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10 TUG TOPEHA DAILY JOX7T7ir VUDAY 1- . - , I Chlldron Cry for Flotchor'o The Kind Ton Bare Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. U. Fletcher and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Jnst-as-jrood" are but experiments, and endanger the Health of Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare corlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It de stroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years It has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Trou bles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. Tho Kind You Have Always Dou&ht 'Bears the Signature of Cn Uso For Over SOJToaro Hann Singers One of the greatest companies of colored talent in all the world At Auditorium Monday Eve, Oct. 19th Benefit Christian Endeavor Hospital "Shut-in" Flower Fund Reserved Seats Sale Opens Thursday Oct. 15th at 8 A. M. Wolcott's, 825 Kansas Ave. Prices General Admission: 251. Reserved Seats 351, 501. ONLY (HOI u. s. Kansas Has Consolidated State and City School. : State Normal at Hays Teaches City School Pupils. ADVOED HETC3S USED Both City and State Profit by the Scheme. Students of Both Institutions Benefit by Scheme To All Merchants: You have been invited to join in a national business boosting plan known as Newspaper Window JDisplay Week. Next week, October 19-24, is the time and every merchant is urged to be ready for the great demonstration. Make a list of all the articles in your store that are advertised by the manufacturers in this and other good newspapers. Pust these articles in your windows next week and paste up a couple of the signs which this newspaper has sent you. If you want any more of these signs we shall send them upon the receipt of a card from you or a phone message. This is a good time to reach out after more business. The window display plan will be a business getter. It will bring customers who read of these standard articles in newspaper advertisements ' into your store to buy them. , It will encourage manufacturers who do not advertise their products for your benefit to to use newspaper space to create popular de mand for the goods you sell. Any time a man or woman comes into your store to ask for an article advertised in newspa pers you have an opportunity to make a per manent patron. It means money in the cash register to join in the window display movement. Beginning Next Monday, See That Your Win dows Are Alive With the Products of Na tional Distribution Advertised by the Makers in These Columns. come In from some quarters. To what! extern, or now ar-reachlng the dam age, no one seems able to tell, yet the situation is alarming as many farmers over the country stored considerable wheat with the expectation of getting better prices tor It later on. Should the damage from the weevil continue, they may be compelled to dispose of it before it reaches a bet ter price. QUIT RAISING HOGS. II A SECRET RATE L C.C Alleges Santa Fe Gave Senator Clark Rebates. Present Letters From President Bipley as Evidence. Hays. IJan., Oct. IS. The state of Kansas and the city of Hays have gone Into educational partnership. The en tire city school system grade and high school has been turned over to the Fort Hays, Kansas State Normal school to be used as a pedagogical laboratory by the state of Kansas. No other normal in the United States has such an arrangement for training its teachers in an actual school under actual conditions. Only two are similar to It and they are not complete. The Montana State Normal at Dillon uses a city school system up to the high school. The famous Fitchburg Normal in Massachusetts uses several ward schools. All the departments of the Fort Hays Normal try out the latest methods in the Hays schools. The board of edu cation of Hays and President W. A. Lewis of the normal intend to build up model schools adapted to western Kan sas conditions. Modern Methods Used. . Prof. C. A Shivelv. head of the de- I'partment of education is the superin tendent of the schools. Already he has introduced the Junior high school or six-and-six plan, a free dental clinic, free medical inspection, a social center, community music, supervised play grounds, and organized athletics under the normal coaches. The people of Hays are enthusiastic over the change, although it has been in operation but six weeks. Instead of having the ordinary western Kansas schools they have a school directed by specialists paid by the state of Kansas. It costs the city of Hays less and the normal is saved the expense of main taining a training school. xne students of the normal nrenaring to be teachers observe and practice in tne system. They make out a written report of every class visited or taught. rror. sniveiy has at the close of each day a written critical record of all the classes of that day. MISS ABBEY MAYI1EW. Missionary Woman Will Conduct Cam paign at K. S. A. C This Week. Manhattan, Kan., Oct. 13. Miss Abbey Mayhew, a member of the na tional board of the Toung Women's Christian association, will conduct a missionary education campaign Octo ber 15 to 17 among the young women enrolled in the Kansas State Agricul tural college. i . - j. . Miss Mayhew was for fifteen years the head of the department of physi cal training for women at the Uni versity of Wisconsin. She is now in charge of the physical training work among the Chinese women, with head quarters at Shanghi. Big Kansas Farmer Suggests New Way to Eliminate Cholera Ravages. M. M. Sherman, one ' of the big farmers of Kmi.a has suggested that every one quit raising hogs for two or three years and see if that will not stop the ravages of cholera in this and other states. Mr. Sherman be lieves that the entire r moval of all hogs from the state for a short time will cause the cholera to die out and then the breeders could start in again and be rid of cholera for many years. "It will cost about one dollar a head to vaccinate the hogs with the serum," said Mr. Sherman. "The number of hogs that die bring the average cost up close to two aollars a head for the entire state. That is too expensive. Keeping the pens clean and sanitary helps to keep the chilera away. But it seems to me th the best way to eliminate it would be to quit raising hogs entirely for a couple of years and then the germs would have disap peared." Mr. Sherman Is the manager and part owner of one of the largest ranches in Kansas. The entire south east corner of Ellsworth county is the property of Mr. Sherman and his part ners. ' The ranch is devoted to hogs and cattle. It was Mr. Sherman who invented a shredding machine that cut Kafir and care into shreds that hogs would eat clean and thus save the waste of stalks. San Francteco, Oct 13. At a hear ing before a special examiner of the Interstate Commerce commission, al leged copies of private correspond ence between President E. P. Ripley of the Santa Fe railroad and former United States Senator W. A- Clark of Montana were Introduced purporting to show that the railroad allowed Clark a secret rate on machinery to his smelter works at Clarkdale, Ariz. W. C. Donnelly, until March 1. 1913, confidential secretary of Edward Chambers, vice president of the Santa Fe, testified that he had abstracted from the office private letters and had made copies of them for his own use. Some of the originals, Donnelly ad mitted, he had obtained by the., use of specially made keys. The copies of the letters indicated that Clark and his interests enjoyed a transcontinental rate of $1.50 per 100 pounds on machinery, the open rate being $1.87. The hearing was in response to a petition by Donnelly, who seeks to ob tain a refund from the Santa Fe of rare charges for the Western Machin ery company, et al. . G. H. Baker, Santa Fe rate clerk. ! stated that if the railroad was ruled against by the commission it would be forced to make refunds aggregating i2,UUU,UU0. ODD FELLOWS MEET. Rebekabs and I. O. O. F. Men Gather in Manhattan by Thousands. Manhattan, Kan., Oct. 13. More than one thousand delegates are in Manhattan this morning to attend the opening sessions' of the forty-seventh annual session of the grand lodge of Kansas I. O. O. F., which will be in progress here until after Thursday. Several thousand more will arrive to day and Wednesday when the main sessions will be held. W. J. Russell, of Topeka, grand sec retry, says the attendance will reach 4,500 or 5,000 by Wednesday, which will be the big day of the convention. The convention's most distinguished guest, Robert T. Daniel, of Griffin, Ga., grand sire, will arrive in the city at noon today. A delegation or Seventy-live is ex pected to arrive from Topeka tomor row to attend the convention. The Union Pacific will run a special train from Kansas City and Topeka tomor row to handle the crowds. INSTITUTE AT HMAFLG HILL. WEEVIL IN WHEAT. Belleville Farmers May Be Forced to SeU Grain At Once. Belleville, Kan., Oct. 13. Reports of the grain weevil damaging the wheat stored in bins are beginning to Large Premium List Out for Contests Between the Farmers. Maple Hill, Kan., Oct. 13. The local I Farmers' Institute' will hold the an nual fall meeting here on Wednesday, October 14. The speakers on the pro gram include several of the farmers and business men of Maple Hill as well as the speakers from the Agricultural col lege. There is a large premium . list also; the prizes m the boys' corn con test will be awarded. ' About thirty boys are in the contest and the com petition is keen. 'L , u The institute is offering prizes also for the best poultry, colts, potatoes, and best loaves of bread, pies, cake, jelly, preserves and many other articles. The program begins at 9 a. m. and ends at 3 p. m., with a big basket dinner at noon. Logical Dyspepsia Treatments Importance of Eliminating Acidity and Food Fermentation. During the past two or three years re ports have frequently appeared in the Press concerning the remarkable value of blsurated magnesia as an antacid; and its ability to promote normal, healthy di gestion by preventing food fermentation and neutralizing dangerous stomach acid has often been demonstrated. Until re cently druggists could supply blsurated magnesia in powder form only, from one to two teaspoonfuls of which, taken in a little water after meals, almost instantly stops all fermentation and neutralizes acid, but sufferers from stomach trouble will be glad to learn that, after a long series of experiments, a leading firm of manufacturing druggists has now suc ceeded in producing a 5 grain tablet which combines all the valuable antacid properties of the ordinary blsurated mag nesia in a very convenient form. This new tablet of blsurated magnesia can now be obtained of druggists everywhere and many physicians are already pre scribing them instead of the nowder form. Sold by the Rowley Drug Store and The Arnold urug jol-aot. LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR Look Years Younger! Use Grand mother's recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur and nobody will know. Use Journal Want Ads for Results The use of Sage and Sulphur for re storing faded, gray hair to its natural color dates back to grandmother's time. She used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and abundant. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appear ance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store fir a 50-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," you will get this famous old recipe which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and is splendid for dandruff, dry, feverish, itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two it becomes beautifully dark, glossy, and abund ant, Adv. The World Moves Our Grandfathers Used Tallow Candles We Use Sunbeam Mazda Lamps Sunbeam Mazda Lamp lead today in artificial illumination to the same degree as the telephone, electric car and automobile in their respective fields. The old-fashioned carbon lamp has had its day. The Sun beam Mazda lamp, which only uses one-third of the electricity consumed by the carbon lamp, is the only really cheap illumina tion on the market. We have a complete stock of all sizes and we have a tele phone. Tell central you want our number and ask about these lamps. Then tell us how many .you will want and we deliver at once. Remember, "SUNBEAM MAZDA LAMPS." IKE lEYSTKE OF MKHIISiSS IS SERVICE COOPERATION j L SERVICE, Official recognition i is accorded this publication for its Service and Co operation to ob tain RESULTS for its advertisers. usaor symbol ASSSCIATO RATIC3AL ADVERTISERS New Stock Eithinn Building. Philadelphia JiJizr 'rot -Vv WTO' a Your Old St To Put Up? ove Fit A cheaply put together stove, or one that was built years and years ago is a poor proposition when It comes to the heating question of today. . . . A good up-to-date stove one built upon scientific principles one made of first class new Iron throughout, with no loose or open Joints will soon pay for Itself in the . amount of fuel saved, say nothing of the added looks and comfort that it will afford. We ask that you give this stove question your careful consideration we ask that you come into this store and let us show you our superb line of Acorn Stoves and Ranges it A 'I D l -wi ier ecu s v cry ueat Lots of people buy a stove simply because It's a few dollars cheaper than some other stove; they get it into their head that they are practicing economy, while as an actual fact it is extravagance in the long run. The place to practice economy is not In the initial purchase, but in getting a stove or range that will do aU you require of it, . with the very least consumption of fuel. Heating Stoves .... . $7.00 to $55.00 Ranges ............ $29.50 to $52.50 Cook Stoves ........ .$6.50 to $25.00 KAST TERMS We sell Stoves, Ranges, Furniture and Floor Coverings to worthy people on Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. 19 Only Topeka Store That Cloaca day at 6 O'Clock AU tie Y. Ststllf 'Ronrnd. OS A CASH BASIS. Emporia Merchants Put Ban On Cred it System This Week. Emporia, Kan. Oct. 13. A general retrenchment in credits and extension of credts is being put into effect by the Emporia merchants this week through the Retailers' association. The Emporia policy of less credit is being established in practically all of the cities and smaller towns. Emporia's plan is modeled after a system used successfully in many of the towns which have put the credit business on a reliable basis. These towns make an iron-clad rule to carry no accounts over thirty days, or any balances beyond the agreed date of settlement. KNOCKED HER TEETH OCT. Manahttan Woman Charges Husband With Unusual Brutal Conduct. Manahtan, Kan., Oct. 13. Mrs. Kate Hyroop of this city wants a di vorce from her husband, Chas. E. Hy roop of Fort Worth, Texas. Mrs. Hyroop alleges that her hus band drove her away from his home at Pratt, Kan., last year, and that he has sent her only $6 since for the sup port of herself and the two minor chil dren. Just before she was forced to leave home, Mrs. Hyroop alleges that her husband struck her in the moutV with his fist and that the blow dislodged several of her teeth. The Topeka Electric Company 816 Kansas Avenue. Phone 768 Mi1? & w In OX TWO TICKETS. Jewell County Farmer Girls on Two Tickets This Fall. Jewell Citv. Kan.. Oct. IS.- Farmers of this county will have a chance to vntp for farm women at the election this fall as there are three farmer girls on the tickets. Miin Clara Sann is on the Demo cratic ticket for school superintendent and Miss Marv Sweet is on tne same ticket for district clerk. Miss Alta Batch, another farmer girl, is on the Progressive ticket for superintendent. Mysterious Fire at Jewell City. Jewell Citv. Kan.. Oct. 13. A mys terious fire at the residence of R. E. Bunch Monday night caused the loss of $500 worth of household goods be fore, it was extinguished. The fire originated in a kitchen pantry and its cause has not been discovered Congress of Industrial Safety. Chicago, Oct. 13. State commis sioners and officials of civic organiza tions from all parts of the country at tended the third annual congress of the National Council for Industrial Safety which opened here today. Ses sions are to continue until Thursday. Miss Ida Tar bell of New York, and H. M Wilson, enarineer in charge of the bureau of mines at Pittsburg, were to address the congress today. . Wife of Dr. James III. Chicago. Oct. 13. Mrs. Edmund J. James, wife of Dr. Edmund J. James, president of the University of Illinois, is critically ill in a sanitarium here today. Dr. James said his wife had been in a serious condition since last Christmas. . . ; . i KIMBALL PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS SOLD BY MAKER 822 KANSAS AVE. 8 Daily Trains TO KANSAS CITY DOUBLE TRACK L.v. Topeka 4:20 a. m. S:2K a. m. 1:46 a. m. 7: a. m. t:K p. m. I:2E p. m. 1:40 p. m. 7:65 p. m. Ax. Kan. City 1:26 a. m. 7:10 a.m. 7.-2S a. m. 1:26 a. m. 4:60 p. m. 1:10 p. m. 7:30 P- m. :4S p. m NO STOPS ttn- Is EvcarwHEfti C e. bmcon. ar.i No coach hi train Mar-fdl Ijv. Kaa Ota Ar. Tunis TJ a. sa. : a, aa. n-M a. m. Um 9 m. 10:41 a. m. H p. m. M: a, m. M:4i p. sa. : p. m. im p. Sa, lt p. m. tiff p. s. 10:10 . m. 11m B. m. I 10 p. m. I i U a. m. .sfdSuSB aSTsi L -sj f ' " j"" SPaSwjd 'WitfnikW r?t t IUH4 f aWsm I BBSaSBBav SsP' Y J a pu i j TlJt 1 1 jT TTi The Pull-Together Spirit TEAM work is the keynote of the Bell system. Good telephone service requires good operatives and good tools. Back of the switchboard operators who handle your, calls is the united effort of an army of skilled workers to keep the mechanism always in good working order. In the Bell system 150,000 employees, co-operating in the true spirit of service, put through 26,000,000 calls daily the telephone talk of the nation. Eocry Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station The Lliscouri and Kansas Tehj-inzo Co.