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4 THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNALMONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1913. Stopeka tate Journal By FKAXK, P. MACLEKAAA. rEntered July 1. 1875. as second-clas matter at the postotlice at Topeka. K.aiu, under the act of congress. - VOLUME XXXV. ...NjxJS Official state Paper. Official Paper City of Topekaw . TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION Daily edition, delivered by carrier. M csntc a week to any part of Topeka. or suburbs, or at the same price in any Kan sas town where the paper has a carrier system. By mall ave year ....f By mall, sis months 1.89 Sy mail. 100 days, trial order !-" TELEPHONES. Private branch exclianse. Can KW and aV the State Journal operator for per en or department desired. topeka State Journal buUdlnc. aad tot Kansas avenue, corner EiehAh. New York Oftlca: So Fifth anana Paul Block, manager. ' Chicago Oftloe: Sterer bonding. Paal Block, manager. Boston Office: Tremont Bulldtac Paul Block, manager. - ' "tlLL LEASED WIRE REPORT OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The State Journal la a member ef the Associated Frees and receives the full day telegraph report ef that great news er- amntzation for the exclusive afteiaaasj InibllcaHoB In Topeka. The news Is received In The State Jeuc Bal building over wires far this sola pa Colonel Munsey, apparently. Is not among the peacemakers that .are blessed. ' It would be Just like Washington to demand a census during inaugura tion week. In spite of a multitude of entreat ies. President-elect Wilson still re fuses to "play ball." January weather records were again broken in Kansas during the month Just passed. But they were of the heat variety. A gold mine is a desirable posses sion, to be sure. But a healthy oil well undoubtedly has it outclassed these days as a profit producer. Speaker Brown's bill to "recall" the Judiciary f-rom politics assuredly Is In line with the right idea. One .of the original mistakes in this country "was to mix the Judiciary with politics. i Maybe all Europe is so intensely In terested in the Balkan situation , be cause each of its component parts wants a piece of the Turkish pie that Is certain to be sliced sooner or later. Classical educations are beginning to be put to some practical use. A number of Princeton students have emulated the Greeks by opening a shoe-shining parlor. There will be a few Rahs!" at the Wilson "Rah, Rah, Inauguration even If there isn't going to be a ball, Twenty -six carloads of Princeton stu dents have planned to participate. And the professional weather men cenm tr. v.q tottinr w'aer n thev prow older. Their current predictions that . . . Kansas Is to experience some winter , weather are no more than reasonable. This is the winter season. At any rate, Cip Castro is enjoying an experience that comes to few per sons. He is a man without a coun try. However, it is not likely that much satisfaction can come to a man in euch a situation, even if it is dis tinctive and unusual. Notwithstanding the merits of the case, the mere fact that the Kansas senate saw fit to unseat a Socialist, who had been given a certificate of election to that body, . will provide rich material for additional raging on ! the part of the Socialists of Kansas ; and the nation. , N"or Is it likely that West would learn much to their by a year's experience In schools and army of Germany. was a German military expert who trained the Turkish army that has made such a poor showing against the Balkan allies - i One of the professors at the state believe that the average American agricultural college has evolved the working-man Is too Intelligent and too brilliant idea that the farmer should ambitious to surrender the hope of re play ball in order to eliminate the ward for the dubious benefit of be- " even wmi- out baseball training the farmer is at least pretty speedy in making home runs when the dinner signal sounds. ; New York society women are tak-; wig pledges never again to wear the much prized plumage of either the bird of paradise or the aigrette. This ought to give these birds about all the protection they need. Not so many oiner women nave DanK rolls of suf- ficient proportions to buy the real , ... . , .. real thing in these lines. As far as the people of the Tnited ,;:" " " ,,.: I- . . omi scuciaiiy are concernea lew or tates generally are conci them knew that Bishop . Carpenter, one of the prominent churchmen of England, was visiting in this country until he saw fit to pass out an inter- view to a Boston newspaper mi to the effect that it Is perfectly proper for women to smoke if they can get any pleasure out of it. j I Presumably the hoboes who attend-I ea the annual convention of their Man ot Ccxr nrloQTia nf triA v. retical variety. They passed resolu- tions urging the government to bring the Panama canal machinery to this country and use it in the reclamation . of lands. They argued that this would provide employment for 30,000 ho- boes. But the real hobo hates work as much as he does soap. And, as a matter of fact, when a knight of the hobo. ' - Linguists and translators have fin- any come into their own. Under the'Here they can dance, visit with . I will of an Englishman,-juBt deceased, another, listen to music, have the usual ' an estate of $5,000,000 is left to mis- summer drinks and Ices at cost all in aionary societies for the express pur- a wholesome, uplifting, strengthening pose of giving to every tribe of man- ! atmosphere. kind that has them not, and which rpjjjg not what people call unsel speaks a language distinct from all rish altrnism. AH these betterments otners, accurate, copies or at least tne gospels of St. John and St. Luke to- k I- h 7. 1 k " " 7. , th Tr.?- Kfther wIth the book, of the Acts of the Apostles printed fn the language, of that tribe. IX1 It YEAR TERMS. A half-loaf is better than none, of course. But It falls far short of be ing as satisfactory. And this is exact ly the situation with respect to the I proposed constitutional amendment lengthening terms of office to four years, as it has passed the senate. It affects only state offices. That Is most desirable, to be sure. The peo- pie have asked for it. And they have asked for something more. They want the terms of county offices extended in like fashion. . This reform lias applied to- the people most strongly because it pro - vides the way for putting a stop to the incessant political turmoil that has prevailed in Kansas of late years, and particularly sine the Inception of the! primary. If it is applied merely to I state offices the important end sought can scarcely be attained. As a matter of fact the boiling of the county po litical pot is even more bothersome than are the activities in state politics. A set of county officers is hardly In stalled before candidates for the same offices begin to preen themselves for the primaries of sixteen months or so away. . Not only is their card-pass ing and buttonholing a nuisance as: Tlmeg reports: while chopping wood far as the general public is concerned. Thursday, Willie Nets had a nar But their activities also mean that ' row escape from a serious accident, first-termers in office must devote con- When the a hit the chunk it r e ..... . . . . , 'bounded and turned over, ine Diaae siderable of their energies to keeping gck Willie in the forehead, cutting their political fences in repair. ' They ' a gash which required sewing to must da this if thev would have a eether. chance of gratifying their ambitions j This is the time of year, remarks for a swond term This necessarily the Lebanon Times, when the fooi ror a second term. inis necessarily Hnoomne around looking for takes time and attention from their j work, and their usefulness to the com munity is thereby Just that much im paired. Then, too, under a four year term, with a ban placed on re-election ! bes of last night's fire is quite gen without one Intervening term, no ! eral and is a pretty sure way to start county officer would feel the necessity something. of measuring any of his acts by politi cal considerations. Indeed, every argument that can be advanced as to why this plan is a wise on for state offices Is just as forceful s. tn tt-i, it y, j J " 15 . " county offices. Under present condl- tions, too, municipal elections follow so closelv after countv and state elee- so closely after county and state elec- tions that local politics are continu- ously on deck. And there will be lit- tie relief from too much xinliH if ... 77 , r, " : ' county offices are not included In the . constltuOonal amendment in question ! . , ..... .. ... for submission to the people. WHAT IS SOCIALISM? In the ranks of industrialism the bat- on of the field marshal is at the bot- torn of every recruit's knapsack, al- i though not every one has the wit to .. . .. iina it, writes a. Maurice Low in the Febn, r.rr,i,e, f tv.e iT-,v. . " j .... w.v. .iwim aiuci- lean" -Review R if i. i.... ,v. . v..w. aim luai ls the incentive to hard work, to decent uving. io tne exercise or man's ren, soning faculties. That is the reward to , . . ., . . which every apprentice may aspire; but what would he hi tr ., ..- t03k over all industry? Assuming an absolutely honest civil servieo where - - o lo.unLioui, w umo imiuence counts for naught and merit Is the sole , test an Ideal state of affairs not Im- 1 possible of realization, but practically almost so the faithful,' ' diligent, and intelligent government servant would slowly gain his promotion and might hope, after long years of service, to reach the highest rung in the ladder an agency or the management1 of an Important bakery, let us say. But he would always remain a hired man, a servant of the state. Socialism would mean implanting upon western civil- (ization the debasing and furious ef- I father, and there would be a caste of y,Vo,a , .m, .,, .v, . rf . . . , caf of ffal fetors In India. I take 1 phase of Socialism has not been considered by the working-man, and I - liib mate, especially as the first and most marked effect of Socialism would be to increase the cost of all commodities without conferring any corresponding benefit. INCREASING KFPICIEVCY. A manufacturer ln New York has just completed a twelve-story structure that is as fireproof as modern science oould m.-ke it writes Thomaa nreter- in February Nautilus Not onlv is the ,rlmui"' .auuiu. ioj. only is tne j material of which the building is made of a non-burning nature, but the most modern fire-escape and other nrotec- tive devices have been installed. You . . , - . . . .. - can understand that this one better- ment alone w,n draw thousands of girls who remember what happened to the workers who were caught In fire- ; traps and burned to death. This manu- facturer can have his choice of the best workers because he offers them the best kind of a workshop. j Kot only is this building fireproof. out food la served to all workers at iot T'V vrv1 Uclf lo ? sanitary kitchens in the building, and is far superior than that served In the public restaurants which workers are forced to patronize. There are also rest rooms, with reading matter free shower baths, a hospital with trained nurse and otner betterments of a simllaV nature. This man goes still farther. Not content with providing ma neipero wnu ure uesi auring tneir woriung day, ne nas opened a roof gar- den which is free to them at night. are nrnvMn1 heeaiise it i good busi- " rov,ae lUSe " ;h tsome ness to ProvHe them. With wholesome foQ& pure air plenty cf sunlight, op- ' ' recreation, fair 1 . . . tv,- wages, inenuiy ireauueui. uu . . , -he workers good things of this kind, the worKers cannot fail to be contented, to rina measure in their work and to do every- thing in 'their power to prevent the loss i of their jobs. JOURNAL ENTRIES u. n-lm enough to go it , s A man's troubles are seiaom than he makes them. More people would be gamblers if 't lesg chance of losing. 4. ' There is usually a wide gulf between ; a man's salary and what he thinks should be. Mar,x, fnlte have what might well be ! caUed imaginative ears. They hear so many things that are never said. JAYIiAWKER JOTS Mr. Ure of Dust Corner, Gove coun ty, also is a strong competitor in the Kansas short name contest. And the conservative Blue Rapids ?JL wS ,h,Dine wood the jenow w),o uses an overdose of kerosene in getting a rousing lire started on cold mornings, and it must keen him nretty busy, because throw- : l-nrni-ao nn tiie smouldering em- There is a good deal or lying aDout . i ..isnL-o tt1 itnr proriv of the Lawrence Journal-World, and he elucidates: From . Cottonwood Falls comes , ; iuuioc - . v. : .parcel post will only carry up to 11 pounds. Then from Horton comes another story that a steel culvert came by parcel post. This is another fool- : jh "lie No culvert on earth could . wejgn as little as 11 pounds. The ! parcel post is the greatest thing of the ae and this lying about it will not , interfere with its popularity. ln ere..w "n f " ,i"B Sf ul2? ... H L .il.l. . ' . w.w Editor McElhinney in his Gove Coun-. ty Advocate. The train was about a Vi -l 1 f lnte nnrl there were at leant ' a dozen ladies in the waiting room j vha tic r-oiitrrl haired individua.1 who 1 had evidently been raised in a fumi- ' gating plant dragged an old clay pipe i gat of J''SSSS.S ijl tobacco but which Thad m odor i 06 tuuai.T.u, uui. yii " u . j more like a compost heap. Alter he had used a match and turned on the . . . . , , , . draft, it was evident .that the waiting , r-rvrvrr. Turn a not a health resort Tor mi crobes or ladies either. Although the hints were plentiful that the ladies .-i"'"-f v- cess absolutely essential, the animal, who should have had a row of hrlntles ,i, n .,., i smosea on entirely oduvious to tne ; torture he was handing out to re- : spectaDie people, xt is sucn conauct , as mis tnat mane rerormers get up and howl and tear their garments. GLOBE SIGHTS BT THTC ATCHISON OtOBB. So much of the New Thought is new foolishness. No 8tory Is good enough for a busy man to appreciate It. What becomes of all the natents local lnveniors la&e out : t , i x n - are r.t tr. r.t ,t accept your judgment before It is given. il.r.,. i,,T.T.T.T. j' a brave man may" be"af raid of " a ufed Yoking used to being to woman jurors; men are convicted. We are inclined to Question the veracl- ty of the gent who accompanies every statement with an affidavit. While an auctioneer speaks rapidly without saying much, you should remem ber he gets paid for that line of talk. We have also a slight curiosity to know whether the Brazil nuts come from Brazil or not, but the encyclopedia is In the next room. ,rin t pintiMO . . for the parlor to be sadly in need of dust- ; ln every time tne feet nouseneeper . in the neighborhood makes her calls. occupying the place of ho?or on a"Voung T,-1 - ,1. nln n-I.Ii.1. Ko twu... man's dresser requires dusting by the housekeeper It is a sign she has been placed in the ranks of the has-beens. POIXTE1I PARAGRAPHS. I From the Chicago News. He's a good man who sleeps all the time" , . . - ' Th. hoot ran for k pntnmati rrtav he an est cure. Art may be long, but it's different with artists. - Th. iove of money is the easiest of all roots to cultivate. As a sUcker a porous plaster hasn't anything on a bad habit. When you have a lawsuit to lose you c" ord to hire a cheap U.wj-er thyou dlat know wts l" & it is far better to make your mark tn the world than it is to be an easy one. An old bachelor gets a bad case of stage that ho didn't marry the first woman he iKono - hr Yin ma a in lrv with. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. f From the New York Press. Ignorance puts up the hottest argument. Girls don't need much of any teaching to get a thorough education in men. History is willing to be generous to a cead man because it won't do him any good. A man can get a very big opinion of him - self thinking what he's going to do if he ever Kets started. Whenever there's going to be a carl party for charity the devil feels his work i ,? 25 could do it that be takes a day off. - ---- " rpu: v icuvui ttuu wiutteuuess, can oe seen alfalfa came oy parcel y!liR those men and women who sat upon KAffSAS COMMENT . JUSTIFIABLE LIFE-TAKING. -A- young man was being slowly roast- ed to death in the ruins of a building in a Texas town the other day and he begged that somebody would shoot him and Dut him out nf his aennv. Pres. " . . - , 7,. enUv doctor stepped up. "Kill me! eried tortured man. ..j do yQu know.. Baid tne doctor, and was goinfc to exnlain about the ethics of his profession, and read a few j sufferer uttered such a frenzied scream of aneuish that tho wtr' nrnfe9. j sionalism fell off like a garment, and : he became a human being. Taking his nypoaermic needle he administered some done to thfi sufferer, and the lat- ter fell back dead. Prohahlv the doc- tor will be investieated or reprimanded ! r deprived of his diploma or some- rning d ne should be given a gold Ya aoctors should be author- - j i an . . - suffering unbearable tortures, and who ss ur ueau.-jsmporia Gazette. STICKING TO THE. G. O. P. The press disoatche fm n . the country during tho t t . - . . - YZY"iJJllOTm&ion.. wih will be of m t to the Kull Moosers. every state have come pronouncea statements from leading progressives who declare In emphatic terms that they do not propose under jLi Hii Hnin rrnm i en n m cr any circumstances to leave the Repub- lican mrtv ,, ,! rorff?ta.Sr?i2 nf tentious irreconcilabies have not avail- ed to prevent Republicans organizing and electing United States senators. In ' tne wepuDUcans have wrested a senator from the Democrats, in Massa chusetts the Bull Moosers failed in their efforts to defeat Senator Weeks, and a like fate seems to await them in Wyoming, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. Clay Center Republican. I ROM OTHER PENS WHEN KINGS WERE MADR. They were strange days, as we read of oii-inse aays, as we read of them now. A new volume from the press of Funk & Wagnalls company. New York. as from a Twentieth Century searchlight, i It is a Dew translation and nnnrlAnnHnn ubo ts History of France, and many "J? , JASfff SS" 5Lh" oi wisaom ana wickedness, can b nepn nr4n. a j , ' mrones ana Knelt Derore them! Louis XIV, for instance, was himself a whole panorama as one realizes who visits, even now, the palace at Versailles. Mazarin, who had seen his birth, and who knew him to the core, said of him: "He has in him the making of four kings and one honest man." Fouquet, who feted him so magnificently at Vaux, waa early ,n a'sgrace, ana when sent to prison for life Fouquet's pious mother could say of VSl.Ti:Jf.J!L.J prayed for his salvation, and here is the wa. i What lusty old fighter Louis XIV came to be! "I loved war too mur-h " Wfljs hla ' nntrietle rnnfMdlnn nn his death-bed. But he made a gallant figure, even late, in his long life, as one IfWt "-any personages described and pictured i .v, ih.n aa m .dihi. " , " A" I .. ' slated by. Gustaye Masson. The en- i ire nisiory is uuuoraaiit;. waco ximes- Br-lr, MISDIRECTED BCONOMT. To save money in the wrong place is not a new pracuce in congress, ana it is no ta surprise that the house followed s commmee on moian anaira in .... t f ha fr.. terior regarding the appropriation for hospital, sanitation, and medical work among the red men. The appropriation ?n!0"?JhJ n-,et PEPKi1 iia uctu tm,, kui i,..u6... ".r. vealed a much worse set of conditions among the Indians than in the country as dui toTulmonary tobeiwl tration area of the United States, which includes twenty-one states, ts 11, among . T .,, !. i n-V, V, frnm 1 ma j-iiuiaiia it is i. all causes among these peoples is over ; 30, or more than double that In the area tne appropriation for Seorotltwho.-pl-rtI-Ud work amone: the Indians oe mcreaseu lu 1405.000. These figures, however, ingnten- m, k,,.T s.h,o- J 1 li-ir nomhare rT thP nnllSfl Clim- ed the thrifty members of the house com- cu uic mi n t.j ihCU.ui.iu ., , mittee on Indian aitairs ana w to add a single can i o.... j J?F4:SS Gently those interested in such action snould let thelr senators kno1ofw1hatDh S11UU1U list, .'' ,j . . . - think about the importance of its being taken. new lore .evening QCAKJil: Mi:DrTATlOXS. From the Chicago News. Anticipated pleasure seldom pans out right. Doctors disagree except as to the size of the bill. ln order to be a social favorite a man -- ----- lty takes more than a soft answer to turn away tne book agent t-i i a Ka o-nlrlcn but silver will . . v . . , ?LSr Solv- . ,7'" ln them and time Is tnere le8S tlme ln taem na "me If we were all as good as we aovije others to be, heaven would be right here on earth. i r-inth inc.ket is warmer than a fur lined coat, there being less temptation to leave it open, Anyway, the leap year girl who pro- . aa merelv trvinB? to mane a name for herself, The poor man must go out and weather the storm, but the ricn man car, y home and storm at tne wwmer. It Is said that men who never drink. smoke nor stay out Jate at : night live to a ripe old age. Perhaps that s tneir pun lsh"t- . h, f t thtrever morSl of he? JSSlSr ? v tomosione io ner m If a man is before a court on a charge of stealing bedclothes would a nt Ahar aavs- You can't keen (As Oat Abar says, iou cant Keep a squirrel on the ground.) Is an honest policeman like a pic- ture taken by a photographer because he is a foe to graft? Lie down Fldo! You're all wet) Is there "any relief for a window Hy'1 mav drive a horse to a soda fountain TuTa 'ncH musT U Tied. V ba!0 ' I r VAFFYDILS I BT TJ- leOALL. THE ART OF DIKING. Now when you dine with Mrs. B., Or when she asks vnn f tn t. j Although your conversation's bright. ' nauemDer, you're a satellite. And though you're full of quips and fun. iou musTnot" overcloud thS smV For he who lets his hostess shine I asked another day to dine. London Opinion. 1HE EVENIHG SJORY rhh- ,, ? "eyO noebe sat all day in summer and sewed by the open window. "What would I do without my view irom tne wijwowT" she said to Mrs. Rogers. Who sold in her E-ift Khnn all . the products of Phoebe's skilled atitch. I ery. "You ought to get out more, Phoe- raw Mrs. Rogers. "It's gay said Mrs. t . . . . - 'a summer, when all of the Bit on the porch In the evening and oanemg. or tneres tennis watch the dancing, or there's tennis and golf, everybody is welcome to tea at the country club " Oh hut T w,iiA. tw.i, , , .?h,xiiW0.d.n.,t.,mk,.0' BOlazL ...Vn wouldn't uuait of going!" f.811. .fhoepe, shrinking. "I've Just llVeO nere in th Villae-A MM T? rx tra-ra aU mv life and 1m th)rt.fl t teel as if I were intruding, a quiet utUe thln ,ike , . . . " . v.., jwu uuu i auuK unn v-uve. said practical Mrs. Rogers as she laid in piles the delicate aprons that Phoebe ! had embroidered. "If you'd put on one of .those pretty dresses you're made to .. 11 1 ,1 , ... . . . tur4 " anierent crea- MeT Phoebe started 1a surprise. I don t see why you couldn't," said Mrs. Rogers. 'It would be terribly extra vaarant " said Phmiha "Tiin c tn nv,a died. It's all I can do to nav the taxe uicu, a can uo 10 pay tne taxes on my little house. Mother had a pen- . mu8t be all wool and a yard wide, ai slon and that helped." though her husband's salary was mostly "You oughtn't to live alone," said ! cotton and much nearer eighteen Inches Mrs, Rogers decidedly. i than a yard. T haven't any one to live with." said Sue felt that sn would degrade herself Phoebei bv admitting anything cheap into her "Then get married." Mrs. Rogers's h iiuy, she would have raised her- eyes sparkled merrily. . self Since sne would have been doing Phoebe's little face grew scarlet. I what every Just and square man or wom- "Oh, I couldn't." I an ought to do, making her tastes con- Something in her voice made ZZtb. Roers aslT softiv "Waa there ever fnT pwS' ever. , Phtltl Wm, K ' awo cv. A i, H the crossroad3. From her window she could see the wide green lawns of the hip hrtfl ThA rnniR pnnrta xrfra rnn - 1 ar away for her to watch the play, ULC1' J-"" lb out sne HKea tne animated picture ot the figures moving swiftly in the ardor cf the game She could see the red fi, whloh marker) the holes on the r" f" ! flf course. a,n the gay awnings of the country club, it was a life rrom which she was shut out, but she loved it, ...... - As she sewed steadily that afternoon, tv, m hr thought the - ngUon that Mrs. Rogers had made. Why not wear a white gown? Why not be young for once? and sat there, stitching. Her hair, lin.V.-.. m-ov vca fstretr.v.A-l K-ar-lr i-snt sne 1 1 1 1 1 tne luuukiii iroiii ner. titrhtlv from her forehead: he had a mtl Piaid shawl about her shoulders. 2 25 K fall, then went out into her garden. She lnvKrl to rliff- amoner her rosea when - - -- ------ " " , the darkness hid her from the passing crowd. As she knelt by the hundred-leaved hnh n vnlre Raid. "She's rjrobablv aiedI haven't dared ask-i passed the other dav and saw a straneer sew- , bv th- ODen window " g. v,.f . . - Phoebe's hand went to her heart. She stood ut. cmziTie Witn startled eves m- , to the shadows. A man and a woman stood by the "1. gate. They were summer visitors jfhoebe knew tnat Dy tne tasnionaoie siIhouettes against the brighter sky h"""fttte3 aamst tne Drignter SKy But the voice which had spoken was the voice of the man who had loved her and who had gone away. . . . , . T j.. ' xae naa earn x pitssea me open win- d owand saw a stranger sewing." was she so changed as that She once loved so well-and who Is thla oilier wunia.ii : - rr., j j i shelter of her lonely little house, siieiLei ui jci ii'j jh-iic hwubc. There she faced a mirror. She was ., drwhiclTalrn tSShSS if - ISr It was long and shining. She piled it high, as sne naa ween liiw wuuieii uvin uie iiuiui wear theirs. The little curls fell down on her forehead and over her ears, giving the -""V uo-to-oate ovai io ner iaw. one uauiuu her face and arms in warm water, and then came forth rosy. Then she donned the gown. The girl who looked back at her was a radimt vUion. "Oh." she said, and tlVoJgrSS&Sv? FJ3S!!,.?L 'J? JSLfSEL- KKr..T.',TL5i:r witn age, out tney imea percecny. Then witn a lace scarr over ner arm, Phoebe flew up the road to Mrs. Rogers. "Are you going to watch the dancing?' she asked, as she peeped into the shop. i "Phoebe?" Mrs. Rogers held up her hands in amazement. "I hardly knew you, you look twenty years younger." "I'm going to be young Just for to night!" "I'll be ready in a minute," said busy Mrs. Rogers. Much to Mrs. Rogers surprise, Phoeoe took a conspicuous seat in the wide cor ridor of the hotel, leading to the ball room. The chair that she cnose was a hitrh carved one, and made a picturesque setting for her beauty. They could see floor and came down the corrkler. Phoeoe causrht her breath. "Do you know that man?" she asked Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. Rogers nodded. "He's very rich, and a bachelor. They say he's engaged to the girl he's dancing with." It was the girl with whom he had stood at Phoebe's gate. She was very hand some, but there was something hard about her face. Phoebe shuddered. "I wonder if he is really in love with her?" Mrs. Rogers shrugged. "She has as much money as he." Marriage did not have a mercenary meaning to little Phoebe. The boy she re membered had believed ln love. "Oh, let's go home," she said, suddenly. Mrs. Rogers stared at her in surprise. "I thought you liked it," she said, "but, of course, we can go." Phoebe stood up. The couple she had been watching stopped dancing, left the cam? down the r phoei Mrs Rogers' arm. "Come," st.o said, "come quickly." "My dear child, are you ill?" Mrs. Roerers' tone was aoUcltous. Phoebe never answered that ues- 1 e man had ,eft the other Woinan alone and was holding both of Phoebe's hands in his own." t-noeoe, ne wiu, rnucw: r ny juu aren't a day older you darling!" sSdT'the heleTTbe other girl. "Gloria. I want you to meet 1 my old friend, Phoebe Bliss, the one I told you about the other night. I wart you two to be friends." But there was no friendliness in the eye 3 of the other girl. She knew she had lost the richest, most eligible man of the sea son. I Later Howard Graves told Phoebe al' j One has only to be unduly proud of about it. "I intended to hunt you up to- one-s virtues to make them mora hate morrow. I have put It off, because I was . . th vices. He that cannot upon KJU mlKht dead r marrIed- occasion forget that" he is morally or "Just think." Phoebe told Mrs. Rogers, mentally superior to his neighbor is later, "if he had come that day when my prone to cover his good points witn hair was twisted in a tight knot and 1 a cloak of conceit, and there Is no had on mother's plaid shawl wasn't II . ihnrnnrh Hixz ulna. y rhe saw mft "Sf1" for the irst Unie "And now you're going to marry himt" asked lurs. Rogers. Yes, and after that love win oe my open window, from whicto I shau iook out at life." (Copyright. 1913 by the McClu-e newspaper Syndicate.) EVENING CHAT BY ROTH CaJOCROX. J I It jjs ThB -th d. , OT-rheard a girl at a ice ouier counter next to ne making her choice be- j expensive piece ot good lace. imaiiy cnose "'"P'T, . ,T Z' She finally chose the piece or real lace, "x cfLn t Possibly afford it." she said ta ner companion, "but I'll charge it, and i guess it'll come out all right. I simply can't bear things unless .they are nice." -I know it, my dear," said the other -.t-l V.. . Wav& avf.Vi MinJ tfiRtA " Whereat the firsl Tairl siSiled a smile of evident self-approval, and tucked the plece of lace that ahw could not possibly afford into her muff with an air of com- ai taste of hers which wouldn't let her o content with things that were within her income. AnH in thai fos tiff aha Vtl IVTllPJll OT a , ,a I kept her husband in debt because sno wouldn't have anvthinn cheap in he.- : home. Her silver must be solid, thougn his income was decidedly plated, her floors must be hardwood when she should have been content to have them painted, c,, h lt,,i,ie. that evervtiun form to her Income, no matter how baa'y hurt, I don.t deny that t havo god taBte is a reason for pride. It U good to appre- -Zzk i . .1 mtfv tutM. Rut i4- ia nnt emeu tn nljLnft these tastes and their gratification a boJ" "fir8nfe r UVl - . i u... m i- woman is aoing viw nvtr wj1"'"! means After all. when you come to mi 01 , if all that we believe is true, these mt- terial things that we sell our lives for are nothing but chaff which the ariveth away. Did you ever look around your Uving room and eee those things tnat you'Ve worked so hard to own and collected so painstakingly, and suddenly realize how very little they meant . In themselves troey are ""- " , "Y. because we have agreed together to cal. f m lubit' , "ST Sn0r and ruT'arS oVeV ateoTute and eterna; . things? Jn ti,-r t ir ennrse it a ouiv a. . . .. v. v.. a corner of the veil lifts like that, but even that brief. Occasional Vision OUgri to keeP us -from completely losing tne rlgnt sense or values. ' Sponges Composed of Glass. Th ,p0pUiar idea of a sponge is of . . ...i . .i.v. -re. a tougn, nDrous markaWe capacity for absorbing Hq ulds. Many understand It to be me subaqueous home which a colony of . . , , . j i t v.,ma L."" . . .v, ,v. covery of science that the sponge U itself a salt water animal, with porea in its body wall, which, when dried in the sun, and thoroughly cleansed, loses its softer part and becomes tne sponge of commerce. The recently scered fact that on the bottom of , .....i. lor-alitiea the tne deep certaln iocaUUes , waU of ,jvinK Bponges is actually t'JriT is perfectly true. At those Iret depths where the pressure of FJea Z JZV!7J tr, in6 BUiTUUIlUlHg B1I1UU11W w rvr,.rH to the smiare ,many Jun "r.h,. IT Inch- tne soft a"d PhabLe a"ijnal f1 faHT"" ? -.a"" -Thl. T" a . - , i, v.i " J j m " - most lin.eictsi.iiis icmaiiau.c - ample of the re&l relatlo ns : . - ,., ,..,,.1. u)Q Qnri mtnarai """"cA 'TZLTrZ, ZZ. L Buusuuitra. '.'."- J. " rVasSfee? below tesuXcc of the ocean are of glass as pure as man, in forms with ornamentation delicate and graceful ' than could he achieved by the most practiced human hands. Nothing was KnvWH Ul tiiem caiuci uic uuuuic of Nineteenth century, and it is that hn only quite recently inai science nss , . . i . . i . - aerml,leu 1" JT .r. BX; witn a wait .uunuic u. m- principal mineral substance of which ' glass la made. This discovery is due to tne great German traveler, Siebold, K,"S-!wat8U0dIi ' rfteer6 oTLl JtS& his" Se ::. h. he ri tn i-uunuj, " fellow scientists me trutn oi nis ciaim. japanese fishermen had grappled with th apecimens on the bottom of . . . 1 , , . , , . some ot meir ucep u&ys wucin u I absence of currents and other dis turbance made possible the develop ment of their wonderful filaments. Ia honor of the discoverer of their true character the scientists have named this extraordinary creature, both ani mal and mineral in substance, Hyatenema Sieboldii Spongiae Mira- bilis. These Japanese fishermen had mounted their specimens on wood and . Siebold at .first supposed them to be , ..... , w.- I glass spinners. It was only when he j 1C&11SCU L 11 c: iiiii.Dcsiuiiiijr I of creating forms of such delicate ar tificiality that he found the conclusion afterward corroborated by his exami nation of freshly caught glass sponges. These he discerned to be true sponges with body walls or glass instead ot The Cost "Vhv don't v fibre. When the strange creatures lyn? Don't you think yZ "lTZ,l? were dried in the sun and cleansed her?" "Support her! Why i Of all the softer parts as ia the pro- , even pay for her complexJon."-atire. cess with the sponges of commerce I Siebold held In his hands variations ' ,Tn r"ob Prise. The Stockholm Tid- -of the same delicately beautiful forms j ft? -S'lS! rhal the Nobel prize which had so excited his . curiosity, .m" SoE. nc These forms of actual glass were the Also ran-Mr. Jack Lwdo1,C.5Lowcl' skeletons of the animal srionees lust I . """ funcn. as the familiar sponge ia the skeleton 1 of the same species of animal making 1 its no me in suauow waters, Later ln- I vestlgation revealed how these glass i sponges are born and developed into I maturity. The beginning is the head havlng the form of a fine glass needle, These needles take on all kinds of shapes, possibly due to accidental cur rents, or the position ln which they happen to fix themselves, so that there ed kvJ Globe ' - SAYS UNCLE GAV Theorize as we will, we regard bad that which Is not agreeable. That, after all. is the basis of the distinct ion htwMn nni and bad. and a very good working definition of evil. ie that imnntn unto himself righteous ness, and insists that his neighbors give constant and unceasing recogni tion of tha fact, may be utterly arooa from a dogmatic standpoint, but he is utterly bad from that of the common sense person who Judges men by their fruits. Tha stiff-necked moral dog matist Is likely to mistake the shadT ow for the substance and in the name righteousness maK wilderness of I - VT n j. Jj h nin and chart tne worm over imu , woe. He does srood by j and In tha mechanical nls morai duties over that leaventh the w performance 01 overlooks the spirit that leaventh the whole lump and makes it palatable to the publican ana the sinner. His virtue Is of the "canned'' va riety and spoils with exposure to the air of everyday needs. Ho prickles with ugly pride until he Is about as agreeable to the touch as a cockleburr. What good there is In him is so cov ered up with harsh words and unkind actions that the common run of folks regard him and his goodness as an abomination, which they are. The touchstone of virtue and the touchstone of ability are one service. If devotion to your moral principles makes neither yourself nor your neigh bor happy, you have perverted them. Tou have made a. radical mistake somewhere along the line and, instead of being the shining light that you Imagine yourself to be, you're a thorn in the side of your less pretentious betters. There is an old axiom of law which says that fraud vitiates any contract. Even so o'erweenlng pride in any vir tue nullifies it. The virtue that is ser viceable has no time for self-advertisement. It is busy with its more serious function of being of use. (Copyright, 1913, by the McClure Newspaper Syn dicate.) ON THE SPlR Ot Thh hOMENl BT ROT X. MOULTON. Grand Opry. Grand Opry as a form of entertain ment can't be beat. I love to cough up ten good bones and buy myself a seat. To hear some howling tenor from some low-browed foreign land Come forth and yell a lot of. stuff that I can't understand. I simply dote on llstenln' for sev-ral mortal hours. While them high-priced sopranners exercise their vocal powers. I think I get my money's worth, oh, yes. of course, I do: And I am always sorry when the Jamboree is through. There's nothing I like half so well and for a chance to go, 1 ' I'd walk five miles In my bare feet right through the ice and snow. I know what you are thinking. I've got your thought wave quite. You're thinking I'm a liar and I guess you're thinking right. From the Hickeyvllle Clarion. Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Tibbitts are h 2" 15 SLl keepin' house now, but they don't -"j able to keep It. as they got It on the installment plan. '"6 tVe Twin- .wf be'n !tbI-t? 2 fl." '.tem f news .In n,ne years and the editor Is Sfettln' Well TlilTh HtoAAll o o-aI . . . . Hank Tumma one held a horse for Woodrow Wilson's uncle and Hank ."e.W "m"a? '? .h H"1 nceal nre inn i nit l nevoiea rer Hooaeveit . - c , N rnatror tvhnt MnJ r.t . i WBtem. a. feller puts in hii house he ... V '- 'l'!n he had put in some other Kina ne listens to the neighbors. ThAef hsTJe ln jail and th ot f tiea : When Tin mon rvn... . . . . .t" . "T ,Jt-. --T" ",0l.nV Dut Tnta wo7 doTn S alsIe flrst tney are e ea aown tM Jed Frink nnr hIalrorv,Uv. . , . hc7me a cake of -leertf. ' brou,lt "?"?e . . caKe .of. sleeping car soap with him anri he expects to nut a . ' nandle on it and use it for a hammer. It doesn't seem as thouah thou- Montenegro soldiers with the Ihorr klrts could do much d.hii7 i- .u winter ngntln In the Bts. our gentlemanly and !era,,"ndjrtaker' also livery and fted : "iinkim, some of putting in an oatmobile hearae h.. what's the t. "I... : "" though that Is one Vim- M wouldn't be in ant l. DeB feU 1 "e in any hurry. Heard In the Fifth Grade. A semaphore is a young man who Is In -""j ywi ta college. A parallel Is two lines that ... meet unless they are bent. A skelington is a framework of bones without anybody on it. " There are 206 bones In the human bodv unless a man is a bonehead. and then there are 207. An autocrat ia a man who knows how to repair automobiles. DlDlomaCv ia the art ..... wto'oW't bStevo it mCan omeW Tea, Yes. "Privates in the army eat Pre thn tne officers." "is that right?' Chaparral. ""' w v Oh SB lliurfl a-.r t rr-1 when ra,i . . had beeMed aar" he very properly eteaaed plow matrimonial yoke. ChicaKo Record-Her- . J8" Excuse me, madam; might I bor- j HUMOR OP THE DAY