Newspaper Page Text
frVM lit 11 ' M m ? i.l I I i II LAST EDITION. TUESDAY EVENING. TOPEKA, KANSAS, DECEMBER 24, 1901. TUESDAY EVENING. TWO CENTS. WHITFSJASt What the Legal Status of It Is. Piatt Is Very Angry Beyond a Doubt. SATISFACTION SOUGHT Doesn't Like to Be Called " Intriguer." His Athletic Sons May Chip Into the Game. There 'is a possibility that the libel suit threatened by Senator Piatt, or Kew York, against William Allen White of Emporia,- may be tried in a Kansas court. If the charge is for criminal libel It may be brought where the plaintlfs chooses but if it be a civil suit for damages it will have to be brought in Kansas unless White should happen to venture outside the state and have pa pers served on him in some other juri iiction. If White owns property some where besides in Kansas that property can be attached and then White would ie forced to go to trial where the pro uertv mieht be. Judge T. F. Garver, when asked of the probabilities of the case being pros ecuted In Kansas said: "I think that Senator Piatt will probably bring the suit in the east. He caS bring it wher ever the magazine is circulated and he would certainly not come to Kansas to try the case. R. B. Welch said: "If the suit is a criminal one it can be brought against the magazine and White and a re ciuisition for White can be secured which will necessitate him going to trial where the case is brought. ir the case is a civil suit It must be brought where service can be secured on White and If he owns no property outside of Kansas and stays in the state then the euit will have to be brought here. If a criminal suit be commenced against White and a requisition be is sued by the governor of New York on the governor of Kansas and Governof Stanley should refuse to honor the re quisition then other complications might arise for Senator Piatt to com bat. It is certain hat it will not be safe for Mr. White to venture within the borders of New York and he may be nabbed most anywhere east of the Mississippi. The lawyers who will represent Sena tor Piatt and have been instructed to prepare the suit are Boardman, Piatt & Sloey. of New York. The Frank Piatt who is a member of the firm is a son of the senator. Mr. White has not an nounced who the attorneys are who will represent him. He does not believe that necessary as vet. Senator Piatt seems determined. In an interview printed in the New York Evening Post ne said: "I intend to use all my money, all my power, to bring about the punishment ot this man who nas so maliciously at tacked me. I intend to see whether there is any law in the land. I have been held up to ridicule and contempt before the entire country. I have been portrayed by means of a mass of false hoods by a man who does not know me. To be sure, I have been criticised before in my life, severely criticised, but I have overlooked those instances. This one I cannot overlook. It is not a ques tion of Senator Piatt being a big enough man to disregard such an assault as this. My character has been assaulted, and I cannot brook that. "Nos I Intend to pursue Mr. White to the very end. He had no right to do -what he did. I have no idea where he got his alleged information about me, but what he wrote was maliciously un truthful. No time' shall be lost in my prosecution of him, because I feel that I iiave Deen wronged as never Detore in my life. As to Mr. White, all I know of hhn Is that I read his biographical tketch of President Roosevelt. "In what do you consider he has most scandalously attacked you? ' the sen ator was asked. "Oh, I won't talk of specific instances. but I will say he charges me with being an Intriguer, with having won my way by Intrigue. .Sow, is this intrigue? In the Oswego convention of 1872 I voted a thousand times for Milo Goodrich for congress. Then I left the hall, designat ing a friend of the name of Stone as my alternate. I went out to Michigan, where I had some interests, and hardly had I arrived when I received a tele gram stating that I had been nominated. I promptly declined the nomination, and Mr. Goodrich was nominated. I went to him after election and asked him to appoint a friend of mine postmaster et Oswego. H hemmed and hawed and finally declined. Immediately I went to X-iepresentatlve Hotchkiss, who was serving out a short term and was to be succeeded by Goodrich, and said to him: " 'Goodrich has played me false after til I have done for him. I want you to appoint this man postmaster'; and he did so. "Now I knew nothing whatever of any suggestion that I was to be nomi nated for congress, and when I received pueh notification I promptly declined. Waiat intriguing?" Senator Piatt was asked whether he would accept a renomlnation to the ienate. "I have not decided yet," he said, "but I know thai 4 would be elected if I did accept." BY LAW AND OTHERWISE." Senator Piatt's Bona May Seek " Satisfaction." New York, Dec. 24. United States Eenator Thomas C. Piatt has declined to permit the reproduction of the bio graphical article of himself written by William Allen White and published in UcClure's Magazine. Ther senator at Ihe same time declined to point out hose parts of the article most offensive to him. as well as the parts of the in ter uracy of which he complained. "I shall see that the article is repro luced at the proper time and in the proper manner," said Senator Piatt, "in krder that the public may see the full txtent of its blackguardism. I think it fs one of the most malicious and offen Uv articles ever put in type. "I am still determined to punish this pan both by law and otherwise. Whea he article is reproduced I think it will ippear In a magazine with my answer, p order that it will reach and be read y the persons who read the insulting tords. contained in the so-called criti tism. My answer is not yet ready. My awyers will attend to the legal features Jf the case." it is said by. one of Senator Piatt's , friends that the publishers of McClure's Magazine had offered to the senator the use of their pages to correct any inac curacies in the White article, or to make any answer he desires. The edi tor of the magazine said the manage ment had no comment or statement to make concerning the matter. It is not improbable, so Mr. Platt'3 friends say, that should young Mr. White, of Kansas, who has angered Senator Piatt by the severity of his criticism, come to New York he will be called personally to account by one of Senator Piatt's sons. The senator has three sons, Edward, Frank S. and Har ry. Edward, the eldest, is more than Fix feet tall and Is athletic. Frank is not particularly robust, but Harry, the youngest, is an athlete. Young Mr. WThite, who has lived in the west all his life, is short and stocky. He weighs about 200 pounds, but is in fine physieial condition. He rarely comes to New York. The White episode has brought to the surface indications of a combined effort to depose Piatt as a political power. It is said that a coalition is forming by Roosevelt. Governor Odell and Mayor Low, looking to the nomination of Roosevelt in 1904, renomination of Odell and the election of Low or Lieutenant Governor Woodruff for United States senator all without the aid or assist ance of Piatt. RUNAWAY STREET CAR. Strikes Telegraph Pole Killing One and Injuring Nine. 1 San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 24. One per son was killed and nine others were in jured in a peculiar accident on the Fil more street car line last night. The dead: Mrs. Mary Phelan, domestic, died from fracture of skull. Injured: Mrs. . M. K. Mansie, .wife of William Mansie, foot crushed and scalp wounds, will recover. Mrs. Mary Kelly, domestic, contu sions and suffering from shock. Robert Keller, sprain of right thumb and contusions of knee. Robert Rodgers, cut over eye and con tusions. Miss Josephine" Bigley, contused cut over forehead and bruises on back of head. Mr. Turner, contusions and shock. Mrs. O'Connor, injuries slight. A. J. Duatschna'n. slightly hurt. Roy Phelps, conductor, injuries slight. For four blocks south of Union street tb.e grade is so steep that the cars have to be pulled up the hill by special ma chinery. As a car containing 15 people had nearly reached the top of the hill It broke loose in some manner and rushed down the grade with frightful speed. It kept the track until Lincoln street was reached. Here there stood an empty car waiting to be hauled to the summit. This obstruction was crush ed into and wrecked by the runaway car which then jumped the rails amd was brought to a standstill by a tele graph pole which it struck with tenr rific force completely demolishing the car and scattering its occirpants in all directions. Help was at 'hand! and the injured passengers were given immedi ate care. A WHITE CHRISTMAS. Kansas Is Once More In Storm Period. "In my last forecast I guaranteed good weather ,until the 24th," said "Cider" Smith this morning, "then probably rain t'jrnlng to snow. Under present conditions this storm might blow over with merely a change in tem perature then followed by fair winter weather until the last day of the month with probably normal temperature." The government forecast sent out to day is "Tuesday threatening with prob ably snow flurries this afternoon. Colder tonight. Wednesday fair." There is a low barometer in Prince Albert which is moving eastward. There is a high in Colorado which is moving up to take the position located by the low. Those are the reasons why something may happen. The minimum temperature to day was 42 and the wind was northwest, blowing 12 miles an hour. The hourly temperatures have been as follows: 7 o'clock 45 I 11 o'clock... 45 8 o'clock 44 I 12 o'clock 13 9 o'clock 43 I 1 o'clock 43 10 o'clock 44 2 o'clock 40 FAR FROM WELL Mrs. Cleveland Issues a State ment Regarding Husband. Princeton. N. J., Dec. 24. Mrs. Grover Cleveland made the following statement today concerning the health of the former president: "The reports that have been published in regard to Mr. Cleveland's health ap parently hav been construed as indicat ing his entire recovery. This is shown by a renewal of all sorts of applications for all sorts of things which can hardly be considered even by a man In robust health. He has alreadv reoeived epistol ary chastisement at the hands of those who rtre impatiently waiting for answers to letters which should never, nave been written. While Mr. Cleveland's health is such as to entirely relieve his friends from any apprehensions, he is yet far from well, and has not been able to leave his room for nearly five, weeks." ' SHOT HIS CLIENT. ' Irawyer and Former Consul to Honduras Becomes Insane. Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 24. William Little, a lawyer, former consul to Hon duras under Cleveland, today shot and seriously wounded William L. Dodd, president of the Southern Mutual Aid association. Little had been represent ing Mr. Dodd, who is on trial on the church of using the mails for fraudu lent purposes in connection with the Birmingham Debenture Redemption company. Mr. Little became deranged as the result of mental strain in con ducting the case, and entered Dodd's room, declaring that he (Little) was go ing to die. A pistol was on a table. and Little seized it and emptied every chamber at Dodd and his brother, James L Dodd. Only one bullet too effect. Dodd will recover. Little comes of a prominent North Carolina family. Two Holidays on 'Change. Chicago, Dec. 24. Following its usual Christmas custom, the directory of the Chicago board of trade has declared to day and tomorrow holidays on the board. UNITED STATES Toast to Which Justice D. J. Brewer Responded At Banquet of New England Society of Pennsylrania. CHEERS FOR DEWEY. Wu Tingfang Responds to "A Greeting From the Orient." Says This Country Will Be the World Power. Philadelphia, Dec. 24. The twenty first annual banquet of the New Eng land Society of Pennsylvania was held last night in Horticultural hall, covers being laid for nearly. 400 members and guests. Guests were present from New York, Baltimore, Washington, Boston and other cities. Assistant U. S. Attor ney General James M. Beck, president, opened the speech making .with a brief address. In coming down the line of the illustrious New Englanders, Presi dent Beck mentioned the name of "George Dewey." This was the signal for an outburst of applause such as was not repeated during the remainder of the evening. The principal 'speaker was Associate Justice Brewer of the United States suprenfe court, who responded to the toast ' The United States; a World Power." . Justice Brewer's address was fre quently punctuated s'ith applause. Among other things he said: "The twentieth century brings us face to face with new conditions and we are1 con- "scious that the United States of America, have become more important factor in ihe world's thought. Some fancy that .the Spanish war. wrought the "great change. This is hardly so. Vlt may nave cleared the air and brought us face to face with the consciousness of the t change, but silent forces of commerce and religion nave been at work tor years bringing about that result. "Again and again it Is stated that the United States have now becoma a world power. So they have; but "vhat -is rhow are' we to Justify our right to that title? Not by the manifestation of mili tary or naval strength. "While wars will be as wars have been, and while there is within the re sources of our country an undisplayed military and naval strength that makes her the most dangerous enemy on land and sea, yet the dawn of the twentieth century unveils a greater national glory than can be found on any field of strife. While the even is of the last two or three years have compelled an increase in our military and naval force, while uie amount of money which is called for by the secretaries of war and navy seem to many too large, and while the roll of the drum and the blare of the bugle are more often heard, yet the sons of the pilgrims will never turn our country over to the man on horseback, nor win our dearest laurels be crimsoned with the blood of the dying soldier. "We shall deserve to be called a world power because our relations with all na tions will be carried upon the highest principles of truth and justice. We stand in the council of nations strong enough to fear no attempt to wrong us; so strong that we cannot afford to wrong any, even the weakest nation; strong enough to be firmly Just to the most powerful of nations and so strong that we must be kindly lust witn the weakest. We must be frank as well as honest. Henceforth diplomatic language must be something to reveal and not something to conceal thought and pur pose. The honesty we must practice is not the honesty of Shylock, but that of the Golden Rule, an honesty which com pels us to see the other party to the transaction." The justice in noting some of tha signs and needs of the times, touched on civil service reform. In regard to this he said: n. "Into all the avenues of eur official life is entering civil service reform promotion by merit has ceased to be the joke of the politician and is com ing to be the controlling rule of all official life not merely in the army and navy (and we have had of late some very positive assurances in respect to them) but in ail the department of official life, national, state and municipal. What ever may be the present defects in th machinery employed to secure the de sired result, and very likely the de fects are many, it is one of the blight assurances of the future that the thought and purpose of the people are turned in this direction and they will not be thwarted." Wu Tingfang, the Chinese minister, responded to "A Greeting from the Ori ent." Minister Wu alluded briefly to the open door of the Chinese empire, saving that foreigners are treated the same as the natives; there was no high tariff in China such as other countries had, because' the other countries had ar ranged, the! tariff for China. The oldest nation in the east, he said, was grateful to America for all she had done for China. America, he continued, would not oppress the weak but would see that Justice is aone to an. mis coun try will, said Minister Wu, not only be come "A world power, but the world power, in commerce and peace." Pensions For Kansans. Washington, Dec. 24. The following pensions have been granted Kansans: Original, war with Spain, John Stark, Leavenworth, S17. Increase, James Kel lerman, Westphalia, $12; John McGinn, Winfieid, $16: Simeon Hensen, Garland, $10; Allen Anderson, Leavenworth, $8; David Drumheller, Fall River, $24; And rew Searight, Wichita, $12; Lorenzo Mints, Kansas City, $8; Richard Stau field, Belleville, $12; John Allison, New ton, $8; Joseph Corlier, Kickapoo, $10; Moses Hedges, Newton, $10; Albert Morey, Leavenworth, $8. Mexican war, Wm. Mullen, Atwood. $12. Widows, Margaret Teter, Hutchinson, $8; minor of Alonzo Mapes, Smith Center, $10; Kate Baird, Moline, $S. Sirs, frank Leslie in Hospital. New York, Dec. 24. Mrs. Frank Les lie, who has been ill for some time, has been taken to Roosevelt hospital, and occupies one of the private rooms, it could not be learned what Mrs. Les lie's ailment was, but it was said that she was resting a little more comforta bly than when admitted. i WM. E. CUANNING DEAD. Last of Brotherhood That Included Thoreau, Hawthorne, Emerson. Concord, Mass., Dec. 24. William Ellery Channing, the last of the brother hood including Thoreau, Hawthorne and Emerson, who made Concord famous, is dead. He was born in Boston, Novem ber 29, 1818. He was an author of origi nality and poetic power, though less dis ciplined than his three contemporaries. His published volumes number nine and he left copious manuscripts from which selections will be made for publication later. He married Miss Ellen Fuller, sister of Margaret, in 1842, and leaves five children. - Mr. Channing's poems are "The Wood man," "The Wanderer," "Near Home," "Eliot," "John Brown." In prose he wrote "Youth of the Poet and Painter," "Thoreau, the Poet-Naturalist," "Con versations in Rome between an Artist, a Catholic and a Critic." WILL WHITE'S ADDRESS Will Talk to Teachers Friday on "Country Editors." One of the most interesting features of the State Teachers' association this week will be the address of William Al len White on Friday morning. The ad dress will be given at the general meet ing of the association in Representative hall at 9 o'clock Friday morning. Mr. White's subject will be "The Country Editor and the Country School," and many people are looking forward with anticipation to hearing it. The main features on Thursday (will be the address by Dr. A. E. Winship on "Lowell and Longfellow," at 11 o'clock Thursday morning, which will be givea in Representative hall, and the cantata, "The Coming of the King," by the- To peka Choral society at the Auditorium in the evening. Besides Mr. White's address on Fri day, the principal features will be a lecture by Prof. W. L. Tomlins, of New York, at 10:20 in the morning, and a lecture by Dr. Winship on "Boys," in the evening. Dr. Winship's lecture will be given in the high school auditorium, but the other will be in Representative .hall. William E. Connelley, of Crane & Co., has issued a souvenir programme for the use of the teachers attending the association, which is something new. The programmes of the various ses sions and departments are given on the right hand" pages, while cn the left hand pages are quotations from famous authors and space for notes. The pro gramme makes a pamphlet of 32 pages and cover, and contains considerable miscellaneous information for the visi tors to the association. STORM IN FOOTHILLS. Terrific Gale Sweeps Orer East ern Colorado. Denver, Dec. 24. A terrific gale, ap proaching in places the severity of a tornado, visited the foothills along the Rocky mountains from Cheyenne to Pike's Peak. At Golden, where the storm was most severe, the old city hall building was blown down and a resi dence next door crushed beneath it. The occupants' barely ' escaped with their lives. In the Boulder district four oil der ricks were destroyed and many build ings blown down and scores of chimneys toppled over. AMERICAN ADVICE. China Decides That Some Needed in Its Business. Is Victoria, B..C, Dec. 24. The steamer Bramer, which arrived last night from the Orient, brings news that the Chinese court has decided to engage an Ameri can adviser. The name of the official is not given by the Oriental press. The Japan Mail commenting on this, says it is a wise step for China to take, for although her statesmen need no counsel in their domestic policy, they are unlearned in regard to dealings with foreign countries. DUE TO WET RAILS, Six Persons Killed in Trolley Car Wreck. Allentown, Pa., Dec. 24. Six persons were killed and a number injured last night by reason of an electric car jumping the track at a sharp curve at the foot of the high mountain between here and "Coopersburg. The accident was due to the wet rails and snow. The dead : Rev. Tobias Kessler, aged 60, an un attached refor.-ned church clergyman, killed within sight of his home. Irwin Renner, Sceonhill, farmer, 65 years. Albert Yeager, Allentown, aged 40. Mrs. Dr. Jacobs Fotzer, Coopersburg, aged 35. Ambrose Reinhard, Freedensville, aged 50. Frank Wesley, of Allentown. The injured. William Pfifer, Allentown, left arm fractured, scalp wound. John D. Wilt, proprietor of Center Valley hotel, left arm fractured. Mrs. J. D. Wilt, right arm fractured and hurt internally. Mrs. Albert Yeager, whose husband was killed, hurt Internally, unconscious. Unknown Italian boy, face cut, un conscious. Harry J. Reichard, back and head hurt. Conductor A. L. Liehieh, Allentown, left leg cut., Motorman Charles Stocker, Allen town, bruised. Mrs. C. F. Newcomer, Coopersburg, leg broken, suffers from shock. Rev. Kottel, of Passer, hurt internal ly. - Motorman Stocker tried hard to stop the car when it slipped on the steep grade but the car flew around the curve and swung against a guy pole, which tore off one side of the car and roof. Those killed sat along the broken side of the car and were crushed by the post. ALL GOTJUREYS Eighty-seven Big Ones Distrib uted at White Bouse. Each With the Compliments of the President. LARGEST EVER MADE. Policemen, Ushers, Servants, Gardeners, Remembered. How the Roosevelt Family Will Spend Christmas. Washington, Dec. 24. Eighty-seven big turke'ys were distributed to the White House policemen, messengers, ushers, servants, gardeners and 'stable men today with the compliments of the president. Each turkey had on it a card bearing the season's compliments. The distribution was the largest ever made at the White House. President McKinley -always gave turkeys to the employes but the list of recipients was never so large as that of today. The turkeys are distributed - by Henry Plnckney, the White House steward. Express wagons, mail carriers and messengers bore numerous packages to the White House today presents to the Roosevelt family from friends and ad mirers throughout the country. Many of the packages were for the children who will not be allowed, however, to have them until tomorrow. The programme at the White House tomorrow will follow the custom of the family in former years. There will be no Christmas tree as a tree never has been a part of the celebration of Christ mas in the Roosevelt family. The children,, however, all hang up their stockings, and they will arise early to morrow to visit them and ascertain what Santa Clans has left for them. Later in the morning the children will assemble in the library, there to receive gifts from their father and mother. In the afternoon the Roosevelt juveniles will go to the home of their uncle and aunt. Captain and Mrs. Cowles to see n pretty Christmas tree and receive their presents. The Christmas dinner will be served at 7:30 and only the family will be present. On Thursday, If the weather permits, It is probable that the Roosevelt family, including the president will go down the Potomac river on a -cruise. -Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., is going on a hunting trip with Dr. Itixey and is very anxioua that his father should accompany him. The president is inclined to do so, if public business will permit. Even if the president can not go it is the present Intention of Mrs. Roosevelt and some of the other children to accompany Dr.. Rixey and Theodore, Jr. HAZEN SHOWS WAY. - How Questions of Public Im portance Should Be Settled. Judge Z. T. Hazen, of the Shawnee district court, favors a law which will bring questions of public importance to an immediate decision. Judge Hazen favors a law, such as is in force in Colorado and other states, which allows a question of public importance where only the law is in question, to be submitted to the supreme court without argument for an immediate decision. Such a law would settle the present controversy about the appointment of district - judges before the disputed time has elapsed. In speaking of the law he- advocates Judge Hazen said: "Colorado and other states have laws which allow a question of public import ance when purely legal to be submitted to the supreme court and that court is required to settle the question and de cide the law without any formality of pleading. It is discretionary with the court whether they desire to be advised as to the law and of course it depends upon the importance of the question about the court taking it up. If it was easily solved it could be decided at once and if there was a division of opinion the court could hear, arguments upon the question. If Kansas had such a law the question whether old judges should hold over or the new ones be entitled to office could be submitted at the January session of the supreme court and be decided before time for the new judges to take their seats if they are entitled to them. In this case the ques tion of whether the old judges or the new should take the seats would be all the question necessary to be . passed upon by the court." ANY WILL SUIT HIM.; O. Ii. Atherton's Complacent Attitude in Congressional Fight. Judge Otis L. Atherton, ex-state treasurer, is down from Russell today. Some of the politicians guessed that he came down to look after his appoint ment to the Wa-Keeney land office, but he says he has not made up his mind that he wants the place. He left the impression, too, that he can have it if he wants it. Judge Atherton did not seem to be so active in behalf- of E. W. Wellington's candidacy for congress as he did the last time he came to Topeka. "Any of the three candidates are good men and will suit me," he said. "Of course, being a neighbor of Wellington, I am naturally favorable to him, but either of the others will suit me. No matter who is nominated we will elect him." Danes Want Their Islands. Copenhagen, Dec. 24. A petition against the sale of the Danish West Indie3. unless the matter shall have been first submitted to a plebiscite, will be sent to the rigsdag tonight. This petition bears very few signatures of members of the former parliamentary committee who reported in favor of sell ing the islands. Bankers and business men are taking a last and desperate stand against the sale of the islands. During the coming holidays they will draw up certain proposals in the prem ises to be submitted to the rigsdag when that body reassembles. Christinas Dancing. Harry Steinberg gives a dancing mat inee Christmas afternoon at 3 p. m. and also 8:30 in the evening at his hall in the Masonic Block. FRUIT GROWERS TO MEET. Sessions of State Association Will Open Thursday. The twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Kansas State Horticultural society will convene in Topeka at the rooms of the society In che state house on Thurs day, and will continue through Friday and Saturday. Following is the programme of the first day: Trustees meet-promptly at S o'clock p. m. Call to order by President Wellhouse at 3 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. S. C. Coblentz, pas tor of First United Brethren church, Topeka. 1. Annual report of trustees, by con gressional districts, on horticultural conditions and progress. First district, E. J. Holman, Leavenworth; Second district, B. F. Smith, Lawrence; Third district, F. L. Kenoyer, Independence; Fourth district, Geo. M. Munger, Eureka; Fifth district, William Cutter, Junction City; Sixth district, J. J. Alex ander, Norton; Seventh district, Geo. W. Bailey. Wellington. 2. Appointment of committees on credentials of delegates, programme, membership, exhibits, audit, obituary, and final resolutions. EVENING SESSION 7:30 P. M. Music. 3. Welcome address. 4. Response. Music. 5. "What to do with Cull Apples," President F. Wellhouse. 6. "Tribulations of Early Horticulture in Kansas," Col. E. C. Little, Abilene. Music. 7. "The Culture of Flowers," Mrs. G. W. Maffet: Lawrence. 8. "Window and House Plants," Prof. W. A. Harshbarger, Washburn college. ' Music. 9. Cross-fertilization of Flowers," Prof. S. J. Hunter (with stereopticon), University, Lawrence. Music and social. DEATH RATE CUT IN HALF. Not a Cass of Yellow Faver in Havana During November. Washington, Dec. 24. The division of insular affairs of the war department has prepared for publication a summary of the vital statistics of the city of Ha vanna for the month of November, 1901. The sanitary condition of the city is ex cellent, each month showing a steady im provement over the corresponding month of the preceding year. During the past eleven years the average number of deaths for November has been 902. In November, this year, there were 443. The death rate was 19.58, which compares fa vorably with cities of the same sise in the leading civilized countries of the world. During November there, were no cases and no deaths from yellow fever. This can be said of no preceding No vember since 1762. During the last seven years the average number of deaths from this disease in November has been 4S. MILLERS WILL PROTEST. Don't Want Minimum Car Load Rates Increased. The millers of Kansas will protest against the action which is proposed by some of the Kansas railroads, to take effect on January 1, to raise the min im um of carload shipments of flour to 39,000. The old minimum of . 24,000 pounds still prevails on the railroads leading out of Nebraska, the Dakotas and Missouri, , and It will put Kansas millers to a great disadvantage on shipments to eastern points to be com pelled to pay freight on three tons more than competing millers In other states pay on the same amount of flour. Kan sas millers say they would not object if their competitors in other states were treated in the same manner, but the proposed ' raise will discriminate against Kansas mills. A n,U3iber of members of the Kansas Millers' association met at the Copeland last evening and talked the matter over. WAGON PLANTS UNITE. Usual Reason, to 8a-re Expenses, la Assigned for the Combine. Salt Lake, Utah, Dec. 24. At a meet ing today of the stockholders of the two companies, a consolidation was effected between the Consolidated Implement company and the Co-Operatlve Wagon and Machine company two of the larg est establishments of the kind in the west. The new concern will be known as the Consolidated Wagon and Ma chinery company. Its capital stock has been fixed at 1,500.000, of which two thirds will be preferred and one-third common stock. - The two companies have branch houses in yarious parts of Utah, Idaho and Wyoming, and the main object in consolidating it is said, is for the pur pose of saving the heavy expense in cidental to the maintenance of these separate establishments. Sold 200 Car Loads of Prunes. San Jose, Cal., Dec. 24. The California Cured Fruit association has just sold 200 carloads of prunes to the J. K. Armsby company. This In connection with the brisk sales of the past ten days leaves not more than 100 carloads of last year's crop and a very limited supply of this year's pack In the association's warehouses. It is stated that the bal ance of the crop will be disposed of within thirty days. Stedman Made President. New Tork, Dec. 24. The New Kngland Society of the City of New York held their ninety-sixth annual dinner last night at the Waldorf-Astoria. It closed with the instillation of Edmund Clar ence Stedman, the poet, as president of the society. William E. Dodge, presi dent of the society, was the toastmaster. Mayor-elect Seth Low, Lieut. Gen. Nel son A. Miles, Rear Admiral Barker and others spoke to toasts. General Miles' toast was on the army and navy. Buffalo's Treasurer Resigns. Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 24. The board of aldermen have accepted the resignation of City Treasurer Philip Gerst, whose accounts are undergoing investigation. Gerst has publicly admitted that there was recently a shortage in his accounts of over $50,000, but claims it has been made good. War Would Affect Europe. Vienna, Dec. 24. The Neu Frete Presse today commenting on the Chili-Argentine situation exppresses the opinion that war between the two countries would seriously affect the interests of Europe not only because of the enormous trans-oceanic trade, which would be injured, but be cause it might alter the relations be tween Europe and the United States. Consuls Appeal to Embassies. Constantinople, Dec. 24. Assassina tion and pillaging of villages and out raging of inhabitants have so increased recently in Macedonia that the consuls have appealed to the embassies to put a stop to such crimes. The foreign mis sionaries have made urgent representa tions to the porte of the danger of per mitting the continuance of such acts. SUITS SHAW. General Impression at Washing ton Seems to Be That the Iowa Man Will Take Treasury Portfolio. HURRYING EASTWARD. He Started For Washington When Tender Was Made. Wilson Likely to Stay at Head of Agriculture. Washington, Dec. 24. Gov. Leslie M. Shaw, who has been offered the trauryr portfolio and who !s now on his "way to Washington, is expected to arrive here late tonight or early tomorrow morning. The general impression among Iowa public men In this city Is that Gov. Shaw will accept the portfolio. The cabinet was in session a little vr an hour today. PraoticaJly na business was transacted, the whole time being oc cupied in felicitations of the season. The president did not mention the fact that he had tendered the treasury portfolio to Gov. Shaw at the meeting, but privately talked with Secretary Wilson about tho matter, the latter expressing the opinion that Gov. Shaw would accept. If tiov. Shaw accepts Secretary Gage will suit the incoming secretary's coavwimo about relinquishing his portfolio to him. Wherv ever Gov. Shaw is ready to uaunw the duties of the position Secretary Gage will turn over the administration of Mie treasury to him. Secretary Gage has not as yet an nounced what his plane for the future are. If Gov. Shaw goes into the cabinet the question has been raised as to whether Secretary Wilson, who also comes from Iowa, will remain. On thtm point a cab inet officer is quoted as se-fr.g that the president in particularly desirous that Secretary Wilson shall continue in the cabinet. His wwte In the department oi agriculture is highly appreciated by tht farmers of the country and tae president does not desire to lose him. THE FINANCIAL. SIDE OF IT. Dee Moines. la., Deo. 24. Gov. L. M. Shaw departed last evening for Dubuque, la., where he le today conferring with Senator Allison and Speaker Henderson. When a reporter called upon him there ha stated that he had nothing to say. Gov. Shaw, before leaving this city, diacued the acceptance or rejection of the secre taryship of the treasury with several friends, who assert that he is In ubt tn regard to accepting the place in case it shall be tendered him. He says the sal ary is $10,000 per year and that the house rent would be equal to that sum and that it would cost $10,000 a year for other household expenses, and that at the end of the term as secretary of the treasury he would come out of office having spent ' a. great deal more than he had earned and that he would have to go back to Denison and start over again, which, at his age, was not a desirable thin to do. AT RISK OF HER LIFE. 8-Year-Old Girl Sares Sister's . Home and Children. St, Paul, Minn.. Dec. 24, Eight-year-old Maud Peterson last night, at the risk of her own life, saved her sister's home from being, destroyed by fire and probably, saved the lives of her three little nieces, aged 4, 6 and 2 years. Maud was left at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Charles Hanley, to care for the house while Mrs. Hanley went to do her Christmas shopping. Two slender lines hung with clothing suspended over a lamp on the table caught lire. The (lanwl mounted to the ceiling. Maud, with rar presence of mind, climbed to the table, grabbed the burning mass and ran to the door. Fortunately the flames did not communicate to the little heroine's cloth ing. When the firemen arrived the girt had exunguisnea me riaine miu " j wj--lns to dispell the fears of the little ones. Young Gartrell Released. Butler, Mo., Dec. 24. Wlllam Gartrell, charged with complicity in the murder of L. B. Donegan, a Ooorado miner, "for whioh his father. Dr. J. L. Gartrell, is under sentence to hang, has been released and the case agauutt him dismissed. The testimony at the trial of Dr. Gartrell showed that his sen was asleep when Donegan was killed. Temperatures of Large Cities. Chicago, Dec. 24. 7 a. m. tempera tures: New Tork, 36; Boston, 88; Phila delphia, 34; Washington, 32; Chicago, 34; Minneapolis, 32; Cincinnati, 36; St. Louis, 42. Weather Indications. Chicago, Dec. 24. Forecast for Kan sas: Threatening with probably snow flurries this afternoon and In south east portion tonight; cooler tonight; Wednesday fair with cooler in south east portion; westerly winda 711 Kansas Ave. "KELLAM'S" Telephone 159. OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS ! The Largest, Best and Cheapest Establishment in the State for Christmas Novelties. Everything New and Up-to-Uate. The correct thing in Books, Bibles, Statuary, Pictures, Stationery, , Art Pottery, Art Baskets, Pocketbooks, Christmas Cards, Games, Etc., Too numerous to mention. TUB Kellam BooR & Sta'y Co. 7 li KANSAS AVE.