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AT THE THEATERS Car-Rob Company la Bed Cross Benefit Show at Grand. Vaudeville and Motion Pictures at Other Topeka Theaters. The Grand Ruth Robinson in "The Red Cross Nurse." The Novelty Vaudeville and Musi cal comedy. The Hip Feature pictures. ' The Orpheum Feature pictures. The Iris Paramount pictures. The Best Pictures and world series reports. The Gem Motion pictures. The Crystal Motion pictures. The Cozy Motion pictures. ' The Aurora Motion pictures. The U. N. O. Motion pictures. 1 The Princess Motion pictures. The Apex Motion pictures. Attractions at Grand Opera House Last week Car-Rop Stock Co. Oct. 20 "Help Wanted." Oct 23 Radcllffe series, Mme. Gadskt Oct. 24 "Peck's Bad Boy." Oct. 27 "Seven Keys to Baldpate. Oct. 29 Raymond Hitchcock. Nov. 8 "The Under Dog." Nov. 7 Potash Perlmutter. Big preparations are being made for the benefit performance next week of "The Red Cross Nurse," by the Car Rob Co., at the Grand. This bill is a pretty military play in four acts laid during the time of the Spanish-American war, gives an, excellent opportun ity for some clever scenic effects and some good acting by the members of the company. Mias Robinson will be seen as Phyllis, a rich heiress who leaves a beautiful home to take up the work of the Red Cross in Cuba. Mr. Moody will be Ernest Travera. cap tain of Company H. Of course after the war is over, all return to New York, where Phyllis marries her sol dier sweetheart. A portion of the gross receipts for the entire week will be dopated by the management to the Red Cross so ciety. Tickets are being sold by a number of different societies and a big attendance is looked for. Manager Carter has secured the as sistance of the members of the Kansas National Guard and they will be seen in the production, making possible a very realistic battle scene In the sec ond act where the American soldiers take the Spanish Block house after a desperate charge. The third act of the play depicts the hospital tent showing the nurses waiting on the wounded men. An elaborate produc tion is promised and this is the first opportunity Topeka has had to help this worthy cause, big houses should ' rule all week. Tickets are now on sale and can oe secured either at the Grand box office or from various committees. "Help Wanted." "Help Wanted," the play which Oliver Morosco regards as his succes sor to "Peg o My Heart." will be the first dramatic offering of the season at the Grand opera house, Tuesday night. October 20, with Henry Kolker in the leading role. In support of Mr. Kolker, the cast includes Grace Valentine, who handles the leading feminine role, Franklyn Vnderwood, Charles Ruggles, Frances Klosson, Katherine Emmet, Lillian El lintt and other who contributed to the remarkable popularity of the play dur ing Its run from ' Christmas to the Fourth of July at he Cort theater, Chicago, last season. The thrills, the laughter and the heartaches that go with the day's work in the big office buildings where sit the men who dictate the destinies of preat business enterprises, are blended in a powerful story in "Help Wanted." Radcllffe Series. Madame Johanna Gadski, the noted ainger, will open the. Radcllffe concert series October 23 at the Grand. Madame Johanna Gadski. Who Will Be the First of the Radcllffe Series at the Grand, October 23. Miss Myrtle Radcllffe, director of the series, called on Mme. Gadski in her rooms in a big Chicago hotel a few days ago. The singer dispensed her hos pitality in true German style. The sing er spends her summer month on long motor tripe with her daughter and is now ready to open another successful season on the road. Mme. Gadski is one the great living singers. Her voice is . said to be ex quisite and she has achieved fame and popularity wherever she has appeared. Seven Keys to Baldplate. "Seven Keys to Baldpate," to be pre sented at the Grand Opera house. Oc tober 27. is said to be the biggest suc cess thar George M. Cohan has ever written. It is full of fun. "Thrills and laughs galore" is a proper expression In describing this wonderful comedy, and will lead all others in popularity. Mr. HELP WANTED! For Opening of Regular Season at Grand Opera House Tuesday, October 20. Watch Next Week's Newspapers for Particulars. Apply at Box Office Next Saturday I t-- ' - ii - A' ) m . yy SUM Grace Valentine os Gertrude Meyer, the Little Stenographer, In Wanted," Which . Opens the Season at the Grand October 20. Cohan again has put to his credit the most amusing play seen here since he gave a grateful public "Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford." An announcement of im-1 portance is the fact that the cast to appear here is the same identical one that presented this farce in Chicago and New York. Potash A Perlmutter. There Is a laugh in every line of "Potash and Perlmutter," the famous comedy of the cloak and suit trade that Manager A. H. Woods will present at the Grand Opera house direct-from its second year at the Cohan theater. New York city. The three-act play is one long riot of humor humor broken from time to time by pathos and suspense enough to form a. strong dramatic con trast which holds the audience spell bound until the very last word is spoken. Lyman Howe Pictures. For real novelty and wholesome amusement, the animated cartoons that are one of the features of Ly man H. Howe Travel Festival, are in a class by themselves. They invari ably afford comedy that is in divert ing contrast to the more dignified views of mountains, cities and seas. In the new program that will be pre sented at the Grand soon, they will add more gayety than ever to the joys of "traveling with Howe." The trav esties of the serious subjects are of the most amusing nature imaginable. Military Girls at Auditorium. The first of the Redpath series will open at the Auditorium October 20, the "Military Girls." These young women . first come out in a fife and drum corps, later as an orchestra and as singers. They present an excellent musical program. Most of the girls are individual soloists. Two day3 later. Thursday, October 22, Madame Ernestine . Schumann Heink, the world famous contralto, will appear. Her marvelous range of voice enables her to vary her pro grams Without effort. It i3 said that she can sing over 300 of the 700 songs of Schubert, besides beautiful rendi tions of Franz. Schumann, Straus. Grieg, Reger and others. Hagenbeck-Wallace Monkeys. All of the animal acts with the Carl Hagenbeck and Great Wallace circus are imported to this country from the famous Hagenbeck animal farm at Hamburg, Germany. There are many new animal faces with the big show this year which comes to Topeka, Wednesday, October 14, for perform- 'Help f ff W )' Mp3 . r ' ; J'Scem Ala. U U;rvtrm-AVvXiMe C aneea at X and a V p. and Farad at 10 o'clock in the morning... The baboon la probably the closest approach to - the human race. - Dr. Darwin believes that these little ani mals are. really the missing links and his research work which took place in the ' Hagenbeck winters quarters In Germany covered a . period of twenty years.. There are two troupes of baboon actors with the Hagenbeck-Wallace circus this season. They are dressed up as human beings and eat at the dining tent with their trainers, using the knife and fork better than a good many children. - One of the monks has his private automobile. He rides to the stage where he performs.' Looks at his watch and then goes through his performance which consists of dancing with, several members of the opposite sex, playing on a musical saxophone, trick bicycle work and a little acrobatic exercise. The monk does not like the latter and he can only be made to do enough to keep him In trim. ... At the Novelty. V Another double bill of vaudeville has been booked for the week com mencing next Monday matinee, Oct. 12th with the usual mid-week change. The management believes it has every reason to congratulate itself on se curing vaudeville which will be at least as good as. If not better than that played during the week - ending tonight which has been unusually good. Mile. Lucille Savoy, the singing Venus, who is the feature for the first half of the week Is said to be an oper atic soprano and aoubrette of vivacity and much beauty. Her art poses from the famous salons of Paris are said to present a most artistic study of visual beauty and exquisite art. George and Anna Mack will present a musical act before a special setting that promises to be distinctly original. The scene is supposed to represent a California orange grove on a moon light night. Miss Mack sings while her partner accompanies her on the 'cello. A big surprise is offered when the oranges on the trees are made to give forth musical sounds. What is said to be a -clever sing ing and dancing skit will be presented by Martyn and Valerlo who introudce Borne new singing and dancing with comedy interspersed here and there. The act is said to be entirely new and quite different from the greater num ber of acts of this type playing the middle west. The Olympia Trio are said ' to pos sess voices that blend in more than ordinarily good harmony and should register one of the hits of the bill. The Three Martyns will offer a novel equilibrist turn that is expected to be both new and original. Their twenty foot leap from a trampoline to a hand-to-hand balance is but one of their many different feats. The program for Thursday. Friday and Saturday' Includes the Marmeen Four presenting a melange of musical oddities. Billy Kinkaid, the pride of Bonnie Scoltand; California Trio, nov elty musical artists; Kennedy & Kram er, a study in black and tan, and Gil bert Losee, eccentric dancer. United States Marine Band. The famous United States Marine band, which will give two concerts at the Auditorium October 21, is 113 years old. Tooday, the greatest military mu sical organization in the western hemi sphere and the peer of the Kuropean bands. It was at first a drum and fife corps. When the marine corps was estab lished under an act of congress ap proved by President John Adams in 1798, the law provided for a drum and fife corps, sixteen drummers and -sixteen flfers. For a long time there was no regularly recognized leader. .First one member and then another would trots la Topeka Wedoestlay, CH. 14. act mm 2 major, but tie Abtertcan sire for progrsaa becasne minlfnst In thto connection, and musicians were im ported from abroad to supplement the severely martial style of buttramenta to which the hand had been limited. Italy provided a group of musicians, who soon succeeded in r-iwtnir the band on something of an artistic .footing. Since that day Its prestige has steadily increased until It Is now one of the larg est and most splendidly equipped gov ernmental organisations for musical performance the world has even known. lieutenant William H. Santelmann, the leader, is. a musician of broad ex perience - and accurate attainments. When bis conducts, he knows nreciaely what every instruments should be do ing, and the men know that he known. Under his leadership the aggregation Is employ eg. u mignt be said, aa a single Instrument. Consequently, artistic ef fects of the highest and most brilliant quality are easily and naturally at tained by this band. Uncle Sam's one foster child In the domain of pure art. stor:.i Kins four. Tornado Sweeps) a Path a Mile Wide Near Joplin. Joplin. Mo.. Oct. 10 Four were killed and five were injured, two proDaDiy lataiiy, when a tornado swept a farming district nine miles southwest of here.- The four killed consisted of a man and wife and two of their children. Three of the In jured also were children of the dead couple. The Dead. JOHN DKERFELT. , MRS. JOHN DEEHPELT. EDITH DEERPELT, 1 year old. Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Deerfelt The Injured. Naomi Deerfelt, 12 years old. Esther Deerfelt, S years old. . Dorothy Deerfelt, ( years old. Sheppard Gamby. - Mrs. Sheppard Gamby. The homes of the . Deerfelt and Gamby families were situated tonly a short distance apart. Both were completely wrecked, there being noth ing but small pieces of lumber remain ing after the storm subsided. The storm moved eastward from the direction of Commerce, Okla., where it is reported that four houses were destroyed and 12 persona injured. none dangerously. Galena, Kan., was In darkness for a toalf hour after the storm passed. The path of the tornado was a mile wide and wreckage was strewn in ev ery direction from the destroyed homes for a half mile. The tornado was seen approaching by several persons. It appeared a narrow, black streak, which grumbled along and, as It passed, was accom panied by rain and later by hail. Dry Cleaned and Pressed Suite. . . ....... ........ ..Bc Ovarcoata, ... ............ 7&o Pants. 40c Skirts. . . 40c .Suits steamed and pressed.. 35c Comparatively low prices on dry cleaning of every descrip tion. All work guaranteed to be aa 'good or better than you ever had jwlium at any price. Meat complete Dry Cleaning ano Dyeing Plant In the city. Very prompt attention given to out ef town work. Topeka Laundry Co. Twenty-eighth fear. Phone SMS. 2nd and Qutncy. J. W. RIPLEY. Mgr. Money to Loan IBE SHAWNEE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ffers an easy way to buy a piece ef property or build a house nd pay for It monthly, just like paying rent. When you are down town call t 116 Wast sixth Street and ask them to explain .heir plan. It Is slmpis s a one-word primer. OFFICIAL Watch OF THE Saata Fa RaSroad The most skillful Adjuet- Ing Service in the ettft. A full and oomnlete Una C grade Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry. Repairing a specialty. R. H. MOREHOUSE War Depot, The Uo So Marimie B&hM V On Tour by Courtesy of the President Aiflditosimm, Wedmesday, d. 21 Two Concerts Afternoon 3:15, Night 8:15 Under the Personal Leadership of Lieut William H. Santelmann, the Magnetic Conductor. -The Greatest Military and Concert Band in the World. Fifty Musi cians. Three Famous Soloists--Arthur'Whitcomb, cornet; Geo. Frey, Euphonium; Robert Seel, Flute. The Opportunity of a Life Time to Hear the President's Own HtH. "An audience that taxed the capacity of the Coliseum last night 'and another almost is great yesterday afternoon, reveled in the music, classic and otherwise, wonderfully inter preted by the famous United States Marine Band. The band came up to every speci fication of the big advance promises.'' Seattle Times. Chart at Guild's Music Store. Make Your Reservations Now by Mail. Prices: Afternoon 25c, 50c ad 75c. Night 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.C0. IZ L .3 iiSCS T7ei S&tcrrhy PHONE CDC ALL NEXT WEEK Red Cross EsimelHt 50 People in the Production 50 CAR-ROB COMPANY Assisted, by KANSAS NATIONAL GUARD Presents The Stirring Military Play "The Red Cross Pfecs" Night Prices: 10c-20c-30c ' . - j B 30! 35 3ftc GEO. & Ca ll K0ri.-TUES.-VED. IJ nvmi ttv "A NIGHT IX LJLLEi A Blend of Har- CAMFORN1A" LUCILLE VULERIO 0HVUI -rnftTt ihLUIIU THE SPTGUfO VEJTrjg lmlllU0 KOYELTY FHOTCFUT I vJSS THY THDKS.-ITO.-SaT. OWD THE- The Pride of MnnP'FrM A STUDY IX Bonnie Scotland. UMIlUttN BLACK TAW MLIFOIM FOUR g:leert TCIfl PRESENTING A MELANGE I nrr iniU OF , MUSICAL ODDITIES LUott SSS CflYaTY FHOTGFLAY TS?0 ; SHOWS 3:00 S:20 7:00 8:20 :S0 THE HIP Patience. Monday and Tuesday Win. A. Brady Presents The 4Act Feature Beautiful Tenderness, Love and Forgiveness are all Combined in the Noble Word Mother. II P ii m M With the Original Star-Miss Emma Dunn WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY George KWne's Photoplay Master piece in Five Acts VENDETTA From the Norel by Marie Oorelll Kiel Hoar 10c Bakany 5c Every Lady in Topeka Should See This Wonderful Play of Mother-Love. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The Six-Art Lnbin Feature The Fortune Hunter By Wincbell Smith. With An AD Star Cast Headed by William Elliott