i i
Sloan Is First
Schorr's Colt.
in on
lil ies Joe Frey In Front of Ar
ticulate at Tanforan
ilif alrj Between Jockeys in II ace
Was Intense.
CorrJgan Wins Fonr Cornered
Contest at Oakland.
Fan Francisco. March 4. Tod Sloan
f iioted the Belvidere colt, Joe Frey, to
victory In the great 8-year-old race at
Tanforan Park and presented Johnny
l; horr, the colt's owhor, with over $1,400
us his share of the J2.000 stake.
M-noy went into the betting ring on
Foe Frey in bunt hes. Schorr and Sloan
froth nlncpj SI. 000 and Haves and Bell
l-ad S2.0"o iir.ifre dow n. There was such
. glut of yellow money offered that the
T?!' i!P!-s cut the odds from S to i 10 i
I'ffore post time, but this did not stop
i ft flow and the bookies suffered a ter
rible blow at paying off time.
The start of the rare was a pretty one,
tnd coming past the grand stand the
l.tst time there was not a head's distance
1-rtween Articulate, Telamon and Joe
Frey. who were siiehtly ahead of the
Hmnch. At the first turn Articulate
H'Hik the lead, followed a lergth behind
Jjv Telamon. Canrnore and Joe Frey.
There was but little shifting in the
jnsition of the flying squad until the
li.itsfs approached the turn into the
stretch for home, when O'Connor began
10 urge ArtiHilate, and the colt opened
;p two lengths on Telamon. They raced
J"to the stretch, with Canrnore and Joe
1 rev chasing the leaders and only a
let gth and a half away.
Down the stretch the (treat colts
Thundered, with their riders now urging
Iheir mounts to their best efforts. Ar
ticulate began to feel the strain of the
jiaoe and falter, and Burns, seeing his
cham-e, made a heroic effort to get Can
inore to the front. While the two were
righting for the lead. Joe Frey, only half
. length behind, came on l'ke a flash
find went urder the wire an easy winner
"by two lengths.
Articulate staved off Canmore's chal
lerse Ion enouah to pet second money.
Telamjii had shot his bolt rridway down
the strtch. The best horse won, and
the public rot a good line on the Cali
fornia Derby, worth 15,000, which will
e run in two weeks with the same
horses entered. Articulate was at 4 to 1
ansi Canrnore and T"lamon at 7 to 2.
3toJHng Boer was scratched.
The rivalry between Burns and Sloan
In the race was intense. It Is seldom
in his recent career that Burns has ever
ridden a race against the Schorr colors,
and his mount today was the first of
late yeHrs in which he was out to defeat
t stable that retained him for several
seasons. Burns backed his mount
aeainst Joe Frey. Despite the rivalry
of the jockeys the race was truly and
cleanly run, without a mar from the
loet to the wire.
Periwig at good odds was a surprise
in the steeplechase, beating May Boy
snii Pollueas at the end. while Lord
Chesterfield and Olinlhus, who had led
ail the way and who looked to have the
rare between them, were nowhere.
The feature r.f the card at Oakland
was the four-cornered race of the 2-year-olds.
Dr. Scharff, Rosewar, C'orri
ga.n and Louwelza. Rosewar was a hot
favorite at 1 to 2. Corrigan. who was
2 to 1. went out in front as the fcarrier
went up. and was never headed. Scnarff
closed strong in the stretch and seemed
to have steam to win, but Corrlgan re
sponded bravely to the last call and won
easily. Even JLouwelza beat Rosewar.
P.eiiick was a 1 to 2 favorite in the
fourth race, hut The Benedict was all
the best and won all the way from
Grand Sachem, fiolHrk chased them the
-v, hid route, bat could not get up. El
Tcp.s, a 9 to 1 shot, won the second
rate'. St. Rica was the best, but was cut
r ajii only managed to get the place.
The Iajt race was easy for Meehanus.
The crowd at Oakland wns only fair
and the play the same.
Boston' Third Baseman Flirting With
American League
Boston, March A Director Billings of
the Boston National League club re
turned from Buffalo this morning,
whence he had gone to secure the sig
nature of Jimmy Collins ta a National
league contract. ,
"I am satisfied Collins Is hot tied up
with the American league," said Bill-
a ai"iijw ""r jpi a
m vaW fcmar I m m Sf Jk
iron is TcnTuns,
jEezeaa is caused by aa acid humor in
the blood coming in contact with the
skin and producing great redness and in
flammation ; little pustular ere prions form
and discharge a thin, sticky fiuid, which
dries aad scales off ; sometimes the skin is
hard, dry and fissured. Eczema in any
lone is a tormentiiif, stubborn disease,
and the itching and burning at times are
almost unbearable; the acid burning
humor seems to ooze ut and set the skin
on fire. Salves, washes nor other exter
nal applications d any real good, for as
long as the poison remains in the blood
it will keep the skin irritated.
" For thre vrars I
had Tetter "on my
hinds, which caused
tuem to swe-ll to twice
t Heir tiatoral size. Part
f the tisae the,vease
wasiin the farm ot" run
ivrg sores. Terr peia-
siii. ana ctiiMtis; me
much disfflomfortFonr
doctors sai t the Tetter J.
r proarreffat-d too far s
to be cured, and they i
could do natjning for r
I took eTiy three
bottles of S. S. S noil
" fcttswas urtrea years . ,
a to, aad I Have never
"een any sign of mv old tlwiMe,"-Mas,
X. . JacasoN. 1414 McOet fat., Kansas City, Mo.
S. S. S. nettra'.Ues this acid poison,
cools the blood and restoies it to a healthy,
natural state, and the rough, unhealthy
kin becomes soft, smooth and clear.-
1'' f cures Tetter, Ery-
l , ' , ' smeliw. Psoriasis, Salt
v , Fjaeum and all skin
x 1 . diseases due to a poia-
' oned condition of the
blood. Send for our book and write ua
about your case. Oar pavsicians have
made these diseases a life study, and can
kelp yon by their advice ; we make no
charge for this service. Ait correspondence
a conducted is strictest confidence.
' 1 T "Ts
ings. "He said he could not complain
of his treatment in Boston, but he would
not sign a paper. I believe he would
refuse to sign a contract even if I of
fered him $10,000 cash."
Thre seems to be no doubt at all that
Coiiins has premised to go to the Amer
ican league. He Is now In Cleveland to
talk over matters with Somers. Hugh
Duffy has gone to the same place. Duf
fy says he, believes $15,0uu would not
budge Collins Just now. Duffy is angry
at the stand taken by Zimmer at the
meeting and said it was entirely un
authorized and would be repudiated by
the players. i
Selee waa after DIneen today. That
player got Sl.S'M) last season and Sei-?J
offered him M.400 to go back on his word
to the American league. Hugh Duffy
has put in great work for the American
league and is very enthusiastic over the
result. From Cleveland he will go t
Mount Clemens for a short rest previ
ous to the American league meeting.
Ferris, the player awarded by the na
tional beard to Cincinnati and signed
by Duffy, will be turned over to the
Boston American league club.
Pitcher Nichols ia very sore over" the
new rules. "This rule about pitchers
not being allowed to limber up after
batter has taken his place is all wrong,"
he said. "Just a soon as the side in
the field is retired the next man up st
the bat will make a sprint for the bat
ter's box and the pitcher won't have a
chance to warm up at all. If he doos
throw to an outfielder it will be called
a ball, and even if ail nine fielders are
not in their places he will be prevented
from exercising, as there is a rule say
ing that there shall be no practice on
the field between innings."
"Chic" Stahl may also go over to the
American league, and Tenney claims
that he has had an offer of J3.000. Ev
erybody here conversant with the situ
ation asserts that it will be a war to a
finish, and of necessity it will be ex
tended to other cities.
President Young has written a letter
to Tom Lynch offering him a position
on the league staff. Mr. Young is anx
ious to secure the services of his old
umpire, even if he refuses to work on
Frank Dwyer Is more than likely to be
Mr. Young's choice for the fourth plaoe
on the staff. Bmslie and O'Day will re
tain their old places. There are several
good met) looking for the fifth place
Mr. Young is supposed to make a sche
dule this season for his umpires. The
rule worked poorly last aeaaon.
Ned Eanlon Bays National League
Will Go Into Court
Baltimore, March 4. Manager Hanlon
has declared that the National League
had prepared against the jumping of its
star players to the American League,
and would not only secure injunctions
but sue such individual placers as had
anything to make a suit worth while
bringing. Manager Hanlon said:
"We expect to enjoin every player
who has been working under a national
agreement contract who jumps to the
American League, and we need not wait
until April 15 to do it either. I have con
sulted an eminent judge of Biooklyn,
and he assured me that such an injunc
tion would be granted, after having
carefully studied the contract National
League players signed last ytar.
"This will be attempted in other states
included in the National League circuit,
and the result will be that not a man
among the jumpers can play with the
Americans until the decision issues from
the courts. No matter who wins, the
legal fight ia bound to drag along until
the entire coming season has elapsed "
Jimmie Blagle and Pitcher Carrick to
Play in Washington.
Washington, March 4. In addition to
signing Catcher "Bill" Clark- of the
Boston National League club. It is stated
on good authority that Manager Man
ning of the Washington American
League team has added several other
former major league men to his roster.
One of these is "Jimmy" Slagle, who
last season played center for Philadel
phia. Another is Pitcher William Car
rick, who pitched great ball for. the New
York club last year under discouraging
circumstances. It is believed the latter
was signed for Washington, at the last
Chicago meeting of theAmeiican league.
Slagle is said to have cast his for
tunes with the Washington club as the
result of Manning's visit to Philadelphia
just before the recent National League
Pitcher Clark Griffith to Captain Chi
cago American Team.
Chicago, March 4. Clark C Griffith
one of the greatest pitchers the national
game has ever known, will wear a uni
form of the Chicago American league
baseball team, this season. Griffith, it
19 stated on the very best authority, has
already signed an agreement to act as
captain and pitch during the season and
may act as manager of the team while
it Is on the road.
This Is one of the most sensational
pieces of news that has come out of all
the different, stories that have been
printed about the desertion of some of
the players who are under reserve to
the National league teams. It taks
from the Chicago National league teaia
its star pitcher and throws to the Com
iskey aggregation a correspohdln
amount of strength, both from a play
ing and a box office point of view for
few performers of the diamond are more
popular than the clever young man who
has held his own for years with some
of the greatest batsmen In the world.
Robinson Knocked Michler Out in the
Fourth Round at Lamed.
Larnetf, Kan., March 4. ten-round
Tirirz ftcrKt u.ltH tv.,,.. i
o0 a side, was pulled off here Saturday
iui-iil uruvpen j-nti jwicmer and Nels
Robinson, lightweight professional pugi
lists. In thp ni pnono ci Vw. , imt
tatorsi. Robinson forced the fighting
wuiu in- start ana Knocked Michler
down and out in the fourth round by a
OOWerflll hlnw rn The nl,
were severely punished. Michler having
t'n ivrci up vy nis seconds alter the
"'"",u' "u cameo to Jtis corner.
Frank Brown, better known as "Brown
ie" by the sporting fraternity, acted as
Engages to Manage WashtngtoaTeam
of American League.
Baltimore, March , 4. Catcher Bill
Clarke, of the Boston National league
team, has signed to captain the Wash
ington team f the American league.
The acquisition of Clarke Is the third
from th Boston team practically com
pleted by the American league. Hugh
Duffy la already engaged to Milwaukee,
and Jimmy Coiiins Is pledged to Cleve
land. Until the announcement was made
that Clarke would look after Manning's
Waahiivgton aggregation there was not
the slightest intimation that the Boston
player had leanings toward the Ameri
can league. In fact, he waa supposed
to be very much pro-National. When
the American association was proposed
Positive Proof From Topeka Can't be
Brushed Lightly Aside.
The reader is forced to acknowledge
that convincing proof In his own city is
preeminently ahead of endorsements
from anywhere else In our republic.
Read this:
Mr. N. 11. Wolff, of 1177 North Kan
sas avenue, merchant tailor, 429 Kansas
avenue, says: I suffered from back
ache for over a. year. It started with a
tired feeling across the loins and finally
became a constant aching. I had a very
severe attack in 1S99, andhaught some
times my back would break. I could not
rest In any one position and there was
a kidney weakness, the secretions be
ing highly colored and Irregular. I went
to Rowley & Snow's drug store and pro
cured a box. They relieved me of the
kidney weakness and the pain in my
back disappeared. There has since been
no return of the trouble."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for the United States,
Remember the name, Doan'a, and take
no substitute.
Clarke was selected to establish a team
in Baltimore. It is believed that the
failure of the National league to back
up the American association caused
Clarke's defection.
Clarke's engagement to Washington is
taken to mean that the Player's asso
ciation will pay no attention to the
pledge made by "Chief" Zimmer that
the players would stand by the Na
tional league if their demands were
granted. Clarke is treasurer of the
Players' Protective association. While
he is not supposed to be yet at liberty
to sign a contract and may not have
done so, it is assured that he has
pledged himself to Washington. It is
not believed that Boston will make any
fight to hold Clarke unless the Collins
affair stirs up a general engagement
with the American league.
The Pugilist May Make England His
Home in the Future.
New York. March 4 That restless soul
of the pugilistic arena. Kid McCoy, will
again shake the dust of Go' ham from
his feet. He has engaged passage on
the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, which
sails for England next Tuesday. Mc
Coy only just arrived from abroad, nnd
was seen again on the Riallo last Mon
day lor the first time. It v. as said . at
the time that he had como back to see
if there was anything doing withCharles
As usual McCoy challenged all the
famous heavyweights and then sub
sided into obscurity.
It is possible that his welcome home
lacked the warmth he had expected, and
he became ruffled in conseouenee.
It is even rumored that, like William
Waldorf Astor, he may renounce his al
legiance to a country that fails to ap
preciate him. Among his friends Mc
Coy is known as the "globe trotter." .
Brooklyn's Star One of the First to
Come to Club's Terms.
New York, March 4. Willie Keeler of
the Brooklyn baseball club is the first
member of either of the local teams to
sign the new league contract for the
season of 1901. Keeler is a member of
the Players' Protective association, and
in spite of flattering offers would not
sign until the players' embargo had
been raised. President Ebbets an
nounced today that he had secured
Keeler's signature to a contract. It is
thought Willie, like other National
league stars, has been tempted by the
American league club owners. As he
announced at the league meeting that
he would not sign until the Brooklyn
club's contract suited him in every way,
it is probable that Keeler is to receive
an ample increase in salary.
Connie Mack After Rusie.
Indianapolis, March 4. Connie Mack,
manager of the Philadelphia American
League club, slipped into Indianapolis
for a few hours today. It is understood
S s j '
that he came to see several members
of the Indianapolis baseball colony, and
also to have a talk with Amos Rusie,
who is reported to be here, and Rusie's
father, who has always hd much to do
with the big pitcher's baseball contracts.
Mack would like to get Husie for his
Philadelphia club.
Sloan Going to England.
Kokomo, Ird., March 4. Tod Sloan ex
pressed his plans for the future in a let
ter to his foster parents here. He has
engaged passage to return to London
March 8 and will visit his old home
here en route from California to New
York early next week. Tod, who will
take a stable of runners of his own
across the water, will apply for license
to ride on the British tracks and will put
his horses in the running whether he is
permitted to ride or not. He expects to
return to America in the summer and
do most of hia riding here during; the
season. In America Tod will ride his
own horses. He will race his stable at
the Chicago tracks.
Jack Root to bo a Play Actor.
Chicago, March 4. Jack Root, cham
pion middleweight of the west, will be
the principal attraction at a vaiiety en
tertainment and ball to be given by the
Twentieth Century Athletic club at Tur
ner hall, Ashland avenue and Eigh
teenth street, tonight. Root will en
deavor to show the spectators how a
pugilist flt3 himself for battle by going
through the regular training "stunts'" in
company with his sparring partner, Jack
Steiner. He will wind up the entertain
ment by punching the bag. Moving
pictures of the Gans-McQovcrn fight will
also be shown.
American Leaguers Confer.
Milwaukee, Wis., March 4. President
Ban Johnson of the American league
and Charles Comiskey of the Chicago
club oame to Milwaukee for a t.wo
hours' confetienee with President Killilea
of the local club. Mr. Johnson said the
meeting of the league will be held in
Philadelphia March 20. He also said
the Milwaukee - association magnates
would announce officially the death of
the association within a day or two.
Tale Captain Favors League Rules.
New Haven, Conn., March 4. Capt. F.
McD. Robertson, of the Yale baseball
nine, is very much in favor of having
the college nines whom Yale will meet
this season adopt without change the
new professional rules. He believes all
college nines will welcome the reduction
in playing time. As he is a pitcher him
self he is glad of the rule that the first
two balls struck at shall be called
strikes,, whether fouls or not. .' ?
Driscoll and Judge Matched. ;
Milwaukee, Wis., March 4. The Bad
ger Athletic club has matched Jim
Driscoll of Chicago with Martin Judge
of Philadelphia for the wind-up of their
next show, which will be given March
15. For the preliminaries Alex Burke
of Milwaukee is, matched with Jack
O'Keefe of Chicago, at 115 pounds, and
Dick Fitzpatrick ot. Chicago with Kid
Neary, at 122 pounds. .-, '
Sharkey Springs a Weird Story.
New York, March 4. Tom Sharkey"
asserts he has made arrangements to
meet Jeffries at Carson City under the
auspices of Dan Stuart In. the latter part
of May, and all that is necessary to
clinch, the match is for the champion
to post a forfeit. Sharkey's money is
already up. The statement is denied by
William A. Brady. Jeffries' manager. .
Young Sandow Knocked Out.
Milwaukee. Wis., March 4.r Perry
Queenen of Milwawkee knocked out Mor
ris Jacobs (Young Sandow) of Kansas
City in the third round of a six-round
bout before the Mirwnukee Boxing club.
Kid Sayres of this city got the decision
over Alex Burke of Milwaukee in six
rounds. '
Rock Island Signs Pitcher Graham
Bradford. III.. March 4. Ceorge Gra
ham, of thi3 city, who pitched for the
Nebraska Indian baseball team last -season,
signed a contract today to pitch for
the Rock Island club of Uie Three-I
league. ' :
Goes to Southern League.
Lebanon, 111., March 4. Walker Wolf,
one- of the fastest baseball players of
this section, signed a contract today to
play with the Chattanooga team of the
Southern league for the coming season.
Wichita Has a Scheme to Help
Its Poor Teople.
Associated Charities Will Start
Filigree Patches. .
Col. M. Si. Murdock Suddenly
Taken Worse.
Veteran Editor of Eagle Feared
Cannot Recover.
Wichita, Kas., March 4. This week
the Associated Charities will give the
poor women of Wichita a chance to
work. The plans for this movement
were discussed at the meeting yester
day afternoon. Beginning next week.
two days a week will be set apart in
which needy women can come to the as
sociation rooms in the basement of the
court house and mend old clothes. For
this they will be paid in necessities. It
is the plan that in the future the women
of Wichita bring their mending to the
association rooms, where it can be done
by .those needing work. In the summer
the women will be employed in quilting.
This movement is the beginning of a
plan to establish an industrial home in
this city. Next summer those who are
dependent on the county will probably
have an opportunity to do some gard
ening. The Associated Charities will
furnish the seed to those needy persons
who desire to plant a garden, and give
such work to those who come to the
county for help.
It was reported that a woman on the
educational committee found a family
where the parents supposed the chil
dren to be in school, when they were
playing truant.
During the week the secretary of the
association, Mrs. Couch, made fourteen
calls, and gave out 48 garments. Two
tramps were fed by the association and
three children sent to the Helen Gould
home. i
During the week $28.50 was subscribed
to the work, and $21 was collected.
Police of Montpelier Refuse to Arrest
Cashier of LaCygne Eank.
Boston, March 4. The Vermont police
refuse to arrest George S. Turner, cash
ier of the Citizens' barfk of La Cygne,
Kan., who is in Montpelier, Vermont.
Mr. Turner was for many years a res
ident of Montpelier, a clerk in the store
of A. L. Carlton. Mr. Turner after
ward went to Kansas, married the wid
ow of his former Montpelier employsr
and some years ago organized the Cit
izens' bank at LaCygne. Mr. Turner
arrived in Montpelier on w ednesday.
where his wife has been residing for
several months past. She is now in a
delicate condition of health.
Mr. Turner states that the bank was
unfortunate in 1S93, making some losses
in the financial disturbances of that
year. Its capital is $23,000, and himself
and wife hold a majority of the stock.
Mr. Turner says there are no irregu
larities in the bank management. He
claims that the disturbance arises from
local political and other causes. He had
jk idea or intimation that the institu
tion would be closed, and he says it is
his purpose to return aa soon as the
condition of Mrs. Turner will permit.
J. L. Tuttle, chief of police of Mont
pelier has received telegrams from La
Cygne and Mound City, requesting him
to arrest Mr. Turner on certain charges,
but the officer has not felt warranted
to act on these requests, which nave
lacked the proper credit or authority.
Misfortune Overtakes A. J. Buckland
and He Finds Solace in Poison.
' Great Bend, March 4. A. J. Buck
land, a resident of this city for 29 yearsi,
committed suicide here by swaallowing
carbolic acid. He was 69 years of age
and has been despondent for some time
because of reverses of fortune. He came
to Great Bend in 1372 from Buffalo, N.
Y., and during the earlier days was.
prominent in business and politics, serv
ing as mayor at one time. He leaves a
wife and seven children. His oldest sou,
E. G. Buckland, residing in Providence,
R. I., is chief attorney for the New
York, Hartford & New Haven railway.
A letter left by the dead man to nis
brother shows the suicide to have bee'i
carefully planned.
Friend at Deathbed of a Companion
Expires Suddenly of Heart Failure.
Atch i9on, March 4. Two deaths oc
curred in the same room of an Atchi
son home Saturday. While at the death
bed of Harper Morgan, a young ma:i
19 years old, S. H. Sasser, suddenly
succumbed to heart disease and died
instantaneously. Within ten seconds
young Morgan died. Both men were
machinists at the Central Branch
shops. Young Morgan died of sninr.l
meningitis. Both men were fast friends,
and it is thought that excitement over
the condition of Harper Morgan was
the cause, of Sasser's sudden death.
Union Pacific Roundhouse' Demol
ished by a Midnight Twister.
McPherson, Kas., March 4. Shortly
after midnight of Saturday the wind
changed to the west and developed into
a hurricane, doing considerable damage
to buildings. The new round-house just
about completed by the Union Pacific
railroad was completely demolished,
the entire frame work being torn from
the foundation and the large timbers
used in the frame work were twisted
and broken off. No other serious dam
age is known.
Recent Lynchings Have Turned the
Wits of a Wichita Darkey.
Wichita, Kas.. March 4. Sam Miller,
a 25-year-old negro in the city jail here,
labors under a peculiar hallucination.
He imagines that he is under suspicion
of assaulting a white woman, and that
a mob wants to lynch him. He appeals
piteously to his imaginary victim not
to accuse him and avoid having his
blood upon her soul. He has been read
ing accounts of the recent lynching. In
Physicians Fear Death of Veteran
Kansas EditorIs Near.
Wichita, Kas., March 4. Col. M. M.
Murdock has grown very weak during
the past few days and his friends have
again almost given up all hope of his
life. It was given out a few days ago
that all danger was over, but last night
hia physicians became alarmed over his
continued weakness.
Died From Blood Poisoning.
Atchison, Kas., March 4. Charles A
Backus died Sunday of blood poisoning,
contracted while caring for his sister.
Clara Backus, who died here two weeks
ago of blood poisoning. During his sis
ter's illness Backus was constantly with
her, and it was while dressing a car
buncle upon her hand that the blood
poisoning inoculated in a sore on his
hand. On the day of his sister's funeral
the disease had such a grip upon him
that he was unable to attend her fu
neral, and he grew worse rapidly, until
aeatn released mm.
Bootlegger Arrested.
Independence. Kas., March 4. Oliver
Anderson, of Cherry vale, was arrested
Saturday by order of the county at
torney, charged on two counts with vio
lating the prohibitory law by boot-leg
ging. His care will be tried in the dis
trict court here next Thursday. It is
reported that considerable boot-leggmg
has been going on since the closing of
the joints three weeks ago by County
Attorney Dana, but Anderson is the only
one who has been arrested for it.
Eureka Jointist Arrested.
Eureka, March 4. Fred Wood was
arrested Saturday on a charge of sell
ing intoxicating liquor. He refused to
plead guilty and his trial will be at the
April term cf the district court. Wood
has a district court record surpassed by
few in the state, though he has nev'r
been charged with anything worse than
selling wet goods;. Wood has been
known to be arrested as much as four
times in one day.
New Oratorical Society Officers.
Ottawa, March 4. The following of
ficers were elected by the Kansas Ora
torical association: President, A. Kai
ser, Atchison; vice president, R. W. Ir
win, Emporia; secretary and treasurer.
C A. Ketch. Winfield: John Qulnn, R.
G. Banta of Ottawa and C. M. Leech of
Topeka were chosen delegates to the In
terstate meeting, to be held at Des
Moines May 2. Winfield was selected as
the next place of meeting.
Embezzlement Charged.
Wichita, March 4. Officials of . the
Wells-Fargo Express company here sf.V
that the local office is the loser by $t0i,
which has been embezzled by a dishon
est employe. Suspicion rests upon Chas.
Foulks. formerly of Topeka, who has
been for some time an employe of th
company here. Foulks left here a fe.v
days ago, presumably for San Antonio
Tex., and the police think they will be
able to locate him.
Gas Wells For Caney.
Independence, Kas., March 4. The
Caney Gas company, which was organ
ized several months ago to prospect for
gas and oil near Caney, Kas., has pur
chased a new drilling outfit and will put
down several wells near Caney. They
have drilled three wells, one of which
was a fairly good oil well. The company
has the franchise to furnish the town of
Caney with natural gas.
Funeral of a Soldier.
Wellington, Kas., March 4. The fu
neral of Russel B. Anderson, of troop A,
Fourth United States cavalry, who died
on a transport en route from the Phil
ippines, took place Sunday with military
honors. The escort to the cemetery con
sisted of company G, Seeond regiment,
K. N. Ki., and James Shields post, G.
A. R. . ,
Farmer Killed by Accident.
Independence, Kas., March 4. J. M.
Simpson, a farmer living near Dewey,
I. T., 30 miles south of this city, acci
dentally shot and killed himself Satur
day. He was carrying a big hay rake
and a shotgun, when the gun was
dropped and discharged, the shot strik
ing him in the breast near the heart
and killing him almost instantly.
Exodus to British Columbia.
Atchison, March 4. J. W. Pittman, G.
H. Brady. A. C. Pittman, Henry San
ders, S. G. Moore. James Stacev, AI
Keams and Robert Franzel, Atchison
county farmers will leave in a few
weeks for the upper Peace valley, Ai
berta, British Columbia. They will form
part of a colony of 150 from Kansas.
Loss by Fire at Formosa.
Formosa. Kan.. March 4. Tt is not
known yet whether the big department
store of Hill Enms which was ournea
Thursday night at a loss of $30,000 will
be rebuilt or not. The loss is partially
covered by insurance. The books and
valuable papers were safely stored in
a vault.
Mrs. Nation Made a Mistake at
Mrs. Nation made an amusing mis
take at Galesburg on her return to
Kansas from Peoria, which has just
reached Topeka. With a Santa Fe pass
she made the mistaice of boarding a
Burlington train. The conductor, de
spite protests, put her off at Abingdon,
where sne was obliged to wait in tne
sation until a late morning train re
turned to Galesburg. She then made a
bold attemnt to get on the Burlington
fast mail, which was just about to leave,
but was nulled back. A dray just then
passing was stopped and she was placed
aboard. The Santa Fe maii train was
due and to reach the station the dray
man forced his horses to a fast run.
Citizens were delighted at the sight of
the unique vehicle whizzing along, with
Mrs. Nation holding tightly to tne mgn,
seat. She clambored aboard the Santa
Fe train without a second to spare.
Conspiracy Against the King of Italy
Is Discovered.
New York, March 4. A dispatch to
the Herald from. Rio de Janeiro says:
The police have arrested here two Ital
ians, Gerclrra and Donati.who sent a let
ter to the king of Italy announcing
a conspiracy had been formed to take
his life.
Both prisoners denied at first that thy
knew anything about the letter, but the
chief of police pressed them until they
They said that a man named Lavec
chia, who has sailed for Montevideo
with the obiect of embarking there for
Genoa, had planned to put dynamite be
neath the Ourrinal. and exrlfwie tne pal
ace. The Brazilian authorities immedi
ately" cabled to Rome and Genoa. The
chief of police of Genoa replied that La
vecchia had been arrested.
From the Philadelphia Press !
"No," she said, emphatically, "I can
not bid you hope."
'Why not?" lie persistou. .
Well, candidly, your habits are bad."
'But if you would acknowledge me as
a candidate for your hand I would re
'Then your cnances wouid be simply
nil. You know what usually happens to
the reform candidate."
From Topeka Tuesday. Feb
ruary 13 to prl 31.
Thronsh Tourist Sleepers
without change, Chicago to
Los Angeles and San
Francisco; also chair cars.
Homeseekers traverse by this
line the rich San Oabriel
and San Joaquiu Valleys.
Santa Fe Route.
Address T. L. KINO, Agent, Topeka.
Naval Governor of Tutuila Will Try
to Reform a Depraved Savage.
Washington. March 4. Cornmandpr
Tilley, the naval governor cf Vutuil .
reports to the r.avy department und.-r
date-f Auckland February 1. that as rt
act of humanity, he has added a catir!
bal to the crew on the U. S. S. Abercmin.
He gives an interesting narrative of h.v
he came to give succor and shelter to th?
stranger. "1 have the honor," says Com
mander Tilley, "to report thnt I have 1 n
board the Abardena fer poriectlun a Sl,u
omon island native who wns found 1
the woods of Tutuila whore he had 1-eeiv
a fugitive for more than 12 years. The
man is a savage, is Very black and do- -i
not epeak any larguaee which any
on board the Abrenda can understand,
"Through an interpreter at Apia I
learned from him that he wa brought
from the Solomon islands to wt k on th-'
German plantation in Upola a long tin:;
ago; he was badly treated and that he
with his two companions ran away nn 1
got over to the Tutuila on a raft. Tin t
they fled toi the woods and remained a
outcasts. The two companions are dea...
The statement of the manager Of the
German plantation is that these m. 11
ran away over 12 years ago and that he
does not want this man returned.
"The Samoan natives assert that thi-4
man has killed some of their people, but
I hardly believe this, although he mny
have done so when he waj hard pushed
by them. At any rate the Samoan wei?
trying to kill him and I took him on
board ship to save his life. r,,.r,t.i
are cannibals ar.d he does not wish t j
return home for fear that after his lorg
absence he has bven forgotten and will
be killed and eaten. He is very indus
trious and useful on board rhip, floir,
willingly all kinds of menial work. I
have issued a ration to hi in anil recom
mend that he lie allowed to remain nn
some vessel of the navy until he carl
take care of himself."
Bishop Potter to Make Appeal For
the Poor of New Tork
New York. March 4. The ereeufive
committee of the Brotherhor d of Tailors
decided last night to ask Bishop Potter.
President Samuel Gompcrw of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor. Prof. Felix
Adler, Henry White, general seeretary
of the United Garment Workers of
America, and other prominent citizens,
to head a movement of two hundred
thousand Fast side men, women and
children for the abolition of '.lie sweating
It was decided to call a big mass
meeting to be addressed by leading citi
zens of all classes at whicn the legis
lature will be asked to adopt amend
ments to the factory inspection law
which will bring about the complete ab
olition of the sweating system in this
The members of the committee wrre
Instructed by the officers of lhe brother
hood last night to cull a convention of
delegates for the purpose of taking sim
ilar action for the abolition of the sweat-
ng system in Philadelphia, Chicago,
Boston, Baltimore.Rochester Cincinnati,
Syracuse, St. Louis ar.d Utica.
A meeting of the garment workers
trades council will be held today to take
further action in the movement started
by the brotherhood tailors. The council
has jurisdiction over forty thousand
clothing workers in Greater New York.
The greatest movement for the aboli
tion of the sweating system ever known
in this country has now been started."
said Henry Wachsrnan, leuier of tin?
brotherhood of tailors. "The United
Garment Workers of America have de
cided to back us -up in this movement.
It will receive powerful starting im
petus in this city and then spread all
over the country in all la-ge clothing
centers where strong orgar izations of
clothirg workers exist.
"Through this movement we "hall be
able to avoid a big strike of in. 000 cloth
ing workers in this city, which would
cause great suffering and ra scry among
two nunorea tnousami i-,asi side men.
women and children."
Gen. Francis V. Greene.
Who Lead the Urand lnana-n.,1;,.
; Parade To-day.