Newspaper Page Text
12 THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAL FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 6, 1911. 0 C L oik e. SILK MIXED FANCY VEST With every order for a SUIT or OVERCOAT, we will give you n $5.00 FANCY VEST without charge, just to keep our tailors busy. WE GUARANTEE a fit to your liking, and in quality and workmanship the equal of any $25.00 or $30.00 Suit, or we will GIVE YOCR MONEY BACK That's fair! We are responsible, being the largest concern of the kind In the world. Prove us now. $5.00 Silk-Mixed Fancy Vest and $25 Suit or Overcoat Positively Made To Your Order, All For FOR ST ATEM 0 N E Y Board of Control Has Plan to Have a Claim Aujuster. Chairman Bowman Will Present': Bill to Legislature. FRE1TAG CASE HELPS. Opens Way to Compel Mainte nance of Asylum Inmates. Also Brings Work Which Makes New Olficial Necessary. 1 I UNION MADEJ LAQU THIS WEEK ONLY! TOM C. POWELL, Manager. World's Greatest Tailors 532 Kansas Avenue 532 Both Phones 512 JANUARY Beginning of the Year BEGIN A Systematic Saving Account The Capitol Building & Loan Association 534 Kansas Ave. EFFECTIVE COLD CURE. Most Severe Cold or the Grippe Re lieved In Several Hours. Pape's Cold Compound Is the result of three years' research at a cost o! more than fifty thousand dollars, and contains no quinine, which - we have conclusively demonstrated is not effec tive in the treatment of colds or grippe. It is a positive fact that a dose ol Pape's Cold Compound, taken ever? two hours until three consecutive dosea ere taken, will end the Grippe and break up the most severe cold, either in the head, chest, back, stomach, limbs or any part of the body. It promptly relieves the n ost miser able neuralgia pains, headache, dull ness, head and nose stuffed up. feverish ness. Bneezing. sore throat, running' of the nose, mucous catarrhal discharges, eoreness. stiffness and rheumatic twinges. Take this harmless Compound as directed, with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine, made anywhere else In the world, which will cure yor cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad after-effects, as a 25 cent pack age of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist in the world can supply. Provision for a claim adjuster to in- ; vestigate the financial condition of all the inmates of state hospitals and of relatives bound by law to maintain them, is made in a bill that H. C. '. Bowman, chairman of the state board of control, will present when the leg islature convenes in January. It will I be the duty of this claim adjuster, pro- vided that the bill becomes a law, to file proofs of claims in counties where inmates are residents and to bring and , try civil suits, whenever necessary, against estates and persons bound by law to maintain such inmates. About a year ago the supreme court: held in the case of August Freitag that the state could recover for his . care and maintenance at the Topeka ' state hospital from the time of his j admission until the time of his death, i Prior to this decision the question had been a mooted one. Now that the I precedent has. been established, tne board of control wants a claims ad juster to carry on the work, as there is no official to whom would fall the duties of attending to collections. Since the present board of control took charge $166,077 has been col- I 1( l Lt'U U.I1U pctlU LU LUC MrtLC ucttouici, year 1909. Bowman Talks of Board's Work. Mr. Bowman in discussing the work of the board, especially as regards col lections, said: "The recent decision of the supreme court will make these collections much easier and eventually the state will re cover a large sum from those who are able to pay without impoverishment, and the taxpayers will be justly re lieved of some of the cost of public care. "A thorough system should be put in in Kansas for the collection for the care of inmates. "The lunacy act of Ontario provides that upon the admission of a patient to the asylum his estate at once vests in the Inspector of asylums. In this way the inspector of asylums controls all the estate and is in a position to take from It the amount required to maintain the patient in the asylum, if the estate is sufficient. The inspector also has two special agents whose duty it is to travel from county to county investigating any case that is in the asylum. In this way Ontario has- been able to secure a large amount of funds and property which otherwise they would be unable to secure. In the state of New Tork patients are divided. Pri two classes, public and private. Pri vate patients pay anywhere from $6 to $10 per week and public patients are divided into two classes, those who pay 53.50 per week and are called 'reim bursing,' and those who pay less than that, down to nothing. The state com- mission in lunacy appoints an agent for one district or more, according to the population and amount of work, who visits all those, who do not pay as much as $3.50 per week, if the cir cumstances 'seem to make it worth while to do so. In addition to this agent, each hospital for the insane has an attorney. When our board was attending the National Conference of Charities and Correction at Buffalo we visited the Buffalo state hospital for the insane. The attorney for that in sane hospital receives $2,500 a year for his services, but he only devotes what . time is necessary to the business of the Buffalo state hospital, the said 1 hospital being simply one of .his cli ents. The agent who looks up the fin ancial condition of the patients and the relatives receives $1,200 a year and pxpenses. "The California state commission in lunacy appoints its attorney and pays him $3,000 a year. His principal work is enforcing payments of maintenance from relatives that are able to pay but who refuse or neglect to do so." "Bill Bowman Will Introduce. The bill Mr. Bowman will introduce is as follows: An act providing for claim adjuster for the state board of control and defin ine his duties. le it enacted by the legislature of the state of Kansas: Section 1. The governor shall, upon he passage of this act, appoint, by and vith the advice and consent of the sen ate, a claim adjuster for the state board of control, for a term of four j years, commencing July 1, 1911. It shall be the duty of said claim adjuster to investigate the financial condition of all the inmates of the Topeka state hospital, Osawatomie state hospital, state hospital for epileptics, state home for feeble-minded and state orphans" home, and of relatives bound by law tJ maintain them; and to prepare and file proofs of claim in the counties in which said Inmates are residents and repre sent said institutions and the state . t the hearing of said claims, and to bring and try civil suits, whenever necessary, -against estates or persons bound by law to maintain said inmates with the advice and consent of the at torney general, in order to enforce and carry out the provisions of sections 4.850, 4.851, 8,459, 8,476, 8,479 and 8.553 if the general statutes of Kansas of 1909 Section 2. Said claim adjuster shail be an attorney at law and shall receive a salary of twenty-five hundred dollars per annum and necessary actual trav eling expenses, payable out of the moneys collected and paid into the state treasury for the care and main tenance of patients, and shall have a room in connection with the office of the state board of control and the as sistance of one of the stenographers of said board, aid attorney shall take the oath of office required by law of other state officers and before enter ing upon the discharge of the duties of his office shall give a bond in the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars to the state of Kansas for the faithful dis charge of his duties, which bond shall be signed by three or more individual sureties; or he may give a bond with a good and sufficient surety company au thorized to do and doing business m the state of Kansas, and the cost of said bond shall be paid by the state, which bond shall be approved by the governor and when so approved shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state. Section 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pub lication in the official state paper. INVITED TO COME BACK. Secretary Payne of Kansas Day Club Writes to Original Members. Former Price: $7.50 to $10.09 Dental Work Reduced Gold Crowns $4.00 Porcelain Crowns, 4.00 White Crowns 4.00 Bridge Work 4.00 J Set of Teeth . $7.00 This work is the best that can be turned out Eighteen years in one location is good enough guarantee. GOODWIN BROS. 607 Kansas Avenue 607 Kansas Avenue c "J'g'iliMWi''f"Vi i "Y "IjH'' ( Trains B y -..UUr to ft ansas XjX. Topeka 4:30 A.M. 7:40 A.M. 2:25 P.M. 8:15 P.M. 7:65 P.M. 8:15 P.M. 11:85 P.M. Rt. Lv. K.C. 7:55 A.M. : 10:10 A.M. 10:40 A.M. 11:20 A.M. 6:10 P.M. 10:10 P.M. 11:00 P.M. USE TH ook Off y Island Fast Time No Stops Doable Track NEXT TIME nz Never too Busy to Answer Questions Phones 384 H. H. HUNT, City Pass. Aort. Topeka, Kan., Jan. 5, 1911. The celebration of the fiftieth anni versary of the state and the twentieth i annual banquet of the Kansas Day j club will be held in Topeka, on Janu-, ary 31, 1911, and you, as one of the number who sat at the table of the first annual banquet of the club, are . urged by the officers of the club to be, present, and 'to make a one minute talk This should be a grand reunion of spirit j and sentiment, and I trust that you will make a special effort to be with us. WALTER L. PAYNE. ' Secretary. The above is a copy of the letter that Secretary Payne, of the Kansas Day club, is sending out today to -all the members who attended the first club banquet. Mr. Payne has received the letter of acceptance from Representative Wat son of Indiana, but the outside speaker has not yet sent the subject of his ad dress. Morris P. Gould, of New Tork city, another outside speaker, will talk from the subject, "The Philistines of New York." Mr. Gould is secretary of the Kansas society of New York, and is a former Kansas boy, having been reared in Pottawatomie county, attended Washburn and "carried" State Jour nals. He is at the head of one of the big advertising agencies of the coun try with headquarters in New York city. Following is the list of those who at tended the first banquet: Ady, J. W. (deceased); Anderson, T. P., Kansas City, Kan.; Bailey, W. J. Atchison, Kan.; Baker, C. C, Lathrop, Mo.: Bean, P. W.: Baer, S. J.. Topeka, Kan.; Bird, W., A. S., Topeka, Kan.; Bolton, W. E. (deceased); Burton, J. R. Abilene, Kan.: Caldwell, E. F., Lawrence, Kan.; Callahan, Arthur; Campbell. Phil. P., Pittsburg, Kan.: Chandler, E. H.; Chase, H. F. Topeka. Kan.; Clark, Geo. A., Topeka, Kan.; Clarkson, C. E., Ness iCty, Kan.; Col lier, F. H., St. Louis, Mo.; Crane, F. S., Topeka, Kan.; Crowell, F. S., Kansas City, Kan.; Cubbison, J. K., Kansas City, Kan.; Curtis, Charles, Topeka, Kan.; Dana, A. W. Topeka, Kan.; Dawes, F. B., Clay Center, Kan.; Douglas, Geo. L., Chicago, 111., 148 La Salle street; Elliott. C. S., Topeka, Kan.; Ferrell, L. C, Kansas City, Kan.; Ferry, L. S., Topeka, Kan.; Finchj C. S., Lawrence, Kan.; Foster, F. H., Topeka, Kan.; Fowler, H. H.; Barnes, Kan.; Frost, Harry W. Chi cago, 111.; Furry, J. B., Muskogee, Ok.; Gault, C. E., Topeka. Kan.; Getty, Jas. F., Kansas City, Kan.; Gleed, C. S., Topeka, Kan.; Gordon, Harry, Col umbus, O.; P. E. Gregory, Lyndon. Kan.; Greer, Ed P., Winfleld, Kan.; Hadley, Herbert, Independence, Mo.; Hallowell, M., Lawrence, Kan.; Har baugh, C. E. (deceased); Harger, C. M., Abilene, Kan.; Harkness, F. P. (deceased); Haskell. W. B., (deceas ed); Herbert, Ewing, Hiawatha, Kan.; Herrick, R. T Kansas City, Kan.; Hopkins, P. B., Oklahoma; Hibben, Dr. J. B., (deceased);! Hudson, Paul, Mexico City, Mexico; Hutchins, Bion, (deceased); Ingalls, Ellsworth, Mexi co; Junkin, J. E., Sterling, Kan.; Lansdon, W. C, Lawrence, Kan., Leonard, Paul, Lawrence, Kan.; Little, Ed C, Kansas City, Kan.; Long, Ches ter I., Medicine Lodge, Kan.; Mac Lennan, Frank P., Topeka, Kan.; Marshall, J. E. ; McKeever. E. D., To peka, Kan.; Mitchell. Henry, Arizona; Moore, McCabe, Kansas City, Kan.; Morgan, W. Y.; Hutchinson, Kan.; Murdock, Victor, Wichita, Kan.; Nel son, W. H., Smith Center, Kan.; Palm er, A. J.; Payne, A. B., New York City. Perdue, J. F., Kansas City. Mo.; Pierce Robert, Topeka, Kan.; Porter. Silas, Topeka, Kan.; Price, F. C. Ashland, Kan.; Reed, W. T-, Kansas City, Mo.; Reed, C Washington, D. C; Reed, C. S. Fredonia, Kan.; Riley, C. B. ; Royce, John Q-, Topeka. Karr.; Rush, J. A. Denver, Colo.; Schneicker, L. J., Kan sas City, Kan.; Schnerle, Benj., Kansas City, Kan.: Scott, Chas. F., Iola, Kan.: Simpson, W. H., Chicago, 111.; Simp son, C. L., Kansas City, Kan.: Sloneck er, J. G., Topeka, Kan.; Soper, P. L., Muskogee, Okla. ; Stone, Robert, To peka, Kan.; Taylor, Jesse; Trigg, C. J., Kansas City, Mo.; Troutfelter, PhiL; Underhill, H. W.; Valentine, D. A., Topeka, Kan.: Valentine. H. E., To peka, Kan.; Walker, W. F.; Walker, Will T., Guthrie. Okla.; Wall, T. B. (deceased); Ware, Eugene F., Kan sas City, Kan. ; Walton, Tell W. Ok lahoma; White, Wm. A., Emporia, Kan,; Whitimore, W. T-, St. Louis, Mo.; Woods, Harry L., Wellington, Kan.. Daly Wins Harvard Football. New Haven, Conn., January 6. The football used in the Harvard-Yalt-game last November, has finally found a permanent abiding place. It will re pose in the trophy room of the Yale gymnasium. Captain Withington and Captain Daly of Yale tossed for the ball In Boston yesterday and Daly won the toss. Smokers find Lewis' Single Binder 5c cigar better a ualitv than rrmet inn cirarn- -dfc. . ; - Children's "Vellastic" Union Suits 50c Vellastic is the most desirable winter underwear that you can. get for' children; it is so much softer than any other brand of inexpensive underwear we know of; warm, yet not cumbersome; splendidly fleeced and cut over patterns that have proven their superior fit ' They come in sizes 2 to 14 and as a general rule the small sizes sell at 50c and the larger ones at 65c, but taking a quantity from a wholesaler who was endeavoring to reduce his stock, we bought them so that we can give you any size from 2 to 14 at, per garment 50c TRADE " MARK REGISTERED Broken Lots, Odds and Ends of Underwear Reduced Women's fine ribbed mercerized lisle vests and tights in white and blue. Broken sizes of a regular $L 50 line that will be closed out at, per garment $1.00 Men's part wool drawers, with wool fleeced" back; broken sizea in gray and cream color. Draw ers only in this lot, worth regu lar $1.50 a garment on f (f f a. Children's shirts and drawers in gray and cream color cotton, heavily fleeced. . Regular 25c and 50c values, with some of the sizes mis sing, are offered at, per garment. .15c Men's heavy ribbed cream cotton shirts and drawers; faced with good fleece that washes well. Regular 50c garments in broken sizes, now marked O O at each .OOC Men's fine ribbed cotton shirts and draw ers and men's half wool, gray, double breasted and shield back shirta and draw ers. Excellent underwear for the man who is much out-of-doors. Broken sizes 7Clf of $1.00 qualities, now for. sale at. Our Discount Sale of Ready-to-wear Is of Interest to All Women It's one of the greatest garment events of the year in Topeka hundreds of suits, coats, dresses, skirts waists, sacques; kimonos and the like are all reduced to prices that were never more favorable to your buying. The" reductions represent our sure and quick way of reducing stocks to the very minimum before stock taking time and the assurance for you that when an other season rolls around you will be offered, as always at Crosby's, the newest of styles. The following serves merely as a hint of the included items; while a visit tomorrow will prove profoundly pleasing when you see what good clothes you can get with little outlay. All Women's Wool Suits. ) J (T Not One Reserved. .. Yl Y3 M M Women's, Misses' and Children Coats up wards of 200 of them. Reduced in price for clearance one-third. , Stylish Women's and Children's Coats more than 200 of them. Reduced in price for clearance one-fourth. Junior ool Dresses, $3.75. $5.00 and $7.50- worth and more. Aomen's o o 1 Dresses, $7.50, $10, $12.50 and $15 worth J arid J more. Handsome Chiffon Dresses, worth $45, $50, $57 and $69 on sale at Half Price. JS.-i. ij b fevw f t TIL SH I 1 .!, 'A oft on a 11 Rain Coats for women Silk, wool and chiffon waists Wool shawls and knit scarfs Flannelette dressing sacques Flannelette kimonos 1 4 cIlte Big Skod Sale Ends Saturday Nigkt Any woman who has the slighest need for a pair of shoes between now and spring can ill af ford to let pass such a splendid chance as this sale allows to get the acme of style at a great sav ing. The superior lines of Wright, Peters, D. Armstrong and D. A. Donovan are all included, thus making it possible to select shoes made by any one ot these exclusive boot builders for women. Every pair of $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 shoes we have in button and lace styles made of patent colt,- vici kid and gun metal leathers, over the latest and pronounced correct models are subject to your choosing at . these very special quotations. D. A. Donovan's fine $3.50 shoes $2.65 Wright, Peters and Armstrong's $4.00 shoes $3.15 Wright, Peters and Armstrong's $5.00 shoes $3.85 Child ren s Sn oes The "Black Cat" line at Very Special Prices "Black Cats", you know, are those built along the most advanced lines of modern shoe-making. They are made by the well known firm of Wood and Johnson, makers of "nature shaped" shoes for children. For tomorrow's selling our entire stock of these and other makes of children's shoes in all patterns and leathers, at such savings as intimated of below. $3.75 shoes subject to choice at $2.05 $3.50 shoeg subject to choice at . . $2.65 $3.00 shoes subject to choice at .$2.25 $2.50 shoes subject to choice at $1.75 $2.00 shoes subject to choice at $1.55 $1.75 shoes subject to choice at .....$1.35 $1.50 shoen subject to choice at $1.15 $1.35 shoes subject to choice at $1 no $1.00 shoei subject to choice at ... .80 Luscious Tree-Ripened Fruit It is not sumcient to know that oranges are the most healthful of all fruits. It is Quite as important to know the kind of oranges that are most healthful and most palatable. The" very finest California oranges are now packed nnder the label 'tunmst.' Please serve "Sunkist" oranges at breakfast tomorrow and learn the superiority ot tree-ripened, seedless, fiberless oranges over the commonplace kind. Don't fail to save the wrappers. There is so much "meat" and nourishment in "Sunkist" oranges and so little waste that, in addi tion to their extra fine flavor and goodness, they are really the most economical oranges to buy, "Sunkist" Lemons Juiciest Lemons differ as mach as oranees. Pithy, thick-skinned lemons contain very uttie juice, x ou waste money wtien yoa bay them, f lease asic tor buncist" Lemons and note how uniformly sound eacn one is, and mist a small percent age is SKin ana noer. Get 1 his Valuable Orange Spoon I Save 12 "Sunkist" oransre (or lemon) wranDers and send them to us, with 12 cents to pay charges, packing, etc., and we will present yon with a genu ine Rogers Orange Spoon, oi beautiful design and highest duality. Besrln savins- wraDDers todav. If yoa desire more th one, send 12 'Sunkist" wrap pers and 12 cents for each additional simod. In remit ting, please send one-cent stamps when the amount Is less than 24 cents; on amounts above 24 cents, we prefer money order, exoress order or bank draft. Don't send ensh. Wa win h. to send you complete list of valuable premiums. Khonnrhnth "Sunkist" and "Red Ball" wrappers for premiums. (32) California Fruit Growers' Exchange 34 Clark Street Chicago, I1L Quail San Kist Oranges Stone Pro duce Co. (Wholesale) has the exclusive agency in Topeka of the famous Quail Sun kist Oranges and L e m o n s . Buy no other, as this is the Original and Best Brand. Quail Sun Kist Lemons Midwinter Exposition At AUDITORIUM Jan. 16-28, 1911 VAUDEVILLE MAJESTIC ANJSAT THE GREATEST OF AJLLi SCENIC PRODUCTIONS. Northern Lights NOVELTY c0 3 SHOWS DAILY 3 Vaudeville and Moving Pictures L. M. Penwell Cs&rtaktr and Embaloc? 511 Qulncy St. Both Phones 192 Everybody reads the State Journal. THE AUDITORIUM The Poultry Show Jan. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 The highest quality poultry show ever held in the United States as for west as Topeka. Birds on display from Massa chusetts to California from the yards of the most famous fanciers. The first -uniformly cooped show ever held in Kansas. Kvery citizen of Topeka should see the Topeka Poultry t?HUW. See the exhibit from the famous Crysta. Whi.e Orpington Farm of Ernest K-llerstra. A Wonderful Display of Pigeons OPEN ALL DAY AND EVENING Admission 25c Children 10c Journal Ads Get Results.