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15 --''' xvx JJliXl KJJ.X1J.JJ t J-IU-H XXJJj IOi.J U JJi V JilX- JLT Jj ll A Q ri 4.0, XcfJO. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE) REAL ESTATE. Partnership Real Estate Co 600 HOMES NEWLY LISTED. 1,000 VACANT LOTS. BALLOT SYSTEM-READ LIST CAREFULLY AND MAKE CROSS THUS (X) IN BLANK SPACE TO LEFT OF PROPERTY THAT INTERESTS YOU. CALL) 'PHONE S3 MONDAY. . QUICK SALE SNAPS. $i,100 $2,900 $3,000 $2, SCO $2,450 $2,100 $1,375 $1,750 buvs a beautiful east front home on Western ave., near Huntoon, 8 rooms "and hall, bath, furnace, hot and cold water, electric light, cemented cel lar. Owner leaving; sell at a sacrifice. buys an attractive 7 room house on Fillmore St., east front, near 8th, about 3 lots, heat, bath, gas, cistern, city water, barn, fine shade. buys an all modern home near Bethany college, 7 rooms, lij lots, fine shade, nam, cistern. Must be sold this week. buys a fine new home on Taylor st, north of 6th St., lots, 8 large rooms and hall, pas, bath, city water, sink, pood cellar. Vei y reasonable. buys a dandy new 6 room, all modern cottage, in finest location in city, well made, beautifully finished. Owner leaving. buys 7 room east front home on Tyler St.. close In, lots, fine lawn, bath, city water, cistern. Best in the city for the money. new 4 room cottage on Buchanan St., with 2 lots, hard pine finish, good ce ment cellar, high, dry and a very attractive little home. buys 7 room house, west side, within 5 blocks of transfer station, newly pa pered and painted. EASY PAYMENTS. $2,500 New 7 room house with 2 lots on Western ave., electric light, bath, etc, $500, balance like rent. $53,100 5 room cottage close in on Tyler st,, $400 down, balance like rent. $1,150 5 room cottage, close in on Kansas ave., $300 down, balance rent. $1,250 5 room house on Van Buren St.. 2 1-3 lots, cistern, well, barn, $300 down, balance rent -VACANT LOTS. 3 lots on Taylor St., fine high location. fhoo each. 2 lots on Harrison, close in, $S0O each. 2 lots W. 10th St.. on car line, $350 each Fine east front lots "Western ave., $300 each. 6 lots on Lowman Hill car line, $60 each. Lots near Washburn college, $100 to $200 each. Choice lots on Fillmore, fine location, $400 to $500. FOR SALE ESTABLISHED COAL AND TRANSFER BUSINESS, PAYING- $100 PER MONTH. THIS INCLUDES WAGONS, TEAMS, HARNESS, SCALES, COAL BINS AND OFFICE!. DON'T FORGET OUR 'PRONE NUMBER IS 93. PARTNERSHIP REAL. ESTATE CO., PHONES &3. Second Floor, Crawford Bldg. DAVIS, , WELLCOME & CO. $1,2003 rooms, modern home, furnace, porcelain bath, light and fixtures, fine inter ior, built one year, east front and heavy shade: reduced to $4,200. Re fused offer of $3.Xf-0. Might split the difference. Western ave. $4.200S rooms, newly built, furnace, bat", "own stairs nnisnea in iieavy can, ev erything the best, east front, near 33th and Fillmore sts. $2,5007 rooms, hard wood finish, city and cistern water, east front, on Fillmore St., choice neighborhood. See this. $2,500 3 room cottage, large reception hall, hard wood finish, porcelain bath, hot water, light and fixtures, cemented cellar, east front, well located, not far out on west side. Was $2,650. $2,000 Neat 6 room cottage, hard wood finish, mantel and grate, large barn, heavy shade, east front, near 6th and Clay sts. Non-resident owner. Make offer. $S50 Down and $10 per month, 5 room cottage, large attic, hard wood finish, built 2 years, l'-i lots, close in on Kansas ave., $1,050. SO Each for fine building lots very close in on Fillmore St. $l,4v 7 large rooms, city and cistern water, well, barn, east front, near 10th and Clav sts. 'PHONES 1026. 107 W. SIXTH ST. GEO. M. NOBLE & CO. REAL ESTATE. LOANS AND INSURANCE. OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE. TOPEKA. KAN. 204 E. 10th, house of 8 rooms, modern except heat, most desirably situated for rooming or boardir g house. Price $3,0"0. Fine investment on Harrison st-, 3 lots, 11 rooms, all modern, $5,500 for imme diate sale. Would make an elegant private residence or would pay large interest on investment if rented. j New g room house on West St., 5th, thoroughly modern. Price $4,000. 2 lots on Washburn college car line with 5 room cottage, having bath, fur nace and all modern conveniences, hard wood finish. Price $3,u0, on very favorable terms. Rec. 238. 7 room house on W. 13th st., with all modern conveniences. Price $3,250, or will trade small farm near city of equal value. Rec. 274. Large number of houses from $1,000 to $2,000, on easy terms. Grocery stocks and general merchandise stocks in best locations for good busi ness, some for sale for cash only and others trade. Many of the best 80s and 160s in Shawnee and adjoining counties. 80 acres 6 miles south of Topeka, with 5 room house, fine barn, 20 acres alfal fa, all improved extra good. Price $5,000. Rec. 55. SO acres 4 miles west of Washburn college, with fairly good Improvements and some orchard, 15 acres in grass, balance cultivated, land first Quality and level. Price J4.5-0. Rec. 33. acres S miles southwest of Topeka, 5 room house, good bam. cribs, cave, etc., 30 acres cultivated. 35 acres timothy and clover, 5 acres English blue grass, 4 acres bearir.g orchard, balance pasture, close to school. Price $3,700. Rec 70. 1 acres 6 miles north of Topeka, 7 room house and all other necessary im provements, several acres timber, 25 acres blue grass, 10 acres corrals and hog lots, small young orchard of various fruits. SO acres in cultivation. Price $.000. Rec. 66. 1 acres, part in Shawnee county and part in Osage county, frame house 7 large rooms, large barn, corn cribs, sheds, corrals, etc., good wells and cistern. A very large storage cave, plenty fruit for family use. all cultivated except 20 acres. Including 50 acres in tame grass, creek runs through the farm with consider able timber, land nearly all bottom land, very rich and mostly smooth. Price $43 per acre. Rec 53. 40 acres 6 miles southeast of Topeka, nearly all cultivated, small good orchard, stone house 5 rooms, another new house of 6 rooms, good barn, sheds, etc. Price $3 a"". Rec. 75. Western Kansas ranches and pasture lands for sale or trade. If you have stock of goods for sale or nouse to rent or sell, list It with US. Money to loan on city property and farms at low rates. We write tornado, fire and lightning Insurance in best companies. Both 'Phones 444. 435 Kansas Ave.. Topeka. Kan. W. C. STEPHENSON & CO., 609 Kansas Avenue. Over Rigby's. RESIDENCES FOR SALE, WEST SIDE. 8 room modern house, oak finish, everything up to date, 2 lots, good barn, lo cated on Topeka ave. Price f5,tTX 10 room house. 3 lots, on Harrison St., hard wood finish, furnace, gas, porce lain bath, hot and cold water on each fioor, fine snade, property worth $7,000: par ties leaving city and will sell for $5,300. New s room modern house on Harrson, 35 feet front, gas and electric lights, lurnace. bath, hot and cold water, city and cistern water, $4 000 7 room house and 1 lot. on Jackson St.. close in, city and' cistern water sewer connection; will sell this week for Jl.350; pays over 10 per cent net. waler 4 room cottage, IS lots, city water, on Polk St., rents $!0 Price $?50 5 room cottage, new, cistern and well water, 2 lots, on Tvler st., $1500. 7 rooms and hall, front and back stairs, hot water heating plant, porcelain bath, gas and electric light, hard oil finish, 1 lots, fine shade, all In first closs con dition, only 3 blocks from state house, $3.0u0. New 4 room cottage hard oil finish, city and cistern water, sewer connection. &".hS!8K pWcefl JS DlJ 5 Wock frm Fe offlces' EAST SIDE. 7 room house, gas city and cistern water, 2 lots, on Madison, $1,800 8 room house on Monroe st., gas. city and cistern water, fine cellar, sewer con nection, hard oil finish, 2 lots, all in good condition. $1 650 ' Bewer con On Chandler st., fine 4 room cottage, good well and shade, $1000 On Kansas ave.. near loth, 5 room cottage, city and cistern water, $1 100. BUILDING SITES. ' 3 lots on W. Kith st., best in city, $3,000. S lots on Harrison, fine location, $Sm0. S lots on W. Sth St., $2.1'. -3 lots, east front, on Tyler St., $010. 3 lots, east front, facing City park, on Clav, $1 250 INSURANCE WRITTEN AND LOANS MADE AT LOWEST RATES. IND. TEL. 654. FOR EXCHANGE. 40 acre farm, good rich land, fair improvements, near Paxico, Kan., $1,600. Want farm near lopeka. ,-"uw- ltW acres, well improved, 14 miles from Guthrie, Ok., 2U miles from railroad station, J4.00: mortgage $1,000. Want Topeka property 1 rauroaQ 6X0 ranch in Barber county, Kansas., good improvements, $13,600. WTant a farm near Topeka or Lawrence. ' . a-i 42S equity in Kansas City. Kan., vacant lots, well located. Want western land l,S ?eS WUhe 7 T?m housv b?rn' tcr ! miles out, $3,500; also 6 acres bottom land (no overflow) 1 mile out, 3 room house, stable, fruit etc tl 8M Want mares or young horses. ' ' " "lnt 2 lots, 7 room house, cellar, well, cistern, barn, shade, $1,S00. Want 40 or 80 Acre I a fm. ?-'?'? 7room house, suburban, 1 block car line, $1,600. Want residence closer in buildta ' rOIn hUSe' barn """" SOOd repalr' ' rrce?y stoS f and MARION SHELDEN, 715 KANSAS AVE., TOPEKA. KAN. BARGAINS. 8 rooms, l'-i lots, cellar, well, west side, rents 12; easy payments, $1,100. 4 room cottage Harrison St., close In. rents JI2; JL250. 4 room cottage. 114 lots, on corner, near Crosby's mill. 8 rooms, large bam, fine yard, shade, fruit, well, cistern, chicken house and yard J acres, near Washburn college and street car, $2,S00. 5 acres, 5 room cottage and barn, nearly new, 2 miles S. W. Sell or trade for smaller place, closer in. Price $1,200. " - r WESTERFIELD & CO., 'PHONES 5273. 537 KANSAS AVE. FOR SALE. 1 kUT r00m TOt.VW. S lots, mostly In fruit, Oakland. $'yo w E!J 4 roo,m t,a6-e- 1H lots. Clay st., near 10th. Terms. ' " i y nPw. 7 r1orn modprn house, 2 lots. South Harrison. tl& w ! KmJ "odern 7 om h,ou-T2 Paved st., not far out southwest. fw n. e 5 room cottase. lot-s. Fillmore St., near 4th. c7?-2t?U Jl1-pr?ved lm acres i miles southwest, possession, SS f cnrV, TRACTS VARIOUS SIZES. SALE AND TRADE; js.SSIVS 2? on Piiv('1 st- Paving paid, southwest, $1,000. ence property! BCr Tm OSSa C' 'r t5'W0; clear" Take Topeka resl- EBTTj, T J- D- MILLER & CO., 601 KANSAS AVE. BELi, TEU 2E7. SIXTH- STREET ENTRANCE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 'WcantTotsT $lSO0O.aat front IoLS Harrison, near 14th, 3 west front lots, same location, JS10. 2 lots near 15ta and Harrison, shade, $750. Finest building location in Potwin, 418 Woodlawn, 2 lots Polk, between !th and 17th, $400. l'i lots Polk, near lth. $rx 2 lots near 16th and Van Buren, $4. 2 lots 16th and Kansas ave., hai iia ft. long. 2 lots 14th and Polk, $500. l?i lots 16th and Harrison, $400. 2Mj lots, close to governor's mansion, $odO. 2 lots 15th and Western ave., $300. Ha lots 14th and West, east front, $325. 2 lots XV. 6th st., modern location, $600. 2 lots 15th and West, $400 30 ft. at 1123 Polk St., very cheap. 1 lot near 12th and Taylor, want an of fer. Western ave.. near 10th, 400 per lot. 2 lots Monroe, near 10th, cheap price. 1 lot in same location, $650. Lots Jackson, near 12th, $590. Lots near Washburn college, $175. 2 lots facing Central park. Ixts in Santa Fe shop district. Cheap lots in North Topeka. 6 lots on car line, west side, high ground and fine shade, $360 for all. Lots anywhere in Topeka. THE STRAUSS AGENCY, Central National Bank Bldg. TOO BUSY THIS WEEK SELLING THOUSANDS OF ACRES of our cheap lands to write ads, but we snatch up a fe-v of our attractions: 7 rooms, 2 lots, east front, large barn, shade, sewer, cistern, well, finest stone fronting and steps, 4 blocks of center of city and onlv $2,500. 3 lots. 8 rooms, modern. 1132 Polk, $4,000. Brand new 5 room cottage, well, cis tern, barn, 12 lots, street car, ideal place, $1,350: terms. HOLLIDAY PARK. New ALL modern 8 rooms, place for 2 more houses, owner gone, got to sell. Make offer Mondav. 4 rooms, li lots, shade, W. 6th, $1,275. NOW. New 5 room cottage, bath room, city wa ter; large barn, 2 lots. $2,300 this week. New 5 rooms, bath, closet, bowl, hot wa ter, 6 blocks of capitol $1.G50. 6 rooms, bath, 10th and Tyler, $2,000. See. Orchard Place cottage, new, $1,050. 6 rooms and bath, 1 beautiful lots, 10th and Polk, $2.400 a eraekcrjack. 5 rooms 11th and Taylor, Bid Tuesday. 12S acres, well improved. 4 miles Medicine Lodge, 300 wheat, 1-3 to buyer. $15 FEW DAYS. EXCHANGE Good 80 for $000 and home. $3,200 inside for smaller outside. Oakland, $1,500 for west side. Bargains in Potwin, southwest, east side. All sides, lots, houses, tracts and farms. Fortunes m Mexican lands. Call and we will convince vou. W. M. FORBES, 107 XV. 7th st. FOR SALE! Good 5 room cottage. Inquire at 407 Polk st. FOR SALE- Small cottage at 616 Fillmore St., $1,275. Inquire at house. FOR SAIjE REAIi fcSTATE. HOUSES. Any old offer will be considered. See this, one of the finest houses ever offered for next to nothing in this city. It is an elegant 11 room residence, close In, 011 Harrison, new steam heating plant, tine bath and every other convenience. Why, the house will rent for more than $50 rjer month. We are only asking $5,500. Better get busy. Going to the first inter ested person. -Just as nice a housu, , but of another kind, fully modern home, 10 rooms, with 5 acres fine ground, close to car line, best suburban location, city water, sewer con nections and a regular little farm, 3 acres altalta and oodles or iruit, jrice $3,000. Might take in property up to $3,000. 10 room modern house 1 block from where state trintine house will be built all modern, hot water heat and so on. Listed at $6,000. want immediate otter. Owner is going away and in a great hurry to sell the nicest s room modern house built in Topeka this year, just oc cupied, east front, electric light and gas fixtures, bath, furnace, laundry and ev erything else, plenty of room on the lots for another house, one of the very best west side locations, best rents in town List price $4,250; will sell less than actual cost. Topeka ave. Is a fine street and we have a 7 room residence in its very best diock for $2,800; bath room, lights, good shade, reception hall, taxes only $40. Must have an offer. Last chance in Potwin, only house there for such a price, 8 rooms, east front, lot t& by 204 feet, bath room, lurnace pipes, gas, splendid basement of S rooms, good barn. All this for $2,600. New home on Polk St., 7 rooms and hall, east front, 2 high lots, bath room, fur nace, etc. This is a bargain at $2,900. 2 houses, bath, modern, very close In rent for $44 tier month. Price $3,800. Topeka ave., near 8th, all modern home 8 rooms, $4,abo. ant oTTer. Fine location on car line, 6 blocks west. 8 room house, Z lots, rents $30. - price $3, 000. Fine home, east front, Tyler St., 7 rooms, oak finisn. bath, hot water heat, 2 lots, drive and barn.: Almost new, $3,- 601'. 7 rooms Polk, all modern, steam heat, complete bath, gas, 2 lots, fine barn, $2,600. 9 room new house, 3 east front lots. near Washburn, sewer connections, bath room, driven well, 125 bbl. cistern. Price J,UU. Madison, near Sth, new modern house, maple floors. $3,000. East front Taylor, near 6th, 5 large rooms and beautiful bath room, gas, sew er, cellar, Bhade and fruit. Absolutely up to date, i-rice is rignt. Tyler, near 6th, 7 rooms, city water, gas and good barn, house in excellent condi tion. Snap at $2,300. New home Tyler st., 6 rooms and halls, bath room, nice finish, $2,100. Clay, near 9th, east front, 7 rooms, city water, kitchen sink connected with sew er, cistern, gas, etc. Price $1,500. 1034 Spruce, 7 rooms, lj lots, good house ana big snap at $i,u&o. Make us an offer. Pretty home Oakland 7 rooms, 4 lots, large amount of fruit, good barn. Will trade on west side property. Price $1,500. THE STRAUSS AGENCY, Central National Bank Bldg. H. C. BOWMAN, In J. Phone 631. 42 Columbian Buildine- INVESTMECNTS. $2,0009 room house, furnace, well, cistern, barn, 2 lots, Lowman Hill, east front. 8,S) Kansas ave. property paying 11 per cent net. Buy this. 2,800 Adjoining Topeka, 2 acres, fine fruit of all kinds, 9 room house, good water, barn, chicken houses, etc. 1,4507 room house, good well, 3 lots, Bolles ave. " ' 3,0008 room modern house, new, Itfc lots. College ave. i 2,500 5 room modern cottage, 40 ft. lot, choice location, Fillmore st I .' -. 1,5003 choice east front corner lots on Fillmore st . - 3,8008 room house, modern except heat, 14 lot3, good barn, Tyler st, 5,5009 room house, modern. 2 lots, W. loth st., near state house. 750 5 lots Topeka ave., near fair grounds. - 4,8009 room house, hot water heat, modern, barn, i lots, Van Buren st, near the capitol. 1,500 One acre In city limits, fine location, west side. INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, BEST INDEMNITY, LOWEST COST. HHII QHTPPT "p Real Estate, Insurance IWU O 1 LJlJlJJi, and Loan Agent. HOUSES TO RENT, PROPERTY TO SELL, EXCHANGE AND INSURE. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO RENTING AND CARING FOR PROPER TY. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. HENRY M. STEELE, 602 N. KANSAS AVE. BOTH 'PHONES 477. NORTH TOPEKA, KAN. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. To secure a building site on easy terms, $25 down, balance Park Place, an elegant location In a growing part of town, only 24 sites, 4 of which are sold. SHAWNEE AGENCY, TEL. 505. monthly. In Central Remember, there are 534 KANSAS AVE. SHAFFER & WILLIAMS, 112 E. Sixth St. Topeka, Kas. IND. "PHONE 960. A FEW OF OUR ROYAL BARGAINS: One hundred and sixty acres good land, well improved, rented for $150 cash rent. This is a good Investment. Price $5,200. 5 acres fine bottom land east of the Santa Fe shops, close In, splendid 4 room cottage, good barn, only $s&0. 8 acres 2 miles east of Topeka, good land, good 5 room house, barn, poultry house, fruit, would exchange for city property. This is your chance, $1,200. SO acres 6 miles from Eskridge, close to school and good improvements, good land, 8 acres fine bearing orchard. Price $2,600. Would exchange for good Topeka prop erty. 1 Iot, east front, on Quincy St., good lo cation, good 6 room brick house, very cheap. Price only $1,650. We have a large list of all kinds of real estate for sale and exchange. Be sure and see us when you desire a bargain. If you desire to sell your property, list it with us. The Great Western Brokerage Co.. Topeka, Kansas. Lists your property free of charge and charges you reasonable commission after the transaction has been closed. Oakland, Chester Ave. 6 rooms. 2 lots, hard wood, mantel, grate and reception hall, cellar, barn, good wa ter, shade, and at e. bargain for a few days. BIS CHANDLER. 9 rooms and bath. 1 lot, well, cistern. good barn, practically new house, imme diate possession, 1707 LANE. 7 rooms, good barn, VA lots, can be bought on easy terms. KANSAS AVE., NORTH. 4 acres and 6 room house, terms to suit Fine garden land. LINCOLN STREET. Governor's square, 5 lots, $1,000: might trade for small property. SHAWNEE AGENCY, Tel. 505. 534 Kansas Ave. FOR SALE: 6 room house. 1 lots, at 119 Quincy st, Topeka, cheap. Address Mrs. T. E. Kelly, 934 New Jersey st, Lawrence, Kan. NEW HOUSE. 1601 Polk, 6 rooms and bath, ready for furnace, corner lots that overlook the whole neighborhood. SHAWNEE AGENCY, Tel. 505. 53 Kansas Ave. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. The Capitol Real Estate Co. 16 lots, 4 room house, barn, chicken house and yard, fruit and shade, good wa ter, west side, 1 block to car line. Price $1,500. Modern Home. Facing Holliday park. 7 rooms, beautiful reception hall, bath, furnace, everything penect, a cut in price tor a snort time. College Hill Cottage. 2 lots and absolutely the choicest 6 room cottage now on the market, bath, furnace. combination fixtures electric and gas, oak floors, owner leaving city and place must ue sola. College Hill Lots. From $125 to $300 each, 7 building locations sold out here the past 10 days and a num- oer or nice residences being commenced. Kansas Ave. Investments. 2 lots, business house, between 3d and m, east Iront, $4,50. 1 lot and business house between 9th and JOtn, east front, $12,000. For Exchange. 50 lots. 8 room modern residence on Potwin car line, in exchange for smaller properties. Acres Vacant, also Lots. 6 acres high and sightly on Vinewood car line, close in, $175 per acre, 5 acres high and sightly on Vinewood car line. close In, $175 per acre; vacant lots $20 to $50 each this side of Highland Park in blocks of 3 to 6 on monthly payments of eacn ana investment nere will make you some money. A Snug Little Home. 1 lot 4 rooms, barn (new and sroodY neighborhood of Wrashburn c611ege, near car line, etc., price SoO. Oakland. 5 rooms and barn, 5 lots, chicken house and yard, well with force pump, fruit, bushels of Early Richmond cherries .small fruit. Price $1,400. 100 vacant lots in Oakland from $50 to iuu; uiase terms. Houses to Rent. 813 State St., 5 rooms, $12. S07 Western ave., 4 rooms, $12.50. 1505 Polk St., $25. Lane and 10th, 12 rooms, $30. And. others. W. A. NEIS WANGER, Mgr. Tel.' 94a 116 W. Sixth. The Great Western Brokerage Co., Topeka, Kansas. Has 8 per cent preferred stock and 6 per cent 10 and 20 year bonds for sale. ROLDEDLSII REAL ESTATE Modern new 6 room house, on pavement near Washburn, $2,900. Modern new 8 room house Western ave., $4,500. 8 room house, modern, Potwin, $4,000. 9 room house, 2k lots, completely mod ern, $5,500. 7 room house, bath, barn, shade, 2 lots, $1,650. 7 rooms, 3 lots, near Washburn, $1,500. 4 rooms on Chestnut St., $850. Many houses in all parts of the city. 4 acres, 4 room cottage, for sale or trade for city property and pay differ ence, $1,600. 5 acres, 7 room house, .fruit near car, $2,650. : 5 acres. 10 room modern house, barn, very valuable ground, near car and city limits, $5,500. , Will ta,ke in Topeka rent al property. . 10 acres, good house, barn, mostly In fruit, near car, $5,000. 80 acres near Lawrence to trade for city property. Many farms of all sizes for sale and ex change. EMMETT E. ROUDEBUSH, 107 W. Sixth., Topeka, Kan. FOR SALE Small cash payments; bal ance monthly: 422 Lawrence st, 3 rooms. 426 Lawrence St., 3 rooms. 404 E. 1st St., 4 rooms. 520 Chandler st, 4 rooms. 1023 Taylor St., 7 rooms. 1513 W. 16th St., 5 rooms. S29 Clay St., new 4 rooms. 6 lots on car line, Highland Park. 10 acres close in W. loth st F. J. BROWN, 17 Columbian Bldg. The Great Western Brokerage Co., Topeka, Kansas. Astetyou 'lrfevery way possible to ex change your property. fix- FOR SALE. FOR SALE Several small houses, $50 to $100 cash, balance like rent. F. J. Brown, 17 Columbian bldg. FOR SALE Lots Johnson Place addition, W. Sth. M. Heery. TeL 1236. Fine new cottage 6 rooms with all mod ern conveniences, large barn, ,;shade, etc.; location S. W., near car line, $4,000; fav orable terms. On Lowman Hill car line, 7 lots, 5 room house, well, cistern, barn, $1,250. Can make terms. Nice place cheap. 411 Clay st, 114 lots, nice cottage of S rooms, grate, cistern, r.ydrant, barn, want quick sale. Make an offer. Iviear nuenanan ana za St., i lots, very good 6 room house, water in kitchen, sew er connection, $2,000. East of Santa Fe track, 2 lots, good 3 room cottage, cellar, well, barn, fruit $650 V cash. Big bargain. J" E. TORRINGTON, 109 XV. Sixth St FOR SALE 1 of the nicest cottages on the east side, modern except heat. In quire S24 Madison st. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MERR ill MORTGAGE COMPANY Capital, -Surplus, - $150,000 $70,000 We loan money on real estate at lowest rates-Pre-payment option No delay in furnishing money. USE PERFECTION FLOUR. "THE Travelers," for life, accident and sickness. A.K.VanHook. 16 Columbian bldg. U6E PERFECTION FLOUR. SHORTHAND SCHOOL. DOUGHERTY'S SHORTHAND SCHOOI EIGHTH AND JACKSON. Ind. 'Phone 666. A number of features offered by n other school. Actual experience throughout th course. Increasing demand for our students. Let us tell you why. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Our ap plication for a permit to sell intoxicat ing liquors, according to law, at 803 Kan sas ave., in the lh;rd ward of the city of Topeka, is now on file in the office or the probate judge of Shawnee county, Kansas. The hearing of the same Is set for Wednesday, at 9 o'clock a. m., April 5. 1905. KEENE & KNOWLTON. ELEVATORS. FLOUR MILLS. ETC CROSBY ROLLER MILLING CO.. man ufacturers of hard wheat flour. 'PHONE 224. MAVtTACTTREHS. E. G. KINLEY. Manufacturer and dealer in an kinds of vehicles. See us about that delivery wagon. 116 W. Fifth st FURNACE WORHJS. GEO. E. SEYBOLD, furnace work, tin roofing, guttering, spouting, furnaces a specialty. Ull Kansas ave. Ind. 'phone 513. WALLJPAlR. GO to G. A. Wood for that -wall paper and painting. 832 Kansas ave. TeL 3S0 X CARPET CLEANING. J. F. PETRIK & SONS, upholsterers, new carpet cleaning works, carpets cleaned and scoured, rent, sewed and laid. 828-S30 Kansas ave. Phones: Ind. 794; Bell 842. J. F. Petrik, sr., C. V. Petrik, J. F. Petrik.jr. JJTORAGE MERCHANTS' TRANSFER A 8TOJRAOB Co.. packs, ships and stores houaehoia goods. Tel. 1&6. Clarence Kkinner, 611 Quincy st FLORISTS. HOME GROWN CUT FLOWERS, bed- cung plants, Boral designs, at Hayes , 101 W. Sth st. Tel. 377. J. C. RODMAN, blooming plants.cut Cow ers, palms, designs, decorations. 112 W. 8th. Phone 37. Greenhouse 12th and Mon. MASSAGE PARLOR. LADIES' beauty parlors, facial muiiti and shampooing, toilet articles. Airs. Annie M. Trapp, 710 Kan. ave.. upst&u. Tel. 872. STAMPS. SEALS AND STENCILS. THE J. C. DARLING CO.. 734 Kan. . Rubber stamps, brass and aluminum traa checks. Prices low. Catalog free. TeL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. T. D. HUMPHREYS, lawyer, E21 Kansas ave., Ind. 'pnone 1012. Real estate titles a specialty. Collections. Practic in aU state and federal courts. UNDE RTAKERS. DEMOSS A PEN WELL. Funeral Direc tors and Embalmers. First class sere reasonable prioes.&il Quincy. Both teu isK GEO. B. PALMER, undertaker. Estab lished 1S7L Prices reasonable. TeL otlc 146. Residence 87. 621 Jackson st RUO FACTORY. DON'T THROW AWAY that old carpet but send it to us; we will make you a fine rug from It. Write for booklet or phone 421. The McCormick Rug factory. 522 Van Buren St. BARBER SHOP. D. G. JOHNSON, shave 10c, hair cut. shampoo, massage 15c, work guaranteed. Under Exchange Grocery, corner ia and Quincy. COAL DEALERS- SOUTHWESTERN FUEL CO., Telephone ISO. Tortheast Corner gth and Kan. Ave. All kinds cf Coal. Best Quality. Full Weight Prompt Delivery. WE CLEAN, scour, rent, sew, size and lay your carpets in a workman like manner. The McCormick Carpet Cleaning Works. 522 Van Buren st. Phones 42L FATEirrS j. A. ROSEN, Patent Attorney, 418 Kan sas ave, Topeka. MONEY. MONEY PHYSICIANS AN5 SCRGF.ONfi DR. EASTMAN. Sate supt state msane asylum. Mental and nervous tiiaeiza. tji Kan, av. 'Phones 714. lies. 1270 V. Buren. IDA C. BARNES, M. D. Office 72 Kansas ave. Residence Thir teenth and Clay. Office hours: S a. m. to is a. m. ana p. m. to p. m. ina. 'phones 16 residence, and Hotn 1316 ofilca. JPAVTN4X C. A. RITCHIE, sidewalk tor, brick, 6 to 8c square ft. sas ave. Ind. tel. 3114. contrac 15t4 Kan- CAPITAL CITY VITRIFIED BRICK PAVING CO., 118 W. Sth st Mfgrs. of building, paving and sidewalk brick. TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Monthly, Quarterly, Seml-Annual or An nual Payments, or Straight Flv Years with Privilege of Payments. STATE SAVINGS BANK. . 620 KANSAS AVE. organs, typewriters, household goods ana personal security. I Blscoe, 23 Kan. av. DO YOU NEED MONEY? I will loan it to you on your valuables on long time, 30 days to a year. Any amount from $1.00 to $1,000. You'll not lose your valuables if you leave them with me. SAM FEIDBERG, 512 KANSAS AVE. I pay cash for old gold and silver. CHIVERS. ESTABLISHED FORTY-EIGHT YEARS. THE ONLY LEGITIMATE STEAM DYE WORKS IN TOPEKA. TOPEKA STEAM DYE WORKS. REPAIRS AT REASONABLE RATES. COLORS WILL NOT RUB. TAILORS. DYERS, HATTERS. SEVENTH AND QUINCY STS. TOPEKA, KAN. IND. 'PHONE 1023. USE PERFECTION FLOUR. DYE kB CLEMDtG WORKS This is the only dry cleaning house In thla city. Ladies' and gentlemen s clothing cleaned like new. Give us a calL Ind. 'Phone S57 and BeU 3271 Black. 20 Kansas Ave. ROEDIGER& SON. USE the "Silver Leaf brand pickles, vin egar, mince meat etc. Otto Kuehne Preserving Co., 'phono 300. USB PERFECTION FLOUR. "THE Travelers," for life, accident and sickness. A.K.VanHook, 16 Columbian bldg. USE PERFECTION FLOUR. "THE Travelers," for life, accident and sickness. A.K. VanHook. 16 Columbian bldg. USE PERFECTION FLOUR. "THE Travelers," for lit3, . accident and sickness.A.K.VanHook. 16 Columbian bldg. USE PERFECTION FLOUR. 'THE Travelers," for life, accident and sickness.A.K.VanHook, 16 Columbian bldg. USE PERFECTION FLOUR. "THE Travelers," for lfe. accident and sickness. A. K. VanHook, 16 Columbianbldg. USE PERFECTION FLOUR. AUCTIONEERS. MY OFFICE Is 200 E. 6th st. 'Phones 99S. Call or 'phone. Office hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4. Plain John Ashbaugh. FREE DISPEVSAHT. TOPEKA FREE DISPENSARY, south east corner 12th and Tyler sts., from 1 to 2 p. m.. except Sundays. Conducted by regular practicing physicians for the benefit of persons without means who need medical attention and treatment Pa tients are assured of careful and consid erate treatment Medicine furnished In most cases. WHOLESALERS. THE COUGH LIN HARDWARE CO. Hardware, stoves, fine tools. 706 Kan sas ave. TeL &. HAIR DRESSING. SWITCHES, pompsoours. all kinds of hair work. Mrs. Van Vleck. SK2 E. 6th. FURNITURE PACKERS CAPITOL UPHOLSTERING CO., 18 years experience In Topeka. prices reasonable, best of references. 125 W. 7th. Ind. ISsS. CIjAXRVOYANT TRANCE AND TRUMPET MEDIUM. Seances Tues. and Thurs eve.. Sunday af ternoon. Readings 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Mrs. Inez Wagner. 220 W. 6th. Ind. 863. MEDIUM, mind reader, tells you what you are most anxious to know, how to gain love of others, though miles apart, locates treasures, reveals secrMs. Mrs. Thompson, 117 W. lth. BeU 6181 blaok. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING. TOPEKA AUTOMOBILE AND CYCLES Co. Tel. 706. Bicycles and sundries, bi cycles and tandems for rent; repairing of all kinds. U. 8. CYCLE CO., 118 E. 8th st National & Iver-Johnson bicycles. Supplies, repairs.. UPHOLSTER EVO. RECANING, repairing," upholstering. Ind. 'phone 11454. Chairs called for. F. W. Whittier, 1329 Tyler st JEWELERS. JAMES B. HAYDEN. Jeweler and Opti cian. Complete stock of watches, dia monds, silverware, eta. Byes examined and spectacles properly fitted. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. n ftrc tart p wJUm'' I Tooele a. KaniM. L,., '" "ni fnm BI CHICAGO OMAHA ST. LOUIS DENVEf MEMPHIS COLORADO PTOS , PEORIA FORT WORTH ST JOSEPH ST. PAUL , KANSAS CITY MINNEAPOLIS i And Everywhere Beyond. Time Table Effective Deo. 23, 1884-w All Train Daily. EASTBOUND. iiTexas Ex. yZcalitornia-St Louis Ex.. N- ?lcolorado-K. C. Flyer.... N- ?2lcolorado-K. C. Lx TFt Worth-Chicago Ex.. NO. H-"f.iiKn State limited s. JS-Chickasha-K. C. Ex ;Jo. $6 Chit WJiSIBOUND. Leav 'esu -oo am .. 4:.i0 ... 4:56 .. 7:o ... i-.its No. .a tr C.-Texas Ex.... JSTst Louis-California Ex., NO. c .chlckasha Kx ti' i?Ziolden State limited tfceh cago-Ft. Worth Ex.... No- QZtc C -Colorado Ex No- 1tc0lorado Flyer NO. NORTHBOUND. fjTopeka-St Joe Ex No. Ti"ua-St. Joe Ex j,o. o yKOM ST. JOE. w m St Joe-Topeka Ex am 1 r, Per .. t:o pn .. i-ou pia Leaves. a:10an 1-00 am ..10:03 am ..12:45 pia .. 1:230 pn 1:40 pta .. 8-W pta Leave. 7:4flarn . S:40 pia Arrives. pro 8:05 pro VSIO.V PACIFIC . k ArfTKdLNIl arrive. Ko loz Limited ... 7:00 am No 106-K. C. local passenger 7 riant io4Aaantie Express 2:5ypni n. c-fca--- No. 107 K. C.-Suhna Ex. .. .. 10:45 am No 103 Denver-Pac. Coast Iirattadi2:6pm jo' Junction City local pass., t.ti p,n No! lol Limited &:ui pnt .nil evepnt Sundav. All Other ri.ilu MISSOURI PACIFIC. SOUTHBOUND. - Leave. m US 'Freieht 7:00 am No. 23 Passenger ......9:30 ana XH U it 1 MiS u u u. Arrive. No. 23 Passenger p" No. 314 Freight t-Miim