Newspaper Page Text
rf 4 LAST EDITION. EVENING. TOPEKA, KANSAS, APRIL. 26, 1901. TWO CENTS. Hisi.,,-: RID AY EVENING. i! S (til -it" HEAD LIU Startling Ending to the Execu tion of Thomas Ketchum For Holding Up and Robbing a Train in New Mexico. HE CALLED FOR MUSIC. Last Honrs of "Black Jack' Ketchum, the Bandit. Guarded by 20 Armed Deputies Throughout the Night. WRITES TO M'KLNLEY. Sajs That Men Confined at Santa Fe Are Innocent. Tells Who Were the Partners in His Crime. Clayton, N. M., April 26. Thomas E. Ketchum, alias "Black Jack," the train robber, was hanged at 1:21 p. m. The rope broke but the fall jerked his head off. 'i Clayton. IN", jr., April IS, Twenty armed deputies were on guard all night at the jail here in anticipation of an attempt to rescue Thomas E. Ketchum, aliaa "Black Jack." the train robber who is condemned to be hanged between "10 a. m. and 4 p. m. today, but if any friends of the bandit are here they have made no demonstration. Hundreds of armed men, many of them cowboys, from the surrounding country, are in town. Sheriff Garcia has decided to hold the execution about 1 p. m. Ketchum received the ministrations of a priest this morning. He ate a hearty breakfast, took a bath and said he was ready to die at any hour. At 11:30 a. m., he called for music. A violin and a gui tar were sent for. Ketchum talked for over an hour with visitors cooler than any who met him. He declared death preferable to im prisonment. Ketchum told of robberies in which he was concerned, but declared that he had never killed a man and had only shot three. He said that he was not "Black Jack" and that that bandit still lived. Ketchum refused to give names cf friends ftiil at liberty. Bet-ides giving a full account of the Steins Pass robbery, exonerating the Ketchum said that Bud I'pshaw was Ketchu msaid that Bud Upshaw was innocent of the murder of A, P, Powers In Texas, of which he is accused. This killing, Ketchum said, was the result of a. conspiracy to which he was a party. "BLACK JACK'S" CAREER. Thomas Ketchum, alias "Black Jack" was the most noted desperado of the southwest. Although he boasted of hav ing taken the lives of many fellow be ings, yet he finally paid the forfeit w-ith his own life for an attempted train rob bery in which nobody was killed .Thi3 crime was committed near Foisom, X. 3,1. , August 16. 1399. Single handed. Black Jack held up a Colorado and Southern passenger train. He ordered the engineer and fireman to uncouple the engine and leave the train. The conductor and mail agent opened fire on him, which he promptly return ed. He received the contents of a double barrelled shotgun In his right arm, but quickly changing the rifle to his left shoulder, he succeeded in wounding both conductor and mail agent. He then escaped in the darkness but was captur ed the next day. He was tried for as sault upon a United States mail agent and sentenced to ten years in the peni tentiary. Then in September, 130, he was tried on the more F-erious charge of assault upon a railroa.d train with, intent to commit a felony. He was also con victed on this charge and sentenced to be hanged in November last. The exe cution was stayed until 11 arch by an appeal to the territorial supreme court which affirmed the finding of the lower court and in March a reprieve was grant ed until April L'6. "Black Jack" was said to have been the leader of a band of outlaws who committed many train robberies and other raids in Texas, New Mexico an 1 Arizona. This band has been scattered since hia arrest. Seven or eight have been killed, three are in jail and the oth ers have been driven to the mountains. LETTER TO 2TSINLEY. In Which Black Jack Strives to Clear "Innocent" Men. Denver, April 26. A special to the Post from Clayton, K. 2,1., says that Thomas E. Ketchum mailed the follow ing letter to President McKinley this morning: Clayton, X. M.. April 26. To Ilia Excellencv. the President of the United States. Washington. Sir: Being now at the town of Clay ton awaiting my execution, which is set for this day and realizing the import ance to the liberty of other men and the duty which I conceive to be incumbent upon myself standing in the presence of death, where no human aid can reach me, I desire to communicate to you by means of this letter some facts which I deem wiuld be of interest to people through their president and perhaps be the means of liberating innocent men There are now three men in Santa Fe penitentiary serving sentences for the robbery of the United States mail at Gtein's Pass. Arizona, in isi7, vis.: Leon Albertson. "Walter Huffman and Bill .Waterman, and they are as innocent of the crime as an unborn babe. The names of the men who committed the crime are Dave Atkins, Ed Buliin, Will Carver, Sam Ketchum, Broncho Bill and myself. I have given to my attor ney in Clayton means by which articles taken in said robbery may be found where we had them and also the names of witnesses who live in that vicinity who will testify that myself and gang were in that neighborhood both immed iately before and after the robbery. The fct that these men are Innocent and are suffering, impels me to make this confession. While you cannot help and while I re alize that all efforts to secure to me a commutation of my sentence have Ig-nally failed. I wish to do this much In the interest of these innocent men o, so far as I know, never committed erime in thir lives. I maka this state- merit, fully realizing that my end Is fast approaching and that I must very soon j meet my Maker. T. E. KETCHUlt TOP QF THE FLOOD It Has Not Yet Been Reached at Cincinnati. Cincinnati, April 26. The top of the flood in the Ohio at this place has not yet been reached. While there was a rise of only two-tenths of a foot between 5 o'clock yesterday evening and 2 a. m. today the rise between 2 a. m. and 5 a .m. today was three and a half tenths. The decline, when it begins, will be slow, as Huntington, W. Va., this morn ing reports a fall of only half an inch in 24 hours. Many of the residents of the flooded district, especially tenement houses along the river front will not be fit for habitation for almost a week. In thi3 respect Newport and Dayton, Ky., and other towns across the river have suf fered very much. At P.ipley, Higginsport, Manchester and other small points on this side of the river the condition after the flood is very serious as they have been practically under water for some days. Owing to the short duration of the flood as well as the fact that it is below the record of seven other Ohio river floods, the damages along the valley are compara tively small. The greatest sufferers are those who have been thrown out of work, or driven from their homes. No lives have been lost except by accidents. There is no indication of a further rise and less apprehension is felt over the results of the high water in the lower Ohio valley. CONGER ON LOOTING. Says American Missionaries Need Ko Apology. San Francisco. April 26. In reference to the accusations of looting made against missionaries, United States Minister Conger, who arrived here last night, makes the following statement: "The Americans have a larger num ber of missionaries out there than any other nation, and I am frank to say that under the circunstances there are very few things which the missionaries have done, if any, for which there need be any apology whatever. The stories of their looting are false, to my knowl edge. "Believing that our government would not demand a monetary indem nity for the murder and pillaging of native Christians, I advised them that wherever they could make a settlement themselves with the villages where those murders or destruction of proper ty had taken place, to make them on their own responsibility. Li Hung Chang and Chang Yen Mao suggested that settlement might be made in this way with the least possible friction. There are not going out and compelling the people to pay anything. It is alto gether voluntary on their part. "The missionaries have been criticised very severely for going, immediately after the siege was raised, into aban doned houses for shelter for themselves and the native Christians who had been expelled from their homes." ; I said: 'If there is a boxers' habitation 'abandoned take possession of it, so you can have a place in which to shelter and take care of the native Christians.' " Speaking of the siege, Mr. Conger, said: "It took every white man we had to stand by the guns. Without the mis sionaries the legation would not have been saved and without the native Christians none of us would have been saved. The missionaries were not the prime cause of the trouble; they were only one of the causes. The missionaries were not responsible for the building of the railroads or for any of the other foreign innovations against which the hatred of the boxers seemed to be di rected." SHORTS SETTLE. Buy Their Corn From Phillips For the Purpose. Chicago, April 26. Following the ex ample set by corp shorts yesterday a number of smaller traders settlea with Phillips. Phillips: to whom they had sold their corn at a lower price was the only man from whom they could get it in small lots. He sold about 100,000 bushels today between 4Sc and 4SH. The market was less excited today and fluctuations comparatively narrow. In answer to an inquiry as to his attitude towards the market for May corn Phil lips said: "I have not closed out yet and there are several millions of May corn still coming to me." RECEPTION TO CONGER. Citizens of Des Moines "Will Honor Minister to China. Chicago. April 26. A special to the Tribune from De3 Moines, la., says: The Iowa executive council today passed a resolution granting to the cit izens of Des Moines the use of the state house for a puhiic reception to Edwin H. Conger, minister to China, who has arrived at San Francisco and will arrive in Des Moines in a few days. The state house has never been used before for a reception to other than state officers and retaining soldiers. A special train of 12 coaches w ill leave Des Moines for Council Bluffs on the day of Minister Conger's arrival in Iowa. Governor Shaw, Adjutant Gen eral M. H. Myers and other state offi cials will make up the reception com mittee, with Major Hoyt Sherman, only surviving brother to the late John Sher man, and 5 prominent Des Moines men. Several hundred people from point3 all through Iowa will make the trip to Council Bluffs on the Conger special. TRASTIC APPEAL. Frenchmen "Urged to Build the Pana ma CanaL New York. April 26. A dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser from Paris says: All of today's Paris papers contain three columns of a passionate appeal to French men to build the Panama canal. It is an obvious advertisement signed by the dis tinguished engineer Phillipe Bunau Va rum, well known in the United States, who himself contributes S400.OJO. The ap peal is based upon patriotic and practical grounds. A cheerful and hopeful effect has been produced in Paris by this unex pected appeal. Wrork of RemoYing the Corpses From the Debris At the Scene of the Explosion at Frankfort-on-the-Main. MANY STILL MISSING. All Night Long the Firemen Fought the Flames. Number of Injured 150 Seriously. Many Frankfort, April 26. By 11 o'clock this morping SO bodies had been recovered from the debris at the electro-chemical works near Griesham, but there are still many missing. About 150 persons were Injured, many of them seriously. The work of lighting the flames proceeded throughout the entire night, though the danger of further explosions was regard ed as averted at midnight. The search of the ruins continues. The scenes which occurred throughout the night were most distressing. Villagers and survivors were groping about the ruins in search of relatives and comrades and endeavor ing to recognize in the charred bodies or dismembered and mutilated corpses the Identity of missing friends. The flames burned out Marx & Mueller's chemical factory and a part of the Griesham color works. A number of children who were hurled by the explosion into the river Main were drowned before the rescuers could reach them. Several firemen are among the victims. A special train with relief firemen and additional doctors and nurses, was sent to the scene of the disaster this morning. A number w ho, it was feared had perished, reported themselves this morning. FRESH OUTBREAK OF FLAMES. Frankfort, April 26. Noon There was a fresh outbreak of the flames among the ruins at Griesheim, which revived apprehension, and after the ex plosion of a great benzine reservoir at 11 o cIock this morning, orders were is sued that all persons In the village of Griesheim and its vicinity must vacate their premises forthwith. The inhabitants fled, panic-stricken, with such possessions as they could hastily collect, most of them going to Frankfort. Even the llremen, sal vagers and soldiers left the scene of the disaster. The railroad service to Griesheim is suspended on account of danger. During the panic this morning a num ber of women and children were thrown down and trampled under foot. The danger of fresh explosions neces sarily retards the drawing up of a cor rect death roll, but the latest reports do not indicate that this is so large as was at first reported. LAW SUIT THROWN IN For the Man "Who Buys the German Ship Gildemeister. Portland, Ore., April 26. The Oregon ian this morning says: The man who buys the German ship Gildemeister in San Francisco next Monday will undoubtedly secure a law suit along with her unless claims now pending in this city are settled in the meantime. It is also highly probable that the ship may be brought to Port lapd for repairs. The only people aside from the underwriters and owners who have a tangible interest in the Gilde meister are the parties who had the ship under charter at the time she was dis masted. The underwriters and owners who have apparently worked In full Harmony in the condemnation proceed ings overlooked this claim of the char terers, but the speculative public who have something like $115,000 at stake on the matter have not lost sight of it and it is reported have made an effort to secure the charter for the purpose of fighting the case. There is considerable money at stake on both sides and if she can be brought to Portland and repaired for one-third of her value the charterers will insist upon a reconsideration ami investigation of the condemnation pro ceedings. I Carl Browne as Mrs. Nation. Fort Scott, Kan., April 26. The debate between Carrie Nation and Carl Browne, widely advertised to take place last night at Convention hall, has been offi cially declared off. Mrs. Nation failed to materialize. At last accounts she was In jail at Wichita and unable to give bond releasing her for the engage ment here. Mr. Browne addressed a fair sized crowd on one of the street cor ners, taking both sides of the debate, and appeared in costume to represent Mrs. Nation in displaying her side. Shah in a Bad Way. Berlin, April 26. The Cologne Ga zette's St. Petersburg correspondent tel egraphs that the condition of the shah of Persia is becoming worse. His liver and kidney affections and difficulty of respiration are assuming more acute forms. The correspondent also says con siderable excitement exists among the population of Teheran because of the heavy taxes recently imposed upon meat and other food stuffs. No Word From the Crew. Philadelphia, April 26. The three mas ted schooner Emma Knowles, Capt. Rogers, from Charleston, S. C, for Fall River, which was discovered capsized yesterday off Atlantic City, passed Hereford life saving station at 9 o'clock this morning in tow of an unknown tug heading for the Delaware breakwater. No tidings of the crew have as yet been received. Killed by Electric Shock. Omaha, April 26. A house mover named Owen H. Little working for Con tractor H. W. Barnum was electrocuted this morning at 4 o'clock at the corner of Twenty-fourth and Dodge streets. With a companion he was endeavoring to remove an electric wire which be came attached to the roof of a house, which was being moved. The insulation of the wire was worn away and Little received a shock which ended his life. Falls Galena, Kan. year-old son of while playing shaft in North this afternoon. Down a Shaft. April 26. Eddie, the 13 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bush, around an abandoned Empire, fell into it, late The shaft was over forty he sustained a fractured other injuries that will feet deep and skull, besides prove fatal. ODD FELLOWS IN KAN. CITY Topeka Sends a Delegation of 500 to Participate in Festivities. Today the Odd Fellows are celebrating the eighty-second anniversary of the founding of the lodge in America, at Kan sas City, and 500 Topekans are in attend ance. A s Denial train bearing the Toueka dele gation left over the Rock island this morning at S:30. A large number went to Kansas City yesterday in order to be on nana tor tne negtnmng or me iesuvuies. The Topeka people win return tomorrow. Bandits Secure $350 on Georgia Central Train. Were Unable to Open the Ex press Company's Safe. Macon, Ga., April 26. The express car of the Central of Georgia railroad was robbed between 12:20 and 1:20 o'clock this morning, by two men who boarded the train at Macon. The car was going through from Atlanta to bavannah. Some time after the train pulled out of Macon the two men who had secreted themselves in some way, entered the ex press car and confrontea Express Mes senger J. N. White. They seized and bound him hand and foot and threw a sack over his head. They then went through his packages and secured about SiuO, Put lett a l,uuu package lying on tne floor. The safe resisted their attempts to open it. When the train reached the village of Gordon, twenty miles from Macon, the robbers dropped off. The messenger was uninjured when discovered by the conductor. Detectives and com pany officers are now scouring the coun try. The men are supposed to be two suspicious characters who were seen hanging about the union depot for two days. Two nights ago Messenger White observed two men closely watching his car at the station ana oraerea tnem away. CALLAHAN IS CHANGED. Well Dressed, Shaven and Has His Hair Cut. Omaha, April 26. James Callahan is a different looking man now from the James Callahan arrested two months ago, charged with the kidnaping of Eddie Cudahy. He appears in court well dressed, his hair carefully combed, and clean shaven, with the exception of a moustache, which has grown out so much during his confinement as to de ceive the average .witness. B. K. Mun shaw, who lives near the Melrose Hill house, was the first witness called this morning. He identified the picture of Crowe as that of a man who came to his house iioout three weeks before the kidnaping and wanted to know who owned the Schneiderwind house. Munshaw said he told him, and the man came back later and said he had rented it and paid $1 down and would pay the balance when he moved in, the following Monday. Munshaw testified that he saw Crowe there on the day be fore the kidnaping and talked with him again, and the latter said he would move in the next Monday. Munshaw added that on the night of the kidnaping the dogs barked late in the evening, and he went out by the wall and saw a buggy or spring wagon drive past and draw up to the steps of the Schneiderwind house. He was down hill from there and the parties were outlined against the sky. The night was dark, but he could see the outlines. He saw what he thought were two men go up the steps and into the house and he thought the parties were moving in some of their goods. Crowe, Munshaw testified, was accompanied by a wo man, when he called the first time in a buggy and inquired about the house. Detective Savage was recalled. He testified that he talked with Callahan at Fourteenth and Douglalss streets about three weeks before he was ar rested. Callahan claimed that he was going to work switching for the C, St. Paul. M. & O. road on the following morning. ' ' They talked about Pat Crowe and the kidnaping, and that Callahan expressed his belief of Crowe's innocence, and said that he had taken Crowe with him to his sister's house and introduced Crowe to her as Mr. Johnson. This, Callahan said, was just before the Northw-estem train robbery when Mrs. Kelly was living in Council Bluffs. Sav age testified that later Callahan ad mitted to the chief of police that he had introduced Crowe to his sister as John son. He testified that Callahan said he could not turn up Crowe, and that he would not if he could. Geo. Wittum identified Callahan as a man who passed by his house on the day before the kidnaping, between 12 and 1 o'clock. He said he and his wife both watched the man while he trav elled 200 or 300 feet, and until he passed out of sight. BANKER IN TROUBLE. Tried to Pass Customs Officers With a Iot of Jewelry. New Tork, April 26. John Curry, a banker of Windsor. Ont.. who arrived on the steamship Teutonic, is in trouble with the customs authorities because he did not declare jewelry worth in the neigh borhood cf $2,500, which he says he was carrying to the Canadian relatives of a friend who died abroad. The pieces of jewelry and their esti mated valuation are as follows: One soli taire diamond bracelet, $1.0o0: two opal diamond bracelets, $Go0: one gold bracelet. $25: one sapphire, pearl and diamond brooch, $125; one diamond and opal brooch. $2(: one diamond ring. $200, and one turquoise and diamond ring. During the voyage Mr. Curry entrusted the jewelry to the care of the purser, and when the steamship reached her dock he asked the purser to keep the jewelry a day or so and he would call for it. The purser declined to do so unless it was de clared. So Mr. Curry deposited the jew elry in his pockets and said nothing about it, although he declared two pieces of baggage which will go to Canada in bond. Customs Inspector Donahue detected the jewelry, which was sent to the appraiser's stores. At Deputy Phelps' office Mr. Curry showed by papers which he had with him that the jewelry belonged to an estate and was entrusted to his care to be de livered to relatives in Ontario, and was told that it" he had only declared the jewelry it could have been sent through in bond. An application has been forwarded to Secretary Gage, giving this statement of the matter, and the opinion was ex pressed that the application would be honored. Medal For Engrlebart- New Tork, April 26. Tonight on the steamship Kaiser Wiihelm der Grosse. Captain Engelihart will have pinned to his coat a medal given by the Volunteer Life Saving association. The medal will be his reward for conduct during the great Hoboken fire last summer. Captain Kngellhort rescued men from the ill-fated steamships Maine, Aile and Bremen. ROBBED THE CAR. TOLSTOrSAPPEAL Letter Addressed to the Czar and His Cabinet. Voices the Sentiments of Mil lions of Russians. A DEEP IMPRESSION. Is Created Throughout the Muscovite Empire. The University Situation Has Grown Suddenly Worse. Berlin, April 26. The National Zei tung today prints Russian special cor respondence which contains another version of the letter Count Leo Tolstoi, April 10, addressed to the czar and cab inet. The letter protested against the system of forcibly suppressing intellec tual and political progress and coun selled the liberation of the peasants from despotic treatment, the removal of all barriers of enlightenment and the free profession of any faith. The letter concludes: "This appeal have I, Leo Tolstoi, written; not as a personal conviction, but as the conviction of millions be longing to the Russian intelligence." The correspondent asserts that the letter has made the deepest impression throughout Russia. The Cologne Volks Zeitung prints a St. Petersburg special which says the university situation has suddenly grown worse. From Moscow university word has been given to persist In passive opposition until all the sen tenced students have been pardoned. The Vorwaerts publishes a joint pro test from the proletariat to the world bearing the signatures of the leaders of the socialist movement, including those of the United States, dated from Brus sels, against the brutalities of czarism. HURTS OKLAHOMA WHEAT. Farmers Talk of Burning Fields to Kill the Green Pest. Guthrie, Okla., April 26. The Oklahoma wheat crop is in danger of being exter minated by the green louse that has ap peared in indescribable numbers. The pest has not been identified in name. Old wheat growers say that this is the first time they ever saw it. It is green in color and resembles a kind that infests rose plants. Very few fields are un touched. The damage is such that the farmers are talking about burning their fields in hopes that the ground could be used for some other crop. The insect seems to be going north and has already reached the Kansas line. DYNAMITE A BANK. Thieves Secure $4,000 at Brighton, Mich. Brighton, Mich., April 26. The bank of G. A. Baetke & Co. was entered by thieves early today, who dynamited the safe and secured about $4,000. The force of the charge damaged the interior cf the bank. The loss to the bank is cov ered by insurance. ; MUD PUDDLE SAVED HIM. Santa Fe Painter Thoughtlessly Bawed Off His Support. John Stafford, a Santa Fe painter, fell sixteen feet Thursday, without being hurt in any way. Stafford was working on a scaffolding constructed of two-by-fours, and without knowing it sawed off one of these pieces. He fell into a mud puddle under the framework and had to be helped out, unhurt. Frisco to Let Contracts. St. Louis. April : 26. Contracts will be given out in a few days by President and Oeneral Manager Yoakum for the exten sion on the Texas lines of the St. Louis & San "Francisco system. The gap be tween Sherman and Fort Worth, estab lishing direct connection with the recently acquired Fort Worth & Rio Grande line, will receive first attention. The short line connection between the 'Frisco and tne Memphis line from Miami. I. T.. will likewise be constructed at once. In Texas the intention is to extend the 'Frisco system in an air line from Brownwood to the Rio Orande border, looking to di rect connections for the chief cities in the repulbic of Mexico. Gen. Ludlow Has Consumption. Manila, April 26. Owing to his Illness, the appointment of Brig. Gen. Win. Lud low to be military governor of the de partment of the Visayas has been re voked. A board of surgeons has made an examination and report that General Lud low suftered rrom an attacK or grip ana localized congestion, which has developed into a dangerous case of tuberculosis. General Ludlow will return to the United States by the first transport. Will Edit Her Paoer in JaiL In writing to a friend in Topeka Mrs. Nation says: "We all four expect to have to go to jail. I can edit my paper just as well in jail, so have all my mall sent here at once." Continuing she said: " Ibelieve when my friends realize that I have to pay the expenses of my paper by going out and lecturing they will subscribe and help me out. You know that I have not had any means to carry on The Smasher's Mail. I can edit as good a paper in jail as ont, and you can attend to its mailing." Mercury llises to 80. There is a likelihood that the present warm weather may be succeeded by colder days. The maximum for today up to noon was SO but the forecast sent out today is "fair tonight. Possibly showers and colder Saturday." The minimum for today was 59. The wind has been south blowing 20 miles an hour. I Rescuer Himself Silled. Peabody, Kan., April 26. Joseph Chaney. near Burns, Marion county. while attempting to stop a runaway team with two women in the buggy yes terday, was knocked down and run over and killed, ills back was broken. Weather Indications. Chicago, April 26. Forecast for Kan sas: Fair tonight, possibly showers and colder Saturday; south to west winds. AMERICANS BUTCHERED By Order of the New Leader of the Filipinos. Manila, April 26. It is reported that the rebel general, Cailles, ordered eight American prisoners to be shot April 21, the same day on which he condemned to death Col. Saxicio, one of his staff offi cers and Senor De La Rosa, a wealthy native, who had refused to contribute to the insurgent fund. Sancio escaped. The others were tortured and then butchered. Cailles, who is now lurking in the mountains of Tayabas province. Luzon, proclaims himself dictator and successor of Aguinaldo and announces his intention to continue a war of ex termination. It is said that Cailles was born in Pondicherry, India, his father being a Frenchman and his mother a Hindoo. It is also asserted that he formerly registered as a French subject In Ma nila. He is a typical guerrilla leader, cruel, able, reckless and unrelenting. Aguinaldo denounces him, disclaiming responsibility for the previous atrocities of Cailles and declares that he never is sued orders contrary to the rules of war. STOLEJIpAFE. Burglars ilob an Anaconda Sa loon of 810,000. Anaconda, Mont., April 26. A most au dacious robbery was committed hero early today by two burglars, who secured $10,000 in gold. The burglars entered the Alaskan saloon by forcing the main street door. Bodily picking up a 300 pound safe they loaded it onto an express wagon. Driving outside the city limits they broke the safe open and secured $10,000 in gold. Putting the broken safe back into tho wagon they started the horse toward the city and made good their escape. ALBAUGH ON ISSUES. Resubmission Will Not Be One of Them. Morton Albaugh, chairman of the (Re publican state central committee, is em phatic in his prediction that resubmis sion will not be the issue in the next state campaign. He not only declares that In his opinion, the Republicans will not take it up, but challenges the Democrats and Populists to do so if they went an other drubbing. He said that the state battle will be upon national issues, being a continua tion of tho policies now in vogue and responsible for the present prosperous condition of the country and side-iseuea that may arise through the incidents of the present administration. "Republican platforms are made by Republican conventions, and I earv not foretell what it will be," eaid Mr. Al baugh. "But my judgment ia that the party will not declare for resubmission. Prohibition is not a party question. .Both parties are divided on it. "I don't believe the Democrats will dare to declare for resubmission. Under the new election law the Democrats and Populists must get together in order to win. Last year the Fusionists polled in round numbers 160.000 votes, of which according to my estimate, 100,000 were cast by Populists and came largely from the rural districts and large numbers favor prohibition. There is probably a larger per cent of the Popuiists who fa vor prohibition than there is of the Re publicans. The Democrats won't dare to put resubmission in the platform. If they do we will whip them bad. The question will be dealt with by both par ties as it has been in the past. "Resubmission is not the most Import ant issue. We Republicans believe we have given the state a better adminis tration than the opposition gave it. The battle next year will be preliminary to the fight of 1904. The forces will be lined up for the presidential conflict. "The issues in 1904 will be squarely up to what they have been and are now from a Republican standpoint. There will be a continuation of the policies that have given the country its present prosperity. Of course we cannot tell what the issues may be from a Demo cratic standpoint, I am not qualified to speak from that view but I firmly be lieve that Democracy will abandon free silver and Bryanism. It will go back to the old Democracy of Cleveland's day. They will rail against the trusts and knock on everything the Republicans do. Our next state campaign will be fought on the line of anticipating these changes." 10,000 ODD FELLOWS Attend the Celebration of 82nd Anniversary of the Order. Kansas City, April 26. Over 10.000 Odl Fellows from Kansas and. Missouri are in the city to attend the interstate celebra tion of the eighty-second anniversary of the founding of the order. A. C. Cable, of Covington, O., gTand sire of the I. O. O. P. of the world, arrived this morning, and was escorted from the depot to the Coatea house, where he later rn-ld a re ception. At noon a street parade of sub ordinate and grand lodges of the two states passed through the down-town streets, led by the Patriarchs Militant. Members of the Rebekah lodges, which will hold a separate gathering, followed in carriages. In addition to the high lodge officers of Kansas and Missouri, the grand mas ter, H. C. McCreery, and the grand sec retary, J. M. Norman of Colorado, took part in the parade. The line contained big delegations from St. Xouis, St. Jo seph and Springfield, Mo., Topeka. Osa watomie and other points in Kansas, to gether with a half do; en . bands from neighboring cities. This afternoon a band concert was given at Convention hall, fol lowed by addresses by prominent officials of the order. PECK TO THE ELKS. Eloquent Ex-Kansan InTited to Speak at AnniTersary. The Tcpeka lodge of Elks will cele brate the tenth anniversary ot , the lodge's birthday next week. George R. Peck, who was a charter member of the order in Topeka has been invited to be here and attend the cere monies as a guest of honor and to de liver an address. ET OH uAY 6. Li Populist Party's Fate to Da Then Decided. Secret Invitation to Democrats Is Included. GUARD TERMS CLOSELY Proposition is For a Coalition In Common Cause. Will Then Decide Whether There is to lie More Fusion. The Populist state central committee has called a meeting to be held in To peka on Monday, May C. The course of the party is practically settled upon a straight ticket. It is now necessary to thrash out the details for the future. The following statement has been issued by the committee: "Ninety-three per cent of the letters received in answer to the queries pro pounded by the state central committee are in fabor of putting a straight Peo ple's party ticket in the held next year. The other seven per cent are in favor of all Kansas Populists going into ties Democratic primaries and taking pos session of the machinery of that party. "About one-half of the writers say they would favor the formation of a new party in the state, provided all the re form elements could be united under its banner; otherwise not. "All of the writers, with two exception?, are in favor of direct legislation and eighty-two per cent of them favor mak ing it the paramount issue in the next state campaign, by emphasizing it as the only way to get public ownership of public utilities; to stop the corruption of legislative bodies and to secure genuine rule by the people. Ten per cent think it should be an issue but not the para mount one. Eighty per cent think it should be an issue and possibly the par amount one but are at present unset tled in their minds as to the latter point. "These letters may be safely accepted as an index to the sentiment throughout the state. The columns of the Advocate have been opened impartially to all ami we have given to the minority far more space than we have to the majority, in proportion to their numbers." The business that is to be taken up in committee includes the setting aside of half a dozen designs that have been of fered from which a party ballot symbol is to be chosen by the rank and hie by referendum. There will be considera tion of the biennial election and fusion laws also. The committee will formulate a proposition to the lemoorats to come in with them. Just what the nature of this proposition is or will be ia not known. It will be a secret proposition up to the Democrats, anyway, and b left to them to decide or publish. It will probably invite them to come in to their mass convention, which is to be hel I next summer, and is expected to pre scribe that they come in converted or stay away. UNDERBID ENGLAND. American Concern Secures Contract For India Locomotives. New Tork, April 26. The World says! An American concern has secured tho contract for locomotives recently ordered by the Calcutta port commissioners, de spite active Kurnpcan competition. Tim Indian authorities invited bids in the open market for nine locomotives. The lowest British bill wns that of Nellson. ReiJ e. Co.. of ;las?ow. Their price was i pounds, ngainst the T'ittsburg Ijimmnilvfl company's bid of 1.378 pounds for eacii engine. 1 he I'ittsburg com nan y also of fered quicker deliverv, undertaking to fulfill its contract Inside of six months, while the shortest time given by l.irilisil builders was nine months. The Calcutta officials accepted the tender of the Amer ican eompanv. This is the, lirst contract for locomotives Americans have secured abroad through lower prices. Previous contracts have come to this country be cause of prompt delivery. The locomotives ordered are of the eiuht wheel, tank type, weighing about i'7 ton each. They will be used for rmuimg heavy freight from the Calcutta docks. TOO LAKGE AN AK31Y. Colorado Department Commander Op poses 100,000 Ken. Denver, Aur. 2G. The Rocky Mountain News this morning prints an interview with Gen. H. C. Merriam, commander of the department of the Colorado, in which he is quoted as being opposed to a large standing army. ( According to the interview, the general said: "As to the regular army, thf number decided upon by the "Washing ton authorities is quite enough. AVe Io not need 100,000 men in the regular army. What we do need is a small and) thoroughly drilled, disciplined and equip ped body that is not afraid to work ami is ready for any emergency. A lazy soldier is a bad soldier and It would be a menace to the country to fill the post with thousands of men with nothing to do. Oilicers and men should be kept constantly employed and they are then kept out of mischief. We have no need of a large standing army." Revenue Receipts Decline. Washington, April 20. The mnnthlr statement of the collections of intermit revenue show that t he total receipts for March. IMrt. were 24..74. a decrease as compared with March-. !!. of J-'. Tie! receipts from the several sources of rev enue were: Spirits. S't.72;M'i. increase f-i,-8t7: tobacco, 91.. decrease t-.:i; fermentd liquors. $S.Wo.Mt. increase $;7!i, SWi; oleomargarine. $1XS.74, decrease $..., 2H7. Special taxes not elsewhere enumer ated. tZi.Xit. increase J2.1iX. Miscellaneous. J-i.oa5.77ti. increase !!.r.l!i. For t lie last nine months the receipts were .T.'.s.r."5 Jes than for the corresponding period lat year. 4 Eberla For Treasurer. William S. F.berle has announced th-it he is a candidate, for countv treasurer. He is a promising young man. and has ppent most of his life in Shawnee county. He began to "shift for himself" at !.". and now at the ae of .2 he eniovs the po sition of deputy county treasurer, ile is industrious, faithful and thorough. For nine vears he handjed the tax department of the Trust Company of America. H has always been identified with the Re publican party machinery, having been captain of the Topeka Flambeau ilub for six years. Few candidates enter a cam paign better equipped than he. Killed by Indiana New Tork. April 20. A Herald dispatch from Rio Janeiro says: Reports irotii Maranhao say that Indians attacked tht Christian setlements in that Brazilian state, that a light ensued, and that L ..i Christians were killed. Ko official- re- tiort has been received.