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THE TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11 1905. -RAILRPADNEVVS. Position of General Boiler In spector Created on Santa Fe. 11 OiTSTRflS"iArillMTlf MILLIONS CF WOMEN SHOULD KK0W SATARR it O fii alai I IIU 1 J M&lJi&li MSmSitWSi 1 - t only, by all company the front of Lo'-j'svi'lVe. fey.' CONKLIN IS CHAMPION. Defeated Sigourney in the Amateur Contest at Chicago. Chicago, Feb. 11. Charles F. Conk lin of Chicago last night became ama teur champion of the United States by defeating W. H. Sigourney of San Francisco, 300 to 231 In an extra match to decide the tie result of the national amateur billiard tournament. Conklin gets the Brooklyn Kagle's cup emblem of the national amateur championship. In addition to the cup, which Conklin will have to win three times at different tournaments to be permanent possessor, jewelry valued $800 goes to the winner of the present tournament. Conklin also won the prize for the highest run made during the tournament. His high mark was 78. Conklin and Gardner are tied for the individual average of the tourna ment, each having a score of 11 3-37. 'I hey will meet in an extra game to morrow night to decide who shall re ceive the prize that goes with this honor. The second prize, won by Sigourney is a diamond ring valued at $500 Gardner had the highest grand aver age during the contest, and will re ceive a handsome jewel. Gardner also won the third prize. Fourth and fifth prizes went to Norris of New York and Threshie of Boston respectively. ine game between Conklin and Sig ourney. which decided the champion ship lasted over three hours. Both players were so deliberate and careful in their playing that the game grew tiresome at times. Conklin took the lead at the start, and kept it all through the contest. Sigourney played good billiards in spots only, and seem ed to weaken at critical moments. On several occasions luck seemed decidedly against him when he had the balls in position for a good run and he failed of several easy shots. Conklin played the more consistent rame of the two, and kept well in the lead throughout the contest. Following is the score of the game: Conklin Total 300; high run 31, average S 44-46. Sigourney Total 231; high run 40; average 5 6-4 5. ww mmvjp j is guaranteed to be in perfect condition or money refunded. ' A guarantee slip in each pack- I age ot halt-pound or more. Thm Lowaey Pmckmgca Mr Fall Welgbt, Send for the JLoTcney Receipt Sook, TSa Walter M. Lovvney Co., , BOSTON, MAS3. t.-;,-v ,I X! j 'sT Every Scaled Package 1 I s a II 7 ' . : '-- 5v If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a rea sonable amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is all important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one of known quality and excellence, like the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effectually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting" nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable cr injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manufacture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth considering in making purchases. It is because of the fact that SYRUP OP FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size reputable druggists, and that full name of the California Fig Syrup Go., is plainly printed on every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle. 5;tr r'rfcrcisco, C&l. "BAT" HASTE E.S01T, F0SKER ' f M x ,-,v. 4 if ' UNITED STATES DEPUTY MARSHAL. William Barclay Masterson, generally known as "Bat," who has been ap pointed a deputy marshal for the district of New York upon the recommen dation of President Roosevelt, is a pian with a record. He has won a reputa tion as a peace officer in several boom towns and mining camps, and his pistol was ever ready on the side of law and order. He is said to have killed twenty-eight desperadoes. "Bat", has also been a dealer of faro and a backer and handler of pugilists. But he has always been square.- Presi dent Roosevelt when roughing it as a ranch owner met Masterson, and the men became friends, the president-to-be admiring the sturdy honesty and des perate bravery of the gambler and shooter. Masterson visited New York years ago at the request of Superintendent Byrnes to look after a crank who was threatening the life of George Gould. He has been there, off and on, ever since. NO STATEHOOD. House Republican Caucus Decides to Reject Senate Bill. Washington, Feb. 11. Statehood for Oklahoma and New Mexico will not be granted durins this session of congress unless it be on lines provided in tne house statehood bill. This was decided at a conference of Republican members of the" house. ine tollowmg resolution setting iortn tne position was adopted 112 to alter three hours of debeate: "Resolved, That it is the sense of this conference that the action and policy of the Republican caucus held April 15, 1904, touching the admis sion of Oklahoma and the Indian Ter ritory as one state and New Mexico and Arizona as one state, as provided in the bill of the house No. 14749, which bill has been amended by the senate and is now pending in the house committee on territories be in sisted upon, and that we insist on such parliamentary proceedings as can be had by a majority of the house or a special order as can be -made and adopted by a majority of the house, under which the aforesaid policy of the Republicans of the house will be worked out." Speaker Cannon is the author if this resolution. j N2S bMMM-Mfcliii1H(l11V Miijijj. i'.J-.fl - X t. I GAMBLER AND SPORT. HOW A Fire at Haddam. Iiaddam, Kas., Feb. 11. The large two-story frame school building a this place was entirely destroyed by fire last evening at 6 o'clock. The fire was caused by a defective flue. The building was insured for $3,500, which will cover a little more than one-half the loss. Nearly all the con tents in three of the rooms were sav ed. Kansas City Defeats Ottawa. Kansas City, Feb. 11. In shameful ly easy fashion the speedy basketball team of the Kansas" City Athletic Club defeated the weighty quintette from Ottawa university by the score of 4 4 to 21. The game was played on the K. C. A C. court before a good sized crowd. THE HAIR kRUSH. Breeds Dandruff, WTaicli Causes Fall ing Hair and Finally Baldness. . Prof. ITnna. Hamburg. Germany, Euro pean authority on skin diseases, says that dandruff is as contagious as any other malevolent disease, and that one common source of the spread of dandruff is the use of the same hair brush by different per sons. The way to avoid catching dandruff or any other disease from another's brush is to insist on the use of Kewbro's Herpi cirie. It not only kills the dandruff germ, but it is also an antiseptic that will pre vent the catching of any disease whatever through contagion ot another's brush. Sold by ' leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps to The Herpicide Cb., Detroit, Mich. Rowley & Snow, special agents. f -. J;.- ---...yrj t Vj.W.V,Y.)Wv"1iTY j George Austin of Arkansas City Is Given the Place. EFFECTIVE AT ONCE. Superintendents and Master Mechanics to Co-operate. Gossip and Matters of Interest in Kailway Circles. George Austin has been appointed general boiler inspector of the Santa Fe system, by Alfred Lovell, superin tendent of machinery of the Santa Fe system. Mr. Austin was formerly division foreman at Arkansas City, and for the past two years he has been in charge of the class of work which he will here after superintend. Mr. Austin has not had the title of the position until the appointment which has just been an nounced which gives Mr. Austin juris diction over all lines Of the system. All mechanical superintendents, sup erintendents of shops, and division master mechanics of the Santa Fe sys tem are instructed to co-operate with Mr. Austin in carrying out all orders which Mr. Austin may make. Mr. Austin's work wHl be to super intend the washing, and the care and repair of the boilers of both stationary and locomotive engines of the Santa Fe. Great harm may be done to boil ers by lack of care in washing them, and to insufficient care In the repair work. Mr. Austin will visit all shop and division points on the system about once every tour months, and he will endeavor to bring the service on the entire system up to the highest stand ard of efficiency, and to establish uni form methods of handling the work of that department at all points along the system, which will combine efficiency and economy. Mr. Austin has been engaged in this work for about two years, but hereto fore his jurisdiction has not been so large nor his authority so broad as It will be hereafter. His work ha3 been found to b2 so valuable to the railroad company that he has been given the ti tle 'of general boiler inspector with in creased authority. Mr. Austin will remain at Arkansas City where his family is now living un til spring, when he will move to To peka, where he will make his head quarters. Mr. Austin and Mr. C. H. Gaunt, sup erintendent of telegraph, are the only system officers who are located at To peka. WORK HAS BEGUN". Steam Sliovel and Engines for Union Pacific Work Are at Onaa. Onaga, Kan., Feb. 11. The advance guard of the Kilnatrick Bros. & Col lins railroad grading outfit has ar rived at Onaga. It filled twenty-six cars. Besides machinery they brought torty-three horses and mules and nearly 100 men. The big steam shovel and two dummy engines, similar to those used on suburban street rail ways, are in the outfit. The younger Kilpatriclc and his private secretary are here. There has been no delay in getting to work. The stock was unloaded and shod all round, two sections oi track was built upon which to move the steam shovel; the two dummy en gines were unloaded about three miles east of here where they will be used in handling the 90-ton shovels and other heavy material. The tents and material for bunks and eating houses will be taken to the vicinity of Bartlett's place. The houses, or "shacks," as the men call them, are all framed and ready to set up. Those in charge state that it will be possibly three weeks before they get correctly straightened out and ready for grading proper. Work will be commenced at the Bartlett hill and proceed both ways. We are informed that the same activity is being displayed at the Me noken end of the line. Both Ayers and Mary, the Union Pacific right of way men, are buying land from the east side of the county westward. The commissioners ap pointed bv the court, Messrs. Morris, O'Meara and Herr, have been out for three days, appraising the land in volved in estates, of which there is considerable, and fixing the value where the railroad and owner cannot agree. They expect to be able to finish by next Tuesday. Cash is being paid where settlements are made. The Onaga proposition is now before the head officials of the road and a favorable reply is expected from them every day. Thev are to pass upon the final agreements as to what Onaga shall have for her Sio.uuu. wora from Omaha indicates that the road will give Onaga the advantages that were outlined by Mr. McAllaster. It is not probable that anything will be done with Onaga right of way until this matter is settled. The activity, expenditure of money and labor, all point to a speedy piece of railroad building from Topeka to Onaga. and the people are all well pleased. Erie Distributes Handsome Presents. Harry Donaldson, Sam Larimer, Charles' Seagraves and Wm. Curtis among others in the passenger depart ment of the Kanta Fe today received monogram watch fobs made especi- allv fnr parti nerson with the compll- me'nts of the Erie railroad. The fobs are gold and were made in London. The Erie road distributes a speci ally made fob to nearly all the pas senger men in the country. It was a verv expensive undertaking. The Erie company intended to have them readv for distribution last Christmas, but they were not completed in time. Rush to Southwest. Chicago, Feb. 11. There is to be a rush of people into the south and southwest if the inquiries now being received Ijv the western railroads re garding "homeseekers' excursions" signify much. One mail in a single railway office has contained over a hundred letters, all asking about soil and climate and other things that go to make up life in the rural districts. The movement is not confined to the southwest, but southern states like Alabama and Mississippi are receiving a great deal of attention. On one line alone 4S7 passengers, with homeseek ers' ticketB have left for the south west in Alabama. Reports to the of ficials indicate that many of these peo ple will remain in the south perma nently as they have made locations. Vast tracts of land in southwestern Kansas, which have been devoted Many Women Would Preserve Beauty hnd Were Promptly Used. MISS JAR ATI Miss Sarah Schiller, 1401 McEldery Baltimore, Md., writes : " I am pleased to endorse Peruna, as I took it about a year ago, and it soon brought relief from a cold on the lungs which threatened to be serious. "My lungs were sore and inflamed,- I coughed a couple of hours every night, and I felt that something must be done to heal up my lungs and rid me ot this cough which dis turbed my rest and was running me down. " Peruna was suggested by some of my friepds and acting upon their advice, I tried it, and found that it was able to bring about a speedy cure.. You have my highest endorse ment and thanka for the good it did me." Both health and beauty are threat ened in all cases of chronic catarrh. No one can expect to have good health so long as their vitality is sap ped away with catarrhal discharges. Facial deformities are largely a re sult of catarrh of the head and throat. Thus it is that women especially dread the ravages of catarrh. Catarrh is an insidious disease that silently steals away the vitality and gradually destroys the symmetry and beauty of the human body. Peruna will cure catarrh, no matter in what part of the system the disease may have settled. heretofore to stock, are now being de veloped for farms. Oklahoma is getting its full, share of homeseekers, while Texas is re ceiving more newcomers than for a number of years. For the present the migration to the ' British northwest seems to have come to a stop and the tide has turned to the southwest. THE "RATTLER'' A HUMMER. Paper at Wootton May Bring Town Into National Prominence. The little station of Wootton on the transcontinental line of the Santa Fe railroad in the Raton mountains, eight miles from the town of Raton, New Mexico, will come into national prom inence if the zealous editor of "The Wootton Daily Rattler" perseveres. "The Daily Rattler" is published by the agent of the Santa Fe railroad at that point. He gets it out with a type writer, and by the aid of the mimeo graph. The sheet is a hummer. The Rattles gets its telegraph news "via the Rattler's longest leased wire in the world," or perhaps it comes "via the Rattler's longest wireless w,ire in the world." If the news fails to reach the Rattler via either of the two modes already mentioned, it may come "via the Rattler's longest greased wire in th'e world," or still by the other means, "via the Rattler's hottest wire in the world." If the Rattler fails to get all the news and all the latest senations by the use of all the various kinds or wires, no doubt the editor will be able to make up for the loss by means of the "dream book " wnicn ne Keeps in a convenient place. The following is a special dispatch which was sent from Lynn, New Mex ico, to the Rattler via its longest' wire in the world: "The magnificent seven story, fire proof building which is be ing erected at the corner of Skunk avenue and Last street will be com pleted bv February 1. It will be used as a home for locoed victims, which are numerous in the vicinity." Here is another item: "Raton, N. M, Jan. 18., (via the Rattler's hottest wire in the world.) Mr. Sam Sausser has resigned his position as chaffeur for the Wells-Fargo and has left for Wootton where he has accepted the position of 'devil' for the Wootton Rattler. Sam will make a first class devil' and the Rattler is to be con gratulated." The department of "Wootton Wails Cures Colds an3 BacK-ache. Back-ache is the most distressing symptom of Grip. It may be between the shoulder blades, extending clear through to the chest, or down in the kidney region; it may take the form of Lumbago (crick-in-the-back), and lame vou so that you cannot walk or stand;" to lie still is impossible; to move, agony. The Back-ache of Grip destroys your disposition and makes you a bugbear to your family and friends. Why not try Dr. Humphreys' "Seventy-seven"? It works wonders cures Grip, breaks up the Cold and prevents Pneumonia. At druggists, 25 cents, or mailed. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., cor. William and John sts.. New York. feruna. Street, Found Pe-ru-na Just Right. Mrs. A. E. Richter, 378 Hastings St., Chicago, 111., writes: "Whenever I caught cold, it settled in my left side. It started always with headaches and dizziness. I had no appetite and was very nervous. "I take pleasure to inform you that through your suggestions and advice I ant in good health today. "I have always found your remedy to be just right. I can only express my thanks for your kindness." We have on file thousands of testi monals from grateful women like the in the Rattler is interesting. Some of the "wails" follow: Mr. Rough House of Dry Gulch paid the Rattler a pleasant visit last week. "Wootton is booming as never be fore, and we are dally becoming ths metropolis of the Range. During the past week Mr. Hank Hotfoot has put a glass in his window, which is a vast improvement over the gunny sack. "Mrs. King made a flying trip to Raton today where she will purchase two bits' worth of spare ribs and ten cents' worth of saur kraut. The King familv look rather peaked since the local freight has been annulled the past two weeks and are unable to get their supplies or eatables. "An entire train crew had an attack of hydrophobia recently while they were picking up a few cars of coal at this station. We are unable to ac count for the spell of madness, unless it is the high altitude which affects them." The weather forecast from Prof. R. P Menke's observatory at b a. m savs: "Local showers followed by snow or clearing weather yesterday Probabilities indicate a fluctuating temperature, shifting from hot to cold, nr cold to hot. followed by light north wind and general zephyrs from the south." The advertising patronage of the Rattler is small but the issue which contained the above information also contained the following want at: "Wanted A wife. A handsome wo man between the age of 17 and 40. Weight 400 pounds. Brunet preferred. An affectionate loving woman who can cook, wash, and scrub and cheer the heart of a lonely bachelor. Address H. T. Jacobs, Lynn. N. M." THOSE SANTA FE BONDS Details or the Plan for Subscribers to Take up the Issue. At the recent meeting of the Santa Fe railway board of directors in New York the details of the new bond is sue were announced, of which the fol lowing are the principal features: Both common and preferred stock holders of record at the close of busi ness on February 25 will be entitled to subscribe at par to the new bonds to the extent of 15 per cent of their holdings on that date. The total authorized Issue of the bonds is $50, 000,000, and at thi3 time $32,420,000 of the bonds will be put out. The bonds will bear 4 per cent inter est and will mature on June 1, lSoo. Interest will begin to accrue on April 1, 1905, and will be payable in June and December. The bonds will be con vertible into common stock of the company at par for a period of twelve years, from June 1, 1906, to June 1, 1918. The bonds are to be paid for in three installments. The first install ment of 25 per cent will be payable at anv time between April 3 and April 8 both inclusive. The second install ment of 37 per cent is payable on or before July 5 next, and the final installment of 37 Vi per cent on or be fore September 30 next. Rights to subscribe to the bonds will expire on April 8. Bonds will be delivered on the payment of the final installment. Grave Trouble Foreseen. It needs but little foresight to tell that when your stomach and liver are badly affected grave trouble is ahead unless you take the proper medicine for your disease, as Mrs. John A. Young of Clay, N. Y., did She savs: "I had neuralgia of the liver and stomnch, my heart was weaken ed and I could not eat. I was very bad for a long time, but In Electric Bitters I found just what I needed, for they quick Iv relieved and cured me. Best medicine for weak women. Sold under guarantee by Arnold Drug Co., 821 North Kansas ave., at 60c a bottle. Health If Pe-ru-na TftC TESTIMONY OF TWO BEAUTIFUL WHO ESCAPED THE HORRORS OF CATARRH. Miss Gertnade Pickles, 1623) Sheridan St., N. W., Washington, D. C., writes: "Several of my friends have advised the use of Peruna for colds and catarrh of the head, from which I had been a sufferer for some months. " am now much improved, in not only the catarrh, but my whole system, which I congratula te myself i3 due to the use of your grand medicine, Accept my Manns. If you suffer from catarrh In any form, do not neglect it. Buy a bottle of Peruna at once. A few In the first stage of the disease are worth more than a bottle ful when the disease has become chronic. ones given above. We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of the vast array of unsolicited en WRITE DR. HARTMAN FOR FREE MEDICAL ADVICE. dorsements we are receiving. No oth er physician in the world has received such a volume of enthusiastic and grateful letters of thanks as Dr. Hart man for Peruna, Peruna cures ca tarrh wherever located. Address Dr. S. "B. Hartman. Presi dent of The Hartman Kanitarlum, Co lumbus, Ohio, for free medical ad vice. And what an Opportunity I THINK OF IN YOUR PIES If you want high-grade Mince Meat, guaran teed pure and satis factory -TRY IT We use Seedless Raisins CHAS. WOLFF PACKING CO. TOPEKA i w My