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THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAL MARCH 12, 1912 JiriKNEWOF'FAKE Cof froth Warned Kef eree Tight Might Be Crooked. Attell Denies He Wanted to Buy Murphy Off. A (Seidell ppcptMiiity t o JBiiy Spring Merchandise San Francisco. March 12 James Cof froth, who promoted the fight between Abo Attell and Harlem Tommy Murphy confirms the report that efforts were made to "frame up-' for Attell to win. While CofTroth does not attempt to nx responsibility, he admits that he nest the inside story hours before the fight and took steps to protect the public. When Jim Buckley, Murphy's man ager, came to town at 10 o'clock Sat urday morning to have Tommy weigh in," said he, "I asked him whether there was anything crooked in connec tion with the fight and he told me that Attell had approached him several times to have Murphy lay 3own, but that he had turned down the proposi tion. "I never spoke to Attell about the matter at all. I waited at the arena to catch Jack Walsh, the referee, to post Mm on the matter. Welsh did not ar rive until about ten minutes before the two boxers entered the ring. "I told him of what I had heard and he suggested that all bets be declared off. I advised him not to do this, but to watch for a low blow early in the contest, and if in his judgment the fight was being faked, to call off bets and declare it no contest. IvCft It to Keferee. "T also told him that if the men stalled and Murphy laid back and al lowed Attell to make a grandstand fin ish and that if in his opinion the con test was not on the level, to use his own judgment and call it no contest. "As every person who was at the ringside knows. Murphy did go out to win and the contest was one of the fastest and hardest fought twenty round goes I ever staged. "However, the information came to me so straight and was so convincing In this case that I put in the entire night Friday, and all of Saturday morning to trace the thing down. That's why I posted Jack Welsh before the bell rang." Slippery Abe Denies It. San Francisco. March 12. Chargas that Abe Attell tried to "fix" his fight with "Harlem" Tommy Murphy here last Saturday were denied by Attell in an interview which appeared today. "I trained just as hard as usual, and bet $2,000 of my own money, but I would not allow my brother-in-law to bet on me," he said, in telling his side of the situation. Attell explained having called Jam?s Buckley, Murphy's manager o his dressing room, as follows: "Just before I entered the dressing room. I remembered I had not under stood what kind of tape we were to bandage our hands with. I had Buck ley called and he told me we were to use regular electrician's tape." Attell admits having been in an ocean beach roadhouse the night before the light, but says he drank only water. OPPOSE THE BRIDGE. 4 u jp at Taxpayers' League Doesn't Want Old Structure Rebuilt. Plans to prevent the construction of the brick plant bridge across the Kaw river were laid last night by a handful of Tax league faithfuls, who weather ed a snowstorm to attend the meeting at the court house. Xot only did the league propose to save the expenditure of $25,000 for the bridge, but they dug up tax levies of the last four years and found ways of saving the public's money in the future. It is probable that an early meeting of the league will be held in districts tributary to the proposed new bridge and will feel the public sentiment con cerning the new structure. Then pe titions will be circulated protesting against a new bridge at the brick plant. To stop the appropriation of $25,000 by the county board, members of the tax league must secure the names of not less than 1,000 voters in the county. If these names are se cured, it will be necessary to submit the bridge proposition at a special or the next regular election. Members of the board concede that the bond issue would not carry at an election. For nearly two hours, members of the league viewed with trembling and alarm the rapidly increasing tax levies. Oeorge A. Kline read a lengthy paper In which he showed that the tax levies in both state, county, city and school district had Increased in alarming pro portion since 1908. In the face of these heavy levies, the property valua tions in the county have increased nearly $10,000,000. and are now near ing the $100,000,000 mark. Added to the steady increase in taxes in Topeka, were figures showing that last year the levies took a jump that jarred the pocketbooks of every property owner in the city and coun ty. It was shown that in the recent levy $98,472.65 was raised for city purposes in addition to the amount of taxes the previous year. The increase In state taxes, netted in Shawnee county $9,600.54 more in the 1911 levy than in 1910. The increase in the county levy raised $46,837.49 more in 1911 than the previous year, while the Increase for the city school fund was $10,702.48: or a total increase in' the county because of the increased levy and valuations of $165,613.16. Frank M. Stahl read a partial re port on the investigation of overdrafts by the city commissioners. This re port was but a repetition of figures printed in the State Journal several weeks ago. The investigation of the city funds has not been completed and a second report will be read at the meeting March 25. PAINTED RATS LOOSE. Seattle ' Health Board Keeps Tab on Movements of Rodents. Seattle, March 12. If Seattle citizens ran xo near omiiantiy colored rats scampering about the streets it will not I be because the rats are not there. Health i department officials today liberated 25 ' dyed rodents for purposes of identifica- i tion. Each rat has a price of $2 on his i head, whether captured dead or aliv I The purpose is to trace the drift, of the rodent population as it migrates from one section of the city to another. "At this time of the year, rats leave the water front where they stay during the winter and make their way to hills and residence portions of the city," said Health Commissioner Crichton. .Try a State Journal Want. Journal Ads Get Results. i 1 ; i The Reasons Special Purchase Good Stationery Main Floor. ' Plenty of good writing paper and envelopes for every one fine enough for very fastidious persons at probably the least prices yet made for qualities as good. 9c Rny fr Highcourt Linen box paper, well finish edneatly boxed. 15C BOX SPfine Crown WUA Fabric paper fine texture, excellent quality. lf5c lb or an exceptionally JX lgJ good linen finished pa per, boxed. Envelopes to match at 4c per package. Ar Ta b 1 ets letter size, ruled, special quality. CJC Crepe pa- per in a va riety of colors 5c rolls. Out of town' customers should come to this sale taking advan tage of our offer to refund Rail road Fare according to amount of purchase. This is one of the great est opportunities for economical buying that will be presented this season. HARGADINE-McKITTRICKL DRY GOODS COMPANY SAINT LOUIS. St. Louis, Mo.,' March 1, 1912. The Mills Dry Goods Company, Topeka, Kansas. Gentlemen: You will be interested to know that we have just pur chased the entire stock of the Watson-Glasgow Hosiery Company of Saint Louis. Very fortuately the stock is all new, clean, and desirable, and was purchased by us at an extremely low price. As possibly you will recall, less than two weeks since, we bought out the Chattin-Norton Importing Company, the largest exclusive white goods house in Saint Louis. A large portion of this purchase, repre senting duplicate orders and reserve stock, is still unsold. - These two magnificent stocks afford us the opportunity of holding the greatest sale in the history of the Saint Louis market. Beginning Monday morning, March 4, we will offer the stocks of the Watson-Glasgow Hosiery Company, the Chattin-Norton Importing Company, and much of our goods in other departments, at prices which are from 250 to 40 below present quotations. . ' The writer hopes to see you next Monday morning, March 4, and as sures you that you can supply, yourself with bargains that will enable you to hold a mammoth spring sale of your own. Yours very truly, WALTER McKITTRICK, Third Vice President. Seven of our buyers attended this sale, and made extensive purchases of choice spring mer chandise which will be placed on sale tomorrow at the strikingly low prices quoted in this advertise ment. In addition to these special lots, our other Departments will contribute special values from regular stock, the equals of which have seldom been offered at the opening of the season, even at this store. The Sale Begins at 8 o'CIock Tomorrow Morning Come L The Prices New Handkerchiefs Bargains 4c, 7c, 10c Main Floor. A most fortunate purchase of good handkerchiefs, all new and fresh. 1 inch ...4c All Linen- stitched hem. special at. All I inon Women's Initial Hand- ill Linen kerchiefs of sheer quality, regular 15c values, i a ... VfV Women's sheer dainty handkerchiefs, with narrow hems and prettily embroidered corners regular 10c and 12Jc values 'jn special f all initials, special . Shamrock Lawn 75c Rich Ribbons Up to $1.50 yd. these are the values that you will have tomorrow wide, beautiful ribbons, 8 and 9 inches wide, soft, and rich with color, novelty pat terns in blended tones natural flowers and conventional designs some having broad moire bands running through. Just the ribbons that are in the greatest demand for mak ing all-ribbon waists, and band trimming on the new dresses; also fancy bags to car ry with summer frocks. All at 75c yard Main Floor. Here Is Your Chance to Stock Up With Good Hosiery at Great Savings Main Floor. You can .have no idea of the savings that are possible here, till you see how good these hose are and think of what you would have to pay for them any where at regular prices. In St. Louis our buyer secured rine Gauze Lislo hose, with reinforced heel, toe and sole, wide garter hem in brown O -l to. sell at . . : ,V.: ... . i, ;. ; "ic Women's line Silk Ijisle hose of gauze weight a beautiful sheer fabric in black and tan.OQ full fashioned to sell at.....' I7C Women's Very Fine Silk Ijisle hose Jn tan, an extra good make, full fashioned, wide A'. . . xv. garner top, to sell at Womenis AVliito Snk' UMe sheer and' also" brown in these full fashioned hose to sell at f ine, 43c From dtir" stocks we have taken these special lots Children's 25c Fine Ribbed cotton hose in colors, and a few black, odd lots that will sell at JlOC Sample lot "Women's fine -50c-gauze lisle Hose in plain black and fancy colors, to sell at 19c Women's 50c to Hose odd lots of black lisle embroid red to sell at. . . , 7oc fine 35c Four Bargain Lots of New Muslin Underwear Very Low Priced Fourth Floor. Some of the greatest values we have ever offered in all new stock 21c Corset Covers Fine soft light weight material two styles; one simple and neat with dainty eyelet embroidery edge ribbon rim the other having a ihi inch yoke -f lace and embroidery. . 21c Corset OA Covers JV Good uality longcloth with a 4 inch embroidery beading at neck, rim with wide ribbon and edged with good lace 39c O Good -New V flnwnc cfvlae w TV mm IWU SLIP-OVER GOWNS of soft longcloth, light-weight, good wear ing quality well made, gathered full into round yoke of good em broidery. HIGH NECK GOWNS of good quality muslin, well cut and shapely yoke of tucks and em broiderydainty frills of hem stitched lawn. 17c will be found in these lots. Drawers Special Good quality plain muslin drawers. Made with a neatly hemstitched ruffle. Ex cellent values at 17c Brassieres A) Special nbcaC Fine strong fabric, well cut tailored, good embroidery yoke; special at nd 42c 3.79 Beautiful Silk Kimonos Good as $5.00 Garments for , Fourth Floor. One of the greatest surprises in this sale is the lot of lovely floral silk Kimonos, long, full, and daintily made, with shirred yoke, loose sleeves, and plain silk facings. Good as many that are offered at $5.00 for $3.79. (I trior s?llr Kimnnnc 1 soft-toned Oriental colors, with Uiner OllK IVimonUS shirred back attached belt, pleat at back notable value at $3.98 Challie Kimonos 69c and 89c Fourth Floor. Mens' Handkerchiefs Regular 15c Quality.. J doz. lainty, I.on Kimono of challie in dark and light Oriental pat terns, plain facings, straight CQ sleeves, great special OI7C French Challie Patterns printed on cotton challie long flowing Ki monos shirred at waist and QQ. belted Special value at.....O7C Lawn Kimonos 98c Pretty light flowered lawn Kimonos, very becomingly made with shir red back, and attached belt and little ruffles of plain color Special 98c Toilet Goods Specials Main Floor. PATjMOUTVE SOAP during this sale Four Cakes for 25c house- 39c RIBBEH GLOVES for work seamless for this ' sale KFBBEK Sponges large size 50c quality for this sale 'Keepclean" 19c Main Floor. Broken lots of mens' good 15c quality all linen in itial handkerchiefs not all initials. Great specials at 49c a dozen. Secured by Special Arrangement With the Makers of W. B. Corsets We Offer A New Spring Model of Special Value at 90 Fourth Floor. This is a very good time to offer these new corsets and we put them out at 98c knowing women who are seeking corsets of stylish lines and serviceable quality at a low price will appre ciate their value. Sizes 18 to 26 in good batiste corsets, extra long hips and back, well boned, hook below front steel, draw string top, lace edge, four wide strong elastic support ers, 98c Fourth Floor. A Remarkable Special Purchase of New Long Gloves for Spring Main Floor. Fashion says "short sleeves" that means a great demand for long gloves, and consequent shortage in the supply, when the season is well under way, for manufacturers are already crowded with orders. With this warning, and tbese extraor dinarily low prices for all new, high-grade gloves, you should buy your season's supply here tomorrow. 29c 12-button Tjength. loose wrist .black lisle thread gloves of very special quality at Regular $1.00 quality 16-button fine black lisle thread tZfr gloves, pair OvC Regular $1.25 quality l-button black and white silk gloves, 7Q double tipped pair tfC lingular $3.00 quality black glace kid gloves- most surprising value at 1-lb. can Parisian Violet Talcum Powder for... 10c $1.00 Hot Water Bottles 2-Quart Size, Guaranteed Quality in tyis This Sale at . Kl'BBER DRESSIXG COMBS extra, good quality heavy with strong rolled top of the rubber all coarse teeth for this sale HAIR, BRUSHES good strong bris- . ; TOOTH BRUSHES 2 styles tie orusnes wnn plain wooa f c good bristles special for . . . backs. For this sale. this sale. combs 12c 8c Men's Hose 3 Special Lots Main Floor. Gordon Silk lisle-foot Hose of fine soft texture, good shaped, well reinrorced witn lisle on the wearing part, .Black, tan, grey, black, blue Special i ...... . '. . . 25c HOSE Excellent quality fine light weight back Hose, offered as a strong special for. 45c 15c SHAWRXIT HOSE Standar iSc quality in a variety of colors! 15c A Sale of Notions Main Floor. , J. O. King's Sewing Cotton Machine size only 200 yd. spools white and black 3 FOR 5. 100 yd. Spools Silk Thread mostly black spool 4f. Good Brass Pins, 5c quality 3 PAPER. Another make good brass pins 3 PAPERS FOR Sf.. Black Belt Pins assorted sizes 5c papers for 3f. Safety Pins 3 sizes on card of 1 doz. for 2ff CARD. Safety Pins sizes 1, 2 and 3 card of 1 doz. for 2f. 5c German Silver Thimbles for 3. 25c Hose Supporters Sateen pad, 4 straps, 17. 5c Hair Pin Cabinets, assorted pins 2 styles 3f. Smooth Celluloid Hair Pins 6 pins to box, 10c quality box 5f. 10c Black Cubes (100 to a cube) for 6. . 5 yd. Corset Laces, wide, mercerized 15c kind 8. 6-j'd. bolt Fine Cambric Bias Tape, bolt Sf. 12-yd. bolts same as above 8. Pearl Buttons good quality, all sizes doz. 4. 12-button $1.50 50c 2-Clasn Glove Bargain in fine lisle thread quality navy, tan, black and cham- OEf pagne DC 50-cent j New Large Collars) OA Values of Lawn-and-Lace ) C Slain Floor. One of the best styles for spring in all new neckwear daintily fresh and all ready to wear with spring dresses and coats. Large Fichu Collars of sheer lawn trimmed with lace insertion and edge specially purchased to sell for 39c, though they are well worth 50c. New Hand Bags 43c and 89c New Barrettes 10c and 29c Main Floor, Stylish Macreme Cord hand bags in cream color, with frame, fringe and cord handle to carry with spring dresses. Bought especially for this sale xOC White Pique Bags of stylish pat tern large flat shape, with yJo cords .HtOC New Leather Bags worth 31.25 -Selected both for good qual ity and attractive style seal grain leather lined, fancy frame. on. Special price OiC Every Department Of fers Many Bar gains Not Mentioned Here Strand Barrettes shell only, new and special joc New 50c Barrettes of shell or amber, good variety of styles at..2c Special Values Shown On All the Aisle Tables Main Floor