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The Topeka state journal. [volume] (Topeka, Kansas) 1892-1980, January 29, 1909, LAST EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016014/1909-01-29/ed-1/seq-9/

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Electrical Engineer Has InTent
ed an Airship.
Which He Operates From Key
board on the Ground.
Sends Balloon in Any Direction
Says Control Can Be Extended
Almost W ithout Limit.
New Tork. Jan. 29. Demonstration
of one of the greatest achievements
thus far reported in aerial locomotion
was given when Mark O. Anthony, a
New Tork electrical engineer, sent a
mall dirigible balloon scudding about
through the air by means of transmit
ted power, haking it perform all
orts of evolutions and having the air
craft at all times under perfect con
trol. By actual performance he demon
strated for the first time that the long
ought for- secret of propelling air
ships by wireless electricity has been
Sitting at a small electrical key
board, such as is used in sending wire
less messages, the inventor ticked off
various combinations of dots and
dashes, each combination causing the
balloon to perform some particular
Kes-poiids to Every Order.
Sometimes the operator placed his
Instrument directly under the bal
loon and again would remove it 200
feet away. Instance had no effect on
the control, and the response of the
mechanism, which was operated by
propellers, was prompt and effective.
"With this small apparatus," he said
"I could control the ballo6n at a dis
tance of twelve or fifteen miles, and
with a more powerful apparatus the
control could be extended to almost
any distance."
The exhibition was given in Leo
Stevens' balloon house in Hoboken. a
structure 600 or 700 feet in length, and
with sufficient head room to allow a
satisfactory test of the "wireless dirigi
ble." The model consists of an ordinary
cigarshapd gas bag twenty-two feet
In length and inflated with hydrogen
gas. Beneath that is suspended the
common type of framework used in
all dirigibles except that ail of the
mechanism is operated by wireless
electricity instead of by a gasoline
motor controlled by an operator sitting
beside it.
Vp or Down at Will.
In the ordinary dirigible ba'.Ioon the
two mechanical devices which control
it are a propeller which sends it for
ward and a rudder which governs its
course. In Mr. Anthony's invention
other devices are added. Besides the
propeller and the rudder he has a sec
ond propeller directly beneath the cen
ter of the frame, which operates ver
tically and lifts or lowers the airship
at the will of the operator. He also
has added a mechaitical device, which,
at the call of a few dots arid dashes,
releases a clutch which drops a small
weight, representing a charge of dyna
mite to be used in warfare.
During a two hours" trial the in
ventor sat at his keyboard in one end
of the buiilding and caused the balloon
to move hither and thither and up and
down, as the spectators dictated.
Mr. Anthony, in explaining his invention.
aid: "The dots and dashes have an" effect
on the mechanism through the medium of
a selector, ard the selector controls the
wiovements of the mechanism at the will
of the operator.
Compressed Air as Power.
"This selector operates the electrically
controlled valves ot tne compressed air en
irines, which gives the desired motion, for.
ward r backward, or cutting off the sup
ply of energy, as the operator desires.
"The engine is so constructed that the
amount of air consumed after passing
through the reducing valve Is small com
pared with any motor now on the market.
By using compressed air motors I do away
wita gas or oxner motors now on common
use. and sret rid of the dancer from heat
and spark. In the model small batteries
are used to operate the electric motors,
whereas in the larger machine corr.Dressed
air tanks will be used in place of batteries
for motive power. The secret of the ap
paratus is in the sending and receiving of
the Hertzian wave."
Robbers at Syracuse.
Syracuse. Kan., Jan. 29. The
tores of the Scott Mercantile com
pany and P. E. Herndon in this town
were robbed at night. Both stores
were entered by cutting out the glass
of rear windows.
Taste Is Sure
Stomach Guide
A Barometer Which Never Fails,
Though Seldom Believed.
"Taste is the direct guide to the
stomach; and the taste buds are con
nected by the nerve with the stom
ach itself, so that they represent its
health or disorder. If the stomach or
its juices are out of tone, the blood
is fermented by a change in the alka
line or acid condition, and these
reach the mouth both directly and in
directly. "The taste buds are in the tongue,
and are- mounted by hairlike projec
tions called papillae; they cover the
surface of the tongue."
"When you taste these buds rise up
and absorb the liquid : inform the
nerves: the nerves tell the stomach,
and the food is acceptable or not. Just
as the stomach feels."
The above remarks on taste comes
from an eminent authority and sim
ply explains why when one smells
cooking or sees food one thinks he can
eat. but when he. tastes he learns the
stomach is out of business.
To the person who cannot taste
aright, who relishes no food and sim
ply forces himself to eat, Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets hold the secret of en
joyable eating, perfect digestion and
renewed general health.
Most men wait until their stomachs
are completely sickened before they
think seriously of assisting nature
When your taste for food is lost it
is a certain sign the stomach needs
attention. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
cure such stomachs. They restore
sweetness of breath, renew gastric
juices, enrich the blood and give the
stomach the strength and rest neces
sary to general duty.
Forty thousand physicians use Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablets and every
druggist carries them in stock; price
60c per box. Send us your name and
address and we will send you a trial
package free by mail. Address, F A.
Stuart Co 150 Stuart Bldg.. Marshall.
Complexions Are Cleared and Pimple
Disappear Overnight Without
Trouble. ,
The dispensers of poslam, a new
skin discovery, ask that notice be
given that no one is urged to pur
chase it without first obtaining an ex
perimental package. Those who have
tried it wi'.l find that the fifty-cent
box. on sale at Fred A. Snow's and all
drug stores, is sufficient to cure the
worst cases of eczema, where the
surface affected Is not too large. The
itcing ceases on first application. It
will also cure acne, tetter, blotches,
scaly scalp, hives, barber's and every
other form of itch, including itching
feet. Being flesh-colored - and con
taining no grease, the presence of
poslam on exposed surfaces, such as
the face and hands, is not perceptible.
Water and soap cannot be . used in
connection with it, as these Irritate
and prolong skin troubles, sometimes
evening causing them.
As to the experimental package of
poslam. it can be had free of charge
by mail of the Emergenev Labora
tories 31 West Twenty-fifth Street.
New Tork. It alone is sufficient to
clear the complexion overnight, and
to rid the face of pimples ' in twenty
four hours.
"And we know that all things work
together for good to them." Romans,
vlii, 2S.
Kansas is an oil state. It has three
kinds of oil, towit: Standard Oil,
Stranded Oil and Stannard oil. The
first, we are all familiar with. (Excuse
grammar).. The second, we remember
as the Late Uncle Sam Oil company.
one Tucker presiding; the third, but
not by a long shot the least, we have
the subject of this sketch.
The Stannard family started several
years ago to work out on legislation.
C. A. Stannara, present senator, is al
most if not quite a millionaire.
Recognized as one of the richest men
in Kansas, and owner of Sunny Slope
farm, some people wonder why he can
afford to waste two months of his time
at the alleged salary per diem accord
ed to members of the legislature.
Others, with keener insight can see
the point. When an "oil rate" bill is
introduced in the legislature, certain
old time members yowl with one ac
cord: "Stannard!" Observe the miss
ing letter. It is not a slip of the
tongue and typewriter.
C. A. Stannara, senator irom .m
noria. is a rich man. not because of
any shenannigan. but because he is a
young man of remarkable business
ability. He is recognized as the "do
mestic oil trust" of Kansas. His
the prerogative by legislation to
Senator Ex-Representative Stannard.
handle all the domestic oil at a profit.
His the credit for the destruction of
Mr. Tucker and his wild-kitten propo
sition. His the grand round-up of the
Freight rates on domestic oil is the
feature of a bill now before the legis
lature. Senator Stannard Is therein
interested. With a "coal slack" rate
for domestic oil. several large, hard
ducats will be added to the Stannard :
coffers. j
Senator Stannard is the senate
watch-dog for Governor Stubbs. He
fears that some one is monkeying,
with felonious intent, with the "anti
lob" bill. While he was punctuating
his "anti-lob" speech by appropriate
gestures with the right hand, he was
issuing "come-on's" with his left, to
a lobby from Emporia, intent on se
curing a few thousands worth of ap
propriation on the Emporia Normal
Gather not from this that Senator
Stannard is a bad Indian. Not any.
He is a good citizen, a good legislator
and a good man. He has none of the
vices common to the cheap, or garden
variety of legislator.
"Stannard" seems to be the Initial
thought. Hence we will adjourn to the
house, and observe the other Stannard.
These gentlemen brothers have swapped
Jobs. Heretofore Stannard of Lyon was
representative, and brother F. H. Stan
nard of Franklin was senator. Like his
brother in the senate. Representative F.
H. Stannard of Franklin, is all that Caesar
thought his wife ought to be. A mild
mannered gentleman with only one small
vice, that of making money, is this rep
resentative and ex-senator.
A few days ago. an anti-fruit tree agent
bill was introduced in the house. It pro
vided that a fruit tree agent must not,
upon penalty of death or something of the
sort, introduce colored plates of his al
leged truit as an inducement to purcnasers
of nursery stock. The Gentleman from
Franklin was driven from the brush by
this bill. He had to admit that he was In
the fruit tree business, and that the bill
was on the verge of nonsensical. Is it the
fault of the nurserymen, asks Representa
tive Stannard quite truthfully), if the
printer uses gorgeous ink in depicting the
fruit? Certainly not. A nurseryman buys
small trees for what they are represented
to him, and slls them to the customer in
good faith. The customer plants a doxen
Grimes Goldens. waits patiently for them
to bear, and dies of old age. His son in
herits the farm and a dozen Ben Davis
trees, which, barring ravages of San Jose
scale, bear one peck each of rare apples.
He is sore, and bounces upon the son or
grandson of the nurseryman who sold the
original stock. Rotten! A bas this anti
nursery law.
Down in Mexico, where the people are
$ -Mr
Paxton store, which
Closins-Out Prices
30c Belts. 255 Women's mili
tary pad hose supporters, fited with
the Gotham cushioned clasps: as
sorted colors 35c values, 25e
per pair
50c Belts. 25c Some "of these
women's belts are worth ever more
than the stated value; made of
leather, silk, tinsel and elastic
choice of 50c values, 7f
...each "JU
SI. 00 Bags. 59e Just the size
that most ladies like; made of
leather, have soft - handles- coin,
purse and riveted frame Q
our $1.00 sellers '. .-
All Wool Ingrain Carpets. 69c
This includes all of the best extra
super carpets, worth up to CQ.
75c for
$17.95 Velvet Rug, S15.00 This
rug comes in bright new designs,
size -9x12 feet; worth C flfl
$17.95 January Sale. . . v
S15.00 Brussels Rug $12.98
Size 9x12. worth fully J1 O QQ
$15.00 this sale jipxifO
65c Linoleums 50c Choice of
our linoleums that we have been
selling for 65c in this 50c
New Spring Quarterly style book and any 15c pat
terns 20c Ask for fashion cook, it's free. Full of
new modes.
Sixth and
so blamed ignorant as a class that they
believe everything they see and more than
thev hear! it is unlawful for a circus to
adverti?K an attraction it does not possess.
For irUnce. a circus has four-sheet
posters bearing the pictures of seven
. . . j ,iHnipl3HM. while
rtuoiau UUU3 aJ '
Representative Ex-Senator Stannard.
the circus has only one dromedary and
six Nubian lions. The law requires that
on these posters one lion and one drome
dary be effaced with black paint, so that
the populace may not be buncoed.
That- is a good law for Mexico, but a
mbrhty ixor one for Kansas. Mr. Stan-
miss the nice pictures in the fruit man's -catalogue
more than dear relatives, and
h.v. mtik pnnnirh nn th nirio tarn m tilanmi
to know the difference between m picture
orrow the Last Mufof i January Selling
e Big Cash
will demonstrate anew this store's reputation for offering
During the last two
days' selling" of this month
the prices made on -winter
merchandise should wake
the natives."
$20.00 Women's Coats, $9.95
Beautiful broadcloth -and silk fin
ished kersey coats: satin lined and
satin trimmed this season's very
best styles at less than CQ QC
half our regular price. .
$6.00 Women's Coats $2.95
There are blacks and colors in this
lot full length, neatly trimmed;
about 15 garments in all, and the
price is less than, half feO QC
regular choice. ........ .fC20
$o.OO Children's Coat, $1 8
These are not all J5.00 garments,
but a large portion of them are,
and there are none in the lot but
what are worth more than the
price asked range -in size from
4 to 14 years made-of bear cloth
thibet and fancy cloaking fan
cifully trimmed up to no
$5.00. values, for .Jl.i0
$1.00 Waists and Sacquea 39o .'"
Broken lines of winter weight gar
ments pick your size and you get
a bargain, many of which are
worth $1 made. of heavy fleeced
material and cotton waist- on
ing choice. ., 5C
$2.25 Woolen Waists $1.98
Women's embroidered black waists
of mohair and batiste closed in
back; long and length sleeves
our $3.25 311 QQ
values VvO
$1.25 Waists 75c Made of heavy
mercerized cotton waisting; closed
front and back; long sleeves; white
with embroidered panel, and white
with colored figure
$1.25 values
45c Children's- Underwear 25c
Gray color, ribbed or fiat heavy
fleece; well made, neatly trimmed, ;
winter garments; worth or
45c vests or pants... . ,.SOC
25c Veiling, 10c Black or col
ors: 18 inches wide, strong mesh,
fancy dots, 25c in other "i
stores our special price .... VtC
St.OO Kid Gloves. 75c Women's
black or colored kid gloves; every
pair warranted have long two
clasp wrist and three rows of
stitching on back; $1 values, r7lZr.
per pair........ .. ...
5c Pearl Buttons, So There are
two and four hole buttons in this
lot. and other stores ask you 5c
per dozen for..Dke. values choice
of 5 sizes here, per.
Iron Beds in our January Sale at
special prices. Every bed In stock
is marked at a saving price to you.
- Genuine Felt Mattress, So
Guaranteed satisfactory or money
refunded January j ff
Sale price PJ.JJ
Coil AVIre Springs, $1.90 Fully
guaranteed any size, Q(l
sale price. ... .P X5W
$25.00 Saxony Axminster Rugs,
$21.95 This is our best quality Ax
minster rugs, and sold at most
stores for $27.50 our tOI QC
January price .P .0
and the Real Thing.
The Spectator is trusting to this Kansas
intelligence. If Mr. Stannard looked like
this picture, he would be subject to re
moval at any time. .
Appear Before Senate Committee to
Discuss Rates.
The senate committee on railroads
gave a hearing last nigtit to a number
of oil producers from the mld-contlnent
field of southeastern Kansas, relative
to Senator Stannard's bill fixing rates
on oil shipments.
The oil producers favored the Stan
nard bill and stated that it establishes
by law for the future, the rates for oil
shipments that have prevailed for the
past three years. It was declared that
the railroads are intending to increase
the freight rates on oil from 100 to
200 per cent and the producers wishes
the enactment of a law fixing freight
Of. every description.
Cleaning Dyeing
Superior Work
Topeka Laundry Co.
Phones 153
2nd and Quincy
Store. wtjLl
On sale tomorrow
Tomorrow morning
at 9 o'clock we will
place on sale freshly
cut Carnations for
354c each or 35c a
Dry Goods Specials
Linen suiting, . galatea,
percale, cheviot and ging
ham in new styles and pat
terns are here, and the ex
tremely low cash prices at
which we are selling them
will surely interest you.
15c Linen Suiting, 1 2 i c Book
fold material with a perfect linen
finish; white and a full line of col
ors; you are asked 15c for the
same quality in other stores our
opening price, per 1 OIZ ,
yard X42C
19c Galatea 15c this cloth had
to retail through the past season
at 19c we have a guaranteed
quality in new and tasty patterns,
and our price per i C
yard is OC
lOo Gingham, 7J4c New styles
and patterns and an exact match
for the credit store's 10c grade, or
your money back colors are guar
anteedour 7 'An
price.................... 3
12 He Gingham lOo Book fold,
and the best styles and patterns;
light or dark, stripes, checks or
plaids we had to sell this grade
at 124c last season now . (
per yard. XvC
Domestic Gingham, 6 c Staple
checks, even and broken patterns;
good range of colors colors guar
anteed; equal to the 7c grade in
other stores -our price, i
per yard. . .., w2C
12 c Cheviot 10c Southern silk
and Old Hickory shirting are the
best made, and they have been
selling in this store at 12 hie per
yard our price is 1 rj
now XVt
10c Percale, Ko-We are selling
this 10c grade of percale at 9c be
cause the jobbing price went below
normal, and we got busy and
bought a bunch. The price is up
again and the credit buyers have
to sell 32-inch percale in this Q
quality at 10c our price Z7-
17c Percale 12 'Ao A lady,
whom we consider of good judg
ment, told us that she knew a
store in Topeka that was asking
17c for this very grade of percale
we have the new spring patterns,
both light and dark, and our price
r.. i2c
Striped Suiting, 12 Uc Has a
permanent linen finish comes in
popular colors with hair line stripe
of white offered for sale in cred
it stores at 15c 1 O!
here A
"5c Imported Damask, 49c
Permanently mercerized, 64 in.
wide; launders beautifully; a fine
line of patterns,
per yard
charges . in order to prevent the rail
roads from increasing their rates.
The oil producers who ffppeared belore
the committee last evening were: F. A.
Parsons. Ira Elliott and L,. L- Marcel I
of Chanute. and Ossian Cameron and
John M. Cameron of Erie.
The railroad committee took no ac
tion last night." Next Wednesday night
the coal men will appear before the
committee, and other large shippers
will come in turn. All the pending rate
bills will probably be merged in one
and a committee measure dratted ana
presented in the senate. Such a bill, if
framed, wm cover most or tne state s
Recovers After Caesarian Operation
and Child Also IJves.
Philadelphia, Jan. 29. Surgical ex
perts are marvelling over the wonder
ful outcome of a Caesarian operation
performed three weeks ago on Mrs.
Lawrence A. Ramsey, who, today, re
ceived her friends, and showed them
the tiny baby.
Seldom do both mother and child sur
vive this critical operation when the
former is of normal stature, and Mrs.
Ramsey, who i-twenty-five years old.
weighs only fifty-seven pounds, and is
only forty-six inches tall. Little Miss
Ramsey weighed four pounds at birth.
Her parents are the midget team in
vaudeville, known as Weis and Ram-
mt. the mother, as Queen of the Lil
liputians." being well known all over
the country, she was marnea to ttam-
sev about a year ago. .- -.-r .
Mrs. Ramsey told her friends of the
operation and said:
"I sat up in tea days afterward. On
the fifteenth day I walked, and a few
davs later I left the hospital. The care
they gave me was lovely, and I was
The last call for our January Clearance Sale will be in
augurated Saturday with the greatest offering of over
coats ever seen in this city at the prices. If you need
an overcoat, or can anticipate your needs for next year,
don't miss this sale, which includes some famous high
class, hand-tailored coats; all the correct styles; all
worthy fabrics (guaranteed). . Now, to get them at
such closely cut prices means a savin g to you that is
worth grasping.
A Few Prices Quoted
Flannel (Top) Shirts
$2.00 values special $1.59
$1.50 values special $1.19
$1.00 values special ...... ....79c
Wool Underwear, 75c
Wool ribbed garments,
$1.00 values special
Two Days'
$3.00 Women's Vict Kid Shoes,
$1.98 Our regular $3.00 fine dress
shoes; single sewed soles, blucher
style, military heels in f?1 QQ
this sale pl.O
$5.00 lien's Shoes, $3.50 Made
of genuine Australian kangaroo
stock with - heavy welted soles
blucher style fiJO Cfl
special p0.iJU
S3.00 Shoes, $1.98 Men's glazed
colt skin shoes, made with Good
year welt soles: not all sizes In this
lot, but to close out the line we sell
this $3.00 shoe for two fj f QQ
days, for pl.i70
S3.00 Boys' Shoes for $2.25 Box
calf leather, medium weight sewed
soles, blucher style our regu
lar $3.00 shoe this 2 25
such an unusual case that
ever so
came to
many doctors and surgeons
see me,-and they were all very kind and
considerate, and said it was so strange
they would not have Deneveo. it it tney
had not seen for themselves."
Department Called to West Side to
Put Out Bonfire.
That some peopie are entirely too
careless and oblivious of the public
safety was shown in the case of a
bonfire on Tyler between Eleventh and
Twelfth last night. Shortly after sup
per just as the wind was coming
strong, a resident of that block no
ticed a large bonfire in the rear of one
of his neighbor's houses. This man
phoned the fire department who in
turn called the owner of the property
where the fire was burning and asked
him to put the fire out in view of the
windy conditions. But the fire was not
put out and was still burning when
the neighbors returned from the thea
ter last night. The fire department
was again notified and a fireman was
sent to quench the flames. When he
arrived he found the fire blazing three
feet above ground. ' It is unnecessary
to tell what might have happeneu
For Infant i and Children. -
Tta Kind Yea Hara A!w2js Ecsgfcf
Bears the
Signature of
exceptional values.
Here is an opportunity
to get a smart overcoat
way below actual value.
$7.95 buys any overcoat marked
$9.85 buys any overcoat marked
$11.65 buys any overcoat mark
ed $15.00
$12.45 buys an evercoat mark
ed 16,S0.
Youths' Overcoats
$2.98 buys any overcoat marked
$3.43 buys any overcoat marked
$3.95 buys any overcoat marked
$4.98 buys any overcoat marked
$5.95 buys any overcoat marked
$6.95 buys any overcoat marked
Boys' Overcoats
$1.19 buys an overcoat marked
$1.59 buys any overcoat marked
$1.98 buys any overcoat marked
$2.45 buys any overcoat marked
$2.85 buys any. overcoat marked
Men's and Boys' Caps
Any $2.00 cap special ....$1.48
Any $1.50 cap special ..,.$1.19
Any 75c cap special 59o
Any 50c cap special ........39c
Any 35c cap special ...... ...21c
Any $1.00 cap special 79c
All winter furnishings
must go regardless of cost.
Men's and Boys Sweaters
$1.2'5 values special 85c
50c values special ......... .59c
Union Suits
Men's suits, $1 values special 85c
Boys suits, 50c "vaules special 39c
Shoe Special
m i
Sixth and
Old Jewelry Made New
Bring in your old Pins,
Rings, Bracelets, Brooches,
and let us suggest some
thing new or repair them.
We have recently added a
new gold-plating outfit, an d i
are prepared to turn out
and dispatch.
Watches and Clocks Repaired
and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Addis Jewelry Store
r:. "
kv Kansas Avenue '
Scott County Xews gold.
Kansas City, Kan., Jan. 2 9. The
Scott County News, established i.l
1885 by its present editor and owner,
J. C Starr, has been sold to E. II.
Epperson, and will be merged witii
the Litter's Scott City Chronicle, un
der the head of the Scott County

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