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a. The Evil.- of Double Hedery BASEBALL i I 11 Foul Strike and Other Topics Ml rAJOR league baseball author ities have been making strong efforts to do away with the pernicious double header- The playing of two games of ball for one admission is a practice that dictators in minor leagues have frequently abused, and it is to the credit of the larger organizations that they show a desire to reduce these cut rate contests to a minimum. President Barney Dreyfuss of the Pittsburg Nationals recently took un usual means to avoid the playing of a double header in St. Louis. He char tered a special train at a cost of $1,000 and arranged with a railroad to make a special schedule between Pittsburg and St. Louis in order that his team could reach the latter city to play a postponed game on an off day instead of two the next day. Double Header Cheapens Baseball. The double header cheapens baseball considerably. If two games were fre quently played for one admission many followers of baseball would not pat ronise it except on such days when they could get a cut rate. The suggestion has been made from time to time that whenever the neces sity for two games in one day arises one of them should be played in the morning and one in the afternoon. Managers have proved loath to adopt thi3 scheme, because the total receipts of both games seldom amount to half the amount taken in at a double header. Then, again, some of the critics sug gested that postponed games be played after the close of the championship season, which proposition also failed to gain favor. The Present Method. Probably the best plan, after all, is to continue along the lines followed at present to play off delayed games at the first convenient moment after the first series of games has been played. Major league teams do not, as a rule, play double headers with any club dur ing the first series of games. In one of the baseball associations a prominent club opened the season with a double header. Here was a case in which the game was deliberately cheapened in order to draw a large crowd. The manager of the team in question should have received a se vere rebuke. Perhaps before the cam The International THE WORLD Dick Sheldc n Kie!y, THE American college world is greatly interested in the com ing international athletic con tests to be held in London. As has been the custom in years past, Yale and Harvard men are to compete against the stars of Oxford and Cam bridge, the two leading universities of Great Britain. V'- ..1 i V JOHN HINES, WELL KNOWN WEIGHT THROWER. HInes is a member of the Star A. C. of Greater New York. He is the junior metropolitan champion weight thrower and will compete at St. Louis in the voild s fair games. paign closes the club will be offering red and green trading stamps to every ticket purchaser, with the privilege of a free admission on the presentation of six of the coupons. The Foul Strike Rule. The foul strike rule has come in for a vast amount of scoring this season, as was the case a year ago. The chief complaint is that it decreases the num ber of base hits, thus robbing contests of many interesting features. Certain ly the fewer the men that reach first base the smaller the number of oppor tunities for exciting situations. The one feature of the game that appeals to scores of "fans" is good batting. Handicap batsmen, and the game loses interest. , Moreover, the pitchers of today are more effective than ever. Twirling sci ence has made great advances, and the ' 1 1,1 1 "' ""7 ill ' ' . ; IHI : u y;V. WEST, A SPEEDY YOUNG WESTERN CANDIDATE FOR THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TROTTING STAKE AT DETROIT. The Chamber of Commerce stake is to be competed for at the first meeting of the grand circuit, which opens July 25 at Detroit. Games, July 20 sf ATHLETICS the Irish Champion The Yale-Harvard stars have been preparing for the meet for several weeks. The date set for the athletic carnival, July 20, has given them ample time. Still, a college athlete does not require a great deal of effort to bring him into shape for competition at this time of the year, because he is invaria bly in condition, owing to the fact that s S ' i f'Jc 4- batsman's task has been made even more difficult. By giving the pitchers the advantage of the foul strike rule they have contests almost entirely un der their control. Low Score Games Tire "Fans." There is nothing more tiresome to a spectator than a game in which only one or two runs are tallied. True, such games show scientific work and high class baseball, yet the elements that go to make baseball the national game are lacking. What nine out of ten peo ple wish to see are good stops of diffi cult grounders and good catches, base running and good team work. By put ting the game into the hands of one player, the pitcher, the dictators have robbed the "fans" of many exhibitions of fast play. In the end the foul strike rule will bring about a deterioration of infield and outfield playing. Men that cover the bases, having less to do, will not keep themselves in top notch form, and the outfielders will find their hardest job that of staying awake. Unless the rulers of the big leagues get together at the close of the season and repeal the foul strike rule a great deal of , dissatisfaction is certain to arise. From present indications it can be safely predicted that the obnoxious regulation will not be found In the rule book next year. The Umpire's New Burden. The poor umpire has another bur den. President Pulliam of the National league has ordained that each member of the much abused tribe shall carry a whisk broom to be used to brush off 5 . S generally all the important meets are held in May and June. The Last International Meet. The last contest between the repre sentatives of these universities occur red two years ago at Berkeley oval, in the outskirts of New York city. The Americans won the majority of points handily. Only in the long distance running were we . outclassed. In the sprints, jumps and particularly in the weight events we had our own way. England has always been famous for her long distance runners. Americans, nor representatives of any other nation, have the slightest chance to defeat the Britishers in events of a mile or over. It is not strange that our boys prove to be superior in the manipulation of the shot and the hammer. These events have been developed to their highest state of perfection on this side, and in many English colleges weight and hammer competition is practically an unknown quantity. Feeble Weight Throwers. The attempts of the Englishmen at Berkeley oval were ridiculous. They could send the hammer barely half the distance covered by the swing of the Americans, and in the shot put no tape measure was required to determine which country had won. All that re mained to do was to figure the number of yards the English throws were short. The men picked by Yale and Harvard include several intercollegiate cham pionship winners and men of interna tional reputation. In nearly every event each of the col leges names one man. The American Contestants. Yale and Harvard have nominated Torrey and Schick, respectively, for the 100 yard dash. In the half mile Young of Harvard and Parsons of Yale will compete for Uncle Samuel. The one mile run will bring out Olcott and Hill of Yale. King and Colwell of Harvard are to represent us in the two mile run. The redoubtable Clapp and the flying Bird of Harvard will be seen in the 120 yard hurdle, while Murphy of Harvard and Victor of Yale may be victors in the high jump. The broad Jump event will be well taken care .of by Sheffield of Yale and Hayes of Har vard. America Should Win. A perusal of the list of American competitors shows that we may feel reasonably confident of scoring another triumph over the Britishers. No one in England can defeat either Schick or Torrey in the hundred. We should corral the points for first and second places. Schick should win, with Tor rey a close second. In the one-twenty hurdle Clapp should have an easy win. He is the best man in this country in a hurdle of this distance. The one and two mile runs must be conceded to England, while the broad and high Jumps are uncertain. The hammer throw and the quarter mile race will In all probability be cap tured by Yale and Harvard. Young and Parsons ought to "pull down" the half mile run handily. Of course the fact that the competi tions are to be held in England mili tates against us to some extent. The difference in food, climate and water the home plate when occasion requires. Formerly a broom was used by each club, but since McCarthy of the Chica go Nationals stepped on a broom while running for the plate in a recent game and sprained his ankle the day of the long handled variety is past. The brooms In question have some times been the cause of trouble. On one occasion Catcher Jack Warner of the New Tork Nationals and Hans Wagner, the star Pittsburg shortstop, almost came to blows because Jack wanted the broom laid to the right side of the plate and Wagner thought it should be placed to the left. Like many other ball players, Wagner and Warner believe in a sort of half superstitious way that the position of the broom has an influence on the game. League Leaders. Fielder Davy Jones of Chicago leads the American league in sacrifice hits. He has made more than twenty to date. Heidrick leads the American league in stolen bases. This speedy runner has fifteen purloined sacks to his credit. HARRY GRANT. A NEW VIOLINIST. American concert goers may as well prepare for a sensation next season, for Franz von Vecsey is said to be planning to visit us. Continental Eu rope and recently England has gone wild over his playing, and it will be re markable if the United States does not yield to what, according to all reports, is the most remarkable exhibition of musical genius the modern concert world has known. Von Vecsey is a Hungarian lad who is now only eleven years old. His fa ther is a prosperous citizen of Buda pest and a fairly skilled amateur on the violin. The mother is musical, be ing a clever pianist. The boy showed marked talent for the violin when only four years of age. His father instructed him, but four years later turned him over to Hubay, the composer and violinist. He has now been in Hubay's charge for three years, and he recently has set all Ger many, Austria and Hungary agog by his performances. In Berlin alone he gave ten recitals, and his receipts were virtually unparalleled in the musical history of the German capital. It ap pears that there is no question as to the boy's unqualified genius. Joachim is reported as having said of him, "I am seventy-two years old, but never in my life did I ever hear the like or believe it possible." The little Franz has given four re citals in London and has played in the course of these Vieuxtemps' first con certo and ballade and polonaise, Bach's G minor sonata, Tartini's "Trillo del Diavolo," Paganini's concerto in D and Mendelssohn's concerto. In reviewing the third concert a London newspaper says: "Vieuxtemps' first concerto opened the programme yesterday, so that the boy's technical opportunities began at the outset. They -were grasped, of course, with marvelous ease, and the close of an exciting work found the player fresh and unexhausted. One re gretted that the music in itself, apart MRS. FISKE AND HER PLANS. Mrs. Fiske, America's greatest actress, is planning an interesting series of revivals for next season. She will open in September at the Manhattan theater. New York, with a brilliant revival of Mr. Langdon Mitchell's comedy, "Becky Sharp," which was presented by Mrs. Fiske at the Fifth Avenue theater. New Yrk, several years ago. The cast of that production was regarded at the time as particularly strong, but it is hoped to give an even more notable representation. "Becky Sharp" will be followed for a brief term by Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler," which was given with signal success for a week early in the past season, but which it was impossible to continue then for a longer period. A play by C. M. S. McLellan, whose title has not yet been selected, will probably be the first new production of the Manhattan's season. It is described as a play of remarkable originality, novelty and dramatic interest. Maeterlinck's "Monna Vanna" also will be given, with a beautiful fifteenth century setting and in accordance with the author's Ideas and directions. Ibsen's "Rosmersholm" will be presented, too, and it is likely that another Ibsen play that has never been done in this country will be included in the season's offerings. invariably affects athletes in training. Then, too, the six days on shipboard stiffen their muscles, no matter how much time Is spent in exercise on the deck of the steamer. But the Yale Harvard cracks will soon become accli mated, and when the day of the con tests comes to hand they will be found ready to run and Jump as though their lives were at stake. Were the approaching games open to members of Aifierican college teams other than those of Yale and Harvard our chances of victory would be mate rially increased. In that case Williams and De Witt of Princeton, Hahn of Michigan, the sensational sprinter, and V 'V- - a.-n ' . ' " y h I - JIMMY RYAN, FAMOUS BALL PLAYER, WHO MAY AGAIN ENTER THE GAME. Ryan was at one time one of the leading outfielders. He is reported to be considering an offer from an American league club to play first base. Ryan is now in Chicago, where his friends are legion. If he does not don a uniform once more he will be made manager of one of the teams under control of the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues, of which Pat Powers is president. Jimmy Ryan began playing with the Chicago Nationals in 1886, when Anson bought his release in the east and put him into direct competition with such men as Dalrymple, Gore, Mike Kelly and Billy Sunday, Anson's brother-in-law. That year Ryan played 84 games and was at bat 327 times, securing 58 runs and 100 hits and stealing 10 bases. Regarded later as one of the surest judges of a fly ball and with a splendid throwing arm, he clinched his position and the next year, in 126 games, ranked eighteenth in batting, with such names ahead of his as Anson, Brouthers, Ferguson, Darling, Thompson, Kelly, Ward, Williamson, Fogarty. Richardson, Bennett, Rowe and Sunday, the speed of the last named bringing him many a hit. In 1887 Ryan was at bat 566 times, scoring 117 runs and making 198 hits and stealing 50 bases. From then on to the time Jim Hart let him go to St. Paul in a minor league Ryan was a fixture in the old White Stocking outfield. from its value as a means of display, had not greater worth. Still Vieux temps knew how to pile up difficulties for the violinist, and in their surmount ing lies a certain interest for the lis tener. "An adagio and a fugue by Bach were the next pieces in the list. Both were unaccompanied and so calculated to expose the weaknesses of a less re A 2 Captain Kellogg of Michigan, the star long distance runner, could be taken over. Dick Sheldon. Dick Sheldon, the great Yale hammer thrower and shot putter, is one of the few athletes of wide prominence that do not permit their interest in athletics to drop after their college careers are over. Sheldon is now a member of the New York Athletic club and of the Seventh regiment of New York. At the com petitions of these organizations he is always one of the interesting figures and, of course, captures the prizes In markable performer. And yet the fugue was quite a miracle of pointed, masterly and intelligent playing. Of faulty intonation, so common a failing where, unaccompanied. Bach is con cerned, one noted scarcely a trace. In a word, little Vecsey carried away his audience, and a short encore piece had to be given before the boy was suffered to depart." the weight contests without much ef fort. Sheldon is one of the .most popular athletes in the country and is always the center of an admiring throng. He is without doubt the largest and stron gest man now in competition in the country. He enthuses at the mere mention of the word athletics, and not until he is ninety-eight years old and carries a crutch will he cease to be a competitor. Champion Kiely's Career. Thomas F. Kiely, the noted Irish champion, has been the subject of much comment since his arrival in this country. He was brought over by the Greater New York Irish Athletic association to appear at St. Louis. He has a long record. He won the all around championship of Ireland every year the contest was held and, in ad dition, has broken all sorts of records. He is the holder of no less than eighty championships, forty records and 1,500 prizes. His record with the hammer is 151 feet 11 inches from a nine foot cir cle. He sent the fifty-six pound weight 38 feet 11 inches with one hand, the world's record. FREDERICK R. TOOMBS. HEARD IN THE WINGS. Lotta Faust has a pretty wit, besides a pretty face, and a pretty appetite as Trixie in "The Wizard of Oz." She was singing the "Johnny, I'll Take You," song late last season when a "full moon" was observed as the occu pant of the "Sammy box." His head was as innocent of hair as a billiard ball. At the lines You have his chair, sir; You have his hair, .sir; If I can't have my Sammy, Why, Johnny, I'll take you. Miss Faust gazed with mocked affec tion at the smooth face and shiny pate of the victim, who blushed from the chin to the back of his neck as the au dience grinned at his discomfiture. "You must have embarrassed that stout party," remarked Charles Mitch ell, the stage manager, as Miss Faust reached the wings. "Not a bit," retorted the dainty in genue. "Why, he never turned a hair." AN ACTRESS HOUSEBOAT. Mabel Barrison, who scored so em phatic a success in "Babes In Toyland" last season, is enjoying the summer in a houseboat constructed especially for her for the use of herself, her mother and a few of her professional friends. The boat is anchored near West Point, on the Hudson river, and is just like the one occupied by Miss Barrison on the Thames during Edna May's London engagement with "The Belle of New York." It is two stories high, with a veranda covered with vines and flowers, and is equipped with all the conven iences necessary to houseboat life. Miss Barrison has signed a three year contract with Hamlin & Mitchell. THE DEADHEAD. It is a familiar axiom among theat rical men as well as railroad men that "once a deadhead always a deadhead." Permit a man to enjoy once the pecul iarly fascinating pleasure of free seats, and he immediately, and by the most marvelous process of reasoning, be comes obsessed by the conviction that he is entitled to free seats whenever he asks for them.- : ;- - - - HOW A. T. WORM MADE SOMETHING BY LOSING. A. Toxen Worm, the press agent to whose genius Mrs. Patrick Campbell owed the notoriety which she found so annoying and profitable last year, was first employed when he came to the United States as dramatic editor of a Pittsburg paper. - It was the rule of that paper that notices of actors or of dramatic attractions were regulated In size by the length of the advertisement which they In serted In its columns. One day the press agent for a traveling at traction walked into Mr. Worm's office and asked him to print half a column about his star. Mr. Worm told the press agent the rule of the paper. "Yes, I know," said the press agent; "but 1 want to make a personal re quest. I've been out ahead of this show two I ll do It.' weeks, and I haven't made good. Tomorrow morn ing, when the manager gets here, I ex pect to get my discharge. Perhaps if you'll print this long notice for me I may hold my Job." "All right," said Worm. "If you put it that way I'll print your notice." Next morning the long notice ap peared. Before noon the press agent called at Mr. Worm's office. "I'm much obliged to you, Mr. Worm, for printing that notice," he said, "but it didn't save me. I've just been fired. But I certainly am much obliged to you." "You ought to be obliged to me," an swered Worm, "for I got fired for printing it." "The deuce you did!" said the press agent. "If you would go right over to the hotel and ask for Mr. Connor, the manager of my company, and tell him what you got fired for and that you are a clever writer I shouldn't wonder If he'd give you my job." "I ll do it," said A. Toxen, "and I'll give you a tip. You go right upstairs and apply to the managing editor for the Job of dramatic editor. I know he wants somebody to fill my place." The ex-press agent went up the ele vator and applied for the job. He got it. Then he walked over to the hotel and found A. Toxen Worm packing his trunk. "I landed too," said Mr. Worm. "I'm just getting ready to start out for Chicago ahead of this company, I like this work much better than sitting in an office and waiting for things to hap pen." From such trifling and apparently Insignificant incidents do men often get. their start In life. HAROLD WILCOX, THE YOUNG GOLF CHAMPION. Harold Hinton Wilcox, recent winner of the metropolitan golf championship, is now in his nineteenth year and is a senior at St. Paul's school. Garden City, N. Y. He is one of the youngest golf ers that has ever won such distinction in this country. He played throuph a field of the finest golfers of this coun try, winning with apparent ease. He is tall about six feet one inch lithe and has a very long swing. He learned his game not from professionals, but by "NX taking it up as a young boy and grad ually growing into the fine points of the game, watching the methods of other players. Young Wilcox has been a member of the Montclair (N. J.) Golf club for the past four years and has had the chance of playing with an excellent set of players who are also members of that club. He plays in a free, easy and bold style, uses great head work and does not seem to be disconcerted by the play of his opponents. Although it was apparent that he was very nervous during the recent tournament, nevertheless he showed much more steadiness than any of the experienced players against whom he was pitted. He expects to go to Yale this fall. The new champion Is a son of Paul Wilcox of the Montclair Golt club, one of the most able and one of the best known golfers in the east. "THE WHEAT KING." A dramatization of "The Pit" wm recently produced In the Apollo thea ter, London, and was received with fa vor. The English play is called "Th Wheat King." The scene In the wheat pit and the details of Curtis Jadwin's corner in wheat were new and fasci nating to the English audience. The critics preferred the parts of the play which dealt with Jadwin's business af- fairs to those which had to do with his wife. As one paper said. "Lovers arc an old, old story, but the financial deal ings of Curtis Jadwin are new to the stage and as fascinating as they are puzzling." FROHMAN'S NEW PLAYS. Among the plays secured abroad by Charles Frohman are "The Gallant King," "The Third Moon," "La Man taneier" and "The Sorceress." Mr. Frohman has also engaged some fifty Parisian dancers who appeared in "The. Schoolgirl" at Daly's theater. New York, - . . . iW