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Tim 70PIHIA . DAILY , JOTmTXAIrEDCPA'g lsVLJla. CSTCIZl 7, 1G14. -J. RAILROAD NEWS Mississippi Valley Will Send Majority to 1915 Fair. CITY" :eet Leasee of Municipalities Con venes at Lawrence Today. mm with J. A. Stewart Says Success De pends on Midwest Traffic. THE BOX CAR THIEF ELIMINATED New Santa Fe Shipping Rules to Decrease His Operations. Other Items of General Interest in the Traffic World. The Mississippi basin, particularly the Missouri valley portion of it, will fur nish by far the largest percentage of visitors to the Panama-Pacific exposi tion at San Francisco next year. That is the opinion of J. A. Stewart of To peka, general passenger agent of the Bock Island. "The California fair will depend al most altogether on the middle class people of the great central valley," Mr. Stewart said today. "There will be a large number of tourists from the East who will attend, but the volume of busi ness will be between the Rocky moun tains and Chicago and St. Louis. "The receipts for the fair will be laragely made up of the savings of peo ple in the central part of the country. Thousands, hundreds of thousands of people have been gradually saving money for several years to enable them to go to the fair. There are big num bers of Kansas farmers who will take their families. It Is an exceptionable opportunity for the salaried city man to So to California. A large per cent of salaried men and women in western cities will go to San Francisco for their vacations. "I see no reason why a tremendous business should not go to the coast next year," Mr. Stewart continued; "the San Francisco fair will be one of the mar vels of the world and no other fair that has ever been held will rank up with It. The electrical features are dazzling. There is the 'tower of Jewels,' with four hundred thousand colored electric globes and the tower is four hundred feet high. The architecture is beautiful. It is now nearly finished." The business at present is picking up, according to Mr. Stewart. Local busi- MAMMA, DADDY AND CHILDREN ALL LOVE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS." Harmless "fruit laxative" cleanses stomach, liver and bowels. A delicious cure for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, sour stom ach, indigestion, coated tongue, sal lowness take "California Syrup of Figs." For the cause of all this dis tress lies in a torpid liver and sluggish bowels. ... . ...... . A tablespoonful tonight means all constipation, poison, waste matter, fermenting food and sour bile gently moved out of your system by morning without griping. Please don't think TOPEKA LAST CIRCUS OF Reserved and admission tickets on sale show day at The Row ley Drug Store, 6th and Kansas Aves, at the same price charged on show grounds. HAGENDECK-WALLACE mi A CIRCUS 1001 WONDERS More acts, more features, more thrills than you ever saw before; rings 2 stages, steel aerial enclosure and arome iracK. 3-Railroad Trains - 387-Performers-387 100-Acts, Features l A circus that eclipses Joy 50 Clowns 50. 60 soloists, 30 minutes preceding each V cabaret by Prof. kWVA of performance. One ticket ;TV. admits to advertised. L.Qw Rate Excursions On All Railroads A CIRCUS that IS A CIRCL'S In Its world-wide quest for novelties, the Hsgen-beck-Wallace Circus has assembled for 1914 tlic greatest galaxy , of arenlc celebrities ever seen together at one time. Packing Box Strong in Appearance, But Insecnre and Unsafe. ness is fine for the railroads, but through traffic just at present is rather quiet. No one can now make an ac curate estimate of the success or fail ure financially of the fair next year, but present conditions indicate that the influx of railway passengers westward will be much greater than ever before. TICKET SELLING TALKS. Magazine for Ticket Agents Popular on Santa Fe. The passenger department of the Santa Fe in Topeka is getting out a little magazine monthly for the agents along the lines of the system. In this publication its news of interest to agents is printed. Announcements that might be helpful in getting busU ness is given out. A. D. Morford of Topeka. advertis ing agent of the road, gets out this interesting paper. It is published un der the supervision of J. M. Connell, general passenger agent. ELIMINATE CAR THEFTS. New Method Employed Makes It Dif ficult to Open Shipments. The Santa Fe Railway company's campaign to eliminate the causes of loss and damage has made greater progress in doing away with causes of the former than of the latter. The item known as concealed loss, that is, loss not readily detected, has been re duced close to the minimum, it is be lieved by Santa Fe officials. The concealed loss item largely has been the result of theft. Containers made of wood and of sufficient strength to stand a freight train haul, often are built after a plan that is a delight to the car thief's heart. All the thief has to do is to push a panel in with his foot, extract a muff or other piece of property, as shown in the accompanying illustration, and of "California Syrup of Figs" as a physic. Don't think you are drugging yourself or your children, because this delicious fruit laxative can not cause injury. Even a delicate child can take it as safely as a robust man. It is the most harmless, effective stom ach, liver and bowel regulator and tonic ever devised. Tour only difficulty may be in get ting the genuine; so ask your druggist for a 50 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." Say to your druggist, "I want only that make by the 'Cal ifornia Fig Syrup Company.' " This city has many counterfeit "fig syrups," so watch out. Adv. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14 THE SEASON! he' 1J D girded arena, great one - fourth mile Hippo- 3 22-Tents-22 1 8-Bands-8 & Sensations-100 , all others in thrills andj Grand Concert and Al Massey s band everything J'.''-" PERFORMANCES AT 2 and 8 P. M. RAIN OR SHINE Doors to Carl Hagenback Zoo logical Paradise opened an hour earlier.. A Glittering Bewilder, ing Street Pageant, three miles In length, representing an expen diture of $1,000,000 at 10 o'clock then let the weight of the contents of the container force the panel back into place, the nails fitting nicely in the original holes. By driving a slen der nail through the edge of the box into the end of the loose panel, as shown on the piece of paper in the picture, the thief would be able to conceal the loss until the consignee checked the shipment upon arrival at destination. The Santa Fe's modern method is to have a metal strap placed around j each end of the box, and in addition, have the box corded and sealed. Then if it be tampered with, inspectors can detect the fact and ascertain the loss without delay. OPEN BY WIRELESS. President Wilson Will Officially Start Wichita's Exposition Tonight. Wichita, Kan Oct. 7. A wireless message from President Wilson will be flashed from the naval wireless sta tion at Washington at 7:30 o'clock to night, formally opening the Interna tional Soil Products exposition in the convention hall here. Farm experts, officially represent ing about fifteen states of the Union, and agricultural representatives or a dozen countries, are expected within the next few days. Exhibits of prod ucts and farm methods from most of Canada and the United States already have been placed in readiness for the opening. The International dry tann ing congress proper and the inter national congress of farm women will open next Monday. CAPTAIN COLE IS WINNER. Kansas Militia Officer Gets First Honor at Fort Riley Shoot. Junction City, Kan., Oct. 7. In the individual match of national division rifle competition "D" at the Fort Riley target range Tuesday, Captain Earl A: Cole, First regiment, Kansas mili tia, of Manhattan, was winner. He scored 323 out of a possible 350. Sergeant Harry L. Adams. Fifteenth cavalry, U. S. A., was second with 321. Sergeant Charles Meyer, Twenty-third infantry, and First Sergeant Albert Fiess, Third cavalry, tied lor third place, each making a score of 319. Members of the Kansas militia won fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth. Seven ty marksmen from the United States army and the militia of many states were competitors. SHIPPING FLOUR ABROAD. Sallna Milling Company Sends Two Cars to Holland. ; . Satina. Kan., Oct. 7. The Lee-Warren Milling company is shipping flour to Holland and is carrying on corre spondence with grain firms in Berlin. The trade to points in Holland is neu tral and is not molested by any of the warring nations. Two cars of flour were shipped to Holland last week. COW KILLS MAN. Larkin Man Loses His Life While Milking Old Brindle. Lakln, Oct. 7. James Boatright, a well known farmer living four miles north of town, received a deathblow while milking a cow on his farm re cently. The animal's hoofs struck him in the groin and over the solar plexus. Dr. Johnston gave prompt attention to his injuries, but death ensued soon after. Tornado Visits State. Hutchinson, Kan., Oct. 7. A small tornado swept over Reno county Tuesii night causing much minor damage. The wind was accompanied by a heavy electrical display, although little rain fell. Plate glass windows in the business section were shattered and small buildings were overturned. A circus showing here was obliged to dismiss its audience and pull down the main tent. Several of the Bide show tents were wrecked. Flag to Churches. Jewell City, Oct. 7. The Woman's Relief Corps of this place has present ed i?e churches of the Protestant sects with a beautiftil large flag. The suggestion was made some time ago by Mrs. J. W. Carpenter, the Chris tian preacher's wife, formerly of Hiu- watna. Strikes Mine and Sinks. London, Oct. 7. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company from Ostend states that the British steamer Aramoyante, which left Dover Monday for Zebrugge with a cargo of grain, struck a mine and was sunk. The crew of 35 was saved. SIMPLE WAY TO END DANDRUFF Stop Falling Hair Scalp. and Itching There is one sure way that has nev er failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it, then you de stroy it entirely. To do this. Just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this is all you wi.'l need), apply it at night when retiring, use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gen tly with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will comnlete. ly dissolve, and entirely destroy, every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. Tou will find all itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly and your nair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. . If you value your hair, you should get rid of dandruff at once, for noth ing destroys the hair so quickly. . It r ot only starves the hair and makes It fall out, but it makes it stringy, strag gly, dull. dry. brittle and lifeless, and everybody notices iU Adv. More Than Handred Kansas Towns Are Represented. Lawrence, Kan., , Oct. . 7. Mayors from more than one. hundred Kansas towns arrived here today to attend the sixth annual convention of the Kwnsw League of Municipalities. Peter Witt, street railway commis sioner of Cleveland, will make the principal address at the opening ses sion. C. W. Green, mayor of K'Tiwt City, Kan., president of the league; R. J. Higgins, city attorney of Kansas City, Kan., and Fred Trigg, of the Kansas City Star, are also on the pro gram. Garbage disposal, pavements, city planning and municipal ownership are among the subjects to be discussed at the convention. A feature of the session today was gates from the cities represented told of the progress made in their com me roil can oi municipalities. Dele- munities and exchanged ideas as to municipal methods and problems. The city of Lawrence and the Uni versity of Kansas are joint hosts to the convention. Opening Address. "Kansas as a common wealth, as an aggregation of individuals, is the most efficient wealth producing community man for man that there is in the United States." declared Dr. Frank Strong, chancellor of the University of Kansas, in addressing the meeting. "This is true largely because it so nrn- tects its growing generataions and the general life of its communities as to prevent the enormous economic loss from low moral standards and sinister influences that prey upon the youth of a community. "It is good business to have the com munity morally clean. In the future it is going to be plain to all of the governing bodies of our cities that good business requires not only a well kept town, good paving, good sewers, and good fire and police regulations, but citizens that shall prevent the ineffi ciency and economic waste that comes from an unsound and inadeauate, moral and religious life." TO APPLE GROWERS. Kansas Superior Crop Undersells Colo- rada Product Because of Packing. Manhattan, Kan., Oct. 7. Kansas apples, which are superior in taste and appearance to apples from Colorado, are selling for an average of a dollar a bushel as compared with two dollars a box for the inferior Colorado apples. The reason for this difference is the pack, believes F. S. Merrill, assistant in horticulture at the , Kansas State Agricultural college. . The Kansas apple crop is marketed in bulk.. The grower, makes no, at tempt to grade the apples nor to pack them. Naturally they, will not sell so quickly as the even -sized, well packed Colorado apple. It will-pay the apple grower to grade an' back His apples. The apples should1 " W; graded and packed into three 'grades, "extra fancy," composed of 'perfect speci mens of high color; "fancy," compos ed of perfect specimens but below, standard in color; "O grade," com posed of all marketable apples not lit the other grades. The "box pack" is preferred to packing in barrels as it does not tempt the grower to put the inferior apples where they cannot be found. It pays to pack these three grades of apples in boxes. The boxes, should be lined with paper and the apples packed either straight or diagonally. Is the straight pack, the apples are placed parallel to the sides and ends of the box. In the diagonal pack the rows run diagonally to the sides of the box. The apples should be placed so that the stems are outward both at the top and at the bottom of the box. The most important thing to re member in packing apples is to pack the fruit firmly. If "the pack" is loose, the apples will be bruised. Kan sas apples can easily compete with Colorado apples for the high prices, if the growers will prepare the fruit to ' enter the competition on equal terms. ": BARS GRAPE JUICE. W. J. Bryan at Last ' Sickens of His Famous Drink.. Washington, r. C. Oct.. 7. Secretary of State Bryan has placed a ban on grape juice, the drink he helped make famous. Finding grape juice at his plate at all functions to which he has been invited, and grape juice in cases, the gift of admiring friends, piling up in his cellar, and making its way al most daily to his table, the secretary's stomach finally rebelled. This, his friends say, explains why ''"Villa Sorrento limeade," made from fruit picked from the secretary's sum mer home in Florida, was dedicated at the diplomatic luncheon he gave the other day as the new Bryan soft drink. But the secretary is not looking for contributions of limeade. His grape juice experience demonstrated to his satisfaction that, whatever may be its effect in other kinds of drinks, a cer tain mixing of soft drinks is demanded. Itheims Still Under-;. Fire. London, Oct. 7. A dispatch to the Times from Epernay, France, dated October 3, says the northeastern sub urbs of Rhelms are still under Ger man shell fire, which is doing consid erable damage. The shells apparent ly are intended for the French bat teries in position just . outside the town. The panic among the inhabi tants, the dispatch says, has been in creased through the action of German aeroplanes which are dropping bombs containing a high explosive in an at tempt to destroy the railway station. So far this place has not been dam aged but refugees report that four teen persons were killed by one of the bombs. Lord Cowdray's Son Killed. London, Oct. 7. The Express today confirms the report that the Hon. Geoffrey . Pearson, third son of Lord Cowdray. the pll known British con tractor and financier,- has been killed in battle. He was acting as a motor cycle dispatch bearer with the army service corps and wltn another mo torcyclist was captured by . Uhlans who were attacked by the allies. Pear son and his companion made a dash for liberty and were fired on by the Germans. Pearson was bit and died instantly. Change in Cars to Gage Park will be operated on Winter Schedule from now until Spring as follows: Cars will leave the Park at 6:10 a. m. and every 15 min utes until 7:40 a. m.; 12:10 p. m. and every 15 minutes until 12:55 p. m.; 5:55 p. m. and every 15 minutes until 6:40 p. m. Cars leave Eigth and Kansas Ave. for Gage Park at 5:45 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 7:15 a. nu; 11:45 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 12:30 p. m.; 5:30 p. m. and every 15 minutes until 6:15 p. m. One ear will leave Eighth and K?"" Ave. daily at 11 p. m. On Sundays during nice weather cars will run from 9 a.' m. until 8 p. m. . I, ': '.. . , '. The Topeka Railway Co. Keep Your Stomach and Liver Healthy A vigorous stomacn, pertect wonow Liver and regular acting Bowels is guar anteed if you will use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Tey insure good Digestion, correct constipation and have n excel lent tonic effect on the whole system Purify your blood and rid you of all body poisons through the Bowels. Only Se at your Druggist. Adv. SING FOR SOLDIERS. Topeka School Children to Greet Twentieth As a compliment to the members of the Twentieth Kansas Reunion asso ciation which will meet in Topeka Thursday and Friday, 2,000 children of the city schools will sing patriotic songs at the Auditorium at three o'clock Friday afternoon. Prof. D. H. Seymour will play the big organ. Art Hargis will have charge of the big chorus of children. The members of the Twentieth Kansas will be in session In Topeka Thursday and Friday. The conclud ing feature of the program will le a smoker at the armory on Jackson street. , A HAPPY BALD HEADED HAH Well-Known Politician jeany wo Kow Has New Growtti of Hair. Tells How He Bid It. A western politician, well known on account of his baldness and ready wit, surprised his friends by appearing with a new growth of hair. Many of his old friends did not know him and others thought he had a wig. On be ing asked how he did it, he made the following statement: "I attribute the remarkable growth of my hair to the use of the following simple recipe which any lady or gentleman can mix at home: To a half pint of water add 1 oz. of bay rum. a small box of Barbo Compound and os. of glycerine. Apply to the scalp two or three times a week with the finger tips. It not only promotes the growth ot the hair but removes the dandruff, scalp hu mors and prevents the hair from fall ing out. It darkens streaked, faded, gray hair and makes the hair soft and glossy- These ingredients can be pur chased at any drug store at very little cost and mixed at home." Adv. . , Come in for their share of admiration this Fashion Show Week and, be lieve us, we've got them in every con ceivable style for men, young men, boys, children and women. Women, by the way, are wearing our young men's Balmacaan overcoats and noth ing niftier is to be seen. If you all wish just to look them over, drop in. Maybe your husband, brother, son or sweetheart needs one soon. It's a pleasure to show them. Gage Park name Devoe paint means to yon a gc&nctee that it will take less paint, less labor to put it on, than lead and oil paint, or the just as good " kind. Devoe Lead-and-Zinc Paint is made of pure white lead, pure zinc, pure linseed oil, pure turpentine dryer, pure tinting colors ; nothing else ; sold subject to chemical an alysis, and put up strictly full measure. Follow directions and youH get the greatest amount of paint satisfac tion you have ever had, un less you've used. Devoe paint before. CM. Hill & Son DISTRIBUTORS Phone 821 . 826 Kansas Avenue . F.t Don't Waste Your Coin! Coin your waste through a system atic savings account with the Capital EnHikx ft Loan Asa. 1 Car Service Nation Wide Advertised Goods and Where Yon Can Get Them in Topeka Any merchant who Is ""'"IT nationally advertised goods and wishes to be represented on this page, call M30, Advertising Dept. Merchandise mast have ex ceptional merit to be nationally advertised and yon are always lafe in buying such goods. KIMBALL The FSremirr Pianoa and Player Pianos of the World Are Sold in Topeka. by Am Maken T.W. KIT.1BALL CO. 22 Kanaa Avenue Phone 3108 F. P. WHITMORE, Mgr. W.L. DOUGLAS SHOES are sold in Topeka exclusively at the 614 Kansas At Try a Pair Today C2LCO to CS.OO la AO Styles and I