Newspaper Page Text
3k iti Uifi-.-l-ftlr r I ) EVERYBODY 12 PAGES 1 READS IT. J EVERYBODY 7 12 PAGES NEEDS IT. y LAST EDITION. TOPEKA, KANSAS, JANUARY 1, 1909. FRIDAY EVENING. TWO CENTS. in ww n li '3 i . i ti ti ftk i it A r ' A Vein of Sorrow Bans Through !- New Tear Greetings At the "White House Owing to Italy's Misfortune. FOR THE LAST TIME President Roosevelt Is Recip ient of Good Wishes On the Part of the Governments of the World. Washington, Jan. 1. Seldom has there been a gathering at the White House so fraught with elements of in terest as that which assembled today to extend to President Roosevelt wishes for a happy New Year. It was the last opportunity of the public to meet their present chief executive and it was distinguished by the attendance of diplomatic representatives of nearly all the nations of the world, of officials from every branch of the government and of citizens in every walk of life. A shadow of sadness was cast over the company by the recent terrible calamity which has fallen upon the Italian people whose ambassador was present as the dean of the diplomatic corps and by the absence of the repre sentative of the emperor of China, who is wearing a badge of mourning for the late emperor and dowager empress of his country. To Mr. Roosevelt the occasion was memorable beyond any in which he ' Vhos participated since his elevation to ? e presidency. In the exchanges of salutations there were many reier eLces tA the events of his career during the coming year, when he will face the ,angtys of the African wilderness. As many of those present have come Into office during his administration and with him will retire to private life after March 4 next, there were abun dant subjects for conversation con cerning the uncertainties of the New Tear. Several hours before the formal reception began at 11 o'clock citizens, men and women, representing every social class began to assemble in front of the beautiful portico of the his toric white mansion, waiting an op portunity to enter and to be presented to the president. The first greetings of the day were extended to the president and Mrs. Roosevelt by the vice president, members of the cabinet and their ladies, without the least show of for mality. These felicitations were ex changed in the private rocms on the second floor of the mansion. Waile the prealdtn'Jal iarty ns gathering above there was another assemblage in the state dining room on the first floor. There, in the pre scribed attire of their respective ourts, were the diplomatic repre ntatives accredited to this country. "ie central figure in this company s Baron Edmondo . Mayor Des nchez the Italian ambassador. , he greetings extended to him were iracterized by manifestations of sor ' ' ivv over the dire calamity under which his countrymen have so recently suf fered rather than the usual salutation attending the first day of the year. When at the head of the .line of di plomats he passed into the blue room President Roosevelt shook his hand and assured him of the sincere sympathy of the American people for his stricken countrymen. Mrs. Roosevelt also ex pressed her sympathy. The mourning which also kept Special Ambassador Tonk away, prevented Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minister from attending the reception. The descent of the presidential party f -om the private rooms to the blue r n was one of the most picturesque turc of the day. As the president and Mrs. Roosevelt started down the staircase, followed-by others of the receiving party, a blare of trumpets resounded throughout the mansion. The Marine band, in brilliant! scarlet uniforms, was stationed in the stately hall. The strains of "Hail to the Chief" greeted the president as he reached the main floor and turned tf enter the blue room. The reception was marked by informality. The announce- j ment -of the cal,lers was made to the president by Col. Charles S. Bromwell, IT. ff. A . and to Mrs. Roosevelt by Car w I fthe lit. V -- iti re W . Butt, military aide to reception of those accorded fi'l.'i - s in the line was In progress, Tiiaiiv c:iiiers. stretching from the portals of the White House, through the grounds nd out along Pennsylvania avenue, wait ed catientlv. As the rear of this procession entered the White House the oolicemen who had struggled for hours to keep the stream of humanitv in the line were almost com pletely exhausted, tne president naa a. frionrtlv word of srreetinK for each visitor. and seemed to enioy the time spent at his arduous task. After the public reception the president led the way to the dining room, wnere retresnments were servea. -Mr. Roosevelt had left the line before the public wa admitted to the White House. Bo had most of the cabinet ladies and oth ers who had been invited to step behind the line. Miss Ethel had mingled with the crowd throuehout the morning but she, too, disappeared with some of her young friends early in tne oar. PROHTS SMALLER. Business of 1908 Was Below the Two Previous Years. New York. Jan. 1. Bradstreets says: 'Tolidav quiet has ruled in trade and in tVitrv. with pre-inventory rates among tvth buyers and clearance offerings by i:e retailers of leading features. Trade i 1 regular lines felt the influence of un ' -.isonable mild weather early in the ck. but toward the close a cold wave the west gave some stimulus to busi- ess in seasonable goods. Results of the i-ar are now being arrived at in many . of wnoiesaie iraae. wnne conai- are irresrular preventing characteri- lon as a wiiuie. trie year was ueiuw nd 1906 at many cities ana prouts f II I.' v noted tl II . -w rain prodi (1 1 elatively t smaller all around. It that reports from the sur- producing sections of the west J J t'latively trie Dest. uoueciions are 1 f ilar, still dragging at the south. clmnwnfl ftnA Invpntnrips hvp 4 I for ouiet in industry, but it is to o .feed that while there Is yet much Sd'e lachinerv or capacity, still the feel inir etnerally in all lines .as compared with vear ago has very much improved and or'tiniism now rules where depres sion as so visible t we've months ago. fetor M of goods are small in all positions a ooA trade Is looked for in 1909, but .ttle exrcit , i ' ' A and st-re, nu- -r . : . . !I v ftvlrt this Wi'tk. .Inventory alu hulidav ubst-rfdnt'9 being responsible tor much dullness, prices continue firm and as , a matter of tact there are no signs of weakness. New orders for pig iron have been very moderate but cast iron pipe interests are inquiring for a com paratively good tonnage and demand for basic pig continues good in eastern Penn sylvania. Ccpper is firmer, European con sumers having purchased more freely and at the same time American interests are said to have taken Quite liberal quantities. Business failures in the United States for the week ending December 39, number 299 against 223 last week, 345 in the week end ing January 2. 190S. 185 in 1907, 20 in 1906 and 278 in 1905. Business failures in can ada for the week endlnw December 30 number 28. comnared with 23 last week and 27 in the corresponding period a year ago. POSSUM FOR TAFT. It will Be Served bt Atlanta Banquet by' His Request. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 1. One hundred opossums with the usual accompani ment of sweet potatoes, will grace the banquet table of the Atlanta chamber of commerce on the evening of January Jo, when President-elect Taft will be the guest of honor of the city. When a delegation of prominent Atlantans call ed upon Mr. Taft a few days ago in Augusta to arrange the details of his visit to this city, the spokesman court eously asked the next occupant of the White House if he had any suggestions to offer relative to the preparations for the banquet. Just one, smilingly replied the big Ohioan. "I have had a lifetime long Ing to taste 'possum and 'taters.' My visit to the south would be incomplete unless this wish is realized. Mr. Taft's wish will be gratified and there will be 'possum and "taters" enough and to spare for the more than 600 guests of the evening. Southerners are traditionally partial to this dish and it may be said that when the president elect announced his desire for the fa vorite dish he but further endeared himself to the people of this section and it Is confidently predicted that he will experience an even more kindly feeling toward the south after he has partaken of the juicy meat and Georgia yams. From the coves of Rabun Gap to the southern border of Okef enokee, through out the length and breadth of the per simmon land, will be opossums be gath ered and a selection of an even hun dred of the largest and fattest will be made for the banquet board, that the proverbial hospitality and cuisine of the south may be maintained on the oc casion of the visit of the next president- DEFICIT $74,288,463. Government Revenues I'ell Off and Expenses Increased. Washington, Jan. 1. The forthcom ing treasury statement of the govern ment receipts and expenditures will show a deficit for the first six months of the current fiscal year of approxi mately $74,288,463. The receipts from customs for the six months will ag gregate about $139,003,076; internal revenue about $128,740,530 and re ceipts from miscellaneous sources about $25,679,305. There is a falling off in customs as compared with the corresponding period in 1907 of about $27,680,000 and a decrease of internal revenue of about $4,000,000 and in miscellaneous receipts of about $3,000,000. The ex penditures during the same period will amount to nearly $358,000,000 as against $325,000,000 for the first six mon hs of the last fiscal year. The heaviest increase will be shown to be on account of the war depart ment, which will approximate $12,500, 000. The civil and miscellaneous ex penditures have increased about $11, 500,000 as compared with the corre sponding period last year. USHERED IN BY FIRE. New Tear at Sliowhegan Makes a Bad Beginning. Skowhegan, Me., Jan. 1. Fire de stroyed two business blocks and dam aged three others and burned five tenement houses in the heart of this city, early today. Two of the houses were dynamited to check the progress of the flames, and it was only after eight houra work that the local de partment assisted by apparatus from Waterville and Fairfield, succeeded in bringing the fire under control. The loss is estimated at $400,000. The fire started from some unknown cause In the basement of the brick Gould block, which was totally de stroyed . The second and third floors consti tuted the Hotel Oxford. Two firemen, Harry Jackson and Harry Mitchell were injured and taken unconscious from the ruins. ABRAMS PROMOTED. To Become Assistant Superintendent of a Colorado Road. John H. Abrams, who has been at the head of the Red Ball freight de partment of the Santa Fe and service inspector with headquarters in Tope ka, has been appointed assistant su perintendent of a division of a Colo rado railroad and will leave Topeka in a few days with his family for his new home. BISHOP GIVE $1,000. 3. .7. Hennessy Makes Magnificent Con tribution to Earthquake Sufferers. Wichita, Kan., Jan. 1. Bishop John J. Hennessy of the Wichita diocese of the Catholic church today telegraphed $1,000 to the Sicilian and Italian earthquake sufferers as a personal con tribution. - Crepe on Saloon Door. Biloxi, Miss., Jan. 1. For the first time in 200 years Biloxi is without saloons, the seven that were operating here go ing out of business yesterday when statutory prohibition became effective in Mississippi. One saloon Is adorned with huge bunches of crepe and the legend: "Gone, but not forgotten." iltiNEY POURS IN. Contributions to . Relief of the Earthquake Sufferers Are Reported From All Quarters 4 of the Country. SHE "GITEgr 100,000. Canada Makes a Liberal Appro priation for the Fund. Aaoipnus Busch Makes Sub scription of 625,000. Rome, Jan. 1. The Lipari islands have not been d stroyed, nor has there been any loss of life there' This news, received with prayers of graiituae throughout Italy, has just been brought In by the torpedo boat sent out by the government to inves tigate. , Grisconi at Messina. Rome. Jan. 1. Despite the first as sertions that WilliamH. Bishop, United otates consul at Palermo was not in the Island of Sicily at the time of the eannquaKe, the American embassy huw oeueves tnat he is there. All ef forts to communicate with him how. ever, have been fruitless. French Squadron Arrives. Messina, Jan. 1. A French squadron has arrived here to assist in the relief worK. tfive thousand troops also ar rived and are being scattered through the city to assist the wounded and Keep order. Americans Were Lucky. rwapies, Jan. 1. up to the present time 2,000 persons from the earthquake zone have arrived here. The hospitals are all filled and the churches nuhlic halls and theaters are being fitted up to receive otners. Many of the injured were taKen oy rorce to the hospitals, becoming frenzied with the idea of be ing compelled to enter the institutions. Three tank steamers filled with drinking water have left here for Mes sina. A large number of the persons saved Dy tne sailors of the Russian warship Makroff deprived themselves of food and drink in order that the sufferings of the more unfortunate might be alleviated. At Taormina, Sicily, where a number of Americans are spending the winter. it is said, tnat tne town escaped with slight damage. Vote of Condolence. Rio Janeiro, Jan. 1. The senate has passed a vote of condolence with Italy on the terrible calamity In the province of Calabria and Sicily, The Italian, Brazilian and Gsrm- banks have stud- scribed $1,600 for the sufferers and this amount, together with that realized from the subscription being taken by the Journal of Commerce and those that have been opened all over the state will amount to a handsome sum. Spain Sends a Cruiser. Madrid, Jan. . 1. The government has ordered the cruiser Gataluna to Messina to assist in succoring persons in distress there. IYench Women to Help. Paris, Jan. 1. A party of French women, members of the Red Cross so ciety, have left here for Messina to minister to the wants of the sick and wounded. llcggio Death List 20,000. Rome, Jan. 1. An official dispatch received here from Reggio says that the death list there apparently amounts'to 20,000. Toronto Gives $5,000. Toronto, Jan. 1. The board of con trol has unanimously decided to grant $5,000 for the relief of Italy's earth quake sufferers. Public subscription lists have been opened. Cincinnati's Mite. Cincinnati, Jan. 1. A total of $875 has been donated in this city to 'he fund for the relief of the earthquake suffer ers of Italy. (Continued on Page Kight- TEAR STARTS OUT. WELL. There Is No Snow and Atmosphere Is Clear and Crisp, All that Copeka needs, today, the first day of Che New Tear to make the winter scene complete is a blanket of snow, but this Is missing and there is little prospect $hat the desire for sleighing 'weatber; will be gratified not for a few days at least. The tem peratures have been slightly higher than during the..past 24 hours, but at that the mercury haa hung below the freezing point the greater part- of the day. There was a trace of sleet about 9;30 last night. . t Speaking of. the year and month just closed. Assistant Weather . Observer Flora said, "The report which has just been issued by the Topeka weather station reveals a number -of peculiar conditions. December just closed was the seventh warmest and the second dryest of which we have any record, and there has been a much greater amount of sunshine than usual. . "The year just closed is the third wettest on record with 43.20 inches of precipitation, the wettest being the year of the great floods,- 1903 with a precipitation record of 44.14 inches. It was also the third warmest year of which we have a record and the only year during the past 22 In which the temperature failed to go below three degrees above zero. ' It is also remark able in that we have had but one other year during the past -22 when the temperature failed to go above 96, the maximum for the year 1908." The following were the tempera tures since 7 o'clock this morning: 7 o'clock- ..... 16!l0 o'clock 18 8 o'clock lSlll o'clock ...... 19 9 o'clock 16I12 o'clock 20 DR. TiSK POISONED. Takes Carbolic Acid by Mistake Saved by Prompt Action. -Life By a mistake in tfie medicine bottle. Dr. D. M. Fisk, the eminent Washburn professor, came very near to ending his life last night.; The doctor has been 111 with grip and has been taking a mixture of strychnine, wine and iron which looks the same as a bottle of carbolic acid sitting near. Without looking at the label the doctor poured a spoonful of the acid into some sugar and swallowed it. Mr. Gienn Millice, his son-in-law, and a medical student, fortunately came In just at the lime. Hastily he gave a glass of milk to Dr. Fisk and ran for Dr. Dains. the pro fessor of chemistry, who lives near. They then got a stomach pump from Dr. Adams, who lives just across the alley, and In a very few minutes the sociologist was out of danger. He is reported as feeling well this morning considering a grip patient and no evil effects of the accident are noticed. The timely arrival of Mr. Millice, coming doctor, and the Tiearness of so many- other kinds of doctors in the college com-nunitx- i all. orobably, that saved the life of r. " THEY DIED TOGETHER. Couple Could Not Stand the Loss of Their Daughter. New York. Jan. 1. Unable to endure the thoueht of spending: their declining years without the cheering presence of . their daughter. Prof. J P. Gordy of New York university and his wife committed suicide few hours after the death of their girl, IS years old. After giving way to their crrief. the tarent3 appeared more resigned and the Dhvsicians and nurses left. The two then retired to their apartments and getting into bed. swallowed the contents of three bottles of chloroform. Two hours later Prof. James K. Lough of New York universitv who occupies apartments ad joining those of the Oordys traced the odor or cnioroiorm to nis inenas rooms. He summoned Dr. "Van Sant Vord, tho Gordv family physician, and the two broke in the door. They found the couple clasped in each others arms and both dead. Prof. Gordy was a recognized authority in political history. Weather Indications. Chicago. Jan. 1. Forecast for Kan sas: Fair tonight and Saturday. Warm er tonight. YOU CAN HAVE THE ROOM THIS OLD MAX IS 5y( QF THAT 01D EiPv ' V MAN WHO IS JUST RtT rjBlA FIRST GOOD NEWS Only Slight Damage Was Done on the Lipari Island s. Few Buildings Wrecked and No 1 Loss of Life. DYING IX ANGUISH. Thousands Still Beneath Ruins Must Perish. Inland Towns Are Still Without . Any Form of Belief. Rome, Jan. 1. The first cheerful news since the devastation of Calabria and eastern Sicily by earthquake and tidal wave last Monday, was received this morning by the minister of ma rine. A dispatch from the commander of the torpedo boat sent, post haste tg verify the report that the Lipari, or Aeolian islands, had been engulfed and all of the population, some 28,000 people annihilated, brought the grate ful information that while the islands had experienced the earthquake only a few buildings have been demolished and that no lives were lost. Otherwise the story coming from the south today is a repetition of the previous recitals ' of devastation, suf fering starvation and horror. The king and queen of Italy continue their pious pilgrimage along what was once the beautiful and smiling eastern coast of Sicily, but which today is a desolated region strewn with unsep ulchred dead and where thousands are dying in anguish amid the ruins of their homes. The Duke of Aosta is also on the scene devoting himself to the succor of his countrymen. The duke has visited Palmi and all the surrounding villages. This section af ter Messina and Reggio suffered more heavily than any other. The duke said to one of the aids with him: Scourge Erom God. "The catastrophe indeed is a scourge from God. The time has come when it is no longer possible to think about those beneath ruins. All hope of saving any of these un fortunates after the four days that have elapsed since th-s disaster must of necessity be abandoned. All our efforts must be devoted to caring for the wounded survivors." In view of these conditions the gov ernment has decided to concentrate its energies to removing the wounded to points where they can receive proper attention. Uninjured survivors also will be assisted from the de vasts ted - territory aid it is hopad that in this way serious epidemics can be avoided. The colossal emigrant steamships that for years past have been en gaged in transporting the surplus population of Calabria and Sicily to thai four corners of the world, but es pecially to the Linited States, are to day being employed In removing sur vivors and refugees to places of safety. Messina and Reggio, the two typical southern cities of Italy, are to day no more. The rury or land ana sea has completed their ruin and what little remains heaps of shattered masonry covering countless dead bodies is now to be covered with quick lime to prevent the outbreak of epidemic. The system of gathering the survivors on board the huge emi grant steamers will solve one of the most important problems that con fronts the authorities namely that of feeding the people. If it is found im possible to set the refugees on shore, and the land accommodations are rapidly filling up with the injured. they can be fed on board ship for each vessel is provided with 30 days rations for a full passenger list, and this leeway will give time for de cisions as to where the unfortunates had best be landed. This advantage of feeding, however, applies only to the survivors of Reggio and Messina. There are still scores of LEAVING. smaller inland towns and villages where It is impossible to send relief. The conditions in these sections are in deed desperate. The survivors have no shelter whatever, and no food, the per sistent rains make it Impossible to kindle fires and the majority have but tattered rags for clothing. In the In land villages surrounding Reggio alone that have been destroyed the dead number 7,000. Whenever it has been possible to eet a message through from these localities the cry has been for food. Amid the gloomy and depressing horror which like a leaden weignt op- nressoa lha land that bv all . countries has been called the earden spot of EuroDe. two noble female figures stand out as guardian angels watching over the afflicted population. uney are Queen Helena and another Helena, the Duchess of Aosta. The queen haa given the sufferers her tears, and with her own hands she has bound up their wounds, using her handkerchiefs when other bandages were lacking. She has given also of her worldly possessions including the rings from her nngers. The Duchess of Aosta who still proud lv Hiens herself a princess of France is performing miracles of love, pity and endurance at Naples, wnere tne wounu ed are arriving in great numbers. This nnhln woman has firiven not only pecuniary help but has nursed the in jured with demonstrations of affection. Children robbed by a cruel fate of their nnrentg unil relatives have louna in this princess a new and tender mother. CAUSE OF TUB QTJAKJE. Scientists Put Forth Theories Regard ing the Disaster. New York, Jan. 1. Opinions given here by two scientific men on the phy sical features of the terrible convul sion of nature in Calabria and Sicily are nigniy interesting. of cm, . i r-. o-i at rvilnTYiliia. university nrefac v,ic nrin n with thA statement that it was mere conjecture on account of the meager information at hand, but he added: "I cannot get away from " the old tVionrv thai the -earth was at one time a molten mass, the surface having cooled off sufficiently to form a crust. The earth is continually contracting which causes the weaker portions on the surface to cave In and It seems to me that this is what occurred in the nocA ef tVia TtaHan earthnuake. "I should say that for about fifty miiM namllol with the straits of Mes sina the land under the sea and along the coast cavea in, causing me nea in rush with great rorce in on tne lana . .1 .11 KufnrO it-1' Prof. John J. Stevenson, professor of geology at jNew lore unnersiij miu .rvoaVinc of the disajster: "As a disturbance in the earth's crust, the Messina quake, terrible as were its effect, was only a small air air. It may be compared to the explosion rtvnamitB bomb, which does frightful execution within a small area, but is without effect a short dis tance away. Thus while Messina and tj-cj-i r wpr pill devastated, ac nnrdine to present . reports, Palermo waii onlv slightly shaken, Taormina woo unharmed and at Naples the Prof. Sieveiison then compared; the Italian earthquake to the Charleston, S C-, earthquake wnicn, ne saia. was felt from the Atlantic ocean to Ark ansas and Minnesota and New York and Maine. . TO CONTINUE THREE YEARS. Prediction of a Scientist Regarding the Disturbance m iiaiy. Rome, Jan. 1. The presence of the king and queen of Italy in the strick en district haa done much to infuse energy into the different relief com mitrees Considering the means at ,i jinDoi th. ifs.iA workers wonders are being done. The queen looks far from -well. She is exhausted and the terrible scenes she has wit- in :u ik&vc " - weeps frequently, and on more than one occasion sne naa curaiuu hands of some unfortunate woman nritv, ha tun The kinsr desired the queen to return to Rome, but this she refused, saying sue cuuiu uu from thinking of the miseries of her uj..,. i -,' Mmoinlnff on the srvnt SUUJOv.13. iJJ , r, V. . she feels she can ao somemuig to re lieve the general misery. fr ; iAnn4ntf i ciT-r fnr the ROllth. lldlua , ci. . i.. - ' - - alwmot nMrlv with Dews. 1X1 1111' n f ' ...--'- - - - paper men, relatives of victims, or vol unteers on rescue romimiwra, iiicao committees are composed of every na tionality of Europe. . t -u- trnhmtpprn do ti nt sneak cyuints " i i-' - - - p Ttaiinn bill- thev ero forward simply because they have hands with . i x 1. ah vnlnnlppm nra v r 1 1 i 1 1 I wuir. ' - " ' - thankfully accepted, and there Is room for tnousanas more. i int. miaui v - . m - that the RfiSTTl 1C ac tivities will continue for three years to come. He recommends the enforce ment of restrictive building laws in the earthquake zones of Italy. The' personal accounts of survivors obtained today all go to confirm the first reports of the extent of the disas i .3 u. v-. . a jl tn t i o cTewsome l 1 , tlllU 1UC.Y wiAi. cuv. v o recital of suffering and pathetic In ability to help the injured. One feature of the disaster at Reggio is the large number of nomeiess cnuurcB. ii some cases little babies were found i v,A4- An Vi o mlnfl find 1t seems impossible to restore them to their parents even 11 tne purajiu? oi a alive. A sailor who went asnore at Reggio relates that during nis wore ... ,A n-aa ottianteri bv a sound UL 1 C. 111 i -- -.- -' - - of infant voices. Looking under a fal len beam he rouna twins aouui ji ii in a haaket Thpv were uninjured and their clothing was of the best. They have not yet been claimed. -r cnrvlvnrii recovered ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 y vao . . . ...... consciousness to find themselves far away from the scene of the disaster. Larger numbers of survivors have be- ; fphov trv to throw them- UUII1C 1 1 1 rtti 1 1 v. . , - - - - . - selves overboard, if they are at sea. or to hurl themselves out or car winuowa. One poor woman relates that in her family were her husband and eight children. She was awakened by a great rushing noise. She then lost con sciousness and knew nothing further until she found herself on board a steamer far away from her home. The authorities would not permit her to return to seek her family. , A youth, himself wounded, carried his two little brothers from their wrecked home. When the party was found they were lying by the side of the road, the young man dead but the children uninjured. . What has taken place at Reggio has been a repetition, of the scenes at Messina, but the proportion of the population to perish at the former place is higher. Today the conditions at Reggio are worse than at Messina, owing to danger of epidemic from de composing bodies. It has been proposed in small vil lages where not one house remains statTding, to set the debris on fire as a means of purification. ( THE WATER CURE. Board of Investigators Mating a Thorough Examination Into the Methods of Treatment Given Lansing Convicts. STRAPPED IS -A,. CRIB. Manner of Punishing Prisoners Gone Into Closely. Eat Dinner With Jail Birds and Declare It Good. Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 1. Th board of Investigation appointed by Governor E. W. Hoch began their In quiry into the administration of affairs of the state prison at Lansing in deep earnest. The . most striking part of Thurs day's work came late in the afternoon when the board placed Dr. Kanavel, the prison physician on the stand t- testify. Dr. Kanavel described the "water cure" in detail and surprised the board by declaring that he would gladly undergo the punishment to show the workings and the harmless ness of it. The investigators replied it was not necessary. "The prisoner to be punished was strapped In a crib or fiame crate in a sitting position and water at sixty pounds pressure was administered through a hose at about six fee: dis tance," said the doctor. "Was any effort made to force tha nozzle into the mouth of the man un der punishment?" ..JlNever'" rePUea the physician. The water cure as administered here was not Injurioua" He explained that before this pun ishment was given tha convict culprit was always subjected to a medical ex amination. He testified this punish ment had beeu discontinued in July last. The members of the committee ex amined the "crib" used to restrain in sane convicts and punish lncorrigibles. "Why these are chicken coops," ex claimed F. D. Coburn, of the commit tee. He measured the crib and found it large enough to allow a large man to lie down in comfort. The cribs have not been in use for several months Dr. Kanavel said that never had a prisoner complained to him of the diet. The members of the committee then asked Dr. Kanavel about the f.-iod. Ho said it was his duty to inspect all th food and that whila h hud r ;.vr" p of more than a hundred sick to look after he did the best he could. ia testified that no patient had ever com plained to him about the food or said that he was ill from anything he ate. At this point Mr. Coburn looked at an anonymous letter he took from his pocket and said, "Doctor, was a wagon load of beef rejected December 24?" One Load of Beef Rejected. "Yes, the warden and I Inspected It and decided It was too lean and not up to contract. We frequently send meat back. . The warden is very par ticular about the meat." Dr. Sheldon turned to Warden Has kell, who was In the room, and asked him about the meat. "We won't allow any old cows to be put In here," said Warden Haskell. "We must have good flour and meat here. " Our board buys a good grade of flour. It doesn't take the cheap grades like nearly every place. I don't accept meat that Is only fit for canning." Warden Haskell then told of reject ing oatmeal and other food at various times. Here Mr. Coburn said: T had threw complaints from prisoners today and they were all about the hash. One sa.ld bad meat and rotten onions were put In the hash. What do you know about the hash making?" Dr. Kanavel informed him that the prisoners prepared the onions and meat and if It was bad they allowed It to go In. Mr. Coburn remarked tnat there seemed to be more complaint about the bad cooks than the quality or quantity of food. Prof. Blackmar asked ur. Kanavel about the tea. Miss Kate Ber nard, in her report on the penitentiary, said that only three pounds were allow ed for the evening meaL Weak Tea for Prisoners Health. T cut the strength of the tea one- half, from six pounds to three," sain Dr. Kanavel. "I would like to reduce It again for the benefit of the health of the prisoners. It was reduced solely to aid their neaitn. "How about the health of the men In the mine?" asked Dr. Sheldon. "The men in tne mine nave tne own. of health. They are the most neaitny - men we have. The mine tasK oi tnrea cars a day is not heavy. The committee adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock this , morning, when-- F. L. .TankRon attornev general, is to be on hand and the examination of witnesses will he resumed. Women Prisoners Questioned. The committee visited the women's nrarri. Here several of the prisoners were questioned, including Jessie Mor rison. Miss Morrison, as well as the others, said the greatest kindness and consideration was shown all women prisoners, that tne rooa was gooa aim wholesome and that everything was rinne to make their lot as pleasant as the prison rules would permit. Tii hoard at noon without warning. walked into the dining hall and ate at the table with the convicts, tney ue clared the meal as good as that of the average Kansas farmer. ALL SALOONS CLOSED. it Is Now Unlawful to SeU Liquor in ' Alabama. ' Mobile Ala.. Jan. 1. At 12 o'clock last night the saloons of Alabama were placed under the ban. It Is now against the law to sell liouor in the state. In Mobile ana Mobile county all the school funds come directly from the taxes on the sale of in toxicating liquors. Information from all over the state is that officials enforced the law to the let ter. In 1907 lirjuor revenue of the state was $223,000 and the revenue for 190S will amount to about r75.000. It is estimated that about five hundred saloons were closed in tha principal towns of the state not already dry.