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EVERYBODY j 20 PAGES READ IT 5 rftr fit? -fi-ftfr SKY if, EVERYBODY 20 PAGED NEEDS IT , 4 LAST EDITION- SATURDAY EVENING- TOPEKA, KANSAS- FEBRUARY 7, 1914. SATURDAY EVENING. FIVE CENTS. rix I Li 11 1 1 1 m i n 1 1 V V 1 IT 17AS4 BELOW That Is Becord Cold Mark for Winter. Unofficial Thermometers Show 8 Degrees Below. HOT f.:UCH CHANGE SUNDAY The Wind Has Gone Down and the Snn Is on Job. Coal Men Corered Deep With Orders. It was four degrees below zero at even o'clock this morning by the government thermometer on top of the Mulvane building, and eight be low according to a thermometer close to the earth In the yard of "Sunny" Flora, the local weather mm. All Kansas was cold today, but not quite as cold as the government "experts" feared might be the case. The area of low pressure that was central over Wyoming and Montana Friday and which was causing the atmospheric' disturbance experienced in Kansas did not touch as far south In its course as was expected and con sequently Kansas did not get the brunt of the storm. The sun caused a little moderation in temperature to day, but the northerly wind will send the mercury down tonight. It is agreed that the storm was quite severe enough. At Topeka this morning the phones at the plumbing establishments were kept warm by calls from hundreds of Topeka homes where water pipes were frozen. The gas pressure is low today, and the coal men report that it has been im possible for them to fill all their or ders for fuel because of an insuffi cient number of teams. One dealer said: "When the weather was warm it seemed as though fifty men ap plied for work every day. Now that we want them they are almost as scarce as hen's teeth. We would handle more coal if we could get teams." Not Much Change In Temperature. The forecast reads: "Generally fair tonight and Sunday; no impor-! tant cnange in temperature; moder ate northwest winds." Trains Running Late. Railroad trains, especially from the west and northwest were delayed somewhat on account of the storm. The high wind drove the light snow Into the "cuts.' . , - The sky began clearing by 7 o'clock Friday evening. At the same time the velocity of the wind was reduced. The seed at that time was twenty-five miles an hour. This morning at 9 o'clock it was but 15. The wind was coming from the northwest. The day dawned clear and crisp. The minimum temperature came at 7 o'clock,- but the sun soon began to send the mercury upward at a snail's pace. It is reported from several Kansas points that there is a shortage of feed for cattle, but the complaint is not general. Some of the fruit men fear that the peach buds have been in jured, but of course there are always the "fruit killers" to be heard from in case of cold weather. No weather record was broken to day. February 7, 1895, the quicksil ver went down to the 14 below notch. It might -also be interesting to note that 15 years ago next Thursday the government thermometer registered 25 degrees below and that is the cold record for Topeka, The rapidity with which the recent storm traveled has brought forth an explanation from "Sunny" Flora, the local weather man, as to why It is that a storm will apparently travel faster than the wind. He pointed out that while the surface wind may be blowing at the rate of from 25 to 30 miles an hour as was the case Friday, the upper air is likely to be traveling 60 or 60 miles an hour. It Is 16 Degrees Warmer. The mercury rose sixteen degrees between 7 o'clock this morning and 2 o'clock this afternoon. There is not a cloud in the sky, and the wind is traveling at the rate of twelve miles an hour from the west. The shippers' forecast indicates that the tempera ture will be close to the zero mark Sunday morning. The forecast reads: "Protect 36-hour shipments north against temperature of 10 degrees be low zero; east, and west, zero; south, five above." There is a tendency on the part of the wind to shift to the southwest. The hourly readings 7 o'clock 8 o'clock 9 o'clock 10 o'clock 11 o'clock 6 3 1 1 12 o'clcjk 8 1 o'clock 12 2 o'clock 12 3 o'clock . ... .18 I () Below zero. Wichita, Kan., Feb. 7. A clear sky and absence of wind during the night followed by a bright sun this morning seem to have put an end to the bliz zard that swooped down on this sec tion of Kansas yesterday. The lowest temperature reached during the night was 2 degrees below zero. The mer cury is rising slowly this morning. The snowfall was very light. Stock men declare that little damage or suf fering was caused to live stock. Or chard owners say the change to colder weather will retard the budding of (Continued on Page Six.) SWEEPING EASTWARD. The Cold Wave Now Envelops Ohio Valley. "Washington, Feb. 7. Cold weathtr sweeping eastward spread its frosty blanket over the Ohio valley and the Upper Lake region today, ith prom ise of bringing the lowest tempera tures of the year. Storm warnings oraerea up all along the Atlantic coast from the Delaware breakwater to Eastport Me., heralded the cold wave which DV all nredintlnn will ho over the At antic coast district and the Lower will remain! Ike region by tonight and Zero ter fver sunday. ratures throughout the Missouri ana the plains states I J nd being pushed along eastward are ex pected to make it very cold and clear for the next two or three days, except in the lower lake regions and northern New England, where snows were ex pected. Generally fair weather was predicted elsewhere. The weather bureau's little white flag with the black square in the center was flutter ing off its silent message, "Cold Wave" from all the stations in the east to day. St Louis,' Feb. 7. Temperatures ranging from two below zero to five above were recorded in various parts of St. Louis. This morning the sky was clear and the high wind which prevailed last night had nearly died down. Many cases of suffering were reported to the police. More than seven hundred homeless men were sheltered at the municipal lodging house last night. SAVE HUMAN LIFE Safety Inrentlon by Topekan Tried Ont by Santa Fe. Manufacture of New Mall Crane in the Topeka Shops. A new. flexible mall crane, designed to save the lives of locomotive en gineers, has been worked out and la being manufactured In the shops of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway in Topeka. The Invention is a product of many years of study by Harry Hobson, signal supervisor of the eastern lines of the Santa Fe, headquarters in Topeka. For years, since the adoption of the Peirce mail crane, the Santa Fe has been losing engineers through acci dents in connection with the construc tion of this apparatus. Engineers have been killed by coming in contact with the steel arm of the crane as it extended out to deliver the mall bags to the postal cars. The Hobson improvement will pre vent fatal accidents of this kind. The arms of the mail crane have been hinged a loose connection. If the engineer comes In contact with the arm, it swings to one side and he Is in no danger of being knocked from the cab or kilted. A minor injury may result such as any little' tap on the head would produce but there la no danger of a fatality. The Santa Fe is manufacturing the new crane in the shops In Topeka. If the design proves a success, the road undoubtedly will install the cranes all over the system. HEAT AWAKES HIM. Finds Building Afire and Stakes m Hurried Escape. Kansas City, Feb. 7. With the thermometer below zero fire started in the Walpole building, southwest corner of Twelfth street and Grand avenue, here today, endangering the lives of several persons who were rescued by firemen. Three women, patients in a sanitarium, were carried out of the building in their night clothing by firemen. Four Chinese employees in a nearby restaurant were overcome by smoke and were carried to the sidewalk by firemen. They soon revived and went back into the burning building in an attempt to save their belongings. Dr. Hartman, a ten ant, was the first to discover the fire. He Was sleeping in his office when he was awakened by the heat. The room was blazing. His five-months-old baby was sleep ing in its crib beside his bed. He dashed to a closet and had just time enough to put on a pair of trousers, ' throw a' comforter around nis DaDy and carry it to the street before the room became a roaring furnace. The firemen broke through the flames and rescued the three women in the sanitarium before they inhaled any smoke or fire. The loss was esti mated to be $15,000. WILEY IS VINDICATED. Board of Food and Drug Inspectors Is Abolished. Washington, Feb. 7. The board of food and drug inspection in the department of agriculture, which was often the center of attack by Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, for mer chief chemist, has been abolished by Secretary Houston. At the department of agriculture It was said that the board had been abolished In the Interest of efficency and economy. Dr. Carl Alsberg who succeeded Dr. Wiley as pure food chief, will the ap peals that formerly went to the board. He will be ass sted by-Dr. R. L. Emerson of Boston. Dr. Wiley hotly attacked the pure food board, in unmeasured terms, at various stages of his administration, de claring Its operations hampered adminis tration of the spirit of the pure food laws. Under the new plan the enforce ment of the pure food law will vir tually be entrusted to one man. That was what Dr. Wiley contended for. HAP PLAYERS SAVE LIFE Disarm Infuriated Husband of Board ing Mistress in New Orleans. New Orleans. La., Feb. 7. Joe Bir mingham, Pitcher Steen and Trainer Hitte of the Cleveland Naps are life savers. They saved the life of Mrs. Leonard Keiffer, with whom they board, last night. The woman is sep arated from her husband. While the landlady and the ball players were at supper. Keiffer, a 200 pounder, rushed Into the room, revolver In hand. He accused Mrs. Keiffer of being in love with Hitte and the former promptly fainted. Hitte rushed at Keiffer, dis armed him and held while Steen tele phoned for the police. Keiffer was 4a il .nil TTttto fa heinK held U lancn ,v - . " a witness. Birmingham is endeavoring to get nis trainer paruieu. Wilson Signs Kenyon Bin. Washington, Feb. 7. President Wilson today signed the Kenyon bill, abolishing Washington's segregated district. A defective flue in the home of C. B. Layman, 113 Topeka avenue, caused a small f're at noon today. The blase was quickly extinguished. The loss will not i exceed $100. v RITCIIIETjUST pay Topeka Contractor Owes $14, 055 on That Sewer. No Chiropractor Board Tin Next Legislature. SHAWhEE COUNTY CASES Supreme Court Writes New Election Laws. Echo of Oxford Hotel Fire In . Court Today John Ritchie, the Topeka contract or, must pay the city of Topeka $14, 035.48 in addition to the $10,941 al ready collected from Ritchie for al leged failures to comply with provi sions of a contract in the erection of the Sixth district sewers. That was the decision today of the Kansas su preme court which made but one mod ification to the decision of the district court, awarding judgments of nearly $27,000 against Ritchie. The modifi cation means an offset of about $2,000 in the contractor's favor 1 For six years the Ritchie case has dragged through the courts and oc cupied the attention of a special master appointed by the court to take testimony in the case. Ritchie's con tract with the city for the building of the Sixth ward sewers was for a to tal of nearly $70,000. After the com pletion of the work, it was charged that the city had been overcharged nearly $30,000 on the contract and suit was instigated to - collect the money. The district court some months ago appointed Robert Stone as special master to take testimony in the case and his findings of some $27, 000 were approved by the court. An appeal to the supreme court was today modified, giving to the city a total judgment of $20,172.96, with interest at 6 per cent since December 18, 1907, or judgment aggregating between $24,000 and $25,000. An offset In Ritchie's favor of some $2,000 is made by the supreme jcourt for liquidated damages because of the failure of the city to comply with cer- (Continued on Page Seven.) SIT 111 THE SNOW. Women Strikers Refuse to Accompany Police to Station. Chicago, Feb. 7. Members of the Wait resses' union, who were arrested yester day while attemotinjr to boreott down town restaurants where strikes have been ' declared, announced today that they will 1 go on a hunger strike if they are given j jail sentences. I Their cases win be called In court to-1 day. When the police attempted to arrest them several of the waitresses sat down ' In the snow . and refused to walk to the station. OPPOSE SEX HYGIENE School Boards of 75 Kansas Towns Also Oppose Medical Inspection. Fort Scott, Kan.. Feb. 7. That the Introduction of eugenics, sex hygiene and compulsory medical inspection in the public schools is undesirable was j agreed upon by the representatives of j seventy-five school boards in south-1 east Kansas attending the annual ! convention of the Southeastern Kan-; sas Teachers association, which ad-1 journea toaay. umcers lor tne ensu- ' Ing year are: J. A. Hugart, Coffey ville, president; Miss Lillian Mc Clain, Pittsburg, secretary; J. M. Gil-, more, Fort Scott, treasurer. I POLITICAUOSSIP Progressives Announce Planks for Platform. They Are Radical and Most of j Them Be Used. KELLY Vm FUuTO He Thinks G. O. P.' Ought to Have Budder. W. A. White Says Capper Has Joined "Safety First Club. Probable Progressive Policies. Government ownership of railroads. Recall judiciary. Recall judicial decisions perhaps. Initiative and referendum. National prohibition. . National suffrage. Non-partisan legislature.. ... Radical trust and corporation legis lation. . ........ Endorsement Massachusetts ballot law. Repudiation recall submitted by 1913 legislature. ' That there will be no straddle planks in the platform to be written next Thursday at the mass convention of Kansas Progressives, Third party lead ers have announced in advance a num ber of the more important planks to be advocated in the writing of a pro visional state platform. Murdock, Allen, White, Stubbs and others of the Bull Moose state leaders -will take an active part in the state convention and will advocate a platform that make impossible an alignment of the Kansas Progressives with either of the old par ties. Already a number of the. planks to be nailed in the state platform have been discussed. The new party, it is stated, will reaffirm the general pro visions of the - Progressive national platform of 1912. But they will likely go even further and declare for new and drastic reforms. A well known Kansas Progressive stated today that the only vitally important -. platform plank in serious doubt is the recall of judicial decisions. - That provision was (Continued on Page Two.) BEARS MAKE A RAID. Rock Island Is Hammered Down to a Sew Low Record. . New York, Feb. ,Tj Weakness in Rock Island securities again unsettled the stock, , market ; today. The com mon and preferred shares, as.wsell as the collateral trust bonds, fell to new low records. Selling of the securities probably " originated chiefly with the bear element which has recently re sumed an attitude of aggression. At the office of the Rock Island company it was said that the several plans of proposed reorganization were still under consideration and that no definite announcement was likely to be made for some time. LELAND IMPROVING. Slept Well Lest Night and Doctors Kxpect Complete Recovery. Troy,' Feb. 7. Cyrus Leland, the well known politician of Kansas, is reported to be on the way to recov ery. He has been sick . several days but this morning he appears to be much improved and his physicians feel assured that he will entirely re cover.. He rested well last night. BETWEEN TWO LOVES 17AR on ophi;.i Chinese Government Destroys the Farmers' Poppy Fields. Old Time Source of Revenue Is Being Cut Off. CROPS CF O FOTATOES To Take the Place of the Drug Producing Plant. New Policy Is Beginning to Find Favor With People. Amoy, Ghina, Feb. 7. With the de velopment of civilization along west ern lines the Isolated province of Fu kien is rapidly undergoing Important changes. It may soon be imagined that a chunk has been taken out of New England or some other farming region of the United States and laid down in China for there are increas ing evidences that fields once wholly devoted to the poppy will be turned over to potatoes and corn. Progress has put its foot down on the - opium business. Outside of China there are probably few persons who realize how great a blow this ac tion has dealt as a means of suste nance to a province whose resources were already overtaxed to maintain its crowded population. Opium has always brought a good price in local markets and formed an important source of the farmer's revenue. It is small wonder that campaigns against the drug have met with armed resist ance. Sporadic and reckless destruction of full grown crops came last year with such a suddenness that farmers were not conscious that the govern ment was in earnest until they saw their entire season's work lost. This year a new method is to be tried. In stead of waiting until the plants are grown and then destroying the crop, the government has served notice that all opium plants will be de stroyed as soon as they appear in the (Continued on Page Two.) THE DAY III CONGRESS Senate Resumes Debate on the Good Roads Bill. Washington, Feb. 7. Senate met at -noon.. General Wood -told the military committee the destruction of the mili tary academy by union troops in 1864 was not in accordance with the laws of war. Immigration committee took up the Burnett bill and discussed the literacy test feature. Representatives l or - tne consolidate stock exchange of New York testified on the Owen bill for federal regulation before the banking committee. House met at noon. Miscellaneous legislation considered. Representative Morgan of Oklahoma, before the in terstate commerce committee, advo cated his bill to empower an interstate trade commission to regulate price fixing. Senate resumed debate on the $26, 000,000 Shackleford good roads bill. Passed bill authorizing appointment of a committee to attend. Corn exposi tion at Dallas, Texas. Put over to Monday bill creating additional fed eral judgeship at Philadelphia. Passed the house bill for re-organization of the naval militia. Attorney General McReynolds takes the view that any prosecutions for financial operations on the New Tork, New Haven and Hartford railroad must come under state laws, not fed- J era! statutes, according to a state ment In the senate by Mr. Newlands of Nevada. - The attorney general's I position was reported daring debate the Interstate commerce commission to reopen Its Investigation of New Haven affairs was taken up. Senator Lodge declared that inves tigation should be made of the man ner in which Speyer A Company, New York bankers, floated Frisco railroad system securities In Pari. He said he had been Informed that by paying Paris bankers commissions as high as per cent, Speyer ft Company in duced the French people to buy the securities, a few months before the railroad went into bankruptcy. , Sen ator Kenyon characterised the pub lished exposure of New Haven as a tale of the Infamy of a gang of plun derers. AFTER JADDERS. Federal Receiver Asks That He Be Examined To Account for Honeys Taken In After Insolvency. George A. Clark, temporary receiv er in the case of the Badders Clothing company, through his attorneys Har vey and Addington. today filed an ap plication with the United States dis trict clerk asking for an immediate and complete examination of George S. Badders, president of the Badders Clothing company, and W. A. Byers, his father-in-law. The application charges that the two men named have in their posses sion or under their control many thou sands of dollars in currency, and prop erty which 1b the property of the Bad ders Clothing company and which they refuse to turn over to the receiver. It is further claimed that most of the funds were taken from the company in December, 1913, and January. 1914, and that both Badders and Byers knew that the company was insolvent at the time the moneys were taken. It is also charged that Badders had no means except his Interest in the company and that Byers knew of the transactions; that both Badders and Byers have concealel the facts con cerning the business. The application reads in part: "That on the 80th day of January, 1914, be (the receiver) demanded of the Badders Clothing company the Imme diate possession of all the property of the Badders Clothing company of ev ery kind, wherever situate, and re ceived of it the possession of their stock of merchandise In its store at 701 Kuuni avenue and about $300 in mon ey but that the Badders Clothing company. George 8. Badders. Its presi dent and W. A. Byers, the father-ln-imv of Georae S. Badders. have each and all refused to surrender any other property to your receiver. "Tour receiver, believes and he has reason to believe, and thererore cnarges that George S. Badders and W. A. By ers have In their tmmeaiate posses sion and under their control many thousands of dollars in currency or money or in property into which such onrrnncv and money has been convert ed, and all such property, money and I currency is tne property oi tne Banners Clothing company, and that said George S. Badders and W. A. Byers are wilfully holding the same from your receiver and are concealing it from him. "Your receiver believes, and there fore charges that the Badders Cloth ing company is and long has been in solvent; that George S. Badders is and for more than a year has been both president and director of the Badders Clothing company; that he took said money and funds from the corporate assets of the Badders Oothlng com pany, mostly within December, 1913, and January, 1914, while the corpora tion was Insolvent; that at the times said moneys were taken from the Bad ders Clothing company's assets both George S. Badders and W. A. Byers knew the company was Insolvent." FUIISTOII TO RE CHIEF Probably Will Command Southern Department After April 1. Washington, Feb. 8. Brigadier General Funston, who has gone to take command of the maneuver camp, at Texas City, probably will take com mand of the southern department when Brigadier General Tasker H. Bliss is relieved in April, to come to Washington, when he Is expected to become assistant chief of staff of the army. Major General W. W. Woth erspoon probably will become chief of staff when Major Gen. Leonard Wood retires to take command of the department of the east. General Wotherspoon will be retired for age next November and it gen erally is believed General Bliss then will become chief of staff of the army and that Brigadier General Liggett will be his assistant. FOOLED THE FOLICE. They Had Veiled Assassin Once and Did Not Know It. Newark. Feb. 7. Hazel Herdman, a girl of 20. infatuated with Charles F. Manning, shot and killed Mrs. Harriet Manning in her home here last night. This was the announcement made by the JNewarK police mis afternoon. The srirl died in the .Mountainside hospital at Mont Clair, N. J., of poison taken with suicidal intent. Declaring a young woman had been taken to the institution in an automobile, the notice seized upon it as a clue to the mysterious shooting of Mrs. Manning by a veiled female assailant, and ac costing Miss Herdman. accused her of '"me. TTn, according to the po lice, she confessed, saying she was in luv t w.ih and had killed his wife because the wile had failed to get a divorce as promised. Miss Herdman was the unnamed woman detained by we pouce urn quesuonea last nignu - She was released this morning. Car Steps Must B - Concord, Feb. T. A protest by club women against the height of street car steps Dore fruit today when the nubile service commission ordered all additions to rolling stock bare steps within 18 inches of the ground. DAGK TO COURTS Missouri Baflroads Are Grant ed the Bight to Appeal From Judge McPherson's Deci sion in the Bate Cases. ' oe so ti:eli rano They Seek an Order From U. S. Supreme Court Compelling Him to Take Juris diction of Claims Cases. Kansas City. Feb. 7. Judge Smith McPherson today signed the rail- . roads' appeal In the Missouri two-cent passenger and maximum freight rat cases. This action, according; to counsel for the railroads, leaves It for the United States supreme court to determine whether issues involved In the Missouri rat cases may properly come before that tribunal for review. The United States supreme court In a decision last rammer upheld th constitutionality of th Missouri rail road rate laws. The thirteen railroads affected were granted, appeal to th high court from Judge McPherson's decision of yesterday holding he had no power to retain jurisdiction of suits of passen gers and shippers against . th rail ways to recover alleged overcharges, estimated at $24,000,000. Yester day's decision was In th form of a decree entering a mandate of th United States supreme court uphold ing the Missouri rat law as consti tutional and disc living an Injunction, granted th railways in 1809. against the enforcement of th laws. The railroads seek a supremo court order compelling Judge McPherson to take jurisdiction of the "'-'t of pas sengers and shippers who paid th. higher rate during the life of the In junction. Judge McPherson signed the appeal petition at his horn la Red Oak, Iowa, where Eugene K. Ball, representing Frank Hagermaa of this city, counsel for the railroads, presented an assignment of errors as a basis of appeal. The assignment charged that the court erred In th following respects: Assignment of Errors. In decreeing that It refused Jurisdic tion to determine liability for alleged overcharge; in holding' that it was without discretion under the supreme court mandate to reserve such Jurisdic tion; appointing a master to hear, such claims as might b filed in th federal court; In ordering that th decree en terlng the higher court mandate should not bar claimants from suing In any other ourt is directing that the com plainant pay the costs made in th ens In the supreme court. The Missouri rate laws have been m litigation virtually ever since their pas sage In 1807. An Injunction against the enforcement of the freight rate laws was obtained immediately after they were piacea m enect. xne railroads at the same time sought to restrain the enforcement of the passenger fare laws but eventually agreed to give the new rates a trial. In June. 1909, Judge Mc Pherson granted the Injunction against the new passenger rate on the gronnd that . It was - confiscatory. The state fought the injunction and eventually carried the case to the United States supreme court which tribunal last summer upheld the Missouri rates, both freight and passenger as consti tutional. John T. Barker, attorney general of Missouri, last December, filed suits In state courts to collect 824.008,000 from the railroads in alleged overcharges made while the lower' rates were held up by injunction. Th railroads' appeal from Judge McPherson's decree ' putting the supreme court mandate in effect is based primarily on the con tention that the federal court should have retained jurisdiction over all claims for overcharges. ViLUO GUILTY, Jury Found of Having, been out two nights and more than two days, the Jury who heard the evidence In the trial of Mark Williams, charged with murder in the first degree, returned at 8:X this afternoon a verdict of guilty of manslaughter in the fourth degree. This is punishable by term not ex ceeding two years at ths state peni tentiary, or not less than six month at the county Jail. Sentence hss not been pronounced.- - Since the case went to the Jury last Thursday, Williams, the 20-year-old prisoner, has sat stolidly In the court room, waiting for newa Prospect of spending the rest of his life at Lan sing has been before him. Twice he has taken the stand in his own de fense. At the last hearing of the case the Jury could not agree. The county attorney demanded a new trial. Williams was charged with the wil ful murder of James Hayden, colored, on June 19, 1918, in Munson's pasture. Under Judge A. W. Dana's instruc tions, the' jury could have convicted Williams of murder, manslaughter or assault and battery. WICHITA CUB SOLD. Men Bey Breese, President. Wichita. Feb. 7. The Wichita base ball question was settled today when a company of Wichita business men purchased the Western league team and franchise. A charter has been Is sued to the Wichita Baseball and Ex hibition company. ' The stockholders In th old com pany ordered the team sold In order to pay off the debts. The new company took charge today and annum a all deftts. D. 8. Breese was elected Ms. lddnt of the new company and hi will represent Wichita at the ' Wester schedule meeting in' Chicago . week. Wether rbrscast for Kan Fair tonight and Sunday: not change in temperature. - HI 5 . 1