Newspaper Page Text
nmuriFYOU 6ET FOR fIK(K6 ----- ; -py gT j r Yes JM V f ANO,VBv. VU OJ L iou I Mom.' FOB RENT 1716 Buchanan, rooms, $16. 417 w. 7th, 6 rooms, modern, $28. 1410 W. loth, 7 rooms, modern, 128. 1352 Mulvane, 7 rooms, lit. 1336 College, g rooma, mod.rn, $25. 1217 Garfield, 7 rooma, modern, 128. 1615 Boswell, 7 rooma, modern, $30. 1635 Mulvane, 10 rooms, modern, 928. Telephone 403. FOR RENT Nine room house, six lots, 2135 Maryland avenue, chicken house, all kinds of fruit; barn, electric light fix tures, bath, well, cement walks and cis tern. Rent $20.00. B. F. Golden, owner, 216 w. 10th. A SIX room modern house, furnace heat. 5-room, modern, close in. And other good houses. J, W. Carson. $U White. MODERN house of 7 rooms in good re- pair, near state house. Inqulre at Qulncy. FOR RENT Strictly modern house In first class condition, at 113 College, Inquire at 1340. FOR RENT Seven room house, strictly modern. with barn. 1S17 Harrison. Call 4257 Red. FOR RENT 203 Harrison, good I room house; also small cottage. Phone 2625 Red. 913 West 6th. 1 burn. 2299 nitie. rooms, gas city water. FOR RENT Modern bunaaloi and nouse. inquire 1122 Madison. MODERN 8 room house, elegant repair. 911 Madison. 221 Blue. FOUR ROOM cottage for rent. Ill Duane. 2967 K-3. FIVE room modern cottage, 1401 polk St. Phone 2521 White. 21 GOOD HENS 6 months free; house an! grounds. $7.50 month. 3919. FOR RENT 5 rooms and bath, walking distance; adults only. 513 W. 14th St. 1012 LIME. 4 room cottage, gas light and heat. 4843 Red. GOOD 7 room modern house, close in. 308 East stn. zzai Red. FOR RENT Modern bungalow and house. Inquire 1122 Madison. FOR RENT 7 room modern house, 619 Lincoln st. FOR RENT Nice four room cottage at 606 Chandler St. Tel. 2837 Red. FIVE and six room cottage. 4937 Red. .Inquire 723 Tyler. - FOR RENT 5 room house and bath, 427 Clay. 4720 Black. FOR RENT 6 room house, 829 Jackson. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT Store room at 129 Kansas ave. All new and modern; will remodel further and install fine electric fixtures to suit sood tenant. Call at room week days between 9 to 10 a. m. or t to 8 p. m., or phone 610. FOR RENT Basement, best location In the city, for real estate office, tailor shop or shoe shop. Price 810. 120 East 6th. FOR RENT room 7th, or desk room, respondence School, ground floor, 107 W International Cor- FOR RENT Large van for Atherton Transfer. Phone IOC W. 7th. movlng. Office 181 FOR RENT-515 Qulncy, 35 by 150. Carver, Central Bank Building. Phone MIL AlTOMOBIIiES. MANUFACTURERS of high grade, low price automobiles, has attractive pro position, for local agents; not necessary to have garage or live In town. Sales Manager, 334 West 9th St., Kansas City, Mo. 5or SALE CHEAP Fine ft-passenger automobile, fine condition, or will trade. 2300 East 6th st. BATTERIES repaired and charged. Keel Electric Co, 70S Jackson. Phon 8970-W. FOR S ALFnORKS AXD COWS. FOR SALE One gray mare, $50; one 5-year-old mare, weight 1100 lbs., $110; 1 sorrel mare, 1000 lbs., 6 years old. $80; phaeton. $15; 3 new saddles. Himelberger, 405 Fillmore. FOP. SALE Fine young 4 year old driv ing mare. 422 East 17th. phone 2280 Black. FOR SALE Registered Holstein bull, now at head of State Hospital dairy herd. A bargain. E. B. Stotts. steward. FOR SALE Black driving horse. 8 years old. 2346 Blue. FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS. CHEAP J ACE THE ONLY PLACE IN TOWN TO BUY SECOND-HAND STOVES AND FURNITURE. THE LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICE. 017-19 QUINCY. PHONE 3749. P. S. AND PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND GOODS. CASE OK CISEDinr NORTH TOFEHA FTONHTIURE CO. HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL KIN DS BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED WILL PAY HIGH CASH PRICE FOR SECONDHAND GOODS. 610-12 if. HAN. AVE. FOR WABE tl lota. Wast side, good location, with 7 iTi'T,. """'.. ,rn: etc. Lrfrio all In alfalfa contains 2 acres. Also room house SO ft front, and vacant lota, all r fa; Weed at 111,000; small mort- WELL EXCBANGE Seven room TmAmnrm mw4M hM,avk .uJL?f.ty tef3l tront- on Harrison street in a fine neighborhood. Will ex change for cottage. LAGEKSTROM & URIGHT Orpheum Theater Bldg. Phone 1480-W. A FTNB 80 ACRES, SIX MILES OUT TO TRADE FOR CITT PROPERTY. GEO. LI NOBLE & CO. Prom 444. 438 Kansas Ave. WAJ"IW 12 mlU" out; west, highly imnrovcd. n.w s era house. moaA ham .Ka - ., outbulldlngs. good orchard; nearly all can be cultivated, now In corn, alfalfa, grass ndP"tuI"' Lnd this vicinity held JJ to cr- Will take $3,500 to 84.000. Topeka residence part pay. bal ance terms. .lHgR- 681 Kan- Avc- P"0" w- FOR EXCftANQE $2f,,W stock ofgen eral merchandise located In live town In East Kansas, large room, low rent wants income or farm land near Topeka. A. L. Furman, Topeka, Kan. 811 Kansas ave. FOB SALE R. E.. NEW YORK. BARGAIN $2 cash, $J monthly "buys 10 iota, Long tsiano, new xork: fun price, $40 (only $4 eaoh). Vail, 118 William st, New York City, N. Y. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO INVEST In city real estate; free from danger of fire and financial panics. THE BEST location in Topeka for three elegant residences, a block of flats or apartment dwellings. Two blocks west of high school, northwest corner of West Eighth and Polk. Opposite Episcopal church, 60 by 130 feet. Easy terms. , OWNER Telephone 40SL ..miJNEKY STOCK and hxtdres For less than fixtures are worth. Call phone 1140 or 4324 Black. IR BALE MISCELLANEOUS. LUMBER FOR SALK-4 thousand ft. 2x8.5 12-14-16-18. 5 thousand ft. 2x10.5 14-16-18-10-22-24. 500 ft. lx and 1x4 roof sheeting. $1.80 per hundred. Dimension $2.00 per hundred, $00 ft. 1 black walnut. 1804 quincy St., North Topepka. FOR 8 ALE Unclaimed rugs of all sizes. Several room else rag ruga O. McCor mick Rug Factory and Carpet Cleaning Works, 82$ Van Buren st. phone 421-W. FOR SALE Almost new Bird's - Eye maple dresser and chlffoner. Call 1369 or address "Furniture," care Journal. FOR SALE Tin shop, new building, rent cuuap. j. n.. care journal. f"OR SALE Apples. W A. Kearney, Tecumaeh. Phone 3971 N-l. FOR SALE Kansas City Post route. 193 -Blue. FOR SALE 1 gas beater cost $25, used 8 months, now $10. 827 Lincoln. FOR SALE No. IS soft coal heater with separate gas burner, cheap. 216 E. 7th. FOR SALE One oak Garland heater, one wood heater. 1416 Kansas ave. FOR SALE Dining room tabla, refrig erator, good heating stove. 817 Madison. FOR SALE POrXTRT. AND FEEDERS AT THE CENTRAL SUPPLY HOUSE 627 QUINCY ST.. TOPEKA. KAN. FOR SALE 12 hens, 90 fries. 40 Homer rifreons. 1211 west Laurent or 4747 Blue after 5 p. m. FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD tSOODS. PHONE 1763 choici 1(0 acres vary fine bottom land, not W acres in corn, SO acres alfalfa, balance fine bssement barn Jft hv in at n fir ham JHHd!n5n him very fine 'arm, well 160 acres, located 2 miles from small greatest bargain we have offered in a year, v awes wild meaaow, a acres ""i tji una on me place, s-raim nouse. Darn, cribs, machine shed, fine water. Close to school and church. Price $65 per acre. 98 acres in beautiful location. 1 miles from Washburn College Campus. One of the finest country homes around the city. Ab -t 75 acres In cultivation, 10 acres alfalfa, balance pasture, orchard, etc. Good 7-room house, barn 32 by 40 silo, fine spring In feed lot. garage, other outbuildings. Entire place fenced and cross fenced hog tight. If you want a choice country home close to the cltv and will investigate this, you will say it is a bargain at the price: $14,000. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF OTHER CHOICE FARMS OF DIFFERENT SitfSS OJFERED AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. INVESTIGATE BBS FQRI3 TOU BUY. L. So LOWffT & SON 531 Kansas Avenue, ad Two 5 room bungalows, splendidly located, close in, the best of ear service, new and completely modern, will guarantee rent for more than 10 per cent the In- BsftinClate- partly'od'ern"' soo"" 'd . X Woe to ear line, 7 room bouse, , V""y One 'location, facing one of Topeka's most beautiful parks, 8 room, com pletely modern bungalow with sleeping porch and large store room, 83,100. 8100 cash, balance easy monthly payments. East front, 1V4 lots, paved street, 8 room cottage, city water, sewer, sink, bath room, electric lights. $$.800. easy terms, or will take In Tome lots a. first 3 ,oMiOld shade, paved street, 5 room cottage, completely modern except fur nace, 82400; $100 cash, balance vary easy terms. GAnOHGEOOSE REALTT-CO. KANSAS AVE. ' FOE SALE, FARM SPECIALS 70 acres t miles from Tooeka. .dioinln. iwintr .tatin- iv i w stores, bank and high school. Extra good acres alfalfa, balance good pasture with days. A royal' snap! Price $i0 alUUnKa- AU cte- Mu8t b 801(1 thirty 78 acres, 4 miles from postoffiee In Topeka. Fine location, close to good school nearly all good land. 35 acres fin bottom land, does not overflow, 65 acres In cultivation, balance pasture with running water, and 7 acres timber, good 4- -wM. vvmsc, wen, uibuu, A great bargain. It ought to bring 88.000. 160 acres in Osage County, Kan., 6 land 90 acres in cultivation, 40 acres fine '"Vm KB"mr- w"- ooa No trade will be accepted on any of we can suit you in any kind of a acuiii. wio snuumv properly xor umim or J. E. SDAFFER & CO. 4)00 Kansas Ave. Phone coming on. Why not a hot dinner at noon with the wife and kids. For the man wishing to live close to his work, within dinner distance, we have some well locat ed properties, to rooms on from M to 3 lots, some of them brand new and thor oughly modern. Priced right. 8880.00 to $2,600.00, can be bought on small cash pay. meni ana easy mommy terms, call SEAUHEE AGENCY EM Kansas Ave Phone 588. DARGAIHS UN SHALL FARMS 40 acres of rood land, falrhr well Im proved, located not far from Topeka and close to school. Only $3,500. 80 acre farm 844 miles of town, mood buildings, 66 a. cultivation, balance grass. nne water and gooa soil, trice fg.suu. Ail Kinds or farm bargains. H. P. RICHARDS. 613 New England Bldg. Topeka, Kan. 2 EASY S2BE SNAPS Six room residence, one and a half Iota, paved street, located south of Sixth on Chandler. Price 81.050. Four room cottage, four lots, well and cistern, gas for heat and light In Oak land. Price woo. Terms. - LAGERSTROIS & URIG3T Orpheum Building. Phone 1480-W. BLOOSS from center of city, new, very fine, 8 room cottage. 8 piece bath, full cemented basement, combination furnace. 1 lots, east front, tt block to car. Price $2,600 small cash payment, easy monthly terms. SHHAUNEE AGENCY 884 Kansas Ave Phone 60S. SAD A splendid Kaw Valley farm of 80 acres; also one of ISO and 200 acres, all the very beat land, well Improved. They are priced right and will be sold awav down. Phone 1182. 433 Kansas Ave. BUY OF SMITH. 523 Kansas Ave.. To- peka. TO a.: Jefferson Co.. 240 a.: Colo rado farm, 220 a.; Missouri, 80 a.; Texas irrigated. 40 a. Offer trades. 1401 West at., 9-room house. NEW 5-room cottage. $25 down, balance monthly. Phone 4390-N-2. FOUR extra pleasant rooms, en suite, close in, modern. Low price. 2242 White. far from Topeka. 3 miles from good town; lots, orchard, etc., 9-room modern house, tn, aiins ,,., rllr-" .r" improved and you can't beat It for the town not far from Topeka. This Is the Shawnee County farm. 100 acres In crop pasture with living water. Fully 140 Topeka, Kan, a 1O0S-W. rich upland, 40 acres in cultivation 10 18 acres good timber and runnlna- water. pnaoD, goco Darn. .Mortgage 53.500 at 6. Prlro 17XM .orwi, miles from Osage City. Good rich, smooth native grass meadow, balance pasture. oarn, ana other buildings. Very easy the above farms. farm you desire, as we have a large list of exenango. 1308. Topepka, Kansas. DANDY COTTAGE This Is located in the west part of the city, living room and dining room finished in os a, Kitcnen. two bed rooms and bath, fireplace, electric 'light and gas, one and a nan east front lots, price $3,900. LAGERSTROU A URIGET Orpheum Bldg. Phone 1480-W.- FOR SALE OAKLAND BARGAINS. Cottage, 4 rooms, gas. well, cistern. inui. corner lots, only sjon. 7 rooma aaa well. 8 lota. 8L1S0. 8 rooms, barn. 8 lots, on car line. 81,100. Cottaee. 5 rooma. X lota, onlv SI mv Dandy cottage, 5 rooms and lota, all in fruit. Trade for 10 or 15 acres. 7 rooma, on car line with 15 lota. Sale SZ.B0D. . TOPEKA HOMES. Taylor St.. 200 block. 9 r.. 2 lota, tl MIS Tyler St., 500 block, cottage, 6 rooms, Wt WU, 4SW. west 7th st., store room; also dwelling, 6 rooms, 50x76 feet, corner, only $2,000. Rental 828 ner month. Snan. 140 acre farm. Greenwood Co., and 88 acre farm Jefferson Co. to exchange for P. C. MOORE. Office 357 Wabash Ave.. Oakland. SUBURBAN About 4 acres, some alfalfa, variety of fruit, 7-room house, all outbuildings big lawn and shade, all In good order. Fine location, 8 miles on macadam road, 84U00. Might take nice cottage In part payment. Other tracts 1 to W acres. , J. E. TORRINGTON. 109 W. th. Tel. 828. LOT BARGAINS Fine lots, 11 blocks west of Kansas are., sewer, city water, etc, 8260 each. Easy terms. Nice lots near Washburn college, dty water, sidewalks, sewer, etc, $360 each Terms. , All kinds of bargains In city property. H. P. RICHARDS. PHONE 1624. BARGAIN FOE QUICK SALE dandy 8-roem house, completely modern. swnn- nuswra ana Jung. OPEN SUXDAY AFTEnCC.i 1304 BoswelL now ham bam. atrtettv modern in every way. See this tomorrow for it win be sold for leas than you can buy -lots and build It. Terms to suit. Call owner. 678. l WELL improved 8 acres on Euclid. Want to close up an estate. -Two vacant lots in 1200 block. Kansas ave. 2 acres near Seabrook church. J. W. CARSON. 2610 White. GOING to buy in Florida? Tell me about It- It will pay you. Rufus A. Russell, Jacksonville, Fla. EAW VALLEY FARMS Fine 120 acre farm. SVi miles of town. t room house, barn, chicken house, or chard, well and pump; other improve- i lann. race $1W per acre. Fine 80 acre farm. SU mile, from town new modern 8 room house with bath, fur- xcii l oasement, pressure pump, new bam, new cattle shed, gasoline en for pumping water, some nice al- iTcWJi olnep "no improvements, price Also several other alee Kaw Valley farms. All kinds of farm bargains. n. JP- P- WCHARDS. 61$ New England Bldg., Topeka. Kan. OTOEE LEAVER s-room strictly modern house, east front, south of 12th on Harrison. Price cut. and will take in small rental as part. On West aide, a new never occupied 8 room strcitly modem, with sleeping porch, attractive price and terms. This is In Elmhurst. City property for suburban and farms. Can match anything you have hut can not handle inflated values. KERSEY, Mulvane Bldg. Phone No, 88- lEJIWALOW new, never occupied, I rooms, 3 piece bath, full cemented cellar. 1U east trmt int. close In location, decorated, light fixtures. Price $2,2501100 cash, balance easy month- aT eVrUWi S1AUHEE AGENCY 88 Kansas At Phone 80S, FOR SALE Improved eight acre tract, half mile out. $8,000. Twenty acres ..two miles out. $8,000. Terms. - Two good eighty acre farms for sale or exchange for dty residence. BLAIR Phone 708. $1,450.00. H? ' w Washburn. rooms. 3 lots, barn, shade, pavement, sewer, wa- wwfce car service. Tel. Bff. LADIES' EXCHANGE 114 E. 7th. New management. Meals 80c. LKG4L. First Published in The Topeka State tfwuruai, ucumcr IV, 1J.J NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Kansas Executive Council until 10 a. m., Friday, October 30th, 1914. for the furnishing of all labor and materials for tne Installation of electric wiring in the Basement of the East and West Wings of the State Capitol building, according to the plans and specifications prepared for the same by Charles H. Chandler. State Architect. Plans and specifications may be had at the office of the State Architect. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check for five (5) per cent of the amount bid, made payable to Mr. Charles Sessions, Secretary of State, and the same shall be forfeited to the State In case the successful bidder fails for ten days to enter into contract and furnish the required bonds as prescribed by law, fter award of contract has been made. The attention of bidders is called to Chapter 114 of the Session laws of 1S91, with which they must comply. This is commonly known as the "Eight Hour Law." The Executive Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or parts of n 11 im ueeioea 10 oe to UH State s interest to do so. All proposals will be presented under eaiea cover ana snail ne marked "Pro posals" and addressed to Charka fis sions. State Capitol Building. Teneka. Kansas. (Signed) KANSAS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Published in The Topeka State Journal uciooer 10, NOTICE TO CRirniTflPt Xa the District Court of the United States In re R. L. Di.brow and J. B. Ready. vwuma, mm uuniw flc jteaoy. Dank rupta. ' In Bankruptcy, No 186L The creditors of the above-n.nMui hank. rupts of Topeka, State and District afore said, are hereby notified that on the 8th day of October. 1914, they were duly ad judged bankrupt, and that the first meet ing of said creditors will be held at ths oixice or in. rercr.e. 701 i.pItm. a... In the City of Toneka. Kaniu nn h 23rd day of October, 1914, at ten o'clock a. m.. at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupt and transact sueh other business as may properly come before said meeting. The property of the bankrunt. m. he sold at this meeting at public sale, and if not sold may then be ordered sold at any time thereafter, at publie or private aaie, free and clear of incumbrances, without further notice to creditors. J. O. SLONBCKER, -Referee in Bankruptcy. Topeka, Kansas, October 10. 1914. I First published in The Topeka State Journal October 10, 1814 ATCHISON, - TOPEKA SANTA TM RAILWAY CO. NOTICE OF SALE OF UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE. Notice is hereby given that unirlslmed baggago will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the unclaimed bag gage room, opposite the R- R. Y. M. C. A., on Fourth street, October 30, 1914. if not called for before that time and charges paid, the same having been- left in pos session of this company unclainted for six months and over. Sale commences at 9 JO A. M- P. WALSH. General Baggago Aganc. n RESTAURANTS. Published In The Topeka Mate Journal October 10. 1914. At a regular adjourned meeting of the State Charter Board held on July 21st. 1914, with the Secretaary of State, Attor ney General and Bank Commissioner present, the following resolution .was un animously adoptped: Resolved that the license of each for eign corporation of the attached list, now authorized to do business in Kansas, which failed to file its annual statement with the Secretary of State and pay Its annual license fee for the year 1918, as provided by law. Is hereby declared for feited and the Secretary of State is di rected to publish such declaration in the official state paper. CHAS. H. SESSIONS, Secretary of State. JOHN S. DAWSON, Attorney General. CHAS. M. SAWYER, Bank Commissioner. Altoona Portland Cement Company, Arlsona, Incorporated, Altoona, Kan. Acme Manufacturing Company, West Virginia, Incorporated. Kansas City. Kan. Continental Creamery Company, Colo rado, Incorporated, Topeka, Kan. Cherryvale Elec Light A Power Com papny, Colorado, Incorporated, Cherry vale, Kan. Co-op. L. 8. Commission Company, Col orado, Incorporated. Ksnsss City, Kan. Dr. Snoops Laboratories Ind., Wiscon sin, Incorporated. Office in Kansas, none. ElUott Fruit produce Company, Arl sona. Incorporated, Emporia. Kan. Galena Smelting Jt Manufacturing Co., Missouri, Incorporated. Galena, Kan. Henry Gas Company, Oklahoma, Incor porated, Chanute, Kan. Kehlor Flour Mills Company, Missouri, Incorporated. Offices In Kansas, none. Littleton Creamery Company, Colorado, Incorporated, Topeka, Kan. MeKensie Williams Construction Co., Missouri. Offices in Kansas, none. Metropolitan Finance Construction Co.. New Jersey. Incorporated. Overland Park. Missouri Oil Gas Compapny, Missouri, Incorporated, Cherryvale, Kan. Moffatt Commission Company, Missouri, Incorporated, Wichita, Kan. ' Mammoth Milling Company, Missouri, Incorporated, Wichita, Kan. Mclntyre Tees Construction Co.. Mis souri, Incorporated. Offices in Kansas, none. Midland Imnlement Cfflnnuiv. Ulunnfl. Incorporated. Offices in Kansas, none. opportunity oil A Gsa Comoanr. Incor porated, Oklahoma, Sedan. Kan. urange urovos company, south Dakota, Incorporated, Iola, Kan. Pearson Bros. Department Stores Co., New Jersey. Incorporated. Osawatomie. Kan. Queen Cache Mining Comnanv. Colorado. Incorporated. Offices In Kansas, none. southwestern Port Huron Comnanv. ituDBuun, xncorporaieo, wicniia, Ivan. 8. J. Hayde Contracting Comnanv. Mlc souri. Incorporated. Offices in Kansas, none. Sternberg Construction Comnannv. Mis souri, lnoorporateo. umcea m Kansas, none. Southwestern Laundry Machinery Com pany, niBsoun, incorporaiea, Topeka Kan, Union Construction Company, Delaware, xncorporaieo. uroceo in nansas, none. W. A. Silvernail Company, Massi chusetts. Incorporated. Wichita. Kan. Western Woolen Mill Company, Colo- raao, incorporaiea, xopeKa, Kan. Published in The Topeka State Journal October 10, 1914. At a regular meeting of the State Char ter Board held on October 7, 1914, with the Secretary of State, Attorney General and Bank Commissioner present, the .fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopt- Resolved that the license of each For eign Corpopratlon, of the attached list. now auinonzea lo ao DUSlnes. in Kansas. which failed to file its annual statement with the Secretary of State and pay its annual license fee for the year 1918, as proviaea oy law, is hereby declared for feited and the Secretary of State is di rected to publish such declaration in the official state paper. CHAS. H. SESSIONS, Secretary of State. JOHN a DAWSON. Attorney General. CHAS. H. SAWYER, Bank Commissioner. Armour Car Lines Company, New Jer sey, incorporaiea, omee in Kansas, none. Bankers National Development Co., Mis souri, Incorporated, Ksnsss City, Kan. Brindley Company, New York, Incor porated, Kansas City, Kan. Bulto Mills Company. Missouri, Incor porated. Kansas City Kan. - Federated Mines 4V Milling Co., Maine, Incorporated, Peacock, Kan. Drum Creek Oil Company, Arlaona, In corporated, Independence, Kan. Galena Opencut Mining Company, Mis souri, Incorporated, Galena, Kan. Koch Butchers Supply Company. Mis souri, Kansas uty. umce in Osage Window Glass Compapny, Mich igan, Incorporated, Independence, Kan. Ramsay Bros. Drug Company, Missouri, Incorporated. Iola, Kan. Terminal Warehouse Company, Missouri, Incorporated. Office in Kansas, none. United Kansas Portland Cement Co.. West. Virginia, Incorporated, Iola. Kan. Published in The Topeka State Journal October 10, 1914. Topeka, Kan., Oct. 10. 1914. A meeting of the board of suoerviaora of elections of the dty of Topeka will be held on Saturday evening, October 24th. at 8 p. m. for the purpose of revising the registration, hearing appeals from the de cision of the Commissioner of Elections and for the consideration of bids for fur nishing meals to the election boards at the election, Nov. 8, 1914. Also any other business tbat may properly come before the board of supervisors. Bids for furnishing meals are solicited and the same must be in the hands of the Commissioner of Elections before 12 o'clock M-, October 24. 1914. W. H. KEMPER. Commissioner of Election. MONEY TO LOAM on city and farm ' Property, any amount, low Inter est rates, and most liberal terms. Can or write for our plan. W. M. Forbes 4 Cat. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINSS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Horses, eattla. pianos, diamonds, hooee bold goods, libraries, typewriters, ante, carriages, machinery, apT to sslarlad peo ple. Y. B. Thomas. 619 Kan. Are. TeL M mONBy to Loam otf t-kM'i JLnd TOPEKA REAL E8TATXL If yon Wish a new Inn ne tn. m. ma. . turing loaa or wish to change rox? either farm or dty. write or oatl at pWlco, first floor. New England PldlD. at LOAN 008aAirY. HHDISM 1S9S. MONEf to loan on live stoeV. flanoa, guns, typewriters, household goods and personal security. L. Bleeps. 888 Kan, ave. MONEY To LOAN on first mortgage: Inquire E. Ji Sparling. 118 East 7th. mm. 9ffnu-lJ-u Before it burns, with T. J. Nichols 4k 629 Kansas ave. STOCKS AND BONDS. COLUMBIAN BLDO. Government and railroad bonds, and co oner stocks. inn mJt mortgages bought, sold and placed. jraANSJITBRAWD STORAGE. topjeha TOAncnsa & STOCIAGE CO. FIREPROOF UAC2ZOUSS Separate locked rooma for household . ., goodg. Phone 8868. ... ga Adams St. AffTOM fRANtrgft. BoatSio-for iam wih'hST. Ww,to USSX3.AitTa toraga Co, h ?prt JSckir,Lal0 ook after freight. Phone 4M6. C D. Skinner. JFLOIUSTH. EIA1ES FLOi7El SCOP for fresh flowers, wedding and funerals a specialty. Everything grown m our own asu..uuo DOl qipPBO in. SIS ave. Phone 877-W. MRS. M. E. HOLC RAFT Cut flowers, flot.l designs. 907 Kan, ave. Phone SEw; CNDERTAJUjra. L. M. PENWbLL. funeral 4mu embaimer. T. K. Jones. Ass't. First class service. (08-SlO Quincy rt. Telephone 193. Phone 7. Day and Night.- HAWLEY A STEELE. Funeral directors and embalm!, 113 East 6th ave Mrs. Robt. Steele, assistant. BnjARtAKrjro FOR MALK New una snnd-hand carom and pocket billiard tsbles and bowling alleys. Wo lead the world In cheap fix tures: easy payments. end for catalogue. i urawivH-raiKe-u:oiivaaer vev. Main street. Kansas City. Ma TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKK8 for sale or rent. Beat s chanical department In the country CRANE A CO. Tenelr.. Kaw. 48 Year, fn Bnsln. ak household goods for Hutchinson ana vicinity about Oct. 10. For space and rates call Fenaimore A McKnaugnt. Phono 484L OBWEW AT MW. QUINTONTor at'lawOfSi Mulvane Bldg. Examination of aa .no rmmt CTIWt HHPS a ePSQiaity. HIRAM C. ROOT. Attorney M lrr Abstract and Real Estste and Probata Law. Cnlm.'l.n Bldg.. Topeka. MACBXKK I8BOPS. W A NTEDVour lawn mowor to ovefhWal and JrindL factory .process. SL6V TeL Howard. 1877. Free delivery. MOVING. HOUSEHOLD goods moved 82.00 per vaa load. Rxpert packer, furnished, .fennl. more A MeNaught 484X picrrrRE FRAjtriro FRAMING, regllding. mat aiMvi, mount- "S none oy j. u. aauivan. WW. Eighth. . PHYSICIANS AlfP gUMBOlfg DR J. M. JAMISON, 8-T dal A. ROSEN, patert ave.. Topeka. Kat JOHN PETRZILEK. the oarv xumer in Kansas, in w. 7tn. Tnpeaa CIDER. wXNWtfToTordernr Cider Works, -phono SOS Btack. IT9