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TrtPEHA DAILY STATE JOUETTAIr- FEIDAY EVEWPIO PEB11UAIIY, G, 1914. e , Great Palace 3veimtte3ini. Saturday 8 a. m. is bringing us new customers by the hundreds. Good news travels fast and every buyer of a suit or overcoat , in this sale has become a "booster. Join the big buying throng here "Saturday and see for yourself what astonishingly high values this sale offers! Sand Next AiKrbschOGusttd 7jR Week M I lOIWNG CQS 3500 Shirts Are in Our 95c Shirt Sale Plaited Bosoms, Negligee and Soft Cuff Shirt, all with Cuffs Attached The grades and styles that are usually sold at $1.50 $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Your choice 95 They are all made on regular custom lines, starched or soft French cuffs some with collars attached, others with separate collars. They are extra fine twilled Sea Island shirt ings, soft Russian Cords, Mercerized Twills, fancy finished Pongees, plain colored Poplins, plain white Madras, Mercerized and Satin stripe shirtings. We are going to sell every shirt in our enormous stock nothing reserved (but full dress shirts). You may have whites; plaited or plain; neat stripe and colored effects. Sizes 14 to 20 in all sleeve lengths. They are $1.50 to $4.00 shirts. Your Choice now at AiierbachGuettel CLOTHING CCL SIX FOR $5.50 NUGGETS ON CLAIM Farmer Finds Hidden Cache of Pioneer Prospectors. Hidden to Keep From Indians Former Search Failed. Jetmore, Kan., Feb. 6. A box of gold nuggets weighing forty pounds and declared to be worth at least $6,800 was found by Ralph Chesney, a home steader, on his farm just south of the line dividing Ford and Hodgeman counties today. The treasure will be deposited with a local bank while Chesney returns to search for more gold which is believed to have been hidden by Colorado prospectors before they were massacred by the Indians here in 1865. It is believed that metal worth nearly $100,000 was hidden by the party of men. One of the band is said to have escaped and returned to this neighborhood years later in a vain endeavor to find his cache. The find was made on a hill known as Turtle Back, on account of its shape. Details of how the find was made are not revealed by Chesney, who isn't at all anxious for competition in his hunt for the remainder of the wealth. The hill is located near the banks of Saw log creek. According to the story told here years ago a party of prospectors was re turning from the western goldfields and -was attacked and massacred by the Indians. Before the attack they cached all their metal. One of the men escaped more dead than alive and feared to return to seek his wealth for several years. After the county had been settled by whites and the Indians safely herded upon reservations a stranger came to this community and without letting his errand be known spent many days digging along Buckner creek. His operations were always about the small mounds. He found nothing. It is declared, and to'd his story. Since that time hundreds have sought the gold but all of them searched the ground near Buckner creek. It is now believed that the prospector plied his search along the wrong stream and that his treasure and that of his comrades was buried along the Sawlog. Today is expected to witness a rush of hunters for the precious metal along the Sawlog. TO MANILA TO GET MARRIED. Pittsburg Teacher W1U Wed Govern men Employee Who Is a Kansan. Pittsburg, Kan., Feb. 6. Miss Ruth Rodman, who for several years was critic teacher at the Normal, has sailed from San Francisco for Manila, P. I., where she will be married to Charles St. Clair, formerly of Girard, who holds a government position in Manila. The wedding will take place Immediately upon her arrival. Miss Rodman left Pittsburg last week for San Francisco, and is making the entire trip alone. Her Intended husband taught several terms in the Girard schools, and went to the Philippines several years ago to engage in teaching. He soon was of fered a government civil position in Manila, however, and has since been In the United States service. He has been desiGated by the government as one of the representatives to have charge of the Philippine exhibit at the Panama-Pacific exposition at San Fran cisco in iis. NEW J All j FOR CLOUD COUNTY. Third Story of Court House May Be Reconstructed and Made Modern. Concordia, Feb. 6. Cloud county will have a new county Jail. A great many have always wondered what all the extra space was ever made for in the upper story of the court house and now the county commissioners have solved the problem. They have not officially taken action, but expect to at their next regular meeting. The commission ers as well as every one else familiar with the conditions at the county jail, realize that Cloud county is sorely in need of a new Jail. The third floor of the court house can be so made that it will be as modern as any jail in the state. The plan is to make the floors fire proof, all steam, jewer sys tem, lights, fire escapes, woman's ward, the Jailer's living rooms and all the conveniences necessary. Homesteads Claim Kansans. Jetmore, Kan. Feb. 6. The liber ality of the government homestead regulations in the southeastern Colo rado district is sapping Hodgeman county of many of its leading farmers. D0NT SCOLD AN IRRITABLE CHILD book. Mother! If little tongue is coated give "California Syrup of Figs" Children love It. "There's a Reason" You may have small care what the reason is, so long as your food really nourishes your body and keeps your brain healthy, active and a money-maker. But when signs of nervous pros tration set in, you want to know why you can get sure help from Grape-Nusts FOOD A 10-days trial usually brings improvement in body and mind, and the experience will show "There's a Reason" V Grocers everywhere sell Grape-Nuts. Mother! Your child isn't naturally cross and peevish. See If tongue is coated; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gentle liver and bowel cleansing should always be the first treatment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's ills; give a tea spoonful, and in a few hours all the foul waste.- sour bile and fermenting food which is clogged in the boweis passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. AH children love this harmless, delicio'.s fruit laxative," and it never fails to effect a good "inside" cleansing. Di rections for babies, children of ail ages and grown-ups are plainly on tho bottle. Keep it handy in your home. A lit tle given today saves a sick child to morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle "California Syrup of Figs," then look and see that it is made by the "Cali fornia Fig Syrup company." Coun terfeits are being sold here. Don't be fooled ! Adv. A 320 acre homestead and a 320 acre desert claim for pasture may be taken by each entrant. The satisfactory character of much of the land has re cently drawn many people from this county. TOPEKA MAN ON JOB, C. M. England Appointed Assistant Deputy Warden at Penitentiary. Leavenworth, Kan., Feb. 6. Announce has been made at the Kansas state peni tentiary of the retirement on February 13 of Frank Snare, assistant deputy warden. Mr. Snare came to the prison ten years ago as a guard, and has filled many im portant positions. Eighteen months ago J. K. Codding, former warden, appointed him assistant deputy. He is considered one of the best posted men on prison af fairs now connected with the Institution. Mr. Snare will retire to his farm near Fa!rmount In this county. C. Bngland, formerly connected with the police department at Topeka. has been selected as Mr. Snare's successor. It also is reported that James Dobbs, foreman of the brick plant, is to leave the prison within a few weeks. Mr. Dobbs came to the prison from Atchison twelve years ago. He is considered one of the most expert brick makers in this section of the state. Chanees in the female ward also are an nounced. Mrs. Bottomly, of Phillips coun ty, who has been employed as night guard for the past four months, has been ad vanced to matron, while Mrs. Ida Adrlance, of Baldwin, has been appointed night guard. RAISE LEMONS AT ELIiTNWOOD. Tfeonflsaeds off Hart Schaffimeir & Mam NO matter at - what weight you tip the scales nor how tall or short you are; no difference what your chest or waist measurement is, youll find YOUR EXACT SIZE in this Bis $17 Sale. This sale is for EVERYBODY professional men, business men, laboring men, college men, for men of every conceivable taste and your satisfaction is guaranteed just as completely as if you paid full regular prices. Buy one of these Hart Schaf f ner & Marx suits or overcoats tomorrow and pocket a clean cut saving of $5.50 to $13.00. Thousands to choose from the richest woolens and most re fined weaves and shades, in cluding elegant blue serges and beautiful Chinchillas; the most distinguished models even the swagger Balmaccans. Buy for now and next season as well and take your choice of these rich S20, $2S, $25 and $22.50 qualities at only $30.00 Suits and Overcoats $28.00 Suits and Overcoats $25.00 Suits and Overcoats $22.50 Suits and Overcoats On Sale Again Saturday at Hart Schaffher & Marx Finest Suits and Overcoats Reduced Har tSchaffner & Marx very finest $75 black Melton Overcoats, luxuriously lined with rich astrakhan; Persian lamb col lar; cut 62 inches Ions; sizes 36 to 44; all ntow reduced to. All Hart Schaffner & Marx $60 Over coats, most beautiful imported fab rics; elegantly tailored; now. .............. $55 ) Over- $45 All Hart Schaffner & Marx $50 Over. coats, English Meltons, Brook Beavers and other fine fabrics; $40 All Hart Schaffner & Marx $40 and Overcoats; every new model color and pattern; beautifully tailored and finished; now. . . . Suits $28.50 Hart Schaffner & Marx Balmacaan Overcoats; made of Imported Scotch mixtures in browns and grays; formerly 30- Saturday. Young Men's Fine $18 and $20 Suite and Overcoats. Some of our best makes, splendidly tailored and all good styles. Now $21.75 $13.75 .$3.S0 Mothers! MOST IMPORTANT TROUSER SALE These Trousers are sellinsr at $3.90; they're worth $7. $6.50, $6, $5: they're made from short ends of finest, costliest suit fabrics; from HART SCHAFFNER & MARX. You'll find worsteds, cheviots, tweeds, serges, fancy weaves-r-blue, gray, brown. You may be able to match your suit. They're the top of qual ity!?, $6.50, $6, $5 Trousers. ; New Stetson Arrivals " In Our Hat Dept. THE GWYNEDD is a smart high crown dish brim soft hat with a high bow on the Southwest cor ner very smart and will be a favorite with young men. Select qualit y .... $Tt The 5th Avenue A classy stiff hat of unusual style - high taper crown, narrow curled brim, slightly dipped front and rear. See this Jo one wjwv m IF YOU are not ready for your Spring hat, buy one like you are wearing now we're cleaning up all our mid-winter styles i qp $4, $3.50, $3 ones $1.CK) Hundreds of Our Boys' Finest $7.50, $8.50 CC and $10 Suits and Overcoats Are Now Includes Russians, Sailors, Middies and French Blouse Suits, 2 V2 to 10 years ; Norfolks and dou ble breasteds, 8 to 18 years ; knickers cut full peg and full lined. Many of the latter are ELEGANT BLUE SERGES WITH TWO PAIRS PANTS TO MATCH. Beautiful Allwool, Shawl Collar Chin chilla Overcoats, also convertible collar styles, Dlain or belted back. 8 to 18 years, and Russian and button-to-chin models, 2V2 to 10 years. These are actual $7.50, $8.50 and $10 values; all in one big lot at, your choice - Big Cleanup Sale Boys' $5 and $5.95 Overcoats Tomorrow at $3.75 Boys' Klegant Gray and Blue Chinchilla Overcoats in the popular shawl collar model; also long, full cut, belted back Overcoats, with convertible collar; all wool fabrics In plain gray friezes and meltons and gray, tan and brown mixtures; sizes 4 to 18 years. Were $5 and $5.95; on sale Boys' Elegant $5 Blue Serge Norfolk Suits Tomorrow Only $3.75 Mothers are wildly enthusiastic about the phenomenal values this sale affords. The fabric Is a beautifuly woven, smooth finished blue serge that will give extra good ser vice. Suits are made in the very nobbiest English Nor folk models, with stitched down belt: knickers are cut full peg style and are full linen lined, have belt straps and watch pockets; sizes 6 to 17 years; for only. . Kussian $5 wuuh iaui 111 $3.75 itacio uio cut $3.75 HEAR YE! HURRY To This Shoe Sale Men's $5.00 and $4.50 Washburn Winter Shoes OJQ oe (no Corndodgers) Men's $4 and $3.60 Wash. CO burn winter shoes , r All $6.00 and $5.00 Laird e Schober women's M Eft winter shoes. . Lady Washburn $4.50, $4.00 and shcrr...... $2X3 Mike Hincs Success with Cultivates Trees Fine Specimens. Ellinwood, Kan., Feb. 6. That monster lemons may be grown in Kansas is proven by the successful ef forts of Mike Hines of this city. Ten years ago Hines purchased a young lemon tree and placed it in his home. Through careful attention it has now grown to a- height of five feet. The current season's crop was 22 pieces of fruit, the largest of which meas ured 14 inches one way by 16 inches the other. END INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, GAS, SOUR STOMACH PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN. Tune it! In five minutes your nause ated stomach feels fine Stops fermentation. KAN SAX KILLED ON COAST. Frank Scott of Concordia Is Vlctl: Father Goes to Claim Body. Concordia. Feb. 6. Word has reached Concordia that Frank Scott, several years ago living in Concordia, was accidentally shot and killed In California. His father has gone west and will bring the body to Concordia for burial probably Saturday. Tou don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't Injure it with drastic drugs. Pane's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in giving relief; its harmlessness; its certain unfailing action in regulat ing sick , sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dys pepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made It famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home keep it handy get a large fifty-cent case from any drug store, and then if any one should eat some thing which doesn't agree with them; if what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes head ache, dizziness and naseau; eructations of acid and undigested food remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin comes n contact with the stomach, all such dis tress vanishes. Its promptness, cer tainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a revelation to those who try It. Adv. LAND FOR HOMESTEADERS. Tracts Aggregating 7,000 Acres in Hamilton and Greeley to Be Open. Tribune, Kan. Feb: 6. The receipt f advice here that about 7,000 acres f land in Greeley and Hamilton ounties will soon be opened for -omesteading has caused intense In- erest. The locations of the tracts aave not been announced. The land is composed of homesteads entered on over seven years ago but on which final proof was not made. It has re verted back to the government. MORE DRILLING IN BUTLER CO. Tulsa Firm Prospect ton New Leases . Interest Increasing. ElDorado. Kan.,, Feb. . Drilling for oil in the vicinity of Latham, in south east Butler county, is under way. A large acreage has ben leased by a company from Tulsa. Ok., which is do tag Its own prospecting. Several holes re to be put down immediately. The first well is on the H,'T. Fromm arm Just south of Latham. The f eople ire anxious to have the land prospected and are leasing their land rapidly. The belief that rich ell fields exist in ZH5 9JZ Going to Europe This Summer? Now is the time to make reservations for sailing in May June or July, returning: in August, September or October, either to or from England, the Mediterranean or other European ports. Steamers sailing during these, months are always booked to their full capacity. I am agent for all principal lines. For literature and full information as to rates, sailing dates, etc., address T. Lw KING, C. P. & T. A., A. T. & S. F. Ry., " Topeka, Kansas. the hills east and south of Latham has been held for a long time und ncrv it is going to be tried out. OIL IN ELLIS AND LOGAN. Experienced Prospector . Takes Leases and WU1 Drill Wells. Russell, Kan., Feb. 6- It Is the be lief of J. C. Noble, an oil and gas man for 36 years, that oil or gas or both may be found along the Smoky river in Logan and Ellis counties. He has recently taken a large number of leases in these counties and in return promises to sink several wells in the near future and make a thorough test of this section's underground resource" 8 Daily Trains TO KANSAS CITY DOUBLE TRACK L.v. Topeka :z a. m. Sa. m. 7:40 a. m. p. m. 9-M B. m. I -a;-, p. m. i:m p. m. p. tn. Ar. Kan. Citj a. tn. 7:X a. m. t J6 a. m. 61 p. m. 6:10 p. m. 7 JO p. m. : p. tn. 10: n. tn. NO STOPS Bail snu StaMliiarMMi C. t. WUC0M. C P. A FhM 4M9 jw.wrfc t- rlty Lv. Kan Cltj 7A a. m. :! a. m. "lft:4l a. m- MM a. m. : p. nv Srttp. m. 1:J p. m. 11 : t. t. Arr. Topeka :36 . m. U : '. m. - VtZN P. 1M ft. t:K.Sv a .li a. as. I I a. t-1 V