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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
FEBRUARY, 28, 1912. y sy j - Nj?' A Xs' f y vr v . r v . - . - - - :-.- yr La ... ...j, .... .. , . : 2 " K"' -it,: ps-- -.... . .1 I . " "' 1 '- 1 ' ' - t trxxx'' 4 rKX x mWL. ';vr Y FEET' LvK iS'r-- 'sfeX ' DUCK KOUS." ..." .-1--? ,oc ANNA BELLE'S NEW COASTER w feiL - : i I Si jTyW Q . JN DIEECTIONS ' r WV b&W '"'''" sCttS T ' G -LW Paste on cardboard, and cut " X ' T W v? . Aby X vr I Vx' out parts, cut slits on dofed A) .J I f v Z5SS2!S5Q!v jh'U NJ Si ji--cC insert Mr. Rummage througli UTrOAJ X Xry MtSfy fi 't 2sy't lVV slit(6)andputhand!npock.-t. 1( C.Vf'Jn V XJv Vv VOV C; V'C sert A, through slit (5, and Vf' O ' MTOV LJ -Z 1 run (8) through slit (1) and t- ' x () f5 I VJV, into (4) and bend over. Work f0 U f s. VCoXX vP' Xl A back and forth and .Mrs. r J rif y-fe I X .' V Ji ' Rummage will get busy to no Vf A V.V,' Li ' Jl v "T "X I I shopping, much to the old gen- . V '' - O (J UP lyrh. 'a () tleman-. discomfort. Very Vj J 1 Dear Friend: Bo you like to coast? Of II C J ' 7 ccursa you do, so I know you'll ap- " "-J" I ' .... ' V - v. X rz:? ' jS'W preclato the good time we're having with f,. X I f" I , 1 if 1 I . -r-X-' X J 1 1 mv new sled. Uncle Ezra gave It to me. I V V II f ) .. f l p- V " -.L Juirt know my Uncle Ezra is the best uncle I J II II II II S I O - ' (F- - C .1 vr saw. for only yesterday he asked me -X. II II 1 1 II . IZ V - '- - T ir if he could join our Anna Belle Sewing So- v I I I iX (j r ' f.. It 3S JSrV think, he gave us a new fire-dollar gold ' I I "l""! -wri -All ' , XJZ-jC l piece to put in our treasury. "That's my ' ; ( I I I I C - yyj-'rX 1-X A ft ; ft fX dues for the first month," he said. My, I (5 ,. O Hk i : s ' S: I ' 1 - j 'V" I CJ yX . X AV , CirV''7 -P f r wonder If he means to give vs five dollars L. ,V U f ) 1 , fT I . " X XV rCC"'5 'fT?lMrT. every month. I hope he does. tor that . Ux I - V j - S V LV-l.rrJ - JT"1 'f-Vl HAI 1 would be fine, and we could do loU of f ' ;Q VI 1 ' '- " : i : m mm,mmf I ) - Q ) ' J Lfofri ;4 good with that much and really Uncle Ezra I f; i tX I I . Xt -.- SJ"." V I I . A-' X. . '-r To t"' .1. i wouldn't miss it for he is a bachelor and ? u - f II -V. r X . - ' 1 I M.v a v i x iKV,f f i ( HI 1 Z"-t . I Ptr Dear Friend: Bo -you like to coast? Ot course you do, so I know you'll ap preciate the good time we're having with mv new sled. Uncle Ezra gave it to me. I ui-t know my Uncle Ezra is the best uncle I evr saw, for only yesterday he asked me if he could join our Anna Belle Sewing So ciety. Of course, we'll be glad to have him as an honorary member and what- do you think, he gave us a new fire-dollar gold piece to put in our treasury. "That's my dues for the first month," he said. My, I wonder If he means to give ua five dollars everv month. I hope he does. tor that would be fine, and we could do lots ot good with that much and really Uncle Ezra wouldn't miss it for he is a bachelor and must make lots- o'f money. How are you getting along with your Anna Belle Sew ing Society? I sincerely hope that you are doing your best to organize one and listen, when you get puzzled about anything, just sit right down and write me. I'll try my best- to do everything can for you. Also write and tell me ail about your meetings and what you are doing, if you have already organized. Listen, friends, we want to make our Society a National Association of good girls and boys of these United States, and hope soon to have a membership of several thousand and later on several mil lion of the best children In our land. Don't be discouraged in the least if your Society doesn't grow as fast as you think it should, but get your mamas and papas to help you all they can and you'll soon be proud of the good you can do. Several little girls have reported their Societies doing1 finely and I hope to hear the same from you very soon. Let's pull together and make the ANNA BELLE SEWINO SOCIETY house hold word of good. Address your letters care of this paper Lovingly, 1 X