Newspaper Page Text
.... THE TOPKKA DAILY STATE JOUE1TAL FRIDAY Hv&xUllG JASTTJABY 29. 1909. n s i T 5 J , r i : i !$:95J I t g J I i i s nn : 1 3 V ill f i S Ladies ! on A Pairs, broken sizes, out of our big stock of fine footwear go on sale tomorrow at less than cost of material. Finest Vici Kid, Dull Calf, or Patent Kid S3. 50. $4 and SOUTH WINDOW 1 Ofl Pairs luors- AOW heim Samples, all New Styles $5, S6 & $7 values Special . NORTH WINDOW All Tans 20 Per Cent DISCOUNT AH Hanan SHOES 20 Per Cent DISCOUNT Many other bar gains await you at this store. Come in and see them. Sure -foot OR Pla-mates For Children m HIS & $5.00 VB a;i $ values 1 Q U y Awv . .. (v r s MM ON THE NORTH SIDE Work of DriTing Piles for New Santa Fe Bridge. Will Probably Require Three 31 nths to Finish Work. T0U5G 3IEN'S CLASS. Members of Church of Good Shepherd Complete Program. A Relic of Kansas Legislature of 1S79. Work began today on the driving' the piles for the Santa Fe bridge which will replace the oid bridge across the Kan sas river. The plan is to drive piling, erect false work and by this means re place the old bridge a span at a time without Interrupting traffic A force of men under R- A. Tocam, carpenter for the Santa Fe. is employed on this work. These men will be closely fol lowed by the iron workers who will place the girders in position. It will probably take about three months to i accomplish the undertaking. When the new bridge is finished it will be safe i for the heaviest engines and trains of the Sajita Fe. A photograph of the senate of the Kansas legislature or lSi4 is in the ) possession of T. M. James, in his rooms over station "A." Among the mem bers" pictures are those of Mr. James and Tom Anderson, who were state senators at the time. The pictures of : John P. St. John, then governor, and the state officers at that time, are also In the group. Considering threatening rain & large number were present at the first meet ing of the Toung Men's Bible class at the Church of the Good Shepherd par sonage Wednesday evening. The plans for the class which will meet every Wednesday at the parsonage, were talk- i ed over. Th-5 following schedule or i subjects with Scripture references was ! drawn up: February 13. "The Incor ruptible Crown.' 1 Cor. IX; February 10. "A Prepared Heart." Luke 8: Feb ruary IT, "Charity." 1 Cor. 13; Febru ary 24. Ash Wednesday, no class; ser vice at the church; February 31. "Why Jesus Wept Over Jerusalem." Luke 19:41: April 7, "This Do In Remem brance of Me." 1 Cor. XI; February 14. -Proof of the Resurrection. John 2u; April 21. "In His Steps." I Peter. 2:21: April 2S. "Christian Responsibility as Citizens." I Peter. 2. These subjects will be assigned to different members of the class. They will lead in the dis cussion of them and all the rest of the men will state their opinions as to how the references bear on present condi tions. At Wednesday night's meeting much interest was manifested and the class promises to be a success. After April another schedule of topics will be made out. Old "Can," one of the chemical en gine horses at Are startkm No. 1. is no more. He died of peritonitis about 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. His last run was in answer to the general alarm when the Copeland hotel on the boutn side burned. The horse was consider ed one of the best in the service. He was bought in 1S97 when he was 5 years oid and has been with tne nre department continuously for about 12 years. Duke, the "Old Reliable." has taken his place as the temporary relief horse. The first story of the $3,800 building which is being erected by the members of the Grange on the Central avenue road four miles north of town, is near ing completion. When finished, the structure will be two stories, with a kitchen and dining room on the first floor and a large assembly room on the second floor. The building Is 32 by 60 feet. It will be used for the Grange meetings and social functions. No en and Personals. Mr. R. R. Berry has returned from a visit with relatives near Salina. The Ladies' Foreign Missionary so ciety of the Methodist church are meet ing this afternon at the home of Mrs. G. W. Stafford at 113 Quincy street Clarence Bentley is ill with tonsl litis at his home at 91T Harrison street. Harry Sheilcrust of Leavenworth is visiting relatives in North Topeka. Mrs. C. L. Coblentz. who has been seriously ill at her home at Jackson and Curtis streets is reported to be somewhat better. Miss Eleanor Holliday of S33 North Madison street went to Kansas City today for a few days' visit. A. Fassler, manager of the Inter Ocean mills, returned home yesterday from. Kansas City, where he has been on business this week Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Marsh of Kil mer were in North Topeka on business yesterday. Thomas Neiswander of Klro was a North side visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. King spent yester dav in Lawrence. W. S. Massey of Grantville visited in North Topeka yesterday. Foucht's Hardware. Team and buggy harness. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. H. Curry to P. E. Mills, lots 223S 40 and 42 Pennsylvania ave.. Curry's " arid t 225 I. B. Randall and wife to W. Osborn. lot 354 and pt. 5i Green St., J. W. Morris add 1.200 M. Council and wife to F. Wilson and wife, lots 445 to "1 inc., Lincoln St., King's add 900 N. L MUier and wife to R. Firev, interest in s. w. 14 s. e. H 32-11-14.. 1,100 W. R. Goodell and wife to C. A. Luke, lots 36 to 54 inc.. Story St., S. Cross add 1,000 P. B. Lee to W. L. FHckmger and wife, lots 17 to 27 Inc.. Highland ave., Seabrook's sub 300 L B. Martin to same, lots 28-30-32 and 34 Mission ave., Seabrook's nb 75 Hear Judge Hanna at the Grand Opera house next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Amission free. COLLEGE AND FRATERNITY PINS We cater especially to students and fraternity members,and have an exceptionally large and varied stock of pins, fobs, lockets and chatelaines. If we haven't your especial school's design, we will make them to order, in any quantity at a nominal charge. Call or write for styles and prices. James B. Hayden, Jeweler, 727 Kans. Ave. cjOCIETY The social feature of the Women's Kansas Day crab meeting In Topeka today ana tomorrow is the reception to be given at the Governor's House to night for the members of the club and their escorts. The receiving line will include: Mrs. Stubbs, Mrs. J. S. Sim mons of Hutchinson, Mrs. H. B. Asher of Lawrence, Mrs. N. I. McDowell of Kansas city, Mrs. B. F. Shumate. Mrs. A. H. Morton, Mrs. Margaret Hlil Me Carter and Miss Lucy Kingman of To peka. Miss Grace Meeker 01 Ottawa, Mrs. D. W. Atkinson of Parsons. Mrs. KateApIington of Council Grove, Mrs. S. R. Peters, of Newton. Mrs. E. E. Forter of Marysville, Mrs.- E. P. Ferris of Kanapolls. Mrs. Charles Hall of Hutchinson. Miss Caroline Lexow of New York and Miss Perkins of Wichita. Mrs. Charles- Curtis and Mrs. Joseph L Brlstow, wives of the United States senators, the wives of the state officers. of the supreme court Justices and of the members of the legislature will be honored guests. The following young women win as sist In the dining room: Miss Mama Williams, Miss Daisy Monroe, Miss Nellie Raster. Miss Margaret Betxer, Miss Lenora Stubbs. Miss Florence Burge. Miss Nellie McFarlaad and Miss Grace Overmyer. - Mr. and Mrs. David W. Mulvane srave a dinner at their house on Van Buren street Tnnrsaay evening ror Senator and Mrs. Francis Price of Ashland, Senator and Mrs. G. A. Mil ligan of Garnett and Senator and Mrs. E. F. Porter of Pittsburg. A silver basket filled with pink roses and narcissi and silver candlesticks wfth silver filagree shades decorated the table. The officers of the Country club are arranging for an informal dinner for the shareholders Tuesday- evening. February 9. at the Harvey. The. din ner will be given at 6 o'clock, a ad will be followed by the annual meet ing at 8 o'clock. The Felicity Whist club's annual dinner for the husbands of the mem bers will be given tonight In the women's dining room at the Elks' club and will be followed by five hun dred. The company will include Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sterne. Dr. and Mrs. Chester B. Reed.' Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Witeon. Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. Howe. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Cartiidge. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Laeey, Mr. and Mrs. F. E Parr. Dr. and Mrs. Willis A. Coston, Judge and Mrs. C. E. Foote, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Veale. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Woleott. Dr. and Mrsi L. A. Ryder, Mr. and Mrs. George M Eagle. Mrs. A- H. Ellis, Mrs. I. SL Lauck, Mrs. W. I. Allen and Mr. Allen La tick. Kansas City Journal: Mrs. Albert L. Berger will send out invitations for a buffet luncheon and musicale, Thursday, February 11. Mrs. J. C Pollock will be the guest of honor. Lawrence World: An annual affair which is attended by a great deal of sentiment, was that which took place last evening at the home of Miss Janet Wheeler, when the active and alumni members of the Kapps Alpha Theta sorority celebrated their thirty ninth Founders' day with an elabor ate banrjuet. Covers were laid for sixty guests at one long table which was beautifully decorated; Tbe soft light from red candles, cast a pretty glow on the scene. At each place was a name card bearing the coat of arms of the sorority, done In water colors. Miss Kate Rlggs was toastmlstress for the occasion and responses were made by Mrs. Frank Cargill and Miss Anna Harrison. Topeka; Miss Grace Poff. Mrs. Nellie Beatty of the alumni of Lawrence; Miss Jessie Baldrldge and Miss Gale Gossett for the active chapter. A feature of the affair which came very unexpectedly was the engagement announcement of Miss Anna Harrison of Tojyeka, and Mr. Lewis Frederick Nelson of Kan sas City. Miss Harrison Is the daugh ter of CoL and Mrs. T. W. Harrison of Topeka. The engagement Is the result of a friendship of several years and the wedding will take place dur ing the latter part of April. Miss Harrison is one of the most charm ing girls who has ever been in Law rence. She graduated from Kansas university In 190 2. and the following year took her master's degree from Columbia university. New York city. She has travelled extensively both at home and abroad, where, in fact she spent a number of years. She is a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and president of the national organization. She also belongs to the Phi Beta Kappa honorary society. Mr.-Nelson is in the real estate busi ness in Kansas City. 1 Some of the men of the Tlvoli and ; high school sets will give a subscrip tion dance at Hudson's tonight. Mrs. F. M. Drake entertained the M. W. club at dinner last night. . The guests were Mrs. Sadler J. Hodgins, Mrs. W. W. Decker, Mrs. R. H. De Armond. Mrs. F. C. Balta. Mrs. Charles Booth. Mrs. C. E. Hulitt. Mrs. Frank Brooks, Mrs. Jesse Howes. Mrs. Ed Gordon. Mrs. S. A. Swendson and Mrs. Byron Wilcutts. . Miss Helen Sharitt entertained - her bridge club and some extra guests Thursday afternoon for Miss Raye Rob inson of Rockford, Illinois, the guest of her brother, Mr. L. P. Robinson, and Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. F. W. Knapp, 815 Lincoln street, entertained at dinner yesterday Sena tor W. M. Glenn, Representative and Mrs. Robert Eadie and daughter Ten eta. Mr. J. A. Beckstrom and Mr. S. G. Raines, all of Tribune. Xotes and Personal Mention. ' Mrs. David Hamilton of Eureka, president of the Fourth District Feder ation of Women's clubs? arrived yester day afternoon to Join the other dis trict presidents and the state officers who make up the board of management of the Kansas Fed. which met in To peka yesterday. " Among the out of town women here for the meeting of the Women's Kan sas Day club today are Mrs. Mary Vance Humphrey and Mrs. Bert rand . i 1 1 MICROBES IH THE SCALP Tbe Latest Explanation Is That Mi crobes cause midnesa. ' Professor Tnna"of Hamburg-. Ger many, and Dr. Sabouraad ef Paris, ranee, snare tae nonor or having dis covered the hair microbe. buoo is not csusea through a few weeks work of these hair mi crobes, out is- tile result of conditions brought about By1 their presence. Baldness may not occur until years af ter the microbes began work, bat it !s certain to come sooner or later. The microbes cut off the blood sup ply. They feed on the fatty matter about the root of the hair, through which the blood is absorbed- Finally the fatty matter is- wholly consumed, the food supply of the hair is gone and it starves an finally dies. Resorcin Is one of- the most effec tive germ destroyers; Beta Napthol la both germicidal and antiseptic; "Pilo carpin, though not a dye. restore nat ural color to hair when loss of color was caused by disease. These cura tives properly mixed with almhnl a stimulant, perfect a remedy un equalled for curing scalp and hair trou oies We want everyone who h. av scalp or hair trouble to try Rexall S3" Hair Tonic, which contain. u these ingredients. If It does' not grow un.11- en your oaia neaa, stop your hair from falling out; cure you of dandruff- make your hair thick, silky, luxuriant; if It does not give you complete satis faction In every particular, return the empty bottle to ust, asd we shall re turn every peny you paid us for It, without question or formality. Of course, you understand that when we- say that Rexall "93- Hjiir Tonie will grow hair on bald heads. wo as not rerer to cases where the roots are entirely dead, the pores of the scale cloiet- and th K.o .- the shiny appearance oi a billiard ball. in cases use tuts, tnere Is no hope. In ail other cases of baldnes Rexall "93" Hair Tonic wil oirtvj- hair, or cost the user nothing. Two sixes 50o and 1 0. Fred A. Snow's drug store. 523 Kan. Are, Toneka. Rockwell of Junction Citv fi- tw,i ot Leavenworth, Mrs. John Kilworth. Mrs. H. B. Asher and Mrs. Ft. E Rice of Lawrence. Mrs. Andrew Planner of Ellis, Mrs. L. B. Wade of Mertden, Mrs. N. I. McDowell of Kansas rit-o- ti Elizabeth Johnsnn r rnn. t.. r Eustace Brown of Olathe. Mrs C. H Trott of Junction Citv. Mrs. c w t n dis of Osborne. Mrs.'F. B. Wheeler of Pittsburg. Mrs. C. C. Munson of El Dorado. Mrs. C. C. Goddard en worth, Mrs. W. W. Wood of Horton, .Mrs. w. u. woire of lola, Mrs. J. E. Raymond of Girard. Mrs. Pran-o. A Jennings of Clay Center. Mrs. George P. Griffith of Hays. Mrs. Samuel Taggy of Syracuse, and Mrs. J. N. Singer of Wichita. " Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Conrad left todav for a short stay in Chicago. Mrs. Con rad has just returned from a visit in Amarillo, Texas. Mrs. E. W. Snyder of Leavenworth is the guest of Mrs. C. W. Snyder. Major and Mrs. C. R- Krauthoff of San Francisco, who' have been in New York for a month, arrived yesterday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Wear. Mr. and Mrs. Wear will give a recep tion and dance in their honor at Stein berg's Thursday night of next week. Miss Alice Browrv-of Atchison Is the guest of Miss Mary MaeLennan and Miss Henrietta Alexander and will go from here to Lawrence to visit Miss Edna Hopkins. Miss Rachel Coston and Miss Dorothy Scott went to Atchison today for a visit to Miss Alice Noble. Mrs. William Briggs of Portsmouth. .. is the guest of her sister. Mrs. W. H. Kemper. Miss Catharine Bodwell returned to day from a visit In Kansas City. Mr. M. D. Henderson arrived today from south-rn Texas and will go on to Chicago. Mrs. M. J). Henderson and Miss Louise Henderson will accom pany him. Mr. Fred Davis has returned from Oklahoma City, where he spent a week, and will leave next week for Amarillo, Texas, to remain permanently. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Dennan of Grand Island, Neb., are visiting their daugh ter. Mrs. F. L. Park, in West lawn- Mr. and Mrs. George Hewins, 30 West Seventh street, are the parents of a daughter, born January 28, to whom they have given the name of Martha Louise. Mrs. Hewins was . before her marriage Miss Mabel Houston. Miss Olive Kackley of Hill City ar rived yesterday and Is visiting Miss Jessie Tipton. Mis3 Tipton has rooms at Mrs. F. M. Con well's, 222 East Eighth avenue, since the Jopeland hotel fire. The Topeka 17. C. T. will have an In formal dance Saturday night at their new hall. 123 West Sixth avenue. No cards will be Issued but all members of the organization and their friends are invited. , Fred Davis of the Santa Fe has returned from Arkansas City and Oklahoma City and will leave next week for Amarillo, where he has anew position with the road George Rake of the Santa Fe at Emporia has returned to his home after being in Topeka for a week visiting home folks. A gang of seventy Mexicans have been sent to El Dorado where they will surface and lay steel. . W. C. Troyer, agent of the Santa Fe at Cedar Point, is taking a month's vacation which he Is spending with relatives at Little River. Agent Constant Is -promising a neiw depot at Walton at once. A D. Phelps and Operator of the Santa Fe at Kansas City is visiting in Topeka. Sam Zimmerman. county clerk, will speak at the men's gospel meeting at the Railroad Y. M. C. A. next Saturday night. C. A. Nix. a fireman on the Marceline runs, has been transferred to Topeka for service on the passengep runs. The state Y. M. C. A. convention meets In Lawrence next week and the Railroad Y. M. C. A. will send several delegates. F. R- Frost, electrical engineer of the Santa Fe, has returned from an extended business trip to Cleburne, Tex. Conductor Withorow is laying off for a few days. The Modocs will furnish the entertain ment at the Railroad Y. M. C. A. tonight. Engine No. 1S2 which has been in the local shops for repairs has been taken out on trial and is now awaiting an assign ment to service. Engine No. Sol from the western grand division Is in the local snops for repairs. Over a hundred of the shop employes at tended the machine shops meeting at noon Thursday to hear the last shop address of Rev. Frank E. Mallory of the Third Christian church. Mr. Mallory has been holding meetings In the shops for the past fifteen years and was well liked. He leaves In a few days for Parsons, Kan., where he has accepted another pastorate. Resolutions wishing him success in his new field of labor were adopted at the meeting. A Ball Team for Abilene. Abilene. Kan.. Jan. 29 Sub scriptions amounting to SI. 000 have been made to -a stock company to finance the baseball team for the coming season. The team will belong to the Central Kansas league. This is the first league team Abilene has had in fifteen years and much in terest Is aroused over the proposition. SANTA FEMES WANTS AND IllSCELLANEOUS ADS. NATE R. THOMPSON tinonnevs hi nre If - vimiuA ic itfr x ne ri v miD a ljot v the court of Tooeka. Bubjert: to I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF" A3 A taimwate rov tAe Honalnaraoii as cwrt thCicy Courts euttfect to the Repub lican PHmaLw V .v. .aria. . . -. R. M. LEE. v. C. RALSTON Is a candidate for the ejty attorney, subject to the city primary election on March X. 1909- G- TV. DCSENBERRY anonuaces himself as a candidate for- the office, o marshal of the court of Topeka. subject to the Re publican primaries March 2. 1909. W ANTED By a young man a place to work in store; have some experience. Address E. M.. Journal. WANTED- Male stenographer. owning typewriter. Address J.. P. Redding. Bed ford. Kan. - WANTED Energetic young man to Invest ju in nrst class paying proposition; one who desires to travel preferred. Room 4, erunswicK hotel. WANTED-Immediately. good pianist. Ktnr or srentfeman : good sight reader, to play in the Bijou Dream theater, which opea Saturday. January 30. S:tS North Kansas ave.. North Topeka. WANTED V en to learn barber trade. few weeks required, best paying work within the reach of poor man: can have shop with small eaoital; wages from J13 to S weekly : wonderful demand for barbers. Catalogue mailed free. Metier Barber Col lege. Kansas City. Mix WANTED Girt for general house work; no washing. Call 311 E. am. WANTED Immediately. good pianist, ladv or gentleman: rood sisht reader, to play In the Bijou Dream theater, which open Saturday. January 833 North k.aris3 ave.. Nortn lopena. WANTED Waitresses and: lunch counter girls. J to mo.; 1 women coots. house girls, hotel maids, solicitors, camp cook. o0; man and wife cooks. $5: camp ketper, 25; farm couple, farm hands, car penters, car repairers. Capital Employment Agency. 811 Kan. ave. WANTED Lady bookkeeper and account ant. 2 days' work. Ki per uay. ma. o. Beli 1650. WANTED. 2 excerienced chambermaids at Throos hotel. WANTED Young lady for bookkeeping work ixt large grocery. Giv references, past experience and salary expected. Ad dress D. C. care Journal. WANTED First class piano player; good salary: at iujou Dream theater. 8o3 North Kansas avenue. WANTED. Table waitress Fifth Ave hoteL WAXTEP MISCTTJLANEOTJa. WE PAT TKS HIGHEST PRICK for secondhand clothe, saoee. hata and overcoats. Droo a card or call Ind. phone U38. Ab. Jacob on. too Kansas avenu HORSES TO WINTER. M- CKeefe. Ind. phone S198. WANTED To buy upright folding bed at once. 1121 Harrison, iiota p nones. WANTED To buy 15 or S acre suburban tr set. West side preferred. Address J. C. W. care Journal. WANTED A delivery horse. Thos. Hors- field. 2u fe-ansas ave. W ANTED Toung men for modern room. 11I Kan ave. Ind. phone Z363 flea. WANTED Buyer for fine truck farm. IH miles of city, tor information call ma. phone 236 R. 1. M. Austin. WANTED To borrow $3V for one year. 8 ner cent interest: good security. Ad dress Loan, care Journal. WANTED Veal calves and ft cows. H M Ruh. Jn DhnEf iXT 3 W R. mt FOR RENT 2 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, w. Ttn. FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms, up stairs, in rear. Monroe st. FOR RENT 714 Madison St., rooms for gentlemen or FOR RENT Front room, upstairs, mod ern, at SIS Tyler. FOR KEVT-Modern furnished room hot water heat, electric light and bath. 710 West 8th st. WANTED Two or three modern furnish ed rooms for light housekeeping, near car line, within seven blocks of transfer station. Address E. G.. care Journal. FOR RENT Modern furnished room, with or without board. 1126 N. Kansas ave. Ind. 3079 White. FOR RENT -4 newly furrtshe rooms. SO Rni O-titlemea only FOR RENT 5 room house: no children. .Monroe, mnuire e-i juuuuu. FOR RENT Nice five room modern cot tage. 1019 Jackson Bt. Dr. Floersch. Tele phone Ind. 5T4- FOR RENT House, 1-413 Van Buren. 5 rooms, modern, lt- ivwsier. rnunc uxnj. FOR RENT A nice thoroughly modern 7 room flat, Ja lopeaa hb. iou. vuu 961 3. - FOR RENT S room house, gas, 1026 Mad ison, inquire at ivja. FOR RENT Five roomed modern apart- FOR RENT 624 Buchanan St.. five room cottage, batn. etecinc FOR RENT Dwelling, 218 E. 10th St.. an modem, imjmn: - FOR RENT 1506 Tyler St.. modern room COttage. llWlUir nwieiu FOR RENT New modem 5 room house, close in- Inquire 1504 Kansas ave. FOR RENT Good S room house. 2 lots, gas, cistern, cellar. Ind. telephone 3S Ring'l- FOR RENT 615 Quincy. store room 15x40, opposite feed yard: first class coadltion. Phones Clarence Skinner. FOR RENT 7 room house, V.9 Exeter St.. Auburndale. Gas for heat and. light. City and cistern water. Bam. ' Beter Reaity A Loan Co.. Room 2, Columbian Building. FOR RENT Six room house. 315 West Twelfth. Well, gas; grownups only. Everybody reads the State Journal. FOR RENT HOCSE5- FOR RENT S room modem house, fur- nisneo. 1. MawKins. at Mul Fillmore St. Ind. phone -5 Hi White. FOR RENT StrlcTy ' sao4en bouse. 90S Clay Both rthosM SI?. FOR RENT acres TH miles N. E. To- peKa. j. Roilbeiser. 1J E. 4th. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' ' S EEpL'SQ CIC K About free homesteads in the famous Irri gated Saa Louis Valley. No charge for locating. GRAHAM A CRAY. MS W. 7th. Ind. 137. SUBURBAN. JTT-i acres adjoining city, on pavement and car line. Beautiful room modern house, good shade. This Is an Ideal place for a summer home and so dose hi that you are really fn the city. 7 acres, adjoining Washburn campus. Close to ear line, c room bouse, in nice high location. A bargaia If takes soon. 7 acres, mile to car line, close in; comprising three-year-old cherry trees; $i acre each of strawberries, raspberries. red raspberries, blackberries, grapes and asparagus, 4 room house in good condition, small barn., chicken houses and other im provements. We can make this Interesting to you. JIiXvEi-L Co. FOR SALE room house, gas. barn, 2 JZfiti. MODERN. CLOSE IN. Almost new 2 story house, nice location, paved street. Inquire at 413 E. 8th St. FOR SALE Six dwelling, tin six room, two five room, two four room dwellings on monthly - payment plan. Payments about Bke rent. TOPEKA INVESTMENT LOAM CO. Phone 1307. 11J East Cth St. FOR SALE. An taiproved 4 acre farm m Deaf omith county. Texas, all level, no waste Land. including implements, household goods, stock, f ffrovinf wheat. V-W.'rf 12.30t; equity .272; balance easy terms. a oargam. viu exenange tor improved KB ia central Kansas. F. A FL'LKER, Oketo, Kan. BUY 7W Lane st. from owner; strictly modern; location ideal. Phone 2S13 Black. THE UMB-HEPWORTH LAND CO.. KANSAS, TrJtAS A MEXICO LANDS. TOPEKA KANSAS. IaX Pkoae SET. Bell Phone 3Ml FOR SALE 1. 2 or 3 lots in Melrose ad dition: mast sell: balance 50c week 1 Affron. 51t Kansas ave. FOR SALE Big snap. 9 room house, large bam, city and well water. West aide property: must be sold at once on account of leaving town. Can be bought with small capital down, balance monthly payments or reasonable for cash. L. Journal. FOR SALE House and 4 lots, wtth targe barn. 1U Winter nt.. Auburndale. J. Thomas Lumber Co. FOR SALE IN HIGHLAND PARK. Two blocks ear line. US lota 4 room house, good ban for dairy purposes, well, cistern, I5.J0O. Also lots. 4 room house, good water, outbuildings, shade and fruit trees. $1,000. Ind. 2360 1. FOR SALE OR RENT Nearly new two story house, cement stone, five rooms, was. east front, on Brooks ave., Lowman HU1 near car line. Good bam. two lots. For price and terms ask Merriam Mort gage Co.. Columbian Bidg. FOR f " F MTSTFT.MXiror FOR SALE S60 business cards for Sl-3; S0 envelope.. &.?&: MO tetter heads. H M See them: first class printing at p re par tnsat ratea Trap p. fi4 Kansas ave. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. By Smith Agency, 3 Kan. Ave. Mvery stock and building. t?.3i!mfg. business, established, profitable t.W gen. mdse. stock and building. SIo.OjO hardware stock and building. Numerous other trades offered. THOROUGHBRED English ban terrier puppies; brindle and white. Elect. 513 K. A. FOR SALE Pur Barred Rock laying. lStl Van Buren. pullets. FOR SALE Small grocery store In To peka: other business ehanee for Mle: H2,0Dtt Osborn county land to trad, fog To peka house; house and lots for sale. a. 1. i i KMA.N. mi Kansas ave. FOR SALE Brood sows and Bergmans, Tecum sen. Kan. calf. Curt FIRE SALE Wallpaper selling at half price: good as new except for darkened ends. Do not miss this opportunity. G. E. lAwson, Jjb w. itn st. FOR SALE Good book shelving, west comer 12th and Fillmore. north- FOR SALE Paying newspaper In Grand v alley. Aaaress tsox s, tTuita, joio- BTJT MARCONI WIRELESS Stocks for safe and profitable investmert. For particulars call at our office. W. T. Bellman Inv. Co., 108 W. 8th St.. Topeka. FOR SALE Nearly new furniture, piano and heater, cheap. 813 E. 8th st. FOR SALE Small mare, gentle for a wo man to drive; wont any place. 1133 Lane. FOR SALE 6 year old horse. UJCO lbs.. cneap; aio wasu wiui guoa oox 1437 North Polk st. FOR SALE Restaurant 51V4 B. 4th. at a bargain; good business :reason for selling FOR SALE Piano and household goods and bedding. 1126 N. Kansas ave. FOR SALE Two good young teams, wt. 2.W0 to 3.00O; also stylish young driving horse. 13 Topeka ave. FOR SALE Prairie hay by the ton or bailed by load or car load. H. W. Mc Afee, W. Cth. Bell shone 59L FOR SALE Prairie hay and bound eana. In nbone 2358 Ring 1. J. N. Edgar. FOR SALE Cord wood", oak. elm and hickory. Bell 2541. Ind. 1757. 25 PIANO BOXES. J" 00 to 13 "0 each. W F ROPHR MUSIC CO.. S3D Kan. ave. LOST AID FOUND LOST A fur scarf. Black. Reward Ind. 3055 LOST Mink collar on South Topeka car between 6th and 8th. or at tuberculosis exhibit. Reward if returned to this office or Mrs. Phil Chamberlain. 317 Clay st. LOST Shoe string bag between 704 Chan dler and S. F. depot. Contains purse with S5 in money and receipt from Mills D. G. Co. Return . to Mrs. Lena Riley, Santa Fe depot. Reward. SAFES exchanged, bought, sold or re paired. 411 Quincy st. The Merchants' Saf. Exchange Co. Phone 2SS7 Blue, la long distance. 1 farmer safe, SIS: a Jewel er's sf. SS5. STEAMSHIP TICKETS. TO AND FROM all parts of the world: lowest rates: best lines. Full informa tion. T. L. King. Agt Santa Fe. Topeka. LEGAL. First . published In The Topeka ,itau .-Journal January IS, law. J, CITY CLERK'S NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION. State of Kansas. Shawnee County, City of Topeka. ss. Office of City Clerk, Topeka, Kan. - January lath, Notice Is hereby given that a primary election will be held on the 2nd day of March. 1S, being the first Tuesday tn said month, at which time candidates for the following offices will be nominated ac cording to the previsions of law by each of the various political partes of th-s city : One candidate for Mayer. One candidate for City Attorney. One candidate for City Clerk. On. candidate for City Treasurer. One cand date for Police Judge. One candidate for Judge of City Court. One candidate for Clerk of City Court. One candidate for Marshal of City Court. One candidate for Councilman from each ward. One eaadidate for Member , of School Board from each ward. One city precinct committeeman will be elected from each precinct. ISeaLj C. B. BURGE. City Clerk. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You wia take notice that my petition for a permit to sell Intoxicating liquors, according to law, at my drug store at No. 431 Holiuiay street, in the Second ward of the city of Topeka, Shawnee county. Kansas, is now on file in the office of the probate Judge of said county. ant that said petition will be heard before the pre bate Judge of said county at his office in the court house in the city ot Topeka Oil Wedaesday, the 24th day OX February, at 10 o'clock a. m. II. C. MARTIN. appuoant. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You will take notice that my perrnott for a nermit te sell intoxicating liquors. according t law. at my drug store at No. 411 Kansas ave.. in tbe Second ward of the city of Tooeka. Shawnee county. Kan sas, ia now on file in the effioa 0 the pro bate iudge of said county, and that fcaxi petitioa will be heard before the probate judge of said, county at his office In the court house in the city of Topeka on Tuesday the 9th day of February, l&Mf at a'doca; a. m.- O. A. noel, Applicant. WILL THE PARTY who bought Scotch; collie dog in Wichita eosae time last July, kindly call or write to Fred Howe at Bell telephone office. Topeka. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: You will take notice that my petition for a permit to sell intoxicating liquors, according to law. at my drug store at No. S01 Kansas ave.. in the Fourth ward of the city of Topeka. Shawnee eoanty. laiL in new on file tn the office of the pro bate Judge of said county, and that said petition win be hearu oeioTe me prooiw Judge of said county at bis office In the court house in the city of Topeka on Saturday. January 3ft. I90t. at N o'clock a. m. A. H. MARSHALL. Applicant. MTS4TFLLA XKOUS- CASH PAID for good mining stocks, goldfields. preferred. cobalts, coppers. R. 6, State Journal. GOING, GOING, not quite gone! Poultry- men come quica lor tree copy of coa keys Poultry Book at G. H. Harries'. Trt xFTTl wr enw w MERCHANTS TRANSFER BTORAOa Co. packs, shipa and stores houaeaoiii gooda Tel. Isti. Clarence Skiaoer. til Quincy mt. MONEY TO LOAN, direct to the appli cant, on farms or Inside city property, by the Knights and Ladies ef Security. For particulars inquire of W. B. Kirk- patxick. national president. -l MONEY to loan on irve stock, ptaaoa, Per sonal security, household gooda typewrit er. W. E. Segulne. 413 K- A Beth piwMa BETZER REALTY AND LOAN CO. Make f-vin and citv loans Ia any amount from ISO uo. at lowest ratea and on the most favorable term. Office. Rooas S, Columbian Bide. MONEY to loan on personal pro pert, payment J12S week will pay off loaa I in & weeks. Q- K. Fllntham. notary pub Be SOt E. 4th rt. EUber pheae WTt. MONET to lean en HVe stock, ptaaea, ev gasa, typewriters. rtMhald goods and pereeeal security. L SIS Kan, sva. DR. E. I CARHART. M. D. ahyalelasi mnA mrrMia: di.aaee of wo in a aa4 children. Office, room I. over Baow s dxu store. . IDA C BARNES." M. D. Office TM Kansas' ave. Re.ld.nce Thir teenth an.! Clay. Office hours- a. rn. ta rt a. m. and S P. m. to J . . phones 18 residence and Ind. 1S1 office. DR. H. H. KEITH, surgeon and dlsM.e ef women, with private hospital Office P W If P rH1e,"'TlT. . rrljj QUINCT STREET FREE DI3PEKART. ta Quincy st. Conducts by regular practicing physicians and surgwna M Ical service free. Medicine free la ipn e.M. Ofiee hours to 1 p. m. Calls) t t mr w-w fee thw JAMES B. HAYDEN. Jtwel.r and Opt, clan, complete rk wcu. --- ffionda silverware, ete. Eya and reet-ie tinrrT ntt.a. L. M PENWELu funeral olreetor ana embimer. First claw s"rtee. reason able price 511 QnjTiT- t. Both pnot 1M FT rYftTwT. FRESH cut flower for all oeeaaloes t be found at Hayes flower store, Wfl W. tth Ind. ohoae 177. nerrne a 't He. Dr Nellie Sawyer. Ind. phone 12S0. rj K A.. Crawford Bide Elevator r-rl-. FRAMING, regilding. mat making, mount ing a one oy J - 1. duiut. - -rtreet- Packing, .hipping, .t. f . office at 6-1 Kan. ave. Estimates cheer fUy given. In, phone 15SU- B.U 1330. MACTfTNE SHOPS. FOR up-to-date gunsmiths and electricians (H H. B- Howard. 710 Kan. ave. Ti Sua PA'I'iLN'Ig. I. A. ROSEN, patent attorney. 9 ! sas ave Topeka. au. CAB OKDERS FOR CAB ORDERS call Stastty. Ind. ZM. K4 vvcet wu. FAVTVO. CAPITAL CITY VITRIFIED BRICK PAVING CO.. 214 E. th st. Mfga ot buiidina. paving and sidewalk brick. PTCTFRg FRXMTXG.