Newspaper Page Text
TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL, MONDAY EVENING, MARCEL 4, 1901. 3 RAILRO AD NEWS. New ?lissonri Pacifle Service West of Kansas City. Two Daily Paenprer Train From Kansas City to Pueblo. CHANGES IN SERVICE. Said to Hare Ueea Differences Amons Stockholders. Passenger Train Between To peka and Fort Scott. Falinn. Mnrch 4. It la reported ben? fr 'in u hat id considered a r-liable source that effective Aprii 1. the Missouri Pi--!ric will run to i.assrr,gcr trains daily t.ich direction betw-en Kansas City ar.d I'u-blo. This information is mast agrer ixo'.y received by ail towns along this route, as patrols cf the road have been tiamiiriig tor this double train service tor several years. It has been a my-t-ry to th-ra why th Missouri Pacific Fhouid give double train service to mo -it i.f th-ir 'branch lints such as the Cen tral Francis, ar.d ccutir.ue to dtfcnmi t ate ag tit -t tris line by routing :ts pas-n-p.g-.--r business n-cni St. Louis to Den ver' bv av of tne Missouri Pacific to Kansii City tfcer.ce over the Union Pa C.tir u st. Gossip, which it is hoped is unfound ed, is to the tn'et t tint a same or :'re--z--out " has U n earned cn for years amur? the st kholders, and that it xe-r has been trie m.ten fvn of pa:1 of thrtu to make this a cLvid-rid pa ins lin. It is also run. .-r-d in Topc-ka that th Missouri Pa s:lc wi!l iraufrunt new ( i.-n4r tram sert ice this spring on the Kansas. Nebraska Dakota Uivts i n t etwe, r. T"!k.x and Koit Seo't. S-veral yrirs a. j .tit; -r.s were circu lated along this asking that one I'tsser.g-r train da:iy eaii way be pat .--.. ami tr.J p- utu.r.s were sigr.-:d bv f .. h a :t r.u:ii r of i. .i!ro:;s cf tie r-ad that thi trains wore run for a t,'Hd many The objection, of c- urs. to the present s-rviee is tl,e F' jii- tim- whi-h the mixed train ir.ak--s. L-:ivu:g Topi ka at S a. m., it dxs not irach i'-rt c it until 5 p. m.. and the p-me sch- duie is eiT-ctive for the norm touiij train. Banta FeEents Union Pacific Engines Til Fanta Fe has leaded ten engines fr m the Cr.ioii Pacific. S-me time aso the tfunu F placed an order for acuni l -.r of new locomotives. i ut entrine lc:i;.-3 have t-e-n rushed wirh work E i the locomotives have not b?n de I.vereu. In the m-intime tie trafnc on tre railroads has increased and it has b- en found necessary to get additional I.-v-tive power at once. The loc motives which a"? coming from the Union Pachic havo been stored T r some time at Cheyenne Wei;s. Colo. They are of the liiriu eis:h-wheel type eiid are rr.anuiactured by the Baidwin. I'rooks and Ih--le Island companies. Z'l.ty will go into service out of Topeka, F.ailroad .Enjoins an Intruder. Atchison, March 4 In the Atchison district court today Judge Bland, upon tiie a i plication f the Atchisjn, Topelta & Sar:ta Fe ra-.lrcai. granted an in-2'.tnc-:ion Jan-.fs-A. Fpaldirg c AtchiS'-n from iid:r.e a patent rail way ti. ycle u(.on the tracka of that company. SANTA FE LOCAXS Fireman John Clark, Robert Slusser, J-'e Aliiirisiia and Frank F. .len have b-en cai.ed up I" .r promotion. Kng-ir.eer Hand has reported for wor.t after a r.rt iayotf. Train No. 2 waa four hours late yes terday. Jos'-ph Frendiove i3 laying off. Tfc- t-hop men. who are interested In basebuii. i.-.'t at the railroad Y. M. C. A. Saturday night and elected officers I--r the &an as fallows: Kmm.etc r.ippie. manager: ban Lane, assist ant an i treasurer; Jake Lew t.,ry. There are about 13 can c.uatrt! for the Kara, and the choice of t.-ie r.' n wi.'i be made short! v. Th-' bjya wul beg;n ptactice at once. RAILROAD NOTES Tr ' P.rotherhotid of Railway Trainm-n cf Junction City win give their sixth annual bnd at Junction City on Monday ev-nr.g. March i. The Ki ck Island ani Like Shore roads h ve f-.-rmahy accepted the 'rack el.-va-tion ordicano? recently passed bv the 1 hi' ao c:ty council, and the work of aoiotsni.-.g praie crossings will rrobsblv b- commence 1 wi-hin the next thirtv days. W. K. Dauc-hy. now chief engineer c-t the !:.-k Island, who was for several y-ars superintendent of maintenance and construction at Topeka. will likely t;ave charge of the entire track eleva tion. E. Rudy, formerly superintendent of HEART DISEASE. Some Facta Regarding the Rapid In crease ot Heart Trouble. Heart trouble at least among the Americans, is certainly increasing and tnis may be largelv- due to the ex citement and worry of American busi ness l::-. it is more often the result of wak stomachs, of poor digestion. Rea! oreanie disease is incurable- but rot one case in a hundred of heart trouble is organic. Th- ciose relation between heart trouble and poor digestion 13 because both oreans are controlled bv the same great nerves, the sympathetic and pneu-ii-oeastrio. In another way, also the heart is y th form of poor digestion, wnich causes gas and fermentation from t au lusested u-c-d. There is a feeling ci oppression and heaviness in the chest cauv-J by pressure of the distended etomac-h on the heart and lungs, inter ''""f their action: hence arises pa.pitatioa and short breath. F-v.r digestion also poisons, the blood. raKin 11 tbin and -attrv. which irri ta.tcs and weakens the heart. The most sensible treatment for heart trouble is to improve the disestwn and to. insure the prompt assimilation of JOO 1. Ti.s can be done bv-the reeu'.ar use f.-.-r meals of some safe. r!a-aft and e-.tective digetve preparation like Stu rt s l-spcpS;a Tablets, which may be I "uni at most drug stores, and which contain valuable harmless digestive ele ments in a pleasant, convenient form. It is sat t-j that the regular ter Kitent use of f-cuart s L)vspepsia Tablets " nme win cure anv ferm of Ftoma.-h f-oubie except cancer of the fct oma crt. FtiH sized package of these tablets sold by drurg:st at C- cents. Little b.k on stomach trcublea mtM free u. -' -f- -A- Stuart Co.. Marshall. Mich, f xvat-r service for the Rock Island and a resident of North Topeka, was here Sat uniav from Ifoboken, X. J. Hs is at pr-.-sent superintendent of water service fur the Deiawaxe, Lackawanna & West ern: Treasurer Marshall cf the Rock Island and Max Maier. sienograr.h'r in the office of Superintendent SUllwelt. spent Saturday hunting ducks near Pajtieo. ?HOH XEWTOX Hickeron. "Dick and Yocr.g, all Fanta Fe n.en. are l,t ir: rt' a a, f-ivs. A yi.L.-ir -..n cf Rii-y K..hbun of the bin ck -in -'.'a sh.-p is rerw.rted quite ill. ii.jAiird Anierfrin has i.. nii:i work in the n ucO-ine sh. p as an i pprentiee. Colonel Hrightman is sirr.e better. Mrs. !::.! ii niitn s condition remama about th-e Tum Peters 1 among- the indlsrwired and hi- brother Richard is hacoling- the iist in the battfieid B;aksrniih I. Kinnev is reported soma bercr. thoo.Kh he is iiardlv strong enough to r-sume work at present. R.-rert Graham hts resigned bi- rw-vsiti.,n in the storeroom ana has entt-red tile ma chine sh' p as an apprentice. Jesse KirV iiuff hiis 'taken the position of "cirwrmcker" undt-r Foreman Woods. Charies Tomhnsoa has lieen transferred from N-wton to rn,ise Cin. He is em ployed m the car insp. cting- department. Conductor F.. R. McLauiihim has jrone to KanMis Ciiy. woere ii- wiii protect ore of the passenger runs tor a few days. Jolirl clei-x haiT resumed ills Eosition in i the storeroom and taken the chief ci'-iKsiop o rourionouse l-jrpman. i'ranit Johnson. son of the probate i . j -. a- . is now a Santa Fe nan, taking the position in the storeroom vacated bv John O-iz- H-n Skene is also an employe in this department. FROM EMPORIA. Fireman V. TV. Ashbaugh of Topeka spr.c u day here recently. Fireman cieorge Cla rk of Wichita will do tne skihet work with the scoop for a few monies in the pool out ot here, and study breakdown on the side.- K r-rire. r Barner ami Fireman "Withers of Wellington were here the other day with enirtne l-v i-r.srinev-r t Hloughby has the svrnpathy of the raliroad coriimunity in his bereave ment. itnin the i ist tlve weeV-s both Mrs. WiiO-UKhhy's father and mother have die 1 and h-.-r sister lies ar the point of d-ath. w'nii- boi h Mr. and Mrs. Wiiiough by are uii:er the doct r s c.ire. Emrria has furmshe ? frrtv-r.ine en-gine-rs for the Sur.ra Fe l'a rifle within the last 2een year's and about ninety-five Eremeri. Engineer J. R. Jett ha? b-en assigned to trie extra board out of here. Fireman Torn Hays of Niwion, former ly ot Kmponiu s.-i-nt a day here lateiy visiin- Inspector Breen. I-'iren.t n j,'ln Inci.;-t'--r and Morean Jones have passed the examination for locorrotixe enciiieers and have left for AibUTuerjtie. ,". M.. where they wiil be assign, a t o service on the Santa Fe Pa cinc railway. i inc: ,e-.-r Al Roberts has gone to Kan sas City. He will take a passenger run from there to Wichita. YICTOHIAS MEMORIAL, A Appeal Will Be Elada to the Masses For Aid. New York. March i. The second con ference of the joint csmmittee on a Vic torian memorial has been held without a full disclosure of the nature and fcope pf the enterprise, ay3 the Tribune's London correspondent. The leaders of both political parties have exchanged vievs. and the lord mayor ct Londor, the archbishop of Canterbury and other prominent men have joined a prelim inary conference. The kirg's views have also been obtained, and the arrange ments wiil speedily be made for an ap peal to the classes and masses alike throughout the empire for a memorial commensurate with the dignity and honor cf a unique reign. Lend Salisbury, wti.we interest in po litical an'airs is waning, has come to the front as the natural leader of the move ment and he is stronely supported vy l.crd R.:sebery and Mr. Chamberlain. When the scheme hies been perfected there wiil tie a permanent organization with a full muster of the most disting--uished men, in the United Kingdom. Toys For English Children. From Chamber's Journal. The ingenuity displayed in the produc tion of penny toys is marvelous, novel ties coming out nearly every week. The foreign producers are quite niive to the fact that a child so-n tires of a play thing and wants another: so they keep up a supply cf things brieht. novel and iiisrenious. Moreover, each toy has its season. As the summer when children delight to be out of doors, the lierniacs send us musical rollers and jingling cars: and for the long winter evenings they supply novel games and intricnt puzzles amusement for many evenings at the cost of cne pen ny. Then the United States send lead pencils, wood blocks .tnd colored toy bo,.ks: the French, aoiis and tin toys, as well as ail the more expersive articles of this class. However much or little fie Oermans may have sympathized with the Boers, the toy manufacturers did not fail to profit by the struggle. They dressed dolls in khaki and caricatured M-, Kruner his top-hat and pipe were exaggerted. and his teeth extracted. Were these playthings the outcome of British malice and Knslish spite? The answer is on the toy itself: "Made in Bavaria." DeTawiu" 'Guzzler's wife isn't at a'l auperstitloul." O'Ssoaque "How do you know?" re Tar.que "Guzzler was gci ig to sign th pledge, and she said that past experience had taught her not to believe in signs." Chief Justice Fuller. Who AdirinLsp i'resi. red the Oath of Office to ient iinKiiU-.-y, - Rheumatism Catarrh, Are Blood iPtseiscs Core Free It Is the deep-seated .obstinate cases of Catarrh or Rheumatism that B. B .B. Botanic Blood Balm) cures. If doctors, sprays, liniments, medicated air. blood purifiers have failed B. Ji. B. drains out the speciric pioison in the blood that causes Rheumatism or Catarrh, making a perfect cure. If you have pains or aches in bones, joints or back, swollen glands, tainted breath, noises in the head, discharges of mucous, ulceration c-f the membranes, blood thin, get easily ured, a treatment wim B. B. B. wiil stop every sympatom by making the blood pure and rich. Druggists Jl. Trial treatment free bv addressing BLOOD BALM CO.. 1ST Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble, and free medical advice gdven. Rowley & Snow, Topeka. China's Old Method of Measuring. From Leslie's We.'kly-l Many travelers returning from China have commented upon the apparently singular lack of knowledge cf the dis tances across theii country or between their towns that exist among the Chi nese. If at otte town you inquire the distance to the next you may be told that it is twenty li (one-third of a mile), but upon arriving at the town you wiil be surprised to rind the distance back to the town from which you have just come is twenty-four li. and that the cost of journeying back again is corre spondingly great.: 1 than the cost to go to it. This peculiirity also etxends to distances between towns by river, the distances up stream being from 50 to 100 percent, greater than aowrt stream. The cost of travel and transportation in the different directions bears the same re lation to each other as the distances. The confusion which has thus arisen has been incomprehensible to foreigners. The Chinese measure distances not by rule, but by the amount of physical en ergy required to traverse them. Their wage is based on a unit of energy, the amount that it takes them to carry a given load, one picul cne li. on level ground. If the roau from A to B is down hill the distance is regarded as less than the actual linear distance because it is supposed to take less energy to travel in that direction: or, as the Chinese say, "the li is short." It naturally follows that in traveling in the other direction. 2 it '..' !"'. ' "'"' ? " - WILLIAM from B back to A. the road being a gradual ascent, a greater expenditure of energy is necessaiy. "The li is long," and in order to get a fair compensation for their work the carriers must see that the distance a 4 the charges are corre spondingly Increased. With this expla nation what has often appeared a va gary cf the Chinese becomes simple and reasonable. BEYOND THE PALE. From Casseil's Magazine.l '$Of course, you quite understand that I shall call upon Mrs. Whiffler for your character," remarked Mrs. Tag getly t othe girl she had just engaged. "Certainly, m m," replied the girl, "al though I would rather you didn't, for Mrs. Whiffler is so eccentric that she is no talways to be relied upon." "In what way is she eccentric?" "She insists that her husband is quite a model father and husband, and that her children have never caused her a moment's anxiety." "H'm. not much in that." "Then she says that she is perfectly content with ore new dress and one new hat each season." "H'm, she is eccentric, then!" "And. finally, she has never attended a bargain sale, and says that the only thine-s sold at them are the women who buy!" "Oh, the woman's mad! I shan't trou ble her for your character; you can come in when you like!" Tor Infants and CMldren, Us Kind Yea Hava Always EcjgM Bears the yZS-JT Signature of WCzfTV. jT IN CULBEliSOX'S NAME. Somebody la Traveling About and Borrowing Money. Washington, March 4. Ssnator Cul berson n Texas, has been very much annoyed by the actions of a man who is traveling about the country and borrow ing money upon the representation that he is either the senator himself, or the &enators brother". Letters have been re ceived from various places in the state of New York and from Chicago .r.d Louisville representing that recent cal'.3 i have been made upon prominent people j by the individual in question. He Ire- quently selects lor his victims ex-mem bers of the house of representatives who knew the senator's father there and ap pears to have no difficulty in seourii fair sized sums from them. Senator Cul berson says that he has only one broth er. Robert C Culberson, who resides in ban Antonio, Texas, and that he (tn? senator) has not been traveling recently. He asks that friends of his advance no money to others in his account. Training the Sight. - - From the Hor-:tal. Lord TVolseicy having lately remarked upon the good sight of the Boers as one cause at least of their good shooting, and having ascribed this good sight to its constant exercise in the open air. Mr. Bru deneii Carter has pointed out that it is not merely a question of open air but cf the training of the sight upon things that are afar orf and difficult to see. "Vision." he says, "like every other nerve function, must be cu'.tivate-i for the attainment of a high degree of excellence. The visual power of London children is not cultivated bv their environment. They see the other side of the street in which they live, and the carts rd omnibuses of the thoroughfares. They seareeiv ever have the visual attention oireeted strong ly to ar.v object which is difneuir to see. or which subtends a visual angle ap proaching the limits of vi-tiality: hence the seeinir function is never exerted to anythitier lite? what should be the extent of its powers. With -a country child the case is widely different." Mr. Carter would like to see a place g.ven to excel lence of vision among the various physical qualifications which are habitually tested by competition, and for which prizes are awarded Within a padded cell ha shieks. The law Has placed hirn there mid awful forms that grope. Born of a drink-crazed brain; for once he saw A drop cf water "neath a microscope! M'KINLEY. ANXIOUS TO GET IN. Steel Companies Make Applications to the New Trust New Tork. March 4. It has been learned from a well informed source that circulars signed by the directors of each of the companies which are to be taken into the United Steel corporation have been prepared and will be sent out at once to the stockholders these cir culars stating the terms offered by J. Pierpont Morgan & Co. for each ex change of the stock, adding that the signing directors have agreed to turn in their holdings on those terms, and ad vising .the other stockholders also to consent to exchange their rhares for stock of the hew corporation. It is reported that several additional steel companies are desirous of being taken -into the new combination. Their names axe not mentioned, but it is hint ed that among them are the Tennessee Coa! and Iron company and the Scloss Sheilleld Iron and Steel company. Both are southern companies. In financial j circled, .however, as weil as in the trade. it is relieved that the F. S. Steel cor I poratiiin wiii not for the present, at ! least, absorb any companies other than those . already accepted by the under writing syndicate, although it is said that the American Bridge company may come in at sense future date. Nell "Maude ts very susceptible." Belle "What's the matter with her now?" Neli 'Somebody told her she was a remark jbry striking girl, ad she immediately went and bought a punch ing bag." "This talk ae-ain-t monarchies makes te tired, "exclaimed the emphatic board-' er. "Kings and queens are all right." "Tes."remarked the cheerful idiot, "pro- vided there axe no aces out against them." The fellow who biows his own horn is not alwavs the test musician in the band. He "Let us get married and live in a flat." She "Are you serious, or just a flatterer ?" . MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES FTiOII hai:sas CITT. No-. 2 leaving Kansas City 9:53 a. ra. is solid -restibulel train to SS. L9ui?, consisting' of Smokin car, Day coashaa, Raclining Chair ear ( Sata Free) aacr Pullman Parloi- car. Connections at St, Louia unioa depot wiia eastern lines for Nsv York and Atlantic coast points. Lt. Kansas City . . 9 :59 am " " 9:15 pm - u 1:10 pm 10:45 pm 6:55 am " a 9:55 pm 10:SOaa " 10:50 am " " - 8:5 5 pm -mm 2:25 m " " 9:55 am " 7:00 pm Ar. St. Louis . u - Ar. Omaha. ... Ar. Lincoln... Ar. Joplin.... , F. E. 5IPPS. Ticket Igeat, Topeka, POINTED PARAGRAPHS. From the Chicago News.'". Nothing resembles yesterday so much as tomorrow. Truisms are usually too self-evident to be palatable. The pace that kills is not the pace of the messeger boy. Riots never feed hungry men nor fur nish work for the unemployed. The wise man gives words, but he keeps his thoughts to himself. - A c-ober man when drunk is as stupid as a drunken man when sober. The letter "e" is the beginning of every end and the end of everyone. An empty discourse and a solid one are much the same they are both sound. A wise man sees but does not Interfere with that which does not concern Iiim. An international air is one assumed by the man who thinks he owns the earth. Printers seldom take cold probably be cause they axe accustomed to damp sheets. Savs a female lecturer: "The men hold the reins, but the women tell them which way to drive." Tr isn't- npcesarv for a srirl to be an athlete to enabie her to jump at an offer of marriage. A St. Louis politician having been ap pointed "inspector cf sewers" consulted the direetorv for the purpose of locating ail the dressmakers in the city. From the Chicago News. The wheelwright shouid never get left. Trying to cut your own hair is shear nonsense. No woman's waist can compare with the waste of time. Nothing rattles a timid belle likfe an engagement ring. A volume of smoke brings tears to the eyes of every reader. Th man who blows his own horn is merely a self -entertainer. The letter "i" is always in visible, yet it is never out of sight- An old toper says it's the drinking be -tween drinks that hurts a fellow. Marriage? is like any other disease; while there is life there is hope. It's a. great pity that some animals can't tain and a greater pity that some men can. Sometimes a young lady shows her dislike for a mustache by setting her face against it. It is not the false teeth that are most objectionable; it is the false tongue be hind them. Instead of waiting for his ship to come in a man should charter a tug and to out to meet it. An Irish orator speaking of his native land said: "Ireland's cup of misery has been overflowing for years and is not v;t full." In Zululand the women fill their mouths with water in order to keep si lent. In America they fill their mouths with tea and gossip more than ever. GTJAJKER KEj?LECTION3. From the Philadelphia -Record.! The seeds of discontent may, cause mental appendicitis. The bill poster may not be superstitions, but he believes in signs. It is better for the prima donna to lose her diamonds than her voice. When a man indulges in a war of words he must shoot off his mouth. Any pawnbroker will tell you that you can't raise money on a coat-of-arms. No. Maude, dear: there is no similarity between a matrimonial agency and a match factory. If hell is paved with good intentions the sidewalks mast be crowded with painless dentists. Some women seem to thmk that the live Hi ' ... . . 1 :,. i .'i - . i 'J . i j " - GREAT PARADE PASSING THE CAPITOL. L v. Kansas City. Isa. , 6:05 pm , 7:10 m ,10:f 5 pra 7:0 am . 6:50 pm . 6:15 am , 6:25 pm . 7rG3 pm . 6:35 am . 8:45 am . 4:00 pm . 1:53 am - '""JyB DHV CiGIB3' - .g aar 6-615 riARS.AVE. Colored Dress Goods Department. A line of Plain Light-weight Flannels, all wool for Spring Waists has just been placed on 00f Vfl our counters in all the spring shade3 at J CHALLIES in half wool with silk stripes, and all wool with and without stripes. New Light Weight Golf Suitings Many new weaves for Suits and Dresses in all spring colors, such fabrics as Prunellas, Granites, Kerseys, Venetians, Read's Canadensis, Landsdownes, Brabant Prunella, and Redona Crepes. Black Goods Department. In medium weights we are showing Crepe Cloths, Tailor Cheviots, Drap d' Almas, Lizards, Melro3e, Pru nellas and Granites. See our 50-inch Waterproof Serge, and 40, 45 and 50-inch shrunk and Sponged Cheviot In lighter weight Blacks we have Tamise, Marvel lita, Voilies, Columbine, Nun's Veiling. Colored Silks, Silks, Silks. Elegant line Foulards, 24 inches wide 75c S1.00 S1.25 S1.50 Yari Complete assortment Wash Silks, QCp ff I nfl Cords and Stripes ZU LU O I .till Black Silks. Warranted Black Satin Duchesse, Black Peau de oie, Black Alma Royal, Black Satin de Leon, Black Taffeta, Black Gros Grain, Black India, Black Armure, Black Surah, Black Brocades Dots, Stripes and Fancies. i Get April Designer and Standard Patterns. news of the day is to be, found death notices. in the Siliicus "Did you meet any social lions at Mrs. Highflier's?" Cynicus "No; only a few young cubs." Scribbler "Do' you write your verses on a tvpewriter?" Scrawler "Heaven forbid tha't 1 should grind out machiL made poetry." Mrs. Muggins "I wonder If these men who write jokes about matrimony have ever been married?" Mr. Muggins (with great emphasis) "Certainly notl" Hoax "Did you ever notice that trolley motormen always give funerals the right of wav?" Joax "Certainly. Why should n't they observe the funeral rites?" It was after the domestic tiff. "I really have nothing to live for." complained the wife, "You furget my life insurance,"' remarked - the husband!, who was, of course, a brute. The actress who gets a divorce Is apt to get married once more. And then Cupid shouts till he'a hoarse: "Encore! Encore! Encore!" When a woman watches a crowd nf boys at play, she is expecting every minute to see one or two killed. When a married man goes to see his folks, his wife looks for signs upon bis return that they have poisoned Hia Mind. Some people never repeat the compli ment they hear of you, because they - '' 1 ? . i, Ar. Carthag 8:07 ara " " 3:23 pra " - 1:5 am Ar. Little Sc5s.... 755 -pra " " .... 7:95 am Ar. Hot Spring. ...10:33 ara Ar. St. Jos or. a 1J:'20 ara " - 1:14pm - " " 8:25 pm a 7:43 mm 7:00 pta 9:40 pm 6:40 am 9:40 am 8.-O0 am 10:50 am 6:00 pm 6:10 am 2:25 am &:55 am IL C. TGiHSED. G. P. & T. 1. SL Lcals, Zx think you are conceited enough already. After a man has protect -d for wek and months rainst his daughter's mar riage, he is compelled to pay for an ex travagant wedding outfit. and to ) through the laxce of giving her away at the satar. v A member of th? Atcbwon school boaj-ri admits that while m-mUri pretend t.. sympathize with a mother whose son ha been (iogired, they ready admire tin teacher who did it, and wouid like to raise her salary. The mother has th school board bluiTed. though every mem ber knows that her son U a very unruiy boy. The babies are beginning. Judge it i zn has received a letter from an ft year old girl threatening him because M-s. Nation was sent to jail. Still, her int ! lect is as well developed as that of th women who are abusing the Topek judge. A man stnod on the streets this morn ing whose face indicated such wretch edness that pasa-ers-by turned to jive him a second look of sympathy. His eyes were fuil of sorrow, ami he looked as if on his way to be hanged. It was found that he is visiting in town with fi!s wise, and that while she wants to stay sj-c weeks, he is already tired out with twi days of it. wants to gn home, and per. J all his time watching the trains move out, aith a wild yearning in his eye that is pitiful.