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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
TQMOR. ROW, nsnwnnnmnmmnmnmmninnnnmmmmmi SATUR E LA DAY DAY, TH AUDITORIUM BUILDING, TOPEKA JAN. 18-30 MARSHALL'S MILITARY BAND PIPE ORGAN CONCERTS THREE ORCHESTRAS Douglas & Douglas, Comedy Acrobats . The Muraos, zoning uiooe j; usis . . - Lessik & Anita, Whirlwind Uun spinning The Four Arisotas, Marvelous Acrobats MID-WIMTEIR - SATURDAY CHILDREN'S DAY AUDITORIUM BUILDING, TOPEKA JAN. 18-20 MOVTNG PICTURES MOVING PICTURES C--ADMISSION FOR ALL- 15c n id PRIMROSE BUTTER The purest, sweetest, finest butter made. Protected by odor-proof, air-tight carton. Every grocer keeps it. Every ounce is made from pasteurized cream. No tuberculosis in Primrose. Continental Creamery Co Topeka, Kanasas. Your Last Chance Tonight and Tomorrow J TO BUY A I Lucios Diamond That formerly sold from $3.00 to $6.00 t Your T 4 ff choice for $1.00 1 X Set in Rings, Pins, ! AT THEIR BOOTH $ At The t m at - i m . T What Are You Worth From the Nech Up? It is estimated that the average man is worth $2 a J day from the neck down what is he worth from the X neck up? ' That is a vital, heart-to-heart question. Put it to X yourself! Drive it home! Don't dodge it! X Figure it this way. The answer depends entirely on training. If you are trained so that you can plan X and direct work, you are worth ten times as much as the man who can work only under orders. If you are qualified to take the initiative, to go ahead when the other man fails, you can pretty near ly fix your own salary. If you are untrained, no matter how ambitious, you will have the humiliation of seeing your trained fellow workers forge ahead of you and leave you in the lurch. The International Correspondence Schools of Scranton. Pa., go to the man who is struggling along on small pay and say to him: We will train you for promotion right where' you are, or we will qualify you to take up a more congen ial line of work at a much higher salary. What the I. C. S. says it can do, it will do. It has already done it for others, and will do it for you, if you only show the inclination. Yon will find at our store most every good kind of Vail Paper in both distinctive, domestics and exclusive importations. All at reduced prices now. C. M. HILL 1 Decorator 813 Kansas Ave. CHI-NAMEL Distributors t MM 'I lllll'H'! nimnm A. 1 1 Gavitt Chemical Co. I Is creating quite a sen sation at their large booth at the Mid-Winter. They have on dis play over 200 house hold articles. Their New X PERFUME I H "H TMI Tl Is proving excep- X tionally popular. - g Call or write Topeka representative, . S E. G. Hughes. 107 WeM 71H. Ind. Phone 832. OCOCOOOOOCOOCOOOOOCOOCXDCOC Howard's Place 710 Kansas Ave. will be headquarters for the Big Teams this year as he is the western dis tributer for the Victor Sporting Goods Co. Since the Topeka teams advance to the "Big League" they will use the'4 "Victor Official League Ball" only as that is the official ball of the Western League. All true sports will this year insist on the "Victor" for it is the BEST Ball made and g sells for $1.25. ooooo OCOOOCCJOOOOOOOOOOOO 4iinnniiminiimi m. Elegant Art ! I Table Lamp I iFREEi To persons telling the correct number of parts I in the Indian Motorcy- cle displayed in cur booth at the Mid-Winter I O. K. LARD Absolutely pure Leaf Lard. Open kettle rendered. Guaranteed absolutely pure under the pure food laws. For sale by all dealers and man ufactured by Chas. Wolff Packing Go TOPEKA Visit our Booth while at the Mid-Winter CENTRAL CYCLE J & SUPPLY CO. I 1 li tt I t II I I 1 1 I 1 I It If You Bought One of Every Model of Ev ery Make of Every Typewriter Ever Made you would not get the features you get Secor Standard Visible Writing and Billing Machine It pays to buy the BEST and the Secor costs no more than less efficient and- less durable machines. See It at the Mid-Winter Expaition. Write for Catalog. in ONE The Hall Lithographing . Co. General Agents, Topeka, Kansas MIDWINTER ENDS. Has Been Otvc of the Most Successful on Record. But one more day remains of the Midwinter exposition which has been m cession at the auditorium for the past two -weeks. The Midwinter this season under the management of Geo. W. Balnter has been a great success. The attendance has been larger .thus far and the interest displayed by the business men who exhibit in their booths has been much greater than usual. Tomorrow afternoon the regular weekly children's matinee will be held. Unless the weather is too much on the blizzard order there will be a lot of the younger population In attendance. One of the features of this perform ance will be the reception on the stage at the conclusion of the show for Sil verplume. the little girl who sings and makes such a big hit with the au dience. This little girl made her Initial ap pearance at the Thursday matinee. She has a high clear voice and with ail of her little physique she puts a splendid interpretation into the songs she sings. The attendance took somewhat of a drop last night owing to the cold weather, but It was much better than the management had expected under the circumstances. The attendance to night and tomorrow will probably fall away below the remainder of the week, but the auditorium Is comfort ably heated and those who do attend will not be forced to freeze Tie km for this week Is" a strone one, in fact one of the best ever seen at any of the eight annual shows of this exposition company, and is a high class one. In a larger city it would cost at least a half a dollar to see it. Here at the Midwinter it costs only fifteen cents so those who attend are asured their money's worth. One noticeable feature In the at- tendance is the fact that there are ! many who are not satisfied with seeing cne snow once, but they come back night after night. Even during the cold weather of last night, the per sonnel of the audience contained many faces seen at previous performances, and who are paying for every show. This is a good testimonial for the bill. AMUSEMENTS. At the Grand. Adelaide Thurston will appear at the Grand tonight In -her new vehicle. "A Woman's "Hour." In which she has achieved success this season. Miss Thurston has always been a Topeka favorite and will no doubt meet with a large reception to night. The seat sale will open Monday for "Girls," the new Clyde Fitch comedy which will be seen at the Grand thea ter next Wednesday night. This Is one of the best successes of the season. Judge Hanna of Colorado Springs will give a free lecture on Christian Science next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Grand Opera house. The public Is cordially Invited. OARUWD GOSSIP. Items for the Oakland notes may be left at the Iowa Grocery or telephoned to Ind. phone 2SS1 Black Mr. Carl Christman and family have sold their property on Wabash avenue and have moved to their home on Michigan avenue. Mrs. Ir. Taylor Is confined to her home on account of illness. She is suf fering with a severe cold. Mr. Howard Anderson has returned to work after being oil several weeks on account of sickness. He has been in the Santa F hospital with an at tack of rheumatism. The announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Emma Louthan and Mr. Edwin McBrier, which took place Wednesday In Kansas City, Mo. Rev. Mr. Whittelsey will assist Rev. J. W. Johnston in the revival meetings at his church, the Parkdale M. E., this evenins. Miss Floy Wlnnans. of Lawrence, will come here this evening to spend several days with relatives and friends. Misses Blanche and Julia Coston left today on a week's visit with friends in Lincoln county. Mr. Clyde Alderson returned to work today after being off two weeks visiting friends In Jefferson county. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller have re turned home from Chanute, where they were called by the death of her sister. Miss Dorothy Swift of Denver, Col will arrive here Monday to spend three weeks jn-ith reatives. . Mrs. Shipley, of Winfleld avenue, is reported on the sick list. Mr. Shipley, of Winfield avenue, went to Kansas City last Sunday, and has secured a position there. He will pro bably remain permanently, if h re main the family will leave In the near future to make Kansa3 City their fu ture home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson will return home tomorrow from Silver Lake where they have spent the past week the guests of the Starr family. Mr. and Mrs. John Newell left today Lot their home in Oklahoma after an extended visit with relatives here. Miss Josephine Crocker left today for her home in Missouri after a two weeks' visit with her grandparents here. EAST SIDE NOTES. Items for the East Topeka column may be telephoned to Ind. phone 2sSl black- W. S. Hsnter, physician and surgeon, office and res. 1119 East 6th. Ind. 1868. Mrs. S. H. Hope of 1317 East Tenth street Is able to be up and around again . after several days ill ness. Engineer and Mrs. Gilpin have gone to Argentine, Kan., where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Jones of Osage City have moved to Topeka ami will oc cupy the Gilpin property at 417 East Fifth street. Mrs. Harry French and Mrs. Mary Fuller, who were to have entertained the ladies of the G. I. A. at Mrs. Ful ler's home today, postponed the re ception until next Friday on account of the Inclemency of the weather. Rev. F. Whittelsey. pastor of the Oakland M. E. church, will assist Rev. J. W. Johnston In the revival meetings at the Parkdale church this evening. ., Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard have returned from their home in Chanute, Kan., after a few days' visit with friends here. Mrs. J. R. Stltt of 234 Chandler street has received word from her mother, Mrs. L. T. Cooper, of Stan berry. Mo., who was to come here this week that she is very sick. Mrs. John Antrim of Emporia is ! here spending several days visiting Miss Mamie Ellis Is spending a few days in Silver Lake the guest of rela tives. Mr. Guy Gebhardt will go to Law rence next week to spend several days on a business trip. Rev. Frank Mallory delivered his farewell address to the men of the Santa Fe shops Thursday noon. It has been the custom of Mr. Mallory for years past, to speak to the men of the shops every Thursday noon. The meetings were very interesting and the men grew to love their speaker and to show to him their appreciation, at the close of his ad dress yesterday, the following resolu tions were drawn up and adopted: "We desire to express to our Brother Mallory our appreciation and love for his earnestness, sincereaess and faithfulness in preaching the gospel to us. during the past number of years. We also promise him our prayers and wish him success in his new field of usefulness.'' The meet ing closed by all the men, which num bered over one hundred, standing and singing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." It Is hoped by all that this farewell will not be the last sermon they will hear Rev. Mallory preach, for as one said, "Brother Mallory never preached a sermon in his life'. I don't believe, but what he drew some illus tration from a locomotive or great machine in the shops, which always made It more Interesting for us fel lows, and we all hate to see him go mighty bad." I 1 I I I II H I 1 I 1 HKfHHIW I International t Gold Mines X Has a very bright future be t fore it. They own 2, 400 acres ? of land with alL the modern X improvements upon it, cost X ing $1,500,000, 15 cents per share. We have been of X fered $7,000,000 for the J whole thing 70 cents per . share. Amount of ore un X covered, $30,000,000 $20 X for every one it cost us. Only owned it two years. Fifty-ton mill grinding out $2,000 every day ; second mill nearly completed; ten more to follow. We own a good mountain full of gold ore, no end to it. Don't owe a dollar ; stock non-assessable ; every share shares alike. Who will match this investment at 15 cents per share ? Mill grinding ore. See M. A. POND SOON UlimHMIHtlttMtH Your Attention Is called to the small stipe of pa per we are giving out bearing a large letter In one comer. These eiips are worth money to you as we expect to give away at least three J 6.00 bills each month during the coming year. Ask About Ttiem. J. C. HARDING CO. 833 Kan. Ave. Both Phones 1485 Slip a Slip From Oar Booth HBBEXSfinBBBBi WTiile at the Mid-Winter do not forget to investigate the BOVEE FURNACE JONES REGISTER SYSTEM and JAR VIES GAS BURNER Can be removed in one minute's time. LUKENS BROS. 811 Kansas Ave N. Topeka, Kan. Catalogues and printed matter mailed on request.