Newspaper Page Text
THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOUENAL THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBEE 31, 1908. 9 V 13 I I TY i ;' Thn first of a series of dances for I kt-u of the Elks' club and. their families will be given at the club Jan. uary 8 in the evening. I vi T-aiira Hall gave an informal afternon today in compliment to Miss 1 Wlldegrade Hurley who is home from nam Hall. Wellesley, for the holidays. Mrs. James Park Hughes entertained I the members of her sorority, the Sigma Delta PsI. of Washburn and a few iother guests, about twenty-five in all. (at her home in fotwin tnis anernoon. 1 A unique table decoration was em ployed by Miss Gertrude Clevenger for ' her dinner Wednesday night in compn ment to Miss Anna Hoch and Mr. James W. Reld of Chanute, whose wedding will take place tomorrow evening. The holiday colors, red and green prevailed in the decorations an 1 lighting. The chandelier above the table was hung with holly and mistle toe and strands of red ribbon radiating rrom a Dig dow extended to the covers where they were fastened to miniature Ted and green lanterns. The center piece was a doll's house, a typical win ter scene with a blanket of snow and I Irost on the roof and on the surround Ing lawn, and the lights gleaming from the windows. Between courses the 1 ' ruests drew pencil sketches of the f bride and groom on their place cards i i t . i j A, ,. l Liie eim me ainner tnese were gathered together in a little booklet the cover of which showed a tiny house with Cupid at the window, for the f Miss Ora Allen of Chanute Miss Mar- I garet Betzer. Miss Rachel Locke, Miss f Orace Frost, Miss Josephine Lynch, I Miss Louise Allison, Miss Hortense I Imboden of Wichita, Mr. Reid, Mr. David Page, Mr. Robert Fullerton, Mr. Paul Sweet. Mr. Newell Abrahams, Mr. Otto Foberg, Mr. Frank Forbes, Mr. Carl Forbes. The Mellin's Food crowd danced for the third time this week at Steinberg's last night and O wonderful magic of routh and enthusiasm! some of them -vill dance again at the Christmas 'llelianthus tonight. The Lambda Al pha Lambas, wot wuz. in. the good old days before the legislature worked a Great Reform and did away with high school frats forever, gave the dance last night. The hostesses were Miss Helen Lindsay, Miss Margaret Going, Miss Mary Sutherland, Miss Isade! Heath. Miss Louise Heath, Miss Gladys Scott. Miss Hazel Howe, Miss Emma Bolmar. Miss Lucile Pollock. Miss Na (lie Lytle. Miss Marie Vanderpool, Miss Vilia Wellhouse, Miss June Mitchell ind Miss Ruth Hamlin, and the in vitations were extended to: Miss Maggie Bell Long of Lawrence, liss Grace Vance of Oklahoma City, liss Goodsmlth of Chicago, Miss wendolyn Houston of Wichita, Miss larlorie Davis of Kansas City. Miss f-ois Lindsay, Miss Dorothy Scott, Miss knna Sim, Miss Hazel Nelson, Miss Helen Mitchell, Miss Rachel Coston, Stiss Bertha Hull. Miss Una Lytle, Miss n J.Iarie Vanderpool. Miss Ruth Whitney ltf Kansas City, Miss Helen Jordan of Msoone, la.. Miss Alice Noble of Atchi son. Miss Edna Hopkins, Miss Mar guerite Mills, Miss Mary Dallas Gage, Miss Gertrude McClintock, Miss Mary Chase Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Park Hughes. Miss Jennie Moneypenny. Miss Rose Mitchell. Miss Frances Mitchell. Miss Jeanette Wolcott, Miss Florence Welch, Miss Mildred Guild, TMiss Emma Smith. Miss Esther Rauch, Miss Louise McNeal, Miss Alice Meade, Miss Virginia Meade, Miss Esther Rodgers, Miss Margaret Garvey, Miss Julia Larimer, Miss Alice Willard, Miss I Mary Connors, Miss Margaret Murphy, f Miss Marjorie Thompson. Miss Blossom $ ; Devlin and Miss Ethel Devlin of Kan Y fas City, Miss Hulda Pool, Miss Mar-i- Ion Thompson. Miss Katherine Kellam, Miss Elizabeth Holliday, Miss Mary Cileed, Miss Dorothy Gleed, Miss Marion Wear, Miss Clyde Bonebrake, Miss Marie Lagerstrom, Miss Leona Curtis, Miss Mildred Mills, Miss Dorothy Porter, Miss Hazel Jones, Miss Helen Haugney Miss Grace Koontz. Miss Eugenia Quin- ton. Miss Helen Speilman, Miss Anna Troutman, Miss Alice Larimer, Mr. Ed Curry, Mr. Harry Wolf, Mr. Clyde Cor bet, Mr. Jay Close, Mr. tiaroio- rsozeu Mr' Herbert Heym, Mr. Irwin Snattin err Mr. Dick Reed. Mr. Wilson Hobart Mr. Burr Willard, Mr. Joe Risteen, Mr. Frank Miller. Mr. Otto Connell, Mr. rinrwin Bradley. Mr. Frank Flenniken Mr. Clarkson Millspaugh, Mr. Ralph Segar. Mr. Louis Hall, Mr. Lee Johnson. Mr Frank Southwick, Mr. Clyde Ad ams. Mr. Willard Pierce. Mr. Malcolm Coneland. Mr. Dick Hall, Mr. Albert Spivey, Mr. Charles Ryder. Mr. Robert McGiffert. Mr. Robert Pierce. air. Holmes Meade, Mr. James McFarland, Mr Rv Jones. Mr. Fred Crosby, Mr, Marshall Hite, Mr. Nelson Meade, Mr. Allen McNeal. Mr. Fred Farflt, Mr, Wnrrlok Brown. Mr. Burr Bear, Mr. Robert Steele, Mr. Clarence Jordan, Mr. Irfo Haughey, Mr. Robert Fullerton -Ui- Oshnrne Larimer. Mr. Warwick TJp- degraff. Mr. Herbert Lininger, Mr. Ar thur Sheldon. Mr. James Hayes, Mr. James Stewart. Mr. Bernard Crosby, Mr. Russell Frost, Mr. Clay Ham ilton. Mr.- Ray Rauch. Mr. Wayte Ly le Mr. John Loomis, Mr. Harry Eagle. Mr. Ray Starr, Mr. Ed Kistler, Mr. Earl Voorhis. Mr. Arthur Gray, Mr. Sam Fleishman. Mr. Roland West. Mr. Robert Thomas, Mr. Burns Williams, Mr. George Mitchell, Mr. Walter Weid-lino- Mr. Piatt. Mr. Joe Connell, Mr. Quinton Adams. Mr. Harry Gaunt Harry Curtis, Mr. Will Wellhouse, Dale Going. Mr. Kenneth Burnett, i-haniipl Foote. Mr. Richard Fritz, Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Bruce McFarland. Mr. Hugh McFar land. Mr. Paul Moneypenny. Mr. Sey mour Organ. Mr. G. W. Haitch, Mr. Murdock Pemberton of Lawrence and Mr. George Ballingal of Kansas City. 4fr & Miss Mabel Andrews has asked guests for Saturday afternoon in com pliment to Misses Grace and Daisy Vance of Oklahoma City. Mrs. Florence Longshore of Iola, who is visiting Miss Edna Guy, was the guest of honor at an afternoon party given by Miss ouy today, in- i vitations to meet her including: Mrs. , Otis Allen, Miss Nell Allen. Miss Ida Tinker. Miss Ethel Hadley. Miss Eliza beth Gregory, Miss Emma Gordon. Miss Theo Jewell, Mrs. Harold Cart lidge. Mrs. Frank Sturgis, Miss Rose Davis, Mrs. Lawrence Banks, Miss Vera Benjamin, Miss Mabel Foucht, Mtss Lugrace Whitmer, Miss Daisy Neil. Miss Mabel Halloway, Miss Bessie Smith. Mrs. Ralph Hinkson, Miss Alice Etner, Mrs. Harry Hobson, Mrs. Ralph Rojlman, Mrs. Walter Davis, Mrs. D-tve Beudrie, Mrs. John D. Heyh. Mrs. Charles Moore. Mrs. Her- b Harris, Mrs. Jesse Fletcher, Mrs. ler.ry tierr. Mrs. Charles Ritschard. Mrs. Daniel Haesrart. Mrs. Ralnh Ken nedy, Mrs. A. B. Jeffrey. Mrs. Hlnkle Gy. Miss Ella Bailey, Miss Florence Bailey. Miss May Bailev. Mrs. Wertie Holmes of Oswego, Mrs. Charles Joslin. Miss Ona May Miller will give a song recital tonight at Security hall for wmcn a large number of invitations en extended. The programme win begin at S o'clock and as it is nort. including only Miss Miller's WANTS AND MISCELLANEOUS ADS. W. C. RALSTON is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the office of city attorney, subject to the city primary election on March 2. 1919. B. M. PiPrns an! wife, to H. L. Hall. pt. lot 151 Kansas ave $16,000 E. M. Empire to R. K. Burke, lots S5 to 9n. inr . "PpriKvlvniiia ave.. Highland Park add 1 S. Peters tr A J Rmith. lot 430 Lincoln St.. King's add 1 M. Mevers and husband to L. Krat zt and wife. nt. lots 15 and 17 Quincy st S00 D. Chiles to L. Hudgen. rt. n. w. M 26-1 1-15 eoo H. Carder and wife to O. E. Ward. lot 59 Beaublen ave.. Silver Lake.. 850 WANTED Position by experienced stenog rapher and office man. Uooa business ability. Phone 2945 Black. WANTED Railroads are again calling for hundreds of trained men to fill posi tions as firemen, brakemen. electric rail way motormen and conductors. Uncle Sam also wants more competent men for railway mail clerks, carriers and P. O. clerks. Our practical courses by mall will fit you in a short time for any of these good paying positions. Write today for free catalog and say for what position you want to qualify. The Wenthe Ry. Oorres. School. Dept. 371. Freepcrt. 111. WANTED Man and boy to sell Saratoga cnips ana popcorn. 311 Tyler. KINDLING 25c per load, under viaduct. songs, by Thomas, Tschaikowsky, Schubert, Schumann, Bizet, Haile. La Forge, Clark, Mager, Gounod, Milden berg. Gaynor. Lohr and Arditi, it will be done by 9, permitting members of the audience to keep other .New year s eve engagements. Mrs. Robert Diller Carver will be the accompanist. Miss Miller is a pupil of Mrs. George W. Parkhurst and. is regarded as a prom ising young singer. Mr. Ray Reeder left today for a ten days' vacation. . He goes to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he will be mar ried January 6 to Miss Verna E. Slater. At home after February 10 at 1414 Harrison street. Notes and Personal Mention. Miss Julia Leland will go to Leaven worth Briday to attend the debut re ception to be given by Mrs. William Hook for her daughter Dorothy and will go from there to Kansas City for a ball to be given Mr. and Mrs. Wil lis Wood at the Baltimore. Mrs. Lawson Gilbert and her daurhter Beatrice of Chicago will ar rive tonight to be the guests of Mrs. Noble Prentls Friday and Saturday. They are stopping on their way home from a Christmas visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mack of Newton. Miss Helen McGoff is visiting in Arkansas City. Miss Mary Meade is visiting relatives in Great Bend. Mrs. Edwin Davis of Leavenworth will come to Topeka to attend the wedding of Miss Jeanette Wolcott and Mr. George Mitchell January 9 and will be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Campbell. Senator Charles Curtis will leave to morrow for Washington. Miss Grace Vance is staying with Miss Ann Troutman until Sunday when she will return to her home in Oklahoma City. Mr. and Mrs. William McClintock left yesterday for Washington and New York to be gone about ten days. Miss Esther Dolley of Maple Hill is the guest of Miss Lucile Kutz this week. Miss Julia Fisher of Robinson, Misses Nona and Maria Lin icy, Paul Mennenoeh, Mark Troxell. Klaus and Siefka DeFreese all of Midland col lege. Atchison, are guests of Miss Lucile McAfee until Monday. Mr. Bert Reid left yesterday for St. Louis to spend New Year's with his sister. Professor W. A. Cook of the Clay Center High school who is attending the teachers' meeting and his family are guests of Mrs. and Mrs. S. A. Cook. 1309 West street. Miss Grace Rertfield or ort ?coit who was in town for the teachers" meeting the guest of Mrs. Noble Pren tls. went home today. Miss Bessie Carson who was the guest of the J. J. Smith family has returned to Manhattan. Mr. Arthur Cadden of Salina who was the guest of Mr. W. G. Bailey and the Misses Bailey for Christmas, has returned home. Mr. George Hayden has returned from a Christmas visit to Wetmore. Mr and Mrs. Wertie Holmes of Oswetro were guests for Christmas and the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCleskev. Mrs. Holmes' parents Mrs. E. H. Guy returned today from Arkansas City where she has been the guest for a week of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guy Mr. and Mis. Grant Gilman, who have been visiting the past three months with Mrs-. Gilman's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Caldwell, 724 Clay street, left today for their home in Santa Monica. Cal. Miss Stella Flynn- of Manhattan has returned home after an extended visit tn Miss Bessie. Smith Mrs. A. J. Vansant of oOu Taylor street and her son, Mr. C. El Vansant of Philadelphia, have gone to Musko gee. Okla-. to virlt Mrs. L. G. Disney fnr a few davs. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour uavis or Philadelphia will sail on the White star liner. S S. Cedric, January ror Cairo. Egypt, where they will spend tri winter, returning by way of Jeru- saiPrn and Constantinople, jirr George Higginbotham of Ros- ville has gone to California to spend the winter. Miss Dorothy Porter went to Em poria today for a short visit. Miss Edith Cook of Kansas City, a guest of Miss Louise Heath, has re turned to her home. Mrs. C. C. Shaler aird daughter. Maud, of Lwrence, are in Topeka for a short visit. - Mr. Albert W. Reitze leaves for Denver Monday, after a holiday visit with relatives at 404 Clay street. His wife and children will remain a few weeks longer. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Belt have re turned home from Pawnee Rock, after visiting their son, Charles Belt, for three weeks. Below Zero Weather. St. Paul. Dec. 31. The old year is closing with the coldest weather of the season in the northwest. Today in St. Paul, it was five below zero. At Saskatchewan, 30 below; E-dmondton, Mont, 14 below, and. Helena 6 below. WANTED Drug clerk, 2 years' exper ience: must be qualified soda dispenser not over 25 years of age; good wages. write experience; srlve reference. Address iJruggist 24, care State Journal. WANTED Bright husky schoolboy, about 10. care onetiand nonv. etc. 12U0 Harrison WANTED A thoroughly competent real estate stenographer. W. J. Ratclift, At- a, ivan. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. few weeks required, best paying work within the reach of -poor man: can have shon with small capital; wages from J12 to $"J0 weekly: wonderful demand for bar bers. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber ouege. Kansas City. Mo. WANTED Competent white girl for gen erai House work. Ind. 2552 White. 1355 ijarueia ave. WANTED 24 women to sew in nants fac tory; can make good wages. Western WANTED Skirt makers for Saturday. M. J. Mercer. The Crosby Bros. Co. WANTED A first class white girl for iiuuse worK. Apply to Mrs. Fred Stew art. 527 Tyler st. WANTED Farm hands, carpenters, hotel helD. farm Connies wnmpn r-nnlfs tiniisu girls, dining: room srirls. maids. Capital Employment Agency. Sll Kan. ave. KINDLING 25c per load, under viaduct. WANTED SnSCFLLAXEOrrS. WE PAY THE HIGHEsTpmCE for secondhand clothes, shoes, hats and overcoats. Drop a card or call Ind. phone 15SS. Abe Jacobson. 600 Kansas avenue. HORSES TO WINTER. M. O'Keefe, ind. phone 819S. WANTED Veal calves and fat cows. H. M. Bush. Ind. phone 24733. 1010 E. 8th st. WANTED-Irspiraiion Mining Co. stock. W. A. Nelswanger. Phones 94S. Mul vane Bldg. WANTED Everybody to know that the International Gold Mines of Mexico have lately been examined and reported upon and placed amonar the first rln mines of that great mining country, which paid muerican recorded snareholders last year in cash dividends ov-pr jki ovi fw Tjt all Topeka shareholders rejoijee and rest easy, as you have proba'blv made the greatest investment of your lives. Your mines are now classed with those great Mexican mines that seldom nnv less than 100 per cent on the investment yeaTly. If you have any friends who would like to get any of these good shares , before the price goes higher call soon. M. A. POND. 609 Kansas Avenue. WANTED Horses and cattle to winter; ffood feed and water. J r TvdErsir. Ind. 22ES 1. WANTED Portrait pictures to enlarge. i an an .cast Dtn. WANTED Horses and cows to winter, good feed, water, shelter. H. Chalmers. Ind. 2809 2. or 2601 Black. WANTED Winter your horse In a good barn in the country. Call J. E. Mathews, Bell phone 37143; Ind. 22026. WANTED Horses tr winter. l-,ox stalls. pood enre end feed. Alfalfa hay for sale. Uodeeraff Farm. Ind. 4002. FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT srentleman. -Modern furnished room for S26 Madison. Ind. 9562. FOR RENT 3 pleasant Hght housekeeping rooms: no children. 1017 Jackson st. FOR RENT Nice large front room, modern. 432 Monroe. all FOR RENT 2 modern furnished rooms, hot water heat, electric light, bath. 710 West Sth st. FOR RENT 1116 Harrison, nice furnished room, modern. Ind. phone 2S63 White. WANTED TO RENT Four or five unfur nished rooms, or small cottage. State price. Address H. G.. care Journal. FOR RENT S roms. tras and barn, 2 lots, good location; Ind. 2991 Red. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, heat and light, board if desired. 700 Madison. FOR RENT 212 West Sth. modern fur nished room, with board. FOR RENT -4 newlv furnished rooms. 209 Kflnsa-t fl--A f ;ermeTrn onlv FOR RENT TTOrSFCS. FOR RENT 6 room dwelling' with barn first class condition. 449 Sumner ave W. S. Burgenthal. 117 W. 7th. Phones 199. FOR RENT Cottage. 313 E. 12th. W. E. Atchison. Telephone 875 Columbian Bldg. 4i'0 Madison. 3 rooms. $S. 406 Van Burnn. 5 rooms, $13. Ind. phone 5961. FOR RENT. 1624 Polk st.. 6 rooms, gas light and neat, sib.t'o. C. G. BLAKELY & CO. Ind. 73S. Bell 1293. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, ment. Ind. phone 2464 R. 2. gas, base- FOR RENT 117 W. 10th. modern 7 rooms also furnished rooms 604 W. 8th. FOR RENT-Pleasant 3 room cottage, wa ter, sink and gas. close in. 523 W. 5th. FOR RENT 7 room house, large barn. Inquire 102 Stephens, w ell and cistern FOR RENT S room eottasre. srood water shade and fruit. Phone Ind. 2S44 White. FOR RENT Six room house. 315 West Twelfth. Well, gas. Grownups only. FOR RENT S room house, reasonable, located in Auburndaie. 324 Kansas ave. FOR RENT 4 and 5 rooms. 1019 Madison. gas. citv water. C'-ill 1201Jackson, basement FOR RENT January 1. strictly modern room house, rent reasonable, possession before first. Inquire oil Lane st or phone 1S74 Red. FOR RENT StrtcVjr modern 9 house. W Clay Both phones K17. room FOR HFVT VisrTT f.AVFnrS. forretrsITle?' " 30 acres, one half in alfalfa, 6 room house in eood repair; good barn, good well and cistern and plenty of water in pasture, witmn one mile of -citv. J. CHUBB. Highland Park. Ind. 2350. FOR RENT 160 acre farm 12 miles west of Topeka. Inquire 901 Adams st. CIDER. WANTED you to order your cider from Washburn's cider works. Ind 2315 Black. SAFES exchanged, bousht. sold or re paired. 611 Quincy. st. The Merchants Safe Exchange Co. Phone 2567 Blue. 1S6 long distance. 1 farmer safe. $16; a Jewel er's safe. $S5. OSTEOPATHS. Dr. Nellie Sawyer. Ind. phone 1280. 612 K A.. Crawford Hlda Elevator r v I PJlTEjnPS J. A. ROSEN, patent attorney. i2S K an sa) ave.. Topeka. flan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BEFORE BUYING Look at .this property In Highland Park, new 6 room dwelling with 19 lots, recep tion hail, bath room-' with fixtures, cess pool, soft water. welCclstfern, range, tool house, barn, poultry iiouse, 7 lots fenced for poultry, 1 block to car line. Three room bungalo. SHAWNEE AGENCY. Both Phones 506."" ' '534 Kansas Ave. BARGAIN IN OAKLAND. Nice 6 room cottage, newly painted, gas, cistern, fruit, shade, block car. Owner leavimr citv and must sell aulck. Worth $1,500;. want immediate offer. If you want to Duy, get busy; can make terms. WINGETT LAND CO. Ind. 1644 109 West 6th. ground floor.) QUICK SALE. 6 room house, eras citv water, sewer. 1 tots: oatn room. Ri.wu: part casn. See BAILEY BROS. CO. Ind. Pnone 990. Bell 990. 2346 White POLK ST.. 6 room house, cellar, gas, Wa ter. sewer. lMt lots, only si.bia; on terms. Garlinghouse Realty Co., 60S Kansas avenue. . -. ... -WHAT WILL YQU GIVE?- E. 6th st. near Chandler. 1 lot, 4 r. cot tage. gas light and heat, cistern and well good tenant at $10. Chance for big bargain Mke an offer. J. E. TORRINGTON. 109 W. 6th St. Bell 1362. Ind. 22S. . r-f : A FOR SALE Bv owner, practically new, thoroughly modern, nine room home, ou.irter-sawed oak finish, nlate firlass win dows. cemented cellar, gas and water in house, well, cistern, larsre Darn, excellen location, cash or easy terms: also 5 lots northeast of Santa Fe shops, cheap. Phone 2 rings. FOR SALE Beautiful 5 acre tract, fronts asylum boulevard on W. 6th st. Sightly for a home. Inauire 700 Lane st. I. J. KKTCHtTM ft; CO.. R01 Kansas ave.. North Topeka. Ind. 403, Keal Kstate and insurance, we ouy, sen, rent and exchange. What have you to offer? . FOR SALE-House and 4 lots, with large barn. , 108 Winter St.. Auournaaie. J. Thomas Lumber Co. FOR SALE Cheap, new 4 room cottage. 2 lots. barn. well. 40S jopiar si. Twrr tt I7TP-- FPwnnTH LAND CO. KANSAS. TI.XAS & MEXICO LANDS. TOPEKA KANSAS. InJ. Phone 367. Bell Phone 358. por sat.p" Six- dwellings, two six room two five room, two four room dwellings on monthly payment plan. Payments about like rent. TOPEKA. INVESTMENT LOAN CO. Phone 1307. ' 5 113 East 6th St. FOR SALE 3 room cottage. 3 lots, plenty of fruit. 251 Kellam. uaKiana. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ven SALE Alfalfa hay. F. A. Titus. Ind. S7S 3. cau everenKs, -- FOR SALE Prairie hay and bound cane. In phone SfcS King i. u. m. uS'. MANTLES FOR ALL GAS IJGHTS, AT COST. CROSS UlUblf FOR SALE Smal gad heater, cheap. Ind, 5014. ' !: FOR SALE Pair horses, mare jn foal, Wt. 2.700: also stylish young driving mare. gentle. I.S.. Topeka ave. FOR SALE Steel range, gas connection. 313 uumcy. bl - FOR SALE Ford runabout, model N. Quick sale $300. Inquire 112S Woodward. MISSION TABLE LAMPS. COMPLETE, CROSS CYCLE CO, 810 KANSAS AVE. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay: dry fire wood 4 feet lone, uau noon ui c :.. us.. R. J. McCaffertv. Ind. rhone 87S 4 Rings. FOR SALE 20 H. P. boiler. 20 loads of stone, and lots of good kindling, under Sixth st. viaduct. ; - FOR SALE First class horse and buggy. quiet and a good driver. 313 Woodtawn ave. Ind. 12463 rings. FOR SALE Onlv barber shop tn country town. Good business. Barber, Emmett, Kan. - AUTOMOBILE Buick. 4 cyl. touring car, almost new; perfect condition; fully equip ped Top. etc.; extra tire, extra storage battery. $1,100. cash or installments. T. P Chapman, care Majestic Theater. ALFALFA HAY, loose, delivered, phone 3777 Rings 2. F. A. Birch. Bell INVERTED LIGHTS. BEST MAKES FOR 50 CENTS. CROSS CYCLE CO.. S10 KANSAS AVE. KINDLING 25c per load, under viaduct. FOR SALE 2 extra eood cows, giving 3H and 5 erallons. 1929 Van Buren. FOR SALE First class 240 egg encubator. or trade for young pigs. Ind. 23633 rings. FOR SALE OR TRADE for 1,300 or 1.400 lb. farm mare, highly bred bay driving mare, 5 years old. city broke. C. J. Alvev Meriden. Ind. phone Grantvllle. 25 PIANO BOXES. $2.00 to $3.00 each. W. F. ROEHR MUSIC CO.. 630 Kan. ave. FOR SALE Hardware stock, $20,000 year ly business. In new town: reason for selling, other business. Address HisKey & Lumper. Emmett. Kansas. GAS LIGHTS AND SUPPLIES AT COST. CROSS CYCLK w., l" KA.NnAa ivva. MANTLES. BURNERS AND GLOBES KINDLING 25c per joaa. unaer viaauci sat.f One second hand New Cen tury typewriter in good condition. Call or address oatun utuk -o.. xv.nn. vc FOR SALE Prairie hav by the ton or bailed by load or car ioaa. n. w. m.c- Afee. W. 6th. tseu pnone o. FOR SALE: 500 business cards for $1.25; 500 envelopes. $1.26 : 500 letter heads. $1.50. See them: first class printing at propor tionate rate Tram) 714 Kansas ave. MISCELLANEOUS. WILL BUILD a home from your plans, $2,000 limit, in the best part of city; terms to please for reliable party, im. a., journal. Bell Phone 1108 Main. Ind. Phone 13S3. TOPEKA BUS AND BAGGAGE CO.. 1115 EAST FOURTH ST. Rubber tired busses 25 cents a passengeT to any part or me cny. Baggage or Trunks 25 cents. ALL MAKES AT COST. KANSAS AVE. CROSS, 810 FREIGHT RATES. MERCHANTS' Transfer Co. loads a car of household goods for Pueblo and vicini ty on Saturday next. '-Phone 1S6 for special privileges. KINDLING 25c per load, under viaduct. REPAIRING, pressing; fine work done. Bring clothes to 40$ East 4th St. LEQAL. First published in The Topek State Journal December 26, 1908. At a meeting of the city council held December 21. 1908. the following resolution was presented -and adopted: "Resolved. That, the Mayor and Council of the City of Topeka, Kansas, deem it necessary: fop the best interests of said city to construct a sewer 1n the district or errltory described as follows, to-wit: .Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Third street with the center line of Fillmore street: thence northerly along the center line of Fillmore street io me center line or First street, extend- aea: tnenre westerly along the center or itrst street extended, to the east line of section twenty-five 2o), township eleven (11). range fifteen (15): thence north along cam eajsi une oi saia section twenty-rive (25) to its intersection with the south line of the Chicago. Rock Island and Pa cific railway right-of-way: thence north westerly along the south line of said rail way right-of-way to Its intersection with the north line of the souheas quarter OA) of secion twenty-five (25). township eleven (11). range fifteen niil: thpttrp wKr ninnc said north line of said southeast quarter ihi) to the northwest corner of the east half () of said quarter section; thence south alonsr the west line of said east half of said quarter section to the southwest corner of said east half W. the same being a point on the south line of section twentv-five (26), township eleven (11). range fifteen (15); thence east along the south line of said section twenty-five (25) to the southeast corner there of: thence south to the cener line of Fourh street: hence easerly along the center line of Fourth street to the cener line of Clay street: thence northerly along the center line of Clay sreet to the center line of Third street: thence easterly along the center line of Third street to the place of begisnlng: all in the city of Topeka, Shawnee county. Kansas. L. E. FRASER. I. C. B. Burge. city clerk of the city of Topeka. Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and cor rect copy of the original resolution now on file iu my office. loeal.J c. B. BURGE. City Clerk. .Passed the council December 21, 1908. Approved December 24. 190S Aj?ea'L WM- GREEN, Mayor. Attest: C. B. BURGE. City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State Journal December 26, 190S.J At a meeting -of the City Council held December 21, 1908, the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved. That the Mayor and Council of the City of Topeka deem it necessary ir lh best 'nterests of said city that West Seventh street from the west side of Polk street to the east side of Western avenue be graded, curbed with combined curb and gutter of Portland cement and payed thirty (30) feet wide with vitirified brick on sand foundation. T C. E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Buree Citv nrt th pllw pf Tooeka. Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. 'acaI-' C. B. BURGE, City Clerk Itlrst published in The Topeka State uuurnai uecemper 26, 19US.J At a meeting of ti rs.r nn u uciiiuri 1. isuj. me lonowing resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved. Tht the iuawr an nnnn of the City of Topeka deem it necessary for the best interests of said city that Seventh street. West, from the west side of Tyler street to the east side of Polk street, be graded, curbed with combined curb and gutter and paved thirty (30) feet wide with vitrified brick and sand .uilllUdllUU. C F Ti l I? I- A V I. C. B. Buree. Citv Clrl-' nt rha r-Mt-.. of Topeka. Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foreeoing is a true and cui-rcci copy or me original resolution now wii me in iii.v uiriut;. loeai. v C. B. BURGE. - City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State juuiuai uecemDer 26, lyos.j At a meeting nf tha riiv nni,..n . i ,i December 21. 1908, the following resolution wn incaeiuea ana,. aoopted: Resolved. That the Mavnr and council of the City of Topeka deem it necessary for the best Interests of said city that Eleventh street from tho wot Mo re Topeka avenue to the east side of West ern avenue except intersections already puveu, oe graaea, curbed, guttered and paved thirty (30) feet wide with vitrified brick on sand foundation. c- E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Buree. Citv Clerk of ti, nitv of Topeka, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true nd correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. tseai.i . C. B. BURGE. City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State Journal December 26, 1908.J At a meetiner of the Citv rvmnoii ,i December 21. 190S. the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved. That the Mavor and rvmr,.'i of the City of Topeka deem it necessary for the best interests of said city that Jackson street from the south line of Twelfth street to the north line of Thir teenth street in Ritchie's addition, be graded, curbed with combined enrh anri gutter and paved thirty (30) feet wide wttn vitritiea orick on sand foundation. ,. -'. E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Burge, City Clerk of tho nitv of Topeka. Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. Seul.l C. B. BURGE. City Clerk. First published in The Topka State journal December 26, 1908. At a meeting of the City Council held December 21. 1908. the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved. That the Mayor and Council of the City of Topeka deem it necessary for the best interests of said citv that Thirteenth street from the west line of ackson street to the east line of Harrison street be graded, curbed with combined urb and gutter and paved thirty (3u) feet with with vitrified brick on sand founda- on. C E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Burge. City Clerk of the Citv of Topeka. Kansas, do hereby certify that me above ana foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now n rue in my orrice. Seal. C. B. BURGE. City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State Journal December 26, 190S- At a meeting of the City Council held December 21. 1908. the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved. That the Mayor and Council of the Citv of Topeka deem it necessary for the best interests of said city that layior street from the south line of Sec ond street to the north line of Fourth street be graded, curbed and paved thirty (30) feet wide with vitrified brick on sand foundation. C. E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Burge, City Clerk of the City of Tooeka. Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct cony of the original resolution now on file in mv office. Seal. C. B. BURGE, City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State Journal December 26. 1908. At a meeting of the City Council held December 21. 1908. the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved, That the Mayor and Council of the City of Topeka deem it necessary for the best interests of said city that Twelfth street from the west line of Fill more street to the east line of Clay street, be graded, curbed and paved thirty-five (35) feet wide with vitrified brick on sand foundation. C E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Burge. Citv Clerk of the City of Topeka, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. rSeal.l C. B. BURGE, City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State Journal December 28. 1908.1 At a meeting of the Citv Council held I December 21. 1908, the following resolution LEGAL. was presented and adonted: Resolved. That the Mayor and Council of .he City of Topeka deem it necessary for the best interests of said city that West Ehthth avenue from the west line 6f Kansas avenue to the west line of Harrison street be repaved With vitrified brtck on jconcrete foundation: said repay ing to be. ninety (90) feet wide from Kan sas avenue to Jackson street and sixtv- five (65) feet wide from Jackson street to Harrison street. Including gutters. C. E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Burge. City Clerk of the City or xopexa. iiansas. ao nerepy certify tnat the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on rue in my office. rSeal.l C. B. BITRGE. City Clerk First published in The Topeka State Journal December 26, 1908.J At a meeting: of the City Council held December 21. 1908, the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved. That the Mayor and Council of the City of Topeka deem it necessary for the best Interests of said city that Buchanan, street from the north side or line of Huntoon street to the north side or line of Thirteenth street be graded, paved and curbed: said paving to be of vitrified brick on sand foundation and to be thirty (30) feet wide. C. E. JORDAN. T. C. B. Burge. City Clerk of the City of Topeka, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. . rSeal.l C. B. BURGE. City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State Journal December 26. 190S. At a meeting of the City Council held December 21. 1908. the following resolution was presented and adopted: Kesoived. That the Mayor ana oouncil of the City of Topeka, deem it necessary for the best interests of said city that Polk street from the south side of Sixth avenue. West, to the north side of Eighth avenue. West, be graded, curbed and paved thirty (30) feet wide with vitrified brick on sand foundation. C E JORDAN. I. C. B. Burge, City Clerk of the City of Topeka, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. Seal. C. B. BURGE, ' City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State Journal December 26, 1908. At a meeting of the City Council held December 21. 190S. the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved. That the Mayor and Council of the Citv of Topeka. deem it necessary for the best interests of said city that Lincoln street from the south line of Thirteenth street to the north line of Fourteenth street, be graded, curbed and paved thirty (30) feet wide with vitrified onca on Sana loundatlon. C. E. JORDAN I. C. B. Burge, City Clerk of the City of lopeKa, Kansas, do nereoy certify tnat the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on ine in my orrice. Seal. C. B. BURGE, City Clerk First published in The Topeka State journal December 26. 190S.J At a meeting of the City Council held December 21, 1908, the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved. That the Mayor and Coun-il o the City of Topeka. deem it necesnaiy for the best interests of said city that Harrison street from the south curb line of Second street to the north curb line of Third street be graded, curbed with com bined curb and gutter and paved thirty (30) feet wide with vitrified brick on sand foundation. C. E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Burge, City Clerk of the City of lopeKa. Kansas, do nereoy certify tnat the above and foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on rue in my orrice. Seal.l C. B. BURGE, City Clerk. First published in The - Topeka State Journal December 26, 1908. At a meeting of the City Council held December 21, 190S, the following resolution was preseniea and adopted: Resolved. That the Mayor and Council of the City of Topeka, deem it necessary for the best interests of sald city that First street from the east line of Kansas avenue to the west line of Quincy street be graded, curbed and paved ninety (90) feet wide with vitrified brick on sand foundation. C. E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Burge, City Clerk of the City of topeua, Kansas, oo nereby certiry that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. Seal. C. B. BURGE, City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State journal uecemDer 2t, laus.j At a meeting of the City Council held December 21. 1908, the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved. That the Mayor and Council f the Citv of Tooeka. deem it nccessirv for the best interests of said city that the alley running north and south in the block bounded by Third, Fourth and Har rison streets and Topeka avenue be graded and paved twenty (20) feet wide with vitrified brick on sand foundation. E. JORDAN T C. B. Burge. City Clerk of the Citv of Topeka, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. Seal. C. B. BURGE. City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State journal ietemoer j J At a meeting of "the City Council held December 21, 190S, the following resolution was presented ana adopted: - nt'euiveu, xiihi uc majur tiliu council of theClty of Topeka, deem it necessary for the best interest of said city that Lincoln street from the south line of Ninth street to the north line of Tenth avenue be graded, curbed and paved thirty (30) feet wide with vitrified brick on sand foundation. . - C. E. JORDAN. 1, C. B. Burge, City Clerk of the City of Topeka, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. Seal C. B. BURGE. City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State Journal December 26, 1908. At a meeting of the City Council held December 21, 1908. the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved. That the- Mayor and Council of the City of Topeka. deem it necessary for the best interests of said city that Morris avenue from the south line of blxtn avenue to the north line of Tenth avenue be graded, curbed with combined curb and gutter and paved twenty-eight (28) feet wide with vitrified brick on sand foundation. C. E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Burge. City CJerk of the City of Topeka. Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. Seal. C. B. BURGE, City Clerk. First published in The Topeka State Journal December 26, 19u8.J At a meeting of the City Council held December 21. 190S. the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved, That the Mayor and Council of the Citv of Tooeka. deem it necessary for the best interests of said city that West Tenth avenue from the west line of the alley west of Spruce street, running north and south In West Park addition to the citv of Topeka, to the east line of Ella avenue, be graded, curbed and paved thirty (30) feet wide with vitrified brick on sand foundation. C. E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Burge. City Clerk of the. City ot Topeka, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true x and correct copy of the original resolution ! now on file in my office. Seal. C. B. BURGE. City Clerk, LEGA First published in The Topeka State Journal December 26, 13uS. At a meeting of the City Council held December 21. 190S. the following resolution wa presented and adopted: Resolved., That the Mayor and Council of the Citv of Topeka. deem it neces-sarv for the best interests of said city that Polk street from the south side of Four, teenth street to the north side of Hunting ton avenue, be graded, curbed with com bined curb and gutter and paved thhty (30 feet wide with vitrified brick on sand foundation. , C. E. JORDAN. I. C. B. Burge. City Clerk of the City ct Topeka. Kansas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true snd correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. ISeal.J c. B. BURGE. City Clerk. First published in The Topoka Statu Journal December 26. 190S. At a meetiner nf the ntv fn,,...!! i December 21. 190S. the following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved. That the Muvnr an rVMincll of the Citv of Topeka, deem it necessary for the best interests of said citv that Western avenue from the south ilno of Sixth avenue to the north line of Eighth avenue be graded, curbed and paved thirty (30i feet wide with vitrified brick on sand ; foundation. . V C E. JORDAN. ' I. C. B. Buree. C tv ClorV nt th. rM Tobeka. Kansas, do hereby certify that tire above and foregoing Is n true and correct copy of the original resolution now on file in my office. leai.j c. B. BURGE. - - City Clerk. VOTTCF. TO WHOM TT ma-v r-n-v"i.-T vt. You will take notice that my petition for a permit to sell Intoxicating liquors, according to law, at my drug store at No. 501 Kansas ave.. In the Fourth ward of the city of Topeka. Shawnee countv. Kan sas. Is now on file In the office of the pro ,ie.i;I'IdK0t sald county, and that sai.l petition will be heard before the probate Judge of said county at his office In the court house in the city of Topeka on Saturday. January 30. 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m. A. H. MARSHALL. Applicant. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCErTjI ' lou will take notice that my petition ror a permit to sell intoxicating liquori according to law. at my drug store at No! t:L0nJKanfa!, avenue. in the First nnV0f Jhe elly.oi Topeka, Shawnee SSwV Jlansas'.. ls now 'e in the ni P?v . tne trobate ludge of said county, and that said petition will be heard before the probate Judge of said county at his t-.i, " L", court nouse In the city of Topeka on Tuesday. January 19. 14 at m. A. H. HEROLD. Applicant. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: - wiU Aake notice that my petition -.inermlt,to Ben Intoxicating liquors. f Z- " to law- at my drug store at No. ?? Zi aJ15a-'.i.avV ,n,the Third ward of the city of Topeka, Shawnee county. Kan. sas. is now on file in the office of the pro n2f iMidee,.0 8aJd -unty. and that said ?.?Hjin,W"I.Jte hear1 before the probate Jo?,?? uf saI3 county at his office In the Vtnoua? ,n the cl,T of Topeka on Saturday. January i. 1909. at 10 o'clock a m. FRED T. WALKER Applicant; Mo-vfrr. MONEY to loan on live stock, ptanoa. per !rnHi?e.urity' houehold goods, typewrit- - ocKuine. tu k. A. iotn phones. MONEY TO LOAN on citv property and 10 J;,b,r.aI t!rm of Payment and low rate of Interest VVM. FORBES & CO.. 107 West 7th, BETZER REALTY AND LOAN CO. Make farm and city loans in any amount from $500 up. at lowest rates and on tne most favorable terms. Office. Room 2. Columbian Bldg. MONEY to loan on personal property. payment $1.25 week will pay off loan $f-S J? 25wek"'. - H- Flintham. notary pub Me. 906 E. 4th st. Either phone 77. MONEY to loan on live stock, pianos, or gans, typewriters, household roods end pgr.onnl .cty T, TV--p wn PFTYTr-rA -vr er-nnvcrfn DR. E. L CARHART. M. D . physician and surgeon: discaapa nf wnmAn . children. Office, room 7. over Snow's drug store. IDA C. BARNES, M. D. Office 72S Kansas ave. Residence Thlr. teenth and Clay. Office hours- 9 a, m t 11 a. m. and S p. m. to 6 p. m. - Bota phonej 16 residence and Ind. 1316 office. DR. H. H. KEITH, surgeon and disease of women, with private hospital. Office SSI TT , r. -) JFRET" T)TSTVVJ ,T?T. QUINCY STREET FREE DISPENSARY. 621 Quincy st. - Conducted bv ra-iiiv practicing physicians and surgeons. Med ical service free. Medicine free In some cases. Office hours 2 to 5 0. m. Calls anpwered night nr day. Tnd. phoneT367. FRESH cut flowers for all occasion to be found at Hayes' flower store. 107 W. Sth. Ind. phone 377. SA VTTA TTTTMS. CHRIST'S HOSPITAL COTTAGES FOR the care and treatment of nervous Inva lids, alcohol and drug hAbtta and mtlrl eases of mental derangement. W. 8 IJniimr. " ' S7 K A . Tnnnvt. Ken. CAPITAL CITY VITRIFIED BRICK PAVINQ CO.. Z14 E. Sth St. Mfss. of biilMina. nnvlnor end sidewalk brick. I'NIVF'TtTa.KFTtS. L M. PENWELL. funeral dlreotor and emblmer. First class service, reason able prices, fill Quincy st. Both phones 11 cirmopoDT. CORNS. Bunions, ingrown Nails treated, Nat. Turkish Baths. Phones 105. JEWELERS. JAMES B. HAYDEN, Jeweler and Opti cian. Complete stock of watches, diss monds. silverware, etc. Eyes examine and upertflcien properly 'itteil. CABJJRDKRS. FOR CAB ORDERS call Stare ty. 296. 624 West 10th. Ind. CONTRACTORS AVT UniDFTlS. M. C. PLANK, gen. contractor, has an office at 621 Kan. ave. Estimates cheer fully given. Ind. phone 1590 Bell 1320. CARPET WEAVING. BATH rugs and carpet weaving. 712 E. 4th St.. next to R. R. Y. M. C. A. Adella Black. PirTTRF mAMrvri. FRAMING, regilding. mat making, mount ing dona by J. D. Sullivan. 112 W. ElsMa street. Packing, shipping, etc. MACHINE KTTOPS. FOR up-to-date gunsmiths and electricians see H.. B.. Howard. 710 Kan. ave. Tel 603. ttt vcrrrn tt m r:v MERCHANTS TRANSFER A STORAGE Co. packs, ships and stores household goods. Tel. U&. Clarence Skinner. 611 Quincy at.