Newspaper Page Text
6EVEN room house, nearly new and barn, located bealde . the famous 8eabrook school, no a month. Belling price 1,X; esay terms. W. L Lux. Phone 1730 K-L MODERN bouse, of 7 room in good re PeJr. near . state house. Inquire at SOS Wwncy. pretty: this anletMilA Iamm imi nlM .u. w?vjvr mw. rnont wis. FOR RENT Strictly modern house In nrsr ciass oonaitlon, at 1338 collage. Inquire at 1840. FOR RENT 4 room cottage, 217 East 12th. Mrs. W. E. Atchison, phone 875. 412 CLAY cottage. West 6th. 9 narn. 2299 Blue, FOR neat, partly modern, 4 Inquire at 42S Lincoln. rooms, gas city water. RENT Modern huna-alow ana nouse. Inquire 1122 Madison. MODERN 8 room house, elegant repair. Ml Madison. 228 Blue. FOR RENT 203 Harrison and small cottage. Phone 2525 Red. FOUR ROOM cottage for rent 111 DuaneT 2967 K-3. FOR RENT 6 room house. 1810 W. loth. W. E. Segulne. 413 Kansas ave. Vive room modern cottage, 1401 polk at. Phone 2521 White. FOR RENT 6 room house and bath, 427 Clay. 4720 Black. FOR RENT 6 room house, 329 Jackson. FOTt RENT jjTCATS. FOR RENT Modern 4 room flat, S floors. Call 2249 Blue. FLAT for rent, second floor, 800 West 6th st. Inquire 335 Harrison. MODERN. 1st floor, 5 room flat, 313 East 10th. 2288 Blue. BOARD AND ROOMS. ROOM and board In thoroughly modern home, private family. Call after 1p.m. Phone 106. 522 West 8th. ROOM and board In modern home, close In. 2915 Red. . TOPEKA HOTEL, 122 W. 6th. Modern rooms with board, $1-25 per day. FOR SALE MYS45ELLANEOUS. . DIAMOND IBARGMNS JUST FORFEITED. 11 stone diamond horseshoe tie pin set In platinum, worth 165, only $38.50 if sold at once. Come in and see this bargain. y, 1-32 gentleman's diamond ring, very special, at only $40. $30 ladies' Tiffany diamond ring, 15. 25 20 Winchester repeating rifle, like new, cost $19, now only $9. $60 violn and fine leather case, only used about 7 months, forfeited pledge, only $22.50. CENTRAL LOAN OFFICE. ISADOR SCRINOPSKIE. 526 Kansas Ave. Phone 3369. LARGE shipment of bulbs, tulips, hya cinth, narcissus, etc., Just received from Holland, very cheap. Edw. Tewdall, florist and landscape gardner, 1108 West ern. Phone 1622. FOR SALE Unclaimed rugs of all sizes. Several room size rag rugs. O. McCor mick Rug Factory and Carpet Cleaning Works, 622 Van Buren at. Phone 421-W. FOR SALE Nice spring chickens. 409 Van Buren. FOR SALE Kansas City Post route. 1929 Blue. FOR SALE Dining room table, refrig erator. good heating stove. 817 Madison. FOR SALE McCaskey register, good as new, cheap. 1431 Harrison. f.:UTT PRODADLY INTENDED TO DO IT, AMIAY . . . , iiiriS- ' WH4VT AS. YtX (VOW CET M THIMK, UM1CMoh- X SHOULD I MIT LufTfl. TO MAK YOU UlTM 4S BRICK OR. M4 AX Of. SO Nfe&ARg HEAVY 1 J fihrnf X THOUGHT TOMK, KMWrtT 4V& iaiea. UBfT tO TAK YOOft CHOt ce 4fcY WHICH 0 TMeaJK 4MKtCJ V 2 V4l. AtSTnu M& mmmmmsm mm un mi iimm.,,,,,,..? m -r timiiimiii m mi i ! -in -J FOR SALE HORES AND COWS, FOR SALE One gray mare, $50; one 6-year-old mare, weight 1100 lbs., $110; 1 sorrel mare, 1000 lbs., 6' years old. $80; phaeton, $15; 3 new saddles. Himelberger, 405 Fillmore. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. COLLEGE Just ready to show, new.' never occupied. 6 rooms, 3 piece bath, full cemented cellar. 3 rine bed rooms and sleeping porch, combination furnace, 1 lots, east front, papered, light fixtures hung, high class West side location. Price $3,200 small cash payment, easy monthly payments. .SHAWNEE ASENC- FR SALE Fine young t year old. driv ing, mare, 422 East . 17th. phone 2280 Black. FOB SAILBOTmTR'SV FOR SALE 100 pullets. Phone 3741 K-8. At curb market. MISCELLANEOUS. CAR household goods for Hutchinson and vicinity about Oct. 10. For space ana rates call ennlmore MCKnaught. Phone 4341. AUTOMOBILES. WANTED your motor cars to paint at garage or shop. Can save you $$$. Good material and work guaranteed. 25 years In the business. c k. Butts, 116 E. 6th. BATTERIES repaired and charged. Keele Electric to, tub Jackson. Phone JW70-W. FOR SALE CHEAP. Metz roadster, first class condition. Inquire Kansas Motor Co.. 526 Quincy. FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine automo bile. 33 Columbian Bldg. 1477. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. new 5 room bungalow, full cemented cel lar, combination furnace, 1 lots, east front, close in. papered, light fixtures. ' everything up to the minute, price $2,350 mall cash payment, very easy monthly terms. SHATOEE AGENCY 634 Kansas Ave Phone 60S. WHS! 3 fine lots, old shade and fruit trees, good 7-room house, balance of sewer and paving tax paid this year; $2,600, part cash, balance 6 per cent. GAEL1MGE01IISE KEAL3TTC0. Phone 1906-W. 608 Kansas Ave. ! SELL close in, 8 room, all modern house except furnace. Vk blocks south of Capitol sauare. Priced at $4,200, but owner needs money ana win seu at a Dig Bargain. Make oner. J. IS. TOEEEHGTON 109 W. th.. Tel. 22$. THIS WEEK ONLY 10tt blocks southwest of state house, new room, strictly modern house, hand some combination lights, oak finish, dec orated, full cement basement, good barn, m lots, east front, paved, best of loca tions, was $4,100, now $3,600. . COTHTOLL CO. . 107 E. 7th. Tel. 556, 3408. dandy f-room bouse, completely modern. corner jnumore ana Jung, rnon vm. FOR SALE BY SMITH AGENCY, 623 Kansas Ave. N. Quincy at., house 8 rooms. 8800. W. Huntoon st., houae and lota. $1,200. ' West at., room house and 1 lots, $3,000. Acre oi gooa signuy iana, saw. FOR SALE Close In. 6 room modern cot. tage,- $3,250. $500 cash. $25 per month. New E room cottage, sz.ow. $25 cash. BAILEY BRQ8. CO., 990. Res. 293. $1,460.00. 1528 Mulvane. near Washburn. rooms. I lots, barn, snaae, pavement, sewer, wa ter, gas, 7 minute car service. Tel. 941. FOR BALE Modern 2 flat building, water neats.uu. xnri siacK. not FOR SALE 20 acres two miles out, $2,000. HIaJi.. 1hAflA 90S 584 Kansas Ave- Phon 605.. MOfECE MR. SANTA FE SHOP MAN If you want to buy a home at a big snap, within 1 block of Santa Fe shops. today is your chance. We offer at a real sacrifice 5-room cottage, pantry, IVt lots, gas, well, cistern, rents $10 month, dirt cheap at $1,050. Easy terms. COTTEELL CO. 107 E. 7th. Tel. 55S, 3408. EA1A1 7 rooms. 2 lots, fine shade, barn, coal house, grape arbor; payments; $2,750. - 107 West 7th st. Phone 1140-W. NEW 5 room cottage, 301 Roosevelt; $25 down, balance monthly payments; West side; good location. FOR SALE It. E-, NEW YORK. BARGAIN $2 cash, $2 monthly buys 10 hhs. uons xsiana. new xorg: lull once. $40 (only $4 each). Vail, 133 William St., ew ion v;uy, . X. FOR EXCHANGE. SMITH AGENCY EXCHANGES. 523 Kansas Ave. 320-a. farm, Colorado $4,000 clear 240-a. fruit land, Missouri 2.000 clear 160-a. wheat land, Kansas 1.600 clear 12 lots, Burlington, Kan 1,000 clear 1401 West St., for closer 3,000 clear MACHINE SHOPS. WANTED Your lawn mower to overhaul and gnna. factory process, $1.00. TeL Jiowara, xsn. Free delivery. OTlFTR. iiaer woras. mono 231 Black. . LEGAL. First published In The Topeka State Journal Thursday. Oct.- X 1S14.J NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In the Probate Court of Shawnee County, Kansas. - In the matter of Eliza Ann COblents, a person adjudged to be a feeble minded nerson. ( State of Kansas. Count? of 8hawnee as. Creditors and all other persona interest ed are hereby notified that the under signed was, on the 24th day of September. A. D. 1914, duly appointed guardian of the person ana estate 01 Eliza Ann Coblenta, who was. on the 22nd dav of ScDtamhar. 1914, in the Probate Court of Shawnee county, nansas , aajuagea to be a feeble minded person; that I have qualified as suh guardian and am now managing; the estate ana anairs ox ine sal a isiisa Ann (JOOientz. R. M. JOHNSON. Guardian. Dated at Topeka, Kansas, this 24th day 01 peptemoer, a. u. ash. LEGAL. Published in The Topeka State Journal, October 8. 1914-1 COUNTY AUDITOR'S REPORT. The following claims wn allnwt hv the county auditor and Included in his report for, the month of September, 1914, which) was presented to the board of county commissioners at their regular uitnunf, juonaay, uctoner , 1914: ASYLUM FOR THE pms Bailey Bros. & Co., ins .4 30.00 Topeka Foundrv Jk Mfir Co.... ss Volland Clothing Co " 22,80 G, W,; Betts. salary. 275; -cleaning - well, $2; apples. 3.00: 80.00 Clarence E. Betts, hired man 25.00 Mabel M. Perry, hired nurse. 20.00 Flora Hamm, hired girl .". 20.00 F. G. Hamm, hired nurse 26.00 Addle Johnston, hired girl 20.00 Ausnn-sneaiKer Merc. Co..... . 29 79 W. D. Bridge, feed 31.25 Davis Merc Co., groceries 3.35 C. A. Fernstrom, shoes, etc 13.40 McCord-Kistler Merc Co., groceries. 23.S3 Morns A Myers Gro. Co mffi Campbell Drug Co 8.00 J. Thomas Lumber Co 4.40 Henr-r Hardware Co 8.60 Total $387.(5 BRIDGES AMD REPAIRS. J. Thomas Lumber Co 40.52 Chicago Lumber Co., two claims... 19.43 Hargreaves A Co 50 J. Hilton 4.O0 Tom Lynn 1.00 J. Thomas Lumber Co. (Lake) 26.23 J. Thomas Lumber Co. (Berryton). 120.54 J. Thomas Lumber Co 23.76 D. H. Forbes 36.01 Chas. Scott .'. 17.81 R. M. Evans, two claims 87.50 W. T. Grtftth, two claims... 60.00 A. Melsenheimer 6.S0 L S. Moore .- 14.00 Topeka Bridge & Iron Co.. baU 15th street 742.50 Ed Williamson, two claims........ 60.00 L. w. Thompson (2) 50.00 LEGAL. j 1 M. 8. Mullin, baiua. JURORS R. 8. Weir J. C. Gresser A. L. Van Antwerp W. H. Moody Ford Robinette Chas. L. Gregg .................... Fred Ehrhart Andrew Jordan -..v.' C. Godard .........;; B. Trimble ..................... Henry Nelson ........,.-.. M. T. Johnson J. L. Rollins H. K. Goodrich. ....... W. P. Shldeler .....,; a. . jones H. j. Deitrich C. E. Brown James L. Lewis N. M. Foltz C. W. Bower, clerk, fees prior JUiy 1, 1913.. ......i L. L. Kiene, sheriff, expenses, auto hire ,...,......... to 76.00 10.00 2.50 7.50 7.50 10.S0 10.00 10.00 7.60 10.00 14.20 10.00 12.20 1S.40 10.00 13.00 10.00 13.00 10.40 10.00 12.80 8.90 11.80 Total , $1,289.30 RTTRIAI. EX-TTNTON ani.TllrRa Stonestreet & Son, (Daniel Walker). .$60.00 Total $50.00 COURT HOUSE. Ed Emmons, elevator man ......$ 40.90 Ben Burton, Janitor 60.00 Mutual Ice C. S. Co 11.46 F. A. Bauman, keys... ........... .50 City Water Works 8.46 Consumers L. H. & P. Co... 7.50 S. W. Pasker, hauling .50 Southern Surety Co., elevator Ins... 35.00 States Bros 1.90 W. A. L. Thompson Hdw. Co.. 25 Topeka Steam Boiler Works.......... 1.00 Acme W. L. & Color Works... 3.49 M. C. McCormlck...... 2.60 Topeka Edison Co 25.50 Mo. -i Kan. Tele. Co., rentals 60.00 E. P. Jordan 2.90 Total .2261.04 FEES AND EXPENSES, COURT OF TOPEKA. Robert D. Garver, Judge $150.00 A. C. Bartelt. clerk 100.00 George B. Frost, marshal ......... 83. C. W. Hixon, dep. marshal 75.00 Witnesses, various persons 22.50 L. L. Kienne, sheriff, expenses 47. SS L. L. Kiene, sheriff, auto hire 25.30 First published in the Topeka Stat Journal Thursday, Sept. 24, 1914. . In the -Probate Court of Shawnee County, In the matter of the estate ot Nets P. Nelson, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Creditors and all other persons Interest ed In the aforesaid estate, are hereby notified that on the 27th day of October, 1914, I shall apply to the Probate Court sitting at the Court House In the City of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas, for a full and final, settlement of said estate and for an order of the Court finding and adjudging who are the heirs of Nela P. Nelson, deceased. KLNA M. MBLSJON. Total $604.01 FEES AND XrKK SMSS, , DISTRICT COURT. FIRST DIVISION. George A. Kline, reporter 4 50.00 E. S. Anderson, bailiff 75.00 JURORS Julius Gerstley 15.00 Will Splker 2.95 U. C. Fraser 17.50 C. E Johnson 10.00 R. L. Thomas 17.50 B. 8. Folts 2.85 C. W. Hull 2.50 W. M. Griggs 8.50 Nesbit Elmore .............. -. 2.80 S. O. Core 17.50 D. N. Cornelius ...................... IS. 70 J. W. Kempton.... ........ .............. 17.50 T. B. Pitcher 17.50 G. W. Cannon 17.50 W. L Klrkwood. ....... . 19.50 R. J. Foster 16.00 A. J. Miller .... 18.20 W. C Burt 18.50 H. J. Snook ... 11.20 C. E. Olander .17-60 J. J. Allison.. 18.50 T. C. Rowles ....... 18.60 E. J. Gresser... 15.00 W; B. Harsha ... 21.10 J. H. Gayhart 17J W. S. Lammera 15.00 C. W. Bower, clerk, fees prior to July 1, 1913 49.66 L. L. Kiene, sheriff, expenses, anto hire ! 40 Total $554.S FEES AND EXPENSES. DISTRICT COURT. SECOND DIVISION. C. D. Weiknan, reporter.... ........4 Total ..$347.50 PRIMARY ELECTION. C. P. Sawyer, clerk, 3rd prct, 2nd Ward ..4 .40 School Dirt. No. 36, Highland Park. rent 5.00 Adema Bros. Co., Jute notices... 15.25 L. L Kine, sheriff, expenses.... 3.70 .$24.35 Total CARE INDIGENT POOR. Topeka Orphans' Honw... Colored Orphans' Home Crlttenton Home, white..,,.,........, Crlttenton Home, colored............ Mrs. E. E. Ashton. rent..;... L. Barnhart, rent J. C. Beckley. rent. Phoebe Ann Bell, rent... Katie Berry, rent .................... Emma Courtney, rent J. M. Green,, rent................. Peari Lage, rent Mrs. A. B. Packer, rent............. George Relnhart, rent ., Annie Seibert, rent Claude Stroud, rent.. Lena Adams, care.. Sophia BJorkman. care.............. A. M. Cook, care Mrs. S. J. Cotten, care...... Mrs. A. R. Evans, care.... Mary B. Frost, Care Mrs. Pallga Fuller, care............ Mrs. Glassford & Judd, car....... Ludnda Helwig, care Mrs. Alice Hitler, care George Hughes, care........... Peirl Lage, care - Isaac Longaker, care Mrs. J. N. Lynch, care, daughter. J. R. McBtide. care, son..' -MVa H! J M&itland. care .. Mrs. Louisa Parker, care daughter.. 10.00 Hattle Roacnv care Mrs. Sarah BayweH, care...... Mrs. J. H. Snyder, care... Eliza Tolllver, care Chas. Warner, . care J. E. Widner Ruben Brownfleld, pension .. Miss B. E. Griggs, pension.... Lettie Harris, pension ....41... Frank Harrold. pension Albert Martin, pension .... Clara B. Mitchell, pension Jacob Freer, pension Wm. Price, pension.. .......... J. B. Wilder, pension .... James Wilson, pension Silas Woods, pension ..... George Youngman, pension .. $ 25.00 . 20.00 . 10.00 . 540 ' 6.00 , 6.00 . 8.00 , 6.00 4.00 5.00 , 8.00 , 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 8.50 8.00 16.00 12.00 16.00 6.00 12.00 10.00 6.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 5.00 10.00 ..... 5.00 11.00 ..... COO ..... 10.00 8.00 . 8.00 ..... 10.00 ..... 8.03 8.00 ..... 8.00 10.00 ..... 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 ..... - 8.00 TUfrrn A vm rent e.w Jackson-Walker Coal Co..... 7.60 C. R. I. 4t P. K y. UCKBL.... Pan LAamm rpnt ................ 5.00 Mrs. M. Engle. care .... 10.00 t v dMnnbell Drus: Co... Mrs. Le Gressley 9.00 Paul Patell Mrs. A. P. Neadau.... 12.00 Anna Wilson, care ...................... 8-0 Christ's Hospital, for Geo. Parker.. 1.00 J. H. Foucht. stove pipe........ .50 Tnnekm Snice Mills .00 a "P a, a V R'v Co.. tickets; 30.06 t a nalr mini and flour.... 30.75 Wow lev Drua- Store. (Dr. Lull) 19.83 Mmtc. Cn iwn claims.. 106.33 Nancy Flew, cpre .0 H. W. Bomsardner. burials, etc...... 19.50 LEGAL. INSANE POOR. C. R. I. P. R'y. tickets. Kentucky 415.46 A. T. A S. F. R'y Co., tickets. 28.63 C. C. Lull, expenses, Omaha............ 2.16 Total :.. .......$46.29 MAINTENANCE COUNTY JAIL Mutual Ice ACS. Co.. $ 2.71 City Water Works 16.95 Consumers L. H. A P. Co 1040 ueorge w. sutnerin. piumoing zn.zo Mrs. S. H. Abbott, matron 60.00 Topeka Edison Co 18.69 mo. Kan. Tele. Co., rentals........ 5.50 W. A: L.s, iThompsoil' Hdw. Co.. - utensils..1. 6.38 L. L. Kine, sheriff, boarding pris- - oners. $44140; attending Jail, $30.00.. 471.50 E. P. Jordan ............ ............ 2.75 John Spurrier, trasb hauling.... 2.00 Total .................. ....... MISCELLANEOUS. H. L. Hammond, notary, lapsed... Wm. Ashburn, witness, lapsed.... O. A. Ashburn, witness, lapsed.... Henry Ash, witness, lasped .... Chloe Davis, witness, lapsed....... J. B. Smith, witness, lapsed....... F. Davis, witness, lapsed S. S. Spencer, witness, lapsed W. S. Heflin, witness, lapsed. .$81443 .$15.00 . 1.20 . 1.00 1.00 2.60 1.30 2.00 1.20 1.00 U. G. Summers, witness, lapsed : 1.00 Rev. D. Dwyer, witness, lapsed LOO A. A. Bee, witness, lapsed 1.00 Mary Sullen, witness, lapsed 1.10 Bridget Beuley, witness, lapsed 2.30 Ira E. Smith, witness, lapsed 1.00 J. N. Markey, witness, lapsed........ 1.00 U. G. Summers, clerk 1.75 R. J. Foster, tubercular cow 42.60 Anna Killin, tubercular cow 55.00 J. C. Hentzler, pasture cows, etc.... 6.99 C. B. Burge, registrar, Topeka City. 38.75 Mo. A Tele. Co.. tolls (9) 17.85 R. R. Thompson, Truant officer...... 7.00 Mo. a Ivan. xeie. ce.- (Slmma 4k Bacon) 8.85 W. E. Atchison, divorce proctor..... 263.67 Co., lapsed .75 A.-C. Bartell, clerk Topeka, Bridge A Iron ree G. W. Kiger, lapsed fee... John I. Hooper, lapsed fee A. H. Meseke, lapsed fee.............. Wm. Addie, lapsed fee........... Ross Cooper, lapsed fee.. John Cooper, lapsed fee....... James Carroll, lapsed fee Western Union Tele, Co...' Topeka Motor Car Co L. L. Kiene, expenses L. L. Kiene. expenses, auto. (3) C. E. Carpenter, assignee, lapsed fees 61.90 Z. A. Enos county car, vulcanizing. .35 G. Lukert, tubercular cows 73.33 E. E. Palmer, tubercular cow 46.00 Augustus A- Rodgers, tubercular cow 39.16 George Baker, eleven coyotes... 11.00 Bounties, various persons 19.40 Total FEES 2.00 6.80 6.80 6.80 CM 6.90 .80 6.80 1.47 1.20 66.30 LEGAL. A. T. A S. F. R'y. tickets..... Commissioners, lunacy Examining physicians Counsel Witnesses, various persons.. 9.05 .. 30.00 .. 9.00 .. 16.00 7.60 August Clothing Co., two outfits.... 30.00 L. L, Kiene, sheriff, auto hire u.u Total ROADS NEW, J. A. Campbell, surveyor. Black, Auburn twp George McNeely, chainman... J..A. Campbell, livery hire.. Total $150.64 Walter ..$20.00 4.00 8.09 . 4.432.00 MONsrr. ' MONEY to loan on- Hve- stock, plaaoa, guns, typewriters, household goods and. personal security. L Biacoe. 623 Kan, ave. MONEY To LOAM on city and farm property, any amount, low Interest rates, and moat liberal terms. Can or write tor our plan, w. M. Forbes m Co.. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS 0 PERSONAL PROPERTY. Horses, cattle, pianos, diamonds, hones hold goods, libraries, typewriters, auteav carriages, machinery, and to salaried peo ple. F. 8. Thomas. 619 Kan. Ave. TeL VA AND EXPENSES, LUUKT. ......$85419 JUVENILE Edward Rooney, probation officer,. ..$78.00 A. T. A 8. F. R'y, tickets:.. 6.10 : : -.; .: PERMANENT HIGHWAYS. J.' D. 'Adams A Co... D. H. Forbes Wm. A. Johnston National Refining Co.. Road Supply ec Metal Co, (2).......-.. David Seig Standard Oil Co David TamMyn ...... f ............. Topeka Boiler Works W. C. Hentzler ...... Chas. Jackson Nick Schaefer L. W. Thompson (3)...,. H. DeCamp Ed. McBride (L. S. Moore).... A. Melsenheimer James Partridge Wylle A. Preston Chas. Scott . 1 fT,,.,, i . VUU . - "'-'- Howard White ..$83.10 4 12-00 . 4.S3 . 27.00 . .65 . 53.64 . 10.60 . 22.62 . 36.00 .' 3.92 . LOO 2.50 . 66.00 . 163.74 . 8.00 . LOO . 8.S0 . 4.00 i 4.09 . 19.S7 . 8.00 . 1540 Total ............. ........;....-..... ..$728.13 POOR FUND 8PECIAL TAX. Provident Association, twe-saoe... 39W.O0 Tuberculosis Society 76.00 Total ....Lj.......S...:L,r..--.. CW-00 COUNTY ATTORNEY INQUISITIONS Witnesses, various persons ..1440 L. L. Kiene, sheriff, auto expenses.... 40 Total '. --35-00 CORONER'S INQUESTS. John H. Rinehart, coroner... .117.10 Jurors, six persons . .- 12.JJ Witnesses, five persons z4o Total .M..,.saM.....M......4L0Js Total .-..$463.17 DRAGGING PERMANENT HIGHWAYS W. H. coffman.... 4 3L50 G. K. Cunningham (2).... ....... 26.25 J. J. Fllckinger A......... 23.30 J. C. Hentzler (2)........ . ...... 19.12 Chas. Jackson is.mj j C. Cornhaus .......... 30.00 Hj A. Oakes 26.2S A. L. Ruff, Rossville road............ 13.60 Nick Schaefer. Tecumseh road... 440 F. J. Whlteman. Reform School road 15.00 O. A. Zickefoose, Rossville road 14.28 -Total .......4BT.15 PRINTING LEGAL NOTICES. The' Topeka State Journal $33.48 SALARIES. COUNTY OFFICERS. ETC. W. E. Atchison, attorney $208.33 John F. Switzer. 1st ass't.. 100.00 R. M. Lee, 2nd ass't...., 76.00 W. E. Anderson, stenographer..... 50.00 James E. Larimer, auditor 33.33 S. H. Haynes, assessor 160.00 O. K. Swayze, county clerk.'. 216.66 John M. Wright. 1st ass't .- 126.00 Kenneth Raub, 2nd ass't 80.00 Roy G. Winner, 3rd ass't 60.00 J. C. Shimer,. commissioner 125.00 F. B. Simms, commissioner 125.00 F. E. Nlpps, commissioner 125.00 Walter J. Arnold, engineer, per diem 98.00 C. C. Lull, physician, etc.... 100.00 C. N. Bacon, poor commissioner.... 66.66 Hugh MacFarland, probate Judge, Aug, '14 250.00 Hugh MacFarland, probate Judge, Sept.. 14 250.00 Mary E. Chapin, 1st ass't., Aug.. 1914 80.00 Mary E. Chapin, 1st ass't, Sept.. 1914 80.00 Anne Ballard, 2nd ass't - 60.00 R. F. Tasker, register of deeds 200.00 Martha A. Chambers, 1st deputy..... 76.00 Esther E. Gromwhol, 2nd deputy.... 65.00 O. K. Swayze, plat Work, register, extra night work t. 28.00 Margaret R. Tasker, extra clerk. register L. L. Kiene, sheriff . Hugh Larimer, under sheriff ., Ed Carver, deputy sheriff ' M. Bundy, Jailer J. J. Holman, deputy sheriff John F. Eby, superintendent........ R. R. Thompson, clerk to sup't Matt Weightman, treasurer. F. C. Bowen, 1st ass't E. A. Campbell, 2nd ass't. Marv Patterson Hamilton, clerk to pro. ct C W. Bower, clerk aistricx court Florence F. Scott. 1st deputy..... Margaret Schmidt, 2nd deputy.... Hazel Silllx, 3rd deputy 12.00 291.66 100.00 65.00 66.00 61.66 150.00 15.00 216.66 125.09 125.00 80.00 66.00 40.00 Total $4437.8 STATIONERY AND SUPPLIES. Adams Bros. Co. (3) 20-W Crane A Co... Hall Lltho. Co. S).. Office Supply CO Remington Typewriter Co.... Underwood Typewriter Co... Western "Bindery Co.......-..e M. L. Zercher B. S. Co Western Bindery Co.. H. M. Ives A Sons...., Central-Topeka Paper Co.,;. a H. Haynes, agent (S)...... 78.10 91.96 4.50 50.00 5.00 4W.2Sf 6.81 17.60 10.00 19.78 192.20 .Total ....j......;;,;...ti8i?-i SURVEYOR'S FEES. J. A. Campbell, keeping office open, six days in each week .....$104.00 ; Total FEES AND EXPENSES, PROBATE COURT. C. R. L 4k P. R'y ticker .....41e The Crosby Bros. Csw W ineT.... W Total -. .....1104,09 REDISTRIBUTION OF BXPBN8ES. A avium for the Door. ............... 4 387.66 Bridges and repairs.... 1,289.10 Burial ex-Union Soldiers 60.00 Court house 251.04 Court of Topeka 604.01 District court, 1st div 664.86 District court. 2nd div.. 347.50 Primary elections 24.35 Indigent poor 78-18 Poor fund, special tax 176.00 County attorney Inquisitions....... " C.09 Coroners Inquests .....i ' 31.S9 Insane poor........ .. 46.29 Jail -. 614.53 Miscellaneous - 854.19 Juvenile court .'. , 83.10 Permanent highways 463.17 Dragging permanent highways.... 217.16 Printing, legal notices 33.68 Probate court 110.64 Roads new, etc.;'....... ' 32.60 Salaries, county otncers, etc Stationery and supplies 516.19 Surveyor's fees 104.09 Grand .total .....41240142 JAMES E. LARIMER. October 5th. 1914. County Auditor. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys, r we teaa urn worm, in enaap ox tores: easy payments. Send, for catalogue. t-u woumnv uob. . ai MONET TO LOAN ON FARMS AND TOP1KA REAL ESTATE. If you wish a new loan or have max turing loan or wish to chance your loan, either farm or city, write or call at our office, first floor. New England Building. . BETZER REALTY A LOAN COMPANY. -Established 1886. INSURANCE. Before It burns, with T. X Nichols 4t Send, 529 Kansas ave. STOCKS AND BONDS. CD1JIHHIAH RT.TV1 Government and railroad bond, mortgages Dougnt. sold and placed. . TRANSFTO AJTP BTOGJiB. i TOPEIIA TlIALIZTlLI a fstAwTllA. n a otrtUM - . w ma-ww tTMl.n.irJMifrJV'lsJ Separate locked rooms for ..- sooda, ATHERTON TRANSFER. Beat FOsTT? . y'n-. storage, packing and Saiapfaw. 151 DI7 74-K a4 Dk... 1M ' MERCHANTS Transfer and fctorae cW freight, Phone 4186. C. D. QA1C3 CJC? fop fl ll flflkwara mmAAtm mJt f..- .. . a specialty. Everything grown m our owsi limuiuuari noi smppsa in. MUM ave. Phone -377-W. MRS. M. E. HO LC RAFT Cut flowed floral designs. 807 Kan, ave. Phone 1H-W. CSSHSSSS!SSSSSSH55SHB6aT tJNDKRTAKJDfG. L. It. PENWELL. funeral dlreater embalmer. T. E. Jones, Ass't. First el sbskiv wuincT st. xeiepnone Phone tn. - bsjr and rantnl dlrectora mnA iinluhMM e tth ave. Mrs. Hobt. Steele, asststaat. T It PK WRTTEBS. ALL. MAKES for sale or ramt chanical department In the couatry. - unans et co. j Tonetra. Kan. - 41 Tears fa TtneloesaJ ATTORiriW AT IAW. i SIraM cC OOT?"'Xttorney ai" tmwi Ahetraet and Real Estate and Probata Law. 33 Columbian Bldg.. Topeka. T tPICTfJCS FRAMINO riuauio. regiiainc. matmakmsui ing done by J. D. Sullivan, 123 W. Kiga VT?Yf!&rSt AND STJRCgONS SPK DR. j. M. JAMISON, tf Madison. uu oisesses. pnone sas. J. A, ROSFV. patent attorney, 41 Kan sas avrew ftopaaa. FTJRK1KKS. esssssassasaassesaeBssssaaasaissasasssts JOHN PETRilLEK. the only praetleaA farrier in Wanes s. 127 W. 7th. Topeka. . MOTTJfO. HOUSEHOLD 4