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THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOUENAI- OCTOBER 18, 1912 5 A Wonderful List of Special Values in Furnishings! 1 W ;1o M-4 A , j iii, jiy li-iiffffr-"' Notair Sweater Coats $5.00 Are shown exclusively at the Pal ace. TVe are featuring all wool Jackets, shaker-knit, pearl buttons, Byron or shawl collar attached. In gray, red, navy and white; sizes S6 to 46. This is a good $7.00 value in any other store; Q!K ff our special price is pi.VV Men's All Wool Sweater Coats, In ribbed and Shaker knits, V neck style. These coats are $4, $5 and $6 values, made by Pennsylvania Knitting Mills and Webber of De troit. They are all In first class condition and the colors and com binations are right up to date; sizes from 34 to 46. These ex traordinary values on ?) ftX sale tomorrow for tpmiftJ Men's Genuine Lambsdown fleece lined Shirts and Drawers; sizes 34 to 46; regular fi'lP price $1; special here at Two numbers In Superior Virion Suits; one a natural color fleece lined cotton, the other a pure Egyp tian cotton rib for fall and win ter wear, that you couldn't buy elsewhere at less than 1.50; fijl our special price Is V-- Shirts at $1.50 Best Shirts made, Manhattans, E. & Ws and Excellos, and show you more styles and fabrics than ever before, as well as giving values that cannot be equalled elsewhere for 50c more. Come In and let us show you our line jJJ EjQ The "Bellficlil Stetson's last, and Broadway has gone dippy on this style; like illustration; in pearl and tan; very dressy; can be worn three ways; Q4 AA only here $.JV Compare Any $7 Style With These Washburn English Shoes at $4.50 Ton know what a great demand there is this fall for English-style shoes, but the biggest news of all is the fact that we are featuring these clever models in our Wash burn line at $4.50. Ordinarily such styles are confined exclusively to lines that sell for $6 and $7. This is the only store we know of that shows these styles (in QJ EJA every size and width) at,.VwW ladles low Heel Walking Boots, tan and gun metal. ffO Kfi Ask for the -Betsy" pO.OVJ Auerbach f Guette! ax I CLOTHING d iuerbach.gGuettel C, CLOTHING CqJ) Many ultra stylish women are beinsr fitted this fall in overcoats made for men and young men. Women like the high class tailoring and the swagger mannish style. We'll be glad to have any of you smartly dressed women look at these overcoats. Alterations free. Auerbach&Guettel I CLOTHING CCL Jopyright Bart Scb&Oner & Marx Meed I BY SELECTING YOUR NEW HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX clothes now you get full benefit of the most remarkable induce ments we have ever offered. Not only are stocks at the "bumper" stage greater, fresher and far more diversified than any other time but all the special mid season styles which have been arriving daily for the past two weeks are now completely ready in all lines from $18 to $50 and we arranged a tremendous showing of these in our three specially priced lines of suits and overcoats at Hockanum worsted suits; navy blue, dark blue; herring-bone weaves; the best fabrics produced by American weavers ; here at $25 The latest black and white Shep herd plaid cheviot suits. The lat est craze in New York and London. Shown exclusively here at $25.00. Chinchilla greatcoats, oxford, blue, tan, gray; belted; silk top, worsted lined, $25. Smart overcoats, single or dou ble breasted, silk lined, regular cr Raglan shoulder, $25. Blue diagonal cheviot suits; clothes of a better class than usual ; made in the very best and most ap proved styles; $20. Many patterns and styles in fiuo weaves of pure Australian wool yarn; serges plain or in self stripes; good values at $20. Shetland or Scotch tweed great coats, belted, plaited back; very smart, $20. Silk lined suits in new shade3 of brown, oxford blue, gray. Mer chandise that will be sure to please and satisfy; at $25. Beautiful, brown, Hockanum worsted with a self-stripe. Individ ually tailored. A magnificent suit, here at $30.00. Hart, Schaffner & Marx unfin ished worsted suits, in the purple and white pin stripes. Individually tailored. The merchant tailor's $45.00 garment. Here at $30.90. English, Oxford chinchilla over coats. Worsted lined with the As trachan collars. Double-breasted, elegant coat, here at $35.00. Imported German, Elysian over coats, cut 44 inches long, pure silk lining. The tailor's prce, $75.00. Our price, $40.00. Imported English, heavy worst ed overcoats. Velvet collars, pure silk lined. Tailors ask $80.00 for its equal .. Our price $45.00. Imported patent beaver, Per sian lamb collar, quilted silk lined at $50. English, Isaac Carr Melton over coats. Silk lined, individually tail ored. Tailors ask $90.00. Our price $50.00. Highest class ready-to-wear clothes for very particular wearers. You'll find here the very choice imported weaves in a special class by themselves; such fabrics as very few clothing stores pretend to carry; such as only the most exclusive custom-tailors have, a few of. We have lots of these goods, from England, Scotland, Ireland, won derful tweeds, cheviots, homespuns. They'll interest you men who pay a tailor $75, $85, $100 for suit or overcoat. Until you see them you won't think it possible to produce such clothes at $35, $40, $45, $50. If Your Limit Is $15, Read This Wonderful List of Good Values Our Suits and Overcoats are Strictly Hand-Tailored, All-Wool and Perfect Fit. Ask for Kenilworth Handsome, all-wool, blue serge suits, silk lin ed, in sizes to fit everybody, $20.00 values. Our price $15.00 Stylish, brown, diagonal cheviot suits, hand somely hand-tailored, sold everywhere at $2.0. Our price $15.00 Beautiful, pure, all-wool, worsted suits, in gray, brown and black. Strictly hand tailored, everywhere a $20.00 value. Our price. .$15.00 Elegant, all-wool, black kersey overcoats. Velvet and combination collar. Other stores $20.00 value. Special here $15.00 Stylish Hart, Schaffner & Marx fall over coats in black and gray Sold everywhere in the U. S. at $20.00. Our price $15.00 Magnificient, large, boxy, combination col lar great-coats. Well made and double-breasted. Sold in other stores at $25.00. Our price $15.00 Stylish chinchilla overcoats with a self-collar in blue and oxford colors; all-wool and cannon be sold elsewhere for less than $20.00. Our price $15.00 Very stylish black top-coats. Many of them silk lined. Worth $20 and $25. Choice now$15.00 Hart, Schaffner & Marx black worsted rain coats. Elegantly hand-tailored. $22.00 values. Special $15.00 Extra values in Men's Fine Trousers Look Out for Snow and Rainstorms! Prepare yourself against the elements by getting one of our swagger new English Gaberdines the new Ragland effect that has made such a hit with smart dressers. The most practical as well as the classiest looking raincoats ever made. We tijlfl tl C $9ft are having a big run on these at . P p 1 tJ, pU Thousands of pairs Hart, Schaffner & Marx Trousers in this fall's newest patterns and colors ; blue.serges, fine worsteds and cheviots in neat striped effects; many to match suit patterns; sizes to fit men up to 54 waist meas urement . There's unlimited choice at prices ranging from $3.50 j to $9 the pair. See especially the exceptional values in Hart, tp2 Schaffner & Marx hand tailored Trousers at Young Men, we want to impress upon your mind again, that this store is headquarters for your clothes. They arc made purposely for Young Men, in Young Men's Styles.. Youn.u Men's Clothes now at three special prices $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00. Second Floor. At $15 we offer you choice of forty styles of suits and over coats, cut strictly up to date, hand-tailored, all wool. Very latest patterns. At $20 we show ycu some of the ex treme classy suits and overcoats that have made the greatest hit this season in Topeka. If you don't believe us, ask some of your friends. They know At $25 we show you the most extreme values possible in young men's" clothes. Everything found in these values would be a saving to you of at least $5 to $10. Boys' Bessemer Suits Smarter Than Ever Before! A boy In a Bessemer suit Is al ways an object of admiration, but a boy in one of the new Fall Bes semers la about as fine a looking specimen as you ever raw. The new grays and blues and browns are the biggest sellers we've ever had In the store. They're genu inely hand tailored, all wool and worth every cent of $7.60, but owing- to our special ar rangement with the mak er we are en abled to sell them (includ ing an extra pair of knick ers) for only 3 Blue Serge Suit Sale $3.95 As a special loader we offex Norfolk and double-breasted styles Boys' elegant Blue Serge Suits In extra well tailored; Knickers full lined. A $5.00 suit, special Zero Collar "Defi" Suits have made a great hit. It is the combination collar on a. boy's suit that warrants warmth in cold weather without an overcoat; nob by patterns; each suit has extra pair Knickers to match; Co exclusively here; special ...... V- Phenomenal Values in Little. Fellows' Russian Overcoats Little fellows' Rus sian Overcoats, sizes 2 to 10 years; made of beautiful all wool plain and diagonal fabrics, In Oxfords, grays, tans and the new 2-tone effects in blue, brown, red-browns and blue grays, black velour or black astra khan shawl with black silk mil itary frogs on front: shepherd plaid lined; also the craze of the hour the new Chinchilla Overcoats In light grays, dark grays, blues, red,-browns and other shades; elegantly tailored in every detail; actual $7 values; special v. V 'i llar. f J . v -i. f $5 Ml Boys' all wool chinchilla over coats; blue, pearl, gray, oxford; wool lined; convertible collar; very good P" Boys' Smart, Stylish Overcoats $3 If your boy is a little fellow 2 to 10 years, and you care to spend only $3, fit him out in one of our smart, new Russian overcoats, with black velour or black astrakhan collar and black silk military Trogs on fronts; or get a "changeable collar" overcoat for a boy up to 18 years. Beautiful all wool plain and diagonal fabrics, in oxfords, grays, tans and the new 2-tone ef fects in blue-browns, red-browns, blue-grays and others; tailoring re inforced by skillful handwork. Others ask $5 for their PO equal. Our price only Sam Peck Boys' Suits and Overcoats Bear the earmark of the effete East; elegant imported fabrics, with the English twinge; shown exclusively here (7 CfJ 61 n special values .... P OU ? AU Little Fellows Reefers, 2 4 to 10 years; stylish double breasted models, siik embroidered emblem on sleeve; the fabrics are plain reds, navy blues and the stylish black and white checks; also about 150 Boys' Fall Top Coats, made of tan coverts; sizes 8 to 16 years. These are small lots that formerly sold for $2.95, $3.95 CI OX and $5.00; tomorrow Boys' All Wool Sweaters, coat style and high, button, roll col lar; colors, red. navy, Oxford; tan, brown trimmed; navy, red trim med; red, Oxford trimmed; Oxford, red trimmed; Oxford, navy trimmed; sizes, 26 to 34; J FJQ Boys Ijinndretl Blou-os nl Shirts, fine narrow pleats; Blouses 6 to 16 years. Shirts 12 to 14 neck. You can't match them anywhere under An 75c; special Boys Caps, made of riesant blue serge and rich fancy mix tures; this fall's most popular col ors; fine for school wear; all EJfl sizes; 65c values; for OVk, Boys' Hose, "Irorwiad" brand; the kind for school wear; 1 Qn tans and blacks; 25c grade. . Luv Boys Hats, newest colors and shapes for fall, 1912; all sizes; j1 $1.50 values; special at Boys' heavy weight Blue Serge Knickerbockers, extra well tailored and full lined; all sizes, 5 (Tl 1 fj to 18 years; special at. p A Auerbacfil? Guet tel CZ JCLOmiNGCCLS