-h his attorneys, Jackson & Jack
son, he sued the Manley estate under
the stockholders' double liability act, at
tached tbe Manley building at Fifth and
Commercial, got judgment, and bad it
sold under an execution in his favor.
The Manley estate bid it in at the sale
for $4.575. -
At this stage the Manley estate made
a motion to vacate the judgment on
the ground that the law authorizing
the atts-chment of the property of
a. nen-resident executor was uncon
stitutional. Judge Bland overruled the
motion, and an appeal to the court of
appeals was taken. This court has Just
affirmed Judge Bland, and the proceeds
of the sale, which have been tied up sev
eral months, Win now be paid over to
Pensions for Kansans.
Washington, Jan. 3.Pensions have
been granted to Kansans as follows:
OriginalSeberu S. Martin, Fort
Scott, $8.
AdditionalMilton Whenrey, Passalo,
$6; Phillip H. Schroth, Leavenworth,
$10; Thomas Lane. Atchison, SR.
Restoration rnd increaseWm. Atwa
ter, dead, Selma, S-2; Hazen C. Ladd,
Keats, $14.
Increase---Sames r Wilkinson. W'n
field, $10; John C. Darr, Magda, S10;
Isaac D. McKown. 'National Ali
home, Leaverrwortil. $9; Peter Drumm,
National Military home, Leavenworth.
$10. Charles A. Duncan, Valley C.Iter.
$10; Geck W.-Bristow, Wichita,$12; Thos.
E. Ballard, Stockton. $30.
Original widows. etc.AI-Mors of Wm.
Atwater, Selma, $10; minor of Charles
Cooper, Morton, $10; 'special act Decem
ber 18, Fannie Ashwill,' POITIOna, $8.
:ettnõra Teaohers'-Bancinet.
' .rvtniore, Kas., jam 3.--The Teachers'
, Council and Library association gave a
very, enjoyable banquet here on New
'Year's eve. This is an annual' affair
vf-ith the members of the association.
The first part of the evening was taken
up with an entertainment. after which
the' banquet was served. An original
poem was read by Ray Harlan, and the
prize in oratory vvas given to Earl Col
lins The following persons took part
in the banquet programme: Dr. A. B.
eott, the Rev. T. B. Paramore, John C.
Burns, Margaret McDermott, Albert H.
Jotin F. Brown and S. M. Hol
Barkeeper Robs Saloon.
. Kansas City, Kas., Jan. 3.--The saloon
at 546 Minnesota avenue belonging to
Edward Grubel was 'broken into by a
burglar about 5 o'clock yesterday morn
ing, and $121, the receipts of the pre
vious day, stolen. A few- hours later
Detectives Weich and Bradbury ar
rested Frank Berteh. a former bar
tender, at his home, 619 Barnett avenue.
Concealed under Bertch's bed the offi
cers found $121.
, Wyandotte County's Poor
Xansas City, Kas., Jan. 3.The re
port of Frank Albertson, commissioner
of the poor of Wyandotte county, bas
been turned in. It shows a -total ex
penditure of $4.811.02for emergency re
lief cases for the year 1900, and S107.10
for transportatioh. The largest expen
diture during any one rtiOntil was in
February, $1,063.1L and the smallest Irt
June, ;133.30.
Pastor Changes Pulpits.
Independence, Jan. 3.--The Rev. J. A.
Lonc-ston.pastor of the Christian church
at Oswega has accepted a call from the
congregation of the Christian church of
this city, and will enter upon his pas
toral duties next Sunda 3r, The Rev. Sir.
Longston is one of the best known min
isters in southern Kansas.
Independence Brick Plant
Independence, Jan. 1The Sydarnore
Vitrified Brick company commencet
work on Its new plant at Sycamore, five
miles 'north of this city, today. 'rhe
capital sitock of tiae company la $.10JAKI
iD'Pr"-)A, HOUrE
,4.061 116 3
of flan
Carloads of Scenery
$1.00, and $1.50
Rad & Grubbs' Drug Store,.
4, 4
Zlo 11. O. D0E088. L. IL PENWELL.
De405S C:
..... rilt,.......4.
! it frit' ......-- 1
: Funeral Directors
and Embalmers. i
: nrst-Class Service at reason 2
: able prices. As
lo asi Quincy St.. Topeka. Kan. 40
Te leptione s9a.
Why euffer thz
pangs of rheumatism
: ,
gives quick re,fel and 4,4t
40 0
, permanent cure.
i All Druggists. 2
Price SII.C3. 1
e .
.----- . '7r...0!1
and will be as large as any plant in de
county. It will give employment t )
about 150 men and WM have capacity
of 60,000 brick per day.
Yates Center's New MAIL
Yates Center, Dec. 3.--A special dem
onstration was made here last night at
the opening of Apollo hall by the citi
zens of this city, A special programme
was carried out. The gathering w as a
testimonial to the builder, Judge J. FL
Wirick, through whose enterprise thi.i
place is to be thankful for a suitable
place for large public gatherings. The
ball will seat 1,00 people.
Twentieth Kansas Man in Jail.
Salina, Jan.3.--George Smith. a former
member of company M, Twentieth Kan
sas, pleaded guilty to stealing an over
coat from e, Brookville hotel and was
sentenced to CO days in jail. Smith here
tofore always bad a good reputation.
Ex-Sheriff Sughrue Dead.
Wichita, Jan. 3.John Sushrue, for
nine years sheriff of Clark county, Kan
and known by criminals in the caul"!
belt as "The Terror," died at Ashland
today. Ile called for a. United Stateat
flag and held it In his grasp while life
ebbed away.
Such little pills as De Witt's Little Early
Risers are vrry ealQ117,, takon and
are wonderfully effective in clenle-ing the
liver and bowels. At all drug stores.
Cuban Custoros.
Washington, Jan. 3.The division of
insular affairs of the war department
has issued a comparative statement
showing custom house receijds at the
various ports in the island of Cuba fcr
the first eleven months of 'VIA as com
pared with the same period of the prr.-
ceding year. The statement sets frth
a total of $14.549.647 as the amount of
customs receipts from all sources for
the first eleven months of Iso0. an In
crease of $1,1.71,WO over 1699.
Most people are graror
worse their hair fades.
breaks off, or falls out be
fore it abould. The young matran of I orty see the
frost stealing into her hart or else it is losing its fres
look. or growing thus. short or faded. and rie is show
ing signs of ageing before her time. This should not be.
HAY'S HAIR41EALTH is a hair food, nounshing
the roots, forcing laeW growth. restoring freshness and
beauty, and positraely turning the gray hair btck
to ite youthful gator. Not a dye. Does not soil
snails orclothinc isnot greasy or sticky; does not rub fi
nny's Hair.licetth is a refreshing. tragTaat dress
ing, necessary to a careful toilet. Cannot be detected
by your friends. Equally good foe tato and women.
art for Bare Itatr-Ileallat and roan all givaraltaaaan
NILE. la so.1 by icaftirm tifkmtcmtsevet..,,Sesm Seta oy.
press, maw& in piala, anatittd pa 'Rage by thio Hay :,pef ,sta
tffm aammit Lafayette St,. Newark. 74. J.. lam a Ittc kat
Banana bledltatoa Soap, be-st imp fma taLat. wicfa aad
bait. Alt pa tecemat pi atm. laud tam ads
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