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4 THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURTTAI NOVEMBER, 8, 1912 Hopeka $tntr Journal " By FRASK P. MAC LENNAN. Bntered July 1. 1875. as iecond-cla matter at the postoffice at Topeka. ander the act of congress. VOLUME XXXIV No. 268 Official state Paper. Official Paper City of Topeka. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally edition, delivered by carrier, IS eenta a week to any part of Topeka. or utorrbs. or at the same price la any Ku sas town where the paper has a carrier system. By mail one year By mail, six months l.w By mall. 100 days, trial order 1 " TELEPHONES. Private branch exchange. Call Vft and ask the State journal operator for per aon or department dsslred. Mopeka State Journal building, SOO and 02 Kansas avenue, comer Eighth. New York Office: SCO Fifth avenue. Paul Block, manager. Chtoago Office: Bteger building. Paol Block, manager. . Boston Office: Tremoat Building. Paul Block, manager. VXTLX, LEASED WERE REPORT OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The State Journal Is a member of thi Associated Press and receives the full day telegraph report of that great news or ganisation for the exclusive afternoon publication In Topeka. The news is received in The State Joor jal bcildlr.g over wires far this sole pnr- No wonder the people of Monte negro are so wild. Their kins writes poetry. Beef la still going higher. An Illi nois cow towers six feet from the ground. One of the troubles with the revolu tion business In Mexico seems to be that there is too much competition In it. . More fruit for the lawyers. A Philadelphia man has died leaving 9100,000 without any Indication as to Where It should go. Atlantic City has the first woman municipal comptroller In the United States. 'But she is not the first woman comptroller by a long shot. Nor is there any doubt that Dudley Doolittle did much more than that to Fred S. Jackson in the congressional contest in the Fourth district. No less than 2,300 love letters were (found among the effects of an Aus tralian bachelor. Evidently he eith er had to die or marry to stop them One bookstore in Chicago sold 5,000 Bibles in September. Probably some body told the Chicago people that it was one of the latest publications out. Pierre Loti announces that he ad-r-.ires the freshness of the American girl. He is reticent, however, con cerning the freshness of the American boy. Perhaps that Kastern Judge who has declared the safety razor to be a dangerous weapon, tried to strop the blade with one pf those patented ap pliances. Dr. Brooks of Geneva, who discov ered a comet at 4 o'clock the other morning, hasn't a great deal to brag about. Most men who stay out that late discovere more than one. That New York woman who wants a divorce because her husband drinks cologne can't be blamed much, con sidering the odor of some of the con coctions classed under that name. Endless and sometimes queer are the suggestions for abating the high cost of living. The University of Pennsylvania has placed on exhibi tion a collection of cannibal weapons and utensils. More power to the strong arm of the United States supreme court. Its revision of the rules of procedure In equity cases in the federal courts that will reduce the cost of litigation and eliminate delays, Is a progressive move worth while. German army life is sure to lose much of its attractions for the officers Inasmuch as a criminal law has gone into effect In Kaiserland which pro vides a punishment of five years con finement in prison for army officers or any one else who participate in a duel. Some strong but appropriate lan guage applied to the men who are not sufficiently interested In the wel fare of their state and nation to vote on election day comes from a Baptist clergyman of Hartford, Conn." He con siders a non-voter to be worse than a vote-seller, and adds that "God Al mighty cannot guide an object that is stationary." Refusing to bow to popular disap proval and give up such chasers of ennui as the "Turkey Trot," the "Griz Ely Bear," the "Bunny Hug,' the "Texas Tommy" and the "Boston Dip," some of the society leaders In the east have combined the most attractive fea tures of all these dances into a new product that is called the "Argentine Tango." Surely there can be nothing objectionable to a dance that travels under such a distinguished name. A Mr. and Mrs. Kyler, of Denison. Tex., were recently placed In a posi tion to go the limit and break all rec ords in the naming .of children after men prominent in presidential cam paigns. Just before election day they were blessed with the arrival of trip lets, all boys. And in order that one of them would be sure to bear the name of the next president of the United States they designated the boys as William Howard Taft Kyler, Woodrow Wilson Kyler and Theodore Roosevelt Kyler. Poor little tikes! BRAINS WIN IN MODERN WAR. Until Japan humbled Russia the be- lief had been growing stronger and wider among the white races and na- tions of the earth that brown, yellow and black warriors could no longer hope to meet upon anything like even terms the disciplined soldiers of the modern military powers of theOccl- dent. Under the tremendous impact of Japanese victories over the Musco vite hosts this belief gave way to a possibly exaggerated estimate of the latent prowess of Oriental peoples. Now the perdulum swings back again toward the older notion of Eur opean and American inborn primacy in arms. Again the news from battles in which white armies have grappled with the darker warriors of the east inflates the pride and strengthens the confidence of the western nations. They see the Turks broken and decimated by I the attacks of Bulgars, Serbs, Greeks and Montenegrins. They find the an cient prestige of the Ottoman armies shattered by the newly-created forces of young kingdoms, and again Asia begins to look markedly inferior to Europe in martial prowess. But the truth is that the issue is one of brains. Intelligence, supported by a fair aegree of physical courage and hardihood, is the master force of modern war. The Japanese possessed this Intellectual equipment In pre eminent degree. The Turks lack It. Victory was won by the science as j much as by the dauntless spirit and wonderful self-sacrifice of the Mika do's soldiers. Defeat is the lot of the sultan's troops, not because they are wanting in any of the elemental quali ties of physical manhood, but because the Turkish military establishment is not equal to the demands of modern war in organization, equipment, ini tiative or capacity for meeting unusual stress of circumstances and great cri- KILLING TILE "GRIZZLY BEAR." Society, which does a number of fool ish things directly and countenances a great many more, has spells of common sense every once in a while. It has one now and, strangely enough, it has struck both sides of the ocean at once. It concerns the adoption by the leisure class of the low, lascivious dances of the theater, which, in turn, took them j from dives and places unmentionable. The prevalence of the "bunny hug," the "grizzly bear," and all the fleshly dances derived from them has stirred one prominent society man to indignant . . . . t I protest against their presence in the, homes of the rich. This reformer is Preston Gibson, of Washington, club man, writer, society leader and million aire. He sees a serious lowering of the moral standard in their practice or even their tacit acceptance, and he has started a crusade in Washington against them. Gibson has the courage of his con victions in all he does and bulldog per sistence. Not long ago, he started out to be a dramatist, and though he put his play on the stage himself, spending oodles of money for a perfect cast and a superb stage setting and so cannot blame his failure on the theatrical man agers. It fell with a dismal thud. This didn't dismay him in the least. He thought the critics and the public were In the wrong and so he started in right away to write a play that would make them recognize him. A man of this caliber will not back down In his fight to make the "light, fantastic" In Wash ington clean and graceful. While the American is fighting single handed for modest dancing, English so ciety is banding Itself together for the same wholesome purpose. Not long ago, Mrs. Cornwallis West, that ener fetic and brilliant American who con quered English society a score of years ago, gave a Shakespearean spectacle at Sheperdsbush. It revived in many ways the glories of the Elizabethan times and attracted, as it deserved, much atten tion. One of its notable features was the many pretty folk dances that were given by skilled dancers. They made such a hit, both by their novelty and their fascination, that the leaders of English society are now going to intro duce them at their own parties, to drive out the obnoxious dances now too com mon there. Speed the day of dancing modesty, both here and there. MEN BETTER THAN MUMMIES. The world fears the schoolmaster when he goes abroad. He takes the platform with him and lectures. He still carries the whip of Dr. Faustus, of Mother Goose fame, and tries o lash his scholars with it. He is all for reforming according to his idea and that, plainly put, Is getting as much into the head as It will carry, irrespective of its usefulness. But when the schoolmaster dos unbend and confesses, then he is a welcome talker: What he says add-j to the pleasure of the world arid Us profit, especially when he is as big a man as President Butler of Columbia university, and as frank and honest. Dr. Butler was the principal speaker, a few days ago, when the magnificent state education building was dedicated at Albany, N. Y. At such a time, it might be supposed that he would expend his eloquence in lauding education; in the glorification of the scholar above all the rest of mankind. But he didn't. He sailed on an en tirely different tack and made harbor on it, too. He proclaimed with all his wisdom and brilliancy the pre eminence of men over educated mum mies. "With men," he said, "the world might get on without schools and colleges and universities. 'These Institutions do not create education, though they sometimes make it diffi cult." He even went so far in his laudable educational anarchy as to say: "When one reflects upon the rav ages which have been committed in the name of education, there is soma excuse for wondering whether it would not be advantageous to agitate for ; compulsory illiteracy." i The remedy for this Is personality, according to Dr. Butler; personality in the teachers, so strong and vibrant and magnetic that it will seek out the individuality in the student and develop it. Just as -water goes no higher than its main source ind wire- u'6 in tune with them,, so it will take men to make men. If colleges and schools are to be useful they must educate in this way; turn out men and women who know themselves and their powers and can use them to further personal upbuilding and to the making of a better state. Nor does the heat "of anger help against cold" weather. Some folk seem to go on the theory that laws are made to be broken. . Most of the Burgeons are expert at operating on their patients' for money. As a general rule the individual who is free to give advice is in need of a lot of it. Not a few people worry more over the troubles of others than they do about their own. A young business man, known to the Pratt Union, says all blondes are not fair. As the Minneapolis Better Way puts it: Now is the time to find out if the festive moths kept away from the camphor ball. Many men are out of work, insists the Ellinwood Leaer, because - they want a job as soft as a vacation but with larger pay. Some high school "Newslets" in the Minneapolis Messenger are grandilo quently described as "Heterogeneous Incidents in the Scholastic Career." A Jewell county man advertised for a lost night shirt, notes the Greenleaf Sentinel, and it adds: Probably his wife forgot to pick it up for him that day and turn it right side out again so he would know it. Prices will take a tumble some of these days, advises Mack Cretcher in his Sedgwick Pantagraph. They can't keep on climbing forever. And when the shrink in values comes, the man heavily in debt will be squeezed so hard ho can't even yell. In the event that you find trouble in pronouncing any name you may see in the reports of the Balkan war just nrtvi. th rS,r- bondale Post, and it continues: We have decided that the person who dis- covered the Balkan alphabet had a cold in his head at the time. Two beautiful young ladies who room together in this city and who "divide" work sleep together in the (Fame bed, relates the Pratt Union. One morning recently one of them arose some time before the other got up. She dressed, then made her own side of the bed. Later when the oth er lady arose all she had to do was to make her side of the bed and the room was in order. Some gems of advice from Will Palmer of the Jewell County Repub lican: Let your stomach teach you what not to eat. It knows more than any book. You would have a big bank account if you could col lect for all the damage a sour dispo sition does. If your griefs and fears are more than your joys, try being a little kinder to those near at hand and see how it will work. A Kentucky girl put a note in a bot tle and threw it out into the Ohio riv er, requesting a reply from the party stating where It was picked up. After three years it was found near LoS An geles. It is thought that it reached ; eouinern urope tnrougn the Atlantic and Mediterranean, through the Suez canal into the Indian ocean, and there was caught in the currents of the Pa cific ocean. An American geographer is going to try to work out its exact course. And, at that, he will probably have a snap compared to the task that would confront a man should he re turn to Kansas after an absence of four years and try to trace his former political associates. Minneapolis Mes senger. fFrom the Atchison Globe. We all make fun of straw votes unless they agree with our prejudices. A dyspeptic's idea of heaven is a stom ach which will stand sausage and pan cakes. It is great to take a cold bath every morning if one can refrain from bragging about it. A woman may not have more troubles than a man, but It takes her longer to tell of them- Fortunately the football season Isn't long, and many a youth Is allowed to grow to manhood. Colossal nerve is possessed by the fighter who arises from a knockout to kick on the referee's decision. A college student is apt to make a large collection of pipes, and then resume cigarettes as a source of inspiration. Some" of the cheap safety razors are so good they are a joke on the five dollar kind. Not that any kind is any too good. You may have observed that the man who establishes a longevity record doesn't usually attract much attention in other fields of endeavor. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. From the Chicago News. Sometimes a burglar leaves little to be desirec;. Marriage may either form one's char acter or reform it. The more the trusts want the less the common people get. It seems perfectly natural for some women to- be artificial. The average spinster insists that she is fccause she wants to. Save your money and the chances are you will never regret it. The moon affects the tide and many young people who wish to be. An idle rumor never spends much time in the office of a busy man. There are spots on the sun, yet some people xpct a small boy to be perfect. The average woman knows more about some other woman than she knows about herself. The self-made man is unable to se where he could have made any improve ment on his work. All young widows are not merry, but tome of them will be If the men say "yes" before leap year ends. When a woman has occasion to purchase a cheap article in a first class store she explains that she is buying It for a friend. j JOURNAL ENTRIES I JAYHAWKER JOTS h 2t tint KT(Z TTTK II ii vi inc. AivmBon uji3 j 1 -' ' it ON THE SPVR 0? ThE MOMENT BT ROT K. MOUIiTON. After Rud Kip. When the husband meets his helpmeet every morning in debate, And he's trying to explain to her why he was out so late. There never is any question that his arguments will fail. For the female of the species can talk longer than the male. When the argument is hottest and they get down to brass tacks, And they land each other's relatives a lot of pungent whacks; Tou would think that hers were angels and that his should be in jail. For the female of the species can think faster than the male. When they're whacking up the boodle that he's arned throughout the week, aIj j.-'j.- , j, - aiju uet:iuiug now TO speiiu ll, ilea a. pretty helpless geek- It is hard for him to look, at his per- centage of the kail, i For the female of the species can grab quicker than the male. When they do their weekly shopping ' and they linger 'round the store, ; Till th. VinoK-jn,! tKinVe Via4- llvfni, la ! a most decie'ed bore; She can take her a 50-cent piece and get dry goods by the bale, For the female of the species can buy cheaper than the male. When it comes to information on the gossip of the day. On the neighborhood activities and things that people say, She has got her husband beaten when she gets upon the trail. For the female of the species can "hear" lots more than the male. According to Uncle Abner. A good many of the "level head ed" fellers you hear so much about are only flat heads. It is getting so a political banquet Is about as popular as an epidemic of smallpox. A pretty woman kin do more tricks with a jury than a monkey kin with a cocoanut There isn't any use In going a mile or two down the rud to look for trouble. Hank Tumms went and paid $4 for a medical book, and when he read it he found he had every symptom of every disease mentioned and he is laid up in bed for the first time in his life. One thing agin' havin' a suit of clothes made by a tailor Is that he never throws in a pair of suspenders. Every time some fellers tell a story they "go back to the time of Adam and after gettin through with the creation, the crusades and the French and American revolutions and every body has gone to sleep, they tell the point of the joke and wonder why nobody laughs at it. Among the Missing. Old fashioned elastic sleeve holders. Bulldog shoes. Wristlets. Men's gaiters. Disc music boxes. Niagara Falls transparencies. Wax flowers. "Views of the World's fahv Old fashioned mustard plasters. Initials on shirt sleeves. Raincoats with capes. Crullers. SAYS UNCLE GAV the pile by pulling somebody toJS down. Leveling your imposing neigh bor in the hope of gaining pre-eminence may be an Instinctive error, but it is asinine folly just the same. The crayfish that tunnels the dike and lets the torrent through Is a crayfish still Its act of instinctive, blind destruc tion doesn't make it an engineer. In a world where all men were pygmies, a dwarf would stand out from the mob, but he would be a thing of pitiable littleness still. There is no way to climb, but to climb. Spite is poor inspiration for attainment. Envy lends itself rather to destruction than to construction. And no man who was merely a con queror or a destroyer was ever really great. Our standards of excellence change, but in general they are always higher than before. It does you no good to live amon" mean or little folk. There I is no credit for you In being bigger rnan a weakling or wiser than an im becile. You may have more money than the beggar at your door and more conscience than a thief, but that , you neiiner a saint nor a nnan- cier. It Is not what the other man has that makes you. It is better to be a well paid clerk than king of the wharf rats, if you want to rise, tug at your own boot straps, not at those of your neighbor. Crippling somebody else's airship won't win you the altitude record. You've still got to soar. Take your sDite out on the 1oh in front of you. If you must hate, hate yourself for your failure to mind your ' nwn hiKiinui an mov. rnn -r.. don't care If the world Is full of giants. What you need is to take j thought and add a few cubits to your , mental and "moral stature. Envy not your neighbor: go him one better. (Copyright. 1912. by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. fFrom the New York Press. iramhHns- with u u-r, i . cream in its coffee j One risk about a girl learning how to I make ner living is later she may have to i make her husband's. There's nobody to whom a woman's fig ure out in public is sucn a mystery as to her own husband. Next to mislaying his favorite pipe, a man can get most excited over who ought to be elected but won't be. VAFFYDILS BY V. ffOAI If the kings did needlework what would Alfonso? (Never mind, I'll walk quietly. Don't think that because you're a cop you can shove me around.) If one woman called another an old hen would that be foul language? (Quick Watson! The needle!! He just ragged an ear.) When things go wrong in the kitch en does the proprietor of a restaurant? (Shoot him at sunrise. He's the boob that put ham in Hamburg.) LATE SUMMER. Now summer sits with folded hands, Gaaing abroad where tranquil lie Forests and fields and meadow-lands. Slumbering beneath a cloudless sky. Dreaming she rests a little space. The noontide of her labors done, Then slowly turns her gracious face To count her subjects, one by one. Numbering serene each leaf and flower Or ripening fruit that owns her sway. Forgetful of her waning power. And winter nearer by a day. Mildred Howells, in Harper's Magazine for November. THE VENIMG S10RY The Heart Healer. (By A. Maria Crawford.) "Were you in love with Tom Mar tin, Jane?" "Yes; as much as a very young girl can love, Aunt Phoobe. I think I idealized him. and my heart now I rests more on his failure to live up ' to what I believed him to be rawer than on his marriage. Why .cuon t ne .,.,;, tv,. ,tv, ahnut thn eirl ne " . ; . . married instead of pretending that w wan iiiRt rwissin&r awav the time with a 'nice little thing who seems awfully fond of me,' as he described her? "T don't know, but I am glad that j you look at It sensibly. I was afraid ' -t.n. . - i . ..-,.1,1.) miova nvor i i Tri Thre ' that you would grieve over him. Thre- j years of college life together, and viznrniia rorresnondence covering three more years, would naturally draw you very near a man's thought and life." "I h3lped him over the naraesi years, while he built up a business in a ' strange place. Living here io the old college town has kept me conscious of our youthful ideals and i drpnms. T suDDose. and so I have passed them on to him. My faith ii him was a sort of business buoy. It made him strive to attain." "I am not surprised at his mar riage. Propinquity, my dear, is a short cut to matrimony. When a man lives in a forsaken place like that 1 town where Tom invested all his cap- i ital and meets a nice girl just nice. understand Cupid laughs, for he cari 1 economize on arrows. The wedding bells are bound to ring," laughed Aunt Phoebe. "Don't scoff at Tom's hasty mar riage. You don't know him as well as I do. I feel sure that he is gen uinely in love with the girl." "Now I am certain that you were never in iwc wii.ii iinn. r allow me to abuse him. If you had cared seriously, you would want me to believe that he has acted dishon- orably." "But he hasn't, dear Aunt Phoebe. He thougrht that he was in love with me until he met the girl. Then he knew." "And, like as not. he'll meet some body else and then believe that he wan never In love with his wife. I never trust people after they fail me once." Frankly, I am a little disappointed in Tom. I have never told him that I was in love with him. altnougn i think I must have cared in a way. So what reason could he have had in keeping the truth of the girl he mar ried from me? He couldn't have thought I wanted to marry him." "Oh, yes, but he did," said Aunt Phoebe, wisely. "I have known men for 60 -years, and I have had plenty of oooortunities to study them ana their egotism. Tom thought he was irresistible. They all do." "He hasn't broken my heart, but he has slightly injured my faith." "If he had broken your heart, there is always a heart healer." x "Time?" Jane smiled, ruefully. "No. another man. Wear your brocaded charmeuse tonight, and your ais- tinguished son Is guest of honor at he- dinner." "I shall array myself like Solomon in all his glory." "No, no. my dear. Times have changed. Solomon wore too many clothes to be stylish today. I think that I will give you my slipper buckles, set with pearls. I wore them the night your Uncle Joe told me that he loved me." "How good you are! Perhaps they will ensnare a heart healer!" "I want to tell you, Jane, that Tom Martin came home with his bride yesterday. You will - probably meet them tonight." "Splendid! I have been so curious to see her." Gregory Tyson peered over his moth er's shoulder to read the list of guests for the evening. "I would like to take Jane Latham out to dinner, mother, if it doesn't" Interfere with your plans. When I left here, she gave promise of being the prettiest girl in this town and to mv idea bv far the most attractive. I've carried a little schoolgirl picturo of her in the Dack of my watch all these years. Funny, isn't it?" "Not funny, but delightfully roman tic! That is the only sentiment I ever knew you to entertain. I should adore T-rnn tnr ,v fln nphtpr-in-IaW." Tiin't trr, wY-ito . that .Iam was going to write Tom Martin?" "I may have suggested that I had I heard such a rumor, but nobody took it. r..i.,r.i-,r Tan. on Tnm w nn together and she was a sort of mother to him. She Is too clever to marry a man who depends on her. Tom Is mar- ried now to some little thing he met out west. I have no doubt but that she'll make a great man out of him. Jane always thought he had possibilities. They will be here tonight. "It's a queer old world," mused Gregory. ' lom nas always "aa a and now tnat ne nas taken tms tenaer young vine to cling to him, he will have to develop strength to meet the worW fr wo- ,J"e TervT, sensof .h,s reayoiisiumiy vin fiuuouij cuauic mm to meet the demand. I am glad that he didn't marry Jane. "She will be certain to miss his at tention." lamented Mrs. Tyson. "And people will talk unpleasantly, you know. They always do." That night at dinner Gregory said to Jane. "I have been minister to one of the greatest countries on the map, and I have traveled far and wide, meeting beautiful women everywhere, but I had to come back home to see the loveliest woman of all." "A grain of salt to take with that, Mr. Statesman," laughed Jane. "There is Tom Martin with his bride. I must speak to them." She was so unaffvCted and so clncere in her congratulations that Gregory, who had followed her, realized that Jane carried no broken heart, no mat ter what gossips maintained. "I hope," said Jane to Gregory when dinner was over and they had found a secluded corner, "that Tom's wife will be patient with him. He is going to make a tremendous success." "How do you know?" demanded Gregory jealously. "I have always had the greatest faith In his ability. Now that he has such a charming incentive, I feel sure that we will hear splendid things f him in the commercial world. You see, Mr. Tyson ' "You used to call me Gregory." "But you were not a learned states man then. "Tom was in love with you for a long time, wasn't he?" "No; he simply needed me." "Did you care for him? I know you think that I am presumptuous, but I have fallen In love with you tonight. I carried the thought of you aa a little . - . . J SIVrX. y.el r k,P MJ?.Z.cuZ Tit their duty and thei? bunt' heart that has suddenly blossomed into n b t , and declde matters. This the most beautiful flower in the world, He opened his watch and Jane's own face smiled up at her. "I was almost afraid to come here tonight," she said. "I wondered If I would miss Tom's attention, and I find that I have remembered him as he used to be, not as I find him now. So tne thelr own diPiomatio work. And If this dream has passed." is done it will be up to the sultan ot Tur- "Are you sure?" I key to take whatever he can get. Some- Jane turned her eyes upon him. "If thing slipped a cog in the great move I had cared for him. I would have been ! ment for reform in the Balkan hills, l he true to mv mmm nf hi. When did ! Powers didn't want thlngs to go aa far . you get that picture of me?" I 'n. t v. - . t,., fhm. " - iv B -" first time. As the ship plowed through . the waves last weelr. mv rnnstant I thought was that I was coming home to see the woman who had grown out of mv little schoolgirl Jane." j "Do you mean that you have cared (all thpsa vpnrs?" all these years?' "Ever since i we were children and I ' carried you home from one of mv birth- day parties. It began to rain on the way and I took off my coat and wrapped n arouna you. xne instinct was mere then as the desire now, to protect you, , J ane." one met tne tenaer questioning look in his eyes. May I hope to marry you when I have made you love me?" Outside In the cypress trees a nightin gale flooded the darkness with his lilting love song. Jane bent over and peered at the pearl buckles that her Aunt Phoebe had worn so long ago. Romance wall all about her. She lifted her eyes misty with dreams. lrH1- L-Sy ,h?pe'" S1 ?Id softly. (Copyright 1912 by McClure espaper bynaicate.) EVENING CHAT BT ROTH CAJfKflON. A woman who had been very suc- ' rMf,i r .u ,t. . . "u " a window trimming department was i hired away by another shop to head j their department. She had been ex- er because she was so full of original lueas ana suggestions. in the sec ond shop she was a complete failure and was soon discharged. Why? Because, while she knew almost everything there was to know , about window trimming, she didn't know one thing about tact. one went to her new position bris- I tling with impatience to revolutionize , the department. She hadn't been in the office an hour before she told a JhL W1,6 us4lnS twic aa loner slm nn a nori tv iij twice as long as she had that his ideas were all nonsense. - Undoubtedly she was right in a good many of her criticisms, but lit tle good it did her. She couldn't do j all the work herself, she couldn't get ner subordinates' co-operation; she simply succeeded In thoroughly an tagonizing them, - and soon so demor alized the department that It was necessary to let her go and to find someone who might not know so much about window trimming, but did know something about tact. How often one sees people like this woman, who are undeniably more competent than their neighbors and who are eager to share their superior intelligence with them, but whose kindness is always ungratefully de clined because of their infuriating manner of offering it. A neighbor of mine is a capable woman of superior intelligence and endowed with a really genuine desire to help her friends by sharing what experience and native Intelligence have taught her. If she had a little more tact and a little more respect for other people's opinion she might do a world of good. But as it Is she simply sets people by the ears the minute she tries to help them. She comes to me sometimes and tells me how Bad she feels because Mrs. R., who is a young matron, new at the business, both of motherhood and homemaking, will not profit by some of her experience. "I am so fond of her," she says sadly, "and I really want to help her, but she seems to take pleasure in going con trary to all my advice." As it happens Mrs. R. also some times confides in me, and this is her way of putting It: "She comes in here and tells me that I don't know a thing about babies, and that I make my beds wrong, and don't hold the oroom right, and don t know how to run a sewing machine. Sometimes I Know she is right, but she makes m so mad that I wouldn't do her way for anything on earth. So there!" s unfortunate to antagonize peo- P'e wnen you want to help them, ls" 1 ft. But I; is what the person has no respect for other folWa Intelligence always does. QUAKER MEDITATIONS. From the Philadelphia Record. No woman is so angelic aa to prefer a halo to a hat. Men may be made of cla'y but lots of them are only half baked. No, Maude, dear; a play Isn't a howling success Just because it is tried on the do. The fellow who begins to explain lis mistakes won't have much, time left ti make any more. When a hot-blooded Southerner courts a Boston girl, it's a sort of case of chilis and fever. Man's happiness sometimes hangs by a hair, but it isn't the hair his wife finds or. his coat sleeve. . . The Judse's charge doesn't always af fect a man so much as the charge hi3 lawyer is going to make. It seems as though a man will surmount all obstacles when he once make up his mind to make a fool of himself. Hoax "Young Ranter made his stage &ebut last night. He acted like a fish out of water." Joax "Got the hook, eh?" There is a popular belief to the effect that nobody loves a fat man, in spite of the fact that he may be all wool and a yard wide. "Don't count your chickens before they are hatched," quoted the Wise Guy. "That's right," assented the Simple Mug. "Many a leilow has married an heiress with a bad cough, only to have her out live him." "I notice, senator," said the beautiful girl, "that you are advocating a good many things which you said four years ago would ruin the country." "Yes." "What has caused you to believe in them?" "I don't believe In them: but the public seems to." Chicago Record-Herald. -SI KANSAS COMMENT DAY OF SETTLEMENT. A vital question in the controversy be tween the allied Balkan kingdoms and Turkey these days, is whether or not the powers will be allowed to put In their oars. There must, sometime or other, come a settlement of the affairs that bulge out of the war. Some decision must be reached as to how far Bulgaria and the other Balkan states will be Dushed , back from Constantinople, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles. Heretofore when , something in this near-east difficulty has I V-iii KV1H e tfiA urfAi ftlM no wo m hv has been uartlv because Servia, Greece and Bulgaria have allowed the powers to interfere. But It Isn't that way now. The chances now are that the winners In this fight will claim the honor and the distinction of arranging articles of peace, as they have conducted the articles of , .I?k n' decide To do Dictation that the Turks would be able I Pectation tnai tne iur" wu . to hold their own ror a time, unui piau . or peace could be perfected. But the ! tiipV pmiM nnt hold anvthin The war managed to slip out of the control of Turkey and out of the knowledge of the powers, through the complete censorship of war news, until Turkey was about to take the count of ten. And then it wasn t any time for the powers to become prom inent for it was a war that belonged particularly to the Balkans ana to no one ' else. When the time for settlement comes j the map .of the near-east is to be 'Changed until Abdul Harold, If he was freed, wouldn't know it. Hutchinson News. KANSAS EMIGRATION. What this country needs is not hindrances placed In the way of im migrants to prevent their coming to this country More emigrants on the farms and fewer in the cities is the . . v, mintw A a a matfftr I f. ,,. .-Hon. for some reason,' has received a check and there has been a decided falling off in the numbers coming here. Official figures up to June 30, show that for a period ! of ten months ending with April, the net arrivals of unmarried Italians were only 24,817, as compared with 95.995 in the previous twelve months and 167, 492 in 1909-10. A diminished movement also is reported for the last year from Scandinavia, Greece. Holland and the United Kingdom. For the six months of this calendar year a total of 247.046 aliens emigrated from our shores. We need the emigrants, but we need to have them better distributed through the country. Agents placed at Castle Garden to direct the newcomers to the rich fields of the west would accomplish Immense good to the country in getting population where it is needed and in keeping it away from places where it is not needed. Leavenworth Times. FROM OTHER PENS CALLING OUT HIDDEN CASH. Although we Inaugurated the postal savings bank system in a half-hearted way, as we are Boon to Inaugurate the Parcels post system, it has now had ' r. ... i time to prove its value so strikingly that Congress is likely to widen the limitations it imposes. The first two years of operating the system ended in June last, and it is now possible to an nounce the volume of the postal bank business In that time. At the close of the second fiscal year there were more than 13,000 postal bank deposi tories, holding $23,000,000, deposited by 270,000 depositors. Such a showing under the limitations Imposed by Con gress before it would consent to the adoption of a system here which has been long tried and approved In Europe, proves that a much wider extension of that system would do. Under the ex isting law no person is permitted to deposit more than J100 in any month in a postal savings bank, and no de positor in such a bank can deposit more than $500. The law has now worked long enough to prove that, at the inter est rate the government pays, no regular banking Institution has suffered in loss of deposits for making up the J23.O00.00O in postal banks. It has been demonstrated that the great bulk of that sum has come out of hoards long concealed, or old stockings hid in chim ney corners, anywhere and everywhere that timid pepple with frugal habits and afraid of bank failures have con cealed their savings. St. Louis Globe Democrat. BIG GUNS AND ARMOR. Tests of the first fourteen-tnch gun constructed for coast defense prove it to be a handy little weapon for throwing around within a radius of seven miles projectiles sixty-five Inches long and weighing 1,660 pounds. At this reach It can send a shot through the thickest armor-plate afloat. Ten rifles of this caliber are to be installed on the battle ship New York, which has just been launched, and it is now planned to equip the Panama Canal and Manila fortifica tions with similar guns, and ultimatelj the whole line of our continental coas defense. This sounds like the last word in big-gun construction, and power and reach of projectile. But is it? The one battleship - authorized by congress last session carries an appropriation so large and free from restrictions that a vessel may be constructed capable of carrying a battery of slxteen-lnch rifles which might throw a projectile more than seven miles and -penetrate armor two or three times as thick as any now existing. Why stop at the fourteen-inch calibre when these tests tend to prove the practicability also of the slxteen-lnch rifle of greater terror? As a means of bringing armor and projectile power into a state of mutual destruction It should prove par ticularly effective. New York World. HUMOR OF THE DAY "What do you think will finally be se lected as our national plant?" "Well, it is dollars to dimes it will be the mint." Baltimore American. "Money, after all, means nothing but trouble." "Still, it is the only kind of trouble which it Is hard to borrow" Baltimore American. Mabel George gave me such a lovely diamond engagement ring. Gladys But he'll want you to give it back to him. He always does Baltimore American. "No use locking the stable door after the horse is stolen." "I should say that was the very time to lock it. They might come back after the automobile." Wash ington Herald. Young Bachelor I often wonder If I'm making enough money to get married on. -Old Bachelor Well. I don't know how much you're making, but you aren't! London Opinion. "Father, is It true that two can live as cheaply as one?" "That's an old saying, my dear." "Do you believe it?" "I think it can be done." "But if I marry George do you think you can manage to support him with the sum you now spend on me every year?" Detroit Free Press.