OCR Interpretation

The Topeka state journal. [volume] (Topeka, Kansas) 1892-1980, March 22, 1913, LAST EDITION, Image 15

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016014/1913-03-22/ed-1/seq-15/

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Illinois Yiee Probers TIsit
White House.
Oge Exeentire to Call a Na
tional Conference.
Beliered Such Legislation
Relieve Women Workers.
(W f Pi
Prominent Society Women Gire
Their Aid in Probe.
Army Hospital 3Ien Ordered to
Lower Peaehtree. I
Alabama Town Wiped Ont by
Fierce Storms.
Disaster Extends Oyer Wide
Range of Territory.
I wish it was possible to set down and talk face to face to every
person in Topeka and vicinity in regards to my local anaesthetic
AIRZOXE. That being an impossibility, I must talk through the me
dium of the press.
?5 Is the only local anaesthetic in existence that does not contain some
V harmful drug. The only one that positively eliminates ALL PAIX
V connected with dental operations: the anaesthetic that I spent years
X - of research in perfecting. . But the satisfaction of being able to re-
lieve the sufferings of those that patronize me and realizing the fact
V that I have the only local anaesthetic known of in dentistry that post
er tively relieves all pain connected with dental operations amply re-
pays for all time I spent in its research.
s If my painless method was not different from what other dentists
'0 use: was not such that pleases all that patronize me, I could not have
build up the largest dental practice in the west within the past
V three years that I have been located in Topeka.
X If not, you do not realize what my PAINLESS method will do: you
0 have never experienced the joy of real painless dentistry and you
V have always paid more for your dental work than I charge, as my
V prices are less than half you pay others.
X If you have a tooth to fill, crown or extract; In fact, dental work
j of any description and take price or pain into consideration.
Remember the name and location,
irjj Houra 8 to 6. Sunday, 10 to 12. Phone 378S. Lady attendants.
3 734 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan.
For a Limited Stock Season
Ray Applegate Presents the
Winsome Little Star
and her own New Yorkf Company in elaborate stock pro
ductions of metropolitan successes.
Opening Thur., Mar. 27
Miss Buntings Own Great Play
"Tess of the
Prices: 25c and 35c A few at 50c. Matinees Wednes
- day and Saturday. Any seat 25c.
Seats on Sale Monday.
Washington, March 22. Illinois vice
crusaders, the senatorial commission
headed by Lieutenant Governor Bar
rett O'Hara. is in Washington today
seeking to nationalize the scope of their
inquiry. To that end the commission
first sought the aid of President Wil
son, with whom they conferred at the
White House Lieutenant Governor
O'Hara was accompanied at his con
ference with the president by the other
members of the commission. Senators
Edmund Beall. F. Jeff Tossey. D. T.
Woodward and Niels Juul.
After outlining to the president the
results of the inquiry In Illinois, which
revealed in mane instances that girls
and young working women were paid
less than a living wage and that many
of them led doube lives, the commis
sioners requested the president to call
a national conference of state governors
to call a systematic and state cam
paign to better working conditions of
women throughout the nation.
Federal co-operation was sought in
the movement already begun in many
states for the appointment of state
commissions, similar to that from
Illinois, to conduct inquiries into the
wage situation and into organized vice
conditions in the various states- At
the White House conference the ques
tion of federal Inquiry through the de
partment of Justice into the white slave
traffic also was discussed.
Minimum Wage Law.
One of the means proposed as basic
relief for women was the enactment
of a federal minimum wage law.
Later today the Illinois commission
conducted a hearing to which were
invited several hundred prominent
welfare workers, clergymen, officials
and many prominent women in Wash-
inton social and club life.
Lieutenant Governor O'Hara sought
to learn the opinions of women who
move In high social circles concern
in gthe influence upon working girls
of the extravagance of women of
Among prominent women who ac
cepted invitations to the conference
were Mrs. Edson Bradley; Mrs. Hen
en Jennings, wife of a South African
diamond millionaire: Mrs. Christian
Hemmick; Madame Havenith. wife of
the Belgian minister; Senora Pinano,
wife of the Spanish minister: Mrs.
Huntington Wilson, and Mrs. W. Hur
ry Crane".
Ardeen Foster, international com
missioner of the British federation for
emancipation of sweated women and
girls, had a conference with Mr.
O'Hara during the morning and ac
companied the Illinois commission to
the White House. The Illinois in
vestigators, in an executive session to
day, determined not to go to New
York at this time, but to return to
Springfield from Washington and
-isit Xew York later.
I'rges Appropriations.
After Lieutenant Governor O'Hara
had urged President Wilson to call a
conference of governors and representa
tives or various state vice commissions.
Senator Juul urgec an appropriation
by congress for homes for girls in six
or seven great industrial centers, where
women, traveling from state to state,
could be cared for while seeking em
ployment. The government takes excellent care
of every pound of tobacco that is
shipped from Kentucky," said Senator
Juul, "and it keeps a careful watch
over every pound of butterine. Surely
it can devote more money and attention
to the American girl who is forced to
travel in search of employment."
Senators Juul and Peall outlined to
the president briefly some of the revela
tions of the Illinois commission inves
tigation in that state.
"If we were but to begin to outline
all the conditions we found." said Sen
ator Juul. "they would, iir. President,
be almost unbelievable. Much of the
testimony we secured is absolutely un
printable. The conditions are such as
to demand national investigation and
the states need the government back
of this movement to remedy them."
The lieutenant governor urged par
ticularly that the national conference
be called either this summer or in the
fall, at which remedial legislation could
be discussed and planned. He stated
that the governors of 32 states already
had agreed to Join in the movement.
President Wilson thanked the commis
sion for their presentation of the sub
ject. "I do not believe I can grasp the full
gravity of the situation from this brief
outline," said the president. 'But if
you will leave me your recommenda
tion and record of your investigation,
I can assure you will give the flatter
serious attention.
Damages to Property Will Ron
Into the Millions.
3Ir. and Mrs. Bostle Resent Partisan
Politics in Election.
Through the columns of your paper we
wish to denounce as false and malicious
the article appearing in print Friday,
March 21. "Socialist in the field." This
is the first we ever heard of any such
a ticket and am surprised that anv set
of men or women would be so foolish
try bring politics into ie city election.
We wish it distinctly understood that we
are not Socialists. Signed.
Damage In Michigan.
Detroit, Mich., March 22. Although
yesterday's tornado had abated in
Michigan today it was thought wire
traffic could not be restored through
out the state before Monday. Two
more deaths were today added to the
list of Michigan fatalities, making
three in all due to the storm. Two men
were drowned in the St. Clair flats
when their duck boat capsized during
the storm.
"Never despise the Httfe things." "What
now. for Instance T' "Think how moth
more valuable the deuce of clubs is to a
four-card club flush than the kins of dia
monda." Detroit Free Press.
Washington, March 22. Under
rush orders from Secretary Garrison,
a medical officer and three members
of the army hospital corps are pro
ceeding from Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. to
Lower Peaehtree, Ala., the town vir
tually wiped off the map by Thurs
day's and Friday's tornado. The ac
tion was taken after an appeal for
help was received by President .Wil
son. The American Red Croes today no
tified the governor of Alabama that i
it would give all the aid possible to j
the sufferers In the stricken district.
The Red Cross agent at Birmingham
was asked to make a report on the
extent of the disaster to the depart
ment of justice.
Damage Was Great.
Chicago, March 22. So severe was
the effect of the sleet storm yesterday
on telegraph and telephone wires that
it will be several weeks Detore tne
damage has been repaired complete
ly. There was some improvement to
day, but. at best, telegraphic service
was feeble and liable to interruption.
Some curious routingg of messages
were made necessary by the prostra
tion of the wires. It is only 85 miles
from Chicago to Milwaukee, but press
telegrams from Chicago went to Pitts
burg and around on a leased wire
through Columbus, O., Cincinnati,
Omaha, Kansas City and Minneap
olis to Milwaukee. The Associated
Press leased wire to Peoria was rout
ed via Pittsburg and St. Louis.
It is estimated the damage done to
wires will aggregate $2,000,000, the
heaviest loss which the telegraph and
telephone companies have suffered
from storms in the last five years-Twenty-Seven
Are Dead.
Mobile, Ala., March 22. Twenty
seven persons are dead and thirty
two injured, some so seriously that
they are expected to die, as a result
of the cyclone which swept Lower
Peach Tree. Ala., yesterday, accord
ing to a special dispatch to the Reg
ister from Pine Hill, Ala. Seventeen
of the dead are white persons. The
property loss will amount to $150,000.
Indiana Recovering.
Indianapolis, March 22. Indiana be
gan to recover today from its wind
storm which did damage estimated at
a million dollars, cost two lives, in
jured a number of persons and para
lyzed wire communication throughout
the state. Large gangs of linemen, sent
out by the telegraph and telephone
companies had communication partially
restored to many places today, but the
wires were shaky in several instan
ces. Warmer weather today lessened the
suffering among many families whose
homes had been partially wrecked by
the storm. Warmer weather is also
predicted for tomorrow.
Although a number of persons were
reported fatally hurt yesterday no more
deaths had been reported today.
Deatli List Grows.
More than 60 persons are reported
killed and hundreds were injured, some
mortally by a storm of tornado In
tensity which raged over central, west
ern, southern and parts of eastern
states yesterday. Property damage
will run well into the millions. ;
Definite information has been receiv
ed accountng for more than 40 persons
dead, with reports from points tem
porarily cutoff from wire communica- j
tion by the storm adding hourly to the
Reports from Alabama show the loss I
of life was heaviest in that state, the
number of dead there being already !
definitely place at 28. with additional
nuiiiura reiwneu out not confirmed.
The town of Lower Peach Tree, was
practically wiped out. Two are dead
in Indiana; two in Tennessee; three in
Ohio; two in Xew York; one in Michi
gan, and two in Louisville.
Accompanying the death lists are es
timates of injured totalling more than
a hundred, with additions mmin, i
at brief intervals.
Coming up out of the southwest
early Friday morning Just as spring
ushered in. the storm swept with
startling suddenness diagonallv across
me country rrom nothern Texas to
the county from northern Texas to'
oisecung me Mississippi valley and
moving northwestward across the
Ohio into the Great Lakes region.
Shifting winds of great violence,
accompanied in various aeftinn. hu
snow, sleet and hail, characterized the .
iurm. easuy me most destructive of
the year and rarely equaled in the ex
tent of its scope and damage. Build
ings toppled before the blow in ne.i-Hr
a dozen states and death lay in its:
Immense Property Loss.
The property loss was great all
along the storm's track. Besides de
molishing or unroofing buildings and
felling trees, the high winds, rain, hail
and sleet did serious damage to early
crops, according to reports. Estimates
of damage to property from Indiana
and Michigan alone aggregate $2,000.
000, about evenly divided. Early re
ports of loss ranging from $25,000 to
$500,000 or more from sections of the
storm region indicated that the total
would reach large figures.
Wires fell in all directions. Xot
in many years has there been such a
prostration of telegraph and telephone j
service, unicago was cut off for hours
from communication from points east.
By devious routes connection finally
was established. It will be a week
before normal service is restored.
Railroad traffic was seriously delayed
in many districts where wire com
munication was crippled and washouts
The wind which wiped out so much
property and cost so many lives at
tained a record velocity at some points.
At Detroit it reached 88 miles an
hoar, a new high record in that city;
84 miles at Toledo; 8 8 miles at Buf
falo; Memphis, ,64 miles, and Louis
ville. 52 miles.
Cold weather is trailing the destruc
tive blow. The storm seems to have
spent its force and to be taking the
I would like
read this ad.
showing my
for the
office of
Paths and
: Si".' "!-,..
' '. " .......... V
' ' ' -
I - -
... - 3?
' ?
1 1
. plumber.
College I
In asking you for this responsible job I -feel, as you
undoubtedly do, that I should tell you something in regard to
myself, that you may judge as to my qualifications.
I am 28 years old and have been a residence of Topeka
over 12 years. At the age of 16 I started to work in a
plumbing shop in the summertime and go to school during the
winter. I spent three years at the Kansas State Agricultural
Since leaving school I have been working as a
During my time at the Kansas State Agricultural
took mechanical engineering and this mechanical
engineering course I feel has well qualifed me to fill the
office of Commissioner .of Parks and Public Property of my
home city. I see much that should be done around our
public buildings that can only be detected by an experienced
The repairing, plnmbing and keeping up of the property
of this city is an important work, which may save or lose
the city thousands of dollars and the man who. looks after
this work should be a practical man, one who knows how to do
the work and when it is properly done, and many, many times
little things can be done by a mechanic who is looking after
this work himself, without calling in the plumber, the
carpenter or the electrican, and thus save the city many
dollars, I would look after and keep up the property of
this city as I would my own.
In regard to the parks of the city, like everyone else,
I believe the more park3 we have the better. I believe
the people of one district are entitled to the same park
privileges as' those of another. I believe the money
available for park purposes should be equally divided between
the parks, and in this way the attractiveness and
healthfulness of all our parks be advanced as rapidly as
I do not beliove in turning our parks over to improperly
conducted entertainment attractions for ther profit, but
believe in their use for public gatherings and attractions
that will make the lives of our people better and more
I have made a study of the duties of the office and
believe that I can give you better service than you
have received in the past.
I am a young man, full of ambition and realize that my
future will depend upon my conduct of this office, and I
assure you -that I will work night and day to make you feel
proud of the fact that you were instrumental in placing me
in this position of trust and confidence.
I would be glad at any time to meet you personally and
talk this matter over, if you will drop me a line or call
me up over the telephone.
I want to be be honest with you and a frank expression
in regard to my candidacy will be appreciated.
I trust that I may have your support at the primaries
and also at the general election.
Candidate for Commissioner; of Parks and Public Property.
735 Morris Ave.
Telephone 2649 White. , . (Advertisements y
accustomed route of such disturbances
out the St- Lawrence valley.
Supplies Being Prehed.
Mobile, Ala,, March 2 2. Supplies for
survivors of the cyclone that carried
death to Lower Peaehtree. on the Ala
bama river, early yesterday were be
ing hurried into the stricken district
today a lid with them were sent con
signments of coffins- Every store in
Lower Peaehtree was blown down by through a window and to a small out
gale and provisions of every deserip-.; house, where several heavy timbers
tion were destroyed. Food was sent : had been placed. They clung to the
from Mobile today and the steamer ; lumber and watched while the gale
City of Mobile carried supplies from, carried their home Into the Alabama
Selma. A few stories of survivors' river.
reached Mobile from Lower Peach- i
tree. When the home of W. S. Irby
began rocking in the gale he carried
bis wife and their two children
City property is good enough secur
ity for money with the Prudential
Trust Co. Adv.

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