Newspaper Page Text
C"ir" 5 ?STf.- 1 ) i ft SIXTEEN PAGE S.I SIXTEEN PAGES. CM 3 4 ' f- I lT rn.i.n.. SATURDAY TCVENING. TOPEKA. KANSAS, JULY 2. 1904. SATURDAY EVENTNGL THREE CENTS. f V J Pi! 13 ( S) M """" BOOMERSJRRIVE. Taggart and August Belmont Among the Parker Leaders. Whooping It Cp for the New York Judge at 81. Louis. Californians Consider No Other Name Than Hearst's. THEY SEEK HARMONY. JVv 4mong Democrat Delegates r ti no nave iieacnca Liouis V The Platform Is the Chief Topic of Conrersation. ARE YET FAR APART. Its Preparation Likeljr to Fall to Gorman and Williams. Parker Seems to lie Butt of At tack for All Other Fractions. St. Louis, July 2. The Parker men are growing more confident as dele gations and representatives of differ ent delegations arrive. One of the most active Parker men in -the city is Thomas A. Taggart of Indianapolis, and he is in constant communication with the new arrivals and particularly those who are under instructions for other candidates. Mayor David A. Eose and T. E. Ryan of Wisconsin were among the arrivals today. They are under instructions for E. C. Wall of their own state and declared that having a "favorite son" they would express no opinion as to the second choice of the delegation. "With a candidate of our own," Mr. Ryan said, "it would not look very well for us to be going around expressing an opinion about a. second choice." From managers of the Parker can vass, however, it was learned that the Wisconsin delegation would go to Parker on the second ballot. A little light was shed upon the many confer ences that have taken place in the east between the Democratic leaders like Gorman, Guffey. McLean, Smith and Murphy. A delegate who has been cognisant of what took place at these conferences said today that at their close one man participating re marked: S "Well, we are no nearer a conclu sion than when we first commenced to talk." Couldn't Agree. In going over the situation they found that even if they should etiter into a combination to defeat Park'r that they would be no nearer results than before and some of them feared tiiui tne uefeat of ParKer would af ford an opportunity to nominate Cleveland, and to this some of the men in the conference were opposed while others were somewhat favor able. It is believed that Smith and Guffey are among the men who would be willing to see Cleveland nominated and that they would be willing to throw New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the ex-president. While some Parker men are en thusiastic enough to claim that their man will be nominated on the first ballot, the more experienced politi cians are of the opinion that compli mentary votes must first be cast for favorite sons if the necessary two thirds can be obtained for the New Yorker. It is said that Gorman's candidacy fan be determined upon his move ments. He is at the head of the Mary land delegation and if he comes to St. Louis it will mean that he is not going to be a candidate. But if he remains at home it will be assumed bv his friends here that he is a candi date and that every effort will be made to bring about his nomination. An important arrival today was August Belmont, who with several members of his family, came in on an early train and took apartments at the Jefferson. He is one of the active leaders of the Parker movement. o Second Choice. The Hearst boom was given some what of an impetus early today by the arrival of the California delegat n ac companied by some of the members of the Nevada and Arizona delegations. "We are all for Hearst until the fin ish," said Chairman Tarpey of the Cal ifornia contingent. "We will stay with them until the nd; Californians have no second choice of candidates or In any other "'Another delegate. Mark Smith, of Ar izona, expressed the same sentiment, saying that' the Democrats of the west--ern coast generally prefer Mr. Hearst. He did not, however, believe that the western men in the convention would be averse to some other man in case it should become evident that Mr. Hearst could not secure the necessary two thirds vote to nominate. Members of the three delegations discussed freely the possibilities with the reference to platform, but were generally of the opinion that there should be no reference either to the Chicago platform of 1896 or the Kan sas City platform of 1900. "This." said one of them, is the year 1904 and we are dealing with this period and no other. I believe that our people prefer that all reference to past platforms should be omitted.' Senator Newlands, of Nevada, who is at the head of the delegation from that state says that the sentiment of the western states generally is against Parker although the delegates are not opposed to him in any hostile sense. The Hearst delegations from there western states appear to have no sec ond choice although It is understood that some of them may prefer Gorman to almost any other man. ' The subcommittee on arrangements of the Democratic national committee which was called to meet at 10 o'clock today fai'ed to secure a quorom and adjourned until 3 o'clock p. m In ad dition to Chairman Jones there was only one member present. South Not for Cleveland. Judge Parker's friends are devoting themselves assiduously to counteract ing the effort to create sentiment In favor of Mr. Cleveland and among the most outspoken of them Is National Committeeman Head of Tennessee who is also a member of the delegation from his state. "It Is not true that Mr. Cleveland is more popular in the south than-formerly," he said, and relying a questionas to why the southern Democrats are opposed to Cleveland, said: "We oppose him because he disrupted and disorganized the Democratic party. He found the organization united and in less than two years under his man agement It was torn into shreds. He has no strength In the south and I be lieved that if nominated he would ren der Tennessee a doubtful state." Ex-Senator Allen, of Nebraska, was about the lobby of the Jefferson hotel today. He said that he was merely an onlooker. said, "but I shall stay with my party." "I may be the only 'Pop' left," he He expressed the opinion that Mr. Bry an would certainly be In attendance on the St. Louis convention and added: ' He will make a speech too, and if he does the Chicago speech will not be a maiker compared with what he will say." Seeking Harmony. St. Louis, July 2. Longer in ad vance than usual the platform ques tion is receiving the serious considera tion of delegates to the Democratic convention and others interested in the party welfare and it is already evident that there will be a persistent ettort to secure an expression of party views which will meet the approval or ai: factions. "We must get a pronouncement which will meet the demands of all Democrats," said Representative Clay ton of Alabama, "and I believe St is going to be a comparatively easy mat ter to accomplish this result. " Other party leaders on the ground expressed themselves in like optimistic manner. But when they entered upon a comparison of views it became evi dent there are differences, which must be smoothed down before the desired result can be secured. Evidently the principal contention will be over the point as to whether there shall be a specific declaration favorable to the affirmation of the principles enunciated in the platform of 1896 and 1900. There is already strenuous contention as to. whether there shall be any reference whatever to those two declarations and there are many shades of views as to how the subject should be covered. Delegates who are close to Mr. Bryan want a reaffirmation in terms but some of them are content to say that while making the reassertion, they consider other and newer ques tions of leading importance, and are willing on that account to give more prominence to them. Others take the position that it would be invidious to mention the Chicago and Kansas City utterances and urge that it will be sufficient to reaffirm the principles enunciated by all previous Democratic conventions and then pass to the con sideration of newer questions. A third class would have all reference to previous declarations entirely omitted. Some express the opinion that the preparation of the platform will be left almost entirely to Senator Gorman and . Ttepresentative Williams. the Democratic leaders in the two houses of congress. It Is generally believed that the character of the platrorm , will have a marked Influence upon the ! presidential nomination, and as only; a majority vote is requirea tor us adnntinn. its exact wording will be awaitod with much interest. .Inhn B. Walker of New York is urging the adoption of a financial plan declaring for a currency so ad Justed as to meet all business require ments. Cannon Is for Gorman. St. Louis, July 2. Different from the plan in any previous convention, the standards for the delegations will be fastened to the floor with screws, so that no stampede can be started with banners. Gaspipe will be used in their construction. "Moving the standards." said Colonel Martin, "has caused more trouble than any feature of other con ventions. It will be because screws and taps are not strong enough if the delegates succeed in removing those for this convention." To Prevent Stampedes. St. Louis, July 2. "I do not contend for a reaffirmation of the Kansas City platform." said former Senator Can non, chairman of the Utah delegation, who eight years ago in this city, walk ed out of the Republican convention because of its repudiation of bimetal lism. Continuing, he added: "I have not changed my principles and a failure of the Democratic party to specifically reindorse any one plank of any one platform does not indicate that the party has changed. I only say that we want a platform broad enough for all Democrats to stand on and if we get that I shall be satisfied. Ideal ist though I am. I do not want any more rainbow chasing. Of that we have had enough. We want a candi date who can lead, and' with such a candidate and a platform dealing with the live questions of the day we will have a chance to put some of our doc trines into laws, which is more import ant than a century of abstract theoriz ing." Mr. Cannon is a supporter of Senator Gorman, but his delegation is divided on presidential preferences. CILVIRMAX JOXES ARRIVES. He Favors Williams for the Tem porary Chairmanship. St. Louis, July 2. Former Senator James K. Jones, chairman of the Dem ocratic national committee, has arrived in the city and taken apartments at the Jefferson hotel. He said that no definite arrangements for the organiza tion of the convention had been made and predicted that none would be made until the meeting of the full national committee which will take place next Monday. However, he advocates the selection of John Sharp Williams,, of Mississippi, leader of the minority in the house for the position of tempor ary chairman, and there is now little or no doubt that the selection will fail upon Mr. Williams. t The permanent chairmanship will probably go to some northern delegate, and Thos. E. Barkworth of Michigan and Patrick A. Collins are mentioned in that connection. The committee on arrangement for the convention will hold a meeting today but it is not ex pected that it will make any recom mendation with regard to convention officers. The national committee will also take up and dispose of the con tests on the part of rival delegates. The most prominent of these is Illinois case and Delegate Hopkins who holds cre dentials as delegate at large, has been in the city all day busily occupied in presenting his claims. Make Music as They Go. Denver, Col., July 2. Colorado dele gates to the national Democratic con vention accompanied by many other (Continued on Page Six.) LOOK HERE, SIR! Mr. Coleman, You May Hare Started Trouble. Your Opinion Would Nullifj Prohibitorj Amendment. NOT IH THE JOURNALS. Resolution Wasn't Published as You Saj Law Requires. Biennial Election Law In the Same Situation. If the opinion which Attorney General Coleman gave out Friday concerning the legality of the propositions to amend the Constitution which were passed by the last legislature, is correct, the pro hibitory amendment was never legally submitted. It was never published in any legislative Journal In any form whatever,, and there is nothing in any published records anywhere to show the nature of the proposition. Mr. Coleman declares that to be legal a resolution to amend the constitution must be printed in the legislative Jour nals, together with the yeas and nays by which it passed. This is apparent ly the reading of the constitutional provisions. Because two of the pro posed amendments were not published in either house Journal upon final pas sage, Mr. Coleman gives it as his for mal opinion that they cannot be sub mitted to the people, although they were published upon the first and sec ond readings. The prohibitory amendment was not only not published upon final passage, but it was not published in either leg islative Journals at the time of its in troduction even. The only thing to dis close its nature is the title of the reso lution, and the title says nothing about prohibition. It was introduced by Sen ator Hamlin in the legislature of 1879 as Senate Joint Resolution No. 3, and it3 title was as follows: "Senate Joint resolution No. S. rtro- posing an amendment to article 15 of tne constitution of the state of Kan sas, relating to the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors, by adding section 10 to said article." That is the way it is referred to An both Journals of the legislature of 1879, and there is nothing else to dis close its nature. It wfes not publish ed in the statute book either. The history of the resolution in both houses was as follows: Senate. Page 312 of senate Journal, intro duced by Senator Hamlin. -Page 357. recommendation of the Judiciary .committee that it be refer- red to the committee of the whole and be printed. Page 432, motion carried to consider it engrossed and to read it a third time. Resolution passed by & vote of 37 to 0. The yeas and nays given. Page 610, reported back from the house as passed by that body. Page 643, reported as enrolled signed by the officers of both houses, and sent to the governor for his signature. Page 751, messaged back by Gov ernor St. John as approved. House. Page 576 of the house Journal, mes saged over from the senate. Page 618, read for the first time. Page 620, referred to the committee on temperance. Page 742, recommended for passage by the committee on temperance. Page 949, ordered read for the third time. Page 998-9, passed the house by a vote of 88 to 31. The original resolution is, of course, on file in the office of the secretary of state, but so far as has been discover ed there is no printed copy of it in the records. If it was legally adopted there seems to be no reason why the Francis proposition to amend the con stitution and the Smith amendment to the bill of rights cannot also be sub mitted at the coming election. The history of the prohibitory amend ment was brought out by some of the state house people who wanted to find out if other constitutional amendments had been adopted in accordance with Mr- Coleman's opinion. An Investigation shows that the biennial election amendment of two years ago was not recorded in the legislative jour nals in accordance with Mr. Coleman's opinion. It was introduced as senate concurrent resolution No. 5, and is not published on first reading, but appears in the senate journal on second reading. It was also published on final passage, to gether with the yeas and nays. Then it went to the house and was published, when it was sent to the Judiciary com mittee, but the committee reported it back with some amendments. These amendments are not shown, nor was the resolution published as finally passed by the house. It went back to the senate as amended and the senate journal re cords that Senator White moved to con cur in the house amendments, but it does not show that the motion was ever pass ed, and there is no record of the amended resolution in either journal. CRYlORlELP. Americans Appeal to United States for Protection. Against Turks Who Are Slaugh tering Them bj Thousands. Washington, July 2. Secretary Hay today received the following cablegram from Persia: "Ispahan, July 2. Turkish barbarians massacreing thousands. Armenians massacreing . thousands. Armenians merit in the name of Christianity and humanity to save innocent lives. "ARMENIAN BISHOPS IN PER SIA." Fourth or July Raid. Reasoner's candy factory at 1133 Kansas avenue, was broken into last night and several boxes of candy and some fireworks were stolen. Entrance was made by breaking out a pane of glass. The police are looking for a small boy with a peppermint tinted breath and some Fourth-of-July explosives. WEATHER STILL rXSETTLED. It May Rain on the Glorious Konrth. Today's cloudy weather looks omt nqus for the Fourth, and the forecast for Kansas sent out today says "Part ly cloudy tonight and Sunday, with probably local thunder .storms." Di rector Jennings will say nothing about what may happen Monday. Today's corn and wheat region bul Ietin says: "The weather was cloudy this morning over Kansas and western Missouri. Showers have occurred in the southern and eastern counties of Kansas and the southwestern coun ties of Missouri, with a heavy rainfall at Sedan. The day's temperatures have fallen somewhat, and the night temperatures risen slightly. The temperatures- reported for the past 24 hours were as follows: Con cordia, 80-64; Dodge City, 84-62; Fort Scott, 80-62; Macksville, 84-62; Mc- ffterson, 88-64; Manhattan, 84-62 Osage City, 80-60; Sedan, 90-64; To peka, 80-61; Toronto, 82-62; 'Wichita, The rains 'reported for the oast 24 hours were as follows: Dodge City, .12; i-ort scott, .06; Macksville, .16; Osage City, .08; Sedan, 1.10; Topeka, .14; Toronto, .46; Wichita, .58. The wind at noon was southeast, blowing 16 miles an hour. The hour ly temperatures recorded by the gov ernment today were as follows: 7 o'clock 63 I 11 o'clock 69 8 o'clock... 64 12 o'clock.. 9 o'clock 67 I 1 o'clock 10 o'clock 68 I 2 o'clock Trace of rain. Wind southeast miles at 2 p. m. BURTONCASE UP. Will Be Taken to U. S. Supreme Court. Onlj Tribunal Haying Juris diction Sajs Judge Adams. St. Louis, Mo., July 2. Judge Elmer B. Adams, of the United States dis trict court today granted United States Senator Joseph R. Burton, of Kansas, convicted of accepting money from a company under investigation by the posiomce department, an appeal to the supreme court of the United States. The ground on which the appeal -was granted is that the defendant is accused of an infamous offense and the supreme court is the only tribunal having sole Jurisdiction. The defendant urges that the checks amounting to $2,000 were cashed at Washington and that if any offense was committed, it was done at Wash ington and not at St. Louis. Senator Burton was fined $2,500 and sentenced to the Iron. county. Mo., jail for six months. He,ppeald to the United States -court ofj appeals, but to day's action takes tlrie case direct to the supreme jeourt of the United States. An appeal bond of $10,000 was imme diately furnished by Senator Burton. Mr. Burton was present In court. BIG GAS, PLANT SALE Kansas Natural Gas Company Buys the Independence Property. Independence, Kan., July 2. The big deal for the transfer of' the gas Interests of the Independence Gas Co. has been closed and all the property, rights and title passed from the one to the other when the papers were signed and the balance of the $550,000 was paid over last evening. There has been much speculation as to whether this deal would ever be consummated. It was understood that one of the purposes of Mr. Snyder and his associates in buying out the Inde pendence Gas Co. was to form a strong company to pipe gas to Kansas City and Other Missouri cities and towns en Natural Gas Co. was formed by a con solidation of a number of companies owning gas properties, and the com pany applied for a charter to do busi ness in the state of Kansas, one of its avowed purposes being to pipe gas out of the state. A storm of opposition arose. The Kansas Gas Protective as sociation sent representatives - to To peka and succeeded in knocking out the application. The Kansas Natural Gas company is a consolidation of the New York Oil & Gas company, the Kansas Natural Gas company of Delaware, (Barnsdall & O'Neill) and the , Independence Gas company. R. M. Snyder came to Mont gomery founty among the very "first. He drilled the first well at Bolton and has kept six strings of tools running ever since. At the present time the Kansas Natural Gas company has 78 gas wells in Montgomery county hav ing a registered capacity of 350.000,000 cubic feet per day. In the entire dis trict the company owns 115 gas wells with a tested capacity of 546,000.000 cubic feet a day, an average of about 5,000,000 feet to the well. The company has expended approxi mately $1,200,000 in eight counties of Kansas. General Manager Snyder says it is the purpose of his company to work for the interest of Montgomery county. Spec ial inducements will be offered manu facturers wishing to locate here, and every new industry will be encouraged to come here, "for the reason," says Mr. Snyder, "that we can furnish gas cheaper at the base of supply-than we can at a distance. For the purpose of lending aid to the securing of new in dustries we will give gas for manufae ing purposes for three cents a thou sand feet. This is probably the cheap est natural gas has ever been sold." The officers of the new company are: President T. N. Barnsdall, Pitts burg, Pa. Vice President and General Manager R. M. Snyder. Sr., Kansas City. Treasurer Clarence S. James, Pitts burg. Secretary John S. Scully, Jr., Pitts burg. Assistant Treasurer and Local Man ager R. M. Snyder, Jr., Independence. Liquor Sales Increase. The total of the liquor sales by drug gists for June -as reported at Probate Judge Hayden is 9,927. The total sales for May were 9,230. The sales reported for May and June are greater thaft for any months for years. Mr. Wliittemore fe St. Louis, i Superintendent Whittemore, of the Topeka schools, is attending the Na tional Educational association meeting In St. Louis this week. Mrs. Whittemore accompanied him. . CRISIS REACHED. Russians at Port Arthur Pre pare for Final Struggle. - Foreigners Except Those Sus pected Are Ordered to Leare. JAPANESE ADVANCE. General Kuroki Continues to Press Kuropatkin Back. Russians Hare Heard Nothing of Reported Sea Fight. Chefoo, July 2. are, it is asserted. Port Arthur and ready to meet it at their command, remaining at Port ception of several picion, have been -11:30 A. Jt-Affairs reaching a crisis at the Russians are with all the forces The few foreigners Arthur with the ex who are under sus ordered to leave. A ? 1 "nSUAUCHtNS i rr OKAICHOW H I J fiJJ' El RUSSIAN TOP5i m JAPANESE TROOPS. Position of Japanese and Russian Troops Above Port Arthur. number arrived here today. They in cluded the managers and clerks of large firms, who continued in business during the siege. The Russians sealed the premises and gave the merchants re ceipts for. their stock of goods. The Norwegian steamer Sentis is in the harbor ready to bring out the wo men and children. Every Russian sub ject, it . is reported has been ordered to take a place In the ranks and Join the force facing the invaders on the hills back of the town. Four battleships, gunboats and torpedo boats make ex cursions to sea. One torpedo boat, it is claimed has succeeded in making three trips to Ylnkow and it is report ed that on her last trip Admiral Skryd loff was taken to Port Arthur on her. Haven't Heard of Sea Fight. St. Petersburg, July 2. Nothing is known here of the report that a sea fight has taken place between the Vladivostok squadron and the Japanese squadron, commanded by Vice Admiral Kamimura. Russian Cruisers Unharmed. London, July 2. According to a dis patch to the Central News only three cruisers of the Vladivostok squadron appeared in Tsu island channel and the torpedo boats belonging to the squad ron aparently had returned to Vladi vostok. Heavy cannonading was heard ashore at half past 8 yesterday evening, the dispatch says, but the nature and result of the light are not known. The Rus sian ships however seemed to have suffered no damage as they were after ward seen making in a northeasterly direction. Russians Retiring. General Kurokl's headquarters in the field, via Fusan, July 2. The Russian troops have retreated all along' the line before the northern advance of the Jap anese army and the country to the northwest is almost clear of them. A cavalry division which has been active in front of the Japanese right has retired along the roads and across the country. It appears as though General Kuropatkin feared he would be surrounded. Should he determine to make a stand at Liao Yang, a de cisive battle before the rains is prob able. I Japanese Advancing. Liao Yang, July 2. The Japanese are advancing over an extended front. The Russian troops are in splendid spirits and General Kuropatkin is in personal command. The Russians are holding Dalin Pass. Fifteen trains are: arriving here daily. Major General Mistchenkos cavalry is fighting constantly. Firing Heard in Japan Sea. Nagasaki, ' July 2.-9 a. m. The Vladivostok squadron of Russian war ships was reported off Iku island last night and the sound of firing was heard at Goto island. American Leads Japanese. Liao Yang, July 2. General Kuro patkin and General Kuroki are moving their troops like men on a chess board. The Japanese are now twenty miles from Liao Yang. Rains are impeding their movements. Detachments total ing 1,200 men have been detailed from General Renankampff's Cossacks to scout defiles and hills, harassing the Japanese, allowing no rest day or night. The Japanese are commanded by an American; his tall form is frequently seen with the batteries. Kuroki army is extremely active east of the Russian position but Rus sians are correspondingly vigilant. The Russian center is rapidly pushingnorth ward to a point where 'Kuropatkin established his base after the battle of Vafangow. As far as the Russians know, he is pushing onward through all tne mountain passes, even toward Muk den. Preparations at all points are now practically complete. The demonstra tion made during the last few days against the Russian left flank threaten completely to change the position of the two armies. Notwithstanding four days' rain the troops are stf.l moving. Some Red Cross trains with wounded passed northward on June 30. Newspaper correspondents have re turned to Liao Tang from the south. A press bureau has been established at Liao Yang. Japanese Retire Eastward. Liao Yang, July 2. The Japanese guards division which was engaged in the attack oa Talien Pass, is retiring eastward and General Count Keller, who has been reinforced, is following up the Japanese. - Report From Kuropatkin. St. Petersburg, July 2. The following dispatch from General Kuropatkin, dated June 30, has been received by the emperor: "Not only as General Kurokl's for ward movement in the direction of Hai Cheng and Ta Tche Kiao been suspend ed.but even the Japanese troops march ing on the road to Chanza, toward Sian Diao have begun to retire toward Chanza on the road to Siu Yen. The village of Madiviz has been occupied by our troops. "No Japanese retreat has been ob- R9v mm -, r - . "-"bt WYAMS TA LING rwrwj: dl t?iuret served on the southern road leading to Kin Chou across the Chapanlin pass.- Our cavalry operating in the di rection of Senuchen has retreated north under pressure of the enemy. J'Southward of Hal Cheng the Jap anese have placed strong infantry ad vance potts for a distance of 122 miles along the roads leading from the dif ferent passes. "The Japanese advance in the Feng Wang Cheng region has ceased, while in the Hua Yen Sian and Sint In dis tricts the enemy has receded south ward." Junk Hoisted by Mine. Chefoo, July 2.-8 p. m. A Junk was blown up by a contact mine at the en trance of the Laio river below Che wang Friday. Twenty Chinese were killed and 12 wounded. The captains of the vessels here are in a state of alarm. STILL ACCUSING. Russian Newspaper Charges Japanese With Mutilation of Fallen. St. Petersburg, July 2. The Jour nal de St. Petersburg, the semi-official organ of the foreign office, prints this morning one of its infrequent edito rial articles dealing with official denial- by the Japanese government of the' reports of the mutilation of Rus sian wounded. The article says: "A simple denial is not exculpation. We do not deny that our wounded are well treated at Sasebo and other Japa nese cities, where well organized hos pitals are operated under the eyes of Europe, but on the field of battle, when the Russians are forced to abandon the wounded, a cruel fate awaits them, as their agonized cries can not be heard in Europe "A photograph has been taken by Dr. Stankevitch of General Mistchen ko's division, showing horribly muti lated Russians, with handa cut off and tongues cut out and pierced by thongs. An officer was found in a pitiable condition but still breathing. He was restored to consciousness, and said he had been fired upon deliber ately by Japanese soldiers. His depo sition, signed by the Russian authori ties and several military attaches, wiH soon be in our possession. "General Romanoff has made a de tailed report upon the subject to the Red Cross, and Prince Jaime de Bour bon has furnished testimony regard ing the battle at Vafangow. News has also come, and has not been denied in the Japanese accounts, that the Japa nese use lances and have decided to give no quarter to cossacks who fall into their harids. "In the face of such grave facts we think an "Indignant denial' will not suffice to save the Japanese honor. "We have reason to believe that the Japanese massacre and mutilate the wounded, but treat well for the eyes of Europe those remaining after the massacres. "The proportion of the dead to the wounded will prove much that it is hardly possible now to determine; but sooner or later the truth will come out. "During the Turko-Russian war the Turkish . atrocities were incredible. When on the march General Skobleft came upon half naked and horribly mutilated Russians, he said to the English correspondents, "Behold, gen tlemen, an instructive spectacle. Let the people of your country know what they are sustaining." "In this dilemma the Japanese must prove, but not by affirmation, that the allegations made agatnst them are false or bear the Indelible cisgrace. which would prove 4t to be perfectly true that a people can not -pass sud denly from a state of cruel barbarism to one of civilization by means of (Continued on Page Six.) STILL UPJjlEY GO. No End to Increase in Kansas Bank Deposits. Commissioner's Report Shorn One Hundred and Fire Million. BIG ADVANCE SHOWN. Orer Trrelre Million During Past lear. Erldently Abore Hundred Mil lion Mark for Good. The bank deposits of Kansas hav gone above the hundred million mark for good. They are now nearly $105, 000,000, an increase of over a million dollars since the report made last March, although it waa expected that the present report would (how a fall ing oft. The report for the condition of Kan sas banks, both stats and national, at the close of business on June I. as made public by Bank Commissioner Albaugh today, also shows that tha de posits have increased more than 12 mil lion dollars within the past year, from 92 million dollars to nearly 105 mil lions. Last year a report waa called for on June 9, exactly a year previous to tf report made public today, so that inter esting comparisons can be made, and they show a great gain in the wealth, and prosperity of Kansas', notwith standing the fact that many predicted tnat the state had reached the height of its prosperity a year ago. Now, on the verge of another great harvest, the deposits of the banks are greater than ever, and the next report will doubtless. show an increase of several millions. A year ago there were 496 state and private banks and 140 national banks ' in the state. At the date of the pres ent call there were 534 state and pri vate banks and 156 national banks. A year ago the total deposits in the state were $92,557,254.92. At the present time they are $104,841,566.82. A year ago, the loans aggregated $72, 201,478.60. At the present time thev are $79,198,108.78. A year ago the cash and sight exchange aggregated Jb, 236,885. 60. It is now $42,562. 7.63.66. The reserve, which in thl state banks a year ago was 44.5 per cent .ana in national Dank 36.3 per cent., is at this time 43 per cent, in the state banks and 3 8.5 per cent, la the national banks. During the year there has been an Increase of over $1,500,000 in the bank capitalization of the banks of the state and substan tial inci eases in surplus and undis tributed profits. - . , In referring to the report, Mr. Al baugh said: "The banks of Kansas during the past year have enjoyed a most sub stantial and satisfactory growth in their business. Then they were ap proaching the hundred million dollar limit in deposits. They have since passed this limit, it would seem, for good, for the coming months are like ly to see deposits still further in creased throughout the state. "Speaking generally, the banks of the state were never in a better condi tion than at the present time. Their real estate holdings outside of that actually used for bank buildings has been reduced to the minimum and the few losses, that were Incurred In the recent depreciation of prices In cattle, have been eliminated. The present year promises to be an unusually sat isfactory one in banking circles in Kansas. The report. In detail, of the condition of the state and national banks of Kan sas at the close of business June 9 is as follows: RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts State $37.92S.M0.51 National 41,269,268.27$ 79,198,1.T! Overdrafts State 4S5.337.94 National Sn2.62S.7S 9S7,963 73 United States Bonds on Hand State 140.7W.64 National 166,920.00 307,7 64 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. Dep. and Cir culation National 8.481,150.00 8.4R1, 150.00 Premium U. S. Bonds National 312,737.27 312.737.27 Stocks, Bonds, etc. State , 1.0R3.740.67 National 2.180,156.25 3.263.S96.91 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures State National .... 1.213,499.76 2,457,520.07 Other Rpal Estate Owni-d- State 249.19S.64 National 403,872.51 653.071.1S Cash Items and Clearing House Items State 301,658.88 National 744,721.38 1,046,S90.2 Cash and Sight Exchance Btate 21.469.5S2.3S National 21,093,181.28 42.562,763.G Other Resources State 151,303.99 151,303.03 Due from U. S. Treasurer National 350,871.97 350,871.97 $139,773,477.43 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock State $ 8.80R.450.00 National 10,512,600.00 $ 19,321,060.04 Surplus State 2.164,965.14 National 2,004.437.56 4,16B.392.7 Undivided Profits State 1.859,564.74 National 2,299,216.56 4.158.781 80 Dividends Unpaid State 9.459.00 National 1.315.94 10,774.94 National Bank Notes Outstanding National 6.893.07O.0O . 6.898,070.00 Due to Banks and Bankers State 1.219.W3.1S National 7.824,884.78 Individual Deposits State 48.733,618.89 National 45.762.871.47 U. S. Deposits National 1,300,388.52 104,841,566.83 Rediscounts and Bills Payable State 143,617.41 National 72,154.46 215,771.87 Other Liabilities State 115,004.62 National .... 48,065.18 163,069.80 $139,773,477.13 Syndicate Co.'s Third 100-Barrel Well. Chanute, Kas., July 2. The Syndi cate Oil and Gas company, a Topeka company, shot in their No. 11 four miles east of town today. It Is as good as No. 10. This makes three wells on the company's holdings that are pumping better than a hundred barrels each per day. They are classed among the largest producers in the entire Kansas field. . , , Weather Indications. , , Chicago, July 2. Forecast for Kan sas: Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday with probably local thunder storms. East to south winds. V