Who's Your
Is Just as Important as
Who's Your Doctor?
The Joctor may be a highly
skillful and scientific man, in
prescribing, but if the prescrip
tion 1m not accurately com
pounded -with fresh, pure drugs
you cannot expect It to do the
Our prescription department
Is In charge of a pharmacist
skilled by practical as well as
scientific experience.
Our drugs are the best money
can buy and are perfectly preserved.
Taylor Riddle, Jr.,
Tenth and Kansas Ave.
To Be Manager of Rehkopf
Bros.' New Carriage
Duties Begin With New Year.
The many friends in and about To
peka, of Mr. C. H. Smith, formerly 8
carriage salesman, with the Western
Vehicle and Supply company of this
: city, will be glad to learn that he has
received an advancement in his line.
Beginning with the first of the year
Mr. Smith will have charge of Rehkopf
Eros.' new carriage repository, at 208
West Sixth street. Mr. Smith comes to
Rehkopf Bros, with high recommenda
tions and his success in his new posi
tion is a matter of little question.
The new repository and sales room
of which he will be in full charge, is a
new departure for the firm of Rehkopf.
Bros. The firm has its present quar
ters all under one roof at 207-209 West
Sixth street, including a modern car
riage factory, salesroom, office and re
pair department. The constantly i
creasing volume of retail trade made it
necessary for them to acquire mor;
spacious quarters for their salesroom,
and they accordingly secured a lease on
the building at 208 West Sixth street.
People who are contemplating the pur
chase of a vehicle of any kind will un
doubtedly find it much to their advant
age to visit this new store.
f u" " ;
litems for the East Topeka column may
be telephoned to Ind. phone 2SS1 black.
W. S. Hunter, physician and surgeon,
office and res. 1119 East 6th. Ind. 1868.
Mrs. J. H. Runyen, of 701 Chandler
street, entertain at a 6 o'clock dinner
Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Majers or lopeka. Mr
Mrs. Majers were married during the
holiday season.
Mr. John Thomas and daughter,
Gladys, of 128 North Lake street, re
turned home today from Pittsburg,
Kan., where he spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adams of Den
ver, Col., are the proud parents of a
baby girl born last Thursday. Mrs. Ad
ams was Miss Mabel Buell before her
marriage and lived for many years in
Mr. Samuel Oliver, of Canada, visited
for a short time yesterday with Mr. and
Mrs. L. F. L.uthey of 234 Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hatfield have re
turned from St. Marys where they spent
Christmas the guests of his folks, and
will go to housekeeping at 424 Chand
ler street where they will be at home
to their friends after January 15,.
Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield were married
Thursday morning at her home. 105
Chandler street. She was formerly Miss
Emma Orbach.
Mr. Earl Janes, of Spring Hill. Is
spending a few days with his cousins,
Misses Mabel and Myrtle Beeler, 823
Aladison street.
Miss Guendolyn Beeler spent Tuesday
night the guest of Miss Mary Verlin, of
416 Jefferson street.
The Endeavor society of the Pres
byterian church will hold a watch party
tonight at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. Flintham on Kline street.
Mr. Frank Loud, aged 44 years, died
this morning at 5:15 o'clock at his home,
227 Chandler street, after a lingering
Illness with an attack of tuberculosis
of the bowels. He leaves a wife, and
son Arthur. Mrs. Loud is a daughter
of Mr. James Porter. He also leaves a
mother. Mrs. Loud, and sister, Mrs.
Helen Luce of Boston, also two broth
ers, one In business in Boston, and the
other in Haverhill. Mass. The funeral
will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock, from the Third Christian
church. Interment will be in the To
peka cemetery. Mr. Loud has been in
business and lived in Topeka for the
past 20 years, and has a wide circle of
friends here who will mourn his loss.
Democrats Hold the First or Cam
paign of 1910.
They speak of the Democracy as un
terrified and it is a fitting word with
which to describe the Kansas division
of that great party. Beaten in the Sun
flower state last fall for all the big of
fices, yet already the leaders are as
sembling again to lay plans for the
n-xt campaign. As Chairman Hender
son Martin aptly put it today when ask
ed about the object of the gathering at
notei lonigni: xnis is me
irst council of war for the campaign
Some time ago State Chairman Mar
t n announced today's meeting with the
explanation that the Democrats of this
state had abandoned the plan of crawl
ing into their holes after the usual de
feat at the polls and remaining there
until the whistle blew for the next race,
but proposed hereafter to keep up the
organization and its work from one elec
tion to the next. His call for this meet
ing bore fruit today with the attend
ance of the following well known lead
ers from all sections of the state:
J. D. Botkin of Winfleld, H. W. Far
relly of Chanute, T. F. Morrison of Neo
sho county, Mr. Hodges of Olathe, Tom
Morgan of Ottawa. Col. Wm. Sapp of
Galena, Taylor Riddle of Marion, Rutus
Cove and Nees Olson of Wichita, J. C.
Johnson of Peabodv. Barney Sheridan
of Paola. P. H. Allbright of Winfleld,
Tom Ernest of Montgomery county.
These men are all in a cheerful and
confident humor despite the thirtv odd
thousand votes that rolled over them in
this state last fall and propose to make
a more effective fight in the next com
paign. They will go into executive ses
sion in the parlors of the Throoo to-
nignt and discuss plans, issues and men
for the 1910 battle.
"There was never a time in the his
tory of the party in this state,"' said
Mr. Martin, chairman of the commit
tee, "when the Democrats displayed
such spirit and hopefulness as they
have all of this year, both before and
after election. I have received letters
from the leaders and rank and file of
the party in every section and they all
breathe the same spirit. They are ready
to give their time, efforts and money!
tor the cause and expect to win nex
There were no sore spots on any -of
the gentlemen assembled except in re
gard to the incident of the advertising
of Mr. Botkin. Democratic candidate
for governor, to be present at the stat
temperance rally here last October
when it was well known to Secretary
Morris of the Temperance union tha
Mr. Botkin and Chairman Martin had
both point blank refused the invitation
to the Democratic nominee to be pres
sent, onlv under condition that a de
bate he arranered between him and Mr.
Stubbs. This condition was imposed
because of the fact that on the occasion
of the nrevious aDDearanee or the can
didates on the same platform it had
been understood that politics would be
barred and Mr. Botkin had talked on
other subiects only to sit afterwards
sn1 list.,, tr Mr Stubbs discuss politi
cal issues. After this refusal Mr.
Mnrrk advertised that Mr. Botkin
woiild be nresent at the rally and cap
ital was made of his nonappearance
Said Mr. Botkin today in discussing
that incident
"Mr. Norris is a Quaker preacher and
T nm a Methodist preacher, all
which will not prevent my telling him
on the occasion of our first meeting
that he is an infernal liar. I believe i
iu ,i riirliifln thiner to do."
TVio Democrats cast about 160,000
at tbQ last election, making
Considerable gain over their efforts of
the last ten years. Ttiey nave iru-
momhero in the next legislature
five in the senate and thirty-nine in
the house. They also elected a great
many county officers over the state, t-o
this large and representative gather
ing at the Throop hotel tonight may be
regarded as an important political
meeting, for it is composed of men who
are cheerful and still full of fight in the
face of defeat. That kind of an ad
versary is always to be considered by a
victor no matter how wide nis maiem
It is expected that a general line of
campaign for the Imocratic members
of the next legislature win u
upon at tonight's meeting,.
Must Mention Nothing in Regard to
lictting on Races in IiOS Angeles.
T.os Angeles. Cal.. Dec. 31. Nothing
in reference to betting on horse races.
tip" as to probable winners or matter
that in anv way gives a comparative
estimate of horses that have run or
are to run in any race may hereafter
be miblished in any newspaper or
pamphlet placed on sale within the
corporate limits of Los Angeles. Such
in effect is the order issued by Guy
TTMriie fitv nroseeutor. which went
into operation today.
O. L. Lennen Leases a House.
O. L. Lennen, representative elect
from Ness county, with his wife and
family have leased the CJreenwooa
residence. 1301 Western avenue, jvir.
Lennen and his wife as well, were
formerly western Kansas school
teachers and have been in the city
during the week attending the State
Teachers' association. Mr. Lennen is
greatly interested in legislation whlcn
will effect the school situation in
Kansas and has in mind a bill relating
to this nroposition which will be in
troduced at the next session of the
Hospital Burns at Tucson.
Tucson, Ariz., Dec. 31. The Whit-
well hospital was completely destroy
ed by fire last Tuesday night. The
ten patients in the building at the
time were removed in safety. The loss
Is estimated at S60.000. with insurance
of less than J30.000. The hospital was
owned by New York parties.
Four Years for Blake.
San Francisco, Dec. 31. E. A. S.
Blake, the contractor convicted of at
tempting to bribe J. M. Kelly, a pros
pective juror in the Ruef bribery trial
to vote for acquittal, was sentenced by
Judge Dunne today to four years im
prisonment In the penitentiary at San
Over your Shirts, Collars or
other linen carefully. Are
they just as you wish them?
If not, call 519, either phone,
and let us have a package or two
just to show you how they
should be laundered. We court
a comparison.
The Mutual
Topeha's Sofl Water
50 Emolovees.
h AVasrons.
Both Phones.
1st MMm
"Jolly Jess," a prominent figure in po
lice court circles, attempted to board
an eastbound car last night at Sixth
street while too tipsy to discriminate as
to the entrance and tried to mount from
tne iront. Needless to say Jessie was
jostled aside, somewhat bruised from
the encounter. The railway company
immediately summoned an ambulance
but Miss Harris was too much alive for
that and refused the escort. Then the
hoodlum wagon arrived from the police
station and Jess climbed right in as if
it was her old family vehicle, which it
very nearly is.
Chickens. Some half dozen com
plaints of running chickens are register
ed at the police office every day. The
police do all they can to restrain the
depredations of the useful hens but a
woman with a switch is a more pro
per emblem of the egg finding industry
than a six foot cop with a hard wood
club. Perhaps the vagrant hens if
locked up would produce more eggs, giv
en proper food and encouragement.
Eggs are worth enough to make it pay.
A hen is apt to leave a priceless egg
in a neighbor's barn where she finds
some good scratching and clean straw.
Judge "Yo" Reed played a number of
prominent roles besides his own. which
would easily stump any other man.
Wednesday. Judge Reed was on the car
going north. At the transfer station a
woman and little boy boarded the car.
'Oh, mamma," cried the boy, "there is
Mr. Taft." The crowded car roared
much to the abashment of both the boy
and the judge. As the judge alighted at
Sixth, a man accosted him thus: 1 m
croud of you old man, that s right, keep
right after those horsethieves, you've
got 'em on the hip now, Wilkerson.
We're all for you. Stay with it." Joe
was fast losing his identity when he
met a woman at the matron's entrance
of the police station who bubbled over
with haDDiness thus: "Whv. Mr. i.aion
I'm so glad to see you again." I knew
you tell me if Mrs. Thorpe is in. y
pou ten me ii wiia. x i 'j
this time the judge was so far to the
bad that he hurried home to get his
family to re-establish his identity.
Somebody stole a railroad velocipede.
This velocipede belongs to T. E. Dren
non, living at 920 North Harrison
street. a foreman at the
U. P. tie yards and had locked the ma
chine and left it just west of Forbes'
elevator. He passed the place at 7
o'clock last night and it-was gone. The
lock and chain were scattered aooui
the spot. A car repairer saw uio
velocipede there at 5 o'clock. The
motor police may be sent after the
craft. A great race will result but it
is hoped that the railroad machine will
leave the track at a high rate of speed
as one of the flanges is worn and dis-
reputatble. In such case tne runaway
miscreant will be taken from the ditch
and returned to the city for evidence.
The uneannv mystery of the nightly
bonfires beside which two young men
watch the dragging hours, is a new-
riddle for the police. Are the tires sig
nals as with the Indians, of a maraud
ing gantr in the city limits, are they to
furnish warmth for the patient watch
ers or built as they are near some
barn, what and who is in the barn.'
These fires Durn nignny ncai mc
They seem to all appearances to be
harmless. However, mey win v-
The following letter comes from tne j
nr rhiaffn to the adiutant general
at Topeka who has other things to do:
Deap Sir: Would you Kinuiy senu me
a list of all the McLaughlins who are
iving in your state as X am iuukhis ii
some lost relatives which are supposeu
to be living there if it is not too much
trouble I will be greatly obliged to you.
I remain, Yours truv, rpjiFORD.
Mr. Tuxford . lives at 5708 Loomis
street.' Chicago. It is nopeu
of his relatives will recognize his hand
writing and let him Know ui iui
Cudahy Company to Put in a 500 Bar
rel Plant at Coffeyville.
Ttidenendence. Kan.. Dec. 31. The
Cudahv Oil company has contracted to
build a refinery at Coffeyville. Some
ime ago the National Refinery or
Cleveland built a refinery at ColTey-
ille and the Cudahy Oil company
old the National its Eartlesvllle pro
duction amounting at that time to
about 1.500 barrels a day.
The Superior Consolidated Oil and
Gas company of Alluwe. has just con-
racted with the Cudahy Oil company
for the delivery of 900 barrels of oil
day from its Alluwe wells, and the
Nowata Pipe Line company- has been
Incorporated for the purpose of build-
ng a pipe line from Alluwe to Coffey-
ille, a distance of about thirty miles.
The line will be constructed of a 3-
inch pipe. The pipe is now being
strung for the new line, which will j
be built as quickly as possible.
Work is well under way on the re
finery, which will be located north
west of the city of Coffeyville. It will
have at the start a capacity of about
500 barrels a day, but will be In
creased as fast as it can be got In
working order, and eventually will
handle 4,000 to 5,000 barrels of crude
oil a day.
This Story Startles People, ' But
Ascertained to lie a Dream.
Sam Freidberg, the jeweler, had a
dream the night following his Christ
mas dinner and during the dream the
exact location of the hiding place of
a pot of gold was revealed to him. A
night or two later a similar dream
disturbed his slumbers and for the
next two or three nights he was haunt
ed by visions of the pot of buried gold.
He could not get the dream out of his
thoughts during the day or night and
to a few of his friends he confided the
location of the buried treasure.
It was in the back cellar under an
old two-story frame building which
stood on the lots which adjoin the
Friedberg home on the north, lots 416
and 418 Harrison street. The house
was erected in 1858 by Charles Wey
mouth and was occupied by his
widow until recently, when it was sold
to M. C. McCormick. the contractor,
who razed the old structure and is at
the present time preparing to erect a
moaern nome .on tne site.
A visit to the location of the old
building disclosed the. fact that the
building has disappeared and that
nearly all of the old stone foundation
has been taken out by the contractor.
An aged son of Ham, Monroe by name,
is completing the work.
"How about this story that a pot of
truiu nas oeen round in this old eel
lar?" asked a State Journal renre
sentative. "Is there anything to it or
i ii a pipe a ream :
"Wal," replied the ancient Ethio
pian, An aon t know nothen 'bout
youn pipe dreams, as you call 'em.
out aii Know tn- ain't ben no pot ov
goiu-rouna wnare use ben diggen
as. aoes you 'spose for a
minut tnat I'd be tellen it to some
newspaper 'porter or anybody else for
inai rnattan. vvoKen as hard as I has
to ier my money. Ah wouldn't hev told
noDoay a thing 'bout it."
inat seems to be about all that
there is to the story of a pot of buried
gold In the cellar of the old Weymouth
nome at is tiarrison street, except
ing the dream of Samuel Friedberg
ine jeweier, wno in nis dreams saw a
fortune in gold buried some time be
fore the war. Some one in whom
Sam confided dug up the bottom of the
old cellar last night.
There are no evidences that the
dreamed of fortune was disturbed or
even located, though it is a fact that
some one must have worked for sev
eral hours industriously last night In
an effort to locate the fortune seen in
the dreams of the jovial Kansas ave
nue jeweler. The news spread through
out the neighborhood of the find and
was reported to the State Journal of
fice over tha telephone by a well
meaning friend of the paper.
Crane Given a AVateh.
George W. Crane of the firm of
Crane and Company was the
recipient of a beautiful remembrance
from his employes this week in the
form of a solid gold watch. Mr.
Crane had planned a little celebration
in honor of the fortieth anniversary
or tne rounding of the
firm in TViti L-:t
u uic iiiwraiauon ui me time piece
followed. The presentation speech
was made by T. J. Markey who has
been with the firm in various
capacities for a great many years.
Munyon's Cold Remedy Reiieves the
head, throat and "ungs almost immediate
ly. Checks Fevers, stops Discbarges of
the nose, takes away all aches and pains
caused by colds. It cures Gr'p and ob
stinate Coughs and prevents Pneumonia.
Price 25c.
Have yon stiff or swollen Joints, no mat
ter how chronic? Ask yonr druggist for
Munyon's Kheumatism Remedy and see
how quickly you will be cured.
If you have any kidney or bladder trou
ble pet Munyon's Kidney Remedy.
Munyon's Vitallzer makes weak men
strong and restores lost powers.
Munyon's Mnjjazin. ; Almanac sent
free on requit.
Oratorio Pleased the Audience
Ists Well Received.
,The Topeka Oratorio society, the
successor to the . Topeka Choral so
ciety, gave their second number since
organizing at the Auditorium last
night, in the oratorio "The Messiah."
The society is planning to appear at
least twice every year in some oratorio
and the singing of "The Messiah" dur
ing the holidays is to be an annual
In the neighborhood of a thousand
people attended and showed their ap
proval by applauding the individual
and chorus numbers. It was an audi
ence that seemed to thoroughly appre
ciate classical music.
The personnel of the chorus was
largely local although there were two
"ringers" from Kansas City, Mr. E. E.
Edwards, a tenor, and Joseph A. Far
rell, bassowho sang the leading roles
for male voices. Mr. Edwards sang
two solos, while Mr. Farrell appeared
three times, both receiving much- ap
plause for their work. The others
were well known Topeka soloists! The
soprano soloists were Miss Helen
Hogeboom, Mrs. Joseph Griley and
Miss Celia Smith. The contralto parts
were sung by Mrs. Nina Thomas
O'Neill, Miss Nellie Pond and Miss
Ona May Miller. M. C. Holman di
rected the performance, Mr. W. F.
Roehr was at the pipe organ while
Miss Brunette C Walter played the
piano accompaniments. The chorus
contained fifty well drilled voices.
For an amateur performance "The
Messiah" went off well. This organiza
tion will fill a long felt want in To
peka, as it is the only organization
seeking to promote a hie-her apprecia
tion of classical music. ine periorm
ance showed much painstaking work
and the society should receive the cor
dial support of all Topeka.
Mrs. Larozona Whitney, 55 years of
age, died at her ' home, 120 Holman
street. North Topeka, Thursday night
of kidney trouble. The funeral will be
held from the Christian church in
North Topeka Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock, followed by interment in Ro
chester cemetery.
Frank H. Laud, who has conducted a
meat market on East Fourth street for
a number of years, died at his home,
328 Klein street, today following a ling
ering illness of several months' dura
tion. Funeral announcement later..
Hall Gets a Business House.
A deal was closed Wednesday by
which Horace L. Hall becomes owner
of the business property at 507 Kansas
avenue, now occupied by Samuel Fried
berg as a jewelry store. The property
was purchased from B. M. Payne and
wife, the consideration being $16,000.
This is a top notch price for Kansas
avenue property located in this part of
the city and it is said that the build
ing was purchased for the purpose of
forming a site for a large building
which is to occupy a number of lots m
this part of the city.
N. M. Rice, ereneral storekeeper of the
Santa Fe. left Wednesday for a short east
ern business trip.
A. D. Brown, traveling passenger agent
for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy road.
has gone to western points alter naving
been in Topeka for several days on busi
ness. Fireman Hughes of Toptka has been
transferred to Arkansas City for service
on the Oklahoma division.
Keith Wilson of Hutchinson, freight au
ditor of the Santa Fe. is in Topeka to
spend New Year's day with his parents.
rormer conductor tticnara wuson ana
Mrs. Wilson.
Olin Shaffer, the fireman who was badly
inlured in the Braddock wreck at the time
when Engineer Roberts of Emporia was
killed, was able to leave the nospital for
the first time Wednesday afternoon. He
will remain here a few days, after which
he will go to his home In Argentine where
he will recuperate for some time before
returning to road service.
W. K. Etter. superintendent or tne Okla
homa division, has returned to his home
at Arkansas Citv after having been in To
peka on business.
Eneine o. 4ts -which has been in the
shops for extended repairs was taken out
on trial trip yesterday.
X. E. Feinblatt who has been in the hos
pital for several days with a severe case
of tonsilitis has been discharged.
Clyde Johnson ot the machine shops is
aying off for a few days on account of ill
Rev. F.' E. Mallory. of the Third Chris
tian. church addressed the noon meeting
in the machine shoos today.
Conductor Jesse Howes :s running in the
place of Conductor Harry Griffin on runs
Xos. 309 and 110 between Topeka and Kan
sas City.
Word has been received in Topeka of the
promotion of Henry H. Mason, at present
instructor of shop apprentices et Newton,
to the position of bonus demonstrator.with
headquarters at Newton.
Ernest Cole of the bonus department at
Newton has been promoted to a higher
position in the bonus service and will come
to Topeka.
Prof. Corruth Laments the Supremacy
of the Athlete,
John MacDonald. the witty editor
of the Western School Journal, was
put to shame this morning at the con
vention of the Kansas State Teachers
association when Professor W. C. Wil
cox of the Iowa State university gave
his speech on -"The. Educated Amer
ican Girl." It was one .of the most
humorous and side splitting speeches
ct-i iiruiu in nit i trprtraeiii.fcii.ive iitiii
I and although the sneaker snoke for
almost two solid hours he never gave
his audience a chance to become un
easy or bored. And the speech was
not given with a humorous intent. It
was full of good sound logic and the
wit seemed to ereep in with the
naturalness of the speaker. He
summed up his talk by saying: "If
you men can't stand- the rightful
competition of the women, just get off
the earth." The whole talk was in the
defense of girls who see fit to acquire
a college education and Professor Wil
cox exploded the theory that college
girls do not make the right kind of
wives. His speech was full of well
told and appropriate stories some
from real life and some from the
magazines. He should be given the
credit however of springing a good
many stories on the public that are
actually modern. Professor Wilcox
made a startling statement when he
said that the girls are far outnumber
ing the boys as graduates of the
liberal arts course of the colleges to
day and he said that the scholarship
of the girls was much better than that
of the men. Not long ago the yell of
the Phi Beta Kappa society was a
good, real manly yell but now it was
a squeal indicating -that the girls
were receiving the big majority of the
scholarships and honors. The only
place in the speech that the men in
the audience had a chance to applaud
was when the professor said: "Educa
tion cannot make a sensible woman
out of a natural born fool."
Professor William Herbert Carruth
of the State university gave a talk
this morning on "How Can Scholar
ship Be Had as Respectable as
Football." The- professor had writ
ten to all the leading colleges and
universities In the country concerning
the fall of scholarship and the rise of
athletics and they all regretted the
fact that the captain of an athletic
team received far more respect and
honor from the student body and the
college in general than the Rhodes
scholar or the man who stands at the
head of his classes. He read letters
from Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Stan
ford, Cornell. Wisconsin. Michigan,
Denver. Dartmouth, Williams, Chi
cago, Illinois and Bowden. All of the
presidents In these institutions said
they would join with Professor
Carruth in the attempt to make a
scholarship a greater honor and es
Will Head Judiciary Committee in the
Senate. .
Lieutenant Governor W. J. Fitz
gerald, who has' been in the city all
week in conference with the new and
old senators as a preliminary to mak
ing committee appointments, today an
nounced the chairman of the judiciary
committee of the next senate in the
person of Judge Francis Price of Ash
land, the veteran senator from the
Thirty-seventh district. Senator Price
served twelve years on the district
bench with honor and is regarded as
one of the strong men of western Kan
sas. Lieutenant Governor Fitzgerald
stated today that the election commit
tee of the next senate, which will be
called upon to decide a couple of con
tests, will be composed of the best men
in that body, men above any reproach
of being a party to riding over justice
or the wishes of the people. There will
be at least one Democrat on that com
mittee. Among the new and old sena
tors who have conferred with the lieu
tenant governor here this week are:
John D. Myers of Jackson county.
Clad Hamilton of Shawnee, Oscar Fag
erberg of Osawatomie. Emerson Carey
of Reno, Fremont Leidy of Butler, H.
E. Ganse of Coffey. A. F. Smith of
Cowley, E. F. Porter of Crawford. Vin-,
ton Stiilings of Leavenworth and Fred
H. Quincy of Salina. j
Team Collides With Moving Van on
Kansas Avenue.
In an exciting but short runaway at
9 o'clock this morning a horse on the
Daily Capital, Mail and Breeze wagon
crashed into a big truck and was in
stantly killed. While Murrill Reed, the
driver, was absent, the team became
frightened standing at the postoffice
building and ran south on Kansas ave
nue. At the corner of Sixth, street the
team swerved a little to avoid a big
moving truck of the Skinner company
but the off horse struck the truck with
his shoulder with such force that he was
thrown backward from the heavy ob
struction while the wagon he was hitch
ed to Jammed into him, a large splinter
from the footboard, making a huge
wound back of the shoulder from which
he bled to death in a few minutes.
The moving van was engaged in mov
ing the office furniture of Dr. H. H.
Keith to his new location at 724 Kansas
avenue. A large leather office divan
in the rear of the load was badly
smashed up by the impact of the run
away horse. Within 20 minutes, a good
and useful horse was dead and dumped
at the desiccating works at the foot of
Madison street.
Argentine to Have Gas.
Argentine,- Dec. 31. The 12,000 citi
zens of Argentine are to have natural
gas within a year. A twenty-year
franchise was granted last night to W.
H. Caffery and J. D. Waters to furnish
natural gas to the city. The company
has three wells at Muncie, four mile3
from Argentine. It agrees to drill new
wells at once and to have eight miles
of pipe laid and in operation In a year.
A deposit of $1,000 was made with the
city. It is to be forfeited in case the
company fails to comply with its
Vitality the Secret of Success
Do You Lack Vim, Vigor and Vitality?
IS IXVITKD. I tell you
necessary to cure it. My
a cent. I invite the fullest
Evincing proofs to all who
1 i I
.-v")ever given to you to get well. To cure you will bring other pa-
tients to my office perhaps for years to come. You are invited
: r to come for confidential conaultsLtlnn wtiih la fro
T rI?'. J -
VJ DR. D. A. COOKINHAM. 106 E. Seventh St.
OFFICE HOURS 9 to 12. 2 to 5. 7 to 8: Sundays. 9:30 to 10:30.
- " Monday. Tuesday. Thursday .ind Friday evening.
Trrrv the faooaamawt
to you all
for your very
for 1908.
Here's Hoping
that we'll
doubly merit
it for 1909.
A Very Happy
New Year to AH
WHEN you wish a new car
riage do you go to ' the
blacksmith and order a
lovely "One Horse Shay" like
grandfather used to make? No,
you demand the highest skill of
the modern carriage-maker's-art.
Now, in
Veston Bread
you, will find the skill and
science of what the modern
baker has combined to exceed
"grandmother's luck." Wrapped
in germ-proof packages.
.The Ideal Bakery
"The Place That's Different"
121 W. 6th St. Phone 190
The Hammers In the "Crown" Pianos
are made from the Finest Merino
Wool, and the greatest care is
exercised in their manufacture. They
are the correct weight to produce
the best possible tone, and are bard,
yet elastic, and not easily cut by the
strings. Ii poor felt is used, force
the action as you will, an unsatis
factory tone is the result. "CROWN"
Pianos are for sale at
517-519 Kan. Ave. Both Phones 35S
It' 8 nice getting them in, pet
tine them out. But there's a way
CASCARETS are known to hundreds
of thousands for the natural and easy
way they clean out the system of over
drinking. Be prepared, a box in your
pocket of CASCARETS take one or
two mire when you go to bed then to
morrow will be pleasant. sgg
CASCARETS ioc box Week's treat
ment. All drugiftUi. Bitrifest seller
in the world. Million boxen s month.
If you have not been a customer
of mine during the past year, we
have both lost. You, the services
and conveniences of a reliable, up-to-date
drug store: I, your business,
which I would have appreciated and
cared for. Try my drug frtore with
your first drug needa In 1909 the
store Is at 523 Kansas ave., and the
telephone, which we Invite you to
call, is
IND. 184
M. Welghtman, Jr., tho reliable
Druggist of Ninth and Kansas Ave. Is
having calls for "HINDIPO," the new
Kidney Cure and Nerve Tonic that he
is Felling under a positive guarantee.
Its merits are becoming the talk of
the town and everybody wants to try
It, and why not? It coats nothing If
It don't do you good not one cent.
He doesn't -want your money if it
does not benefit you, and will cheer
fully refund the money. Try it to
day. what your trouble Is and what will be
professional services do not cost vou
investigation and -will furnish c'on-
call. This Is the greatest opportunity
I i