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EVERYBODY 10 PAGES NEEDS IT LAST EDITION- TUESDAY EVENING. TOP I- K A KAA S AS- MARCH 25, 1913- TUESDAY EVENING. TWO CENTS rive CENTS EVERYBODY 10 PAGES READS IT I OHIO IN GRIP OF RAGING FLOODS Reports of Death and Disaster From Buckeye State. Forty Persons Reported Killed at Dayton. INDIANA IS ALS0 STRUCK Mayor and 20 Citizens Drowned in Delaware. Huge Property Losses Attend Rushing of Waters.' Disastrous floods inundated impor tant areas of Ohio and Indiana today, bringing for the loss of life in their trai nand driving thousands of people from their homes. At Delaware, Ohio, 20 persons were drowned. The property loss will run into the millions. In the floded dis tricts rivers were out of their banks, dams were bursting and inhabitants of the lowlands fleeing for their lives. Governor Cox called out the militia to protect property and keep order. The loss in live stock has been heavy. Following is a resume of the situa tion: Dayton, Ohio, dam above city said to have broken; five feet of water in the streets. Delaware, twenty persons drowned; militia ordered to patrol streets. Re lief supplies being sent. Columbus, Ohio, bridges near Co lumbus, on Scioto river, washed out and railway traffic paralyzed. Lima, there are ten miles of rail road trains of all kinds stalled by washouts between Lima and Lafayette. The Ottawa river is on a rampage. Akron, dam north of city broke. Horsemen rode through valley warn ing farmers, who, with their families, fled by the hundreds to higher ground. La Rue, Ohio, inundated. Kokomo, Indiana, southern part of city flooded; city in darkness last night when electric light plant stop ped. Use of militia authorized. Indianapolis, hundreds of persons living in suburbs driven from homes by rise of Kagle creek and "White river. Thousands of head of live etock in state perished. Marion, levee broke and 500 people flee for their lives. Ellwood, three hundred homeless by floods. Lafeyette, bridge washed out. Many persons missing. Detention nospnai flooded, but inmates escaoped.. St. Louis, one person drowned and many families flee from western part of city because of rise of river Des perse. The stream ssprad over the lowlands and inundated much of the territory from Forest park to the Mississippi river. Hundreds of houses in South St. Louis are surrounded and the police were busy all night warning families to leave their homes. A negro caught in the current was carried down stream and drowned. A levee broke at Poeping street and the Iron Mountain tracks and the water rushed through the gap, forming an immense lake that inundated ten blocks. Missouri Pacific and Frisco tracks in the southwestern part of St. Louis were flooded. A patrolman rescued five persons who had been marooned on a roof five hours. A report reached Phoneton, Ohio, this afternoon that 25 were dead in Dayton, the result of the flood. It also was reported that Troy and Tip pecanoe City, north of Dayton, were both flooded and that many had tak en refuge on roofs. Columbus, O., March 2 5. Governor Cox telegraphed the Red Cross at Washington today appealing for aid for Dayton on representation of great loss of life there. Columbus, O., March 25. Informa tion was received at the capital build ing from Dayton that forty persons had been killed as a result of the flood in that vicinity. Adjutant General Wood issued an order directing that the railroad bridge over the big Miami river be blown up. According to reports received, the Main street bridge, a steel and con crete structure, has already been swept away. Columbus. O., March 25. B. V. Leas, mayor of Delaware, O., a town of 10,000 inhabitants. 25 miles north of here, is reported to be drowned. The town is said to be completely flooded, all telephone and telegraph communication being cut off owing to the flooded condition of the Scioto river, which has left its banks. Just before the telephone centrals left their switchboards they reported that all its inhabitants were fleeing to the hill. Twenty persons, besides the mayor, are reported to have perished at Delaware. Dayton, Ohio. March 25. (By tele phone to Cincinnati.) Dayton is seeing the deep muddy waters of the Miami rier rushing through her downtown streets. In front of the Algonquin hotel, standing on the corner of Third and Ludlow, on which stand beside the great hotel a magnificent church, the great T. M. C. A. building and the hotel Atlas, is many feet deep and impassible except by boats. The principal corner, Third and Main streets, is three feet under water and the courthouse is like an island in a sea of mud. The Mad and Stillwater rivers are swelling far beyond their banks and they have hurled their walls of water Into the rapidly rising, always feverish, impetuous Miami. The railways at 10:40 a. m. canceled all trains to Dayton. They announced it was impossi1-!' to reach the city be cause of flood conditions. Efforts to reach Dayton also from Richmond, Ind.. by automobile, interurban or train were futile. Appeals for Help. Columbus, March 25. Adjutant Gen eral Wood has received information from Dayton officials that the flood had submerged a large Dart of city. I An appeal is made for help. Tents and nospital supplies are being packed preparatory to being sent by special train. An appeal for help also came from ! LaRue, Marion county, which is prac tically inundated. Columbus. O.. March 2 5. With a great roar, the levee at the foot of Broad street let go shortly before 11 o'clock today, sending a deluge of water that swelled the Scioto river, covering a great area. Several small buildings collapsed. The police at 10:40 ordered all per sons in the lowlands to leave their homes quickly and flee for the high lands. All fire and police officials as sisted in the work. The citizens were told not to stop for clothes or valu ables. No loss of life has been reported. The washing out of several bridges across the Scioto river in and near Columbus resulted in almost total paralysis of railraod traffic out of Columbus today. The west side levee has overflowed a large area in the western part of the city and hundreds of persons were driven from their homes. Bridges conecting the west side with the eastern portion of Columbus were swept away at State and Broad streets shortly after noon. Dozens of smaller bridges have gone out. Hundreds of men are marooned in factories on the west side and police and troops are making rescues in boats where pos sible. All street car traffic has been abandoned. Fifteen hundred homes have been flooded. At 11:30 today Governor Cox order ed out the national guard to patrol the flooded districts of this city. Flood conditions are the worst in the his tory of Columus. Governor Cox received a telegram this mroning from a town near Dela ware, asking for aid for Delaware, Ohio, flood sufferers. The dispatch said that state troops probably would De necessary. The number of casual ties was not given. Lima, Ohio, March 25. Ten solid miles of trains, including the Twen tieth Century flyer on the Pennsyl vania, extended from here to Lafay ette this morning, held up by a wash out at Middle Point. This city is flooded by the Ottawa river. Springfield Vnder Water. Springfield, Ohio, March 25. This city is in the midst of the worst flood in its history. Both Buck creek and Mad river have broken from their banks and the lowlands are under water. Several hundred houses in the eastern section of the city have been flooded. These contain families who refused to abandon their homes. Many factories have closed. Houses I'nder Water. Middleton, Ohio, March 25. At 11 o'clock 200 houses were under water and their occupants were seeking shelter in the school houses, churches and city buildings. At that time the Great Miami river was one mile wide at this point and it was reported that a wall of water six feet high was on its way from Dayton. . . . .- Reservoir Bursts. Akron, Ohio. March 25. Word has just reached here that the big state reservoir south of Akron has broken. The residents of the nearby section are fleeing for their lives. The water from the reservoir is pouring into Long lake. If its banks burst, Akron's business section will be flooded. Danger at Youngstown. Youngstown, March 2 5. The Ma honing river and Crab creek rose to an extraordinary height today and nearly all the big industries of this (Continued on Page Four.) MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS J. B. Billard for Mayor CANDIDATES NOMINATED AT PRIMARY BY RECEIVING SECOND f t 3 It" r. i - ..; 1 R. L. Cofran for 3Iayor. RESCUE WORK ON IN BLINDING SNOW Blizzard Retards Efforts to Re lieye Stricken Omaha. Scores Are Homeless Following Destructive Tornado. DEATH LIST PLACED AT 202 Money and Clothing Distrib uted Among Sufferers. Women and Children Search for Bodies of Lored Ones. Omaha, Neb., March 25. Groups of men, aided and encouraged by women and children, labored inces santly today among the ruins of homes and other buildings in the section of this city which was prac tically annihilated by Sunday's tor nado in search of the living or dead that have been buried beneath the tons of debris. Added to last night's death list of 152 were sixteen bodies recovered before 9 o'clock from un der the brick and iron beams of the Idlewild club hall. A thorough search in the wreck age of the Diamond moving picture theater failed to reveal any bodies, and it is the opinion of searchers that all who were trapped in that building by the panic that ensued immediately upon the rush of the terrific wind have been found. Sixteen bodies al ready have been removed from the ruins of this building. Since last night the total number of missing persons has materially increased. Relatives of persons living within the area stricken by the tornado began to arrive in Omaha last night and the Influx of anxious ones continued today. From many of them come re ports of missing friends and relatives. This, it is believed, will swell Omaha death list. The heavy snow that had fallen since midnight and still ia falling made rescue work particualrly slow and difficult. Only portions of the ruins of some buildings within which persons are known to have been killed have been removed. As quickly as bodieg are found they are being rushed to morgues estab lished in various parts of the affected district. Relatives are claiming most of the bodies, but some remain un identified. The coroner is delaying interment of the latter until possibil ity of identification becomes more re mote. Funerals and burials were held to day from all churches and many homes. Cemeteries are thronged gyith grieving friends and relatives of storm victims. Many Sad Scenes. In hospitals and public buildings that have been converted into hospitals, many sad scenes are being enacted. The nurses, many of whom have been on duty since Sunday night, are suffer ing from fatigue. Not- only do they have to administer to the injured of their patients but the nurses spend much of their time in consoling des perately anxious relatives of those who K Roy Bone for Commissioner of Finance. Thomas K. Pope for Commissioner of i'ii-aiice. f ' V lie upon the cots in the manv wards. L Equally untiring are the physicians n no nave volunteered tneir services In alleviating the suffering. Today many of the patients began to show such marked Improvement that they were dismissed from the hospitals. returning to their families or being cared for by fellowcitizens. This pro cess of elimination is expected to give both physicians and nurses a respite tonight and by tomorrow hospital of ficials expect to have organized their starts into regular relays. Storm sufferers are beiner fed in churches and lodge halls. The city is lurnisning rood ror them ana will con tinue to do so until some semblance of order is restored. Martial law- still Is being strictly enforced throughout the storm area. Upon the soldiers rest responsibility for the prevention of looting and fires. The city health department is making every etrort to place the district in a sanitary condition as rapidly as pos sible. Garbage wagons and trash carts were the only vehicles admitted within the patrolled section today. The water supply remains unimpaired and the city health officers are finding it adequate aid in eradicating unsanita tion. Dead animals found in the streets are being incinerated. Privations of the storm sufferers, are greatly increased by the heavy snowstorm which is following so close ly in the wake of the tornado. Women tugging at heavy beams, hoping against hope to find the living bodies of dear ones beneath the tons of wreckage, men gruffly cheering their sorrowful mates; sniveling children wrapped about with shawls, and blanket3, were among the sights which the sunrise this morning greeted the federal soldiers as they patrolled the afflicted district, aiding in the rescue work, and protecting the destroyed and unoccupied homes from looters. Later, city officials gathered within the lines drawn about the district by the soldiers and distributed clothing and other necessities among the suf ferers. More than $50,000 already had been subscribed for their relief, $25, 000 by the city commissioners and equal amounts by citizens who attend ed yesterday's meeting of the commis sioners and other individual subscrib ers. Scores Are Homeless. The injured at hospitals are receiv ing the best possible attention. Physi cians of Omaha and Council Bluffs have volunteered their services. Trained nurses have followed the ex ample of the physicians. Those pa tients who have shown improvement today will be moved from the tem porary hospitals to places which have been provided for them by the city officials. Most of them are home less. Many of the patients whose condi tions are considered more or less critical have not been told of their loss of property. The latest reports this morning give the number of in jured as 320, while the death list as yet has not increased over the night report of 202. The snow storm, which, according to reports, is falling with blizzard like propensities from Colorado to Central Iowa, has seriously Interfered with what slender' thread of tele graphic communication which yester day afternoon was established out of Omaha. Practically no information has been obtainable this morning from the devastated sections of Nebraska and Iowa. The fact that such intense suf fering is being caused here by the present storm in spite of the heroic efforts being made by the city to pro vide for and protect all who have been made dependent upon it, caused Gov ernor Morehead to fear that the con ditions within the state are in de plorable shape. He stated this morn- CContlnued on Paee Two. WHO WERE NOMINATED BY t ' ' ""1 f F. M. Newland for Waterworks Com missioner. II. p. Miller for Waterworks Commissioner. II. l K - TURK POSTS FALL Fortified Positions Jfear Adri anople Seized by Bulgarians. The Servians Capture Djavid Pasha's Army of 15,000 Men. MONTENEGRO GRANTS TERMS Accedes to Demands of Austro Hungarian Government. Balkan Allies Preparing Reply to European Powers. London, March 25. The Bulgarian besiergers today captured the first line of defenses around the Turkish for tress of Adrianople after a bombard ment lasting several hours, according to a dispatch from Sofia, Turkish Army Surrenders. - Cettinje, March 25. Djavid Pasha, with a Turkish army numbering 15,000 men, have surrendered to the Servians on the Skumbi river, in Albania. Djavid Pasha was commander of the Seventh army corps and formerly military commander at TJskup. The Montenegrin government, in replying to the Austro-Hungarian note, agreed today to permit the civil ian population of Scutari to leave the city. This was the most radical of Austria's demands. At the same time Montenegro informs Austria that the Montenegrin government has address ed a note to the powers protesting against Austria's action, which it calls a breach of neutrality. Allies Preparing Reply. Cologne, March 2 The reply of the Balkan allies to the powers on the sug gested mediation will propose that the future frontier between Turkey and Bulgaria should run from Media, on the Black Sea, by way of Muradli, above Podosto, to the Gulf of Saroas, an inlet of Aegean Sea. In this way, Bulgaria would be excluded from the sea of Marmora. Bulgaria, however, and the other Balkan allies insist on the payment of an indemnity by Tur key. They are willing to suspend hos tilities at once if Turkey surrenders the fortress of Adrianople and demobolizes her armies. Officers Ordered to Posts. Constantinople, March 25. The mili tary governor of Turkish capital pub lished a notice today warning all Turk ish offices absent from the army on leave or for other reasons to return forthwith to their posts. Bombardment Stopped. Belgrade, Servia, March 25. The bombardment of Scutari is understood to have stopped on orders from the Servian government. Servia acted on the advice of the French and Russian ministers, who notified the Servian premier that the powers had come to the unalterable decision that Scutari must belong to the future state of Al bania. Attorney General on Stand. London, March 25. Sir Rufus Isaacs, the attorney general, took the stand today at the reopening of the parliamentary inquiry into his dealing in American Marconi shares. The situation, involving three prominent members of the government and open ly called a scandal by many prominent legislators, has taken precedence over all other matters in public interest. V.. B. Stotts for I'ai-k Commissioner. W. L. Porter for Park Commissioner. BILLARD BY PEOPLE FEAR FLOODS. Scores of Families MoTlng From Scene of Missouri Danger. Springfield, Mo., March 25. Fears that the 50-foot draw of the Ozark Waterpower company, in the , White river near Forsythe, Mo., will be un able to withstand the volume of wat er brought down by a heavy rise above, is causing concern at a score of towns in the valley below the dam. The . flood is the most serious in years. Thousands of acres are inun dated. Hundreds of farmers are mov ing out. Officials of the Ozark Water Power Development company here, who have charge of the White River dam at Forsythe, Mo., said this afternoon that there is positively no danger from any floods below the dam. HUTCHINSON RETURNS Lincoln Davis and Louis Fontron Are Candidates for Mayor. Hutchinson, Kan., March 25. Lin coln S. " Davis and Louis F. Fontron are the nominees for mayor for the election next Tuesday, they being the highest two in a field of eight in yes terday's primary. There was a very large vote cast. FIGHT IN STREETS. Desperate Battle In Progress at Santa Barbara, Mexico. El Paso, March 25. Desperate fighting has been in progress on the streets of Santa Barbara, a suburb of Parral, Chihuahua, since early yes terday, say advices received here to day. The cinstitutionalists are de fending the town against attack of federal forces from Parral. Nasty Weather Today and Wednesday. The atmosphere is damp and chilly today, and a still worse brand of weather is predicted for tonight and Wednesday. The prediction calls for snow and lower temperatures in the eastern portion of the state. The tem peratures today have averaged 13 de grees below normal for March 25. A light snow fell early this morning, and today there have been several light snow flurries, not heavy enough to be measured. The mercury will drop to a point between 20 and 25 degrees by Wednesday morning. The hourly readings: 7 o'clock 80111 o'clock 31 8 o'clock .....30 12 o'clock 32 9 o'clock 80 1 o'clock .....83 10 o'clock 311 2 o'clock 34 Newspaper Man Dead. Kansas City, Mo., March 25. Willis P. King, who for more than 15 years has been connected with Kansas City newspapers in an editorial capacity, died today of apoplexy. He was 4 7 years old. During the Spanish-American war he was a war correspondent in Cuba. He had worked on St. Louis and Memphis newspapers. Weather Forecast for Kansas. Cloudy with probably local snows tonight or Wednesday, colder. ( BIG MAJORITIES x St f i X - W. G. Tandy for Street Commissioner. HIGHEST VOTE , it George W. Adamson for Commissioner of Streets. f swmss-J .... I 1 I BIG limit I Mayor Gets Endorsement at Primary Polls. Had Two to One Over Nearest Competitor. . COFRAN BEATS HUGHES And Will Be BIHard's Opponent Tuesday. Three Old Commissioners Led Nomination Fight. BUT NEWLAND LED MILLER Stotts, Bone and Tandy Had HeaTy Pluralities. Porter, Pope and Adamsoa Also Nominated. PRIMARY VOTHL For Mayor. J. B. Billard , V- JtJ- Cfran ASM J. W. F. Hughes - lH Edwin L. ONeU . J.i.a May Taylor 4(9 George N. Crichton TJ Oommissioner II nance and Rerennn. Roy L. Bone ................M..,)0 Thomas R. Pope ......1.764 James A. Bostic ....1.090 Commissioner Streets, Pabllo Improve menu. W. O. Tandy T.47S Oeorge W. Adaraaon 4.8H0 M. F. Coate 704 Oommissioner Waterworks, Mectrio JAghtB. F. M. Newland ,197 H. P. Miller j Guy L. Bradford 364 Oommissioner Parks, Pnblio BnUdljicn. E. B. Stotts 4, W. L. Porter ...1,141 Richard Wilson ........ ........1.591 J. A. Ramsey 1.1 V William Bolinger Ida Burkhardt IWa Members Board of lOducation. C. B. Van Horn 7,l L. M. Jones 7,9 P. ;. GrlKg-s ,sbi K. B. Scott s,$ Margraret Bostic 2.430 This is the result of the primary city election, announced officially by the city election commissioner this morn ing. Billard and Cofran were nominated for mayor. Bone and Pope for commissioner finance. , Tandy and Adamson for commis sioner streets. Newland and Miller for commissioner lights and water. Stotts and Porter for commissioner parks. The first named In each case received the high vote. All of the candidates for member ship on the school board were nomi nated. Slightly less than 14,000 voters east their ballots at the primary election Monday cloudy, chilly weather ths afternoon shut out hundreds of votes. The results were well distributed, however, and the nominations were fairly and generally won. It will be seen by the results that the voters of Topeka stamped their approval, with one exception, on every member of the present city commis sion. Only H. P. Miller, for re-election as commisrloner of waterworks and electric lights, failed to stand at the head of the vote column. He was nom inated, however, but stood second to the vote cast for F. M. Newland. Another surprise of the primaries was the nomination of R. L Cofran over J. W. F. Hughes as an opponent to Mayor Billard for re-election. . Up until a few days ago Hughes had been chosen in all parts of the city as the second man in the race to be nomina ted with Billard. Co.ran, in an unus ual spurt in the windup of the primary campaign captured 3,364 votes and was given the nomination with a comforta ble lead of 740 over Hughes. The invincible Billard, winning over a bitter opposition from different sec tions of the city, received as many votes as he did in the primaries two years ago fi.848 votes. He was given a vote nearly as large as the total of the ballots cast for Cofran and Hughes combined. The other candidates for mayor at no time either in the campaign or in the count were considered dangerous by the three leaders. O'Neil received 1,303 votes, a neat little compliment to his campaign which was based on the reorganization of the police de partment. The woman Socialist, Mrs. May Taylor was given only 409 votes or a little better than the normal vote of the party In the city. Crichton re ceived his largest vote In his own precinct a totaol of 14. In all he was given only 73 ballots. All of the members of the present city commission were renominated. Billard as mayor, and Stotts, Bone and Tandy as commissioners stood at the head of the leaders in votes. Miller fell to second place but was given the nom ination. Commissioner Bone received the highest vote of any candidate 9.4(Ki in alL His nearest competitor was able only to poll 1,754 ballots. The leaders by vote in the commission fight follow: Bone ,400 Tandy 7,476 Newland 6,197 Billard 6,948 Stotts 4,926 The three members of the school board running for re-election were nominated with the largest majorities. Van Horn lead with 7,791 votes, Jones second with 7.429 and Griggs third, with 6.851. The two women, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Bostic polled lower with only 3, 943 and 2,430 votes respectlely, to their credit. The entire list of school board candidates were nominated, however. (Continued on Page Two.)