Newspaper Page Text
10 mTm TOPEHA DAILY CTATU JCUHnAIr-' "Every Picture Tells a I What's the matter, nuuna?, Not Due to Sex Alone Many women have come to know that sex isn't the reason for all back aches, dizzy headaches and urinary disorders. Men have these troubles, too, and often they come from kidney weakness. To live simply, eat spar ingly, take better care of one's self and to use Doan's Kidney Pills Is bound to help bad kidneys get better. There are so many thousands of wo men who can tell you this from ex perience. A Topeka Woman's Experience. Mrs. William Peterson, 514 Monroe street, Topeka, says: "I suffered from my back for a long time, and often the kidney secretions were ir regular in passage. I felt all worn out and could hardly do my house work. I was very nervous. After us ing Doan's Kidney Pills awhile, I got relief, and I have felt better ever since." DOAN'S Y 50 at all Drug Stores Foster-Milburn Co. Props. Buffalo.NV". Adv. What Thin Folks Should Do Gain Weight Physician's Advice for Thin, Unde veloped Men anil Women. Thousands of people suffer from ex thinness, weak nerves and feeble stomachs who, having tried advertised flesh-makers, food-fads, physical culture stunts and rub-on creams, resign them selves to life-ions skinniness and think nothing will make them fat. Yet their case is not hopeless. A recently discov ered regenerative force makes fat grow after years of thinness, and is also un equalled for repairing the waste of sick ness or faulty digestion and for strength ening the nerves. This remarkable dis covery is called Sargol. Six strength giving, fat-producing elements of ac knowledged merit have been combined In this peerless preparation which is endorsed by eminent physicians and used by prominent people everywhere. It is absolutely harmless, Inexpensive an efficient. A month's systematic use of Sargol should produce flesh and strength by correcting faults of digestion and by sup plying highly concentrated fats to the blood. Increased nourishment is ob tained from the food eaten, and the additional fats that thin people need are provided. Arnold Druug Co., 523 Kansas ave.. and other leading druggists supply Sargol and say there is. a large demand for it. While this new preparation has given splendid results as a nerve-tonic and vi tallzer, it should not be used by nervous people unless they wish to gain at least ten pounds of flesh Adv. , Your Fall Cold Needs Attention. No use to fuss and try to wear It out. It will wear you out Instead. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, relief follows quickly. It checks your Cold and Soothes your Cough away. Pleasant. Antiseptic end Healing. Children like it. Get a 50c. bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and keep it in the house. "Our family Cough and Cold Doctor" writes Lewis Chamber lain, Manchester, Ohio. Money back If not satisfied, but it nearly always helps. Adv. Nation Wide Advertised Goods and Where You Can Get Them in Topeka Any merchant who Is selling nationally advertised goods and wishes to be represented on this page, call 3530, Advertising Dept. Merchandise must have ex ceptional merit to be nationally advertised and you are always safe in buying such goods. A FOLDING TYPEWRITER has many advavntages over the or dinary type of machine. For example, portability. THE CoronA can be carried anywhere without in convenience it can be used in the office, at home or on the road. It weighs but six pounds, and in its carrying case oc cupies only about the same amount cf space as a large camera. - 11 you nave never J"S$3ss59l een the wonderful now is the time, for we are conducting a special demonstration during the month of October. Drop in today. Crane A Company, 110-112 East 8th St.. Topeka, Kan. KIMBALL The Premier Pi an os and Player Pianos of the World Are Sold in Topeka by the Makers ,. V. V. KIMBALL CO. 822 Kansas Avenue Phone 3108 F. I. WHITMORE, Mgr. Storr-yK.! - OAKLAND COTES. Items for this column may be phoned to 3915 or the State Journal office. J. W. Romerman of -Wabash ave nue has returned from Oklahoma, where he was called by the sudden death of his father, W. F. Romer man, who lacked but a few days of being eighty-five years of age. He Is survived by an aged wife and three sons. Mr. Romerman lived a large part of the time with his son here. Revival services at the Oakland M. K. church every evening at 7:30. Spe cial song service. The pastor, Rev. A. E.-Peterson, is being ably assisted by Rev. Hughes, pastor of the Seward Avenue M. E. church. ' Mr. .and Mrs. Jesse Wright of For est avenue have given the name of Kathryn Jane to their infant daughter.-- -r.. . . Mrs. Casperson will entertain the members of the Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church Thursday afternoon at her home in Winfleld avenue. .. Miss Naomi Ray and Miss Florence Ludington were dinner guests Sunday of Miss' Dorothy Shuler, who cele brated her birthday anniversary. Miss Estella Smith of Arter avenue has returned to" school after a week's absence caused by illness. Mrs. O. M. Anderson is recovering from an attack of the grippe. Lyle Northup of Oakland avenue has returned from Glade, Kan., where he spent the past few months with his sister, Mrs. Floyd Stevens. Mrs. Marion Adamson of Albany, Mo., is visiting for an extended time with the N. O. Adamson family in Ar ter avenue. Mrs. Motley and grandson, Adair Lane, of Arter avenue have gone to Amarillo, Tex., where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Hungate of Forest avenue are the parents of twin daughters, born Monday, October 5. Mrs. L. J. Morris of Concordia is spending a few weeks with her son, H. N. Oakley, and family;- ' Mr. and. Mrs. Canfield and Mr. A. Hill are guests at the L. A. Hill home in Oakland avenue. Mrs. C. G. Hoyt entertained the fol lowing ladies Friday- at dinner in hon or of her mother, Mrs. Lewis, of Dex ter, Kan., who is visiting here: Mrs. N. E. Morford, Mrs. Wilsey, Mrs. Sam Ray, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Mackey, Mrs. Johnson. Revival meetings are being held this week at the Church of the Breth ren in Michigan avenue. Rev. Chas. Miller is conducting the services. Mrs. N. A. Myrick and Mrs. Jesse Stone spent the day Monday with Mrs. M. Williamson of Arter avenue. Mr. V. Myrick of Arter avenue is spending this week at Elmont, Kan. SANTA FE NOTES. Mrs. David Gossard left Saturday for Denver, Colo., where she will make her future home.. Mrs. Dahoney, wife of Conductor Dahoney, and William Butler, depot master, will return within a few days from Bloomington, 111., where they were called by the death of a relative. Elmer Shorts, clerk in the store de partment, has returned from, Abilene; where he was called by the illness and death of his grandmother and grand father. , Thursday evening, December 17, Is the date set for the fourth annual ball to be given by the engineers' wives at Kellam hall. Will Sherma:. of the fuel depart ment in Amarillo, Texas, and Mrs. Sherman will arrive here within a short time to visit relatives for two weeks. Engineer John Snyder and Mrs. Sny der will leave within a few days for New York, Boston, and various points in Pennsylvania, where they will visit relatives and frtneds a few weeks. The regular business meeting of the Ladies' Society to the B. of L. F. and E. was held this afternoon. E. E. Machovenc, master mechanic at Argentine, who has been seriously ill in a hospital in Kansas City, is im proving slowly. Fireman Roy Yewell has been sent to Emporia for extra work. A. D. Morford, advertising agent, has returned from a business trip to Oklahoma City. Mrs. I. Well man has returned to her home in Newton, after a short visit here with relatives and friends. William McKinley, night ticket agent at the depot, will return within a few days from a two weeks' vacation spent in Vancouver, B. C.', and other northern points. Mrs. Kelley, wife of Fireman Elmer Kelley, is visiting relatives and friends here a few days. Switchman James Bostic returned last night from Richland, where he was called by the death of a relative. The wedding of Miss Hattie Jones of the auditor of disbursement's office, and Mr. Arthur Laret of St. Louis was solemnized Monday. HIGHLAND PARK NOTES I Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ahlstrom spent 1 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Tu j lein of 32SL Taylor street. The regular meeting of the K. K. Ks. will be held at the home of the Banta's ! on Twenty-third and Pennsylvania A. P. Ahlstrom & Sons are building a large sleeping porch for Mr. M. F. Rigby of 719 Harrison street. . The Y. M. C. A. boys and the K. K. Ks. have arranged to play a game of basket bail at 5 o'clock tonight on the K. K. Ks. grounds. The following boys will play for the Y. M. C. A.: Mon gomery. Gales, Ganz. Tweedy, Schroon er and Williamson. The K. K. Ks. lineup will be Orran Berridge, Challin Watson, Harry Ferguson, Sidney Eber hart, and Richard Ahlstrom. Each team seems very anxious to find out how they stand, and a good game Is ex pected. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kornhaus and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Prims. Mrs. LeVan spent Tuesday with Mrs. Watson on Twenty-first street. Mr. G. W. Ferguson has returned to Little Rock. Arkansas. E. Levenberger ia digging a well on the Flossmoor farm east of Vlnewood Park. The last car of Grange coal is in town and will be unloaded today. Warren W. Lane, of Lafayette, In diana has been visiting his sister-in-law. Mrs. O. K. Hill. Mrs. J. A. Ahlstrom will entertain for her aunt, Mrs. Peterson of Fillmore street today. Mrs. Hester Chambers of Hartford, Kansas who has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. John Rains, returned to her home Saturday. TtreHighland Park Art club will meet next Friday afternoon with Mrs. C B. Buehrer. Mrs. Downs of Kansas City, who has WAMTS AKD mSCELLAHEOUS AOS . ADVERTISING RATES: The rate for Inserting Want Ads In Tbs Topeka Stat Journal ia one cent a word each Insertion, minimum 10 cents; by the week t cents a word, minimum B0 cents. COUNT THE WORDS of your Ad, In cluding (our words for State Journal ad dress when such address ia used; count each "initial", letter and each number or combination of figures as one word. CLOSING HOUR: Want Ads to be classified properly In The Topeka State Journal must be in The State Journal office before 12:46 o'clock. Want Ads re ceived after that hour will be inserted un der the heading: "Too Late to Classify, or next day as desired. r OUT OF TOWN advertisements must be accompanied with cash or check in full payment for the same. Nets the forego ing Instructions about counting the words and the rates per .-word for The Topeka State Journal. P. Walker and husband to C. Walsh, lots 444 s. hk 443 Lindenwood ave., Melrose sub .... M. N. Miller and wife to M. Miller, lot 96, n. 93 6th ave. west M. J. Dill to J. Schriffer, lots 439-441 Reno ave., J. Norton's 2nd add. J. Scbniter and wife to C. L. Birt and others, pt. lots 361-63-65 Monroe St., Ritchie's add T. Keely and wife to G. G. Burton . and wife, lots 174-176 Broadmoor ave t T. Keely and wife to G. G. Burton, , lots 190-192 Broadmoor ave W. L Osborne and wife to F. E. Thompson, e. V, se. 34-11-17; also ne. 3-12-17...... W. J. Muench and wife to L. F. Garlinghouse, lot 410 s. 408 Gar field ave., stilson & Bartholomew's add LOST AND FOUND. STOLEN From east steps of state house Saturday morning. Ranger bicycle, painted gray. $5 reward for return of wheel or arrest of thief. State Savings Bank. LOST Gold Rosery beads between. 5th and Monroe and the Church of the As sumption. Finder please return to Father Mclnerny and receive reward. LOST Oblong brooch, Japanese enamel. Return to 1262 Clay. Reward. WANTED SITUATION'S. WANTED Position as clerk . in drug store. J. A. H., care Chesterfield Hotel. SEWING by the day by experienced seamstress, Phone 1631, 206 E. 5th. WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Boys 16 years or over to sell noon edition of the State Journal issued at 11:30. Owing to the taking up - ef schools the State Journal could use 12 or 15 more boys than have been available on school days this weeK. WANTED Railway mail clerks. Com mence 376.00 month. 3.000 appointments coming. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dep't 131-8., Ro chester. N. Y, KA1L.VV A V MAIL Cl.tKKS. UAK1UJSHH wanted. Good pay. Fine positions. Pay for instructions after you receive position. Plan. Apply Liberty Institute, Rochester, N. Y. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet Y 213 tells how. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins. Wash ington. D. J. WANTED By Lukens Bros., North To peka an expert rurnace man. BOY with wheel at- once. L50 per week. liz west otn. WANTED Rug weavers. O. McCormick Rug Factory, 622 .Van Buren. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Stenographer for 'general office work. Address stating experience, references and salary wanted. M., care Journal HUNDREDS government Jobs open to women. Big pay. List free. Franklin Institute. Dep't 625 S, Rochester, N. Y. WANTjEpMISCELLANBOJJS WE PAY the highest" casn price for cast off clothing, shoes, hats and overcoats. Drop us a card or call Gordon Bros.' loan office. 400 Kansas ave. Phone 1079. WANTED Everybody to look on the back of his telephone book, and read our advertisement. The Topeka Transfer & Storage Co. - WE PAY bighert cash price for 2nd hand clothing, shoes, hats and overcoats. Drop a card or call 1645. E. Scrlnopski Jfc Son, 408 Kansas ave. ' - WEAVING carpet, rugs, curtains, porch pillows, etc 221 Lake. Phone 2644 White. been visiting her sister, Mrs. Draper will return home Thursday. The Clover Hill Ladies Aid society will meet with Mrs. - C. B. Buehrer today. - ' Mr. A. B. Smith Is at Columbus and Pittsburg, Kansas, adjusting claims for Insurance. - Harry Ferguson, Sidney Eberhardt, Orrin Berridge and Jay Banta attended the play given by the Watson Grange at Watson Saturday evening. Mrs. R. O. Gardner and daughter, Carol of Hartford, Kansas, and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gasche of Topeka, ' were dinner guests -at the Buehrer home Tuesday. Mid-week-prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Buehrer Thursday evening. The Highland Park Ladies Aid so ciety will meet with the Misses Arlina and Sadie Buell Thursday afternoon. In spite of the disagreeable weather last night about forty loyal grangers and their families braved the storm and attended the oyster supper and spelling match at the school house. After spelling about an hour the oysters were served and there was a plen ty for everyone. A very pleasant and profitable evening was spent. These spelling and ciphering matches are a great thing for any community and should be encouraged. The Highland Park school was closed Wednesday noon until the heating plant can be put In operation. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Strauss, of Mich igan avenue entertained the following members of the orchestra from the Ticket Auditor's department of the gen eral offices. Tuesday evening: Mr. D. W. Smith, Mr. Charles Smith, Mr. Dale Rogers and Mr. Thorson. HEADACHE STOPS, NEURALGIA GONE Dr. Junes' Headache Powders give Instant relief Cost dime -package. Nerve-racking, splitting or dull, throbbing headaches yield in just a few moments to Dr. James Headache Pow ders which cost only 10 cents a package at any drug store. It'a the quickest, surest headache relief in the whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve the agony and distress now! You can. Millions of men- and women have found that headache or neuralgia misery ia need less. Get what you ask for. Adv. WANTED- -MISCELLANEOUS. . WATEDTOEEl'TmsirTftunlBneS house, or apartments, dose In, 3 adults. Address Box 36, care Journal. WANTED TO RENT Furnished house with 3 bedrooms; four audults; no chil dren. Address 312 New England Bldg. WANTED Heavy second hand coal heat- T. Jau Z73Z K-2. GOOD milk cows, fat cattle and veal calves. W. C. A. Leitxow. TeL 257. FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT To gentlemen, nicely fur- r.xiMmrq UO west Stn St. FOR RENT Large-room with sleeping porch, 314 Huntoon, 3 blocks from State FOR RENT Furnished room In newly bunt modern house, one block Capitol grounds. Phone 1424 Black. TWO modern,, connecting, light house keeping rooms, with bath, to one or two employed ladles. 1217 West 5th.' THREE cozy, central rooms., half busi ness and half residence. Inquire 611 Qulncy. ABOUT Nov. 1st, three light housekeeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished, close in. cneap. A. I. it., care Journal. FOR RENT 5 unfurnished first floor rooms, modern except furnace. Inquire 715 West 6th St. FOR RENT Unfuraisbed rooms at 935 and 929 Kansas ave. Phone 2299 Blue. FOR RENT Modern furnished room, 306 west 8th. NEWLY furnished modern room, 32.50 per wew, Hi w . ptn SI. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod- crn, aia vuincy. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Auriiuve ncau &11 juaaison. VERY nice furnished room with bay win dow. Phone 1424 Red. . FOUR extra- pleasant rooms, en suite, -close in, modern. Low price. 2242 White. FOR RENT Strictly modern furnished' room, 911 West 10th ave. Phone 2819-Red. FOR RENT Modern, east front room. Phone 3812. MODERN furnished rooms, 81 to 33 per week, 217 E. 8th. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 824 West. FOR RENT Large south unfurnished room, 602 W. 10th, ' THREE partly -furnished rooms, 1262 Tyler. , Phone 2594 Red. ONE light housekeeping with cook alcove 828 FHImore.- , - FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT 6. room house with cistern and wfell at -221 Jefferson. Inquire 223 Jefferson. Phone 2225 Red. - FOR RENT House number 1517 Harrison St.. 7 rooms, modern, with barn. Call Guthrie, 4257 Red. . 913 West 6th. 7 rooms, gas city water, barn. 2299 Blue. -J FIVE room modern cottage, 1401 Polk st Phone 2521 White. 1012 LIME, 4 room cottage, gas light and . heat. 4843 Red. SIX room strictly modern house. 601 Taylor. Phone 6360 W. Inquire FOR RENT Modern bungalow and bouse. Inquire 1122 Madison. . FOR RENT 5 room house, 325 Hancock. Inquire 1109 Jackson. FOR RENT 6 room house. Highland Park. Phone 2922 White. FOR RENT Nearly new- 7 room modern house, close In. 21S7 White. FIVE and six room cottage. .Inquire 723 Tyler.. . 4937 Red. SIX room house. 719 Western, $15. Phone 20. . : FIVE room, house, 317. Liberty St., 2 porches, close to shops, 37.00. ' SIX room house, well and "-cistern, good repair, C06- Chester. Phorte 3540 Black. 21 'HENS 6 m'onttti'frVe;. houseTTliO. ; 3919. FOR RENT 8 room house,; 329 Jackson. -BOARDMJDOOfS TOPEKA HOTEL, 122 VT- 6th. Modern rooms with board, 31.23 per day. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT room ground floor, 107 W. 7th, or desk room. International Cor respondence School. FOR RENT Large van for moving. Atherton Transfer. Phone 106. Office 121 W. 7th. BUSINESS CHANCES. i Am tow offering a splendid business for sale. - It is a HEATING and TIN proposition. It Is paying big, but the owner must sell. Hag all the work on hand he can do. Come and I will tell, you about it. J. "A. ITLE&M 525 Kansas Avenue. Phone 613 and 2821 White. MANUFACTURER wants state managers to establish office and manage salesmen. Liberal pay. 3300.00 to 3700 necessary you handle own money. Leary, 406 Fisher Bldg., Chicago. , FOR SALE: MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Beck with round oak heater. No. 18, 2 gas heaters, oak dresser and wash stand, music cabinet, etc., cheap. 921 Qulncy. . ' . FOR SALE Unclaimed rugs of all sizes. Several room size rag rugs. O. McCor mick Rug Factory and Carpet Cleaning Works, 622 Van Buren st. phone 421-W. FOR SALE Almost new Bird's Eye maple dresser and chiffoner. Call 1369 or address "Furniture," care Journal. FOR SALE UsedTumber only one month, either for chicken house or coal shed. 4006 Blue. FOR SALE By teacher leaving city, high grade upright piano. Box 36, care Jour nal. - FOR SALE Mission dining table, 6 chairs and other furniture. Call 683. CI.AYTON CUTS on all patent medicines. Try Clayton, 1019 East 6th. HARD COAL base burner used one win ter, cheap. 1262 Tyler. FOR SALE Cheap, roll top desk and S chairs. Room 304 Mulvane Bldg. FOR SALE Apples. W. A. Kearney, Tecumseh. Phone 392J, N-l. FOR SALE-CHORES AND COWS. ' FOR SALE One gray mare, 350; ont 6-year-old mare, weight 1100 lbs., 3110: 1 sorrel mare. 1000 lbs., years old, 330; phaeton. 16; 3 new saddles. Hlmelberger, 405 Fillmore " FOR SALE POULTRY. POULTRY UATEKERS AND FEEDERS AT THE CEN TEAL SUPPLY HOUSE 627 QUINCY ST.. TOPEKA, KAN. - FOR EXCHANGE. TOO WANT A FAKIS?- . Will trade you ISO north of Sugar City, Colo., with seven hundred dollars worth of improvements, fenced, water, small house. Can move on and make your liv ing. Will take a Topeka rental clear for the farm clear. .See. - COTTRELL COW 107 E. 7th. TeL 55s, 349s. FOR EXCHANGE Equities In nearby farms and city residences. Colorado farm clear for Topeka rentals clear. Want offers. Smith, 123 Kansas ave. Tel. lala. :IBUKAL1?S: New, 6 rooms. S piece bath, large re ception hall, cemented basement.' S bed rooms. West side. Price 32,000. SS cash; balance easy monthly terms. . New, S rooms,' 8 piece bath, 1H lots, east front, full cemented basement, close In, cement walks, never occupied. Price 12.250, 310O cash, balance easy monthly terms. New, 5 rooms, 3 piece bath, combination furnace, attached forges, cemented cellar, decorated, light fixtures, lhi east front lots, ciose to car ana downtown, price 32,6003200 cash, balance easy terms. SMAUNEE AGENCY 534 Kansas Ave . . Phone 60S. LOT! East front, H block to car. line, new S room bungalow, completely modern and fine, 32,600. 3100 cash, balance like rent. GmHHG!O10E REALTY CO. COS Kansas Ave. Phone 160C-W. NOCAETAEE Our agency has a choice assortment of properties located close to the Santa Fe shops and the industrial district of To peka that can be sold on a small cash payment and on easy monthly -payments. The man who wishes to live close to his work can buy a home on almost a rental basis. Call SIHLOTNEE AGENCIf 634 -Kansas. Ave .. . Phone 60S. 3100 down. Owner refused 32,160 cash short time ago. Good, nearly new, 6 rm. cottage, vestibule, pantry, bath room, at tic, electric lights, Vii lots, east front, paved, near car and Central Park; Hurry up and catch this. - COTTRELL CO., 107 E." 7th. TeL 556. 3408. FOR SALE Close in. 5 room house, city water, gas, cistern, sewer. 32,260. 3100 caso.. - per montn. .. .. - Close in, 6 room, new, all modern,, oak finish downstairs, sleeping porch, garage, location good. 36,000. Exchange near the college. S room all modern, -1 lots, paving, 34,500. - Want a good cottage lor equity. BAILEY BROS. CO.. 990. Res. 393. BARGAIN FOR SALE dandy 8-room house, completely; modern, corner Fillmore and King. Phone 987. Nuw 6-room cottage. 325 down, balance mommy, mone 43S0-N-Z. AUTOMOBILES. BATTERIES repaired and charged. Keele Electrle Co 706 Jackson. Phone 39M-W. FOR SALE Auto, Ford runabout, good order, cheap. Phone 3265 or 8110 F-12. MISCELLANEOUS, CHIMNEYS, furnaces and gas , heater cleaned and repaired. Call phone 673. LEGAL. First - published in the Topeka . State .- journal August o. , isi. j HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLT7 ' TlON Nn4 Submitting an amendment to the consti tution for the recall of public officers. Be It resolved by the' Legislature of the State of -Kansas, two-thirds of the members elected to each House thereof concurring therein: Section 1 That tha nil AWInir nrnnoHl ton to amend the constitution of the state of Kansas be hereby submitted to the qualified - ctors of the state for tneir approval or rejection.: "Sec 3. Every public officer holding either by election or annolntment Is sub ject to recall from office by a majority of the electors of ' the state or lesser electoral division for which elected or appointed, voting on tne subject at any general or special election, but the pro visions hereof shall not be deemed ex clusive of other remedies for removal from office. - "Sec. 4. An election for recall shall be upon petition signed by at least ten (10) per cent of the- electors of the state, qualified to sign, for the recall of any state officer; by fifteen (15) per cent of the electors for the recall of an officer elected by a district less than a state and greater than a county; or, for an oincer who was appointed by him; and by twenty-five (25) per cent of the electors qualified to sign, for the recall of an officer elected in a county, district or municioality within the county, or an officer who was appointed by any such officer elected. Any petition for recall shall certify that the signers .thereto are citizens of the United States of America and voted for the officer to be recalled, if elected: or. for the of fleer who ap pointed him if appointed, at the last pre ceding election at which such officer was elected. The petition shall be filed- with the authority for calling elections in the state or other electoral divisions, at least ninety days before the date of election, and the election held thereon shall be called within thirty days, after filing -petition, and be proclaimed at least sixty days before -the date of holding. The petition and proclamation of election shall state in not more than two hun dred words the reasons for the reca.lL "Sec. 6. The recall ballot shall be. Shall the named officer holding the named office be recalled, and the pro visions of law for holding, canvassing and certifying returns of general elec tions shall apply to recall elections, and if the vote be in favor of the recall a vacancy In the office shall exist, to be filled as authorized by law." Sec. 2. This proposition shall be sub mitted to the electors of this state at the election for representatives to the legis lature in the year 1914. The amendment hereby proposed shall be known on the official ballot by the title:- "Amendment to the constitution providing for the re call of public officers," and the vote for or against such amendment shall be taken as provided by law. See. 3. The foregoing amendment shall be known as section 3. 4 and 6 ef article 4 of the constitution of the state ot Kan sas. . Seci - 4.- - This resolution shall take ef fect and be in force from and after its publication hi the statute book. - Passed the House January 31. 1913. ' Passed the Senate February 19, 1913. " ' House concurred in Senate amendments February 24, 1313. Approved February 25, 1913. I hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct copy of original House Concurrent Resolution No. 4, now on Ole In my office. - CHAS. H. SESSIONS. . ' Secretary of State. - First published In The Topeka State Journal Wednesday, Sept, 23, 1914. In the District Court of Shawnee County, Kwnsss. Charles Plcot Bolmar. plaintiff, vs. John W. Hardt, Defendant. ' No. 28895. PUBLICATION NOTICE State of Kansas to John W. Hardt: You win take notice that you have been sued -In the District Court of Shawnee County, Kansas, in an action in which Charles Fleet Belsaar is plaintiff end you are defendant and that you must answer the petition filed ia said action ea or be LEGAL. fore the 1st day. of November. J314. or. said petition will be taken as true and a Judg ment and decree rendered accordingly in said action against you quieting' and con firming in the plain tiff the title in and to the following described real estate lying and situate la the County of Shawnee and State of Kansas, to-wit: Lots Nine !fan 9Si: Twenty-one (21) and Twenty three (23) on Stringham Avenue In Euclid Park, an Addition ta th ratv Tnn.u. and barring and. foreclosing you of and from all right, title. Interest or estate in r J0-". d reaJ estate or any part thereof. and7 enjoining you from setting up any claim or Interest In said real estate or any part thereof loeeij WHEELER SWITZER, ' Attorneys for Plaintiff. Attest: "JCS-W. BOWER. viera mstnet Court. First published-; rin The Topeka State ATCHISON, TOPEKA A SANTA FE ' RAILWAY CO. NOTICE OF SALE OF UNCLAIMED - BAGGAGE. Notice Is - herebv elven - that th- follow ing described . property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at ti e unclaimed ! baggage room, opposite the R. R. Y. M. C. A. on Fourth street. October 30, 1914, If not called for before mat time ana- cnarges paid, the same having been left " in possession of this company unclaimed for six months and over. Sale commences at 9:30 A. M. ' P. WALSH, General Baggage. Agent. A. T. A 8. F. Ry. - ; J. Trunks and r boxes under Santa Fe checks 69772. . 286C0l' 687T7& ?4K3A- M1M7. 53S922,- 394985, 484514. 559157, 352411. 71O90 915288. 236668;: 25215 . 678277, 713062 181751. 941560. 40110. 802940, 603367. 458625, 625216, 640D3&, 462191, 525646, 181750, 653719, 963SI, 32H, JD41AS. 3HZUW. BXl Wl, SU7il3. 69961S, 323886, 104810. 301964, 143668, 658170, 90253. 386149 624643, 511136. 67167, 476602. 9S00C6. 591425. 81000S.. -740367, S8TTJ2, 17a0, 32W78, 798064, 812188. 99R152, 92934, 873578, - 971538. 97058, 132638, 94S159. 138432, 371005. 99872. 893770, 736657, 52S9SL 933342. 312264 658169. 156489. 369539. 614942. 655316. 478H2. 8. K of X. 1HM1Z. Wabash 296753, Union Pacific 384423.. O. D. S. S. Co. 10644. Erie 64108. Great Northern 415040, Frisco 60657. : nests, checlc numbers 488067. 750828. 7543. - - - ; . Baby cabs and bicycles, check numbers 32431, 23436, 48909. Billy Rice 6, 47739. 47866, 663937, 708392, '91796, M. O. A G. 98164, 48778-9,- 27279, 18078, 56076, 249180, 50967. . Sample case, check number 974679. , Suit cases, check numbers 276207, 925679, 962269. 633025, . 425268, 668322, 96142, 816775. 277560, 790521, 928152, 714182, 635239, 709655, 247896. 71266. 936151. 976459, 425573, 4777. 468490, 765764. 396138. 279455., 78659. 45S509, 450S5. 301462, 149890, ' 384672,- 48715. 649070. 378375. 966043, 6191169, 384673. 487669, 584940. 980691, 1406S8, S29S5. 891436; 140687; 31267. 170019. 887215, 562961. 151718, 916647, 611227, 97698. 61861. O. W. R. & N. 13S484, 205225, 428094, 617409, 6218. 490006. .452000, 997620, 48S149, 589876. 428233. 303333, 309271, 17804, ' '7181. 278030, 900297, 205224, 115475, 102912, 647554, 132424, '200296, 92365,- 691373, 610356. 669200, 440297, 961006, 602278, 584090. Telescopes, check numbers 60106, 518697. 648510, 718806, . 612556, 659776, 517621, 279R15, 450912. 517805." 378163. 6396S2. 62296. 954975. 54S508, 691467. 987187. 680126. 951655. 460913. 420299. 71269; -OT8948, K16166. " Valises, check numbers 18534, 71267, 130281. 71268, 547351, 267599, 995MB. 963755, 164804. Bundles, check numbers 110015, 437785, 409893, 577564, 811893, 933725. 986792, 564837, 7S6S55, 278418, 640865. 727441. 757761, 662013, 5T0014. 7851X7. 400624. Z8OTU4, 964284. 614279. 464349. 843443. 612557. 44950. 107256, ' 883636, 534027. 614280. 839609. 384083. 765736, CW. P. 21R68, 307375. 662123. 603368,- 742314. 8836S7. 625367) 1918. 833439, (E. P. & S. W. 208425.) 897771, 78)1904. tl 41, - 648!!, HBS3SI. 839659, 40066, 489342, 427178. 682012. 248966, 137322, 603359, 525217. 659677. 706, 27563, 833192. 369550, 713051, 553314. 713(160, (S. K. of T. 83982.) 881164. 811890. 443666.. 560005, SUZ740, 465039, 499891, 835559. 832911, 779151,' 97699, 821905. . 499936. ' 705668. 369275, 26570, -54811, 499892, 369638, 484369, 981259. (C. M. 144837.) 4L'ibl 73US47, WMXC4, 7VU6S, , YllUb, VSIUZL. 4oJ14,, 626.. Z8403S, WIZBO, S3UH7I racicage. cnecs: numner 71 Poles, check -number 813472. Sacks, cheek numbers 25596 827906, 111538. Baaaie. cnecK numoer sviais. Bag check number. 108368. Roll, check number 50218. 'Pahs, check number 714633. Cot- check number 936041. - Wa-ron, check number St, L. A B. F. 60190. Misscellaneous articles 73 suit cases. grips and, telescopes; 3 cots; 5 baby. cabs. First published In The Topeka ; State journal yctooer iv u'M ' State of Kansas. Shawnee County;' ss. In the Probate Court Within and for Said County. In the matter of the estate of Thomas B. Powell and Edward L. Powell, minor children of Watkin G. Powell, deceased. Notice is hereby given tnat the under signed guardian of the above named minors has filed a petition In said Court for authority to sell the undivided one- eighth interest in lots Seven .Hundred Ninety-Six (796). Seven Hundred Ninety Eight (798), Eight Hundred (800) and Eight Hundred Two (802) West Street, Steele's Addition to the City of .Topeka, Kansas, and lots fifty-four . (64), fifty-six (66) and fifty-eight (58) on Lawrence Street, in Norris' Subdivision in the Northwest Quarter or section thirty-three, Township eleven, Range sixteen, all in Shawnee County, Kansas, being the en tire interst of said minors In said prop erty ; and that said petition will be heard by the Probate Court of Shawnee County, Kansas, on Friday, the 30th day of Oc tober, 1914, at ten A. M. at which time and place any person interested may ap pear and .be heard respecting said appli cation. "(Signed) .. :. . . WATKIN W. POWELL, Guardian. NEWELL A WALLACE, Attorneys. First published In The Topeka- State Journal Wednesday, Sept. 30, 1914. In the District Court of Shawnee County, Kansas. Tootle Wheeler Jfc Motter Mercantile Com pany. Plaintiff, j - V. -..-.-:.'. John B. Spear, Defendant. No. 24.407. - NOTICE! To John B. Spear: You are hereby notified that the Judg ment rendered against you In the above entitled action Is dormant for the reason that" no execution has ever been' Issued thereon, and that the above named plain tiff has filed his motion in the said Dis trict Court praying for an order of said court reviving said Judgment as against you;- that said motion will be heard by the District Court of Shawnee County, State of Kansas on the first day of No- vimtitf.r 1914 anil vml arm nnttflMl t n an pear on said first day of November.-114. t and show cause why said Judgment should i not be revived against you. and if no sufficient cause be shown why said Judg- m On, ahMiM via Km MwtlM . In., .,m. . an order of revivor will be entered by emii court on said first day of November, 1914. LSeal-1 VVHEKL.KK A SW1T2EB, Attorneys for Plaintiff; ' Attest: ;C, W. BOWER, Clerk District Court, First , published in- The Topeka State . . .Journal Oct 7, 1914. ... In the District Court of Shawnee County, iianaas. Lucue Mols. Plaintiff, VS. Harold Mols, Defendant. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Kansas to Harold Mols, Greeting: You are notified that you have been sued in the District Court of Shawnee County, Kansas, for an absolute divorce, alimony in the sum of $30.06 per month and the custody of Madeline Maxine Mols. an Infant, on the ground of extreme cruel ty and gross neglect of duty as alleged In the petition therein, and that unless you answer the petition of plaintiff on or before the 30th day of November, 914; the petition filed against you will be ta ken as true and Judgment entered against you. granting the plaintiff an absolute divorce, the custody of the child, Madeline Maxine stoix ana aumony as prayea for In said petition. SeaL EDWIN D. McKEEVER. Attorney for Plaintiff. C. W. BOWER, " Clerk. By FLORENCT T. SCOTT, Deputy. f Published ia The TopekTstate Journal 1 October 14, 1914.1 . .' SUPREHE ;CuRX SYLL.CL -Nov 19,023V . - i Ida- Jane Rogers. Appellant. - -;". VS. r,.r;f. - '..-. . Ray Victor Rogers, Appellee.- .- ' Appeal from Linn County. REVERSED. - Syllabus. By the Court. - Benseav J. - A man who abandons his wife and four, small- children, leaving them destitute in her care, - remaining absent in -aaother state and contributing nothing to their support although able to do so. Is liable to respond to an action brought by h1" after she has obtained a divorce, to re cover her expenses In supporting the cfcil drest after the abandonment and before the divorce.- . .- - All of the Justices concurring. AtMM: f "DA-'VAJTIN-iB. SeaL - . gierk Supreme Courts ' '.' no. 19.02s! '; . Mary E. Rogers, Appellee, ... r -, - Ray Victor Rogers, t aL, Appellees, and Ida Jane Rogers, Appellant. . . -: Appeal from Unn county. MODIFIED. Syllabus. - By the Court. Benson, J. L- In en-action, for divorce and alimony commenced upon service by publication, the petition and notice described the prop erty sought to be appropriated as alimony, by stating that the defendant's father had died Intestate. . owning a tract ot land, leaving a widow and five children, his sole heirs, stating however that the de- lenaant (ana tne plaintiff) "now own an undivided -one-tenth, in an. undivided one half interest in the above described land." .Tne husband did not appear, and on the trial and without notice, the petition and publication notice were amended by strik ing out the words italicised In the above quotation, . and Judgment . was rendered for divorce, awarding to the wife the un divided one-tenth of the tract as alimony. Afterwards. In this action for partition, the. divorced wife claimed, the one-tenth so awarded to her, but she was only given one-twentieth, upon the ground that the Judgment for alimony was void, to the ex cess over the one-tenth Of the one-half referred to in her original petition for divorce.- It is held: -.-.- a. .-The court- in the action for divorce and alimony had Jurisdiction to adjudicate upon use interest obtained ny tne husband oy inheritance-from his lather. b. The court had authority to allow the amendment. c. The judgment for alimony as ren dered was not void, and should have been given full effect..- - - -x - 2. , The grounds of a motion to dismiss this appeal are examined and found in sufficient. AH the Justices concurring. .' A true copy. -Attest:-- D. A. VALENTINE. SeaL Clerk Supreme Court, -, No.. 18.599. Maria Chumos, (A. D. Chacons. WlU Ex - fxeutor of. the Estate of Maria Chumos. . Deceased, Appellant),, - , - - ; - vs. . ... Constantino G. Chumos,-Appellee. --r Appeal from Shawnee County. -,.. . .Division No. 1.) , . ... REVERSED. Syllabus. By the Court. Johnston. C J. 1. In a divorce proceeding a judgment was renedered in favor of the wife giving her the custody of the children and ad judging that she and . the, children be given a certain, sum as alimony payable in. Installments and that certain personal property of her own should be restored to her. She removed to another state and took one of the children with her, aa she was permitted to do under the judgment, and she died whUe living there. Some of the payments of alimony which had ac crued had not been paid. A court of that state, appointed an executor of her estate and some one else as guardian ' of the child. Subsequently , the -child was taken out of the country' and. this was done with the knowledge and consent of the executor of her estate. It Is held that, the executor of her estate was entitled, upon a proper application, to have the judgment In the ; divorce proceeding awarding the alimony and adjusting the property rights of the deceased wife re vived. 2. As the executor was not the guard ian of the child nor responsible for Its custody and care the fact that he may have had knowledge of or given his con sent to the removal of the child from the country Is not a sufficient ground for re fusing his application for a revival of the judgment. 3. The right to revive a Judgment " in the name of the representative of a de ceased Judgment creditor Is not a matter of discretion with the court but' when an application by a proper party la msde In due form and within the time prescribed by statute the order or revivor must be granted as a matter or right. ' All tha Til ttra mnMimnc. ' ' ' A true copy. Attest: D. A. VALENTIN, Seal. Clerk Supreme Court. No. 19,666. J. C. Rice, Appellant, vs. John Ard. Trustee, et a!.. Appellees. Appeal from Allen County. AFFIRMED. . . -Syllabus. By the Court. Msson, 1. 1. An order of the board of county com missioners establishing a highway. If oth- erwlse regvlar. Is not rendered void by the fact, that it is made conditional upon; the arlvinsr of a bond by the orinclDal ne-, titioner for the construction -of a ford at the crossing of a stream, where such bond is .given within a few. days, and Is ap proved by the board. TMTmM maH 3mm 1 ..11 established by order of the board of coun-. tv commissioners, its opening will not be enjoined in the following year because the notice which- was shortly given- to- the owner to open It directed that tha work should be done within thirty days. Instead - 01 snowing ninety nays ana until the en suing first of January, as the law. nro- vides. , . Air the Justices concurring. A true copy. Attest D. A. VALENTTNE, SeaL Clerk Supreme Court. " No. 1M4C ' - . i .. . M. Hardin, Appellee, .-. vs. ... .... '. M;C Baker, Defendant; M. W. Dey Appellant. .... - . Appeal, from Harvey County. i AFFIRMED. , :,': Syllabus. :,,,By the Court West, t... H. and B. - contracted to exchinn ear. tain lands and to put the papers in the hands of D.. a real estate agent. B failed to perform and H. obtained Inlmtm against him for damages In. an action in which he garnished D., who .had In his hands certain boot money .'received Xy him in a trade he had made of a portion of H.'s lands for land in Texas with the consent of B. on the supposition that the original contract would be carried out. D. claimed a commission from R hut h evidence. showed that. D.. had no contract with B. for .a commission, and further that the boot money la his hands belong ed to H. Held, that D. was not entitled to the commission claimed. '. All the Justices concurring: A true copy. . '-' ' ' ; SeaL Clerk Supreme Court. No. 18,966. '" ' ' " B- P.'Dunlap, Appellee, vs. Chicago. Rock Island dfc Pacific Railway Appeal from Norton County. - . REVERSED. ""-9yr""x- By .the Court." Smith. 1 Where upon a trial special questions of feet ace submitted to a Jury to bTVn- worco, .aou answers to any such ques tions are returned which, are materiallv irreconcilable and 'IncooslstentTajudg ment based thereon should be set aside AIM Tt VATS! fl ' 1 . ; Johnston, C, J Mason, J, Benson,' S.' and West,. J., concurring. ' 'V x'-yS!: ;nd Portr- lssesiaL A true copy .. - 2V DcvLI,4r,