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10 THE TOPEKA D4ILY STATE JOURNAL MOTO AY EVElTIN(i. FEBRUARY 3, 1913- EVERY DAY IS A GOOD DAY TO SHOP AT CROSBY'S erfinni Special Felruarv Sales of 73 D -i- : Und broid uslm mDroiaeries B M and E vjjarments at 23c Corset Covert well made of good material with trimmings of Val. and Torchon laces, oth ers with embroideries and ribbon 23. Women's Drawers made of good quality muslin with tucks and embroidery trimming 23. Chemise a neat, well made garment plain hemstitched ruffle for 23. with Garments at 45c Corset Covers in many styles, made of fine quality longcloth and muslin, trimmed with pretty eyelet embroidery, Val. lace insertion and edge, run with ribbon beading 45. Women's Drawers open and closed styles, made of longcloth and cambric ; some, with tucks, others with lace and embroidery trim mings 45. Short Skirts made of good grade muslins and longcloths, neatly trimmed with tucks, laces and embroideries. Each 45. Women's Gowns several pretty styles, made of muslin and longcloth, in the slip-over, high and V necks ; long and short sleeves ; tuck ed and lace and embroidery trimmed effects. Each 45. Garments at 68c Women's Gowns low, round, V shaped and high necks with long and short sleeves, made, of good muslin and longcloth ; Val. and Torchon lace and embroidery trimming with ribbon run beading. Gowns of the superior class at 68. Corset Covers in many pretty effects that will appeal to women of good taste. Lace and embroidery . is used very effectively to form pretty yoke effects, run with ribbon 68. Women's Drawers open and closed styles, trimmed with laces and embroideries, in the straight and ruffled effects. Pair 68. Long and Short Skirts straight lines with scalloped edge and lace and embroidery trim mings. A good selection at, each 68. Combination Suits corset cover and draw er, good fitting and neatly trimmed with lace and embroidery at, each 68. A GAIN we sound the massage for which hundreds of Topeka women have been waitinr. A February Sale of Muslin Underwear and Embroideries so broa Jly c mprehensive and deep y h Ipful in its scope that thj P'-actical-m nded woman is q lick to seize the opportunity to purchase a ful half-year's sup ply, or more, You will find tht? values to be equally as good as they were a year ago, perhaps better, for Fashion sets higher and hieher demands, an i women who have reduced dressing to a fine art in lines know very thoroughly that those iines are just as dependent on the cut and ease of undergarments as on perfect corseting. Right now is the best timj to bay undergarments prices are in your favor and selec tions are at their best. 75c Night Vjowns at 50c each 10 dozen Slip-over Gowns, full length, made with low neck and short sleeve, in two different styles, both trimmed with em broidery. One style is finished with embroidery scalloped edge around the neck, the other with a linen lace edge. Good VLf 75c value for 0JC Order By Mail We would remind customers who reside out of town that through our Mail Order Department they can take advantage of all special offers. We prepay transportation charges to any point iKansas on all except bulky and breakable merchandise. We also refund, railroad fare either whole or in part to those who come to Topeka to shop, the amount of refund depending upon the amount purchased. 75c Combinations at 50c each 5 dozen well made Combination Suits, Corset Cover and Drawer and Cover and Short Skirt. The cover has embroidery yoke trim med with linen lace ; drawer and -skirt both trimmed with neat lace edge. These are full" cut, well put to gether garments that would g -v sell regularly at 75c; each. -OUC barments at 89c Women's Gowns dainty styles and many of them, made of good quality muslin and long cloth; round, V and square necks, with short and short kimono sleeves, trimmed with pretty eyelet embroidery and Val. laces. Others in high neck and long sleeve styles, all neatly trimmed at, each 89. Long Skirts made of longcloth and cambric in many styles including the new narrow skirt, with flounces of embroidery and lace 89. Corset Covers fancy yoke designs conceiv ed of sheer, dainty laces and embroideries and ribbon run headings. Each 89. Women's Drawers open and closed effects , in Knickerbocker and straight styles; others in ruffles, Marsielles style with lace and embroid ery trimming. Pair 89. Chemise neat styles, made of muslin and longcloth, trimmed with lace and embroidery at each 9. Combination Suits corset cover and draw er, made of longcloth and trimmed with neat laces and embroideries, at 89. Ljarments at $1.15 Women's Gowns the best collection we have ever shown at this price. Some in long cloth, some in best quality cambric, some in crepe and some in barred dimity. Slip-over styles in the round, square and V neck with short and Kimono sleeve. Also high neck and long sleeve gowns : every style prettily trimmed with lace, embroidery or tucked yoke. Each $1.15., Combination Suits made of longcloth and crepe materials; corset cover with open or closed drawer or cover with short skirt; em broidey, Val. and linen lace trimmed $1.15. Long Skirts with flounces of embroidery; others with lace insertion and tucks, an4 the straight narrow skirt is also included at $1.15 At this same price $1.15 there is excellent choice of Corset Covers, Drawers, Chemise and Princess Slips; not only the best and newest styles, but also the best values we have ever been able to offer for the money. The "L eona Tkree Pi lece Combination Suit T:iese "Leona" Combinations are becoming more and more popular all the time. They combine the corset cov er, drawer and short skirt all in one garment. We show them in fine nainsook, flaxon and barred dimity, all neat ly and prettily trimmed, some rather elaborately with Val., Linen, Cluny, Venise and Irish laces and sheer and Maderia hand embroidery. Leona's are to be had as low as $1.25 and up to $5. A Special Gown Value We have 15 dozen Women's Gowns in a real 50c quality that we intend to offer special at, each 38. They are made of muslin and longcloth high and V necks and long sleeves ; also slipover style with round and square necks and short sleeves, tucks, lace and embroid ery trimmed. Tke February Embroidery Sale It is a Saie tcr the Woman Who inows the Ditierence Beinreen Real Lccnmy and Mere Cheapness Handkerchiefs Women's All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs ; our regular 15c qual ity, in 1-8 and 1-4 inch hems, special at Six for 69 . Men's Fine Hemstitched Cambric Handkerchiefs ; full size, 14 and V2 in. hems, special 7 for 25. We hardly believe it necessary to even remind the woman who has attended any of our former Em broidery Sales, of the good values always obtainable. But for the new comer into Topeka and those who have never yet' profited through this event, we may state these facts: That you get embroideries of the best qualities, that you get the newest designs, that you save money on every yard you buy three good reasons why every woman should get her full supply NOW this week. At 5 Cents At this low price you can buy Cambric Embroidery edgings and insertions in eyelet effects, in widths of V2 to 5 inches wide that will answer to a queen's taste for many purposes. Every yard is a special value at the price 5. Embroideries at 15c The average woman knows just what kind of embroideries she can usually buy for 15c a yard, and women who do know will readily recognize the superiority of these February Sale items. Included are Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss edges, in sertions and galoons in floral, blind and eyelet designs. Widths from 1 to 7 inches wide ; a few matched sets and odd inser tions and edgings. Great values at, yard 15 At 10 Cents At this figure there is choice from a number of pretty designs in Swiss and Cambric edgings and insertions. Widths run from 1 to 18 inches, some in matched sets and some in odd pattern edges and insertions. February Price 10 Garments at $1.35 EacK Women's Gowns of good quality nainsook and long cloth in several different, pretty styles; slip-overs with short sleeves and high neck styles with long sleeves ; yoke and Empire effects, all neatly trimmed. Each $1.35. Long Skirts i-made of muslin, longcloth and nainsook; narrow straight styles; also the more conservative ones in wider widths with pretty flounces and trimmings of sheer embroidery and lace edge insertion. Each $1.35. Combination Suits Corset Cover and Drawers, also Cover and Short Skirt, some in the fitted Princess style, others with the Knickerbocker drawer; all prettily trim med at, each $1.35. Corset Covers in several pleasing styles, yoke effects, made of pretty laces and embroideries, medallions and ribbon run beading. Each $1.35. Drawers, Chemise and Princess Slips in a splendid variety of styles are also shown at this Special February Sale price of $1.35. Extra Sizes We carry Extra Size Garments for stout women in Gowns, Drawers, Skirts, Corset Covers, Chemise, Com bination Suits and Princess Slips; good variety of styles in the best of dependable qualities. cIhe New Redfern Corset Models Are Ready The corset is the first consideration of dress. If the base is not right, the outer garments cannot be expected to look their best. Each season there is some thing new in corsets ; something to give the figure the newer lines as dictated by fashion. The new Redfern Models are here, and it is none too early for women who have pride' in a good figure to look to selection of their corset. All Redfern Corsets are boned with Walohn fully as good as genuine whalebone, which is now so rare. Prices are $3.50 to $10.00 At 20c a Yard In this lot the widths vary all the way from 1 to 9 inches. Swiss, Cambric and Nainsook edges and insertions in blind, floral and eyelet designs. No matched sets are included, but every yard is a special value at our February Sale Price yd.20 At 35c a Yard Prettiness and goodness is apparent in every yard of these 18-inch Flouncings, 27-inch Floucings and Corset Cover embroideries. Swiss and Nainsook qualities such as one seldom can buy at this price of, yard 35 At 25c a Yard Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Insertions, Edges and Galoons ; 2 to 18 inches wide, in blind, eyelet and floral designs ; odd patterns only, no matched sets; also Corset Cover Embroideries and 18-inch Flouncings; all in qualities much better than usually sold at 25 At 50c a Yard Here are some Swiss and Nainsook Corset Cover embroideries, a few flouncings and some pretty All-overs that under ordinary conditions would be reasonably priced at 75c a yard. Our February Price is 50 27-inch Swiss Flouncings, in eyelet and floral designs, special 27-inch Hemstitched Baby Flouncings, specially priced at... 69c yd. Tke ctore of Quality The Store of Quality Frencn and Domestic Garments m Finer Qualities Our showing of French Undermuslins comprises Cor set Covers, Drawers, Chemise, Gowns and Combinations, at a full range of prices from $1.25 to $19.75. In domestic made garments of the finer qualities, we have an unsurpassed assortment of Gowns, Long Skirts, Combinations, Princess Slips, Corset Covers, Chemise and Drawers, some trimmed with the new Van Dyke laces, others with Cluny, Irish and Val. laces, and for those who want them are handsome styles with trimmings of sheer eyelet embroideries and hand embroidery work. Some thing to suit you at any price you care to invest $2.00 to $12.50. , i Children's Underwear A complete assortment of the best style procurable in children's drawers, gowns and skirts, some in plain ef fects, others withlace and embroidery trimmings. Children's Gowng at prices from.... 39 to $1.50 Children's Drawers at prices from... 10 to .50 Lhildren s bKirts at prices from 25 to 2.50