OCR Interpretation

The Topeka state journal. [volume] (Topeka, Kansas) 1892-1980, November 06, 1901, LAST EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

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Daily edition, delivered by carrier. 19
cems a. wr-eit 10 any " 1 (
BUDUrDS, (II at tne oaiitc 1' '
Kansas town, where the paper baa a car
rier systejn.
By mail, one year
By mail, three months ............... '
Weekly edition, one year -JJJJ
Saturday edition of dally one year 1-W
Topeka State Journal building. 800 ana
311 Vanrierbilt Bldg.
Paul Block. Mgr.
Business Office Bell 'phone 107
Reporters" Room Bell 'phone 677
Th State Journal Is a member of the
. , a n a t. thn full
ASSOCiaiu x re ctuu j t v v , -j
day telegraph report of that great news
organization lur hxuumvo x.w
litvtt ion in Topeka.
The news is received In the State Jour
nal building over wires for this sole pur.
pose, busv through the entire day. A
complete copy of the night report la alio
The time had come when nothing
would save Tammany from defeat.
The election In Greater New "Fork was
a notable victory for the friends of good
Even Spain forces restitution by the
government which harbors abductors of
Spanish children.
Old lines are again drawn, and Ken
xucky and Maryland swing back into
the Democratic column.
While Boss Croker was beaten in
New York, Boss Gorman seems to have
Won a decisive victory in Maryland.
Florida Times-Union: The man of the
world judges the character of a com
munity by its public improvements, no
tably the parks.
Poor old Philadelphia and the entire
state of Pennsylvania for that matter
will continue to flounder in the mire of
political corruption.
The slow rate at which bonds are
coming in response to Secretary Gage's
latest offer indicates that the country
is not so badly in need of cash as it
was supposed to be.
It is reported that the Santa Fe is
about to erect a new passenger depot.
Now is the time for the Commercial
'club to take up and agitate the matter
of a union station.
The time is coming when the country
roads will be such that rural mail de
livery can be made on bicycles or au
tomobiles and the farmer need not wait
much longer for his letters and news
paper then the man in the city.
American farmers and stock breeders
have an excellent opportunity to make
money for some years to come by em
barking in the business of breeding
horses for the use of the British army
in Afirca. England pays a good price
and is likely to be in the market as
long as her money holds out.
If Dewey or Schley had been sent af
ter Miss Stone they would have had her
at home by this time and that without
petting foot on European soil. It might
have cost more than $110,000, but there
would have been something to show for
the expenditure besides the probability
that it would never have become neces
sary to do it again.
The principle of extending govern
ment aid to fairs has become so firmly
fixed that it is not surprising to note
that the promoters of the Pan-American
exposition contemplate asking the
nation to reimburse them to the
amount of $3,000,000 on account of losses
sustained by reason of small attendance
and large expenditures. There is an
abundance of money in the treasury
and it is not at all unlikely that con
gress will be found In a yielding mood;
if not this one then the next. Let a
precedent once be established and it
will not take long for the habit to be
come as firmly fixed as that of grant
ing a subsidy to every city that ap
plies for one for the purpose of giving
a. show.
A certain Indiana man was arrested
for the one hundred and seventieth
time in fifteen years last Wednesday.
During that period he has spent 1,439
days in jail and has cost the county
In which he resides just $661.65. One
hundred and thirty of his arrests were
for drunkenness. The unfortunate man
is 65 years old but in appearance is
not over 45. The man is believed to be
a record-breaker in his line and War
saw, the town where he resides, chal
lenges any place of approximately
equal population to produce a citizen
who has as high a score of arrests to
his credit. The authorities of Warsaw
should be able to tell the remainder of
the country what god has been ac
complished in those 15 years.
IFrom the Atchison Globe.
'A third person always tells.
In ery disreputable story you find
the vi ord Love.
Tou'd be surprised if you knew what
people say about you.
When a fool keep3 his mouth shut,
he is not known as a fool.
Bill Moore has been talking in Atchi
son thirty years, and isn't through
It is said of an Atchison man that he
has done every mean thing except play
a. bagpipe.
Some people call the performance by
a ten-twenty-thirty dramatic company
an "opery."
Every time & man receives an express
package, he says the other man agreed
to pay the charges.
People say things every day that
they shouldn't, and hear from it a
nUb gr two later.
Ware of Applause Greets Close
of Banner's Argunieat.
Washington, Nov. 6. At 3:23 p. :
Mr. Rayner closed his argument for
Admiral Schley.
Admiral Schley was in tears as he de
livered his peroration. A wave of ap
plause swept over the room as Mr.
Rayner concluded. The court then ad
journed until 2 o'clock tomorrow.
During the passage-at-arms between
Capt. Lemly and Mr. Rayner, the for
mer accused the latter of attempting to
traduce the reputation of an officer.
This, he said, he had no right to do.
"And you," replied Mr. Rayner, "have
no right to traduce the reputation of
Admiral Schley."
While Mr. Rayner was discussing the
testimony of Lieut. Commander Potts
before the Schley court of inquiry this
afternoon he said that the commander
had said that he always was "scared
in battle." Capt. Lemly protested
against this language, and a sharp ver
bal encounter between the two occurred
when Capt. Lemly said that Mr. Ray
ner was unreliable.
""You." replied Mr. Rayner, "are not
onlv unreliable, but you are offensive."
Admiral Dewey interfered to say that
the court would consider all the testi
mony that Lieut. Potts had said that
he was scared but that Mr. Rayner had
stretched the testimony a little. There
was. however, no occasion for ascerbity.
Capt. Lemly then said he regretted hav
ing made the remark and Mr. Rayner
continued his speech.
Referring to the Hodgson controversy
CaDt. Parker said that he really De-
lieved Hodgson desired to tell the truth
but unfortunately he had told a ctir
ferent story every time he had opened
his mouth. Capt. Parker said he did
not know how the alleged controversy
over the danger of colliding with the
Texas arose except from the story
which had been told by the captain of
the Iowa. The speaker was very sar
castic in his allusion to Capt. bvana
alleged statement regarding the damage
he had done to the Spanish ships. Capt.
Parker concluded with a glowing tribute
to Admiral Schley.
Mr. Rayner began his argument at
11:25 a. m. He paid a compliment to
Judge Advocate Lemly and his assist
and, Mr. Hanna, for the "most judicial
impartiality with which they have man
aged this case."
Mr. Rayner made a plea for the con
sideration of Questions from what was
at that time Commodore Schley's point
of view.
"Let us," he said, "put ourselves in
his place and see what the circum
stances were. We know now what it
would have been wise to do."
Discussing dispatch No. 7 known as
the "Dear Schley" letter, Mr. Rayner
contended that the order conveyed in
that message made it incumbent upon
Commodore Schley to remain at Cien
fuegos. He declared that this was the
key to the whole case and that it did
not admit of any other construction
than that Commodore Schley should re
main at Cienfuegos..
He declared that Admiral Schley was
the victim of an unfortunate combina
tion of circumstances that left him in
total darkness as to the loca
tion of the Spanish fleet.
Concerning the question of coaling at
sea, Mr. Rayner read the testimony of
several witnesses to prove the great
difficulties such a task involved. He
said that all they wanted to prove was
that Admiral Schley was honest when
he informed the department of his in
creased anxiety regarding the -coal sup
ply and that he acted according to the
dictates of his own conscience.
He was prepared to prove that one ship
could not have followed the Spaniards
six hours and have had enough coal to
return to Keir West. -
Coming to the reconnoissance of "May 31,
Mr. Riiyner contended that it had been
Commodore Schley"s chief intention to
develop the Spanish land batteries and in
this, he said, he had been eminently
successful. He claimed that the man who
was in command at such a time should
be given great discretion, for he must
necessarily know more of the situation
than the gentlemen who make out battle
plans at norne on charts with compass
and lead pencils and direct other people
thousands of miles away how to tight a
Mme. Wu Says Chinese "Women Are
Dropoing Old Practice.
San Francisco, Nov. 6. Fashion is
less capricious in China than in any
other part of the world, but. even there
a sentiment is growing in favor of al
lowing women's feet to grow to a larger
and more nearly normal size than has
hitherto been the practice. In China
the small foot has been for woman the
mark ot artistic caste, but it seems a
change is coming, slowly of course, as
all changes come in China, but percep
tibly. This on the authority of Mme.
Wu, wife of the Chinese minister at
Washington, who has just returned
from a visit to her Oriental home.'
For Wales Hospital Fund.
New York. Nov. 6. The exhibition of
Prince Chiggi's Botticelli, which is now
owned by Mrs. John L. Gardner of Bos
ton, has opened in London for the benefit
of the Prince of Wales hospital fund in
the Colnaghi gallery, says the Tribune's
London representative. The critics unite
in pronouncing it one of the Botticelli's
most charming works, the background of
hills and river being considered as beau
tiful as the Madonna herself and the at
tendant angel, but the process of judi
cious renovation is regarded with signs of
The cause exists in the blood. In
vhat causes inflammation of the
mucous membrane.
It is therefore Impossible to cure
the disease by local applications. ,
It is positively dangerous to neglect
it, because it always affects the stom
ach and deranges the general health,
and is likely to develop into consump
tion Many hare been radically and permanently
cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It cleanses the
blood and has a peculiar alterative and tonie
effect. K. Long. California Junction. Iowa,
writes: "I had catarrh three years, lost my
appetite and could not sleet). My head paiaed
me and I felt bad all orer. I took Hood's
Sarsaparilla and now have a good appetite,
sleep well, aad have no symptoms of catarrh."
tSoOtSQ fJTFI fit J ft
Promises to cure and keeps the prom
ise. It is better not to put off treat
mentbuy Hood's today.
OVER 75,000.
Chairman Dick's Latest Esti
mate of Nash's Majority.
Columbus, O., Nov. 6. Chairman Dick
at noon gave out the following:
"We have heard from 53 -counties, S5
still being out. These 53 counties show
net Republican gains over the election
for governor two years ago of 27,175,
which added to Nash's plurality in 1S99
makes a Republican plurality of 76,738.
Cuyahoga county is among those not
yet reporting and that county is still
claimed by the Republicans although
the Democrats claim it by 73. But
with Cuyahoga as a stand off, the net
net result would be a loss to Nash.
"Jones carried Cuyahoga county two
years ago and Nash had 13,914 ov?r
McLean, deducting this from 76,;38,
Nash's plurality in 53 counties would oe
62,827. Then if the other 34 counties
maintain the ratio of the 53 that, are in
the plurality for Nash will be over 75,
000 and probably over 85,000 for the rest
of the Republican state ticket.
"With Cuyahoga county conceded to the
Democrats the Republicans havt 21 of the
33 state senators and 70 of the 110 repre
sentatives, with a probable increase
when the other 34 counties have re
ported." Since noon Chairman Dick, on the per
centage oi gains, estimaieu tne j-i miss
ing counties, and this indicated that com
plete returns mav make Nash's uluralitv
over 85.000 and the rest of the ticket con
siderably above that figure.
Cleveland, Nov. 6. Complete election
returns from Cuyahoga county give
Nash (Rep.) 31,741; Kilbourne (Dem.),
32,010. Kilburne's plurality, 269.
The Democrats elect their entire leg
islative and county ticket with the ex
ception of Hatfield for judge of the
common pleas court, who is defeated
by Phillips (Rep.) Phillips' plurality is
Cincinnati, Nov. 6. Unofficial returns
received here from 81 of the 8S counties
in Ohio show a plurality for Nash, Re
publican, for governor, of 55,248. The
seven counties not heard from gave
Nash two years ago a plurality of 5,878.
Assuming that this plurality will be the
same this year Nash's total plurality
in the state would be 61,126.
Claims of Maryland Democrats on
Joint Legislative Ballot.
Baltimore, Nov. 6. Chairman Van
devir, of the state central committee,
when asked if he had any confirma
tory reports as to the alleged Demo
cratic victory in AUeghany county,
said he had not.
"I am prepared to believe It, how
ever," he added, "and will be mighty
glad if it proves correct."
Asked for his figures on the general
assembly, Mr. Vandiver said: "We will
have a majority in the general assem
bly of six on joint ballot and will have
no difficulty in organizing the lower
house. This estimate does not include
Cecil county, which we are inclined to
concede to the Republicans."
Later advices from Allegany tend to
confirm the reports that the Democrats
have mad5 sufficient gains there to give
them a fair chance of securing the legis
lative delegation, at least in part. It
is regarded as certain that Lewis. Dem
ocrat, has been elected over Roman. Re
publican, for senator by about 200 ma
jority. Whether the missing districts will
alter this result remains to be seen.
At Republican headquarters in this city
the defeat of Roman is conceded, but it
is claimed that the rest of the legisla
tive ticket is elected. The Republicans
also claim gains in Talbot. Cecil and
other counties, which they assert will give
them 40 votes in the lower house and en
able them to organize it. They are in
clined to admit the election of Isaac Loeb
Strauss. Democrat, in the Second legisla
tive district of Baltimore, where he ran
ahead of his ticket. Several precincts are
still missing in that district and it is
possible that they may elect one other
Democratic candidate there.
Not a word has been heard from St.
Marys and Prince Georges counties as
yet. Both are close counties, with Re
publican tendencies.
Letter ReceiTed Dated Oct.
toy U. S. Consul.
Washington, Nov. 6. The state de
partment received a cablegram from
Consul General Dickinson at Constan
tinople saying that he had received a
letter from Miss Stone, the missionary
held by brigands for ransom, lated Oc
tober 29.
Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov. 6. The brigands
having Miss Ellen M. Stone, the Ameri
can missionary and her companion,
Madame Tsilka in their custody were
in Bulgarian territory near the Turkish
frontier last week, according to author
itative intelligence. The captives were
lodged in caves and fires were lighted
to protect them from the severe cold.
Since then the brigands and the women
have gone to some place unknown.
The fact that violent measures, sucn
as mutilation, to extort ransom, were
taken, indicates that the brigands are
under the impression that the longer
they wait the better will be the terms
obtainable. ' This attitude is regarded as
being partly due to the publicity given
to the subscriptions toward tne ran
som, and it is increasing the difficulty
exDerienced by Consul General Diekin-
son in his efforts to reduce the brigands.'
Callahan Produces Some Strong Testi
mony in Court.
Omaha. Nov. 6. The last bit of testi
mony in the Callahan perjury trial was
taken this morning and the arguments
were made during the afternoon. The
case will go to the jury this evening.
Harrv Strong, a laborer in South Oma
ha, testified that Phelps, who told of hav
ing seen Callahan in the vicinity ot tne
Melrose Hill house the day of the kid
naping, was working with him the day
of the abduction and that they were
some miles from the scene of the crime.
George Metford testified to having seen
the man who purchased the Burris pony
and that it was not Callahan.
For Shattered Nerves.
A remedy that will soothe, build up the
wasted tissues and enrich the blood is in
dispensable. Lichty's Celery Nerve Com
pound has been wonderfully successful in
cases of nervousness, as thousands of
grateful people will testify, bold by Geo.
W. Stansrield. 632 Kansas ave. : Marshall
Bros., 115 Kansas ave.
Successor to Brosius.
Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 6. H. Bird Cas-
sell. Republican, was elected to con
gress in the Tenth congressional dis
trict, comprising Lancaster county, by
about 7,500 plurality. He succeeds the
late Marriot Brosius.
For Shattered Nerves.
A remedy that will soothe, build up the
wasted tissues and enrich the blood is in
dispensable. Lichty's Celery Nerve Com
pound has been wonderfully successful in
cases oi nervousness, as inousunus ui
grateful people will testify. Sold by Geo.
W. Stanslield. 632 Kansas ave.; Marshall
Bros., 115 Kansas ave.
Stilwell Terminals Go to Satis
fy a 4,000,000 Mortgage.
Kansas City, Nov. 6. A. final decree
of foreclosure and sale of the prop
erties of the Kansas City Suburban
Belt railway, the Consolidated Ter
minal railway company, the Union
railway company, and the Kansas City
& Independence Air Line was issued
in the federal court in this city today.
These properties constitute what are
known as the Kansas City system of
terminals, formerly used by the Kan
sas City, Pittsburg & Gulf railroad, now
the Kansas City Southern. They were
built and operated by A. E. Stilwell
before he was deposed as president of
the Pittsburg & Gulf road. The fore
closure is made under suits brought by
the Providence Life and Trust company
against the different companies to cover
mortgages aggregating $4,050,000. Shan
non C. Douglass is named special com
missioner to conduct the sale of the
properties ,and the date of sale is set
for January 1.
Election of Judges of District Court
in South. Dakota.
Sioux Falls, S. D., Nov. 6. The result
of the election for district judge was:
Smith (Rep.) First district, 2,000 ma
jority; Jones (Rep.) Second district, 3,
000 majority; Bennett (Dem.) Third, 600;
Frank B. Smith (Rep.) Fourth, 700; Mc
Coy (Rep.) Fifth, 600 to 700; Goffey
(Rep.) Sixth, no opposition. MeGee
(Fusion) Seventh, probably elected by
a narrow margin; Wbshabough (Rep.)
Eighth, 700. Less than half the vote
was polled.
Thirty-five Santa Fe Water Service
Men Favored.
Thirty-five men In the water service de
partment of the Santa Fe, who were af
fected bv the nine-hour order of Tuesday,
were today restored to the ten-hour basis.
Their pay will continue at the old rate
per month.
These men who are restored to the old
schedule are all plumbers and water fit
ters and their services are needed ' now
by the road for the full ten-hour day.
England is Heartily Disliked by AH
Except United States.
New Tork, Nov. 6. According to the
London correspondent of the Tribune,
Englishmen have been noticing with
surprise the bitter resentment existing
in Germany caused by Mr. Chamber
lain's casual reference to the Franco
Prussian war. It is a straw showing
the direction of the wind in Germany,
where, in spite of the emperor's cordial
relations with the reigning house here,
England is regarded as an industrial
enemy and is not liked. This revela
tion of anti-English feeling in Germany
strengthens the desire of public men
and the press in London for a settle
ment of all outstanding questions be
tween England and America. An ex
pression commonly heard that good
feeling with America will be worth more
than the closest alliance with Germany.
The objection raised by Canada to a
settlement of the canal controversy is
attracting attention, but the hope is
entertained that Premier Laurier's in
fluence will be exercised and that there
will be no opposition from Ottawa to
embarrass the foreign office in opening
a way for the adjustment of the entire
series of Caradian questions.
Germans Will Dispose of Ancient
Bronze Guns.
New Tork, Nov. 6 Regarding the dis
position of the 175 ancient bronze guns
just brought from China to Germany
by the steamer Krefleld guns which
formerly stood on the walls of Pekin,
the Berlin correspondent of the London
Times and the New York Times says:
The most ornamental of the guns
will be placed in the naval museum at
Berlin. The others will be melted for
the sake of the bronze in them.
The Kreifield also brought a number
of Chinese gun carriages, with ammu
nition and wagons.
Etnest Roeber Matched With. Neehad
the Turke.
New Tork, Nov 6. Ernest Roeber,
the American cha.mpion Graeco-Roman
wrestler, has just been matched to meet
Nechad, the iurklsn wrestler, wno re
cently arrived in this country.
The articles call lor a straight
Graeco-Roman match, best two in three
falls. There will be a time limit of
two hours, in case no fall is scored,
and the man doing the most work in-
de of that time will be awarded the
decision. After one hour s work the
men have agreed to a 15-minute rest.
If onlv one fall is scored in two hours
the man gaining the fall gets the de
cision. All holds will be allowed.
Mrs. A. C. Covell returned from a
three weeks' visit in Albuquerque, N.
M., Tuesday.
Crowds of buyers are thronging .fish
er's clothing store on East Sixth street,
where the Mitchell Bros, bankrupt
stock is being sold at half price.
Major-General Henry C. Corbin.
On account of the high rank of Major-General Corbin, there was a big as
semblage of high officers in the army and navy, and also the diplomatic corps,
in attendance at his wedding.
It will certainly be interesting to women accustomed to
paying $5.00 or more for footwear, to know that they can purchase all
the comfort, style and wear that can possibly be put into a woman's boot ;
particularly style, in the newest perfection in shoes for women, "Dorcas,"
and the price always the same $3.50. All the varieties of leather, all sizes
and widths; the very latest in stylish appearance, with ease and com
fort assured ever. " !
Everything that woman can desire in footwear from daintiest patent
leathers to the stout, smart, mannish double-deckers all in the "Dor
cas " Shoe, and for one price $3.50.
You are invited to our up-to-date Shoe Department, where you will be
received most courteously by gentlemanly salesmen, ready and willing to
show goods with pleasure, no matter how particular the customer.
Woodbury's Facial Soap always 35c this sale only
Mennen's Borated Talcum Powder always 35c this sale only ,
Wright's Dental Preparation (endorsed by U. S. Gov't.) always 35c, T P
this sale only II IV
Whiting's Satin Finish all colors box writing paper always 35 QJr
this sale only k-
German Imported Tapestry Tops (genuine ) this sale only 49o
Warranted Genuine Horn-Back Alligator Parse this sale only... $1.08
SPECIALS in other departments NOW SELLING.
Wednesday, November 6th.
Will Not Be Allowed to Interfere
With Auditorium Concert.
The lecture on the subject of the
"Architecture and Music of Italian
Churches," that was to have been given
on Wednesday night, November 13 at
the First Congregational church by
Professor George B. Penny of the State
university under the auspices of the
City Federation of Clubs has been post
poned indefinitely. x
This arrangement is made so that the
lecture will not conflict with the con
cert at the Auditorium by the Boston
Ladies' Symphony Orchestra on the
same date, for the benefit of the pipe
organ fund. The date for the lecture
will be announced at a later date.
Bank Bobbed of $2,000 at White Hall,
Grand Rapids, Mich.. Nov. 6. The safe
in the private bank of O' Donald & Mor
ten at White Hall was blown open by
robbers early today and $2,000 taken. The
explosion did $500 damage. It is supposed
three men did the job. They escaped in
a stolen rig. Anonvmous warning had
been given the sheriff of a projected at
tempt on the Montague bank and it and
the White Hall bank were guarded Mon
day night. Last night the White Hall
bank was left unguarded.
As .Result of Anti Toxin Treatment
For Diphtheria.
St. Louis, Nov. 6. The thirteenth fa
tal case of lockjaw, resulting from the
( ' ' ,
injection of anti-toxin, was reported to
Coroner Funkhouser today.
Charles Cytron, 11 years old, was the
victim. His death occurred two weeks
ago, but was not reported at the time
to the coroner by Dr. De Workin who
had charge of the case. He said the
boy was suffering from diphtheria when
he administered the anti-toxin, which
he procured from the St. Louis board of
Sheriff Called to Willard to Take Care
of Drunken Man.
Sheriff Cook received a hurry up call
from Willard last night and went out to
that village armed with weapons enough
to c-uell a riot.
He found that, like the south end of
the bridge ' at that point, the trouble
was in Wabaunsee county. A man by the
name of Cooper drank a few drinks too
many of whisky and became rather trou
blesome. He drove his family out of the
house and the family called on the bridge
gang for help. The bridge builders cap
tured Mr. Cooper and tied him in bed.
Mr. Cook found him in that Condition
when he arrived and left him.
Conditions of Kansas Banks.
Washington, Nov. 6. The abstract of
the condition of the national banks of
Kansas, exclusive of Kansas City, at the
close of business on September 30, as re
ported to the comptroller of the currency,
shows the average reserve held at 46.A2
per cent, against 42.67 per cent on July 15;
loans and discounts decreased from $25,
260.429 to $24,530.6SO; gold coin increased
from $1,105,306 to $1,121,686; total specie in
creased from $1,707,618 to $1,7111,33: lawful
money reserve increased from $2.25S.9U8 to
$2,858,857: individual deposits increased
from $32,019,640 to $33,564,477.
Fancy Minnesota potatoes, 90c bushel.
&4-i - -j" - -:;' --; :i-
' ' . - .y". .. ..j. .
Miss Edythe Patten.
Miss Edythe Patten, the bride, has long been a favorite In White House
and diplomatic circles, where she is known as "one of the pretty Patten
girls." Her marriage with the general, who is her senior by quite a few
years, is a genuine love match,
Only. O
Frederick Harmon Loses His
Life in New Mexico.
Frederick Harmon, who formerly
worked as a trackman in the Santa Fe
storehouse here, and whose father, Sol
omon Harmon, is now a clerk in the
storehouse, was killed this morning by
being run over by an engine on the
Santa Fe at Wagon Mound, N. M.
Solomon Harmon left today on No. 1
for Las Vegas, where the body was
taken. The funeral will be held at Las
While Frederick Harmon lived In To
peka his home was in Parkdale. He
was 24 years of age, and not married.
The particulars of the accident are not
Grinstead Case Postponed.
Pool Grinstead has been in Topeka to
day attending the supreme court. The
habeas corpus case to determine wheth
er or not he shall serve out the costs,
the outcome of a libel suit, that was to
have come up for hearing now has been
postponed until February. Mr. Grin
stead secured his release from Jail sev
eral w-eeks ago by the Institution of the
habeas corpus proceedings.
Algiers Dock in Place.
New Orleans, Nov. 6. The Algiers
dock was today towed from Chalmette.
where It anchored at midnight, to the
naval site just below Algiers, without
mishap. Some hours will be expended
in securing the great structure to the
anchorage provided. The formal cere
monies attending the reception of the
dock will take place this afternoon.
W , '
4. '

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