Newspaper Page Text
They Certainly Have Some ulT f-JL Jfe-c ORGN PA, 0100,000 IrAUSTS6.U. : JS 1J AriL MuVT SELL Ml. IT , qJociety The engagement of a Kansas City girl, which is of some local interest, is that of Misa Jane Bruce Porter, who will be married Monday, February 24, to Mr. Edward O. Patterson, of De troit, Mich. Miss Porter is a sister of Mr. George Porter, of Archie, Mo., and often visited Mrs. Porter, then Miss Edna Gafford, at her home in To peka. Miss Porter sang the wedding music at the Gafford-Porter wedding, and during her visits in Topeka, she met a good many people who will be interested in the news of her ap proaching marriage. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Parker, of 811 West Sixth avenue, left Sunday night for St. Louis. After spending a few days there, they will take a river trip to New Orleans, La. After their trip south they will to French Lick Springs, Ind.. before returning nome. Miss Frances Connell and Miss Mar garet Connell entertained guests for six tables at bridge this afternoon at their home on Topeka avenue. The governor's reception for the state officers and their families and the legislators and their families will be held Tuesday night. Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Sheffield Ingalls, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Harrington, the governor's mother, Mrs. L. A. Hodges, and his brother, Mr. Frank Hodges, will receive with Governor and Mrs. Hodges. Those who will assist through theTrooms- are: Mrs. C S. Huffman, Mrs. Jouett Shouse, Mrs. W. L. Brown, t.... Pcrov l ri A- A. Doerr. Mrs! D. E. Palmer. Mrs. S. E. Barber j jn .- J VTnlai. TYio little srirls ! miu jsirs. ujuc .ma...... - i who will help in the dining room are: I Georgia Hodges, Jessie Hodges, buui Auerbach, Eva Miller, Virginia Miller. Girls from Olathe, who are attend- - v . . -ir t i i wrck nt the unirpa home, and who will attend the party Tuesday night, are: Miss Grace; Knapp, Miss Sue Burgess, Miss Louise ; Sapp, Miss Nell Sutton, Miss Lilla, Gras, Miss Grace Steiner, Miss Lenora Cain and Miss Leila Bent. . 1 The Spalding Reading circle will ' give a card party tonight at the ICnights of Columbus hall, the affair. being the last oi me Benson ixri.-j Lent. The proceeds of the party, will be given to charity. The meeting of the W. T. K. club, which was to have been held Tues day with Mrs. George Fiederling, will le held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Campbell, 620 Clay street. The change In the place of meeting is made on account of illness in the Fiederling family. The girls of the Chancel chapter of Grace cathedral gave a silver tea and musicale Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Thompson, on Polk street. The members of the chapter took orders for articles that thev have for sale, and the amount made by the girls at the party was S25. Mrs. O. S. Owen will entertain the Cosmos club at 1 o'clock luncheon Thursday at her home, 1423 Harrison treet. The girls of Holbrook hall,- Wash burn college, and the matron, Mrs. T. L. Breeze, will give an "at home" Thursday afternoon of this week to celebrate Washburn day, from 3 to 5 o'clock. The faculty, students and friends of the school are Invited to call. The Chalitso club of Highland Park will give a farewell reception for Mrs. C. W. Campbell at the home of Mrs. C. H. Curry, Wednesday afternoon, February 5. Mrs. Campbell will leave Thursday for her new home in Wash ington, D. C. A student recital will be given by the pupils of Arthur Soderstrom Tuesday evening, February 4, at his studio, 416 Commerce building. - Notes and Personal Mention. H.T..C. A T3 Oiilrt rtn I V. -. u.n.uii, UtJCU spending the winter in the south, re- turned to Topeka to attend the fun- i eral of the late George Crane, and is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Davis. Qho will lpflVA In o fpw Havs frt,. c: l . I Antonio, Tex., to join Mr. Quinton, and ' mey win i cuiawi u uic auuin me rest of the winter. Mrs. Theodore Snattinger will return to her home In Minneapolis. Minn., this week, after an extended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howel Jones. Dean and Mrs. J. p. DeB. Kaye have returned from Ironwood, Mich., where they we- called by the death of Mrs. Kaye's father. Miss Gladys Boyle, of Newton, ar rived Sunday to be the guest of Miss Marjorie Whitney. Mr. ana Mrs. Fred Davis, who have been In Minnesota two or three weeks, have returned home. Mrs. Herbert J. Hodge, of Abilene, came to Topeka to attend the funeral ot George Crane, and has been the 1 THE WANT 22SCELLAII20DS AD3 ADVERTISING HATES: The rate for Inserting Want Ads in The Topeka State Journal is one cent a word each insertion, minimum 10 cents; by the week 5 cents a word, minimum BO cents. OUT OF TOWN advertisements must be accompanied with cash or check In full payment for the same. Note the forego ing instructions about counting the words and the rates per word for The Topeka State Journal. CLOSING HOUR. Want Ads to be classified properly in The Topeka State Journal must be in The State Journal office before 1 o'clock. Want Ads received after the noon hour will be Inserted under the heading: "Too Late to Classify," or next day :is desired. COUNT THE WORDS of your Ad. in cluding four words for State Journal ad dress when such addres3 is used: count each "Initial" letter and each number or combination of figures as one word. guest of Mrs. James King. She re turned home , this afternoon. Mr,. Earl Fischer spent Sunday in Lawrence at the Alpha Tau house. Mrs. S. B. ' Rohrer, who is visiting her people in Fort Wayne, Ind., will return home next week. Mrs. Helen H. Smith of Hillsdale, Mich., is visiting her niece. Mrs. A. T. Daniels. Mrs. Smith is on her way home from California, having arrived there a few weeks ago from a trip to India and Japan. Mrs. A. C. Covell has returned from Albuquerque, N. M., where she visited her sister the past seven months. Mrs. M. E. Flynn entertained at cards Friday evening for Miss Cather ine Burke, of Emporia. Her guests were: Miss Burke, Miss Mary Supple, Miss Helen Foley, Miss Frances Oder man. Miss Florence Wiss, Miss Jose phine Dyer, Miss Felistas Dyer, Miss Barbara Dyer, Miss Mary Flynn, Mr. M. Brennan, Mr. J. Cooper, Mr. T. Mc Veigh, Mr. Ray Welsh, Mr. P. Brennan, Mr. Cosgrove and Mr. Thomas Flynn. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bergundthal and daughter. Miss Wilma Bergundthal, of 1134 North Jackson street, left yester day for Macon, Ga., where they will visit Mr. Bergundthal' niece, Mrs. Chester Foor. They will also visit points in Florida and - the Bahamas, and will be away until sometime in March. Mrs. A. A. Bird of Detroit, Mich., is visiting the Henry C. Root family, at 11S9 Garfield avenue; Mr. S. A. Eldridge of Crawfordville, Ind., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brownell. Sunday. Mrs. E. M. Cockrell and Miss Helen Cockrell have returned from Wichita where they visited Mrs. Cockrell's daughter, Mrs. E. G. Robertson. Mrs. Cockrell is recovering from injuries received in an automobile accident in Kansas City two months ago. Miss Ella Mahaffie, of Kansas City, returned home Monday night, after a visit to Mrs. George H. Hodges. Miss Dora Kessler. of Hutchinson, has returned from after a visit of a week to Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stevick and their family. . SANTA FE NOTES. Harry Anthon, of the freight depart ment in Kansas City, returned last night after s.pending a few days here with his mother who is seriously ill. A. B. Carey is in Mulvane for a few days in the interests of the Santa Fe hospital. Floyd Wettling, of the store depart ment, Mrs. Wettling and their two children have returned from California, where they spent a few weeks' vaca tion. E. J. McKiernan, general tool super visor, returned Saturday night from Wellington, where he has been on com pany business. Fireman Harry Kidd has returned from McFarland, where he has been visiting relatives and friends. Engineer Charles Beeler, Mrs. Bee ler and their son, Ralph, returned to their home in Kansas City this morn ing, after spending the weekend here with relatives. Miss Katherine Clohessy, of the audi tor's office, spent yesterday with friends in Kansas City. Mrs. Sumey, wife of Fireman J. W. Sumey, went to Wichita today to visit relatives for a few weeks. Ernest Irish, switchman, is visiting friends in St. Joseph and Kansas City for a few days. Mrs. Nelson, wife of Beamer Nelson, of the auditor- of disbursement's office, who has been ill for several weeks, . is much improved. The membership committee of the R. R. Y. M. C, A. will meet Tuesday evening at the association building for their regular monthly meeting. The ladies will serve supper at 6:30. At the men's religious meeting yes terday afternoon at the R. R. T. M. C. A., the Santa Fe Apprentice Glee club furnished the music, which is worthy of special mention. - The Toung Men's Social club will TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNALMONDAY Rugs in Turkey REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The Board Trustees of Oberlln Col lege to C. Shoef, lots 452-53-68-69 Melrose sub : 7SJ A. A. Armstrong and wife to H. P. Kern, tract in sec. 7-12-16 1 U. J. Parish and wife to W. F. Johns meyer, tract in res. 4 1 C. W. Strickland and wife to R. L. Francis, lot 352, pt. 54 College ave., Stilson & Bartholomew's add $3,000 Wi Coleman and wife to J. A. Mc Clure, lots 435-37 Mulvane'St., Elm hurst 1,000 P. Simms to C. T. Berner, lots 480 to 490 Reed st.. Reed's sub 125 M. H. Carter to M. E. Clark, lot 17, pt. 15-19 Monroe St., Crane's add 1,400 E. L. Allen to E. J. Olander lot 449-51 Van Buren st 5,000 A. A. Armstrong and wife to E. L. Allen, lot 451, s. 449 Boswell ave., J. Norton's add.; 498-500 Boswell St., Elmhurst 2,000 J. P. HaeflCner to J. Suppes, lots 87-89 add. A to Garden Place 880 J. N. Robinson to W. Renyer, w. s. e. 13-13-14 3,000 J. Discombe and wife to W. M. Forbes and others, lots 371-73 8th ave. East, Parkdale 400 LOST On Feb. 3, somewhere between Central Park and Santa Fe offices a blue crocheted purse containing about seven dollars. Reward. Room 702 New Santa Fe office building. LOST On 6th st. between Harrison and Kansas ave., or on Santa Fe car, ladies' silver mesh bag, containing some money. Reward! Phone 1502. TVi1L,L' ?ARTT who fo"nd bundle contain- I ing shirtwaist on South Topeka can . . j pre. oui Mnea. tie- v a u. FOUND At the Midwinter gliding cas ters do not scratch hard finished floors; save carpets, rugs and lineloum. See the demonstrator. JAJIED: DRESSAIAKING at home or by 'day. 1612 Buchanan. WANTED Bookkeeping position by young lady. Write Mattie Iees, Attica, Kan. FOR EXPERIENCED, efficient and prac tical nursing call 225 K-3. WANTED Position by man with 20 years' experience in general merchandise. Be3t of references furnished. Will work rea sonable, p. M. Mackey, care Room 607, New England Building, Topeka Kansas. WANTED MALE HELP. MEN WOMEN. Get government parcel post jobs, $20.00 week. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dep't 123-A, Rochester, N. Y. OR FKEE ElfflPLOYEUEOT aims to supply bright, intelligent stenog raphers, stenographer-bookkeepers, bill ing, operators, typists, etc, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. INC. 109 W. 7TH ST. . PHONE 579. WANTED Energetic young man with knowledge of tailoring to take interest in and manage tailoring and cleaning business. Must have ?250 and come well recommended. Business well established. Address "Tailoring Partner," care Jour nal. WANTED Office boy; must be 16 years or over. Hall Litho. Co. 618 Jackson st. WANTED First class . arm waitress. Chesterfield Cafe. RELIABLE white cook at health camp; must go home nights. Phone 1209. MADE $60,000 in five years with a small mail order business; began with $3- Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heaooct 5;s Ixickport. N. T. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS open to wo men. $40.00 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dep't 715 A., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Woman to sew at home. Phone 527-R. WANTED Middle-aged woman to help with house work. Call 1020 Western ave. WE WANT TO BUT YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. CALL OR PHONE 3749-617 and 619 QUINCY. TOPEKA EROISERAGE CO. VEAL CALVES, fat cattle. N. Central ave. 2279 K. 4. H. M. Bush. meet Tuesday evening at the R. R. T. M. C. A. The following program has been arranged.' Current topics, Owen Gish; a short talk on Power, Mr. D. E. Moore; Ten Days On an Ocean Steamer. D. W. Ford; Intelligence of Animals. A. A. Brown. A drill on parliamentary laws will be given. All young men interested are cordially in vited to attend. ( I I WANTE0 MISCELLANEOUS. GOOD milk cows, - fat cattle and veal calves. W. C- A. Leltzow. Tel. 2S7. WANTEE) FTONOTEE Vt tt pay niuesi 4&u prices &ur eecond hand furniture. Exchange new goods for old. W, H. &taions Furniture Co., li b-ansas ave. Phone 1734. WANTED to borrow $1,500; wUl pay 6 per cent; good security. H. H. H., care Journal - WANTED To buy a straight first mort gage ot moderate amount on Topeka city or Shawnee county real estate. Call at 110 West Sixth street. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR. RENT 622 W. 8th, 9 r., bath, barn. 1346 W. 17th, 8 r., bath, barn. 719 Clay, 6 r., bath, cistern. 617 W. 3rd, 3 r., gas, cistern. 1012 Locust, cottage, 3 f"., barn. 514 Tyler, 8 r., modern. 212 Van Buren, 9 r., gas, cistern, barn. 1410 W. 6th, 8 r., modern, big barn. 1312 Polk, cottage, 6 r., modern. 22 Franklin ave., 5 r., gas, barn. 22-1 Fillmore, 6 r., modern. J. E. TORRINGTON. 109 W. 6th. - Tel. 228. FOR RENT 8 room house, 1271 Tyler, modern, good repair; key at house north Phone 2411 Blue. FOR RENT 2 modern houses, 622 and 1248 Topeka ave. Phone 2048 Reo. FOR RENT 4 room house-. 716 Chestnut: 7 room modern house, 707 Buchanan. Betzer Realty & Loan Co., Kewbng. iildg. 12C3 . MONROE. 6 large . room?, partly modern, $15. Phone 513. 706 W. 6TH ST.. -Phone 77L 7 room. Fred Hess. 1831 Lincoln. 6 rooms.. .$ 9.00 516 Polk, 5 rooms..- 16.00 . CYRUS GUTHRIE & CO. 116 E. 5th. Phone 730 v FOR RENT 6 room modern cottage, 509 Lane St. Phone 4445 Red. FOR RENT 6 room modern house, 1226 Monroe. Phone 1775 Red. 6 LIVING ROOMS over grocery, cheap. Zane, 1715 Clay st. 421 "WESTERN AVE. 5 "rooms, sink in kitchen, gas, cistern. Call 1432-R. 3 ROOM cottage, neatly furnished, $20 month. 509 E. 8th. - FOR RENT--8 room strictly modern house, 1243 Lane. 2292 Black. FOR RENT 1301. Quincy st. cottage, $3 per month. Phone 4186 or 432. FOR RENT Cozy 5 rooms, with bath. easy walking distance Santa Fe offices, $18.00. 615 W. 14th st. 4 ROOM. PANTRY, hall, city water Phone 2164 Blue. - FOR RENT 5 room cottage, 509 Lane st. Phone 4445 Red. FOR RENT 2 roomed furnished house. 700 E. 7th St. - FOR RENT BOOMS. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room, modern. 2784 Red. MODERN furnished front rooms, light, water-and gas.612 Quincy. FOR RENT Three desirable unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modern, adults. 321 Harrison st. FOR RENT Modern furnished room, $2.00 per week. 217 W. 5th St. FOR RENT In private home, modern furnished front room. 1300 Harrison. MODERN furnished rooms, 410 Harrison. Phone 2345 Red. ... FOR RENT 2 furnished or unfurnished rooms. 323 Kansas ave. ' FOR RENT Three nice, clean rooms, ref ences no children. 631 Fillmore St. Phone 2T76 Red. - ; 826 MADISON modern, nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen. 956-R. FOR RENT Three nice clean rooms; ref erences; no children. 621 Fillmore St. Phone 2076 Red. MODERN furnished room and board close In: reasonable. 2633 Black. UNFURNISHED ROOM, $6 month with furnace heat; modern. 2784 Red. 611 QUINCY, 4 good rooms. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very cheap, over grocery store. Sixth and Topeka ave. Dr. Heatherly. FOR RENT-FLATS. Modern . 4 " room ' apartment private hall and bath, $14 per . month. IE. J. L&KDEE ; Phone 469-W. 431 Kansas Ave. EVENING, FEBRUARY & FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT Choice front offices on Kan sas ave.. with office furniture, water and light. F. S. Thomas, 618 Kansas ave. Phone 29 FOR RENT Improved 160 acre farm, Jackson county. A. p. Wilson, owner, 217 W. 5th St., Topeka, STORE ROOM 25x100 ft. 222 Kansas ave. Inquire 224 Kansas ave. FOR RENT Store room and basement, 929 Kansas ave. 2299 Blue. FOR SALE POULTRY. CLOSING OUT our entire stock of poul try supplies at your own price. Must be sold this week. 132 Kansas ave. "Vfesper & GriggB. BUFF COCHIN, bantoms, pure bred. J. C. Bostwick, Hoyt, Kan. INCUBATORS now at half . -price. 13-'. Kansas ave. Vesper & Griggs. INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS. $1.25 each. S. S. Bozarth, R. 2. Topeka. Phone 1807 K-l. iORidlMOws. 70 HEAD Jersey cows and heifers, fresh and fresh soon. All tested for tuber culosis. These cows are all first ..class dairy cows. F. B.- Crocker, R. R. 2. Tel. 2780-N2. ; - - FOR SALE 5 young sound farm horses and mares. 128 Topeka ave. IS PET STOCK. Pedigreed Scotch Collie pups from champion stock. R. S. Benner, Tecumseh. R. 16. Phone 1278 K-l. BUSINESS CHANGES. FOR SALE The best llttlw wholesale and retail business on Kansas ave., cheap rent. About $2,000 required. Room 2, 418 Kansas ave. iGfLSAiJb SECOND-HAND motorcycles, 2 Indians, 5 Yales, 2 Excelsiors. J. C. Harding Co., 106 East 6th St. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. 2279 K 4. DRY WOOD $2.75 rick. No orders less than 2 ricks. Phone 1158. FOR RENT 7 room modern bouse, 707 Buchanan. Betzer Realty & Loan Co., New Eng. Bldg. . The best coal bargains in town for a few days only. Cherokee Lump forked. $4.15 FEE TOH Delivered anywhere In the city. HAMSAS COAL CO. 3rd and Jackson. Tel. 1503. FOR SALE I have a new player piano (standard make); can be sold near wholesale price. Our new upright at the right price. A slightly used piano, less than half original price. Either cash or terms. W. Bollnger, 606 Harrison, phone 1616; NO. 1. APPLES $2.50 per bbl., orchard run; Wine Saps 50c bushel, delivered; also eider and cord wood. Apply Grove farm. Phone 3951 K-2. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. White. 923 Kansas ave. Phone 2818 FOR SALE Unclaimed rugs, all sizes and at attractive prices. O. McCormick Rug Factory. E2" Van Buren St. FOR SALE Sewing machine and phono graph. Phone 2341 N-2. . JSRiXKfflgL FOE LOTS West side, 4 block car, 7 room house, gas, water, cellar, 2 lots, $1,700. Take auto or lots for equity. COTTRELL, 107 E. 7th St. - Phone 656 R, 3408. FOR EXCHANGE One 160 acre wheat farm, center of Kansas wheat belt, 110 acres now in growing wheat, up and look ing fine, balance 50 acres can be culti vated, price $4,000 or will exchange for Topeka residence or business rental prop erty. Telephone 610 R, or call at 322 E. 6th st. MIMLUNEOUS,: HAIR GOODS made of compmgs. Miss Noltlng, 45T7 K-2, Topeka.- - PIANOS and organs repaired, also re finished. Geo. D. Butts, 116 East 6th. EVENING LAW lectures on commercial branches for employed men; classes be ginning February 1-15. .Washburn Law School. lOMENTCHAIRS FOR RENT. FOLDING CHAIRS AND TABLES. ... Phona 3910. X A. Taylor. - y 1913 - SALE-RFAl FSTATE. MAKE OWWEU Sale or trade, 80 acres 10 miles from ' Topeka, 4 miles of a good small town, 6 room house, barn, fruits 75 acres smooth farm land. Mortgage $5,000, several years to run. A good farm nicely located. - 80 acres 14 miles Tcpeka, practically all good smooth farm land,, good room house very large barn, fine large orchard. Mortgage $4,600; long time to run. Will sell cheap for cash or will ex- change for city property, small tracts or merchandise. Owners will assume small amount of incumbrance. Make . offer. TOPEEA REAL ESTATE CO. 433 Kansas Ave. (Opp. P. O.) Fine modern house at far less than its real value, 7 rooms, finished attic, fine cellar, fine fruit and shrubbery, two full lots. A bargain at $4,000. NEAR CENTRAL PARK. Fine 6-room bungalow, just a dandy up-to-date, just what you have been looking for. Let us show you this bargain. Another bargain on West Sixth street, 5 rooms, modern, sleeping porch, $2,600. IFOE BMM 8 rooms. 3 corner lots, close to college", room for two more houses; clear; might take small house part pay, balance cash. Price $3 250. Extra' we'll improved 5-acre tract, Kaw bottom above overflow on macadam road, 1 mile out. $4,000. ' 10 acres all in cultivation, near Roches ter school; no Improvements; terms. Price $1,500. rX D. MELLEE 531 Kansas Ave. Phone 1548-W. ., MGHLAND FAME . The beautiful suburb, no dust, fine shade, lots cheap in price, and terms easy. Better go look. It Is your chance. &IEO. M, MOBILE & CO. 435 Kansas Ave. TOR SALE OR ESCMAHdsE Have customer who wants to trade land for $12,000 or $15,000 stock of general mer chandise or hardware. Piano to trade for vacant lots or equity in small property. Have cottage can sell to colored man at a bargain. " J. HL SCIBIMVIEM 6th and Jackson, over Ideal Bakery. A fine modern home on West side with 8 rooms; will take some rental property in exchange. A seven room house on West side. barn. I city water, $100 down and $17.50 per month. 60 acres 3 miles from North Topeka, $60 per acre. 45 acres 4 miles from postofflce, $4,700; has new improvements. 2b acres, b room house and barn, chicken house and other outbuildings. Situated midway between Topeka and Burlingame. One acre Alberta peaches, one acre Lemon Cling peaches, 150 grape vines, cherries, blackberries and strawberries. See Car Bon, 1025 Clay st. phone 2616 White. $500 WILL BUT 2 nice lots between 8th and 9th on Brooks ave. Call 935-W. FOR SALE S. E. V. S. 7. T. 12, R. 14, Shawnee county, Kansas, one of the best hay or pasture farms in the state, all fenced fine spring on quarter one eight mile west o Plymouth church, about 3 miles to the Kansas river bridge and to Valencia, Kansas, on C. R. I. R. R. Hay crop annually $1000 to $2,000. A bargain for quick sale. Call at 322 E. 5th st. FOR SALE Today's bargain In income property: Four cottages, 5 and 6 plas tered rooms, gas, good renting location, near Santa Fe shops; rents $40 a month; owner non-resident; will give you fine buy. Address I. E. L. C, care Journal. FOR SALE BT P. C. MOORE. THREE OAKLAND BARGAINS. 321 Winfield ave., 5 rooms, gas, cellar, well, cistern, barn, 2 lots, only $1,000. 281 Michigan ave. 6 rooms, hall, gas cellar,, well, good barn, fruit, shade, 3 lots. Bargain at $1,300. 342 Green St., cottage 5 rooms, gas, well, I14 lots; part time, $500. Large list of Oakland homes. P. C- MOORE. Office 351 Wabash Ave. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HIRAM C. ROOT. Attorney at . Law. Abstract and Real Estate and Probate law 33 Columbian RlrtK.. Topeka 1 PICTURE FRAMING. FRAMING, regilding, mat making, mount." ing done by J. D. Sullivan. 122 W. Elghtb street. Packing, shipping, etc , FOR 107 West 7th. . Phone 1140rW. . 9 By "Bud Fisher First published In The Topeka Btat Journal February $, 191$. Office of the City Clerk. Topeka, Kansas, February S, 1313. rinA . v. a lw ni.pb nr. , n ftfl n'nlnnlc a. m. Thursday February IS, 1918, for the erection of an ancuiion to me city wiei works pumping station as per plans amt specifications on file In the office ot the city engineer. A certified check in the sum of four hundred dollars ($400.00) must accompany each bid. The board of commissioners reserve the riirht to reiect any or all bids, or parta of bids. Seal. . C. JO- BUWJa. . CSty Clerk. MONEY. $3,000,000.00 of 5 per cent money to loan on Eastern Kansas farms and on Inside Topeka business property. An unlimited amount of low rate money to loan for bunding homes and on homes already built In Topeka. If you wish' a new loan or have a ma turing loan or wish to change your loan, either farm or city, write or call at our office, first floor. New England BldB. BETZER REALTY & LOAN CO. Topeka Mortgage Loan Representative, U. S Mortgage & Trust Co N. , Y. Capital and surplus $6,000.000.00. MuNEY TO LOAN on desirable Topeka property. Phone 444. MONEY TO LOAN on personal property and collateral security, on easy terms. G. H. Fiintham. 906 E. 4th St. jyT0j NOTICE TO MACHINE MEN, auto own. era, blacksmiths and the public general, ly: We do all kinds of welding brass, bronze, aluminum, and all kinds of steel and cast iron. Gas cylinders, locomotive and traction engine fire boxes, frames, and boiler tubes repaired. Work absolute ly guaranteed. All kinds of auto repair lng. ELMORE AUTO CO. Phone 3178. 613 Quincy St HOTELS. TOPEKA HOTEL 122 West Sixth St.. $1.00 AND $1.26 PER DAT. COAL AND WOOD. 350 LBS. coal delivered any where In city, $1; 175 lbs., 50c. Hard dry wood per rick, $3 delivered. 13th and Monroe. Phone 7i. fLORISTS, MA1ES FJLOWEK SMOP for fresh flowers. Weddings and funerals a specialty. Everything grown in our own greenhouses not shipped In. (19 Kansas ave. Phone 877-W. CIDER. WANTED Tour orders for CIDER. Washourn cider Works. Phone 231. Blk. , , . TRANSFER AND SrqRA6E, MERCHANTS' Transfer and Storage Ca. furnish expert oackers; also look after freiltiiL Phone. IS, riklnner A Oarhat-fc PALMER TRAHSFER CO. Deliveries made day or night. Employ only men. TeL 189'; 410-412 Quincy st. - MACHijOHOPS. GUNS- repaired and cleaned by experts. H. B. Howard Supply Co, 716 Kansas ave. - - . 1 MODELS, patterns, experimental work, wood turning and mission furniture. A A. Ridings. 9i2 Jefferson. Phone 3177 W. UNDERTAKING. L.' M. PENWELL, funeral director and embalmer. T. E. Jones, Ass't. First ciaea service.- 5W-510 Quincy st. Telephone 132. Phone 287. Day and Night. HAWLET : STEELE. Funeral directors and embalmers, 11$ East Kth ave. Mrs. Root. Steele, assistant. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom - and pocket' billiard tables and bowling alleys. We lead the world In cheap -fixtures; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co-. -al Main street Kansas City. Mo. PATENTS. J." A. -ROSEN patent Attorney 4'Jt lUti mmm ivc Avpvjtak, r. nam