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THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAL MONDAY. EVENING, FEBRUARY 1, 1909. RUARY D OUN Do prices interest you? Then look these over. We are so crowded for room we have contracted to build another story on our building But it will take 60 davs to do that, and in order to make room and push business this usually dull month we have concluded to SLAUGHTER PRICES AND DISREGARD PROFITS. Come at once if you wish some of these BARGAINS Save $7.50 on this Davenport This Davenport is solid oak frame covered with checked velour in reds and greens. A fine box un derneath for clothes or bedding. Regular $30.00. Go in this February Discount Sale, 22 50 You can find many unusually big bar gains in our Drapery and Carpet Depart ment. Although Spring stocks are in, we have made big reductions to make sales big this month. You profit. This Sideboard $15.75 This Sideboard is a large imi tation quartered oak with a nice large bevel French Glass. This Sideboard sold regular, $21.90. Go in this February 1 C 7C Discount Sale, only O These $9 Couches Only $5.98 This is the finest medium priced Couch on the market. Cov ered with figured velour, full spring, oak frame, bolted claw feet legs. are 3. If you want comething for a little money these C QO big bargains. Was $9. Go in this February Discount Sale, P.20 1 5ijS?SR?S2S2jf Sewing Machine $14.50 This machine is 5-drawer, solid oak frame, drop head, fine Japanned iron frame, full nickel attachments. We have sold over 500 of these machines in the city of Topeka. We warrant them for 10 years. We are jobbers for these Sewing Machines for the state of Kansas. As we have no agents here you can buy them at wholesale. Will sell them on .pay- S"' $14.50 If !) $16.50 Dressers $12.50 This Dresser is a large serpen tine base with a fine French 24x30 bevel glass, empire quartered oak. This Dresser would be good for any spare room, finely finished. Was $16.50. Go b this o (-f February Discount Sale, only P A itOvJ D 0 you know of anyone who is going to buy a PIANO? Bring them in and if we can not save them $50.00 or a $100.00 on a PIANO we will BRADLEY PIANO 3 II This is a fine oak case, 7i octaves, ivory keys, warranted for 10 years. We have sold 50 of these fine Pianos the last two years and every one has 1L given the best of satisfaction as to " I tone and workmanship , and quality. 4 itearuiar szzo.uu. vve are soms to sell 10 of these fine Pianos onlv going $168.00 $10.00 down and $6.00 per month. We will give extra 5 per cent off for spot cash. A If you can not bring them in, telephone us or tell us about it, and if we sell them we will have a nice present for you. We have sold over 500 Hobart M. Cable Pianos and not a dissatisfied customer. Was $21 Now $16.75 ZON-O-PHONE How is that for a bargain. Fine machine, too. Come in and hear it. We have a full stock of Edison Phonographs, Victor and Zon-o-Phone Talking Machines sold on easy payments. On sale now, the February Edison Gold Moulded Records, 35c: and Edison Amberol Records, 50c. . EM AH EE R SPIELMAN IF u RNITURS CO. 517 and 519 Kansas Avenue TOPEKA, KANSAS POLICE JOTTINGS. A Free for All Fight on Kansas Avenue. Started Over an Insult Offered to a Woman. MANY KNOCK DOWNS. But No One Is Seriously Injured in Affray. Men Arrested Make Deposits and Are Released. A great and enjoyable free-for-all street fight covering a half block of the best business section and a half hour of time was Instigated by an insult to a -woman by three half drunken men last night at 10 o'clock. The drummer of the Elite theater named Jackson, with his wife, walked up Kansas avenue and stopped at the hallway leading to the stair up to the Sioane dental rooms at 728. Jackson went up the stairs for something, his wife waiting for him at the street door. Three men, Rudolph Thorpe and J. R. Cooler, half drunk, and Walter Lewis, ciulte drunk, who were following the couple, stopped to make some remarks to the woman, inviting her to go some where with them which frightened her and she fled upstairs to her husband for protection. Jackson Invited them up and they Invited him down. Neither came, but some one hearing the noise looked in to see what was doing and got punched in the face by one of the men, six more fellows, one of whom was A. G. Ham of the Green grocery, also glanced that way and were at tacked by the party and in a good mix which drew a few spectators the band retreated to the Curtis drug store and the three took to their hallway. After that the men, fired by the song of vic tory, jumped out at all passers to in quire what they wanted and to help them on their way. C. L. Scott, hearing the commotion, investigated and called tite police station for the trouble men. Just then an elderly man with gray hair walked by and one of the men hopped out to meet him and found the old man had a reach not unlike that of the neckless Kitz. Help came from the hallway but a good Swede, some thing of a "Battler" himself, also ar rived and others joined in the fray un til it looked like the whole east side of the street was covered with con testants. A good crowd had gathered to witness the affray and help a little when necessary and Dr. Sioane looking from his window onto the street could see, as he says, three or four struggling men on the sidewalk at a time when the police arrived and caught two of the disturbers of the peace and sancti ty, Thorpe and Cooley. Later on Lewis, who was still unsatisfied, started to continue the engagement with anyone he met down the street, was also cap tured. No one had been seriously hurt but any number had fallen to the bricks. The three men taken to the station gave $10 bonds and were released until tonight. Three late hour clerks of the Thompson Hardware company. J. H. Heifer, Henry L. Babst, E. Alexander, were returning from way down some where near the river about 1 o'clock Sunday morning and in passing some construction work near the new paper factory, they espied a red light. What drove them to the fiendish act, whether that the light merely meant danger, or prompted by the owlish hour, they fell upon that red light and demolished it and were caught in the doing by Officer England who took the clerks to the jailer, who in turn took bonds from each of them, Jo each, to appear for trial, charged with disorderly conduct. Sapho herself, Vella Sapho, fell to so ungainly an occupation as fighting with drain tiling last night and broke several sections on a recreant lover. Down in front of the Gillett & Nichol son coal office at the corner of First street and Kansas avenue, a pile of drain tiling joints have been left awaiting their usage. Sapho, another woman, and a man were seen last night at 8:30 exploding profanely and hurling tiling at one another. From the distance Sapho was seen to seize one of the heavy joints, raise it above her head and swing it onto the pate of the man while the other woman flung one at her. When they heard the officer running up and all "scattered. The officer who was with England knowing he could run but one way started after Sapho and found her quite nimble for he chased her clear to Jefferson street where she stumbled into an alley and was caught. Sapho may be jealous but she won't "peach" on the others and will stand trial alone. As L. J. Hilty, the elderly proprie tor of the Apex cafe, was returning from North Topeka and had just stepped onto the bridge two men, one white, the other a negro, walked up on either side of him and inform ed him that they needed his money. He was walking with his hands in his trousers pockets and one hand grasped the money. The men had taken hold of his arms while his hands were in his pockets so he had little action, yet he got enough force into a back elbow punch into the sol ra plexus of the white to put him to the mat, then he swung the right to the colored jaw and flew over the river without waiting to administer the count on his knockouts. The po lice were not asked to look up the highwaymen as no identification could be made of them. W. D. Henson, the newspaper man who was arrested in the U. P. yards some months ago with the two Chris tian sisters, Blanche and Viola, who were traveling with him as men and in men's clothes, has written to the chief for some keys which he had been unable to get when he left as they had been given to Mrs. Thorp the matron, by Viola. Henson is now at headquarters in Toronto, Canada, where he is assistant secretary of the Canadian Newspaper asoclation. VThen he was arrested he was well dressed, though the girls were filthy from traveling in box cars, but were ex ceptionally good looking. He never said how long or why he was with the girls, and it is still a mystery to the officers. Jon Melenson, Cheavey Boyer, and Floyd Harris were the "over Sun day plain drunks and Ralph Taylor the wayfaring vag. Another bicyclist, Albert Sawyer, a colored boy riding for a grocery was arrested Saturday evening for riding on the sidewalk and must pay the fine today. What a difference a block may make. The Turner gang of colored men arrested for gambling a week ago. were credited in these columns with being found in the house of Tur ner's at No. 304 East Fourth street. But the patrol had in reality turned down Third street and found the gang at the number stated which is just across the alley from 304 East Fourth, where resides a perfectly nice white family. ROBERT PIGG IS DIVORCED. Wife Is Granted the Decree by Judge Dana. Robert Pigg is a single man again, Judge Dana having granted his wife a decree of divorce but this does not make him a free man as he is serving a six months' sentence in the county jail for violating the prohibitory laws of the state. Owing to the restraint under which he is laborine at the pres ent time the defendant was not present to contest the divorce proceedings. It has been but a short time since the woman who secured a divorce was circulating a petition, asking for the re lease of her husband. In her petition she alleged nonsupport and the reason for the nonsupport is evident when the charitable stop to consider that Robert Pigg is an inmate of the county jail. Pigg has for years been one of the most persistent violators of the pro hibitory law and the present trouble is not his first by any means. Mrs. Pigg was given possession of the household goods and her maiden name of Ada Murphy was restored by Judge Dana's decision. TO BE TORN DOWN. Sherman House to Be Replaced by $2,000,000 Hotel. Chicago, Feb. 1. It is definitely announced that the Sherman house will be torn down and work on a two million dollar structure started within a week after the next New Year's- day. With the destruction of the time honored hotel will pass memories of men and women, famous in many walks of life, who have foregathered and lingered within its walls during their visits to Chicago. Not even the name of the place is to remain. Along with the other changes the Sherman house is to be changed to the Hotel Sherman and the leather cushioned corners of the lobby, where political schemes have been hatched and theatrical stars created over night, within a year will have become memories of the house that used to be. The Sherman, house was built in 1874 by Frank Sherman and first open ed as a hotel by Munson Brothers of Boston. Subsequently the hotel was operated by Hulbert & Bissell, and the late J. Irving Pierce and Joseph Beifleld. who came into possession of the place in 1902. TUBERCULOSIS DAY. Conference of Teachers at the National Exhibit. The national tuberculosis exhibit started out on the second week in To peka Sunday with a large crowd at tending. The exhibit seems to be gain ing in popularity every day and the people of the city are taking a great amount of interest in the work. The bulletins and warnings sent out by Secretary Crumbine referring to the exhibit and quoting advice as given out by the, display in Topeka have been published broadcast over the state by practically every newspaper in Kansas and the effect of the Topeka exhibit will be gratifying to the officers as well as the public. Todav and tomorrow will be "school davs" with the tuberculosis exhibitors and this afternoon there is a confer ence of the teachers of the public and private schools of the county and city. The prevention of the spread of tuber culosis germs will be discussed and lec tures wil be given by Drs. D. M. Fisk. R. R. Magee (stereopticon). C. W. Swartz and M. R. Mitchell.. Mr. W. J. V Deacon will also speak to the teach ers. It is the object of the superin tendents of the schools of the city to have all the children possible attend the lectures. After the instruction given the teachers and the result of their conference has been recorded the teachers will give lectures to their classes on the subject of tuberculosis. The programme for this evening and tomorrow is as follows: This evening, 7:30 p. -m. Stereop ticon talk. 8:00 p. m. Subject, "Tuberculosis in Children." Chairman, Dr. T. W. Peers, Dr. L. M. Powell, Dr. J. B. Tower, Dr. J. A. Crabb. Tomorrow. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Spe cial Students of city schools. 7:30 p. m. Stereopticon talk. 8:00 Symposium, "Tuberculosis in Its Surgical Aspects." Dr. L. H. Munn, Dr. J. C. McClintock. Dr. M. C. Porter, Dr. W. D. Storrs. Dr. W. F. Bo wen. Brown (expatiating on the merits of his latest motor car bargain) I don't say she's much to look at. hut you should see the way she takes a hill! Friend (callously) Up or down? Punch. Federal Judge John C. Pollock is holding court at Muskogee and it will be at least a week before he returns to Topeka. A delegation of Wichita boomers are in Topeka today arranging to land the Kansas Editorial association meeting for next year. The police have in their possession a black lap robe which was taken from a youth who was attempting to pawn it. though they have no clew to the rightful owner. The Glenwood hotel is headquarters for the delegates who are attending the annual meeting of the State Society of Labor and Industry which is in ses sion in Topeka this week. Five cars of material have arrived in Topeka which are to be used by the Santa Fe in constructing a bridge across the Kaw which is to take the place of the one now in use. According to the almanac but six weeks more of winter remains though it does not follow that the present springlike weather will prevail until that time. The forty-fourth anniversary of the founding of Washburn college which occurs February 6. will be celebrated in a fitting manner at Washburn this week. Governor Stubbs has issued his first proclamation in which he recommends that the residents of Kaisas celebrate the birth of Abraham Lincoln on the 12th day of the present month. Ernest C. Quigley, who is well known in Topeka, has been selected as manager for the Salina Central Kansas ball team and promises to place a winning team in the field. Tomorrow is ground hog day, and the weather for the next few days according to the old fashioned weather forecaster, will depend upon the ground hog seeing or not seeing his shadow. Secretary George Lerrigo of the Central Y. M. C. A. announces that the men's meetings which have been conducted at the Majestic theater during the winter every Sunday, will be discontinued. Herr Bruno Schwartze Rigierungs barimeister is the lengthy name of a Topeka visitor who left for California Sunday, after having been In Topeka for several days visiting and inspect ing the Santa Fe railway properties. He is the president of the Prussian State Railway company and lives in Berlin,' Germany. A Tyior street woman, who cleaned her skirt with gasoline Sunday, was severely burned by an explosion which followed and the point is being used by anti-Sunday workers as an argu ment in their favor. Som; one blundered in reporting an arrest made by the police last week and gave the number as 304 East Fourth street, when the item should have stated that the arrest was mad on East Third street. Brick Owens, the American asso ciation' umpire who will take ticket at a local theater this week, arrived from Kansas City this morning ac companied by Mrs. Owens. Owens formerly umpired in Topeka. The new bridge which is to be con structed by the Santa Fe Railroad company will be two feet higher than the structure in use at the present time, which will necessitate raising the tracks on both sides of the, river. A number of prominent Topeka mu sicians have arranged a programme which will be given at the association building, corner of Fourth and Jack son streets, on February 9 for the benefit of the Provident association. Governor Harry Richter who oc cupied the room in the Copeland hotel in which I. E. Lambert burned to death, almost steadily for twelve years, was called to Chicago a few days before the fire, by a business en gagement. The badges which are worn by the members of the Kansas Editorial association admit the members to free transportation over the lines of the Topeka Railway company, a courtesy granted by that company to the visitors. "I notice that Kansas has lost 34 4 resident of the state at one move." commented an amateur statistician, "but as they were accompanied from the. penitentiary at Lansing to a similar institution in Oklahoma by sheriffs. I guess that Kansas can stand the loss." The report of the officers of the Topeka Rebate rebate association. In dicates that the organization brought JS7.000 worth of business to Topeka during the first year of its existence which has just closed, at a cost of $4,000 to the merchants who are members of the association. Xodd-Po you think it in poatiilile for a man to live in New York on tn thousand a year? Todd He tniKht If he rod. on street cars, took only one paper and lived on prunes. Life. i