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Geprlta Ptutr SmtrnnX By FRANK P. MACLKNNAN. (Entered July 1, 175, as second-class flatter at the postofflce at Topeka, Kan.. uif act OK consrfH.j VOLUME XXXVI. No. S3 Official State Paper. Official Paper of Shawnee County, Official Paper City of Topeka. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Dally edition, delivered by carrier, 19 Cents a week to any part of Topeka or suburbs, or at the asms price la any Kan. aaa town where Urn paper baa a carrier system. By. mall one year. ....................... .93. SO By mall alx month By mall 100 days, trial order 1-Ot TKLEPHONfca Private branch exchange. Call KM and ask the State Journal operator for per son or department desired. Tepeka State Journal building; S00. SB and MM Kansas avenue, corner Eighth. Mew York Office: SM Fifth avenue. Paul Block manager. Chicago Office: Mailers bulkHng. Patu leek, manager. .Beaton Office: Tremont BalWMng. Paol Stock, manager. aTTJIab LEASED WIRE REPORT OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The State Journal la a member of the Associated Press and receives the full day lilaaraph report of that great news w gaafsauon for the exolualva afternoon publication la Topeka. The newa la received tn The State Jour nal bnlldlas oyer wlrea for this sole pur " Neither must It bo forgotten that tw success being attained by the So cfallstlo endeavors of General Villa la achieved at the point of a gun. Am the Washington Post suggests: The) Missouri thief who stole a brace at live skunks probably win be made known by the company he keeps. ' In all probability no one In town envies Commissioner Porte his Job of -tasting" the 11 -cent meals that are d to prisoners In the city Jail The Ohio man who laughed himself to death the other day over a funny story must take some paper that we don't get, says the Boston Transcript. Here, too. If the pictures of James El Gaffney, the alleged "bagman" of Tammany Hall are good likenesses, he doesn't look the part. But then, looks were oyer deceiving. , Once again has the mellifluous Cas tilian bark of the Peruvians been stilled while they have taken up the business of attempting to bite each other to death. In line with what were the reason able expectations In the premises. Yuan Shi Kat Is taking the necessary steps to make China a republic in nothing but a name. This' short session of congress that the Democratic pleaders are figuring on may also be construed as Indicat ing that their political fences are get ting, sorely in need of repairs. If Shawnee county can afford and thinks It necessary to allow 50 cents a day per prisoner for the , meals served the Inmates of the county jail, the city of Topeka should certainly do as well by the unfortunates confined In the city prison. Another shortage of meat is threat ened. If this thing keeps up it won't be long before there won't be any reason for worry over the meat sup ply. It will be nil. And there Is no possible excuse for worrying over something that doesn't exist. Banks also have the human ten dency to holler at the mere possibil ity of being hurt. They kicked up a great fuss about the currency bill, while It was being enacted into law, and already 6,012 of the 7,601 nation al banks In the country have applied for membership in the new federal reserve system . It will be reasonable for the suffra gists to assume that when the Demo crats In the house of representatives voted down the proposition to create a committee on woman's suffrage, they had advice along that line from President Wilson, or at least they were clever enough to size up his at titude In the premises. Why this fierce squabble between the railroads and the Kansas City Stock Tarda company as to- which of them shall pay the cost of the neeOd Improvements at the stock yards? They surely must be wise to the fact that the money for these improve ments will eventually come from the pockets of the people, who as a mat ter of fact, pay for everything. As far as purely political consider ations are Involved, the Democratic party,' through its representatives In congress, has undoubtedly made one of the blunders for which It has long .been famous In turning a deaf ear to the suffragists. They already have the right to vote in several important states, and it is unreasonable to sup pose that they will give enthusiastic support to the state and local candi dates of a party whose national rep resentatives deny them so much as a hearing. The Democrats in the house have gone on record as declaring that the woman's suffrage question is one for the several states and not the fed eral government to determine. This Is also the stand that has been taken by the Democratic party in respect to presidential primaries. Tet Presi dent Wilson has urged congress , to pass a national law for presidential primaries, and In another breath he baa Insisted that it Is beyond his province to submit any proposition to congress which has not, received the oraanio endorsement of him party. CANCER AND RADIUM. A timely warning against bMnd faith In the cure) of cancer by radium was addressed to the pubHc recently by representatives of the American Society, for the Control of Cancer speaking at a meeting In Soldier's Memorial hall in Pittsburg, Pa. This meeting had been arranged by the Twentieth Century club and the Pitts burg Academy of Medicine, with the co-operation of the American Society for the Control of Cancer as one of a series of public meetings In various parts of the country, at which rep resentatives of the national organiza tion will endeavor to spread the mes sage of hope for the cure of cancer which Is still to be sought only In ear ly recognition and competent surgical treatment. The delegates of the new national society who spoke at Pittsburg ex pressed the combined opinion of the executive committee, including some of 'the foremost surgeons of America, who base their views on enormous and widely distributed professional ex perience. According to this view, the radium treatment of "cancer Is as yet a matter of experiment, and the suc cessful results have been obtained chiefly tn the treatment of external cancers, particularly of the skin. Even granting that In the course of time radium may prove of much greater vahie than has been the ease In the past. It was pointed out that a sufficient quantity of radium and the required experience In Its use will not be available for some years, and In the meantime It Is practically certain that large numbers of people are likely to be deluded by false hopes. The first principle in cancer treatment is the extreme danger of delay; and thus far a thoroughly qualified operation seems to hold out the only hope for a cure. Of the thousands of cancer cures brought forward from time to time practically none yields satisfactory results, and the warning cannot be made too strong against public faith in the frequent announcement of can cer cures by other than surgical methods. . According to the opinion expressed by these speakers radium has prob ably been shown to exert a definitely curative effect on certain of the mod erately malignant and superficial can cers of the skin, mouth and other readily accessible mucous membranes, provided that it Is applied while the disease is still local and In the early stages. Radium definitely relieves suffering when used in the advanced stages of deeper-seated cancers; but in those cases It improves only the visible or tangible manifestations and exerts no effect upon the disseminated disease as a whole. It is believed that there is as yet no proof that radium has finally cured any one ease or ad vanced and disseminated cancer. Europe, where the popular furore about radium appeared earlier than It did here, has alreadly been devastated by the appearance of great numbers of dishonest and fake, money-getting, radium-cure establishments conducted by individuals who possess little or no radium, and have no knowledge of Its use. These people promise cures, but are, in reality, unable to obtain even those palliative effects which are pos sible from radium. Much harm has also been done there by honest and educated enthusiasts, who have been led to premature confidence in the curative effects of radium by the ex citement of witnessing the temporary relief 'of symptoms' and decrease of tangible tumors which It undoubtedly produces even in advanced cases. Statistical evidence to support the advice and warning to seek early operative treatment was presented by Mr. Frederick I Hoffman, statistician of a prominent Insurance company, who made one of the chief addresses. According to Mr. Hoffman the record ed experience of the best hospitals goes to show that earliest possible operation for cancer seems to offer the only hope for cure. These records are distinctly encouraging, and prove conclusively that at least the initial loss of life in such operations is very low. The statistics of private prac tice also prove that the risk of recur rence is gradually becoming less, while the percentage of distinctly favorable results Is Increasing. WHY TEACH FARM FACTS? Some persons do not understand why agriculture should be taught In the public schools, says the Kansas Industrialist. Even some teachers of agriculture cannot give satisfactory reasons why all children should study it "Often." says H. L. Kent, principal of the school of agriculture at the Kansas Agricultural college, "persons who are expecting to give talks- on agricultural education write to me asking for reasons why agriculture should be introduced in the elemen tary and high schools. I would class these reasons under two heads: First, for practice; and, second, for culture. The practical courses those intended to give one knowledge with which to farm to be taught In schools In the country and small towns, where agri culture is the main industry and sup port of the schools, while the cultural courses those meant to broaden the child should be taught In the larger places. "Agriculture is the greatest and fundamental industry of the United States. On It depends the prosperity of country and city alike. The popu lation is steadily getting larger, and something must be done to Increase the farmers production. Social and economic conditions demand that be be . educated, if he is to keep from sinking to the level of the peasant of Europe. Few farmers ever reach a college, and this means that they must receive their agricultural training in the high schools and other secondary schools. It means more income to the farmers, and this reason alone ought to be sufficient for introducing such courses. The literature put out by colleges and the experiment stations will never accomplish what it should until the farmers have aa elementary knowledge of the scientific side of farming. And to meet the demands of the highly developed and complex Industrial conditions, we must have a diversified system of education. The old narrow curriculum must give way for a broader and more practical edu cation that Is related to the child's needs and environment. "From a cultural standpoint, a course In agriculture, which will not be so long as the practical courses. Is very valuable to the child. In the elementary schools. It gives the child a wider and more intelligent view of the things of nature and his relation! to them. And agriculture Is prefer able to many things as a cultural study because of Its closer touch to ' man and his everyday life.. We all should understand where and how our food supply is produced. The train ing and culture received from the study of the things that have a prac tical bearing on life should not. be overlooked In a liberal education.' Journal Entries Two may be able to live as cheaply as one lives extravagantly. - Too many people measure rjieir happiness by the size of their bank rolls. Home may not be merely four square walls, but they help a lot to make one, especially In the winter time. It takes second fiddlers to produce harmony. And that's why it's so dif ficult to develop the political variety. If it is permissible to call a head a noodle why Isn't It appropriate to style what's in many of them as noodle soup? Jayhawker Jots Attention is called by the Minne apolis Better Way to the fact that "the easiest way out often leads Into a blind alley." One of the student societies In the Bunker Hill high school answers to the name of Kalaphernean, which Is quite as mystifying as the names of the Greek letter fraternities that are supposed to be under the ban in Kan- Miss Winifred Nelson, reports the Up Creek correspondent of the Augusta Journal, has proved herself qualified to vote when she attains the required age. While her father was sick, and her brothers in school, she dragged two miles of road and left It In excellent condition. How some of the old-fashioned signs fall, as pointed out by the Blue Rapids Times: Two flocks of geese and one of ducks flew over town Wednesday morning, going north. and a few hours later the mercury dropped 50 degrees, which shows how much the geese know about the weather In Kansas. A- Kansas farmer was asked by 1 Telegram reporter: "How many mil' lion bushels of corn baa the mild win' ter been equivalent to?' The reply was: "There Is no way to tell; we didn't have any corn and we haven't needed any." This, of course. Is com paratively speaking, but it shows the attempt nature is making to atone for last summer. Drovers Telegram. The wind was howling at one o'clock this morning and the temper ature was. below freezing, relates Edi tor Cady of the Augusta Journal. Had It not been, this story would never have been told. Had the cold wave struck the burg three hours sooner, the world would never have been the wiser. It became necessary for the writer to go to the office and "bleed" Betsey Betsey Is the engine you will remember when she Is troublesome and Genevieve when good. A man came running down the street and as he approached we asked him what was the matter. "Oh! ah!" he ejaculated between his pants, "I am going to have a child and I've got to hurry." After walking a cou ple of blocks his reply began to "soak In" and we smiled, then chuckled, and snorted and wanted to yelL Globe Sights BT THE ATCHISON GLOBE. No woman will admit she snores. . a man hates snobs because he bates to be snubbed by them. Tou ought to do a lot of things yourself which you don't do. There Is some curiosity to know Just wny John Ltnd went to Mexico. After a man reaches thirty he doesn't care If skating is poor. If a man Isn't good for anything else, it will be said of him' that he Is good hearted. If man doesn't understand woman. It may be added that woman Is also fooled occasionally. It Is hard for a man without any to ap preciate the saying that money should earn money. , It is also pertinent to remark that a woman Isn't so crazy about a uniform un less there is a man In It Why Is a free-flowing fountain pen dis posed to behave that way in the pocket of your fancy waistcoat? Some men have Strong Wills and won't loin their wives' church: but- It mar be added, they rarely quit smoking. Possibly, In reply to a recent query, the blushing bride is blushing because of the timidity shown by the young man In c b. Ground Hog day. with Its multitude of I legends and inspiring lessons, made Jude . Johnson so sentimental he tnrew away his cud and went home and kissed his wife over the wash tub. 'Twas the night after Ground Hog, and all through the house, not a person was stirring, not even a louse, when right down through the chimney came big gobs of blow, proving that the old Ground Hogs a treacherous foe. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. From the Chicago Newa.1 The less you say the more it counts. But those who can play the piano usual ly refrain. No, Cordelia, not every man who keeps books Is a bookkeeper. A love affair Is like a well easy to fall Into and difficult to get out oft The man who takes himself seriously may be considered a Joke by othera The applause of the pubuc seldom goes to the officeholder Who gets his price. Platonic love, like perpetual motion, is all right aa a theory but It won't work. Some men will pay a 160 cigar bill with out a murmur and then get real fussy over a 12 bill for gas. The summer girl who can keep half a dozen young men up In the air at once Is tne real thins; in Jugglers. If you think the average woman Is weaker minded than the average man you are entitled to another thins. It mav be more blessed to arive than ts. receive, but In most eases the average man wouja ratner than the pitcher. 1 By the Way . BY HA R VET PARSONS. We have been waiting patiently to hear the .squawk of anguish from con- on the shins, recently, by a local lady politician. 'In reference to the custom of chasing high school students across the street and up and down stairways about half a dozen times each day. Jack 8upp says the pursuit of education not only has its ups and downs, but its hlthers and yons. With East Lynne at bat and Ten Nights In a Bar Room up, it Is to be presumed that the local company win follow with Unk Tom's Cabin. - Which should be some hit, if properly cast the husky Sport as Unk Tom and Nell Anderson as the fee-rocious Legree. rrinstance.. - ,-'. It Is the opinion of Hondo Murphy that the electric light company should sell Its product by the karat instead of killowat. The inspired reporter who announced that Shawnee county had the best Jail In the state should be advised; that no jail is best. Some are just worse than others. A California paper advertises' "Gaby Deliss Brilliant." a dopus guaranteed to restore color in faded fabrics. - Which merely confirms our suspicion that all of the exponents' of simplified spelling do not write country correspondence for Kansas papers. , . Something has - happened to New York.. Sticking a millionaire for smug gling and a ward heeler for selling a nomination are. not normal procedures for New York. Is there an alienist In the audience? As a matter- of caution, let's amend it to read: "A man Is as old as he feels and a woman as old as she says she Is." ij - Winard's manager says he shows Im provement. If Improvement has taken a place In the Kansas White hope, said Improvement will find ample room to stretch. . , Nix, Josephine, none of that stuff.' It was a parrot, not a chicken that bit the Mayor. Shame at you for suggest ing It. The Idearl As we understand It, Will Waggener. like Dodd Gaston, was arraigned before a "not unfriendly Justice." ',' It may be. of course, that the Chi cago man who made his wife get up at 3 o'clock each morning, wanted to give her time to comb her hair before break' fast. - ' f. The Job of ianocent bystander be comes more niwraqus m anucg cotu day. The removal of the embargo on ammunition is a guarantee that still more of it will -bo la general circula tion from now on. On the Spur of the Moment BY ROT K. MOULTON. - Unpopsjiar Song. (Written for the Motion, Picture theater.) FIRST STANZA. A man once said unto his wife, unto his wife he said, ; "I couldn't bring home gasoline today. The best that I could do was to bring three loaves of bread. It pains me much those hateful words "YouVea wretch," the lady cried, "to go and spend your dough For luxuries like bread. You go too far. Why don't yoa buy necessities, for very well you know . We've no benzine to run our touting car." . - v CHORUS. We'll starve, we'll pinch, we'll dodge our debts, . ' But one fact we will know. All else we'll gladly sacrifice and utter no regrets, " For our car hag got to go. SECOND STANZA. The lady went and pawned her ring, the wedding ring, you know: . She sold the baby's hlghchalr with a smile. She pawned the parlor rug as well, the kitchen range also. Accumulating quite a little pile. Bhe went to a near-by garage where gaso. line was son, -Sue laid her wealth down at the keep er's feet. He filled her ear with gasoline and then with Joy untold, Bhe gaily bonked and started down the street. CHORUS. We'll wear punk clothes, the year around. uur pleasure twin not mar. We'll starve, but we are surely bound To run our touring car. Hopeless. They've got him in a padded cell. ne raves rrom morn 1111 mgnb He has a pencil and a slate, -nd writes wltb all his might He sets a lot of figures down. Then rubs them out again. . Upon his face there Is a look That la akin to pain. He's had this slate for seven months. The pencil squeaks and squeaks; He concentrates upon the Job, And never sanely speaks. They're watching him both day and night. x neir care is never tax. He's trying but to figure out His Income tax. Uncle Abner. There never waa a time In the history ' of this country when there wasn't some thin" wrong with the tariff. When a feller aits old enough to know better. It is too fate fer him to take ad vantage of it. ... Lem Purdy says any feller who wears a collar and necktie on week days Is a dude and will bear watch in'. There ain't nothln' colder In this world than a pair of clippers when a barber slaps 'em on the back of your neck. The areatest tbinsr that can hannen to any cat is to some day have" his Internal economy stretched on a Btradlvarius . violin. Borne fellers get by with brains, while 1 others let their hair grow long. j A feller that can't control his temper, . can't control nothln c else In this world. Beware of the feller that slaps you on the back. He is always the first one to slap you In the face. HJckeyvOle Items. Ellhu Bibbina. our noo'lar and conaranlal' drutsslst. has Just received eight barrels of whisky by expiees to sell for medicinal purposes. There must be a good deal of sickness in our village, as be doesn't ex- 1 pact It to last moren two or three weeks. ' Jed Frlnk. our inventive blacksmith, ex- ; pects to make a. fortune out n a new In vention. He claims to have gotten up the ! onlv automobile tin in existence that ' can't be punctured 'try nails, glass or any thing else. He makes It out a wrought Iron. Hank Tumms wife stuck her gum on the front door knob over to Deacon Pi-male's bouse when she went to call the other day and when she tried to sit it off her tongue frose fast to the door knob and she was held a prisoner. Deacon Prtngle was in favor of thawtna- her loose with bllln' water, but Hank Tumms. who was called to the scene, said there was no hurry, aa that was the first time since they had been married that Ms wife's THE PRODIGAL'S MOTHER. Ah! could 1 let the love flame of my heart - Shine for thee through the darkness of the night. A ray to pierce the clinging mists of doubt. . for thy storms of soul a steadfast light! . . .- Could I but see Its light to guide thee And not this feeble candle In my room That strikes scarce further than , a beckoning hand. So frail and white, outstretched Into the gloom. Could I but set my heart, a beacon high. Its quenchless fire aglow tar darkness far. his wife loomed large in his mind, for ""inter, although frost cannot be saM T".,"6.. of radiance for-thy feetr- . a had been from the confines of a to op a case after it has taken hold And brighter than the splendor of a star! similar booth that ho . had taken of its victim.. However. It seems to pee Ah! could iw. .... II,,. ., Chrlasle when she gave up her pool- Ynt the rapid spread of the disease. See horn? "tefart Ubt but . ha . tton as a dispenser of GailUrd's cocoa The result la that In spring time) the To warmth and rat uk minim antvt to become Mrs. Lemuel Wallace. I affection la as a rule at the lowest abb The dawn breaks cold; the night Is nearly soent I am a-weary waiting, child, tor thee! Mary McMullen. In the New York Times. Spendlng-Mooey. (By Ella Randolph Pearce.) . Mr. Lemuel Wallace kissed his wife good-by In his usual gallant early morning manner, walked jauntily aa far as the door and turned with a re flective glance. "I gave you a two-dollar bill yes terday, didn't I. Chrlasle ?" ho ques tioned. "How much was the gas tub ing?" Young Mrs. Wallace know what expected of her. Bhe qulcauy produced a handful of small change from her bag. "Seventy-five cents change." She counted the money hi. ana tui injkinor at him a Uttle wistfully. "I'd like to keen a Quarter. Lem." The Evening Story "What ror? inquired ner nusoana, :: , -t inrann with elevated eyebrows. "You're not 1,eJ . nlm- He was feeling some going out today." wha dazd. ""certain, but the "No-o. Hut I'd like to have a Uttlo Kht of Chrisale bravely serving a change handy." Her face was red- "ample cup of hot cocoa to a matron dening. and she looked away. "Ob, th other side of the booth helped never mind. Go on." hlm to a decision. He beckoned to Lemuel slowly dropped the coins t hi. r.irnt into his Docket. "I can't see why you're always ask ing for money." he said peevishly. "It's it's irritating." "Always asking!" echoed his wife. ooAitis wuwvu as isj wuvi stung into vexation. Then her eyes brightened, and she stared mutinous- ;,,""' "" "cr ouwiretcneo. xrem ly at the man before her. "Well. If bl" hanJ- . ... I am always asking I never get it!" she.?. l...! ' .J?"!""! h2 "But. Chrlasle. what do you want s15!Se'lviblntly-. An(J tel1 oW money for?" pursued the surprised Ua,rd, tonight you ve served your husband. "I pay all the bills, don't '"t ITf.T" Now' nurry' leBT: ,for I? And buy you good clothes?- And J " ""f. 'oro outoide."--take you out whenever I can. don't I? iJ"??ht' ""' th" McCIuro Yet. you're harDina on 'chance' late- ly what do you want with my change?" "My change," mimicked Chrisale in the childish way that made her gentle anger seem unimpressive more amusing than anything else. "Oh. go alone:. Lemuel Wallace!" ' She pushed him across the sill and shut the door. Then, with tears leap- lng to ner eyes, sne leu into ner chair at the table. - Well, then, the erase for old furniture la "He'll never understand never, ' some-mg I have no use for. but the taste neverl And I can't make him! I was for old furniture I most heartily approve, hoping he'd forget about that 92 bilL I believe it was about twenty-five or I wanted to see how it would seem to thirty years ago that old furniture was hav a,feT, pennies in my purse, first wcovered in America. I don't know He thinks I'm just joking, or set on the exact details of the discovery, but I having my own way. And Lem s aw- suppose that good taste, which for many fully stubborn himself about soma year, buried ,jlv. under black wfJhi- . ir ,. 1 walnut and marble revived and reasserted Within a week, the disagreeable itself In a few people of discrimination, matter came up again. Lemuel, ris- and they bet; an bringing down from their lng from the breakfast table, counted garrets the quaint old highboys, the state out 91.10 with which the laundry biU . secretaries and the simple, dignified waa to be naid. I cnlrs and tables of the mahogany period. "T-r JUiVT fr. .i,.w. -ne ideas of people of discrimination axe Im going to your mother's for, , ways imitated and distorted by people luncheon." reminded Chrisale. without discrimination. Old furniture was Another dime waa carefully laid on i the newest thing in home decoration, the table. Chrisale glared at it with Wherefore, the horde of undlscrimlnating ye. full of extraordinary resentment. , velt v see ker. seized 1 upon the Idea and That's enough lor your carfare." said her husband. Then the long brooding storm broke. monev A. dimis a. alna-lo. atlnsrv money. aime a single, fungy dime and I had to ask for that!" Chrisale choked as she winked back the tears. "Suppose I lost my last nickel and had to walk home! Sup- nose I wanted to make a small nnr- pose i wanteu 10 maae a smau pur- asked me to go out with her. or to do- nate to one of her pet charities. I won't be humiliated in this way! And I won't ever ask you for money again! It's it's awful!" " ' Her husband regarded her with an expression in which astonishment and nauteur were Dienaea. very strange ideas, foolish," he said coldly. that comes of your having been a wara earner before vonr maWlaafe. 1 am willing to give you all you need: but this idea of 'spending-money.' as you call It why. it is becoming a ver- itable bone of contention between us. 1 It ta, spoiling our lives. Chru-ie.". fully. "You pay my bills. You give aaj aw a. vr www va awva me pennies when I ask for them 1 but you-make me feel like a pauper 1 and a beggar. Lem. Lem. think It over. Try to be fair with me! Other wives crave dresses. Jewels, entertain- ment for their friends; but I I" She laughed hysterically, and her tones were shrill. "Why. Lem, the happiest moment of my life would be when I could hear my husband sav. -- , 1 The speech, with its provoked Bar-1 casm, stung deeper than the speaker had intended. Lemuel Wallace flushed- angrily and stiffened with un- i expressed displeasure. Chrisale flung expressed aispieuurn. vurusoie uuog 1 herself upon him, half laughing, half crying. UU MUUIU vua HUWOtOI. I Lem! I didn't mean to hurt you. ! But I'm right. I know I m right." Ho firmly thrust her aside, and went out, a figure of righteous indig nation and offened majesty. But Chrisaie's words rankled. Of all she ridiculous remark about keeping the change struck deepest. It showed " P ot miserly Instinct- and petty exactions. Of course it was aU nonsense that a married woman uwuw age, a -ty mill iniy ww bhivv a-assa a, a with her material wants provided for she should have any use for money; but perhaps perhaps it would be worrying to a woman of spirit to have to ask for such trifling sums as her occasional small needs might require. "Though I 'never refused Chrissie," re flected - Lemuel defensively. "And she certainly is most unreasonable." Peace reigned in the Wallace home, but the ahadow of past discord vague ly lingered. The fact itself of Chris sle's silence on the subject of spending-money produced uneasiness in the mind of her husband. After awhile there seemed to be something wrong with the little mistress of the house. She was leas animated; less playful than usual. She became given to periods of meditation, and some times refused to go abroad evenings, pleading fatigue or a headache Chrlasle, who had always been so keen Cor pleasure and active amyotyl Whan Lemuel questioned her, aha ssanrtod that she was quite well, and there was nothing the matter, nothing at alL Lemuel became so concerned that he talked the matter over with his. mother, - who was never antago nistic to Cnriasles interests. Finally. one afternoon, being freed from duty, at an earlier hour than usual, he ran into a large store with the intention of. buying soma delicacy with which to surprise his , dispirited little wife, Chrlasle was especially fond -of crys- tallized fruits. Passing the line of demonstration booths presided over by agreeable and Mlnm.n th InaM nf ; Therefore, when he saw the Gall- lara sign wltn a laminar race Deneatn, he paused abruptly with a feeling of meeting a phantom of his own vivid fancy. Then he stenned swiftly for- ward. "Chrisale!" he uttered hoarsely to the young woman at the end booth. "What are you doing here?" Bhe flung him a look of warning and defiance over a row of tiny blue and white cocoa cups, but her voice was appealing, soft and coaxing. "Don't make a fuss. Lem. I'm demonstrating cocoa again. Mr. Gail - lard waa erlad to l ma back on mv own terma T'v .imniv mnt t have ve simply got some money of my own. If I have to earn it." "But. Chrlasle why, no wonder you're tired out all the time. Tou look fit to drop now." "I haven't neglected yon or my home, Lem." She spoke proudly. "I've been here four' weeks. The demonstration closes, tonight. And nw Mr: Gaillard wants me to so on ,.T .... . I' guess not!" Lemuel waa dolus; Tn? tZTno'l Pc"" . wlIe 8 eyes ne aia not " movea away. HI take a pound box" he pound box." he said. practically. Then he reached into his pocket and fished out a $6 bill, crackling it between his fingers. nis eyes nypnotlcally held Chrls- s . . r. v..,,.. ue presseo. In Regard to Old Furniture. letter friend asked me to say what I 1 tmnk or the craze for old furniture. j canu. into existence. People who are afflicted with this craze fill their houses with old furniture not be cause they appreciate Its intrinsic beauty uur Docause h Derange to tnerr ancestors and en?e associations for them, but merely because It Is "the thing"T and. like all people who are frantlcaJIy striving to do "the thing" without understanding they make themselves and "the , S?!.i1dI?Jou.s' , , ... ! , . understand why people like their oM furniture which has been handed mtae ofVnTay."to m"e "but IoTsee what anyone wants with other people's " "o,-, , ... , . V2v JL P..0.' vw-.w,thv 1 , co'ltV mmTUZ'&n.K ..el ri ooms and one prizes them far morn highly ttan what onyaut' ff you? are a great many neoole who wouM nth. er have theoVri?iet 0.iOUlilKrath: fff52?5. -a Bound and perfect irs the MSi' .i JI0" - That ftStors hid" tresSu'SItfoT" with some person whomdnlred V? .T werepjj a Alrioket'y KAa.,4 V s . . . every time. I have heard recently that biack walnut furniture la becomlna antiane!aV,H fueh wlU b, much sought after - in" the T . Powers roroia. There intriAslcuty for ffi ffthS Im -tyle. Notthat the wood taller is" un- beautiful, but the thlngsthey inade of?t The funeral marble topped Sble". the ""EEX """51 cnuirs and sofas, and 5"""" '"0un,y. unoeautlful w "",' " BcuHe 11 is Deautirui is one thing: to love the na-lv mri- k-Z cause it Is old Is quite another. An! gnat's what I think about tbe craze Ior o1 furniture. .vr mttttrtm km - , . ' oin " e?.??JT.onTlK there are mighty few di to toe vear huku B, II Id II UUS anyilUng really WOfta recording." Detroit Free Press. QUAKER MEDITATIONS. From the Philadelphia Record. Some people who marry for money re pent for love. d f?glaf touompel "t .m b.fiit i - m favmSS ofliSy man' " th" Good intentions are all' right In their way. but many an alarm clock terusesto O via The people who alwava ten t, unvarnished truth sometimes make t lot of trouble. The man who throws bouquets st him self doesn't always get the most flowers sent to his funeral. Have a good opinion or yourself. You can't expect others to have a keener sense of appreciation than you have yourself Blobbs "Would you marry a eirl far her money?" Stobbs-"Well. f should conT slder It very uncbivalrous to allow hoi- to remain an old maid." Ber to Wisrwac "Blonea boasts th. j, i Ir..,. M.a.1.- A . I nuvw . - v. word rear , Unlrfa"rti wall TJ . CmV" Henpeckke "Oh. well, B Jones is sun young enougn to get mamea. ' Mr. Gnaggs "I wonder what would h. pen if people should advertise even itS. they lose their tempera." Mm Gnaan ..- I, wae in the 1 bob -women are more logical than men." He "Perhaps you are right. A man wonders after he haa mmAm m r zt "maw vvvr m wuMimu. uur in- wntneat ! i . : : Evening Chat BY RUTH CAMERON. ' ' Kansas Comment " WHAT CAUSES HOG CHOLERA? Hog cholera is caused by a germ that exists in the blood. It Is an organism apparently so small that the most row erful microscopes do not show It. ew aver, it Is easy to demonstrate Its prmm nce by inoculating a small part of th blood from a sick hog Into a well one, which produces the bog cholera. Mom cholera Is a disease which seems t h StODDed to a desrTM bv the fimat of I BuJ Increases rapidly from that time g cnoiera uoes am wmmm to nttect any particular breed of hoes than another, and while gener- i aIly the careless farmer is more apt to have -the disease unm hla hna-a than the careful one, the disease sometimes occur where the conditions are san ltary. it is hoped that the work may e extended gradually until the dh JiVf?.16.1,?1 controlled or eliminated, "'J ?at og cholera is carried not njj. hos" on.selves. but by 1 ?i!r "' 8t.ream" and even by the 1 mfin from on fa? .ther 8how" how necessary it is that ?? . aerum campaign be thorough and that farmers -exert their beat afmrta to assist in the work of eradicating lb Wtafleld Courier. .-.-.,-, IS IT INEVITABLE? : ' . Recently In an article boosting the stock of Gen. Leonard Wood, the somewhat celebrated chief of staff of the army, the statement appeared that a war with some great world power Is lnei table, and that the c-ief of staff understands how unpre pared we are for such a struggle. Hand- ins General Wood all that Is coming to him. and admitting that he. better than -d'VeSf 'ah'ar.'aTSS , lmnl adenuata, f seem any adequate reason for worry, nor to think that a war with a world power Is Inevitable. A century has passed since our last clash with a world power, Great Britain, which we won. A century and still another is likely to pass without such an occurrence, despite our close proximity to Mexico, and the things Hon. Hobson sees in Japan. It boosts the military to 6 raise It as the guardian of the gates, ut. as a matter of fact, there Isn't much danger of hostilities until the people want tn fight, and they are becoming mere sensible about such matters. Atchison Globe. THE WaR ON GOMPERS. There Is more than appears on the sur face In the fight which the convention of the United Mine Workers has been mak ing upon Samuel Gompers and the ex ecutive council of the American Federa tion of Labor. In spite of the personal nature of the attacks, the fight Is not one against persons but against policy. It la not the vices or virtues of the leaders of the A. F. of L. that really concern the miners organisation, but the policy for which Gompers and his colleagues stand sponsor. The attack on Gompers at the convention of the United Mine Workers is the opening skirmish of what Is likely to prove a bitter war for the control of the labor movement In AfiuriM K. RnAiiata and in the Interest of Socialist policies. For years the Socialist members or trade unions have fought Gompers and his "cabinet." The trade union elections of recent years have been placin- Socialists more and more In Important positions Jn the labor movement. The miners' union a exceedingly socialistic, it waa the 80 allst spirit In the miners' organisation which a few years age forced John Mitchell to retire from the National Clvto federation If he was not to forfeit his membership in the union. Industrial unionism, which Is the Socialist brand of unionism, opposed to the method of or ganization of trade unionism, has been forced to tbe foreground by these newer and more radical leaden. One of the charges made against Gompers at the miners' convention was that he had placed obstacles in the path of Industrial union Ism. The denial which this charge evoked from him Is an admission how far the American Federation of Labor already has gone In its concessions to Socialists. Apparently, however, the Socialists are not satisfied with concessions. . What they want Is complete control of the workers' minds and votes. Chicago Tribune. BUSINESS AND POLITICS. The tariff Isn't working out the way It was advertised to work. It la surprising Its friends as well as its foes. During the debates preceding Its passage Republicans confidently predicted as soon aa the lower schedules were effective this country j wouJ2 XtmnrXdJSn S'X. "rE" considerable Increase of imports but the 1 effect would be stimulative rather than i d??r?Y t?" ' to the ' w?" arop.- ney aiao comena- I StitvouW rnrettan muV foTh ' ' 01 imports nasn t ap- i peared. Customs house records for No ! th.rT"w5?' ,mI two last monthi under the Republican .taplff' "nA fe7e,rMtn for the emond- in months of 1812. Ocean transportation rtnnr V UUIJ VUllOel eg, II CI III ISB JSSJ"11"-0' tn? eouJlirT ar TlLl'" .,?T. T?r" m" starting up month. .J. T-LL" 0.2 211" ,, 1, .,V' Etltlon,, J"d even Increase Its' markets, .purchase f raw cotton by American mlMJoe delivery the first four' EgtE&SL 555 -'i-I Sft .Z -a- in iti.i iVT-htoVSlV-'.wSE.7 onH I. .i" "'' year and the number of active spindles in these mills at present Is the greatest ever known. There Is no use to attempt to analyze the "why" of these facts, but the IWnrls sure: they prove that an arti ficial tariff wall does not necessarily mean the hle-hest nrosnerltv. nm coiiapse or ail industry. Thar also Kv? that politicians d not know much mean a collapse of all industry. Ther also " DUn's"oux city Tribune. -J!!Fnl?'.J? w"nt you to gtve the bride away." "Very well. I'll announce to the gathered assembly that she's thirty-two." uoston Transcript. "Maudie, I would like to have a tete-a-tete with you." "No, Indeed, Peter! I never, take anything to drink In a public place like this!" Baltimore American. "'He never spanks Ms son, does he?" . he's an efficiency crank." "What'a that got to do with it?" "He says the up ward stroke is lost motion." Houston Post Kttie 'That girl absolutely threw her self at Bob." Nettie-' Oh, well. I guess she knew he waa a good catcher." Judge. "Bobbie, if you eat. any more of that candy you will surely be sick." Bobble (keeping on) "I would nave been sick anyway when I was only half-wav through what I've eaten already." Lite. "Dat ol man o' yoh'a Is a purty rrml provider.'. "He shows his eenseTVeSSS unt unioe. He wants to keen ma occupyin' dls here skillet as a utensil li stld of a weapon. Washington Star "My dear, there's too much calorie this soup." -There! I told the cook Vo- inn wup.' iiwra ! 1 mil k - Anu . .- vwa na From Other Pens Humor of the Day